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Livsmedelsbutikers frukt- och grönsakssvinn : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om orsaker och åtgärder till matsvinn i livsmedelsbutiker / Grocery stores fruit and vegetable waste : A qualitative interview study on the causes and measures for food waste in grocery storesNorling, Alfred January 2022 (has links)
Bakgrund: Ungefär en tredjedel av all mat som produceras från alla delar i leveranskedjan slängs, trots att 870 miljoner av värdens invånare svälter. Samtidigt orsakar matsvinn omfattande växthusgasutsläpp och kostar samhället stora summor pengar. Olika länders aktörer behöver stå i framkant och tänka miljösmart för att minimera matsvinnet i hela produktionsledet. Svenska livsmedelsbutiker är därmed en del av denna kedja som behöver minska sitt matsvinn. En faktor som kan orsaka matsvinn i livsmedelsbutiker vad gäller frukt och grönsaker är konsumenters attityder, kompetens och beteenden. Utöver detta kan det också finnas andra orsaker, vilket i sin tur kommer att påverka vilka åtgärder som bör vidtas från exempelvis en livsmedelsföreståndares sida. Syfte: Syftet var att undersöka hur livsmedelsföreståndare för frukt- och grönsakssortimentet i svenska livsmedelsbutiker resonerar kring hur butikens frukt- och grönsakssvinn kan uppstå samt minskas. Metod: En kvalitativ intervjustudie genomfördes med fem livsmedelsföreståndare från svenska livsmedelsbutiker med större karaktär, det vill säga butiker som hanterar större volymer livsmedel och har större antal kunder, snarare än en liten lokalbutik. Intervjuerna spelades in, transkriberades och analyserades med kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Resultat: Konsumenternas kvalitetskrav, okunskap om vad en dålig vara egentligen är, samt klämmande och petande på frukt och grönsaker orsakade matsvinn i butiken. Butikens krav och rutiner orsakade även svinn såsom felaktig temperatur vid transport och inom butiken, hyllpåfyllnadskrav, sortimentskrav och kampanjer. Åtgärder som butiker kan vidta för att minska matsvinnet är bättre rensvarvshantering och prisreducering, inspektion av butikens lager, att skänka svinn till välgörenhetsdonationer, samt återanvända svinnet till matlagning som säljs till kunder och butikspersonal. Slutsats: Alla orsaker och åtgärder som lyfts i studien är ett samspel med faktorer som behöver vara välfungerande. Är en aspekt ur funktion kan ett obefogat ökat matsvinn förekomma. Studiens resultat har visat att det inte endast är konsumenten som behöver förändra sitt beteende, utan även livsmedelsbutiken och dess samspel med konsumenters förväntningar på bra råvaror. / Background: About a third of everything produced from all parts of the supply chain is thrown away, despite the fact that 870 million of the host's inhabitants are starving. At the same time, food waste causes extensive greenhouse gas emissions and costs society large sums of money. Actors from different countries need to be at the forefront and think environmentally smart in order to minimize food waste throughout the production phase. Swedish grocery stores are thus part of this chain that needs to reduce their food waste. One factor that can cause food waste in grocery stores in terms of fruits and vegetables is consumers' attitudes, skills and behaviors. In addition to this, there may also be other reasons, which in turn will affect what measures should be taken by, for example, a food manager. Objective: The purpose was to investigate how food managers for the fruit and vegetable assortment in Swedish grocery stores reason about how the store's fruit and vegetable waste can be reduced. Method: A qualitative interview study was conducted with five food managers from Swedish grocery stores with a larger character, namely stores that handle larger volumes of food and have a larger number of customers, rather than a small local store. The interviews were recorded, transcribed and analyzed with qualitative content analysis. Results: Consumers' quality demands, ignorance of what a bad product really is, as well as squeezing and poking at fruits and vegetables causes food waste in the store. The store's requirements and routines also caused losses such as incorrect temperature during transport and within the store, shelf filling requirements, assortment requirements and promotions. Measures that stores can take to reduce food waste are cleaning away fruits and vegetables about to go bad, price reduction, inspection of the store's stock, donating waste to charity donations, and reusing the waste for cooking that is sold to customers and store staff. Conclusion: All causes and measures highlighted in the study are an interplay of factors that need to be well-functioning. If an aspect is out of order, there may be an unjustified increase in food waste. The results of the study have shown that it is not only the consumer who needs to change their behavior, but also the grocery store and its interaction with consumers' expectations of good raw materials.
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Department store image advertising in Hong Kong : management and customer responsesLuk, Siu Lun 01 January 1995 (has links)
No description available.
