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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Scalable Architecture for Automating Machine Learning Model Monitoring

de la Rúa Martínez, Javier January 2020 (has links)
Last years, due to the advent of more sophisticated tools for exploratory data analysis, data management, Machine Learning (ML) model training and model serving into production, the concept of MLOps has gained more popularity. As an effort to bring DevOps processes to the ML lifecycle, MLOps aims at more automation in the execution of diverse and repetitive tasks along the cycle and at smoother interoperability between teams and tools involved. In this context, the main cloud providers have built their own ML platforms [4, 34, 61], offered as services in their cloud solutions. Moreover, multiple frameworks have emerged to solve concrete problems such as data testing, data labelling, distributed training or prediction interpretability, and new monitoring approaches have been proposed [32, 33, 65]. Among all the stages in the ML lifecycle, one of the most commonly overlooked although relevant is model monitoring. Recently, cloud providers have presented their own tools to use within their platforms [4, 61] while work is ongoing to integrate existent frameworks [72] into open-source model serving solutions [38]. Most of these frameworks are either built as an extension of an existent platform (i.e lack portability), follow a scheduled batch processing approach at a minimum rate of hours, or present limitations for certain outliers and drift algorithms due to the platform architecture design in which they are integrated. In this work, a scalable automated cloudnative architecture is designed and evaluated for ML model monitoring in a streaming approach. An experimentation conducted on a 7-node cluster with 250.000 requests at different concurrency rates shows maximum latencies of 5.9, 29.92 and 30.86 seconds after request time for 75% of distance-based outliers detection, windowed statistics and distribution-based data drift detection, respectively, using windows of 15 seconds length and 6 seconds of watermark delay. / Under de senaste åren har konceptet MLOps blivit alltmer populärt på grund av tillkomsten av mer sofistikerade verktyg för explorativ dataanalys, datahantering, modell-träning och model serving som tjänstgör i produktion. Som ett försök att föra DevOps processer till Machine Learning (ML)-livscykeln, siktar MLOps på mer automatisering i utförandet av mångfaldiga och repetitiva uppgifter längs cykeln samt på smidigare interoperabilitet mellan team och verktyg inblandade. I det här sammanhanget har de största molnleverantörerna byggt sina egna ML-plattformar [4, 34, 61], vilka erbjuds som tjänster i deras molnlösningar. Dessutom har flera ramar tagits fram för att lösa konkreta problem såsom datatestning, datamärkning, distribuerad träning eller tolkning av förutsägelse, och nya övervakningsmetoder har föreslagits [32, 33, 65]. Av alla stadier i ML-livscykeln förbises ofta modellövervakning trots att det är relevant. På senare tid har molnleverantörer presenterat sina egna verktyg att kunna användas inom sina plattformar [4, 61] medan arbetet pågår för att integrera befintliga ramverk [72] med lösningar för modellplatformer med öppen källkod [38]. De flesta av dessa ramverk är antingen byggda som ett tillägg till en befintlig plattform (dvs. saknar portabilitet), följer en schemalagd batchbearbetningsmetod med en lägsta hastighet av ett antal timmar, eller innebär begränsningar för vissa extremvärden och drivalgoritmer på grund av plattformsarkitekturens design där de är integrerade. I det här arbetet utformas och utvärderas en skalbar automatiserad molnbaserad arkitektur för MLmodellövervakning i en streaming-metod. Ett experiment som utförts på ett 7nodskluster med 250.000 förfrågningar vid olika samtidigheter visar maximala latenser på 5,9, 29,92 respektive 30,86 sekunder efter tid för förfrågningen för 75% av avståndsbaserad detektering av extremvärden, windowed statistics och distributionsbaserad datadriftdetektering, med hjälp av windows med 15 sekunders längd och 6 sekunders fördröjning av vattenstämpel.


