Spelling suggestions: "subject:"netflix"" "subject:"netflixs""
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Copyright Protection on the Internet in the EU / Copyright Protection on the Internet in the EUSahula, Petr January 2015 (has links)
The study deals with the various aspects of the copyright protection on the Internet in the selected EU countries. It provides an overview of the situation in the European Union, Sweden, Germany and the Czech Republic. The research enables to identify variables influencing the level of internet piracy from different points of view with emphasis on the application for the businesses.
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Enjeux de l'industrie du cinéma national au Québec à l'ère NetflixGaudain, Iris 10 February 2024 (has links)
En 2010, Netflix se met à offrir ses services au Canada. L’arrivée de ce nouveau joueur vient bousculer les structures de la filière cinéma au pays en créant un décalage entre un système reposant sur une régulation et des fonds publics, et une compagnie privée qui opère sur Internet, un nouveau marché alors caractérisé par une faible réglementation. Ce fossé s’accentue d’ailleurs au fil des ans, à mesure que l’entreprise gagne en popularité au Canada et face à la relative inaction des gouvernements fédéraux qui se succèdent. Au Québec, on peut constater la grande valeur culturelle qui est accordée au cinéma québécois. Cette valeur est défendue par un discours associant la culture, et le cinéma, au rayonnement de l’identité et ses spécificités, dont celle d’être un bastion francophone en Amérique du Nord. Cette valeur identitaires ’exprime par le cinéma, mais également dans les autres sphères industrielles de la province. Afin d’expliquer ce phénomène, j’ai travaillé à partir de la question de recherche suivante: quels sont les discours publics formulés à l’égard de Netflix entre 2010 et 2017, et en quoi viennent-ils réaffirmer ou redéfinir les liens d’interdépendance entre cinéma national et industrie culturelle au Québec? Par cette question, l’objectif est de développer une compréhension des enjeux associés à l’entreprise américaine depuis son arrivée au Canada en analysant des articles de presse québécois parus entre 2010-2017 et des entrevues semi-dirigées avec des professionnels du cinéma québécois. En cohérence avec l’objet de recherche et les corpus retenus, j’ai opté pour une démarche à la fois inductive et déductive afin d’analyser les discours tels qu’ils existent en dehors de la recherche. Aux termes de l’analyse, nous verrons que Netflix s’inscrit dans une logique de concurrence à la fois industrielle mais aussi culturelle. Pour mieux comprendre ces enjeux, les principales théories qui ont été mobilisées sont celles des industries culturelles et du cinéma national.
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I’m Dreaming of a TV Christmas: Calendrical Experience and Collective Narratives from Dickens to NetflixRomanowski, Max 01 May 2024 (has links) (PDF)
Over the past seventy-five years, television and, of all holidays, Christmas have functioned as staples of civilization in the United States. Despite vast social changes, neither has lost cultural staying power. In the 21st century, the two discursive systems continue to organize and regulate time and experience. The linkages between Christmas and television are central to understanding how and why America’s media landscape changes, yet never quite transforms into something new.My dissertation emerges from the observation that television viewers of the 21st century more frequently access content via streaming services, and that on these platforms, there has been a considerable decrease in the number of new episodes of serialized television that focus on Christmas. And yet, Christmas persists, particularly in the way streaming services re-play and re-use the literary, cinematic, and televisual legacy that constructed what I term the “calendrical experience” of American social life. Both Christmas and television rely heavily on this calendrical experience through collective narratives consumed together as a nation, whether that be together in the same place at the same time, or individually and yet still simultaneously. Using textual, economic, and industrial analytic tools, I explore the evolution of television’s depiction of Christmas via close readings of how media companies released, and people in the United States viewed, specific episodes. Christmas serves as my interpretive lens through which to understand television’s ever transforming, yet persistent and central role in the United States over the past seventy-five years.
