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Sedimentology and Stratigraphy of the Middle Jurassic Preuss Sandstonein Northern Utah and Eastern IdahoCook, Preston Scott 01 June 2016 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to analyze the sedimentology and stratigraphy of the Middle Jurassic Preuss Sandstone and re-evaluate past sedimentological interpretations. The Preuss is located in northern Utah, western Wyoming and eastern Idaho and is stratigraphically equivalent to the Entrada Sandstone, which is Callovian in age (Dossett et al., 2014). This study is the first attempt at 1) a sequence stratigraphic framework, 2) a petroleum system analysis and 3) an extraterrestrial analog study for the Preuss. This study frames the Preuss within three broad facies groups: marine, coastal and terrestrial. The marine group includes the open marine and restricted marine facies with associated subfacies, the coastal group includes coastal sabkha and associated subfacies, and the terrestrial group includes alluvial, inland sabkha and eolian facies with associated subfacies. Three sections in northern Utah and one section in eastern Idaho compromise the focus of this study. The three Utah sections were measured and described, and samples were collected from two Utah sections and the Idaho section. The Preuss Sandstone was deposited in an asymmetrical retroarc basin, consequently the Preuss thickens from the east towards west-central Utah and the Jurassic Elko highlands. The deposits are mostly terrestrial, which is in accord with recent sedimentological interpretations, but at odds with the old paradigm, which postulates that the Entrada and Preuss were largely tidal in origin. There are marine transgressions within the trough of the retroarc basin, and the transgressions affect terrestrial sedimentary patterns. During marine incurstions, alluvium shed off the highlands is confined west of the seaway, and does not prograde east of the trough until all the available accommodation is filled. The Preuss was deposited during a complete third-order sequence-stratigraphic cycle that lies within the Lower Zuni II second-order lowstand. The Preuss Sandstone can be used as an outcrop analog for ancient and modern environments both here on Earth and on other planetary bodies. The petroliferous Norphlet Formation along the U.S. Gulf Coast was deposited in an environment very similar to the Preuss, but the Waltherian succession of facies might be slightly different. Likewise, the facies present in the Preuss are analogous to modern arid environments, such as the Persian Gulf. Furthermore, the alluvial, sabkha, eolian and shallow marine facies of the Preuss are highly similar to facies observed in ancient Martian environments and modern environments on Saturn's moon, Titan.
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Quantified facies distribution and sequence geometry of the Yates Formation, Slaughter Canyon, New MexicoHarman, Charles Averill 14 November 2011 (has links)
This study uses a new integrated outcrop data and airborne lidar from Slaughter Canyon, New Mexico, to quantitatively characterize the cycle-scale facies architecture within the G23-G26 high frequency sequences of the Yates Formation. High frequency cycle-scale mapping of these sequences shows sedimentological evidence for accommodation reduction associated with the Permain composite sequence (CS) 13 highstand (G23-G25). Development of the G26 HFS additionally demonstrates the isochronous balance of mixed carbonate-siliciclastic deposition across the Yates-Capitan reef-rimmed shelf during the initial CS-scale transgression following significant exposure and bypass of sand across the shelf.
This sequence framework is quantitatively analyzed using progradation to aggradation (P/A) ratios, facies proportions, facies tract dip width, and facies tract bedding angles to evaluate the interplay of eustacy and syndepositional deformation as drivers of stratigraphic architecture. The sequences defined here developed in response to both eustacy and syndepositional deformation, but individual facies distributions and cycle stacking patterns were largely controlled by eustacy; while facies, cycle, and sequence thicknesses as well as facies bedding angles were locally influenced by syndepositional faulting. A reconstruction of each high frequency sequence and stepwise documentation of post-depositional fault displacement and HFS basinward rotation was generated using the lidar data. This analysis shows that the G23-G26 HFS developed basinward-dipping depositional topography from the shelf crest to the shelf margin reef. This geometry was largely unaltered by syndepositional faults during individual HFS deposition, but was rotated basinward shortly thereafter by younger fault movement.
