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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Kompetensförsörjning till tjänster som kräver spetskompetens : Fokus på kommunal verksamhet belägen på landsbygden / Competence supply to services requiring special competence : Focus on municipal organisations in the countryside

Öhman, Beatrice, Gustafsson, Emma January 2020 (has links)
Syfte: Syftet med uppsatsen är att öka förståelsen för hur en kommunal verksamhet på landsbygden, belägen nära en större stad, kan attrahera och behålla individer med spetskompetens. Detta då det råder kompetensbrist och demografiska förändringar. Vidare avser uppsatsen att undersöka vilka faktorer som kan påverka kompetensförsörjningen samt hur möjliga och befintliga arbetstagare uppfattar dessa. Med faktorer menas exempelvis belöningar, förmåner eller verksamhetens kommunikation med omvärlden. Teoretisk referensram: Den teoretiska referensramen bottnar i begreppen spetskompetens och kompetensförsörjning som sedan mynnar ut i faktorer som påverkar dessa. De olika områdena förklaras utifrån en modell, figur 1, och sammanfogas på så vis. Metod: Denna uppsats bygger på en kvalitativ metod. En fallstudie har genomförts ikommun X med hjälp av semistrukturerade intervjuer vars respondenter representerar en kommunal verksamhet operativt samt strategiskt. Det har genomförts sex intervjuer med ingenjörer (det operativa perspektivet) samt två intervjuer med personalkonsulter (det strategiska perspektivet). Utöver detta ligger även en dokumentkälla till grund. Slutsats: Det som krävs för att en kommunal verksamhet, belägen på landsbygden, ska kunna kompetensförsörja de positioner som kräver spetskompetens är i grund och botten en lön. Vidare finns olika uppfattningar om vad som är en attraktiv faktor. Något som är genomgående hos alla respondenter som representerar spetskompetensen är att de uppfattar inre motivation samt psykosociala belöningar som mest attraktivt. Detta kan och bör en kommunal verksamhet utveckla förståelse kring samt arbeta aktivt med. Detta kan exempelvis göras med hjälp av ett belöningspaket samt olika chefsutbildningar. / Purpose: The purpose with this paper is to gain knowledge for how a municipal organization on the countryside, located near a larger city, can attract and retain individuals with excellence, when there is a lack of competence and demographic changes. Furthermore, the paper aims to investigate what factors can affect the supply of competence and how potential and current employees perceive them. Factors include, for example, rewards, benefits or the company's communication with the outside world. Theoretical frame of reference: The theoretical frame of reference is based on the concepts of excellence and the supply of competence, which then culminate into factors that influence them. The different areas are explained on the basis of a model, figure 1, and thus joined together. Method: This paper is based on a qualitative method. A case study has been conducted at municipality X with the help of semi-structured interviews whose respondents represent a municipal organization operationally and strategically. Six interviews with engineers (the operational perspective) and two interviews with personnel consultants (the strategic perspective) have been conducted. In addition to this, a document source was also used. Conclusion: In order for a municipal organization, located on the countryside, to be able to supply competence to the positions that require excellence is basically a salary. Furthermore, there are different perceptions of what an attractive factor is. Something that is common to all respondents who represent excellence is that they perceive internal motivation as well as psychosocial rewards as the most attractive. This is something that a municipal organization can, and should develop an understanding for and work for actively. This can be done, for example, with the help of a reward package and various managerial training.

