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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Effets de bactériocines sur le pathogène porcin "Streptococcus suis"

LeBel, Geneviève 20 April 2018 (has links)
Le but de cette étude était d'évaluer le potentiel antimicrobien de bactériocines pour le contrôle du pathogène porcin Streptococcus suis sérotype 2. Pour répondre au premier objectif de ce projet, la susceptibilité de S. suis à la nisine, une bactériocine produite par Lactococcus lactis, seule ainsi qu'en combinaison avec différents antibiotiques, a été démontré. Pour réaliser le second objectif, la purification et la caractérisation d'une bactériocine produite par une souche non-virulente de S. suis sérotype 2 ont été effectuées. La bactériocine a d'abord été purifiée par HPLC pour ensuite être caractérisée au niveau biochimique, ainsi que génique. Des études plus approfondies permettront d'évaluer la capacité de la nisine, de la suicine 90-1330 ou de leur souche productrice respective à prévenir des infections expérimentales à S. suis chez le porc en vue d'une potentielle application thérapeutique et préventive.

Ré-infections avec Streptococcus pneumoniae : effet sur les réponses immunes innée et acquise lors d'une pneumonie à pneumocoque

Champagne, Marie-Eve 12 April 2018 (has links)
L'invasion des voies respiratoires par Streptococcus pneumoniae engendre une réponse immunitaire complexe. Les événements microbiologiques et inflammatoires qui caractérisent le développement d'une pneumonie à pneumocoque chez la souris ont été évalués par plusieurs groupes de recherche. Or, il existe encore des lacunes dans la compréhension de l'orchestration de la défense de l'hôte contre le pneumocoque, au niveau de l'immunité innée et acquise. Le but de ce projet était d'étudier l'effet de l'immunité acquise développée après une primo-infection sur l'efficacité de la réponse immune précoce et tardive après une ré-infection. Nous avons démontré que la réponse immunitaire induite après la ré-infection était plus efficace et plus rapide et ce, en dépit d'une diminution du recrutement des neutrophilcs aux poumons et de production de chimiokines. Un recrutement plus important de cellules T CD4+ aux poumons et une augmentation de production d'IgG anti-pneumococcique semble avoir contribué à l'amélioration de la réponse immune.

Caractérisation du système CRISPR-cas chez Streptococcus thermophilus / Caractérisation du système Clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats-cas chez Streptococcus thermophilus

Garneau, Josiane 16 April 2018 (has links)
Streptococcus thermophilus is a low GC gram-positive bacterium massively used for the production of fermented products such as yogurt and cheeses. Every day, the dairy industry must face virulent bacteriophages and their consequences. Recently, a genetic structure called CRISPR (for Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats) was found to be present in many bacterial and archeabacterial genomes. This system, in association with Cas (CRISPR-associated) proteins, allows the bacteria to become resistant to foreign DNA, such as phage or plasmid DNA, by the acquisition of new sequence-specific spacers. During this M. Sc. project, the transcription profile of the CRISPRl-cas system of S. thermophilus was investigated. First, the phage-sensitive wild-type strain DGCC7710 and two phage-resistant CRISPR-mutants (DGCC7710<i>2972+S4 and DGCC7710*2972+S7) were infected with the virulent phage 2972. Northern blot experiments of infected cells samples taken at time intervals were performed using a series of single-stranded 5'-labeled-probes targeting the four cas genes, the CRISPR1 locus, as well as phage genes. Phage DNA replication assays of the same samples were also done. Finally, in vitro enzymatic assays were performed using Casl and Cas2 purified proteins. In the three S. thermophilus strains tested, the four cas genes and the CRISPR1 locus were constitutively transcribed. In the phage-resistant CRISPR-mutant DGCC7710<D2972+S4 , phage mRNA specific to the acquired new spacer was rapidly degraded, whereas phage mRNAs were increasingly and strongly detected in infected phage-sensitive cells (DGCC7710). Conversely, no DNA degradation was observed. The enzymatic assays revealed that Casl and Cas2 have ssRNase activity which, in the case of Casl, is specific to a A(U)C sequence. Taken altogether, the CRISPR-cos system in S. thermophilus leads to mRNA degradation of specific phage transcripts, thereby limiting phage replication. / Streptococcus thermophilus est une bactérie utilisée pour la fabrication de produits laitiers fermentes, mais elle doit constamment lutter contre les infections par de nouveaux bacteriophages virulents. Récemment, un tout nouveau mécanisme naturel de défense contre les phages a été découvert chez S. thermophilus. Les CRISPR (clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats) sont des séquences d'ADN contenant plusieurs répétitions entrecoupées de régions appelées spacers qui proviennent d'ADN extrachromosomique. Les loci CRISPR sont habituellement situés à proximité de gènes cas (CRISPR-associated). L'acquisition d'un spacer est directement reliée à une immunité contre le phage duquel provient l'ADN de ce spacer. Au cours de ce projet de maîtrise, le mode de fonctionnement du système CRISPR-cas a été étudié par analyse transcriptionnelle des gènes cas, de régions impliquées dans le locus CRISPRl-cas ainsi que des gènes viraux chez trois souches isogéniques de S. thermophilus (DGCC7710, DGCC7710[phi]2972+S4 et DGCC7710[phi]2972+S7) en cours d'infection par le phage 2972. Des travaux ont également été faits sur la replication virale chez les trois souches. Finalement, des essais enzymatiques in vitro ont été réalisés avec deux des quatre protéines Cas dont les gènes précèdent un des loci CRISPR de la souche DGCC7710. Les résultats du projet indiquent, entre autres, que les quatre gènes cas présents chez la souche S. thermophilus DGCC7710 sont transcrits constitutivement et que l'ARNm viral est dégradé par les souches résistantes ayant acquis de nouveaux spacers, ce qui ne semble pas être observé au niveau de l'ADN. Les résultats des essais enzymatiques démontrent également que les protéines Casl et Cas2 possèdent une activité sbRNase, qui dans le cas de la protéine Casl, est spécifique à la séquence A(U)C. Les résultats démontrent que le système CRISPR-cas agit de façon à dégrader l'ARN étranger comprenant une séquence identique à un spacer acquis par une souche résistante, ce qui a pour effet direct de limiter la replication du phage.