The accommodation trends recorded in this largely shelf crest to shelf margin window can be additionally projected into the middle shelf producing zones of the prolific Yates-aged reservoirs on the Northwest Shelf and Central Basin Platform. / text
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Geração de um arcabouço estratigráfico de alta resolução para depósitos carbonáticos terciários da Bacia de Campos / High resolution stratigraphy framework for carbonatic deposits of terciary of the Basin CamposMary Luz Raigosa Diaz 26 February 2007 (has links)
Financiadora de Estudos e Projetos / Agência Nacional do Petróleo / O Membro Siri (oligo-miocénico) corresponde ao intervalo de interesse deste estudo. O mesmo é de grande importância devido ao conteúdo de óleo pesado presente na plataforma carbonática desenvolvida na Bacia de Campos durante o Terciário. Tendo em conta esta importância se empreendeu um estudo com o objetivo de gerar um arcabouço estratigráfico de alta resolução, em seqüências de 3 ordem, a partir da interpretação de duas linhas sísmicas e a análise de cinco perfis de poço. O arcabouço proposto permitiu por sua vez realizar um modelo deposicional, que facilitasse o entendimento da evolução da produção carbonática terciária, na plataforma externa da Bacia de Campos. Inicialmente, se fez à análise dos poços e posteriormente, se levou a cabo a interpretação das seções sísmicas utilizando-se a correlação e projeção de três dos cinco poços estudados nos dados sísmicos. Nesta fase de análise foram definidas três seqüências estratigráficas (seqüências I, II e III) de 3a ordem, com base na variação da resposta dos perfis de raios gama. Esta etapa permitiu por sua vez um detalhamento estratigráfico de cada seqüência em ciclos de 4a ordem e ajudou na identificação e definição dos tratos de sistema dentro de cada unidade estratigráfica. Cabe ressaltar que não foram identificados tratos de sistema de mar baixo dentro do intervalo analisado. A geração de mapas de isópacas e a interpretação das seções sísmicas permitiram a definição da geometria externa e a identificação das fácies sísmicas de cada seqüência respectivamente. Dentro de cada unidade estratigráfica foi possível a identificação de varias áreas da plataforma: 1) A região para o continente caracterizada por refletores paralelos a subparalelos, que sugerem a presença de fácies lagunares, com entrada concomitante de material siliciclástico nas seqüências I e II; 2) As bordas do banco (para a continente e para a bacia) caracterizadas por uma maior produção carbonática, durante o trato de sistema de mar alto presente para o topo das seqüências I e II; 3) A porção para a bacia caracterizada por uma forte progradação . A seqüência III constitui o último pulso da produção carbonática, e está caracterizada por um relativo aumento na entrada de material siliciclástico vindo do continente. A analise estratigráfica com base nos poços e nas seções sísmicas foi correlacionada com a análise geoquímica realizada por Albertão et al. (2005), para o intervalo estudado (Membro Siri). Durante esta fase de correlação, se observou grande concordância entre as quebras e variações nas percentagens dos elementos apresentados nos perfis geoquímicos definidos pelos referidos autores e os limites de seqüência identificados neste trabalho de pesquisa. O modelo proposto sugere o desenvolvimento de uma plataforma isolada mista (siliciclástico-carbonática) gerada sobre altos estruturais remanescentes da fase rift, resultante do inicio da separação de América do Sul e a África. A interpretação regional e detalhada das seções sísmicas também permitiu inferir um processo de reativação tectônica das falhas associadas à fase rift, durante a instalação da plataforma carbonática. Este processo teria dado o caráter assimétrico à plataforma e teria facilitado processos locais de subsidência diferencial simultânea com a produção de sedimento carbonático. / The Siri Member is of great importance due to the heavy oil content that is present on the carbonate platform developed during the Tertiary. Considering this importance, we conducted a study with the objective of generating a high resolution stratigraphic framework, on 3rd order sequences, using the interpretation of two seismic sections and the analysis of five well logs. The proposed framework allowed for the development of a depositional model that helped on the understanding of the evolution of the carbonate production of the Tertiary on the external platform of the Campos Basin. The analysis of the wells was conducted at first. After that, the interpretation of the seismic sections