HENRIQUE HELFER HOELTGEBAUM 23 October 2019 (has links)
[pt] Esta tese é composta de três artigos em que a ligação entre eles são modelos estatísticos com parametros variantes no tempo. Todos os artigos adotam um arcabouço que utiliza um mecanismo guiado pelos dados para a atualização dos parâmetros dos modelos. O primeiro explora a aplicação de uma nova classe de modelos de séries temporais não Gaussianas denominada modelos Generalized Autegressive Scores (GAS). Nessa classe de modelos, os parâmetros são atualizados utilizando o score da densidade preditiva. Motivamos o uso de modelos GAS simulando cenários conjuntos de fator de capacidade eólico. Nos últimos dois artigos, o gradiente descentente estocástico (SGD) é adotado para atualizar os parâmetros que variam no tempo. Tal metodologia utiliza a derivada de uma função custo especificada pelo usuário para guiar a otimização. A estrutura desenvolvida foi projetada para ser aplicada em um contexto de fluxo de dados contínuo, portanto, técnicas de filtragem adaptativa são exploradas para levar em consideração o concept-drift. Exploramos esse arcabouço com aplicações em segurança cibernética e infra-estrutura instrumentada. / [en] This thesis is composed of three papers in which the common ground among them is statistical models with time-varying parameters. All of them adopt a framework that uses a data-driven mechanism to update its coefficients. The first paper explores the application of a new class of non-Gaussian time series framework named Generalized Autoregressive Scores (GAS) models. In this class of models the parameters are updated using the score of the predictive density. We motivate the use of GAS models by simulating joint scenarios of wind power generation. In the last two papers, Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD) is adopted to update time-varying parameters. This methodology uses the derivative of a user specified cost function to drive the optimization. The developed framework is designed to be applied in a streaming data context, therefore adaptive filtering techniques are explored to account for concept-drift.We explore this framework on cyber-security and instrumented infrastructure applications.

Identifying potential problem perceived by consumers within the recommendation system of streaming services

Arman, Laila, Ahmed, Tanveer January 2022 (has links)
Streaming services have had a significant gain in popularity over the last decade, with an increasing number of subscribers. Along with digitalization, more households seek accessible entertainment that allows them to choose the type of content they wish to watch. However, as streaming services have grown in popularity, the content library of those services has been increasing, leaving users overwhelmed when deciding what to watch next. A recommendation system is used by the majority of streaming providers to assist its customers find appropriate material to watch. This recommendation system suggests suitable material based on the user's collected data. However, the recommendation systems suggestions are not always perceived to be relevant. The purpose of this thesis is to identify potential perceived problems with the recommendation systems and their causes. This was accomplished by investigating how consumers of those services experience them by conducting a survey and interviews. The identified problems have then been compiled into a basis. The goal of this thesis is to provide a basis that may benefit streaming services, their consumers and be of use by academics to conduct further research within the field. The basis indicates that there are several perceived problems with the current recommendation systems. A total of nine problems have been documented and discussed. / Streamingtjänster har haft en betydande ökning i popularitet under det senaste årtiondet, med ett ökande antal användare. Tillsammans med digitaliseringen söker fler hushåll tillgänglig underhållning som gör att de kan välja vilken typ av innehåll de vill titta på. Men eftersom streamingtjänster har ökat i popularitet, har utbudet för dessa tjänster ökat, vilket gör användarna överväldigade när de bestämmer sig för vad de ska titta på härnäst. Rekommendationssystemen används av majoriteten av streamingtjänsterna för att hjälpa sina kunder att hitta lämpligt material att titta på. Rekommendations systemen föreslår lämpligt material baserat på användarens beteende mönster. Rekommendations systemets förslag uppfattas dock inte alltid vara relevanta. Syftet med denna uppsats är att identifiera potentiella problem som användare uppfattar av rekommendations systemen och vad som kan orsaka dessa problem. Detta åstadkoms genom att undersöka hur konsumenter av dessa tjänster upplever dem genom att genomföra en undersökning samt ett antal intervjuer. De identifierade problemen har sedan sammanställts till ett underlag. Målet med detta examensarbete är att ge ett underlag som kan gynna streamingtjänster, deras konsumenter och vara till nytta för akademiker för att genomföra ytterligare studier inom området. Underlaget tyder på att det finns flera problem med nuvarande rekommendationssystem som upplevs av användare. Totalt har nio problem dokumenterats och diskuterats.