UK executive pay: the special case of executive bonuses

Fattorusso, Jay Daniel January 2006 (has links)
Executive pay research has traditionally focused on salary, severance payments and longterm incentives. A systematic rigorous empirical examination of short-term annual bonuses is lacking. To address this omission, this research empirically examines the relationship between short-term bonuses and firm performance (TSR and EPS), in the UK. It also considers the association between form of bonus payment (i.e. cash/shares), and type of performance target (i.e. hard/soft and simple/complex) with bonus and performance. Furthermore, firm size and particular corporate governance factors are included (i.e. NED ratio on remuneration committee, CEO presence on nominations committee, CEO/Chair duality, tenure, and power) to examine their relationship with bonus value. From a sample of 299 firms listed in the FTSE-350 (1,542 executives including 300 CEOs), this study uses two competing theories (i.e. agency and power theory) to provide a fuller explanation of the subtleties of the pay-performance relation. The main findings support the agency view, since bonus is positively and significantly associated with financial performance. As with previous studies on executive bonus pay this association remains weak. By implication, power theory is not supported. However, other findings indicate: (1) although firm size may change, the proportion of bonus pay relative to salary does not vary. This suggests that large and small firms pay out proportionally similar bonuses; (2) cash bonuses are not positively related with the total value of bonus pay, suggesting that they are not any more open to abuse than other methods of compensation, as agency theory would predict; (3) cash bonuses encourage short-term achievement, as predicted by power theory; (4) consistent with agency theory, share-based bonuses are positively related to bonus pay and performance (weak association), suggesting that share-based bonuses (rather than cash bonuses) may be more effective at aligning pay with performance; (5) in line with agency theory, transparency (i.e. hard (external/published) and simple bonus conditions) is positively associated with performance, providing support for the alignment between principals' and agents' interests; (6) detailed bonus scheme characteristics are generally insensitive to performance and are becoming increasingly softer (i.e. more internal/unspecified targets) and complex (i.e. multiple targets). On the power view, these may create opportunities for executives to mask weak performance and extract greater rents; (7) governance factors are insignificant, suggesting that efforts to improve this area may be wasted, since they mainly leave pay-performance sensitivities unaffected. However, based on power theory, weak governance may foster the rise of powerful executives and widen the pay-performance gap. Therefore, it is suggested that close monitoring of executive pay must continue and shareholders should remain vigilant.

Strategic Human Resource Management : en strategi för att uppnå framgångsrika organisationer? / Strategic Human Resource Management : a strategy to achieve successful organizations?

Elfman, Charlotte, Olofsson, Elin January 2016 (has links)
Bakgrund: I dagens samhälle präglas organisationer av ekonomiska förändringar, detta genom globalisering, förändrade kundförhållanden och en ökad konkurrens. Organisationer behöver hela tiden förbättra sin konkurrenskraft genom att effektivisera sin verksamhet. Idag ses medarbetarna som organisationers viktigaste tillgång eftersom att de förser organisationer med viktiga källor för att bli konkurrenskraftiga. Strategic Human Resource Management (SHRM) är ett arbetssätt som handlar om att utforma HR-strategier som gör att medarbetarnas kunskap och kompetens bidrar till att nå organisationens övergripande mål. Syfte: Syftet med studien har varit att undersöka hur organisationen använder ett strategiskt HR-arbete (SHRM) och om det är ett framgångsrikt arbetssätt. Vår studie har bidragit till en ökad förståelse om begreppet SHRM och hur det kan användas samt hur SHRM kan påverka organisationen. Metod: Insamlingen av vårt empiriska material bygger på en kvalitativ metod där vi genomfört djupgående intervjuer med HR-chefer som arbetar i en organisation som är verksam inom fordonsindustrin. Slutsats: Vi har kommit fram till att organisationen använder SHRM som arbetssätt. Vi kan dock inte dra några konkreta slutsatser om hur SHRM påverkar or-ganisationen men det finns tydliga indikationer på att SHRM har en positiv inverkan och bidrar till en ökad produktivitet och effektivitet. Vi har även kommit fram till att det är viktigt att organisationen utövar ett ledarskap som främjar SHRM. / Background: In today's society organizations are characterized by economic changes, this by globalization, changing customer circumstances and increased competition. Organizations need to constantly improve their competitiveness by streamlining its operations. Today, employees are seen as the organizations most important asset, this because they provide organizations with important sources to become competitive. Strategic Human Resource Management (SHRM) is an approach that is about to build HR-strategies that make employees knowledge and skills to contribute the organizations to achieve the overall goals. Purpose: The aim of this study was to examine how the organization is using a strategic HR-work (SHRM) and if it is a successful strategy. Our study has contributed to a better understanding of the concept of SHRM and how it can be used and how SHRM can affect the organization. Method: The collection of our empirical material is based on a qualitative approach where we conducted in-depth interviews with HR-managers working in an organization that is active in the automotive industry. Conclusion: We have concluded that our survey shows that the organization uses the SHRM as working strategy. However, we can not draw any concrete conclusions in which way SHRM affect the organization, but there are clear indications that SHRM has a positive effect, contributing to increased productivity and efficiency. A further conclusion of our study is that it´s very important that the organization have a leadership that promotes SHRM.