was carried out simultaneously with the correlation and projection of three of the five wells studied on the seismic data. On this fase of the analysis three 3rd order stratigraphic sequences were defined (sequences I, II and III) based on gamma ray well log response. This permitted a detailed stratigraphic analysis of each sequence in 4th order cycles, and helped on the identification and definition of the system tracts in each stratigraphic unit. It is important to note that no lowstand system tracts were identified on the studied interval. The generation of isopach maps and the interpretation of the seismic sections allowed for the definition of the external geometry and the identification of the seismic facies of each sequence. It was possible to identify several areas of the platform in each stratigraphic unit: 1) The leeward area, characterized by parallel to sub-parallel reflectors, which suggest the presence of lagoon facies, with entrance of siliciclastic material on sequences I and II; 2) The margin bank
(leeward and windward), characterized by a higher carbonate production during the highstand system tract are present at the top of sequences I and II; 3) The basin area characterized by progradational geometry. The sequence III constitutes the last pulse of the carbonate production, and is characterized by a relative increase on the entrance of siliciclastic material coming from the continent. The stratigraphic analysis based on the wells and the seismic sections was correlated with the geochemical analysis conducted by Albertão et al. (2005) for the studied interval (Siri Member). Great concordance was observed between the peaks and variations of the percentages of the elements presented on the geochemical analysis defined by the mentioned authors and the sequence limits identified on this study. The proposed model suggests the development of a mixed isolated platform (siliciclastic-carbonatic) generated over structural horst remaining from the rift fase, resulting from the beginning of the break up of South America and Africa. The detailed and regional interpretation of the seismic sections also allowed to infer a process of tectonic reactivation during the installation of the carbonate platform. This process would have given the asymmetric character to the platform, and would have facilitated local process of simultaneous differential subsidence with the production of carbonate sediment.
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Geração de um arcabouço estratigráfico de alta resolução para depósitos carbonáticos terciários da Bacia de Campos / High resolution stratigraphy framework for carbonatic deposits of terciary of the Basin CamposMary Luz Raigosa Diaz 26 February 2007 (has links)
Financiadora de Estudos e Projetos / Agência Nacional do Petróleo / O Membro Siri (oligo-miocénico) corresponde ao intervalo de interesse deste estudo. O mesmo é de grande importância devido ao conteúdo de óleo pesado presente na plataforma carbonática desenvolvida na Bacia de Campos durante o Terciário. Tendo em conta esta importância se empreendeu um estudo com o objetivo de gerar um arcabouço estratigráfico de alta resolução, em seqüências de 3 ordem, a partir da interpretação de duas linhas sísmicas e a análise de cinco perfis de poço. O arcabouço proposto permitiu por sua vez realizar um modelo deposicional, que facilitasse o entendimento da evolução da produção carbonática terciária, na plataforma externa da Bacia de Campos. Inicialmente, se fez à análise dos poços e posteriormente, se levou a cabo a interpretação das seções sísmicas utilizando-se a correlação e projeção de três dos cinco poços estudados nos dados sísmicos. Nesta fase de análise foram definidas três seqüências estratigráficas (seqüências I, II e III) de 3a ordem, com base na variação da resposta dos perfis de raios gama. Esta etapa permitiu por sua vez um detalhamento estratigráfico de cada seqüência em ciclos de 4a ordem e ajudou na identificação e definição dos tratos de sistema dentro de cada unidade estratigráfica. Cabe ressaltar que não foram identificados tratos de sistema de mar baixo dentro do intervalo analisado. A geração de mapas de isópacas e a interpretação das seções sísmicas permitiram a definição da geometria externa e a identificação das fácies sísmicas de cada seqüência respectivamente. Dentro de cada unidade estratigráfica foi possível a identificação de varias áreas da plataforma: 1) A região para o continente caracterizada por refletores paralelos a subparalelos, que sugerem a presença de fácies lagunares, com entrada concomitante de material siliciclástico