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Estrategias del Post venta en el valor de marca en la categoría Deco hogar en las tiendas por departamentoLópez Velásquez, Stephanie Gabriella 31 July 2020 (has links)
En los últimos años, la categoría Deco Hogar en las tiendas por departamento han comenzado a tener una tendencia mayor de compra. Asimismo, el proceso de compra de estos productos es categorizado como una venta planificada, no por impulso. En la actualidad, los analistas del mercado se enfocan en crear estrategias para que el cliente final considere dentro de su planificación la compra de productos de decoración para el hogar. Sin embargo, existe una teoría, respaldada por especialistas que ejercer un plan de venta, no solo debe enfocarse en la meta final de la compra, sino en la última que sería la postventa. Esta te permite en lograr una diferencia en el mercado, crear fidelidad y preferencia por el consumidor, ya que crea una línea adicional de comunicación el cuál te permite escuchar la opinión del servicio presentado y lograr mejoras en el. En este sentido, en la presente investigación se enfocará en resolver la hipótesis de si las estrategias de post venta como; Satisfacción del cliente, facilidad de acceso y manejo de quejas y reclamos influirían en el valor de la marca. Esta investigación lo enfocaremos en los productos de la categoría Deco hogar. La metodología a utilizar será cuantitativa y cualitativa. En la cualitativa, se hará 3 entrevistas a especialistas y 2 Focus group con un total de 12 personas. Por otro lado, la cuantitativa será de 250 encuestas al público dirigido del servicio.
El resultado de esta investigación, gracias a un modelo de regresión lineal múltiple se pudo resolver el fenómeno de la influencia de las estrategias de la post venta en el valor de marca. Dando como resultado, ser de un carácter concluyente. De acuerdo antiguas investigaciones de las variables y de los resultados obtenidos en el análisis cuantitativo se pudo tener el mismo acuerdo, de que la variable dependiente Valor de marca influiría en las independientes que serían las estrategias de la post venta. Por último, los comentarios que se harían a la gerencia de cualquier tipo de comercio, es la recomendación de utilización de esta estrategia, ya que está comprobado que aplicaría un incremento en volúmenes de venta y fidelización del cliente en gran medida. Por último, para una mejor investigación de estrategias a utilizar en el post venta, se podría realizar una investigación más profunda, segmentando grupos y cambiando de variables como garantías, calidad de servicio, etc. / In recent years, the Deco Home category in department stores has begun to have a higher buying trend. Also, the purchase process of these products is categorized as a planned sale, not by impulse. Currently, market analysts focus on creating strategies for the end customer to consider within their planning the purchase of home décor products. However, there is a theory, backed by specialists that exercise a sales plan, should focus not only on the final goal of the purchase, but on the last one that would be the after-sales. This allows you to make a difference in the market, create loyalty and preference for the consumer, since it creates an additional line of communication which allows you to listen to the opinion of the service presented and achieve improvements in it. In this sense, this research will focus on resolving the hypothesis of whether post-sales strategies as; Customer satisfaction, ease of access and handling of complaints and complaints would influence the value of the brand. This research will focus on products in the Deco home category. The methodology to be used will be quantitative and qualitative. In the qualitative, there will be 3 interviews with specialists and 2 Focus group with a total of 12 people. On the other hand, the quantitative will be 250 surveys to the targeted public of the service.
The result of this research, thanks to a model of multiple linear regression, was able to solve the phenomenon of the influence of post-sales strategies on brand value. Resulting in being conclusive. According to previous investigations of the variables and the results obtained in the quantitative analysis, the same agreement could be had, that the dependent variable Brand value would influence the independent ones that would be the post-sales strategies.
