Spelling suggestions: "subject:"stakeholders.""
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Att uträtta affärer på ett "smartare" sätt : En studie av två hotellkedjors tillämpning av Corporate Social ResponsibilityJohansson, Isabelle January 2009 (has links)
<p>Introduction and research question: This study investigates the widely discussed notion “Corporate Social Responsibility” and its practice in the tourism industry. In the contemporary society more companies are realizing the significance of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and its potential as a means of differentiation. The author’s interest in this particular phenomenon was awakened after reading about the business case of Scandic Hotels. This is a company that nowadays is referred to as “Scandinavia’s leading hotel chain”. However, in the early 90’s the company was facing bankruptcy. Hence, a new strategy based on responsibility towards the environment was developed and later on executed. These facts led the author to question how can and as of today are CSR implemented in the tourism industry. Consequently the research question for this thesis is: how is CSR implemented in the tourism industry?</p><p>Purpose: This study aims to explore the CSR operations of two hotel chains.</p><p>Delimitation: In order to present a study with greater depth and obtain a deeper understanding of the implementation of CSR, the study is therefore limited to two hotel chains.</p><p>Method: The results of this study have been derived through the use of a qualitative method referred to as “grounded theory”. Unstructured interviews with employees from the different hotel chains have been conducted in order to collect vital data and answer the research question as successful as possible. In order to develop a theoretical analytical framework the author has studied various scientific articles and other appropriate literature in the subject.</p><p>Empirical data and conclusion: The study clarifies how CSR in this particular context is implemented strategically, both locally and globally. The hotel chains perceive CSR as an approach of enhancing their corporate reputation and thus its profitability. Due to these beliefs, CSR is implemented as a tool in e.g. the development of new services and/or modifications of services. However, it is also revealed that acting responsible to employees is a precondition in order to successfully and legitimately practise CSR. In order for the CSR activities to be successfully implemented, the study also concludes the significance of leadership and employee knowledge and engagement. Ideas for further research involve investigating how organisational structures affect the implementation of CSR. Moreover, another proposition involves investigating how CSR is implemented as a competitive tool in customer sales interactions.</p>
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Vägprojekt: nya E4:an, delsträckan mellan Uppsala och Läby : Så gick besluts- och samrådsprocessen tillLarsson, Malin January 2007 (has links)
<p>A Road project’s frame is built up of a decision- and consultation process, where the results of the preparatory studies are being discussed. The aim with a consultation process is that all the</p><p>opinions and knowledge from the operators' will be taken into count in the basis of information, that is needed in order to the different involved operators' to take a decision.</p><p>The aim of the essay was to investigate how the decision- and consultation process for a road project, the E4 section between Uppsala Läby, turned out. The aim is also to bring up how the</p><p>process could have been done more correctly. The study was carried out through a qualitative method with an analysis of materials from the National Road Administration's archives, the associated Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) and through interviews of the different operators.</p><p>My theoretical basis has been a Stakeholder Analysis and its principles, and theory about different executions of social planning.</p><p>The result showed that the decision- and consultation process has been bursting in democracy and consideration taking of the different operators' opinions, has been poor from the developer’s, in this case the National Road Administration's, side. The National Road Administration has implemented the project on the basis of its own preferences and has not more or less given some compromises to the other operators. The public felt displeased and disappointed, as there were many people affected by the road. The municipalities and the county board got the feeling of that there has been an informal process at the National Road Administration that has been vital important for the final decision about the road's draw.</p> / <p>Ett vägprojekts stomme byggs upp av besluts- och samrådsprocesser, där resultaten av förstudierna diskuteras. Syftet med en samrådsprocess är att alla aktörers åsikter och kunskaper ska tas med i det underlag av information, som behövs för att de olika inblandade</p><p>parterna ska kunna fatta ett beslut.</p><p>Uppsatsens syfte var att undersöka hur besluts- och samrådsprocessen för ett vägprojekt, E4:ans delsträcka mellan Uppsala-Läby, gick till och att föra fram vad som kunde ha gjorts bättre. Studien utfördes genom en kvalitativ metod med en analys av material från Vägverkets</p><p>arkiv, den tillhörande Miljökonsekvensbeskrivningen och genom intervjuer av de olika aktörerna.</p><p>Min teoretiska utgångspunkt har varit aktörsanalyser och dess principer, samt teori om olika utföranden av samhällsplanering.</p><p>Resultatet visade att besluts- och samrådsprocessen har varit bristande i demokrati och hänsynstagande av de olika aktörernas åsikter, har varit dåligt från projektörens, i det här fallet Vägverkets, sida. Vägverket har genomfört projektet utifrån dess egna preferenser och har i stort sett inte givit några kompromisser till de andra aktörerna. Allmänheten känner sig missnöjda och besvikna, det var många som drabbades hårt av vägens sträckning.</p><p>Kommunerna och Länsstyrelsen fick känslan av att det har pågått en informell process hos Vägverket som har varit avgörande för det tagna beslutet om vägens dragning.</p>
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Anseende - Hot or Not? : En explorativ studie i hur stora svenska företag ser på begreppet anseendeBjörk, Josephine, Hallal, Sahar January 2010 (has links)