nas seqüências I e II; 2) As bordas do banco (para a continente e para a bacia) caracterizadas por uma maior produção carbonática, durante o trato de sistema de mar alto presente para o topo das seqüências I e II; 3) A porção para a bacia caracterizada por uma forte progradação . A seqüência III constitui o último pulso da produção carbonática, e está caracterizada por um relativo aumento na entrada de material siliciclástico vindo do continente. A analise estratigráfica com base nos poços e nas seções sísmicas foi correlacionada com a análise geoquímica realizada por Albertão et al. (2005), para o intervalo estudado (Membro Siri). Durante esta fase de correlação, se observou grande concordância entre as quebras e variações nas percentagens dos elementos apresentados nos perfis geoquímicos definidos pelos referidos autores e os limites de seqüência identificados neste trabalho de pesquisa. O modelo proposto sugere o desenvolvimento de uma plataforma isolada mista (siliciclástico-carbonática) gerada sobre altos estruturais remanescentes da fase rift, resultante do inicio da separação de América do Sul e a África. A interpretação regional e detalhada das seções sísmicas também permitiu inferir um processo de reativação tectônica das falhas associadas à fase rift, durante a instalação da plataforma carbonática. Este processo teria dado o caráter assimétrico à plataforma e teria facilitado processos locais de subsidência diferencial simultânea com a produção de sedimento carbonático. / The Siri Member is of great importance due to the heavy oil content that is present on the carbonate platform developed during the Tertiary. Considering this importance, we conducted a study with the objective of generating a high resolution stratigraphic framework, on 3rd order sequences, using the interpretation of two seismic sections and the analysis of five well logs. The proposed framework allowed for the development of a depositional model that helped on the understanding of the evolution of the carbonate production of the Tertiary on the external platform of the Campos Basin. The analysis of the wells was conducted at first. After that, the interpretation of the seismic sections was carried out simultaneously with the correlation and projection of three of the five wells studied on the seismic data. On this fase of the analysis three 3rd order stratigraphic sequences were defined (sequences I, II and III) based on gamma ray well log response. This permitted a detailed stratigraphic analysis of each sequence in 4th order cycles, and helped on the identification and definition of the system tracts in each stratigraphic unit. It is important to note that no lowstand system tracts were identified on the studied interval. The generation of isopach maps and the interpretation of the seismic sections allowed for the definition of the external geometry and the identification of the seismic facies of each sequence. It was possible to identify several areas of the platform in each stratigraphic unit: 1) The leeward area, characterized by parallel to sub-parallel reflectors, which suggest the presence of lagoon facies, with entrance of siliciclastic material on sequences I and II; 2) The margin bank
(leeward and windward), characterized by a higher carbonate production during the highstand system tract are present at the top of sequences I and II; 3) The basin area characterized by progradational geometry. The sequence III constitutes the last pulse of the carbonate production, and is characterized by a relative increase on the entrance of siliciclastic material coming from the continent. The stratigraphic analysis based on the wells and the seismic sections was correlated with the geochemical analysis conducted by Albertão et al. (2005) for the studied interval (Siri Member). Great concordance was observed between the peaks and variations of the percentages of the elements presented on the geochemical analysis defined by the mentioned authors and the sequence limits identified on this study. The proposed model suggests the development of a mixed isolated platform (siliciclastic-carbonatic) generated over structural horst remaining from the rift fase, resulting from the beginning of the break up of South America and Africa. The detailed and regional interpretation of the seismic sections also allowed to infer a process of tectonic reactivation during the installation of the carbonate platform. This process would have given the asymmetric character to the platform, and would have facilitated local process of simultaneous differential subsidence with the production of carbonate sediment.
