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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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I consumatori di fronte ai paradossi dell’offerta di prodotti alimentari sostenibili. Uno studio comparativo tra Francia e Italia / LES CONSOMMATEURS FACE AUX PARADOXES DE L'OFFRE DE PRODUITS ALIMENTAIRES DURABLES. Une étude comparative entre France etItalie / Consumers faced with the paradoxes of sustainable food products offer. A comparative study between France and Italy

MORUZZI, ROMINA 21 February 2013 (has links)
Questo studio si propone di esplorare i paradossi esistenti nell’offerta di prodotti alimentari sostenibili e, di conseguenza, i comportamenti (strategie di coping) (Lazarus e Folkman, 1984) adottati dai consumatori al momento di tale percezione. A questo scopo abbiamo adattato il modello concettuale di Mick e Fournier (1998), sviluppato inizialmente per i paradossi delle tecnologie moderne, al contesto dell’Alimentazione sostenibile. A livello metodologico, è stata realizzata un’inchiesta qualitativa presso 84 individui “ordinari” (non militanti) in Francia e Italia. In più, sono stati interrogati 18 soggetti (individui militanti) che fanno abitualmente i loro acquisti presso la rete dell’AMAP, in Francia, e dei GAS in Italia. Le interviste semi-strutturate hanno permesso di mettere in luce delle differenze tra i consumatori “ordinari” dei due Paesi da un punto di vista delle strategie di coping evocate per superare i paradossi percepiti. Così abbiamo proposto tre profili di consumatori “ordinari”. Al contrario gli individui militanti si avverano come un gruppo più omogeneo tra i due contesti d’indagine, sia a livello di percezione di paradossi sia nell’adozione di pratiche sostenibili. La ricerca ha, altresì, evidenziato delle caratteristiche più specifiche alle due nazioni, per esempio a livello della struttura di mercato, della comunicazione sui prodotti sostenibili, nonché nell’ottica delle caratteristiche socioculturali. Pertanto questo studio ha avuto tre obiettivi: teorico al fine di verificare i paradossi elencati e le strategie di coping adottate dai consumatori francesi e italiani; metodologico adattando gli “ingranaggi” del modello concettuale di Mick e Fournier (1998) al contesto specifico di ricerca; e poi pratici allo scopo di distinguere degli elementi frenanti la diffusione dell’offerta sostenibile e altri che possano favorire lo sviluppo di un consumo sostenibile in ciascun Paese, come attraverso un’offerta più mirata agli aspetti ambientali in Francia ("filière nord/nord" di agricoltori francesi equo-solidali, biologici e locali) e delle produzioni più legate agli aspetti etici in Italia (ex. prodotti di economie solidali). / This study aims to explore existing paradoxes in the offer of food sustainable products and consequently consumers’ behaviours (coping strategies) (Lazarus and Folkman, 1984) at the time of this perception. For this purpose, the theoretical model of Mick and Fournier (1998), built initially for studying the paradoxes of modern technologies, were adapted to sustainable food consumption. At methodological level, a qualitative survey was conducted among 84 “ordinary” consumers in France and Italy. Later other 18 subjects, usually involved into sustainable purchases (participants of AMAP, GAS), were interviewed. The semi-structured interviews shed light on some differences between “ordinary” consumers of the two countries when they adopted coping strategies to go beyond perceived paradoxes. Thus we proposed three ordinary consumers’ profiles. On the contrary engaged individuals are like a more homogeny group going over national boundaries. They agree with paradoxes and sustainable practices. In addition, the research pointed out some divergent aspects connected with specific context, for instance market of sustainable food products, communication over this offer and social cultural characteristics. Finally, this work had three objectives: theoretical to verify the paradoxes listed and evocated consumers’ strategies by French and Italian consumers; methodological regarding the adaptation of the conceptual model “gears” of Mick et Fournier (1998) to the context of sustainable consumption; and then practical ones such as identification of barriers for developing sustainable consumption and specific possible ways of growth: more attention to environmental aspects in France (“filière nord/nord” of organic, fairly, local French peasants) and ethics products in Italy (products issued from social economies).

Facteurs associés à la résilience des aidantes familiales d’un parent âgé en perte d’autonomie à domicile au Liban