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In Defense of Sundance: Examining the Film Festival’s Place in American Independent Cinema in the Age of Netflix and AmazonSoll, Adam 01 January 2017 (has links)
For more than 30 years, the Sundance Film Festival has served as the preeminent venue for exhibiting and selling American independent films. Since the festival’s inception, however, the distinction between Hollywood and indie films has become increasingly unclear, and Sundance has been accused of selling out to the mainstream. On one hand, the Sundance Institute continues to support and incubate truly independent artists who otherwise may never get their films made; on the other hand, the festival that the institute puts on every year is full of A-list stars, corporate sponsors, and countless other examples of Hollywood elitism. The American independent cinema is as vibrant in 2017 as ever, and new powerful players such as Netflix and Amazon who seemed to enter the scene overnight are now investing a great deal of money in the production and acquisition of Sundance films. Though it may seem counterintuitive, 2017’s edition of the festival proves that the presence of these massive corporations and Hollywood stars fosters and facilitates the creation and celebration of American independent film.
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The upside down : En studie om Stranger things gestaltning av genus / The upside down : A study on Stranger Things’ potrayal of genderRosenfink, Tina, Fäger, Minea January 2016 (has links)
Vår grundläggande avsikt med studien är att få en större förståelse kring gestaltningen av genus på populärkultur. Det kommer vi att uppnå̊ med att analysera stereotypa representationer av kvinnor och män i tv-serien Stranger things. Vårt övergripande mål med studien är att tydliggöra hur olika normer och sociala strukturer samspelar i media. Vårt syfte med studien är att undersöka om porträtteringen är normbrytande eller om den förstärker rådande genusnormer. Uppsatsens teoretiska ramverk består av hegemoni som tillåter oss att undersöka genus och klass. De teoretiska begrepp som vi använder oss av är bland annat hegemonisk maskulinitet, normkritik och genus. Som metod har vi använt oss av gestaltningsteorin, och vi har vi tagit fram fyra återkommande ramar samt analyserat dem med hermeneutiska verktyg. Vi vill undersöka om det är möjligt att Stranger things är lika genusneutral som den framställts på olika medier eller om serien upprätthåller existerande genusstereotyper och normer. Vad som gör vår studie intressant och olik tidigare undersökningar som tittat på genusroller i media är att vi anser att Stranger things inte skildrar eller förstärker genusstereotyper vid första anblick. Det här gjorde oss intresserade att kritiskt analysera seriens innehåll för att se om det är möjligt för en serie som Stranger things att vara fri från genusstereotyper och normer. Studien avslutas med en diskussion kring porträtteringen av män och kvinnor i serien där vi fastställer att Stranger things påvisar många genusstereotypa karaktärer. Utifrån våra fyra ramar som är stereotyper, sexualisering, normbrytning och hegemonisk maskulinitet konstaterar vi att seriens karaktärer inte är så nyskapande som vi tidigare trodde.
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The Economics of Informationin the New Economy: A Study of DVD Rental Demand and the Value of the Netflix DVD Ratings SystemMaryanchyk, Ivan January 2009 (has links)
Consumers have long relied on ratings measures to help them make choices among goods of heterogeneous quality. With the growth of the New Economy over the last 10 years, it is becoming increasingly possible to aggregate information and create ratings for many industries. My research focuses on the effect of quality ratings on consumer choice, the social benefit of the quality signals, and on how well firms that develop ratings signals can capture a share of the social benefit. I examine these issues using data from Netflix, the on--line DVD rental service with mail delivery, which also provides a rating system that aggregates the preferences of the people who use their service. In the first chapter I use a reduced--form specification to analyze the Netflix ratings database and estimate aggregate demand for movies. The second chapter develops a structural Bayesian learning model and assesses the effect of ratings on DVD rental behavior. The last chapter is dedicated to the analysis of consumer and producer welfare as a function of the information created by the ratings system.
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Switching Screens: An Examination of How House of Cards and Scandal Represent Shifting Strategies in TelevisionRossiter, Laura 01 January 2015 (has links)
Both House of Cards and Scandal have similar conceits (White House? Check. Sex? Check. Murder? Check.) but use different platforms: House of Cards is a Netflix Original production while Scandal is a broadcast television program on ABC. Through the course of this paper, I will examine how the platform and type of consumption affects the content and distribution of the show and the types of relationships they forge with their viewers.
