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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Calcium Supplement Guidelines

Houtkooper, Linda, Farrell, Vanessa A. 07 1900 (has links)
4 pp. / Calcium is an essential mineral found in great abundance in the body. Ninety-nine percent of all the calcium in the body is found in the bones and teeth. The remaining one percent is in the blood. Calcium plays important roles in nerve conduction, muscle contraction, and blood clotting. If calcium levels in the blood drop below normal, calcium will be taken from bone and put into the blood in order to maintain blood calcium levels. Therefore, it is important to consume enough calcium to maintain adequate blood and bone calcium levels. Revised 2017, Revised 2011, Original 2004

Nyack River Front Park: a conversation between land and water

Mullins, Kerri Ann 10 January 2003 (has links)
This architecture thesis is an exploration of an idea, an event, and a place. The idea was to explore design with water. The design had to be thoughtful and have an impact: an event. My place is on the waterfront. This thesis confirmed my ideas about site-specific and site-inspired architecture. I looked to my thoughts about water and tried to incorporate them into my design and enhance it with them. In my design I began to think about materials, about the senses, and about how we experience places through sight, sound, smell, touch, and taste. My exploration led me to design a public park on the Hudson River in Nyack, New York. *note* the printed version of this book is in the format of double sided pages and is best viewed in the format of facing pages. / Master of Architecture

Stonehenge-mer än bara stora stenar

Traiven, Charlie January 2016 (has links)
Stonehenge is a place of mystery and wonder, where it stands as a last witness to long forgotten religious practices and rituals, and its sophisticated stone structure still makes a huge impression after over 4000 years. And it raises questions as to how it was built, and why? Stonehenge is today one of the world`s most famous megalithic monument in the world, and in its right. But Stonehenge is more than just big stones;it has a much longer and richer history than that. Stonehenge also has many surrounding monuments, from the same time period, and thought of as today, to coexist and fill different, specific functions, as a ritual landscape. The more archaeologists learn about Stonehenge, the more complex the picture gets. Today, the understanding of Stonehenge lies just as much in the surrounding landscape, as in the monument itself.

Små vågformade bildstenar: lika men ändå så olika. Nya perspektiv på järnålderns gotländska bildstenar klassificerade som kiststenar

Stenqvist, Elin January 2014 (has links)
Picture stones were produced on the island of Gotland during the Iron Age, about 100-1150 AD. In this dissertation it has been made clear that biographical- and pre-iconographic perspectives enables new understandings of the stones. The wave-shaped cist stones, about 30 of the nearly 500 picture stones, were clearly produced as different from the axe- or mushroom-shaped large- and dwarf stones. This has been shown by their difference in shape, size and the frequency and placement of motifs. Reuses of cist stones does however concur with the other stones and suggest they were used for the same reasons and purposes. In this dissertation it has also been made clear that there is no concrete evidence that the cist stones were erected as cists constructions, especially for women or used for offerings. The term “small wave-shaped” picture stones has therefore been introduced as a substitute.

Återbruket av bildstenar i romanska kyrkor på Gotland / The reuse of picture stones in Romanesque churches on Gotland

Hardy, Jeremy January 2016 (has links)
In the ongoing discussion about the gotlandic picture stones, there is a highly debated question if we can interpret their reuse in gotlandic churches as a ritual practice or not. Also, if the reuse was of ritual character, was it in order to oppress and humiliate an earlier faith?  Or to redeem and initiate the old faith into Christianity, in a respectful manner towards the past?      This work focuses on the churches with Romanesque architecture since they are the closest kept monuments that could shed more light on the time period that spans on the transition from Viking age to Middle age Gotland. The aim of the thesis is to shed more light on the period when the first stone churches on Gotland were built as a manifestation of Christianity. It is of great interest here to question how the first stone church builders on Gotland looked upon their forefathers and their past.       Investigations of how picture stones are placed and reused in Romanesque churches have been made, with overviews of their context and dating. This in order to contribute to the ongoing debate about the reuse of picture stones. The discussion is completed by pointing out clear examples of meaningful use in accordance to the churches heavily symbolic room and space. The Romanesque churches were seen as representations of the temple of Jerusalem. Connecting the placing of picture stones to the value of these churches room and space, can result in interpretations of continuity and cultural process.