Finally, the comments that would be made to management of any type of trade, is the recommendation to use this strategy, since it is proven that it would apply an increase in sales volumes and customer loyalty to a large extent. Finally, for better research of strategies to be used in the post-sales, further research could be carried out, segmenting groups and changing variables such as guarantees, quality of service, etc. / Tesis
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Da localização estratégica às estratégias locacionais : a dimensão espacial do crédito e da fidelização nos magazines e nas escolhas dos citadinos em Presidente Prudente (SP) e Londrina (PR) /Santos, Flaviane Ramos dos. January 2019 (has links)
Orientador: Maria Encarnação Beltrão Sposito / Resumo: Os avanços tecnológicos nos sistemas de telecomunicações e transportes que têm se desenvolvido no âmbito da mundialização da economia, articulados aos sistemas de informatização, permitiu, de um lado, que os papéis das cidades fossem constantemente redefinidos, bem como se ampliassem os fluxos que a partir delas e que até elas se desenham, estabelecidos tanto com cidades próximas como também com as mais distantes e, por outro, fez aflorar o potencial das estratégias locacionais como elemento diferenciador que garante a preferência do consumidor e o melhor desempenho econômico de estabelecimento varejista. Por estratégias locacionais consideramos, nesta tese, além da localização, as estratégias de fidelização e ampliação do uso do crédito, e o monitoramento do comportamento do consumidor, tendências do varejo atualmente. Esta tese, inicia-se com a apresentação da história dos magazines e as transformações ocorridas em decorrência da intensificação do processo de urbanização, para em seguida enfocar as estratégias espaciais e lógicas econômicas de algumas empresas varejistas do ramo de magazines no Brasil, nos estados de São Paulo e Paraná, e nas cidades de Presidente Prudente e Londrina, na medida em que também ressaltamos a capacidade delas em redefinir ou reforçar o papel que as cidades desempenham na rede urbana. Analisamos as escolhas espaciais dos citadinos entrevistados em Presidente Prudente e Londrina, para entender as relações entre consumo, crédito e cotidiano e, fin... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: The technological advances in telecommunication and transportation systems which have been developed in the range of the economic globalization, making use of the computerization systems, resulted, on the one hand, in a constant redefinition of city roles in commerce, as well as in an increment of fluxes that move from them and to them, and which are established with near and far cities, and, on the other hand, gave rise to a potential of location strategies as a factor that makes the difference which grants the customer preference as well as a better economic performance for the retail dealings. As location strategies, we understand, in this thesis, not only the position a commercial establishment occupies, but also, its customers’ loyalty strategies, the increment of credit provision and the monitoring of customer’s behavior as well as the trends towards retailing deals for a given moment. The present work begins with the presentation of the history of stores and the transformations they went through because of the intensification of urbanization processes. After that, it will focus on the spatial strategies and economic logic some retailing stores deal with in the fashion store branch in Brazil, specifically in Presidente Prudente, a city of São Paulo State and Londrina in Paraná State. We also highlight their ability to redefine or reinforce the role cities perform in citizens’ inter-relational network. We analyzed the Londrina’s and Presidente Prudentes’ interviewees’ sp... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Doutor
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Methodology for the digitalization of advertisement at the point of sale for gross margin increase in the traditional retail tradeCheng-Fong, Luis, Cruzalegui, Ana, Rojas, Jose, Raymundo, Carlos 01 January 2019 (has links)
El texto completo de este trabajo no está disponible en el Repositorio Académico UPC por restricciones de la casa editorial donde ha sido publicado. / Retail trade modernization in Peru has displaced the traditional retailer as the first option when it comes to shopping. Supermarkets have grown 45% during the last four years and the new convenience stores gather all competitive advantages required by the sector. Industry has adapted to the new Peruvian in order to cover the needs generated by a digital age offering solutions that give timely information, comfort and modernity when acquiring a new product. In 2017, 414,000 grocery stores were counted in Peru, which were forced to adapt and improve their services. This research project aims to come up with a solution to bring the grocery stores into the twenty-first century, and thus, to increase their gross margin and ensure their continuity. A methodology connecting the requirements of the grocery stores that invest the most in the city of Lima to the needs of the mass consumption companies by means of a platform that digitalizes ads at the point of sale driven by digital advertising is presented here. Currently, the product benefits 40 grocery stores in the city with a new customer service channel that allows to increase their sales by 20%.
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Economic and social dimensions of neighbourhood trade-stores in Cochabamba, BoliviaCoen, Stephanie E. January 2006 (has links)
No description available.
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Working for family, nation and God : paternalism and the Dupuis Frères department store, Montreal, 1926-1952Matthews, Mary Catherine. January 1997 (has links)
No description available.
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Inomhusgatan : Affektpolitik och den rumsliga naturaliseringen av gående shopping i Gallerian i StockholmSjödin, Arvid January 2023 (has links)
This thesis is a historical examination of the shopping space Gallerian in Stockholm, which opened in October of 1976. The text analyzes how Gallerian’s affective environment was staged. I show how the developers sought to use Gallerian to shape the space of the inner city to increasingly provide for movements through which spontaneous consumption arose as a natural affective response. By analyzing this ambition, I point to the relevance of studying this specific form of consumption space, an indoor street, as a space that differs from a department store or a shopping center outside of the city. The indoor street was motivated by historical actors precisely because it offered possibilities of affect-governance that a department store or a shopping center outside of the city could not. Furthermore, the text examines the affective culture created in the interior space of Gallerian. I show how escalators, vegetation embellishments and air- and temperature regulation became relevant in Gallerian’s ambition to create a certain affective pull into its space. This affective pull is similar to what Walter Benjamin examined in 19th Century Paris, but, as shown in the thesis, the affective pull of Gallerian was aiming to capture a broader crowd of flaneurs. Gallerian was marketed as an enabler of an inclusive and democratic flaneurship. Gallerian also worked on dissociating itself from consumption, by incorporating symbols and places into the shopping space which read as non-commercial, and by framing the space as a non-commercial experience in public discourse. I argue that Gallerian’s affective environment provided for a consumer subjectivity that was potential, by staging an indoor street that naturalized shopping as part of the walk-about through the city as well as providing an interior environment with a certain affective pull. Lastly, I analyze how Gallerian achieved symbolic meaning as a place in the city. It became a “thing- world”, in Adorno’s and Benjamin’s sense, in that it was filled with desire for commodities, but also through a voyeuristic experience of other people as a conjurer of fantasies. I also argue that Gallerian, as a lived place-based experience, became a place where historical consciousness could be conjured and a longing for a city of the past could be enacted in the space.