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Content Is President: The Influence of Netflix on Taste, Politics and The Future of TelevisionEsack, Alanna 14 December 2017 (has links)
The evolving television industry relies heavily on the corresponding shift in the audiences that it addresses. New practice for consumption and production, particularly the “disruptive” force of streaming services like Netflix, have been evidenced not only in the methods of the companies themselves but also in the content they have begun to offer. A milestone in the television industry, Netflix’s first original series House of Cards provides an innovative and meaningful installment to the genre of political melodrama, which has its own cultural significance and heritage of mapping audience relations to the media. Analyzing the text, this paper reveals how industrial strategies relate to taste cultures and produce cynical political television drama.
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Medienwelten - Zeitschrift für MedienpädagogikVollbrecht, Ralf, Dallmann, Christine 02 May 2019 (has links)
Die Zahl der Kinobesuche hat im letzten Jahr (2018) wieder einmal einen neuen Minusrekord erreicht. In den letzten 20 Jahren ist die Zahl der Kinobesuche von 149 Millionen (1998) auf nur noch 105 Millionen gesunken. Verliert das Kino sein Publikum? Nun war 2018 mit seinem langen heißen Sommer vielleicht ein besonders schlechtes Kinojahr, aber auch die etwa 120 bis 130 Millionen in den Vorjahren waren – zumal bei fallender Tendenz – ein deutliches Warnsignal. Die Kinobranche ist nicht zuletzt auch wegen der Konkurrenz aus dem Internet entsprechend besorgt: Netflix ante portas. Diese Ausgabe von Medienwelten betrachtet die Kinokrise und ihre Auswirkungen in einem etwas weiter gefassten Rahmen.
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[pt] O mistério envolvendo o crime pode ser visto na literatura através dos romances policiais, que tiveram seu advento com os folhetins no século XIX. Se antes procurava-se achar o culpado para restaurar a ordem, nas narrativas criminais contemporâneas acentua-se a dúvida sobre a culpa dos protagonistas acusados de assassinatos em detrimento do crime em si. Nesta dissertação, busca-se identificar as emoções que perpassam os casos reais de crimes de assassinato, tendo como objetos de estudo três produções originais Netflix: o documentário Amanda Knox (2016), a série documental Making a Murderer (2015) e a série baseada em fatos reais Alias Grace (2017). Parte-se da reflexão sobre o papel da Netflix como tecnologia do século XXI, produzindo conteúdo para sua plataforma de streaming e compartilhando opiniões e emoções em suas redes sociais, fazendo um jogo de telas com o telespectador/usuário. Discussões sobre Netflix e narrativas criminais contemporâneas têm sido pautas de estudos no campo da comunicação levando em conta o engajamento junto ao público. Aqui, pretende-se pensar a narrativa criminal em sua origem para entender suas variações contadas pela Netflix, e as emoções dos protagonistas que podem induzir o julgamento ao gerar o envolvimento do espectador com o drama. Resta-nos a indagação: essas emoções representariam as angústias do indivíduo atual? / [en] The mystery surrounding crime can be seen in literature through police novels, which had their advent with newspaper serials in the 19th century. Currently, narratives about real crimes are successful on screens. If finding the culprit with the purpose to restore order was the focus in the past, in contemporary criminal narratives the doubt about the guilt of the protagonists accused of murder is accentuated at the expense of the crime itself. In the present dissertation, we seek to identify the emotions stirred up by three original Netflix productions based on real cases of murder crimes: the documentary Amanda Knox (2016), the documentary series Making a Murderer (2015) and the series Alias Grace (2017). We start by pondering on Netflix s role as 21st century technology when producing content for its streaming platform and when sharing opinions and emotions on its social networks, therefore making a game of screens with the viewer/user. Both Netflix and contemporary criminal narratives have been guidelines for studies in the field of communication considering engagement with the public. Here, we intend to think about the criminal narrative in its origin in order to understand its variations in the stories unfolded by Netflix, and the emotions of the protagonists that can bring about judgment by creating the viewer s involvement with the drama. The question remains: do these emotions represent the anxieties of the current individual?
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