Samiska offerplatser : En studie av syfte, brukningstid och kontinuitet i den samiska offerkulten / Sámi sacrificial sites : A study of purpose, timespan and continuity in the Sámi sacrificial practise

Mattsson, Ida January 2019 (has links)
Sámi sacrificial sites were a central part of the Sámi pre-Christian belief. The Sámi saw the world from a holistic point of view where nature, humans and spirits were all connected. The interest for sacrificial sites have a long history and both older research and some more recent studies are available with new analysis methods. There are still unresolved questions regarding sacrificial sites such as those concerning how long the sacrificial sites have been used and what kind of continuity can be seen in the sacrificial practises. The aim of this paper is to analyse purpose, timespan and continuity of the sacrificial sites by combining a study of archaeological and historic material. The study concerns sacrificial sites that were separated from the living area and analyses the material from the two sacrificial sites, Unna Saiva and Viddjavárri. The study shows that the main purpose of the sacrifice was to gain wellbeing and good fortune in your everyday life as well as to maintain a good relationship with the nature and sprits. The overall timespan of the sacrificial practice was from the 6th and 8thcentury to 19thand 20thcentury with some traces to older and more recent dates. The continuity in the sacrificial practises can mainly be seen through the continuous purpose of the sacrifice and the continuity in selecting what parts of the animal to sacrifice.

Investigação da influência das características petrográficas e da rugosidade de placas de \"granitos e mármore\" fixadas com argamassas / Investigation of the influence of the petrographic characteristics and the roughness of plates \"granites and marble\" set with mortar

Nogami, Lizandra 21 February 2013 (has links)
No presente trabalho foram comparadas as aderências e propriedades de cinco tipos de argamassas colantes para fixar ladrilhos de \"granitos e mármore\" em pisos e revestimentos de edificações. Uma das argamassas é industrializada e específica para granitos e mármores, outra preparada em laboratório para fixação de porcelanatos e mais três argamassas também desenvolvidas em laboratório, tendo como base a argamassa para porcelanato. Para a realização do ensaio de aderência foram escolhidos oito tipos diferentes de granitos e um mármore de grande aceitação comercial. Os resultados evidenciaram a excelente qualidade das argamassas colantes desenvolvidas em laboratório as quais superaram a industrializada. Verificou-se também que a aderência de todas as argamassas está relacionada à rugosidade das placas e às características mineralógicas dos \"granitos\". / In this paper, the adherence of five types of adhesive mortars used for fixing granite and marble tiles in floors and linings of buildings were compared. One of the mortars is industrialized and specific for granites and marbles, another one, is prepared in the laboratory for setting porcelains, and three other types of mortars, also developed in the laboratory, having the porcelain mortar as a base (were used). To carry out the adherence test, eight types of granites and one marble of large commercial acceptance were selected. The results of the tests showed the excellent quality of the adhesive mortars developed in the laboratory, which were considered superior than the industrialized type. Likewise, it was noted that the adherence of all types of mortars is related to the roughness of the plates and to the mineralogical characteristics of the granites.

O papel dos bosques agroflorestais para a diversidade da avifauna na paisagem fragmentada do Pontal do Paranapanema, SP - Brasil / The role of agro-forest patches for bird diversity in Pontal do Paranapanema (SP - Brazil) fragmented landscape.