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Sismo-stratigraphie multi-échelles d'un bassin d'avant-arc : Le bassin de Marie-Galante, Petites AntillesDe Min, Lyvane 02 December 2014 (has links)
L’arc des Petites Antilles résulte de la lente subduction vers l'Ouest des plaques Nord et Sud-Américaines sous la plaque Caraïbes (2cm/an). A la latitude de l’archipel guadeloupéen et à ~150 km à l’Ouest du front de déformation, le bassin d'avant-arc de Marie-Galante forme un bassin perché, incliné vers la fosse et limité vers l’Est par un haut-fond, l’Eperon Karukéra. À cette latitude, le bassin de Marie-Galante domine le prisme d’accrétion de la Barbade et fait face à la ride de Tiburon qui balaye la zone du Nord au Sud depuis la fin du Miocène supérieur. Le remplissage sédimentaire du Bassin de Marie-Galante montre des déformations actives au moins depuis ~30 millions d’années. L’objectif du travail est de reconstituer l’évolution tectono-sédimentaire de ce bassin pour apporter de nouvelles contraintes sur la compréhension globale de la zone de subduction frontale des Petites Antilles. Ce travail s'appuie sur les données de bathymétrie multifaisceaux et de sismique réflexion multi-traces haute résolution acquises lors des campagnes du programme KaShallow. Cette base de données, complétée de profils sismiques plus basse résolution de campagnes antérieures, permet d’avoir une couverture pseudo 3D et à quatre échelles de résolution de l'ensemble du bassin. Un échantillonnage par ROV et carottage ciblé a fourni 40 prélèvements dans les principales unités sismiques. Les analyses pétrologiques et les datations biostratigraphiques autorisent des reconstitutions paléo-environnementales depuis le Paléogène supérieur jusqu’à Actuel. L’interprétation sismique multi-échelle montre un bassin sédimentaire atteignant ~4,5s temps double (~4500 à 5625 m) sur un substratum magmatique pré-structuré. Ce bassin est composé de 5 grands ensembles sédimentaires (E-1, E1, E2, E3 et E4) subdivisés en 13 unités limitées par 14 surfaces de discontinuités. L’organisation séquentielle des unités sismiques permet de mettre en évidence 10 séquences de dépôts de troisièmes ordres (S-1 à S9). Le calage biostratigraphique de l’ensemble des séquences permet de proposer une évolution tectono-sédimentaire du bassin de l’Éocène à l’Actuel. Ainsi, nous distinguons quatre systèmes de failles normales associées à trois phases d’extensions qui contrôlent l’évolution architecturale et sédimentaire du bassin. 1/ Un système N050±10°E hérité, actif dès le Paléogène supérieur, qui contrôle le basculement général du bassin vers le SSE. Il est responsable de la formation de l'escarpement de Désirade d’environ 4500 m de dénivelé. Cette première extension est interprétée comme résultant de la fragmentation de l'avant-arc en réponse à l'augmentation du rayon de courbure de la zone de subduction. 2/ Un système N130°-N150°E, structurant à l’échelle de l’Éperon Karukéra, qui contrôle la sédimentation dès le Miocène inférieur et marque une première phase d'extension transverse à l’arc. 3/ Un système N160°-N180°E qui segmente le Bassin de Marie-Galante en un sous-bassin à l'Ouest et l'Éperon Karukéra à l'Est. Cette seconde extension, globalement perpendiculaire à la marge, s'accompagne d’une subsidence et d'une inversion de la polarité du bassin en réponse à son basculement vers la fosse qui débute au cours du Miocène moyen et se poursuit actuellement à l'Est du bassin. Cette évolution à long terme de l'avant-arc, concomitante avec le recul de l'arc volcanique vers l’Ouest, est considérée comme résultant d’une érosion basale de la plaque supérieure. 