Análise dos fatores de retenção de empregados em organizações que atuam no Brasil / Analysis of employee retention factors in organizations that operate in Brazil.

Mello, Daniel Andere de 16 December 2014 (has links)
O ambiente globalizado e em constantes mudanças, previsto por pesquisadores nas últimas décadas, passou a fazer parte do dia a dia das organizações. Nesse cenário de desenvolvimento tecnológico e surgimento da era da informação, a competividade se acirrou no ambiente corporativo. As organizações encontram-se diante do desafio de, com os recursos disponíveis, garantirem a vantagem competitiva diante de seus competidores, e as áreas de Recursos Humanos passam a ocupar uma posição estratégica para garantir a implementação de estratégias de negócios das organizações. Essas estratégias, normalmente, abrangem a utilização de empregados com qualidades diferenciadas em posições chave na organização, aqueles que podem ser chamados de \'talentos\'. Pesquisas de institutos e consultorias de renome apontam que uma das principais prioridades para os profissionais de RH é a Gestão de Talentos, com ênfase no desenvolvimento de políticas e práticas que visem à manutenção do empregado na organização, a sua retenção. Considerando esses aspectos, além dos altos custos envolvidos na saída e substituição de um empregado e questões como a escassez de mão de obra vivenciada no cenário nacional, esta dissertação buscou investigar a relação dos motivos que levam os empregados a permanecerem na organização, ou seja, seus fatores de retenção, e as características pessoais, profissionais e organizacionais destes empregados. A pesquisa contou com 121.532 respondentes, atuando em 407 organizações participantes de pesquisa pública que analisa a qualidade do ambiente de trabalho. No aspecto metodológico, foram desenvolvidas análises qualitativas e quantitativas para obter os fatores de retenção e verificar suas relações com as características dos empregados. Utilizou-se a técnica de Análise de Correspondência Múltipla para visualização do mapa perceptual das variáveis em estudo. Foram encontrados 13 fatores de retenção dos empregados, sendo que doze foram identificados anteriormente em estudo norte americano - Comprometimento Organizacional, Falta de Alternativas, Flexibilidade no Trabalho, Influências Não Relacionadas ao Trabalho, Investimentos, Justiça Organizacional, Localização, Oportunidades de Desenvolvimento, Prestígio Organizacional, Recompensas Extrínsecas, Relacionamentos e Satisfação com o Trabalho - e um fator foi incluído neste estudo - Estabilidade e Segurança. Os resultados mostraram associações entre os fatores de retenção e as variáveis das características dos empregados, sendo que algumas variáveis discriminam mais, como Escolaridade, Cargo e Faixa Etária, enquanto outras apresentam menor influência, como Gênero e Avaliação de Desempenho. / The globalized and rapidly changing environment, predicted by researchers in recent decades, has become part of everyday life of organizations. In this technological development scenario and rise of the information age, the competitiveness intensified in the corporate environment. Organizations are facing the challenge of, with the available resources, ensure the competitive advantage over its competitors and the Human Resources come to occupy a strategic position to ensure the implementation of business strategies of organizations. These strategies typically include the use of employees with unique qualities in key positions in the organization, those who can be called \'talent\'. Researches from renowned institutes and consultancies indicate that a top priority for HR professionals is Talent Management, with emphasis on the development of policies and practices aimed at maintaining the employee in the organization, their retention. Considering these aspects, in addition to high costs involved in releasing and replacing an employee and issues such as the shortage of labor force experienced in the national scenario, this dissertation investigates the relationship of the reasons that lead employees to remain in the organization, that is their retention factors, and personal, professional and organizational characteristics of these employees. The survey involved a sample of 121532 respondents, working in 407 organizations participating in public research that analyzes the quality of the work environment. Considering the methodological aspect, qualitative and quantitative analyzes were performed to obtain the retention factors and verify its relations with the characteristics of employees. It was used the technique of Multiple Correspondence Analysis to display the perceptual map of the study variables. 13 employee retention factors were found, twelve were identified previously in North American study - Organizational Commitment, Lack of Alternatives, Flexibility at Work, Nonwork Influences, Investments, Organizational Justice, Location, Development Opportunities, Organizational Prestige , Extrinsic Rewards, Relationships and Job Satisfaction - and a factor was included in this study - Stability and Security. The results showed associations between retention factors and variables of the characteristics of employees, some of which variables discriminate more like Education, Job and Age, while others have less influence, as Gender and Performance Evaluation.