Live Video Exploration - Exploring environments using live video, mobile devices and unacquainted users

Bjelm, Petter, Wibom, Mark January 2015 (has links)
The live video streaming market is, as some research suggests, a difficult one to develop.Comparing it to other media it has the disadvantage of being available during a limitedperiod of time. This thesis explores how mobile devices can be used as an exploratorytool through live video streaming. The opportunity of control in the moment is studiedand examined in this report. This research will suggest a mobile device platform in whichpeople can assist other people exploring new environments around the globe. It also triesto evaluate whether this exploring interaction can occur between unacquainted people andat the same time not be hindered by any language barriers. The motivation behind thissubject is the human need and curiosity of exploring new environments and places.The foundation of the research approach was based on interaction design principles andmethods. This created a chain of methods used with the intent of better understandingwhat is to be considered when designing for live video experiences focusing onenvironments. The process lead to important understandings and key aspects to beconsidered when designing live experiences focusing on environments. The results thatemerged, showed that the most important encouragement is; to be presented with anenvironment that includes novel elements. Furthermore, the results could also concludethat by giving access to directional controls, and some means of expressing appreciation,can help to influence and shape exploration with live video.

Organisationsstrukturens påverkan på innovation : En studie på produktutvecklingsteam hos företag inom streaming av TV och film / Organizational structure and its effects on innovation : A study of product development teams at companies within the industry of streaming TV and movies

Streaming av TV och film är en snabbt växande och konkurrensutsatt marknad, där det ständigt uppkommer nya aktörer och tjänster. Detta ställer krav på företagen bakom tjänsterna att vara innovativa för att kunna ligga i framkant och fortsätta locka kunder bland sina konkurrenter. Det finns många faktorer som påverkar innovationsgraden hos företag inom denna bransch eller hos många branscher generellt, och en av dessa är organisationsstrukturen hos produktutvecklingsteamet. Syftet med detta arbete är att undersöka hur organisationsstrukturen i produktutvecklingsteamen hos företag inom streaming av TV och film påverkar innovationsgraden. Studien är utförd på två företag inom den svenska streamingbranschen av TV och film och dessa kommer jämföras med varandra. Upplevda för- och nackdelar med hur man organiserar sina respektive produktutvecklingsteam kommer även att undersökas och jämföras. Arbetet inleddes med en litteraturstudie för att erhålla kunskap kring hur organisationsstruktur påverkar innovationsgrad generellt och för att hitta stöd och bakgrund till utförandet av arbetet. Efter litteraturstudien utfördes totalt tre kvalitativa semistrukturerade intervjuer, med en respondent på det ena företaget och två på det andra. Den kvalitativa studien undersökte hur företagen är strukturerade både på bolagsnivå och på teamnivå, hur deras produktutvecklingsprocess ser ut och hur respondenterna ser att dessa faktorer påverkar deras möjligheter till innovativt arbete. Resultatet av denna undersökning användes sedan för att hitta gemensamma teman i intervjuerna som kopplar till organisationsstrukturens påverkan på innovationsgrad.  