Beyer, Dennis Driesmans 10 May 2006 (has links)
A fragmentação de hábitats, e conseqüente isolamento de populações animais e vegetais, tem sido apontada como uma das principais ameaças à biodiversidade. Os elementos de conexão são estruturas que favorecem o deslocamento de organismos pela paisagem fragmentada. Um destes elementos, os trampolins ecológicos, também chamados de pontos de ligação ou stepping stones, são pequenas áreas de hábitat dispersas na matriz de não habitat, que potencialmente podem aumentar a conectividade na paisagem, reduzindo a probabilidade de extinção de diversas espécies. Este trabalho foi desenvolvido nos municípios de Teodoro Sampaio e Euclides da Cunha, localizados na região do Pontal do Paranapanema, Estado de São Paulo. Foram selecionadas duas paisagens com situações distintas no que se refere à presença dos elementos de conexão: Paisagem da Água Sumida (AS) e Paisagem da Ponte Branca (PB). Para a amostragem da avifauna utilizou-se o método do ponto fixo, no qual os pontos foram alocados distantes pelo menos 200m uns dos outros e o tempo de observação foi de 10 minutos por ponto. A coleta de dados em campo ocorreu nos meses de novembro e dezembro de 2003 e janeiro de 2004. Em cada paisagem foram realizadas quatro visitas. Em função deste levantamento, foi calculado o Índice Pontual de Abundância (IPA) para cada espécie em todos os pontos amostrados. Diversos bosques agroflorestais foram estudados, a fim de se verificar se eram utilizados pela avifauna, o que seria um indicativo da potencialidade destes bosques como trampolim ecológico. Foram também incluídos a matriz de pasto e os elementos de conexão: corredores ecológicos e pequenos fragmentos naturais. Os dados obtidos foram comparados com outro estudo conduzido nos fragmentos grandes. Foi observada uma diferença na composição da avifauna entre os diversos tipos de hábitats considerados, mas que ainda pouco deve refletir no aumento de fluxo pela paisagem das espécies florestais. Estas espécies na maior parte das vezes foram somente observadas nos fragmentos grandes e, aparentemente, não usam os bosques ou qualquer outro elemento de conexão, provavelmente devido ao elevado grau de isolamento destes e à hostilidade da matriz. Apesar de ter sido observado que os sistemas agroflorestais ainda não beneficiam grande parte da avifauna dependente de floresta, os resultados apontam que as ações de manejo nos assentamentos rurais começam a ter reflexos na diversidade na escala da paisagem da região, além de fornecer sustento para as famílias assentadas. Estes benefícios provavelmente serão maximizados com a intensificação dos processos de implantação de novos bosques agroflorestais, recuperação das matas ciliares e melhoramento da qualidade da vegetação dos remanescentes florestais. / Habitat fragmentation and consequent isolation of fauna and flora populations have been mentioned as one of the most critical threat for the biodiversity. The landscape elements are structures that increase the biota movements throw landscape. One of these elements is the stepping stones, which are small portions of habitat spread in matrix, and potentially could increase landscape connectivity, reducing extinction probability of a number of species. This study was conducted in Pontal do Paranapanema, State of São Paulo, Brazil, in two different areas concerning the presence or absence of some of the landscape elements: Landscape of Água Sumida (AS) and Landscape of Ponte Branca (PB). Field work had happened from November 2003 to January 2004. Avifauna was surveyed by point counts, where birds were registered for 10 minutes. The points were located at least 200m far from another, and each point was visited four times. Punctual Abundance Index (IPA) were calculated for birds species in all surveyed points. Some agro-forest patches were surveyed to verify the avifauna presence, which would be an indication of the potentially effect of stepping stones. Matrix of pasture, corridors and smalls fragments of native forest were also surveyed. The data obtained were compared to big fragments data of another study. There were differences of birds species compositions among all kinds of habitat considered, but it does not indicate increase of movements of forest species throw landscape. These species were most of the time registered into the large forest fragments, and they did not use agro-forest patches nor landscape elements, probably due the isolation caused by matrix hostility. Despite agro-forest system still do not increase movements of forest birds, the results suggests that environment management in settleland areas interfere on the biodiversity in landscape scale in this region, besides provide support for settled families. These benefits probably will be optimized with implantation of new agro-forest patches, revegetation of riparian areas and quality improvement of vegetation of residual woodlots.

Estudo experimental do polimento de diferentes \"granitos\" e as relações com a mineralogia / Experimental study of different \"granites\" polishing and its relation with mineralogy