Estratégias de gestão de pessoas e desempenho organizacional na hotelaria: o papel das capacidades organizacionais / Human resource strategies and organizational performance in the hotel industry: the role of organizacional capabilities

Barreto, Leilianne Michelle Trindade da Silva 27 October 2011 (has links)
No campo da gestão estratégica de pessoas, uma preocupação que está em evidência é a investigação de variáveis mediadoras da relação entre gestão estratégica de pessoas e desempenho organizacional. Para desvendar as etapas intermediárias do processo de geração de resultados da gestão estratégica de pessoas, pesquisas anteriores sugerem a análise de fatores no nível organizacional, a exemplo das capacidades organizacionais. Nesse contexto, o objetivo geral desta pesquisa foi estabelecer relações entre as configurações de estratégias de gestão de pessoas, as capacidades organizacionais e o desempenho organizacional dos meios de hospedagem do Nordeste brasileiro, oferecendo subsídios para a gestão eficaz dos empreendimentos e para a maximização de resultados no setor. Foi desenvolvido um estudo descritivo e relacional, de abordagem quantitativa. Foram aplicados questionários a 151 gestores de meios de hospedagem localizados nos dois principais destinos turísticos de quatro estados do Nordeste do Brasil, a saber: Salvador/BA, Porto Seguro/BA, Fortaleza/CE, Canoa Quebrada/CE, Recife/PE, Porto de Galinhas/PE, Natal/RN e Pipa/RN. As estratégias de gestão de pessoas foram avaliadas segundo o Modelo de Valores Competitivos de Cameron e Quinn (2006). As capacidades organizacionais foram investigadas a partir do modelo de múltiplos papéis de Ulrich (1998; 2000). O desempenho organizacional foi avaliado com o uso de indicadores adotados por pesquisas anteriores: taxa de ocupação hoteleira, valor da diária média, desempenho financeiro, produtividade do trabalho e qualidade dos serviços. Os dados foram analisados por meio da aplicação de diversas técnicas estatísticas adequadas às características dos dados e aos objetivos do estudo. Os resultados revelam que existe um razoável equilíbrio na implementação das diversas configurações do Modelo de Valores Competitivos. Entretanto, percebe-se uma tendência de que os hotéis conseguem implementar melhor as estratégias de gestão de pessoas que apresentam enfoque organizacional orientado para o ambiente interno e implementar menos as estratégias voltadas para o ambiente externo. Também se verificou uma tendência entre os meios de hospedagem de conseguirem desenvolver melhor as capacidades organizacionais orientadas para o cotidiano e para o nível operacional e de enfrentarem maiores dificuldades para desenvolver as capacidades organizacionais orientadas para o futuro e para o nível estratégico. As relações encontradas confirmam a sobreposição proposta por Cameron e Quinn (2006) entre as estratégias de gestão de pessoas do Modelo de Valores Competitivos e as capacidades organizacionais do modelo de múltiplos papéis de Ulrich (1998) e revelam outras associações concomitantes e complementares. Essas múltiplas relações identificadas corroboram a perspectiva configuracional ao sugerirem a existência de modelos híbridos, em que sejam contemplados elementos dos quatro modelos de gestão de pessoas analisados nesta pesquisa, buscando uma combinação sinérgica entre eles para maximizar e usufruir dos benefícios que cada um é capaz de proporcionar. Apenas duas capacidades organizacionais exercem influência direta sobre o desempenho organizacional, ambas voltadas para as atividades de administração de pessoal, apresentando maior ênfase sobre as pessoas e traduzindo maior flexibilidade. Por outro lado, análises complementares atestaram que os hotéis que conseguem desenvolver as quatro capacidades organizacionais de forma conjunta e equilibrada alcançam um desempenho superior, confirmando assim a noção de equilíbrio defendida pelos autores de ambos os modelos. As constatações permitiram ampliar a compreensão sobre as relações entre as estratégias de