Studien visar att de två intervjuade företagen hade en likartad organisationsstruktur på bolagsnivå, och att detta verkar vara vanligt inom denna bransch. Det finns dock inga direkta bevis för att detta skulle gynna innovationsgraden hos företagen. Det visade sig även att företagen hade en snarlik organisationsstruktur på teamnivå, men där det ena företaget föreslår fasta team som är korsfunktionella (det vill säga att man har personer med olika kompetenser som jobbar tillsammans i till exempel ett projekt), medan det andra företaget föreslår en mer konsulttung setup. Studien visar att en flexibel samt tydlig process och struktur på teamnivå, där de anställda känner sig fria och kan vara med och påverka, bidrar till att de känner sig mer innovativa - vilket med stöd av existerande forskning föreslår att detta kan leda till högre innovationsgrad. Vidare föreslår studien att användandet av agila arbetsmetoder verkar vara en ledande faktor till innovationsgraden hos företag inom denna bransch. / Within the already competitive market that is streaming and on demand TV, new services and players emerge on a regular basis. This puts a lot of pressure on existing companies behind the streaming services to be innovative and keep consumers interested in their product. There are many factors that affect innovation, one of these is the organizational structure of the product development team. The purpose of this study is to examine how organizational structure in product development teams affects innovation, in which ways organizational structure can foster and overturn innovation and how existing companies, within the industry of streaming film and TV, organizes their product development teams to enable innovation. The study was conducted at two Swedish companies within the streaming industry. Their organizational structure, and how it affects their innovative capabilities, will be compared along with experienced pros and cons of the employees surrounding the organizational structure related to innovation will also be examined. The study began with a comprehensive literature review, this was done to obtain the knowledge needed to dive deeper within the subject of organizational structure and innovation and at the same time act as a building block for the rest of the study. Furthermore, a semi structured qualitative interview was conducted that involved three respondents from two different companies within the Swedish streaming business of TV and film. The qualitative interview examined how the companies are structured, both at company level and at team level, how their product development process works and how the respondents think this affects their ability to be innovative. The result of these interviews was then examined to find common themes which connects organizational structure and its impact on innovation.  The study showed that both interviewed companies had a similar organizational structure at firm level, and that this kind of structure seems to be frequent within the industry. However, no direct evidence was found to support that this style of structure would benefit their innovative capabilities. It also showed that the companies had similar organizational structures at team level, but where one company utilizes fixed teams that are cross-functional (when people of different functional expertise work together), while the other company proposes a more consultancy-heavy setup. The study showed that a flexible yet comprehensible process and structure at team level, where employees feel free and can participate and influence, contribute to making them feel more innovative. This, with support of existing research, suggests that these factors can lead to a higher degree of innovation. Furthermore, the study suggests that the use of agile working methods seems to be an important factor for companies within this industry that seek to improve their innovative capabilities.

