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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Relação entre níveis séricos de RBP-4 e componentes da Síndrome Metabólica em pacientes soropositivos para o HIV em uso de terapia antirretroviral / Correlation between serum RBP-4 and Metabolic Syndrome compounds in HIV-1 patients on antiretroviral therapy

Aranda, Gabriele Manzoli 26 April 2016 (has links)
Após a introdução em 1996 de uma nova classe de medicamentos antirretrovirais a potência e a eficácia da TARV aumentaram a expectativa de vida dos pacientes infectados pelo HIV. Entretanto, seu uso está associado a modificações metabólicas e de composição corporal, denominadas síndrome da lipodistrofia do HIV (SLHIV). Alguns estudos tem relatado alterações no metabolismo da glicose e aumento de níveis séricos de colesterol total, LDL-c e triglicérides; ainda, pode-se observar maiores valores de circunferência abdominal e presença de hipertensão arterial sistêmica. Tais achados são também relacionados à síndrome metabólica. Podemos estão relacionar as alterações encontradas em pacientes soropositivos para o HIV com alterações da síndrome metabólica do paciente soronegativo para o HIV. Ainda, encontra-se dados com o aumento de níveis séricos de RBP-4 e correlação positiva com componentes da síndrome metabólica em diversas populações, associados à essas alterações metabólicas, aumento de marcadores de estresse oxidativo. Assim, o presente estudo avaliou se níveis séricos de RBP-4 e marcadores de estresse oxidativo estão aumentados em população HIV+ quando comparados com HIV-. Casuística e Métodos: Foram selecionados 59 pacientes divididos em 4 grupos: HIV+SM+, HIV+SM-, HIV-SM- e HIV-SM+. Foram avaliados marcadores de estresse oxidativo (CAT, Frap, MDA, GSH, 8- OHdG), RBP-4, retinol, avaliação antropométrica (peso, estatura, IMC, circunferência abdominal) , composição corporal por impedância biolétrica, exames bioquímicos de perfil lipídico e glicemia de jejum. Resultados: Os voluntários dos grupos com síndrome metabólica apresentaram maiores valores de peso, IMC, colesterol total, LDL-c e triglicérides. Níveis aumentados de RBP-4 e MDA também foram encontrados, estando estes mais pronunciados em indivíduos HIV+. Não foi encontrada diferença significativa entre marcadores estresse oxidativo GSH e 8OHdG entre os grupos. Não foi encontrada correlação entre RBP-4 e componentes da SM. Conclusão: RBP-4 e marcadores de peroxidação lipídica estão aumentados em pacientes com síndrome metabólica, estando mais pronunciados em indivíduos soropositivos para o HIV. / Introduction: After the introduction in 1996 of a new class of antiretroviral drugs the potency and efficacy of ART increased the life expectancy of HIV-infected patients. However, its use is associated with metabolic changes and body composition, called lipodystrophy syndrome of HIV (SLHIV). Some studies have reported increased incidence and prevalence of alterations in glucose metabolism and increased serum levels of total cholesterol, LDL-C and triglycerides; yet, we can observe higher waist circumference values and the presence of hypertension. These findings are also related to metabolic syndrome. We can relate the changes are found in patients seropositive for HIV with changes in metabolic syndrome patients soronegative for HIV. In some literatures we can observed increased serum levels of RBP-4 and positive correlation with components of the metabolic syndrome in different populations. Associated with these metabolic abnormalities, increased oxidative stress markers. The present study evaluated whether serum RBP-4 and oxidative stress markers are increased in HIV + population when compared to HIV. Methods: We have selected 59 patients divided into 4 groups: HIV + SM +, HIV + SM, SM-HIV and HIV-SM +. We have evaluated oxidative stress markers (CAT, Frap, MDA, GSH) DNA damage markers, RBP-4, vitamin A, vitamin E, anthropometric measurements (weight, height, BMI, waist circumference), body composition by bioelectrical impedance, biochemical tests of lipid profile and fasting glucose. Results: Volunteers from groups with metabolic syndrome have higher weight values, BMI, total cholesterol, LDL-C and triglycerides. Increased levels of RBP-4 and MDA were also found, and these are more pronounced in HIV + individuals. There was no significant differences between GSH and oxidative stress marker 8OHdG on different groups. No correlation was found between RBP-4 and some components of MS. Conclusion: RBP-4 and lipid peroxidation markers are elevated in patients with metabolic syndrome, being more pronounced in individuals soropositive for HIV.