gestão de pessoas e o desempenho organizacional, inserindo as capacidades organizacionais como variável mediadora. / In the field of strategic human resource management there is evident concern with investigation into variables that intercede in the relationship between strategic human resource management and organizational performance. In order de clarify the intermediate steps in the process of generating results of strategic human resource management, earlier research suggests an analysis of factors at the organizational level, an example being organizational capabilities. Within this context, the general objective of this research was to establish relationships among the settings of human resource strategies, organizational capabilities and organizational performance in the hotel sector in the Brazilian Northeast, offering support for the management efficacy of these business undertakings and for the maximization of results in the sector. A descriptive and relational study, with a quantitative approach, was designed. One hundred and fifty-one questionnaires were applied to managers of hotels located in the two principal tourism destinations of four states in the Northeast Region of Brazil: Salvador, BA, Porto Seguro, BA, Fortaleza, CE, Canoa Quebrada, CE, Recife, PE, Porto de Galinhas, PE, Natal, RN and Pipa, RN. Human resource strategies were evaluated according to Cameron\'s and Quinn\'s (2006) Competitive Values Model. Organizational capabilities were investigated by way of Ulrich\'s (1998, 2000) Multiple Roles Model. Organizational performance was measure by use of indicators adopted from earlier research: hotel occupation rate, average value of daily rates, financial performance, labor productivity and service quality. Data were analyzed through the application of diverse statistical techniques consistent with the characteristics of the data and research objectives. The results reveal that there exists a reasonable equilibrium in the implementation of the diverse configurations of the Competing Values Model. However, a tendency to be more able to put into practice human resource strategies that present an organizational focus oriented toward the internal environment and to a lesser implementation of strategies directed toward the external environment was perceived. Also, a tendency was verified, among the hotels, to be more able to develop organizational capabilities orientated toward the day-to-day and for the operational level and to encounter greater difficulties in developing organizational capabilities directed toward the future and for the strategic level. The relationships discovered confirm the super positioning proposed by Cameron and Quinn (2006) between the human resource strategies of the Competing Values Model and the organizational capabilities of Ulrich\'s (1998) Multiple Roles Model and reveal other concomitant and complementary associations. The multiple relationships identified in the study lend support to a configurational perspective that suggest the existence of hybrid models, in which elements of the four models of human resource management analyzed here are contemplated, in the search for a synergetic combination among the models in order to maximize and take advantage of the benefits that each model is capable of providing. Only two of the organizational capabilities exercise direct influence over organizational performance, both focused upon personnel administration activities, presenting greater emphasis on people and translating into greater flexibility. On the other hand, complementary analyses present testimony that hotels that are able to develop the four organizational capabilities in a jointly and equilibrated form, manage to reach higher performance, thus confirming the notion of equilibrium defended by the authors of both models. The findings permit a comprehension and amplification of the relationships between human resource strategies and organizational performance, inserting organizational capabilities as a mediating variable.