Evaluación de la QoE en un sistema de streaming adaptativo de vídeo 3D basado en DASH

Guzmán Castillo, Paola Fernanda 06 September 2022 (has links)
[ES] La distribución de contenidos multimedia, y en particular el streaming de vídeo, domina actualmente el tráfico global de Internet y su importancia será incluso mayor en el futuro. Miles de títulos se agregan mensualmente a los principales proveedores de servicios, como Netflix, YouTube y Amazon. Y de la mano del consumo de contenidos de alta definición que se convierte en la principal tendencia, se puede observar nuevamente un incremento en el consumo de contenidos 3D. Esto ha hecho que las temáticas relacionadas con la producción de contenidos, codificación, transmisión, Calidad de Servicio (QoS) y Calidad de Experiencia (QoE) percibidas por los usuarios de los sistemas de distribución de vídeo 3D sean un tema de investigación con numerosas contribuciones en los últimos años. Esta tesis aborda el problema de la prestación de servicios de transmisión de vídeo 3D bajo condiciones de red de ancho de banda variable. En este sentido, presenta los resultados de la evaluación de la QoE percibida por los usuarios de los sistemas de vídeo 3D, analizando principalmente el impacto de los efectos introducidos en dos de los elementos de la cadena de procesamiento de vídeo 3D: la etapa de codificación y el proceso de transmisión. Para analizar los efectos de la codificación en la calidad del vídeo 3D, en la primera etapa se aborda la evaluación objetiva y subjetiva de la calidad del vídeo, comparando el rendimiento de diferentes estándares y métodos de codificación, con el fin de identificar aquellos que logran la mejor relación entre calidad, tasa de bits y tiempo de codificación. Así mismo, en el contexto de la transmisión en un entorno simulcast, se evalúa la eficacia de la utilización de las codificaciones asimétricas para la transmisión de vídeo 3D, como una alternativa para la reducción del ancho de banda manteniendo la calidad global. En segundo lugar, para el estudio del impacto y el rendimiento del proceso de transmisión, se ha trabajado sobre la base de un sistema de transmisión dinámica adaptativa sobre HTTP (DASH) en el contexto de la transmisión de vídeo tanto 2D como 3D, utilizando diferentes escenarios de variación de ancho de banda. El objetivo ha sido el desarrollo de un marco de referencia para la evaluación de la QoE en escenarios de transmisión adaptativa de vídeo 3D, que permite analizar el impacto en la QoE del usuario frente a diferentes patrones de variación del ancho de banda, así como el rendimiento del algoritmo de adaptación frente a estos escenarios. El trabajo se enfoca en identificar el impacto en la Calidad de Experiencia del usuario que tienen aspectos como: la frecuencia, el tipo, el alcance y la ubicación temporal de los eventos de variación del ancho de banda. El sistema propuesto permite realizar mediciones de rendimiento de forma automatizada y sistemática para la evaluación de los sistemas DASH en el servicio de distribución de vídeo 2D y 3D. Se ha utilizado Puppeteer, la librería Node.js desarrollada por Google, que proporciona una API de alto nivel, para automatizar acciones en el protocolo Chrome Devtools, como iniciar la reproducción, provocar cambios de ancho de banda y guardar los resultados de los procesos de cambio de calidad, marcas de tiempo, paradas, etc. A partir de estos datos, se realiza un procesamiento que permite la reconstrucción del vídeo visualizado, así como la extracción de métricas de calidad y la evaluación de la QoE de los usuarios utilizando la recomendación ITU-T P.1203. / [CA] La distribució de continguts multimèdia, i en particular el streaming de vídeo, domina actualment el trànsit global d'Internet i la seua importància serà fins i tot mes gran en el futur. Milers de títols s'afegeixen mensualment als principals proveïdors de serveis, com ara Netflix, YouTube i Amazon. I de la mà del consum de continguts d'alta definició que es converteix en la tendència principal, es pot observar novament un increment en el consum de continguts 3D. Això ha fet que les temàtiques relacionades amb la producció de continguts, codificació, transmissió, Qualitat de Servei (QoS) i Qualitat d'Experiència (QoE) percebudes pels usuaris dels sistemes de distribució de vídeo 3D siguen un tema de recerca amb nombroses contribucions en els últims anys. Aquesta tesi aborda el problema de la prestació de serveis de transmissió de vídeo 3D sota condicions de xarxa d'ample de banda variable. En aquest sentit, presenta els resultats de l'avaluació de la QoE percebuda pels usuaris dels sistemes de vídeo 3D, analitzant principalment l'impacte dels efectes introduïts en dos dels elements de la cadena de processament de vídeo 3D: l'etapa de codificació i el procés de transmissió. Per analitzar els efectes de la codificació en la qualitat del vídeo 3D, a la primera etapa s'aborda l'avaluació objectiva i subjectiva de la qualitat del vídeo, comparant el rendiment de diferents estàndards i mètodes de codificació, per tal d'identificar aquells que aconsegueixen la millor relació entre