Estudo das adaptações autonômicas, metabólicas e funcionais decorrentes da utilização do sistema de cargas seletivas durante um macrociclo de treinamento em atletas de basquetebol / Study of autonomic, metabolic and functional adaptations arising from the use of selective loads system during macrocycle training in basketball players.

Mazon, José Henrique 06 November 2015 (has links)
O estudo se propôs a investigar em atletas de basquetebol, as adaptações decorrentes da utilização do modelo de cargas seletivas de periodização (SCS) sobre a modulação autonômica da variabilidade da frequência cardíaca (VFC), sensibilidade baroreflexa (SBR), limiar de anaerobiose (LA), marcadores de estresse endógenos e capacidade funcional de membros inferiores (MMII), durante um macrociclo de treinamento. Foram estudados 22 atletas do sexo masculino e as avaliações foram realizadas em quatro momentos específicos do macrociclo (início da etapa de preparação, P1; início e término da segunda etapa de competição, P2 e P3; término da terceira etapa de competição, P4). A VFC foi investigada no domínio do tempo (RMSSD- raiz quadrada da somatória do quadrado das diferenças entre os iR-R adjacentes no registro dividido pelo número de intervalos R-R, menos um, expressa em ms), no domínio da frequência (análise espectral pela transformada rápida de Fourier) e também por meio de análise simbólica. A SBR foi avaliada pelo método da sequencia. Também foram realizados testes ergoespirométricos para determinação do limiar de anaerobiose e exames laboratoriais para dosagens plasmáticas de catecolaminas, cortisol, testosterona livre, ureia e creatinoquinase. Adicionalmente, para determinação da capacidade funcional de MMII, foram avaliadas as capacidades de força muscular (dinamômetria isocinética dos extensores e flexores de joelhos) e potência de salto (plataforma de força). Os resultados demonstraram que o sistema e a estruturação do treinamento utilizada não promoveram mudanças na modulação autonômica da VFC, VPA e SBR em repouso. Por sua vez, houveram alterações nos parâmetros relacionados com o limiar de anaerobiose, sugerindo uma possível melhora da capacidade aeróbia dos atletas. No que diz respeito aos marcadores hormonais, foram observadas reduções na concentração plasmática de catecolaminas e cortisol, que parecem refletir adaptações positivas às cargas de trabalho utilizadas durante o macrociclo de treinamento. Por fim, não foi observada nenhuma diferença nos parâmetros avaliados de força muscular e potência de salto dos atletas, sugerindo que o desempenho destas capacidades físicas, no presente estudo, parece relacionado com a especificidade das cargas de trabalho utilizadas no decorrer do macrociclo e pode não refletir o efeito do programa de treinamento em questão. / We investigated in basketball athletes, adaptations arising from the use of selective loads periodization system (SLS) on the autonomic modulation of heart rate variability (HRV), baroreflex sensitivity (BRS), anaerobic threshold (AT), endogenous stress markers and functional performance during macrocycle training. Twenty two male athletes were evaluated in four specific times of the macrocycle (early preparation period, P1, start and end of the competition period second, P2 and P3; end of the competition period third, P4). HRV was investigated in the time domain (RMSSD- square root of the mean of the squared differences of successive adjacent RR intervals) in the frequency domain (spectral analysis by Fourier Fast Transform) and also through symbolic analysis. The BRS was evaluated by method of sequence. Cardiopulmonary exercise and laboratory tests were also performed to determine the anaerobic threshold, plasma levels of catecholamines, cortisol, free testosterone, urea and creatine kinase. Additionally, muscle strength (isokinetic dynamometer) and jump power (force platform) were evaluated to determine the functional capacity of the lower limbs. The results showed that the training system used did not promote changes in autonomic modulation of HRV and BRS. In turn, there were changes in parameters related to the AT, suggesting possible improvement of the aerobic capacity of athletes. With regard to metabolic markers, reductions were observed in the plasma catecholamines and cortisol, which seem to reflect adjustments positive of the workload used during the training macrocycle. Finally, no difference it was observed in muscle strength and jump power of athletes, suggesting that the performance these physical capacities in the present study, it seems related to the structure and specificity of workloads used during the macrocycle and may not reflect the effectiveness of the training program in question.