Transcriptome du bactériophage DT1 de Streptococcus thermophilus

Bergeron, Claudia 11 April 2018 (has links)
Streptococcus thermophilus est une bactérie utilisée par l'industrie laitière pour la fabrication de produits laitiers fermentes tels que le yogourt et les fromages suisses et italiens. Comme plusieurs autres bactéries lactiques utilisées à l'échelle industrielle, S. thermophilus est sensible à l'attaque des phages virulents, ce qui engendre un ralentissement ou un arrêt du processus de fermentation de même que des pertes économiques. Comparativement aux nombreuses recherches effectuées sur les phages de Lactococcus lactis, peu d'études ont été faites sur les phages de S. thermophilus. Afin d'augmenter nos connaissances sur les phages de 5*. thermophilus, le transcriptome du phage DT1 a été déterminé par des hybridations de type Northern lors de l'infection de sa souche hôte SMQ-301. Une carte transcriptionnelle différente de celles des autres phages infectant S. thermophilus a été établie. De plus, les résultats obtenus concordent avec ceux précédemment obtenus lors de l'analyse de l'expression des gènes de DT1 par puces à ADN. Les profils de restriction Smal obtenus par électrophorèse en champ puisé de 16 souches de S. thermophilus sensibles à DT1 ont été comparés afin d'identifier une souche présentant un profil différent de celui de SMQ-301. Deux souches, soit SMQ-706 et SMQ-710, ont ainsi pu être identifiées.

Caractérisation du mode d'action du système CRISPR1/Cas de Streptococcus thermophilus

Dupuis, Marie-Ève 18 April 2018 (has links)
Tableau d'honneur de la Faculté des études supérieures et postdoctorales, 2011-2012 / Streptococcus thermophilus est une bactérie utilisée pour la fabrication industrielle de yogourts et de fromages et elle est sujette aux infections phagiques. Plusieurs mécanismes de défense contre les phages sont connus, dont le système CRISPR/Cas. Les loci CRISPR sont constitués de courtes séquences d'ADN répétées entrecoupées de séquences variables, les espaceurs. Des gènes cas et une région promotrice sont associés aux loci et la séquence homologue chez le phage est appelée le protoespaceur. Pour ce mémoire, l'effet du système CRISPRl/Cas de la souche S. thermophilus DGCC7710 sur l'ADN phagique a été étudié. Ainsi, il a été prouvé que l'ADN phagique est clivé dans les protoespaceurs par le système CRISPRl/Cas. Puis, l'analyse des différents espaceurs démontre que les motifs associés aux protoespaceurs sont plus permissifs qu'anticipé. Finalement, la méthylation de l'ADN phagique ne semble pas affecter l'immunité CRISPR/Cas ou l'acquisition d'espaceurs.