Neves, Márcia de Carvalho 23 September 2010 (has links)
O aspecto técnico das rochas de revestimento é o primeiro condicionante para o seu uso nas edificações, seguido das suas características tecnológicas, da tipologia do jazimento e dos possíveis defeitos decorrentes das etapas de extração e beneficiamento. O presente trabalho aborda os mecanismos que influenciam no processo de polimento, lembrando que a indústria ainda se baseia no empirismo, com generalizações não condizentes que aumentam o custo de produção das placas. Foram escolhidos três tipos de rochas \"graníticas\": Sienogranito (Vermelho Brasília), Migmatito (Jacarandá Rosado) e Monzogranito (Cinza Andorinha), por serem de alta comercialização e consideradas no processamento industrial como \"dura\", \"média\" e \"mole\", respectivamente. Foram ensaiadas no simulador de polimento de rochas (SPR), utilizando o abrasivo magnesiano e antes de iniciar o processo foi determinada a rugosidade superficial de cada amostra. Variando-se a carga aplicada na politriz, a velocidade, o tempo e monitorando a perda de massa associada ao brilho, foi possível estabelecer as condições ideais para os tipos de rochas estudadas. / Dimension stones aesthetics are the main factor considered in their use for buildings, followed by technological characteristics, deposit\'s typology and possible extraction and beneficiacion effects. This paper approaches the influential mechanisms on polishing process, considering that industry still bases itself on empiricisms, with incoherent generalizations that increase production slabs cost. Three types of granite rocks were evaluated: Sienogranite (Vermelho Brasília), Migmatite (Jacarandá Rosado) and Monzogranite (Cinza Andorinha), due to their highly commercialization. The rocks are classified at the industrial process as hard, medium and soft (respectively). They were tested with a polishing rock simulator through the use of magnesium abrasives and had the surface roughness pre-determined for each sample. By altering the polishing machine applied load, as well as speed and time, and having the brightness associated weight loss monitored, it was possible to stabilish ideal conditions for the studied rock types.

Fixação de placas de rochas ornamentais: estudo da aderência com argamassa colante / Setting of dimension stones: study of the tack with adhesive mortar

Nogami, Lizandra 22 November 2007 (has links)
Nos revestimentos de paredes a fixação de placas de rochas pode ser feita com inserts metálicos ou por aderência com argamassas. Nos assentamentos com argamassas os valores de aderência, por norma, devem ser superiores a 1 MPa e a altura máxima do revestimento não pode ultrapassar 3 m. No presente trabalho foram feitos ensaios com ladrilhos de três tipos de \"granitos\" para comparar a aderência da argamassa existente no mercado, específica para estas rochas, com uma argamassa colante para porcelanatos, de mesmo custo de produção, desenvolvida por pesquisadores do Departamento de Arquitetura da Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos da Universidade de São Paulo. As rochas escolhidas foram \"Vermelho Brasília\" (sienogranito), \"Verde Labrador\" (charnoquito) e \"Preto Indiano\" (migmatito) apresentam características petrográficas e serrabilidades diferentes, o que implica em valores distintos de rugosidade das chapas obtidas pelo desdobramento dos blocos em teares. A aderência destas rochas com as com argamassas foi determinada, tanto na face rugosa como na face polida por meio do ensaio de arrancamento por tração, normatizado para cerâmica. Os resultados mostraram para estas rochas que a aderência das argamassas está relacionada à rugosidade e à mineralogia/textura. A aderência obtida para a argamassa colante desenvolvida para porcelanato foi aproximadamente 2 vezes superior a encontrada para argamassa comercial, mostrando sua excelente qualidade para o assentamento de placas de \"granitos\". / In coverings of walls the setting of dimension stones can be made with metallic inserts or by tack with mortar. In the nestings with mortar the values of tack, for norm, must be superior the 1 MPa and the maximum height of covering cannot exceed 3 m. In the present work, assays with floor tiles of three types of \"granites\" had been made to compare the tack of the existing mortar in the market, specific for these granites, with a adhesive mortar for porcelain, of same cost of production, developed for researchers of the Department of Architecture of the School of Engineering of São Carlos of the University of São Paulo. The chosen stones had been \"Vermelho Brasília\" (sienogranite), \"Verde Labrador\" (charnockite) and \"Preto Indiano\" (migmatite) they present petrographics analysis and saw different, what implies in distinct values of the rugous of plates gotten for the unfolding of the blocks in sewing presses, that use grain of steel as abrasive element. The tack of plates of these stones with mortar was determined in such a way in the rugose face as in the polishing face by way of the assay of pulling up for traction, prescriptive for ceramics. The results had shown that the tack of mortar is related to the rugous and mineralogy/texture for these stones. The tack gotten for the developed adhesive mortar for porcelain was approximately two times superior the found one for commercial mortar, showing its excellent quality for the nesting of \"granite\" plates.

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