Relação entre níveis séricos de RBP-4 e componentes da Síndrome Metabólica em pacientes soropositivos para o HIV em uso de terapia antirretroviral / Correlation between serum RBP-4 and Metabolic Syndrome compounds in HIV-1 patients on antiretroviral therapy

Gabriele Manzoli Aranda 26 April 2016 (has links)
Após a introdução em 1996 de uma nova classe de medicamentos antirretrovirais a potência e a eficácia da TARV aumentaram a expectativa de vida dos pacientes infectados pelo HIV. Entretanto, seu uso está associado a modificações metabólicas e de composição corporal, denominadas síndrome da lipodistrofia do HIV (SLHIV). Alguns estudos tem relatado alterações no metabolismo da glicose e aumento de níveis séricos de colesterol total, LDL-c e triglicérides; ainda, pode-se observar maiores valores de circunferência abdominal e presença de hipertensão arterial sistêmica. Tais achados são também relacionados à síndrome metabólica. Podemos estão relacionar as alterações encontradas em pacientes soropositivos para o HIV com alterações da síndrome metabólica do paciente soronegativo para o HIV. Ainda, encontra-se dados com o aumento de níveis séricos de RBP-4 e correlação positiva com componentes da síndrome metabólica em diversas populações, associados à essas alterações metabólicas, aumento de marcadores de estresse oxidativo. Assim, o presente estudo avaliou se níveis séricos de RBP-4 e marcadores de estresse oxidativo estão aumentados em população HIV+ quando comparados com HIV-. Casuística e Métodos: Foram selecionados 59 pacientes divididos em 4 grupos: HIV+SM+, HIV+SM-, HIV-SM- e HIV-SM+. Foram avaliados marcadores de estresse oxidativo (CAT, Frap, MDA, GSH, 8- OHdG), RBP-4, retinol, avaliação antropométrica (peso, estatura, IMC, circunferência abdominal) , composição corporal por impedância biolétrica, exames bioquímicos de perfil lipídico e glicemia de jejum. Resultados: Os voluntários dos grupos com síndrome metabólica apresentaram maiores valores de peso, IMC, colesterol total, LDL-c e triglicérides. Níveis aumentados de RBP-4 e MDA também foram encontrados, estando estes mais pronunciados em indivíduos HIV+. Não foi encontrada diferença significativa entre marcadores estresse oxidativo GSH e 8OHdG entre os grupos. Não foi encontrada correlação entre RBP-4 e componentes da SM. Conclusão: RBP-4 e marcadores de peroxidação lipídica estão aumentados em pacientes com síndrome metabólica, estando mais pronunciados em indivíduos soropositivos para o HIV. / Introduction: After the introduction in 1996 of a new class of antiretroviral drugs the potency and efficacy of ART increased the life expectancy of HIV-infected patients. However, its use is associated with metabolic changes and body composition, called lipodystrophy syndrome of HIV (SLHIV). Some studies have reported increased incidence and prevalence of alterations in glucose metabolism and increased serum levels of total cholesterol, LDL-C and triglycerides; yet, we can observe higher waist circumference values and the presence of hypertension. These findings are also related to metabolic syndrome. We can relate the changes are found in patients seropositive for HIV with changes in metabolic syndrome patients soronegative for HIV. In some literatures we can observed increased serum levels of RBP-4 and positive correlation with components of the metabolic syndrome in different populations. Associated with these metabolic abnormalities, increased oxidative stress markers. The present study evaluated whether serum RBP-4 and oxidative stress markers are increased in HIV + population when compared to HIV. Methods: We have selected 59 patients divided into 4 groups: HIV + SM +, HIV + SM, SM-HIV and HIV-SM +. We have evaluated oxidative stress markers (CAT, Frap, MDA, GSH) DNA damage markers, RBP-4, vitamin A, vitamin E, anthropometric measurements (weight, height, BMI, waist circumference), body composition by bioelectrical impedance, biochemical tests of lipid profile and fasting glucose. Results: Volunteers from groups with metabolic syndrome have higher weight values, BMI, total cholesterol, LDL-C and triglycerides. Increased levels of RBP-4 and MDA were also found, and these are more pronounced in HIV + individuals. There was no significant differences between GSH and oxidative stress marker 8OHdG on different groups. No correlation was found between RBP-4 and some components of MS. Conclusion: RBP-4 and lipid peroxidation markers are elevated in patients with metabolic syndrome, being more pronounced in individuals soropositive for HIV.

