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Modalités d'occupation de l'espace par les arbres en forêt guyanaiseBirnbaum, Philippe 20 June 1997 (has links) (PDF)
A l'aide d'un télémètre optique mis au point dans le cadre de cette étude, la forêt de la Piste de St. Elie (Guyane française) est étudiée comme un volume complexe dans lequel on discerne des volumes occupé et inoccupé par la couronne des arbres. La répartition tridimensionnelle de ces volumes dans trois types forestiers permet de distinguer une évolution structurale inscrite dans un continuum depuis une forêt secondaire âgée de 20 ans, une forêt primaire perturbée et une forêt primaire intacte. Dans cette dernière, ce continuum se retrouve depuis les secteurs perturbés par des trouées dans la canopée jusqu'aux secteurs qui tendent vers une organisation des couronnes à trois hauteurs privilégiées. Cet état organisée de la forêt fait alors intervenir la progression verticale des couronnes d'arbres, leur dilatation dans le plan horizontal et leurs interactions comme les règles fondamentales qui régissent la dynamique du volume forestier. Une organisation dynamique non cyclique est alors proposée pour définir le fonctionnement d'une forêt primaire tropicale. Parallèlement, la confrontation des mesures obtenues par le télémètre avec les informations colorimétriques d'une photographie aérienne permet de dégager des règles statistiques utilisables pour détecter les types forestiers et l'état structural d'une forêt primaire sur des grandes superficies.
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Cette étude porte sur les données de la campagne de mesure ESCOMPTE. Son but est d'analyser la structure verticale de la basse troposphère en liaison avec le transport et la diffusion des polluants. Cette analyse montre en particulier la difficulté à définir une couche limite comme on le fait classiquement. Elle permet de mettre en évidence la superposition complexe de couches limites internes, surtout près des côtes. L'étude de l'épaisseur de la couche dans laquelle la pollution est soit diluée, soit accumulée, montre que le mélange reste bloqué près de la surface, près des côtes par régime de brise de mer, alors qu'il est advecté et réparti sur une épaisseur plus conséquente sur les montagnes. Paradoxalement, la concentration en ozone sera, en régime de brise, plus faible en bordure de mer, près des sources (titration) alors que sur les montagnes, les forts développements de couche limite vont contribuer à intégrer de l'ozone de la basse troposphère, issu de couches limites lointaines, ce qui augmentera les concentrations locales.
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Analyse géotechnique des glissements de versants sédimentaires sur des plans de stratification.Ramirez Rascon, Armando 24 September 1987 (has links) (PDF)
Ce travail représente une contribution pour progresser dans la compréhension du phénomène complexe des glissements de versants sédimentaires sur des plans de stratification. On a combiné les approches géologique et mécanique, de façon à analyser les expériences et concepts qui les influencent, directement ou indirectement. Un versant sédimentaire, est le résultat d'une série de phénomènes naturels (dépôt, diagénèse, épigénie, contraintes tectoniques, érosion, etc.), qui ont déterminé et/ou modifié ses caractéristiques et propriétés mécaniques (hétérogénéité, anisotropie, discontinuités, déformations, inclinaison, etc.). Ici la considération de l'effet d'échelle est fondamental. D'autre part, le glissement d'un versant n'a lieu que lorsque les conditions géologiques et mécaniques sont favorables; leur recherche est l'objectif des études de stabilité. Les méthodes et formules courantes pour le calcul de la stabilité des masses rocheuses, représentent mal les conditions des versants. La taille de ces structures (10/4 à 10/8 m3), est à l'origine d'une forte hétérogénéité de la résistance au glissement et des conditions d'équilibre; les déformations tectoniques le long des joints peuvent invalider les formules de résistance au cisaillement, surtout entre des couches à module de déformation contrasté. L'évaluation de la résistance au glissement sur un plan de stratification doit considérer, en plus des conditions géologiques, les matériaux qui s'y trouvent, la morphologie de la surface et l'influence de l'eau. L'analyse de stabilité d'un versant, doit être axée vers la détermination de l'influence de la variation des divers facteurs qui contrôlent l'équilibre, !e «coefficient de sécurité» n'ayant pas une signification intinsèque utile. On présente l'analyse rétrograde du Claps-de-Luc (Drôme), écroulement historique dont une grande partie de la surface de glissement est encore visible. La reconstitution topographique est décrite, et on déduit, à partir de l'analyse de l'influence sur la stabilité de plusieurs conditions, la cause probable du glissement.