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Managing Financial Uncertainty: Swedish Grocers : A qualitative study of the impact of uncertainty on manager's financial decision-making process within Swedish grocery stores.Wohlin, Matilda, Jacobson, Maja January 2023 (has links)
Background: Grocery stores in the retail industry, which are forms of Small and medium-sized enterprises, are particularly vulnerable to changes in the economic environment. This thesis examines how grocery store managers handle their financial management decision-making process in response to uncertainty. 2022 has been a year of unprecedented uncertainty with unforeseen events that affected the Swedish economy. Therefore, these uncertain events in 2022 present an exceptional opportunity to delve into this subject of study. Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to analyze how managers of grocery stores handle the financial management decision-making process regarding financing, investing, and profit distribution when faced with uncertainty. Method: This thesis builds upon qualitative data and aims to formulate a theory concerning the decision-making process under uncertainty within grocery stores by employing an inductive reasoning approach. The study utilizes primary descriptive data gathered from interviews and information from academic articles, books, and authorized websites. To ensure objectivity in the analysis, the role of the researchers was carefully considered. Semi-structured interviews served as the primary method for data collection, and a theoretical framework was established at the outset of the research to guide the analysis and structural organization of the data. During the data analysis phase, a theory-driven thematic analysis methodology was employed. Conclusion: This thesis concludes that managers of grocery stores handled their financial management decision-making process regarding financing, investing, and profit distribution when faced with uncertainty in different ways. The thesis demonstrated caution in financing by cutting costs and amortizing loans. Additionally, managers employed strategies of reprioritizing and choosing long-term investments to ensure financial stability. At the same time, profit distribution was limited due to increased expenses, leading managers to redirect profits for the survival of the grocery store. Overall, this research highlights the dynamic nature of financial management’s decision-making process and the need for adaptive strategies in the face of uncertainty.
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“The Effects of Sensory Marketing in Physical Second-Hand Stores” : A qualitative study of how applying sensory marketing in a physical second-hand store can influence consumers to choose more sustainable options while shopping for apparel.Carlsson, Kajsa, Klingestam Lundqvist, Carina January 2023 (has links)
The emergence of online stores specializing in fast fashion apparel has presented a significant challenge to brick-and-mortar stores and has had detrimental consequences for the environment. Consequently, it is essential for physical stores to stay informed about emerging trends in physical store design. Currently, the fashion industry is acknowledged as a highly detrimental sector in terms of its environmental impact, attributable to its extensive utilization of harmful chemicals, substantial consumption of energy and water resources, and contribution to waste generation and pollution. Therefore, it is imperative to adopt more sustainable practices when it comes to purchasing apparel, particularly in light of sustainability concerns. Moreover, physical second-hand stores play a crucial role in promoting sustainability by offering pre-owned items. To attract customers, these stores need to cultivate a more appealing ambiance and atmosphere. To achieve this, the implementation of a sensory marketing strategy within physical second-hand stores can be employed to enhance the customer experience. By engaging the senses of smell, touch, vision, and hearing in a cohesive manner, a sensory marketing strategy can potentially contribute to a more enjoyable shopping experience and attract customers to physical second-hand stores. This study adopts a qualitative approach, collecting empirical data through semi-structured interviews with female participants aged between 18 and 60 years old in Sweden. The interviewees consisted of individuals who frequently made purchases in physical second-hand stores, as well as those who did so less frequently. The empirical findings were subsequently analyzed in conjunction with the existing literature. The research findings conclude that the implementation of sensory marketing techniques in physical second-hand stores has the potential to enhance the store's image, market position, and overall attractiveness. Creating congruence among the senses can result in a positive customer experience and a pleasant atmosphere, thereby increasing the likelihood of customers choosing to purchase apparel from second-hand stores. Additionally, the study reveals a growing interest among customers in sustainable shopping choices, leading to an increased inclination to opt for second-hand items.
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