4/ Un système N090±10°E plus tardif est localisé au centre du bassin et qui contrôle le développement de plates-formes carbonatées néritiques sur certaines têtes de blocs, comme par exemple à Marie-Galante. Cette dernière extension, parallèle à l’arc, se manifeste dans le bassin à partir du Pliocène inférieur. Elle se superpose au régime d'extension perpendiculaire à l'avant-arc et est interprétée comme l'accommodation du partitionnement de la déformation en réponse à l’obliquité croissante du front subduction vers le Nord. / The Lesser Antilles result of the slow westward subduction of the North and South American plate under the Caribbean plate (2 cm / year). At the latitude of the Guadeloupe archipelago and ~ 150 km to the west of the deformation front, the fore-arc basin of Marie-Galante forms a perched basin tilted to the pit and limited to the East by a shoal, the Spur Karukéra. At this latitude, Marie-Galante basin dominates the accretionary prism of Barbados and faces wrinkle Tiburon sweeping the area from North to South from the late Miocene. The sedimentary fill Basin Marie-Galante shows active deformation since at least ~ 30 million years. The aim of the work is to reconstruct the tectono-sedimentary evolution of the basin to provide new constraints on the overall understanding of the frontal subduction zone Lesser Antilles. This work relies on multibeam bathymetry data and high-resolution seismic reflection multi-traces acquired during campaigns KaShallow program. This database, supplemented by lower resolution of previous campaigns seismic profiles, provides a pseudo-3D coverage and four scales of resolution of the entire basin. ROV sampling and targeted core provided 40 samples in the main seismic units. Petrological analysis and biostratigraphic dating allow paleoenvironmental reconstructions from the upper Paleogene up Actuel. Seismic interpretation multiscale shows a sedimentary basin reaching ~ 4,5s double (~ 4500-5625 m) on a substrate pre-structured magma. This basin consists of 5 main sedimentary units (E-1, E1, E2, E3 and E4) divided into 13 units bounded by discontinuities 14 surfaces. The sequential organization of seismic units allows to highlight sequences 10 deposits of third order (S-1 to S9). The biostratigraphic calibration of all sequences able to offer a tectono-sedimentary evolution of the Eocene basin to Present. Thus, we distinguish four normal fault systems associated with three phases of extensions that control the architectural and sedimentary evolution of the basin. 1 / A system N050 ± 10 ° E inherited assets from the upper Paleogene, which controls the overall pelvic tilt towards the SSE. He is responsible for the formation of the escarpment Désirade about 4500 m elevation. The first extension is interpreted as resulting from the fragmentation of the fore-arc in response to the increase in the radius of curvature of subduction. 2 / A system N130 ° -N150 ° E, structuring across the Spur Karukéra, which controls sediment from the Miocene and marks the first phase of transverse extension arc. 3 / A system N160 ° E ° -N180 which segments Basin Marie-Galante in a sub-basin to the west and the Spur Karukéra in the East. This second extension, generally perpendicular to the margin, is accompanied by subsidence and reversing the polarity of the basin in response to his switch to the pit, beginning during the Middle Miocene and is ongoing in the East the basin. This long-term evolution of the forearc, concurrent with the decline in volcanic arc to the west, is considered as resulting from a basal erosion of the top plate. 4 / A system N090 ± 10 ° later E is located in the center of the basin and controlling the development of neritic carbonate platforms on certain blocks heads, such as Marie-Galante. This latest extension, parallel to the arc occurs in the basin from the lower Pliocene. It is superimposed on the expansion plan perpendicular to the fore-arc and is interpreted as the accommodation of the partitioning of deformation in response to the increasing obliquity front subduction north.