Skeletal evidence of the social persona : life, death and society in early medieval Alamannic communities

Speith, Nivien January 2012 (has links)
Historic-archaeological research on the Alamanni, an early medieval population in the periphery of the Frankish Empire, primarily focuses on themes such as their military character or issues of ethnicity, while the actual functioning of Alamannic societies remains conjectural. Aiming at presenting an integrated approach to the concepts of social organisation and social identities in Alamannic populations, this study examines and defines Alamannic identity and society by creating a dialogue between the disciplines of archaeology, biological anthropology and socio-cultural sciences. A bioarchaeology of identity explores the Alamanni of Pleidelsheim and Neresheim via their funerary and skeletal evidence, allowing for the factor of different environments that influence the interactions of a community. A key theme is the investigation of indicators for biological and social 'status', by direct association of bioanthropological with funerary archaeological data, as well as by evaluation of present interpretations made from material culture in the light of bioanthropological analysis as a paramount focus. The results are interpreted in terms of social status and the perception of certain social parameters, exploring interrelations between factors such as sex and gender, age, status and activity for the entirety of a society. This research offers new perspectives on Alamannic societies and helps to comprehend Alamannic social organisation as a multi-layered phenomenon, emphasizing the importance of a biocultural approach. Beyond common perceptions, this study forms the basis for a new understanding of the Alamanni, as the results reveal a society that was complex and diverse, displaying its own characteristics in the Merovingian world.

Estudo das adaptações autonômicas, metabólicas e funcionais decorrentes da utilização do sistema de cargas seletivas durante um macrociclo de treinamento em atletas de basquetebol / Study of autonomic, metabolic and functional adaptations arising from the use of selective loads system during macrocycle training in basketball players.