CRISPR-Cas : un nouvel outil pour l'étude des génomes de bactériophages

Martel, Bruno 20 April 2018 (has links)
Les bactériophages sont maintenant reconnus pour jouer un rôle majeur dans divers écosystèmes. De nouveaux gènes sont fréquemment identifiés dans les génomes de ces bactériophages issus de différentes études environnementales. La majorité de ces gènes ne peuvent être associés à une fonction connue, d’où la nécessité de développer des outils génétiques performants afin mieux comprendre leur rôle dans la biologie des bactériophages virulents. Dans ce projet de maîtrise, le système CRISPR-Cas de la souche Streptococcus thermophilus DGCC7710 a été utilisé afin de pouvoir étudier des gènes sans fonction connue du bactériophage virulent 2972. Des mutations ponctuelles ainsi que de petites et de grandes délétions ont été réalisées dans le génome de phages virulents en utilisant le système CRISPR-Cas comme pression sélective. Finalement, la méthylation de l’ADN phagique a été démontrée suite à l’insertion d’un gène codant pour une méthyltransférase bactérienne dans le génome du phage 2972. / Bacteriophages are now widely recognized as major players in a wide variety of ecosystems. Novel genes are often identified in newly isolated phages as well as in environmental metavirome studies. Most of these novel viral genes have unknown functions but appear to be coding for small, non-structural proteins. To understand their biological role, very efficient genetic tools are required to modify them, especially in the genome of virulent phages. For this MSc project, specific point mutations and large deletions can be engineered in the genome of the virulent phage 2972 using the Streptococcus thermophilus CRISPR-Cas Type II-A. Furthermore, the CRISPR-Cas engineering system can be used to efficiently introduce a functional methyltransferase gene into a virulent phage genome. Finally, synthetic CRISPR bacteriophage insensitive mutants were constructed by cloning a spacer-repeat unit in a low copy vector illustrating the possibility to target multiple regions of the phage genome.

The immunoglobulin M-degrading enzyme of Streptococcus suis, IdeSsuis, is involved in complement evasion

Seele, Jana, Beineke, Andreas, Hillermann, Lena-Maria, Jaschok-Kentner, Beate, von Pawel-Rammingen, Ulrich, Valentin-Weigand, Peter, Baums, Christoph Georg 19 April 2015 (has links) (PDF)
Streptococcus (S.) suis is one of the most important pathogens in pigs causing meningitis, arthritis, endocarditis and serositis. Furthermore, it is also an emerging zoonotic agent. In our previous work we identified a highly specific IgM protease in S. suis, designated IdeSsuis. The objective of this study was to characterize the function of IdeSsuis in the host-pathogen interaction. Edman-sequencing revealed that IdeSsuis cleaves the heavy chain of the IgM molecule between constant domain 2 and 3. As the C1q binding motif is located in the C3 domain, we hypothesized that IdeSsuis is involved in complement evasion. Complement-mediated hemolysis induced by porcine hyperimmune sera containing erythrocyte-specific IgM was abrogated by treatment of these sera with recombinant IdeSsuis. Furthermore, expression of IdeSsuis reduced IgM-triggered complement deposition on the bacterial surface. An infection experiment of prime-vaccinated growing piglets suggested attenuation in the virulence of the mutant 10ΔideSsuis. Bactericidal assays confirmed a positive effect of IdeSsuis expression on bacterial survival in porcine blood in the presence of high titers of specific IgM. In conclusion, this study demonstrates that IdeSsuis is a novel complement evasion factor, which is important for bacterial survival in porcine blood during the early adaptive (IgM-dominated) immune response.

Inativação fotodinâmica utilizando-se curcumina conjugada a Pluronic® F-127 sobre biofilme de Streptococcus mutans /