Gestão estratégica de pessoas: um estudo de caso sobre o alinhamento estratégico / Strategic human resource management: a case study on strategic alignment

Foroni, Paula Gabriela 03 October 2014 (has links)
Este trabalho tem o objetivo de identificar o alinhamento estratégico de gestão de gestão de pessoas através de seu sistema de RH, pacote dinâmico de políticas e práticas de gestão de pessoas que é desenhado para atingir os objetivos organizacionais. Para compreensão do alinhamento estratégico é necessário analisar a relação interna das práticas de RH, a relação do sistema de RH com os objetivos de gestão de pessoas e também co os objetivos organizacionais. Identificar os pontos de alinhamento e desalinhamento dessas relações pode contribuir para que a estratégia organizacional seja mais facilmente atingida. A relação entre a estratégia de gestão de pessoas e a estratégia organizacional pode ser considerada interativa e multidirecional visto que ambas se influenciam mutuamente e recebem e exercem influencia sobre os fatores internos e externos da organização. Nesta relação, a flexibilidade e a sinergia nas configurações dos recursos internos (processos, sistemas, estrutura, etc) são fatores determinantes. O esforço, de ajuste constante entre a estratégia organizacional, sua relação com o mercado e os recursos internos é chamado de alinhamento estratégico. Buscando identificar o alinhamento estratégico de gestão de pessoas, este estudo optou por um estudo de caso na empresa Ômega que se encontra em um mercado em expansão e que passou por uma recente reestruturação. A coleta de dados baseou-se em entrevistas em profundidade, análise documental, aplicação de questionário para a equipe de RH e discussão dos resultados com o gerente e diretor de RH. Esta pesquisa também buscou tangibilizar os resultados utilizando um instrumento de análise, assim foram possíveis identificar os pontos de alinhamento e desalinhamento das relações. Os resultados encontrados apontaram para a presença do alinhamento como um processo constante de ajuste da organização. Neste sentido destacam-se os ajustes das práticas de RH para atender aos diferentes públicos da organização e as diferentes contingências do negócio, fatores importantes no alinhamento de gestão de pessoas. Os pontos desalinhamento encontrados poderão ser utilizados pela empresa como parte do processo contínuo de alinhamento estratégico. / This study aims to identify the strategic alignment of human resource management through your HR system, dynamic package of policies and practices of human resource management which is designed to achieve organizational goals, and their relationship to the goals of human resource management and organizational objectives. Identify the points of alignment and misalignment of these relationships can contribute to organizational strategy is more easily achieved. The relationship between the strategy of human resource management and organizational strategy can be considered interactive and multidirectional as both influence each other and receive and exert influence on the internal and external factors of the organization. In this respect, flexibility and synergy configurations of internal resources (processes, systems, structure, etc.) are decisive factors. The effort, constant fit between organizational strategy, its relationship with the market and internal resources is called strategic alignment. Trying to identify the strategic alignment of human resource management, this study opted for a case study in the Omega company that is in a growing market and has undergone a recent restructuring. Data collection was based on interviews, documentary analysis, questionnaire application to the HR team and discussing the results with the HR manager and HR director. This research also sought to make tangible the results using an analytical tool, so were possible to identify areas of alignment and misalignment of relations. The results indicated the presence of alignment as a constant process of adjustment of the organization. In this sense we highlight the adjustments of HR practices to meet the different audiences of the organization and the different business contingencies, important factors in people management alignment. The misalignment points found may be used by the company as part of the ongoing process of strategic alignment.

Successful Human Resource Outsourcing Strategies

Bullock, Michael L 01 January 2018 (has links)
Human resource outsourcing (HRO) is a strategic choice that managers implement because of a variety of anticipated benefits. The purpose of this qualitative case study was to identify HRO strategies managers used to reduce operating costs while maintaining human resource (HR) effectiveness. Data were collected from semistructured interviews using open-ended questions and a review of company documents. Study participants represented 3 midwestern firms with 50 or more employees. The participants drawn from the population consisted of a minimum of 2 participants per organization who had increased their organization's strategic value using HRO strategies. The transaction cost economics (TCE) theory was the conceptual framework for this study. Data were analyzed using methodological triangulation to identify codes from words, phrases, and sentences using multiple sources to identify recurring themes. Five key themes emerged: outsourcing strategies, outsourced functions, operational costs, organizational effectiveness, and success measurement. The findings of this study may lead to social change by supporting managers in making HRO decisions conducive to reducing operating costs while maintaining HR effectiveness, which might positively impact social change by providing core function jobs to the local community thereby decreasing unemployment rates.