José Henrique Mazon 06 November 2015 (has links)
O estudo se propôs a investigar em atletas de basquetebol, as adaptações decorrentes da utilização do modelo de cargas seletivas de periodização (SCS) sobre a modulação autonômica da variabilidade da frequência cardíaca (VFC), sensibilidade baroreflexa (SBR), limiar de anaerobiose (LA), marcadores de estresse endógenos e capacidade funcional de membros inferiores (MMII), durante um macrociclo de treinamento. Foram estudados 22 atletas do sexo masculino e as avaliações foram realizadas em quatro momentos específicos do macrociclo (início da etapa de preparação, P1; início e término da segunda etapa de competição, P2 e P3; término da terceira etapa de competição, P4). A VFC foi investigada no domínio do tempo (RMSSD- raiz quadrada da somatória do quadrado das diferenças entre os iR-R adjacentes no registro dividido pelo número de intervalos R-R, menos um, expressa em ms), no domínio da frequência (análise espectral pela transformada rápida de Fourier) e também por meio de análise simbólica. A SBR foi avaliada pelo método da sequencia. Também foram realizados testes ergoespirométricos para determinação do limiar de anaerobiose e exames laboratoriais para dosagens plasmáticas de catecolaminas, cortisol, testosterona livre, ureia e creatinoquinase. Adicionalmente, para determinação da capacidade funcional de MMII, foram avaliadas as capacidades de força muscular (dinamômetria isocinética dos extensores e flexores de joelhos) e potência de salto (plataforma de força). Os resultados demonstraram que o sistema e a estruturação do treinamento utilizada não promoveram mudanças na modulação autonômica da VFC, VPA e SBR em repouso. Por sua vez, houveram alterações nos parâmetros relacionados com o limiar de anaerobiose, sugerindo uma possível melhora da capacidade aeróbia dos atletas. No que diz respeito aos marcadores hormonais, foram observadas reduções na concentração plasmática de catecolaminas e cortisol, que parecem refletir adaptações positivas às cargas de trabalho utilizadas durante o macrociclo de treinamento. Por fim, não foi observada nenhuma diferença nos parâmetros avaliados de força muscular e potência de salto dos atletas, sugerindo que o desempenho destas capacidades físicas, no presente estudo, parece relacionado com a especificidade das cargas de trabalho utilizadas no decorrer do macrociclo e pode não refletir o efeito do programa de treinamento em questão. / We investigated in basketball athletes, adaptations arising from the use of selective loads periodization system (SLS) on the autonomic modulation of heart rate variability (HRV), baroreflex sensitivity (BRS), anaerobic threshold (AT), endogenous stress markers and functional performance during macrocycle training. Twenty two male athletes were evaluated in four specific times of the macrocycle (early preparation period, P1, start and end of the competition period second, P2 and P3; end of the competition period third, P4). HRV was investigated in the time domain (RMSSD- square root of the mean of the squared differences of successive adjacent RR intervals) in the frequency domain (spectral analysis by Fourier Fast Transform) and also through symbolic analysis. The BRS was evaluated by method of sequence. Cardiopulmonary exercise and laboratory tests were also performed to determine the anaerobic threshold, plasma levels of catecholamines, cortisol, free testosterone, urea and creatine kinase. Additionally, muscle strength (isokinetic dynamometer) and jump power (force platform) were evaluated to determine the functional capacity of the lower limbs. The results showed that the training system used did not promote changes in autonomic modulation of HRV and BRS. In turn, there were changes in parameters related to the AT, suggesting possible improvement of the aerobic capacity of athletes. With regard to metabolic markers, reductions were observed in the plasma catecholamines and cortisol, which seem to reflect adjustments positive of the workload used during the training macrocycle. Finally, no difference it was observed in muscle strength and jump power of athletes, suggesting that the performance these physical capacities in the present study, it seems related to the structure and specificity of workloads used during the macrocycle and may not reflect the effectiveness of the training program in question.

La pratique de la monte à cheval au haut Moyen Age (fin V - VII siècle) dans le nord-est de la Gaule. : Εtat des cοnnaissances archéοlοgiques, recherche méthοdοlοgique sur le "syndrοme du cavalier" et applicatiοn d'un nοuveau prοtοcοle d'étude aux pοpulatiοns mérοvingiennes. / The equestrian pratice in the Middle Age (late 5th-7th century) in northeastern of Gaule. : Archaeological knowledge, methodological research on the "horse-riding syndrome" and application of a new study protocol to merovingian populations.