Santos, Diego Dantas Lopes dos January 2019 (has links)
Orientador: Alessandra Nara de Souza Rastelli / Resumo: A inativação fotodinâmica é descrita como terapêutica promissora na inativação de micro-organismos bucais. A curcumina é um fotossensibilizador com característica hidrofóbica, e que pode comprometer a sua eficiência. Dessa forma, torna-se relevante o desenvolvimento de estudos que verifiquem o seu efeito quando conjugada a micelas poliméricas. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a efetividade da inativação fotodinâmica em biofilme de Streptococcus mutans utilizando-se curcumina, conjugada ou não, a micelas como fotossensibilizador, irradiado por luz LED. Realizou-se a caracterização das micelas poliméricas nas concentrações de 0.1 e 0.5% de curcumina, por meio do Potencial Zeta, determinação do espalhamento de luz dinâmico, microscopia eletrônica de transmissão e a investigação dos mecanismos envolvidos na reação fotodinâmica. Após, foi selecionada a melhor concentração a ser utilizada na inativação fotodinâmica sobre biofilme de Streptococcus mutans. As concentrações inibitória mínima (CIM) e bactericida mínima (CBM) foram determinadas. Foram induzidos em placa de 96 poços biofilmes single espécie. Os biofilmes foram irradiados uniformemente com sistema de iluminação a LED (Biotable, MMO) em comprimento de onda de 460 nm com dose/densidade de energia de 15 J/cm2 . Unidades formadoras de colônia (UFC/mL), a partir da CIM e CBM foram obtidas. Por meio de microscopia confocal utilizando-se corante BacLight® LIVE/DEAD foi avaliado a viabilidade celular nos biofilmes. Diferente... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: Photodynamic inactivation is described as promising therapy in the inactivation of oral microorganisms. Curcumin is a hydrophobic photosensitizer, which can compromise its efficiency. Thus, the development of studies that verify its effect when conjugated to polymeric micelles becomes relevant. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of photodynamic inactivation in Streptococcus mutans biofilm using curcumin, conjugated or not, to micelles as photosensitizer, irradiated by LED light. The characterization of the polymeric micelles in the 0.1% and 0.5% concentrations of curcumin was carried out by Zeta Potential, determination of dynamic light scattering, transmission electron microscopy and investigation of the mechanisms involved in the photodynamic reaction. After that, the best concentration to be used in photodynamic inactivation on Streptococcus mutans biofilm was selected. Minimum inhibitory concentrations (MIC), minimal bactericidal (MBC) were determined. Single-species biofilms were induced in 96-well plate. The biofilms were uniformly irradiated with a LED illumination system (Biotable, MMO) at wavelength of 460 nm with dose or energy density of 15 J/cm2. Colony forming units (CFU / mL) from CIM and CBM were obtained. By means of confocal microscopy using BacLight® LIVE/DEAD dye, cell viability in biofilms was evaluated. Different groups were analyzed: FSM+L+ (Photosensitizer conjugate micelles Pluronic + Light), FSD+L+ (Photosensitizer in 10% DM... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Mestre

Influência do tempo de pré-irradiação empregado na terapia fotodinâmica antimicrobiana / Influence of pre-irradiation time employed in antimicrobial photodynamic therapy