qualitat, taxa de bits i temps de codificació. Així mateix, en el context de la transmissió en un entorn simulcast, s'avalua l'eficàcia de la utilització de les codificacions asimètriques per la transmissió de vídeo 3D, com una alternativa per la reducció de l'ampleada de banda mantenint la qualitat global. En segon lloc, per a l'estudi de l'impacte i el rendiment del procés de transmissió, s'ha treballat sobre la base d'un sistema de transmissió dinàmica adaptativa sobre HTTP (DASH) en el context de la transmissió de vídeo tant 2D com 3D, utilitzant diferents escenaris de variació d'ample de banda. L'objectiu ha estat el desenvolupament d'un marc de referència per a l'avaluació de la QoE en escenaris de transmissió adaptativa de vídeo 3D, que permet analitzar l'impacte en la QoE de l'usuari davant de diferents patrons de variació de l'ample de banda; així com el rendiment de l'algorisme d'adaptació davant d'aquests escenaris. El treball s'enfoca a identificar l'impacte a la Qualitat d'Experiència de l'usuari que tenen aspectes com ara: la freqüència, el tipus, l'abast i la ubicació temporal dels esdeveniments de variació de l'ample de banda. El sistema proposat permet realitzar mesuraments de rendiment de manera automatitzada i sistemàtica per a l'avaluació dels sistemes DASH en el servei de distribució de vídeo 2D i 3D. S'ha utilitzat Puppeteer, la llibreria Node.js desenvolupada per Google, que proporciona una API d'alt nivell, per automatitzar accions al protocol Chrome Devtools, com iniciar la reproducció, provocar canvis d'ample de banda i desar els resultats dels processos de canvi de qualitat, marques de temps, parades, etc. A partir d'aquestes dades, es fa un processament que permet la reconstrucció del vídeo visualitzat, així com l'extracció de mètriques de qualitat i l'avaluació de la QoE dels usuaris fent servir la recomanació ITU-T P.1203. / [EN] The distribution of multimedia content, and in particular video streaming, currently dominates global Internet traffic and will become even more important in the future. Thousands of titles are added monthly to major service providers such as Netflix, YouTube and Amazon. In addition to the consumption of high-definition content becoming the main trend, an increase in the consumption of 3D content can be observed again. This fact has caused that issues related to content production, encoding, transmission, Quality of Service (QoS) and Quality of Experience (QoE) perceived by users of 3D video distribution systems became a research topic with numerous contributions in recent years. This thesis addresses the problem of providing 3D video streaming services under variable bandwidth network conditions. In this sense, it presents the results of the evaluation of the QoE perceived by the users of 3D video systems, analyzing mainly the impact of the effects introduced in two of the elements of the 3D video processing chain: the encoding stage and the transmission process. To analyze the effects of the encoding process on the quality of 3D video, the first stage deals with the objective and subjective evaluation of video quality, comparing the performance of different encoding standards and methods, in order to identify those that achieve the best ratio between quality, bit rate and encoding time. Also, in the context of transmission in a simulcast environment, the advantages of using asymmetric coding for 3D video transmission is evaluated as an alternative for bandwidth reduction while maintaining overall quality. Secondly, for the study of the impact and performance of the transmission process, the work has been carried out on the basis of an adaptive dynamic over HTTP (DASH) transmission system in the context of both 2D and 3D video transmission, using different bandwidth variation scenarios. The aim has been to develop a framework for the evaluation of QoE in 3D adaptive video streaming scenarios, which allows analyzing the impact on the user's QoE against different bandwidth variation patterns, as well as the performance of the adaptation algorithm under these scenarios. The work focuses on identifying the impact on the user's Quality of Experience in aspects such as: frequency, type, range and temporal location of bandwidth variation events. The proposed system allows to perform performance measurements in an automated and systematic way for the evaluation of DASH systems in the 2D and 3D video distribution service. The tool Puppeteer, the Node.js library developed by Google, has been used, which provides a high-level API to automate actions in the Chrome Devtools protocol, such as starting playback, causing bandwidth changes and saving the results of the quality change processes, timestamps, stops, etc. From this data, a further processing is performed that allows the reconstruction of the displayed video, as well as the extraction of quality metrics and the evaluation of the QoE of the users using the ITU-T P.1203 recommendation. / Guzmán Castillo, PF. (2022). Evaluación de la QoE en un sistema de streaming adaptativo de vídeo 3D basado en DASH [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/186354