Baillif, Christele 27 November 2018 (has links)
Discuter de la pratique équestre des populations archéologiques occidentales aboutit bien souvent à la question : avec ou sans étriers ? Cette réflexion à propos de l’absence ou de la présence de l’étrier dans les techniques de monte des périodes anciennes est indissociable de la pensée de L. T. White à propos de son introduction en Occident. Ce dernier qualifie le caractère de cet objet équestre comme « révolutionnaire ». Pourtant, ce dernier élément de l’équipement équestre du cheval de monte ne favorise pas une meilleure maîtrise de l’animal de la part du cavalier. On peut être un excellent cavalier sans étriers à l’instar des amérindiens d’Amérique du Nord de la période coloniale. En revanche, l’étrier ou les étriers offrent de nouveaux points d’appuis au cavalier et modifient indéniablement sa posture sur sa monture. La posture du cavalier a fait l’objet de nombreuses attentions comme en témoignent les traités équestres antiques, modernes et actuels. Un large ensemble de marqueurs osseux réunis sous un seul et même terme « le syndrome du cavalier », par les études anthropologiques, permettrait de reconnaitre sur l’os sec des lésions osseuses liées à cette activité équestre. Or le changement de position du cavalier sur son cheval, notamment lors de l’introduction de nouveaux équipements équestres tel que l’étrier, remet en cause l’universalité de ce syndrome et ce quelle que soit la période chronologique étudiée : un cavalier grec ne possède pas le même équipement équestre qu’un cavalier du XVIIIe siècle. Par conséquent, tous deux ne se positionnent pas de la même manière sur leur partenaire équin. La révision de ce syndrome du cavalier a contribué à souligner l’importance de mener une recherche interdisciplinaire (archéologie du cheval, anthropologie biologique et données de la médecine du sport équestre) pour pouvoir discuter de manière rigoureuse de l’impact lésionnel de cette activité sur le corps du cavalier ainsi que de l’influence du type d’équipement utilisé sur ce dernier. La période mérovingienne offre un contexte archéologique idéal d’étude, par la présence d’objets équestres dans les tombes et celle de l’étrier à partir de la fin du VIe siècle, pour définir un ensemble pertinent d’indices d’activité équestre permettant l’identification de la pratique équestre, et de cavaliers, au sein des groupes funéraires mérovingiens. / The topic of the equestrian practice of Western archaeological populations often leads to the question of the use of stirrups or not ? This question on the absence or presence of the stirrup in the ancient times is closely related to L. T. White's thought about his introduction to the West. He qualifies the character of this equestrian object as "revolutionary". This element of the equestrian equipment does not favor a better control of the animal, as you can be an excellent rider without stirrups like North American Indians during the colonial period. The stirrup or the stirrups offer new points of support to the rider and undeniably modify his posture on the horse. The posture of the rider has been the subject of many attentions as shown by the ancient, modern and current equestrian treaties. A large group of occupational stress markers described, by anthropological studies, and known with the term "horse-riding syndrome" would make it possible to recognize bone lesions associated with this equestrian activity. The rider’s change of position on the horse, especially during the introduction of new equestrian equipment such as the stirrup, raises the question of the universality of this syndrome regardless of the chronological period studied : a Greek rider does not have the same equestrian equipment as a rider of the 18th century. Therefore, both do not position themselves in the same way on their equine partner. The new study of this syndrome has helped to emphasizing the importance of conducting interdisciplinary research (using horse archeology, biological anthropology and equestrian sport medicine data) in order to rigorously discuss the injury impact of this activity on the rider's body as well as the influence of the equipment used. The Merovingian period offers an ideal archaeological context for such a study because of the presence of both equestrian artifacts and stirrup from the end of the 6th century in the burials, helping in defining occupational stress markers of this equestrian activity, and identifying riders, within the Merovingian funerary groups.

A Histomorphometric Analysis of Muscular Insertion Regions: Understanding Enthesis Etiology

Schlecht, Stephen Harold 18 June 2012 (has links)
No description available.

Intensificação agrícola e complexificação social: uma perspectiva bioantropológica de populações pré-históricas do litoral dos Andes Centrais / Intensification of agriculture and social complexity: a bioanthropological perspective of prehistoric populations from coastal Central Andes