Fumes, Ana Caroline 07 July 2017 (has links)
O objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar, in vitro, o efeito de diferentes tempos de pré-irradiação do fotossensibilizador na terapia fotodinâmica em biofilmes formados por Streptococcus mutans e Candida albicans, por meio da avaliação da carga microbiana. Os fatores em estudo foram: tempos de pré-irradiação do fotossensibilizador em 3 níveis (1, 2 ou 5 minutos). Para o controle do biofilme dentário cariogênico com aPDT foi utilizado o azul de metileno (0,01%) associado ao laser de diodo (&lambda;=660 nm). O digluconato de clorexidina (CHX a 0,12%) e a solução salina foram utilizados como controle positivo e negativo, respectivamente. O delineamento do estudo foi realizado em blocos completos e casualizados, sendo a amostra composta por 15 culturas de biofilmes de S. mutans, divididas aleatoriamente em 5 grupos e 15 culturas de C. albicans, também divididas em 5 grupos. O experimento foi realizado em triplicata (n=3) e as variáveis de resposta foram obtidas por meio de análise quantitativa da viabilidade bacteriana, expressa em unidades formadoras de colônia (UFC) por mm2 da área do espécime. Os dados obtidos foram analisados com o auxílio do teste one-way ANOVA e pós-teste de Tukey. Todas as análises foram efetuadas por meio do programa Graph Pad Prism 4.0, com nível de significância de 5%. Para o grupo de S. mutans, apenas a solução salina apresentou diferença estatisticamente significante quando comparada aos demais tratamentos (p<0.05), ou seja, o tratamento com aPDT, independentemente do tempo de irradiação aplicado, foi semelhante ao tratamento com CHX e ambos foram mais eficazes na redução do biofilme cariogênico, em comparação à solução salina. Para o grupo de C. albicans não houve diferença estatística entre os grupos (p>0.05). Portanto, pode-se concluir que o tratamento com aPDT diminuiu o número de UFCs de S. Mutans de forma semelhante à CHX, independentemente do tempo de pré-irradiação aplicado. Não foi possível constatar nenhum efeito desta terapia e dos diferentes tempos de pré-irradiação sobre o biofilme de C. albicans. Desta forma, o tempo de pré-irradiação de 1 minuto pode ser utilizado com o objetivo de reduzir a carga microbiana de S. Mutans. / The aim of the present study was to evaluate, in vitro, the effect of different pre-irradiation times of the photosensitizer in photodynamic therapy in biofilms formed by on by Streptococcus mutans and Candida albicans, through the evaluation of the microbial load. The factors under study were: times of pre-irradiation of the photosensitizer in 3 levels (1, 2 or 5 minutes). For the control of the cariogenic dental biofilm with aPDT, methylene blue (0.01%) was used in association with the diode laser (&lambda;=660 nm). Chlorhexidine digluconate (0.12% CHX) and saline were used as positive and negative controls, respectively. The study design was carried out in complete and randomized blocks. The sample consisted of 15 S. mutans biofilms cultures, randomly divided into 5 groups and 15 C. albicans cultures, also divided into 5 groups. The experiment was performed in triplicate (n = 3) and the response variables were obtained through quantitative analysis of bacterial viability, expressed in colony forming units (CFU) per mm2 of the specimen area. The data were analyzed with the aid of the ANOVA one-way test and Tukey\'s post-test. All analyzes were performed using the Graph Pad Prism 4.0 program, with a significance level of 5%. For the S. mutans group, only the saline solution presented a statistically significant difference when compared to the other treatments (p <0.05), that is, the treatment with aPDT, irrespective of the irradiation time applied, was similar to the treatment with CHX and both were more effective in reducing cariogenic biofilm compared to saline. For the group of C. albicans there was no statistical difference between the groups (p> 0.05). Therefore, it can be concluded that the treatment with aPDT reduced the number of CFUs of S. Mutans in a similar way to CHX, independently of the pre-irradiation time applied. No effect of this therapy or of the different pre-irradiation times on the C. albicans biofilm could be observed. In this way, the pre-irradiation time of 1 minute can be used to reduce the microbial load of S. mutans.

Imunização pulmonar com nanopartículas contendo o antígeno PspA (Pneumococcal surface protein A) / PULMONARY IMMUNIZATION WITH NANOPARTICLES CONTAINING THE ANTIGEN PspA (PNEUMOCOCCAL SURFACE PROTEIN A)