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Early Invasive Strategy in Unstable Coronary Artery Disease : Outcome in Relation to Risk StratificationDiderholm, Erik January 2002 (has links)
<p>In unstable coronary artery disease (CAD) it still is a matter of debate which patients should undergo early revascularisation. In the FRISC II study (n=2457) an early invasive strategy was, compared to a primarily non-invasive strategy, associated with reduced mortality and myocardial infarction (MI) rates. However, in this heterogeneous group of patients, tools for an appropriate selection to revascularisation are needed.</p><p>From the FRISC II study we evaluated the prognosis, the angiographic extent of CAD and the effects of an early invasive strategy in relation to risk variables on admission.</p><p>The occurrence of ST depression and/or elevated levels of Troponin T were associated with a higher risk for death and MI, more severe CAD and also with a reduction of death or MI by the early invasive strategy.</p><p>Elevated levels of the inflammatory markers C-reactive protein (CRP) and interleukin-6 (Il-6) were associated with a higher mortality but an unchanged MI rate. Elevated levels of Il-6, but not CRP, identified patients with a large reduction of mortality by the invasive strategy.</p><p>Age ≥ 70 years, male gender, diabetes, previous MI, ST depression and elevated levels of troponin and markers of inflammation were independently associated with an adverse outcome. The FRISC-score was constructed using these 7 variables. At FRISC-score ≥ 5 an early invasive strategy markedly reduced mortality and MI, at FRISC–score 3-4 death/MI was reduced, whereas in patients with a FRISC-score 0-2 neither mortality nor death/MI was influenced.</p><p>In unstable CAD, a non-invasive strategy seems justified only for patients at low risk, i.e. FRISC score < 2. In patients with intermediate and high risk, i.e. FRISC-score ≥ 3, an early invasive strategy is recommended.</p>
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The Concept of ’Selling/Buying’ in the Russian Linguistic Picture of the World : from standard to sub-standardOsipova, Anna January 2003 (has links)
The thesis belongs to the field of lexical semantics studies, associated with describing the Russian linguistic world-image. The research focuses on the universal situation of purchase and sale as reflected in the Russian lexical standard and sub-standard. The work deals also with subjects related to the sphere of social linguistics: the social stratification of the language, the structure of sub-standard, etc. The thesis is a contribution to the description of the Russian linguistic world-image as well as to the further elaboration of the conceptional analysis method. The results are applicable in teaching Russian as a foreign language, particularly in lexis and Russian culture and mentality studies.
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Early Invasive Strategy in Unstable Coronary Artery Disease : Outcome in Relation to Risk StratificationDiderholm, Erik January 2002 (has links)
In unstable coronary artery disease (CAD) it still is a matter of debate which patients should undergo early revascularisation. In the FRISC II study (n=2457) an early invasive strategy was, compared to a primarily non-invasive strategy, associated with reduced mortality and myocardial infarction (MI) rates. However, in this heterogeneous group of patients, tools for an appropriate selection to revascularisation are needed. From the FRISC II study we evaluated the prognosis, the angiographic extent of CAD and the effects of an early invasive strategy in relation to risk variables on admission. The occurrence of ST depression and/or elevated levels of Troponin T were associated with a higher risk for death and MI, more severe CAD and also with a reduction of death or MI by the early invasive strategy. Elevated levels of the inflammatory markers C-reactive protein (CRP) and interleukin-6 (Il-6) were associated with a higher mortality but an unchanged MI rate. Elevated levels of Il-6, but not CRP, identified patients with a large reduction of mortality by the invasive strategy. Age ≥ 70 years, male gender, diabetes, previous MI, ST depression and elevated levels of troponin and markers of inflammation were independently associated with an adverse outcome. The FRISC-score was constructed using these 7 variables. At FRISC-score ≥ 5 an early invasive strategy markedly reduced mortality and MI, at FRISC–score 3-4 death/MI was reduced, whereas in patients with a FRISC-score 0-2 neither mortality nor death/MI was influenced. In unstable CAD, a non-invasive strategy seems justified only for patients at low risk, i.e. FRISC score < 2. In patients with intermediate and high risk, i.e. FRISC-score ≥ 3, an early invasive strategy is recommended.