TikTok Shopaholics : Unravelling the Emotive Influence of Time Pressure, Price Promotion, and Interaction on Gen Z’s Impulsive Cosmetic Purchases in Live Streaming.

Omar, Iftin, Dewar, Ratchaneekorn January 2024 (has links)
Background: As businesses started to recognize the potential of live streaming platforms in reaching and engaging with their target audience, live streaming commerce (LSC) started to gain traction and popularity over the past few years. LSC, with its elements of time pressure, price promotion, and interaction, plays a significant role in influencing consumers’ impulsive buying behaviour. The live nature of these streams create a sense of urgency, making viewers feel like they need to act quickly before the opportunity is gone. Price promotions, such as limited-time discounts or exclusive deals, entice viewers to make impulsive purchases to take advantage of the savings. Moreover, the interactive aspect of live streaming allows viewers to ask questions and receive real-time responses, which enhances the overall shopping experience and can further stimulate impulsive buying. Purpose: The aim of this thesis is to investigate how Gen Z consumers’ impulsive buying behaviour of cosmetics through LSC is influenced by three factors, being; time pressure, price promotion, and interaction. As well as how emotions such as the feeling of urgency, the feeling of excitement, and perceived enjoyment could mediate this relationship. Methodology: A deductive research approach  and a quantitative method was selected and utilised for this research. To gather data, a self-completion questionnaire was developed in Google Forms, taking into consideration ethical and societal factors. A total of 312 valid responses were collected, which were then subjected to descriptive analysis, correlation analysis, reliability analysis, regression analysis, and mediation analysis.  Findings: The results of this research revealed that H2 and H3 were accepted, indicating that price promotion and interaction have a significant positive impact on Gen Z consumers’ impulsive buying behaviour in LSC. In the same vein, H1a, H2a, and H3a, i.e., the feeling of urgency, excitement, and perceived enjoyment were accepted. However, H1, measuring the influence of time pressure, was rejected.  Conclusion: This study concluded that price promotion (H2) and interaction (H3) have a positive influence on the impulsive buying behaviour of Generation Z consumers. However, time pressure (H1) was not found to have a significant impact. Additionally, the results indicate that the feeling of urgency (H1a) mediates the relationship between time pressure and impulsive buying behaviour, the feeling of excitement (H2a) mediates the relationship between price promotion and impulsive buying behaviour, and perceived enjoyment (H3a) mediates the relationship between interaction and impulsive buying behaviour among Gen Z consumers in Sweden. Keywords: “Live Streaming Commerce” “Live Streaming E-commerce” “Time Pressure” “Price Promotion” “Interaction” “Impulsive Buying Behaviour” “Urgency” “Excitement” “Perceived Enjoyment” “Quantitative Research”.

An Airborne Network Telemetry Link for the iNET Technical Demonstration System

Temple, Kip, Laird, Daniel 10 1900 (has links)
ITC/USA 2008 Conference Proceedings / The Forty-Fourth Annual International Telemetering Conference and Technical Exhibition / October 27-30, 2008 / Town and Country Resort & Convention Center, San Diego, California / A previous paper was presented detailing the design and testing of the first networked demonstration system (ITC 2006) for iNET. This paper extends that work by testing a commercial off the shelf (COTS) solution for the wireless network connection of the Telemetry Network System (TmNS). This paper will briefly discuss specific pieces of the airborne and ground station system but will concentrate on the new wireless network link, how it was tested, and how well it performed. Flight testing results will be presented accessing the performance of the wireless network link.

Agglomerative clustering for community detection in dynamic graphs

Godbole, Pushkar J. 27 May 2016 (has links)
Agglomerative Clustering techniques work by recursively merging graph vertices into communities, to maximize a clustering quality metric. The metric of Modularity coined by Newman and Girvan, measures the cluster quality based on the premise that, a cluster has collections of vertices more strongly connected internally than would occur from random chance. Various fast and efficient algorithms for community detection based on modularity maximization have been developed for static graphs. However, since many (contemporary) networks are not static but rather evolve over time, the static approaches are rendered inappropriate for clustering of dynamic graphs. Modularity optimization in changing graphs is a relatively new field that entails the need to develop efficient algorithms for detection and maintenance of a community structure while minimizing the “Size of change” and computational effort. The objective of this work was to develop an efficient dynamic agglomerative clustering algorithm that attempts to maximize modularity while minimizing the “size of change” in the transitioning community structure. First we briefly discuss the previous memoryless dynamic reagglomeration approach with localized vertex freeing and illustrate its performance and limitations. Then we describe the new backtracking algorithm followed by its performance results and observations. In experimental analysis of both typical and pathological cases, we evaluate and justify various backtracking and agglomeration strategies in context of the graph structure and incoming stream topologies. Evaluation of the algorithm on social network datasets, including Facebook (SNAP) and PGP Giant Component networks shows significantly improved performance over its conventional static counterpart in terms of execution time, Modularity and Size of Change.

Non-cooperative peer-to-peer media streaming: game theoretic analysis and algorithms

Yeung, Kai-ho, Mark., 楊啟豪. January 2007 (has links)
published_or_final_version / abstract / Electrical and Electronic Engineering / Doctoral / Doctor of Philosophy

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