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The Role of Cenozoic Oceanic Plateau Collision in the Tectonic Growth of Western North AmericaErin Elizabeth Donaghy (18243379) 15 April 2024 (has links)
<p dir="ltr">This dissertation uses a multidisciplinary basin analysis approach to document the sedimentary, structural, and volcanic response to Cenozoic oceanic plateau collision and translation along the northwestern Cordillera. During this time, two fragments of oceanic plateau accreted in the Pacific Northwest (Siletzia terrane) and in southeastern Alaska (Yakutat terrane). My research aims to test if the Siletzia and Yakutat terranes have an early shared history as the same spreading ridge-centered plateau in the Pacific Northwest and constrain timing of breakup and translation of the Yakutat terrane to southeastern Alaska. Chapter 2 focuses on development of a new U-Pb zircon geochronology technique to aid in a more accurate and precise understanding of sediment routing systems. The goal of developing this technique is to utilize it in pinpointing the source regions along the northwestern Cordillera supplying sediment to the basin on the Yakutat terrane as it made its northward journey to southeastern Alaska. Chapter 3 focuses on creating a regional chronostratigraphy for deep-marine Cenozoic sedimentary and volcanic rocks of the peripheral rock sequence on the northern Olympic Peninsula in Washington. These sedimentary rocks directly overlie the Siletzia plateau and record basin evolution before, during, and following its collision to the continental margin. Chapter 4 uses detailed lithofacies mapping and U-Pb geochronology of metasedimentary and volcanic rocks in the Olympic subduction complex to document the structural response to seamount subduction in the Eocene. Seamount subduction began shortly after collision of the Siletzia oceanic plateau to the Pacific Northwest and played a critical role in development of the early forearc region and Ancestral Cascades arc. Chapter 5 compares the lowermost sedimentary and geochronologic basin record on both Siletzia and Yakutat terranes to test if they have an early shared history in the Pacific Northwest.</p>
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An integrated stratigraphic analysis of a ~350 ft drill core from Upton County (Texas) has revealed pervasive variability of several key siliciclastic and carbonate lithofacies in vertical section, where organic-rich siliceous mudrock beds alternate with aluminum-rich mudrocks and calcareous gravity flow deposits. Sediment chemistry, especially major and trace elements derived from x-ray fluorescence, captures this variability with high sensitivity. The high frequency chemostratigraphic variability appears to be cyclic, and it is interpreted to represent the first example of deep-water Late Pennsylvanian cyclothems for the Midland Basin. Positive trace metal (Mo, Cr) correlations to total organic carbon and gamma ray response in siliceous mudrocks, in conjunction with abundant pyrite, indicate bottom-water anoxia and possibly euxinia within the basin. The influence of glacial ice-sheets on the water level of the global ocean, in concert with local oceanographic gradients, regional tectonics, and tropical paleoclimate, constitute the primary controls on lithofacies and chemostratigraphy. The results of this study have implications for understanding the depositional history of the Midland Basin, as well as for identifying horizontal drilling zones for resource development.
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A revised surface age for the North Polar Layered Deposits of MarsLandis, Margaret E., Byrne, Shane, Daubar, Ingrid J., Herkenhoff, Kenneth E., Dundas, Colin M. 16 April 2016 (has links)
The North Polar Layered Deposits (NPLD) of Mars contain a complex stratigraphy that has been suggested to retain a record of past eccentricity- and obliquity-forced climate changes. The surface accumulation rate in the current climate can be constrained by the crater retention age. We scale NPLD crater diameters to account for icy target strength and compare surface age using a new production function for recent small impacts on Mars to the previously used model of Hartmann (2005). Our results indicate that ice is accumulating in these craters several times faster than previously thought, with a 100m diameter crater being completely infilled within centuries. Craters appear to have a diameter-dependent lifetime, but the data also permit a complete resurfacing of the NPLD at similar to 1.5 ka.