<p>There are many views in the concept of corporate reputation and the massive research in the area tends to result in many new definitions. Research has shown that a good corporate reputation has a positive relation to Sustainable Competitive Advantage, financial performance and attraction to competent employees. The many views in the concept make it especially interesting to examine the view on corporate reputation in a perspective of big Swedish corporations. Another interesting area to examine is whether the companies manage their reputation or not. The empirical findings of this essay are based on qualitative interviews to get a deeper understanding in the area of reputation. In the analysis the empirical findings were linked to the theoretical framework chosen for the study and earlier research in the area. Through this study it has been shown that companies are defining reputation as a part of the brand. They also explain reputation as the stakeholders aggregated view of a company. The companies manage their reputation, but as an integrated component in the work of brand and communication. The companies had difficulties in separating the concept of reputation andthe concept of brand.</p>
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Kulturens betydelse för hållbarhetsredovisning : jämförelse mellan Nordens länderHallberg, Angelica, Persson, Sofie January 2010 (has links)
<p><strong>Problem: </strong>Det finns skillnader kring hållbarhetsredovisning mellan länder när det gäller reglering, tillämpning av GRI:s (Global Reporting Initiatives) riktlinjer, intressenternas makt att påverka med flera. Dessa skillnader kan ha uppstått på grund av många orsaker men i denna uppsats kommer det att utredas om kulturen kan förklara dessa skillnader. </p><p><strong>Syfte:</strong> Syftet med denna uppsats är att beskriva och förklara i vilken utsträckning kulturen har en inverkan på hur de olika nordiska länderna väljer att lagstifta kring hållbarhetsredovisning och hur företagen tillämpar GRI:s riktlinjer. Men även om intressenternas makt att påverka företagen att göra en hållbarhetsredovisning har någon förklaring i kulturen.</p><p><strong>Metod: </strong>Den insamlade<strong> </strong>datan är huvudsakligen kvalitativ men har kompletterats med en del kvantitativ data. Insamlingen har skett genom litteratursökning, telefonintervjuer och en e-mailkontakt. Vid telefonintervjuerna har vi utgått ifrån ett frågeformulär och låtit respondenterna besvara frågorna med egna ord. Respondenterna har valts utifrån Fredrik Ljungdahls affärsnätverk inom PwC (PricewaterhouseCoopers). </p><p><strong>Resultat: </strong>Det finns en svag kulturell förklaring till<strong> </strong>hur företagen i nordens länder väljer att lagstifta kring hållbarhetsredovisning, tillämpa GRI:s riktlinjer samt vilken makt intressenterna har att påverka företagen till att hållbarhetsredovisa. Graden av lagstadgad kontroll kan förklara skillnader i reglering medan det inte finns någon kulturell förklaring till tillämpningen av GRI:s riktlinjer. Graden av maktdistans kan slutligen förklara intressenternas makt att påverka företagen till att hållbarhetsredovisa.</p> / <p><strong>Problem: </strong>There are some differences in sustainability reporting between countries when it comes to regulation, applying GRI:s (Global Reporting Initiatives) guiding principles, stakeholders´ power to influence and so on. These differences can appear from different reasons but in this graduate paper we will investigate if these differences can be explained by cultural factors.</p><p><strong>Purpose:</strong> The purpose of this paper is to describe and explain to which extent the culture has any impact on how the Nordic countries choose to regulate the sustainability reporting and how the companies apply GRI:s guiding principles. But also if the stakeholders´ power to affect companies to do a sustainability report can have its explanation in the culture.</p><p><strong>Method: </strong>The gathered data is mainly qualitative but has been complemented with quantitative data. The gathering has been done through literature research, telephone interviews and an e-mail contact. In the telephone interviews we used a question form although the interviewee was allowed to answer the questions in his or her own words. The interviewee have been chosen on the basis of Fredrik Ljungdahls business network within PwC (PricewaterhouseCoopers). </p><p><strong>Result: </strong>There are a weak cultural explanation to how the Nordic countries choose to regulate the sustainability reporting, apply GRI:s guiding principles and which power the stakeholders´ have to influence the companies to do a sustainability report. The degree of statutory control can explain the differences in regulation while there are no cultural explanation to the application of GRI:s guiding principles. The degree of powerdistance can finally explain the stakeholders´ power to influence the companies to do a sustainability report.</p>
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Hur har den finansiella krisen påverkat Västerbottens läns främsta damfotbollsföreningar : - Avseende sponsringSennström, Henrik, Widell, Johan January 2010 (has links)
<p> </p><p>This study is made, on behalf of Västerbottens Fotbollsförbund, with the purpose to investigate how the 2008 financial crisis have affected the sponsorship to the voluntary sports sector in the Västerbotten region, with focus on the womens elite football teams. The background of this study was to investigate the effect of the financial crisis to help the voluntary organizations in the future. The study was carried out with a qualitative approach as depth interviews with ten people representing both the voluntary organizations and the sponsoring companies, which one was a previous sponsor. To understand and interpret the result of the interviews we used models such as the stakeholder model, the A-ERIC model and a communication model for sponsorship from literature such as Donaldson and Preston (1995), Mitchell et. al. (1997) and Jiffer and Roos (1999). The result indicated that the financial crisis of 2008 had an effect on the voluntary sport sector in Västerbotten on many different levels. The voluntary organizations work differently today towards sponsors than they did a couple of years ago but this has nothing to do with the financial crises. It is rather a procedure they are going through to keep the companies interested. The result also evinced that communication is important to establish a good relation, but this has not changed during the crisis.</p>
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The role of the Intranet at Lonmin Platinum : the perceptions of middle management / N. TheunissenTheunissen, Nicola January 2007 (has links)
Thesis (M.A. (Communication Studies))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2007.