The Effects of Human Resource Systems on Service Employees¡¦ Organizational Commitment and Role Performance: The Cases of Financial Industries

Feng, Yi-Lan 07 June 2008 (has links)
Take service employees of financial industries for example, the purpose of this study is to discuss the effects of human resource systems on service employees¡¦ organizational commitment and role performance. Moreover, the result of this study will be the reference for service industries to make their human resource management policies. The questionnaire survey was adopted for the study. The samples are the front-line service employees of financial industries of Taiwan. There were totally 480 questionnaires were released, and 401 of them are valid samples. Through statistics analysis, the main results of the study are: 1. Except profit sharing, other practices of high performance work system have positively influential effect on value and effort commitment, effort commitment or both of value and effort commitment and effort commitment. Moreover, except profit sharing, other practices of high performance work system have positively influential effect on commitment of service employees. 2. Job descriptions have positively influential effect on in-role behavior. Therefore, Job descriptions could make service employees easy to follow the code of conduct and operation processes. One of this research result is one practice of high performance work system has positively influential effect on in-role behavior. 3. Job descriptions have positively influential effect on OCBI-behaviors that immediately benefit specific individuals and indirectly through this means contribute to the organization. On the other hand, job descriptions could make service employees easy to achieve the requests of organization. Moreover, it could make service employees get positive attitude and free-will to help colleagues. One of this research result is one practice of high performance work system has positively influential effect on organizational citizenship behavior. Based on the above conclusions, this study offers some suggestions as the references for the service industry.

Correlations between the implementation of system of strategic human resource management functions and practice characteristic of specialists implementing them: the case of municipal administrations / Strateginio žmogiškųjų išteklių valdymo funkcijų sistemos įgyvendinimo ir jas įgyvendinančių specialistų veiklos charakteristikų sąsajos: savivaldybių administracijų atvejis

Pikturnaitė, Ilvija 29 July 2011 (has links)
The improvement of human resources management is of crucial importance in assuring successful implementation of public sector reforms. Different aspects and factors of strategic human resource management (hereinafter – SHRM) are analyzed in foreign scientific literature. However personnel specialists receive poor attention in this context. Therefore the scientific problem analyzed in this thesis is composed of two main questions: what functions form the system of SHRM in public organization, and is the implementation of the system of SHRM functions related to practice characteristics of personnel specialists? While analyzing scientific literature, the main attitudes of SHRM concept were formulated, systems of functions relevant to SHRM was composed. Also there were distinguished practice characteristics of personnel specialists, which might be related to implementation of system of SHRM functions. The peculiarities of implementation of SHRM functions and significant practice characteristic of personnel specialists were revealed while analyzing the finding of empirical research accomplished in municipalities’ administrations. In order to implement the system of SHRM functions in Lithuanian municipal administrations, recommendations for improvement of functions implemented by personnel specialists and formation of their practice characteristic are given in the end of dissertation. / Užtikrinant sėkmingą viešojo sektoriaus reformų įgyvendinimą, ypatingai svarbus yra žmogiškųjų išteklių valdymo tobulinimas. Užsienio literatūroje nagrinėjami strateginio žmogiškųjų išteklių valdymo (toliau – SŽIV) veiksniai ir aspektai, tačiau personalo specialistams šiame kontekste dėmesys neskiriamas. Todėl darbe nagrinėjamą mokslinę problemą sudaro du pagrindiniai klausimai: kokios funkcijos turi sudaryti SŽIV sistemą viešojoje organizacijoje; kaip SŽIV funkcijų sistemos įgyvendinimas yra susijęs su personalo specialistų veiklos charakteristikomis. Analizuojant mokslinę literatūrą suformuluotos pagrindinės SŽIV nuostatos, sudaryta šią koncepciją atitinkančių funkcijų sistema bei išskirtos personalo specialistų veiklos charakteristikos, galinčios turėti sąsajų su SŽIV funkcijų sistemos įgyvendinimu. Savivaldybių administracijose įvykdyto empirinio tyrimo duomenys atskleidė SŽIV funkcijų sistemos įgyvendinimo šiose institucijose ypatumus bei reikšmingas personalo specialistų veiklos charakteristikas. Darbo pabaigoje pateikiamos personalo specialistų įgyvendinamų funkcijų tobulinimo bei veiklos charakteristikų formavimo rekomendacijos, siekiant savivaldybių administracijose įgyvendinti strateginį žmogiškųjų išteklių valdymą.