Narchi Séoud, Joelle 09 1900 (has links)
Avec l’avancement en âge, les personnes âgées qui vivent à domicile ont besoin du soutien des membres de leur entourage, notamment d’un aidant familial dont le rôle n’est toutefois pas sans conséquence sur sa santé. Les écrits empiriques ont montré que certains aidants sont résilients, c’est-à-dire qu’ils s’adaptent à leur situation et continuent leur développement. Toutefois, aucune étude n’a été effectuée au Liban auprès des aidantes familiales pour expliquer la résilience dans ce contexte et, plus spécifiquement, pour déterminer les facteurs qui pourraient l’influencer. Cette étude à devis corrélationnel de prédiction avait pour but de vérifier certaines des relations postulées par un modèle empirique découlant des écrits, soit la contribution de facteurs personnels (stratégies de coping et auto-efficacité) et de facteurs contextuels (relations familiales, perception du soutien de l’entourage, et sens accordé au « prendre soin »),à la résilience des aidantes familiales libanaises qui prennent soin d’un proche âgé à domicile. L’étude a été effectuée au Liban auprès d’un échantillon de convenance composé de 140 aidantes familiales principales cohabitant à domicile avec un parent âgé de 65 ans et plus ayant une perte d’autonomie fonctionnelle ou cognitive. La collecte des données a été réalisée en arabe en utilisant un guide d’entrevue standardisé regroupant des instruments nord-américains traduits selon la méthode de traduction inversée parallèle, de même qu’une question ouverte portant sur la perception des aidantes de la résilience, soit des facteurs qui les aident à continuer à prendre soin de leur proche âgé tout en continuant à se développer. Une analyse de régression hiérarchique a permis de vérifier la contribution unique des facteurs personnels et contextuels à expliquer la résilience des aidantes familiales, en contrôlant pour l’âge et le niveau de scolarité des aidantes et pour le niveau de perte d’autonomie et la fréquence des comportements dysfonctionnels de leurs parents âgés. Une analyse de contenu a permis de décrire la perception des aidantes eu égard à la résilience. Les résultats ont montré que le modèle empirique, incluant les variables de contrôle explique 54% de la variance de la résilience et que quatre des facteurs considérés, soit les stratégies de coping centrées sur le problème, les stratégies de coping centrées sur les émotions, le sentiment d’auto-efficacité et le sens du « prendre soin » ont une contribution statistiquement significative à la résilience des aidantes. Parmi ces quatre facteurs, le sens du « prendre soin » et le sentiment d’auto-efficacité expliquent davantage de variance, soit 11% et 5% respectivement. L’analyse qualitative du discours des aidantes a montré qu’elles prennent soin de leur proche âgé surtout par souci de réciprocité, mais également parce qu’il s’agit d’un membre de la famille et par respect pour Dieu. Ce sont par ailleurs leurs croyances et la satisfaction liée au prendre soin qui les aident à continuer et à se développer. Cette étude offre une meilleure compréhension du concept de la résilience des aidantes familiales au Liban et de certains facteurs qui en sont des prédicteurs significatifs. Elle offre des pistes pour l’intervention infirmière dans le but de promouvoir la santé de la personne/famille en tant que partenaire de soins. Des recommandations pour la pratique, la formation et la recherche sont proposées. / With the aging process, elderly living at home need the support of their entourage and specifically a family caregiver whose role is not without consequences on his own health. Empirical studies have shown that some caregivers are resilient; they adapt to this situation and pursue their development. However, no study has ever been conducted in Lebanon on family caregivers to explain the resilience in this particular context, and more specifically, to determine the factors that could explain it. The objective of this correlational predictive study was to examine some of the relationships postulated in an empirical model derived from the literature, i.e. the contribution of personal factors (coping strategies and self-efficacy) and contextual factors (family relationships, perceived social support and the meaning in caregiving), to the resilience of Lebanese woman family caregivers who take care of their elderly at home. The study has been conducted in Lebanon with a cohort of 140 female family caregivers living with physically or cognitively impaired relative aged 65 years old or above. The data has been collected in Arabic using a standardized interview guide combining north American instruments translated using the inversed parallel translation method and an open question regarding the caregivers perception of resilience and of the factors that help them pursue their role of caregivers as well as their own development. A hierarchical regression analysis was performed to verify the unique contribution of personal and contextual factors in explaining the caregivers resilience while controlling their age and academic level as well as the level of dependency and frequency of dysfunctional behaviors of their relative. A content analysis was used to describe the caregiver’s perception of resilience. The results have shown that the empirical model, including control variables, explains 54% of the variance and that four of the considered factors: the coping strategies centered on the problem, the coping strategies centered on the emotions, the feeling of self-efficacy and the meaning of caregiving are significant predictors of the caregivers’ resilience. Among these four factors, the meaning in caregiving and the feeling of self-efficacy explain respectively 11% and 5% of the variance. The qualitative analysis of the caregivers’ discourse have revealed that they take care of their elder relative mainly for the sake of reciprocity, but also because it is a family member and as respect for God. Their beliefs and satisfaction toward the caring allow them to continue caring and to pursue their own development. This study provides a better understanding of the Lebanese woman family caregivers resilience concept and of the factors that are significant predictors of it. It offers guidelines to a nursing intervention aimed at promoting the health of the person/family caregivers as care partners. Recommendations for practice, training and research are proposed.

Pistes de prévention en santé mentale pour les étudiants en relation d’aide : influence de facteurs de risque et de protection sur des indicateurs de santé mentale

Boisvert, Charles 08 1900 (has links)
No description available.

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