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Gott och ont inom affärslivet : utveckling av ett etiskt perspektiv på företags relationer med aktörer / Good and bad in business : an ethical perspective on stakeholder relationsNylén, Ulrica January 1996 (has links)
Ethical issues and problems in business are receiving increasing attention, both in terms of criticism of examples of "bad" behaviour of business actors and in terms of the development of ethical codes of conduct in certain companies, ethical visions for businesses etc. In general, ethical problems seem to be increasingly prevalent in business, but ethics tend to be disregarded by traditional organisational and managerial theory. This calls for the development of an ethical perspective on business. This study adopts a stakeholder approach to the problem, meaning that the empirical focus lies on how business actors deal with the ethical issues that arise in their daily work in relation to various stakeholder groups. Two empirical studies have been conducted: one is a survey study of the attitudes of Swedish managing directors, and the other a case study of the ethical values and behaviour of two companies. These studies resulted in the formulation of concepts which reflect contextually interpreted moral views on the individual and organisational levels, respectively. On the individual level, a distinction was made between humanitarian morality, meaning that ethical problems in business are judged according to what is best for individuals, and organisational morality, where economic and practical concerns for the company are considered. On the organisational level, I found a principled, individually based morality where rule-following, voluntary agreements and personal moral norms were important, and an instrumental, collectively based morality, which meant that company goals dictated the way stakeholder relations and ethical dilemmas were taken care of. Overall, it was possible to make a distinction between two basic ethical criteria business actors use when judging ethical dilemmas: principles versus objectives. The results indicate that the use of principles and moral rules presuppose an intimate and personal handling of stakeholder relations. On the other hand, when business actors acquire a more professional way of managing their activities, stakeholder relationships are handled in accordance with objectives and economic utility, these usually being the same as company goals. One of the major contributions of this thesis is the concept of the ethical contract, as a metaphor for the relationship between a company and any one particular stakeholder with special focus on the informal and implicit aspects of the relationship. The contract is characterised by two opposing forces: the striving for self-interest, which underpins ethical problems, and the development of self-imposed duties, which are necessary if instrumentally based interaction is to be "good". The mutual development of such duties is stimulated by proximity and personal relations. / digitalisering@umu
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Humankapital : ur ett stakeholderperspektiv / Human Capital- A Stakeholder approachBengtsson, Linda, Maglica, Mikaela, Rydén, Anna Sofia January 2000 (has links)
Bakgrund: I dagens kunskapssamhälle, som också benämns"den nya ekonomin", utgörs många företags värde inte längre av fastigheter och maskinpark utan istället av kundlojalitet, elektronisk infrastruktur, innovation och anställdas kunskap. Det blir allt viktigare för företagen att lyfta fram dessa tillgångar för att uppnå konkurrensfördelar. Dagens redovisning ifrågasätts av dem som förespråkar att humankapital skall värderas och aktiveras på balansräkningen. Motståndarna till en aktivering talar om en alltför låg grad av pålitlighet vad gäller den här typen av infomation. Syfte: Uppsatsens syfte är att belysa humankapitalets roll utifrån ett stakeholderperspektiv samt att kartlägga hur IT-bolag idag redovisar sitt humankapital i årsredovisningen. Vi ämnar även att undersöka intresset för en genensam standardmodell. Avgränsningar: Uppsatsen har begränsats till att gälla humankapital i marknadsnoterade IT-bolag. Vidare riktar sig vår studie enbart på hur företagen redovisar sitt humankapital externt. Hur företagen behandlar sitt humankapital internt tas inte upp i uppsatsen. Genomförande: I uppsatsen kartläggs hur IT-bolag redovisar sitt humankapital som tilläggsinformation i årsredovisningen. Dessutom genomförs intervjuer med personer ur de olika grupper som vi identifierat uifrån gruppernas förmodade relation till begreppet humankapital. Grupperna är; företag, kapitalmarknad och revisorer. Resultat: Företagen antas redovisa sitt humankapital för att marknadsföra sig. Kapitalmarknaden tillmäterinte tilläggsinformationen någon större vikt vid värdering av företag. En eventuell aktivering på balansräkningen ses som ogenomförbar av revisorn.