Gestão estratégica de pessoas: um estudo de caso sobre o alinhamento estratégico / Strategic human resource management: a case study on strategic alignment

Paula Gabriela Foroni 03 October 2014 (has links)
Este trabalho tem o objetivo de identificar o alinhamento estratégico de gestão de gestão de pessoas através de seu sistema de RH, pacote dinâmico de políticas e práticas de gestão de pessoas que é desenhado para atingir os objetivos organizacionais. Para compreensão do alinhamento estratégico é necessário analisar a relação interna das práticas de RH, a relação do sistema de RH com os objetivos de gestão de pessoas e também co os objetivos organizacionais. Identificar os pontos de alinhamento e desalinhamento dessas relações pode contribuir para que a estratégia organizacional seja mais facilmente atingida. A relação entre a estratégia de gestão de pessoas e a estratégia organizacional pode ser considerada interativa e multidirecional visto que ambas se influenciam mutuamente e recebem e exercem influencia sobre os fatores internos e externos da organização. Nesta relação, a flexibilidade e a sinergia nas configurações dos recursos internos (processos, sistemas, estrutura, etc) são fatores determinantes. O esforço, de ajuste constante entre a estratégia organizacional, sua relação com o mercado e os recursos internos é chamado de alinhamento estratégico. Buscando identificar o alinhamento estratégico de gestão de pessoas, este estudo optou por um estudo de caso na empresa Ômega que se encontra em um mercado em expansão e que passou por uma recente reestruturação. A coleta de dados baseou-se em entrevistas em profundidade, análise documental, aplicação de questionário para a equipe de RH e discussão dos resultados com o gerente e diretor de RH. Esta pesquisa também buscou tangibilizar os resultados utilizando um instrumento de análise, assim foram possíveis identificar os pontos de alinhamento e desalinhamento das relações. Os resultados encontrados apontaram para a presença do alinhamento como um processo constante de ajuste da organização. Neste sentido destacam-se os ajustes das práticas de RH para atender aos diferentes públicos da organização e as diferentes contingências do negócio, fatores importantes no alinhamento de gestão de pessoas. Os pontos desalinhamento encontrados poderão ser utilizados pela empresa como parte do processo contínuo de alinhamento estratégico. / This study aims to identify the strategic alignment of human resource management through your HR system, dynamic package of policies and practices of human resource management which is designed to achieve organizational goals, and their relationship to the goals of human resource management and organizational objectives. Identify the points of alignment and misalignment of these relationships can contribute to organizational strategy is more easily achieved. The relationship between the strategy of human resource management and organizational strategy can be considered interactive and multidirectional as both influence each other and receive and exert influence on the internal and external factors of the organization. In this respect, flexibility and synergy configurations of internal resources (processes, systems, structure, etc.) are decisive factors. The effort, constant fit between organizational strategy, its relationship with the market and internal resources is called strategic alignment. Trying to identify the strategic alignment of human resource management, this study opted for a case study in the Omega company that is in a growing market and has undergone a recent restructuring. Data collection was based on interviews, documentary analysis, questionnaire application to the HR team and discussing the results with the HR manager and HR director. This research also sought to make tangible the results using an analytical tool, so were possible to identify areas of alignment and misalignment of relations. The results indicated the presence of alignment as a constant process of adjustment of the organization. In this sense we highlight the adjustments of HR practices to meet the different audiences of the organization and the different business contingencies, important factors in people management alignment. The misalignment points found may be used by the company as part of the ongoing process of strategic alignment.

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