Rodrigues, Tasson da Costa 09 April 2018 (has links)
Streptococcus pneumoniae, ou pneumococo, é um constituinte da microbiota humana, mas em alguns casos pode causar doenças, como pneumonia, bacteremia e meningite. Uma das principais formas de conter as infecções pneumocócicas foi o desenvolvimento de vacinas baseadas na indução de anticorpos contra o polissacarídeo capsular (PS). Como as vacinas pneumocócicas conjugadas (PCVs) possuem um número limitado de PSs e sua efetividade contra doenças não-invasivas ainda é controversa, o desenvolvimento de uma nova geração de vacinas que não sejam sorotipo-específicas continua sendo uma prioridade. Pneumococcal surface protein A (PspA) é um antígeno com grande potencial para uso em vacinas contra pneumococo. PspA apresenta certa variabilidade entre isolados e é dividida em família 1 (clados 1 e 2), família 2 (clados 3, 4 e 5) e família 3 (clado 6). O objetivo deste trabalho é avaliar a imunogenicidade e eficácia de nanopartículas (NPs) compostas do polímero poli(glicerol-adipato-co-&omega;-pentadecalactona) (PGA-co-PDL) contendo o antígeno PspA (PspA4Pro) e formuladas em partículas micrométricas (NP/NCMP PspA4Pro) em modelo murino de imunização pulmonar. Inicialmente, foram testadas três técnicas de inoculação para imunização pulmonar de camundongos. Tanto a utilização de um insuflador pulmonar para inoculação das NP/NCMPs sob a forma de pó quanto o uso de um microsprayer para inoculação das NP/NCMPs após ressuspensão em salina não foram capazes de induzir uma resposta de indução de IgG sérico de forma homogênea. Na terceira estratégia de imunização foi utilizada uma micropipeta para a imunização através de instilação por via nasal de duas doses da ressuspensão das NP/NCMPs. A imunização com NP/NCMP PspA4Pro através dessa técnica mostrou-se adequada, com a indução de IgG anti-PspA4 Pro no soro e no lavado broncoalveolar (BALF). Anticorpos IgG induzidos pela imunização com NP/NCMP PspA4Pro mostraram ligação à superfície de bactérias intactas expressando PspA dos clados 3, 4 e 5 (família 2), mas não foi observada ligação a bactérias expressando PspA dos clados 1 e 2 (família 1). Camundongos imunizados foram então desafiados com as linhagens ATCC6303 (sorotipo 3, PspA de clado 5) ou EF3030 (sorotipo 19F, PspA de clado 1) e o BALF foi coletado após 12 e 24 horas, respectivamente. Foi observada uma redução da carga bacteriana no BALF após desafio com a linhagem ATCC6303, além de uma redução na concentração de IL-6, TNF- KC/CXCL1 e MIP-2/CXCL2 em camundongos imunizados com NP/NCMP PspA4Pro. Todavia, esta redução da carga bacteriana no BALF não foi observada após desafio com a linhagem EF3030. Foi realizado ainda um desafio para avaliar a sobrevivência final após desafio com a linhagem ATCC6303 e foi observado que a imunização com NP/NCMP PspA4Pro foi capaz de induzir proteção parcial. A imunização pulmonar NP/NCMP PspA4Pro foi, portanto, capaz de induzir anticorpos no soro e pulmões dos camundongos, conferindo proteção contra uma linhagem de pneumococo expressando PspA da mesma família. Deste modo, estudos futuros são necessários para garantir maior proteção vacinal. / Streptococcus pneumoniae, or pneumococcus, is part of the human microbiota, but in some cases it can cause diseases, such as pneumonia, bacteremia and meningitis. One of the main forms of controlling pneumococcal infections was the development of vaccines based on the induction of antibodies against capsular polysaccharide (PS). Since a limited number of serotypes are included in pneumococcal conjugate vaccines (PCVs) and their effectiveness against non-invasive diseases is still controversial, the development of a new generation of serotype-independent vaccines is still a priority. Pneumococcal surface protein A (PspA) is an antigen with great potential for vaccine use. PspA shows some variability between strains and is divided in family 1 (clades 1 and 2), family 2 (clades 3, 4 and 5) and family 3 (clade 6). The aim of this work is to evaluate the immunogenicity and efficacy of poly (glycerol-adipate-co-&omega-pentadecalactone) (PGA-co-PDL) nanoparticles (NPs) containing PspA (PspA4Pro) and formulated in micrometric particles (NP/NCMP PspA4Pro) in a murine model of pulmonary immunization. Initially, three inoculation techniques were tested for lung immunization of mice. Both the inoculation of the NP/NCMPs as dry powder using a pulmonary insufflator and inoculation of the resuspension of the NP/NCMPs in saline using a microsprayer did not induce IgG serum antibodies reproducibly. For the third immunization strategy, a micropipette was used for immunization through nasal instillation of two doses of the resuspension of the NP/NCMPs. Immunization with NP/NCMP PspA4Pro using this technique showed reproducible results, with the induction of anti-PspA4Pro IgG in serum and bronchoalveolar lavage (BALF). IgG antibodies induced by immunization with NP/NCMP PspA4Pro showed binding to the surface of intact bacteria expressing PspA from clades 3, 4 and 5 (family 2), but no binding was observed for bacteria expressing PspA from clades 1 and 2 (family 1). Immunized mice were then challenged with strains ATCC6303 (serotype 3, PspA clade 5) or EF3030 (serotype 19F, PspA1) and BALF was collected after 12 and 24 hours, respectively. A reduction in bacterial load in BALF was observed in mice challenged with ATCC6303. A reduction in IL-6, TNF-KC/CXCL1 and MIP-2 CXCL2 levels in BALF of mice immunized with NP/NCMP PspA4Pro was also observed. Reduction in bacterial load was not observed for mice challenged with strain EF3030 though. A challenge with strain ATCC6303 strain was also performed to evaluate overall survival and partial protection was observed for the group immunized with NP/NCMP PspA4Pro. In conclusion, lung immunization with NP/NCMP PspA4Pro is able to induce antibodies in serum and lungs, conferring protection against a pneumococcal strain expressing PspA from the same family. Future studies are thus necessary to guarantee broader vaccine protection.

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