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Anseende - Hot or Not? : En explorativ studie i hur stora svenska företag ser på begreppet anseendeBjörk, Josephine, Hallal, Sahar January 2010 (has links)
There are many views in the concept of corporate reputation and the massive research in the area tends to result in many new definitions. Research has shown that a good corporate reputation has a positive relation to Sustainable Competitive Advantage, financial performance and attraction to competent employees. The many views in the concept make it especially interesting to examine the view on corporate reputation in a perspective of big Swedish corporations. Another interesting area to examine is whether the companies manage their reputation or not. The empirical findings of this essay are based on qualitative interviews to get a deeper understanding in the area of reputation. In the analysis the empirical findings were linked to the theoretical framework chosen for the study and earlier research in the area. Through this study it has been shown that companies are defining reputation as a part of the brand. They also explain reputation as the stakeholders aggregated view of a company. The companies manage their reputation, but as an integrated component in the work of brand and communication. The companies had difficulties in separating the concept of reputation andthe concept of brand.
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Kulturens betydelse för hållbarhetsredovisning : jämförelse mellan Nordens länderHallberg, Angelica, Persson, Sofie January 2010 (has links)
Problem: Det finns skillnader kring hållbarhetsredovisning mellan länder när det gäller reglering, tillämpning av GRI:s (Global Reporting Initiatives) riktlinjer, intressenternas makt att påverka med flera. Dessa skillnader kan ha uppstått på grund av många orsaker men i denna uppsats kommer det att utredas om kulturen kan förklara dessa skillnader. Syfte: Syftet med denna uppsats är att beskriva och förklara i vilken utsträckning kulturen har en inverkan på hur de olika nordiska länderna väljer att lagstifta kring hållbarhetsredovisning och hur företagen tillämpar GRI:s riktlinjer. Men även om intressenternas makt att påverka företagen att göra en hållbarhetsredovisning har någon förklaring i kulturen. Metod: Den insamlade datan är huvudsakligen kvalitativ men har kompletterats med en del kvantitativ data. Insamlingen har skett genom litteratursökning, telefonintervjuer och en e-mailkontakt. Vid telefonintervjuerna har vi utgått ifrån ett frågeformulär och låtit respondenterna besvara frågorna med egna ord. Respondenterna har valts utifrån Fredrik Ljungdahls affärsnätverk inom PwC (PricewaterhouseCoopers). Resultat: Det finns en svag kulturell förklaring till hur företagen i nordens länder väljer att lagstifta kring hållbarhetsredovisning, tillämpa GRI:s riktlinjer samt vilken makt intressenterna har att påverka företagen till att hållbarhetsredovisa. Graden av lagstadgad kontroll kan förklara skillnader i reglering medan det inte finns någon kulturell förklaring till tillämpningen av GRI:s riktlinjer. Graden av maktdistans kan slutligen förklara intressenternas makt att påverka företagen till att hållbarhetsredovisa. / Problem: There are some differences in sustainability reporting between countries when it comes to regulation, applying GRI:s (Global Reporting Initiatives) guiding principles, stakeholders´ power to influence and so on. These differences can appear from different reasons but in this graduate paper we will investigate if these differences can be explained by cultural factors. Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to describe and explain to which extent the culture has any impact on how the Nordic countries choose to regulate the sustainability reporting and how the companies apply GRI:s guiding principles. But also if the stakeholders´ power to affect companies to do a sustainability report can have its explanation in the culture. Method: The gathered data is mainly qualitative but has been complemented with quantitative data. The gathering has been done through literature research, telephone interviews and an e-mail contact. In the telephone interviews we used a question form although the interviewee was allowed to answer the questions in his or her own words. The interviewee have been chosen on the basis of Fredrik Ljungdahls business network within PwC (PricewaterhouseCoopers). Result: There are a weak cultural explanation to how the Nordic countries choose to regulate the sustainability reporting, apply GRI:s guiding principles and which power the stakeholders´ have to influence the companies to do a sustainability report. The degree of statutory control can explain the differences in regulation while there are no cultural explanation to the application of GRI:s guiding principles. The degree of powerdistance can finally explain the stakeholders´ power to influence the companies to do a sustainability report.
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