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Stratigraphic implications of the spatial and temporal variability in sediment transport in rivers, deltas and shelf marginsPetter, Andrew Lucas, 1980- 29 September 2010 (has links)
Sediment delivery to a basin exerts a first-order control over sedimentation, and therefore study of sedimentary rocks can reveal information about the nature of sediment delivery in the past. This dissertation examines several aspects of this problem using experimental, outcrop, and subsurface data. Flume experiments were undertaken to test the combined effects of autogenic alluvial aggradation and forced regression on the development of fluviodeltaic stratigraphy. Alluvial aggradation occurred in response to steady relative sea-level fall, and eventually consumed the entire sediment budget as the river lengthened in response to forced regression. The Campanian Lower Castlegate Sandstone (Utah) was studied as a potential ancient analog resulting from similar autogenic behaviors as observed in the experiments. Extensive measurement of grain-size distributions and paleo-flow depths from outcrop were utilized to explore downstream changes in paleo-hydraulics of the ancient fluvial systems in the Lower Castlegate in response to extensive alluvial aggradation and consequent loss of sediment from transport. An interesting finding was the stratigraphic signature of backwater hydraulic conditions in the distal reaches of the Lower Castlegate paleo-rivers. Finally, a simple and novel inversion scheme was developed for estimating paleo-sediment flux from ancient shelf-margin successions. An advantage of the methodology is that it allows for both spatial and temporal reconstruction of paleo-sediment flux patterns. The inversion scheme was applied to shelf-margin successions in the Washakie-Sand Wash Basin of Wyoming, the New Jersey Atlantic margin, the North Slope of Alaska, and the Zambezi margin of East Africa using published subsurface datasets. The Neogene passive margins within the studied datasets were found to consistently deposit around one-third of their total sediment budget on the shelf-margin topset, and bypass two-thirds of their budget beyond the shelf edge. The implications of this finding on the flux of terrestrial-derived particulate organic carbon (POC) from rivers to the ocean were explored, and a long-term average flux of POC to deepwater storage was estimated. The sediment-flux inversion scheme was also applied to derive input parameters for stratigraphic modeling of the Ebro margin. The modeling results indicate that the autostratigraphic behavior of the margin may have been previously underestimated. / text
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High resolution stratigraphy and facies architecture of the Upper Cretaceous (Cenomanian-Turonian) Eagle Ford group, Central TexasFairbanks, Michael Douglas 22 September 2014 (has links)
Heightened industry focus on the Upper Cretaceous (Cenomanian-Turonian) Eagle Ford has resulted from recent discoveries of producible unconventional petroleum resource in this emerging play. However, little has been published on the facies and facies variabilities within this mixed carbonate-clastic mudrock system. This rock-based study is fundamental to understanding the controls, types, and scales of inherent facies variabilities, which have implications for enhanced comprehension of the Eagle Ford and other mixed carbonate-clastic mudrock systems worldwide. This study utilizes 8 cores and 2 outcrops with a total interval equaling 480 feet and is enhanced by synthesis of thin section, XRD, XRF, isotope, rock eval/TOC, and wireline log data. Central Texas Eagle Ford facies include 1) massive argillaceous mudrock, 2) massive argillaceous foraminiferal mudrock, 3) laminated argillaceous foraminiferal mudrock, 4) laminated foraminiferal wackestone, 5) cross-laminated foraminiferal packstone/grainstone, 6) massive bentonitic claystone, and 7) nodular foraminiferal packstone/grainstone. High degrees of facies variability are observed even at small scales (50 ft) within the Eagle Ford system and are characterized by pinching and swelling of units, lateral facies changes, truncations, and locally restricted units. Facies variability is attributed to erosional scouring, productivity blooms, bottom current reworking, and bioturbation. At the 10-mile well spacing scale and greater, the data significantly overestimates intra-formational facies continuity but is successful in defining the following four-fold stratigraphy: The basal Pepper Shale is an argillaceous, moderate TOC, high CGR and GR mudrock. The Waller Member is a newly designated name used in this study for an argillaceous and foraminiferal, high TOC, massive mudrock with a generally moderate CGR and GR profile. The Bouldin Member is a high energy, carbonate-rich (foraminiferal), low TOC, low and variable CGR but high GR zone. Finally, the South Bosque Formation is an argillaceous and foraminiferal, moderate TOC, massive and laminated mudrock with a moderate CGR and GR signature. GR logs alone are inadequate for determination of facies, TOC content, depositional environment, and sequence stratigraphic implications. Using integrated lithologic, isotopic, and wireline log data, cored wells in the study area are correlated across the San Marcos Arch. Geochemical proxies (enrichment in Mo, Mn, U, and V/Cr) indicate that maximum basin restriction occurred during deposition of the Bouldin Member. Bottom current activity influenced depositional processes and carbonate sediment input was driven by water column productivity. These primary controls on Eagle Ford stratigraphy and character are independent from eustatic fluctuation, rendering classical sequence stratigraphy unreliable. / text
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