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Trinidad's history is both multi-ethnic and multi-cultural. Contemporary Trinidad society reflects this history; and many ethnicities and cultures can be found within Trinidadian culture. However, advertising media, I have found, usually does not reflect the total ethnic composition of Trinidad. Instead, a 'Brown', racially ambiguous, face is used as a brand ambassador. Viewing this phenomenon through the lens of women in media imagery, this work sought to investigate this phenomenon further.
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Post-Conflict Reconstruction in Sri Lanka and Cyprus: Avoiding a StalemateShankar, Jyotsna 01 January 2011 (has links)
By comparing the post-conflict reconstruction patterns of Cyprus and Sri Lanka, it is possible to evaluate what was or was not effective in the Cyprus case and how these lessons may be applied to Sri Lanka. Considering the underlying similarities of the two islands’ respective conflicts, the focus determining the best course of action for Sri Lanka, so that it does not face the same stalemate situation as Cyprus. The recommended policy contrasts with the consociationalist models proposed for Cyprus, and is instead based on the unique Basque model of autonomy.
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France on a Pedestal: How Extensive Work-Life Policies Fail to Achieve Gender Equality for Women in the Work-PlaceLloyd, Cecily A 01 January 2012 (has links)
The topic of work-life balance has become a highly contentious issue in many industrialized societies since the post-war period. Consequently, the topic has also become more prevalent in academic, managerial and national discussions. European states, both on the national level and as a bloc, have made notable advancements in assisting with work-life balance. The policies vary across different European countries, bringing into question the government‟s ability to influence women‟s employment decisions and effectively achieve higher levels of gender equality in the workplace. This paper studies France, and its extensive family policies aimed at facilitating work-life fit. France is known, and often commended, for its government subsidies and tax deductions for childcare, as well as full-time publicly funded day care for children under the age of six. Despite these measures, women on average still earn less than men. This paper makes the argument that work-life policies in France are not doing enough to help women in the workplace across different demographic and employment categories. Furthermore, the programs in place fail to address core issues of gender equality in the home, which undermines the efficacy of these policies to achieve equality for women in the work force.
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Overcoming Educational Stratification: Effect of Athletic Status and Race on Odds of Graduating at Western Kentucky UniversitySchilke, Justin 01 May 2012 (has links)
This study examines the effect of stratification on graduation at Western Kentucky University, a master’s level regional Division I Football Bowl Subdivision university in the South. The study begins by examining the historical basis of stratification in sport and higher education, and hypothesizes that becoming an intercollegiate athlete can eliminate the effect of being African American on graduation, which is generally negative and can be seen in lower graduation rates for African Americans compared to other populations. Using a data set that included 18,966 students, logistic regression was used to assess: 1) the effect of race on sport profile and 2) the effect of race and athletic status on graduation, controlling for sex, high school GPA, pre-collegiate standardized test scores, and department of academic major. Results indicate that African American students have 771 percent greater odds of participating in high profile sports compared to low profile sports, which supports the literature that sport is stratified in such a way that African Americans are more likely to bear a disproportionate load in revenue-producing sports. Even so, when interacting sport profile, athlete, and race, the penalty on graduation for being African American is eliminated, and African American athletes have the same odds of graduating as white non-athletes.
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