Lanfranco, Luis Nicanor Pezo 14 May 2015 (has links)
Esta pesquisa aborda, a partir de uma perspectiva bioarqueológica comparativa, a problemática das mudanças nos padrões de subsistência associados à intensificação da agricultura e suas implicações no processo de complexificação social na costa dos Andes Centrais. Para tanto, se examinaram indicadores de patologia oral, estresse nutricional e isótopos estáveis, e outros dados paleodietéticos e arqueológicos de 09 populações pré-históricas da costa dos Andes Centrais datadas para o período Formativo (~3000-1 a.C.). Os resultados mostram que as dietas a predomínio de carboidratos são muito antigas na região, inclusive nos sítios litorâneos e que o processo de complexificação ocorreu em presença da agricultura como base econômica. As formações teocráticas do 3ro e 2do milênios a.C. floresceram baseadas na agricultura de tubérculos, leguminosas, árvores frutíferas e milho em menor quantidade (abaixo de 20%), apelando a técnicas agrícolas adaptadas às características de aridez dos vales da bacia do Pacífico. Uma drástica mudança na dieta costeira andina ocorreu entre 500-1 a.C., quando o milho passa ser o principal produto de subsistência ao nível regional em concomitância com o aparecimento de governos seculares. / From a comparative bioarchaeological perspective this research addresses the issue of changes in subsistence patterns associated with the intensification of agriculture on the coast of the Central Andes and their implications to the social complexity process. Markers of oral pathology and nutritional stress were examined, along with stable isotopes, and other paleodietetic and archaeological data of 09 prehistoric coastal populations dated to the Formative period (~3000-1 BC). The results show that the predominance of rich carbohydrate diets is very old in the region, also on shoreline settlements, and the process of complexity was based in agriculture as an economic basis. The theocratic societies of 3rd and 2nd millennium BC flourished based on agriculture of tubers, legumes, fruit trees and corn in smaller quantities (below 20%), using farming techniques highly adapted to the aridity of the Pacific basin valleys. A drastic change in the Andean coastal diet occurred between 500-1 BC, when the corn became the main regional staple concomitant to the appearance of secular governments

Reconstructing physical activity from human skeletal remains:potentials and restrictions in the use of musculoskeletal stress markers

Niinimäki, S. (Sirpa) 03 October 2012 (has links)
Abstract The purpose of my thesis is to improve the reliability of physical activity reconstructions by gaining better understanding of the effects of physical activity on bone structural adaptations: musculoskeletal stress markers (MSM) at muscle attachment sites and bone biomechanical properties. Bone responds to changes in mechanical loading resulting from activity and body weight. Activity reconstructions are important as they are the only means with which activity patterns of historic humans can be studied. However, MSMs have recently increased the debate about their reliability as activity indicators due to many bias factors which affect their appearance: age, size, sex and pathological changes. I studied the effects of physical activity on entheses from three perspectives. First, individuals performing heavy labour should have higher MSM scores compared to the light labour group due to elevated degree of mechanical loading at enthesis. This was studied on a population with known occupation and was among the first study designs of its kind. Second, a covariance between bone biomechanical properties and MSM was studied to infer etiology of MSM. The affects of activity and body weight on bone biomechanical properties are well known due to studies in sports medicine, whereas the causal mechanisms behind MSMs are not as clear. In theory, both should respond to stress with similar mechanisms. This is a novel approach to investigate the etiology behind MSMs. Third, if there is a possibility of site-specific adaptation of cortical bone, MSMs, which are local adaptations, can also result from site-specific stress. I found that while individuals performing heavy labour had higher scores, age-related changes in MSM override activity effects after biological maturity around 40 to 50 years. Also, MSMs and bone biomechanical properties are likely to remodel under same causal mechanisms as where there is an increase in one there is likely to be an increase in the other. Furthermore, bone has a possibility of site-specific response, as cortical thickness was increased at muscle pull sites compared to sites of no muscle pull. I propose that while MSM can be used to study the intensity of physical activity in individuals before they reach biological maturity, it is important to design studies where biasing factors, such as age, are considered. / Tiivistelmä Väitöskirjani tarkoitus on tutkia lihasten kiinnittymiskohtien mahdollisuuksia ja rajoituksia fyysisen aktiviteetin rekonstruktioissa ja näin parantaa rekonstruktioiden luotettavuutta. Aktiviteettihistoriaa voidaan tutkia lihasten kiinnittymiskohdista luun pinnalla tai luun poikkileikkauksen ominaisuuksista, koska luu reagoi muutoksiin mekaanisen rasituksen määrässä. Mekaaniseen rasitukseen vaikuttaa aktiviteetin lisäksi ruumiin koko. Aktiviteetin rekonstruktiot mahdollistavat ammatin ja harrastusten selvittämisen pelkän luustomorfologian perusteella. Ruumiin koon ja aktiviteetin lisäksi myös ikä, sukupuoli, patologiset muutokset sekä ruokavalio vaikuttavat lihasten kiinnittymiskohtiin. Tästä syystä tämän menetelmän rajoitusten selvittäminen on oleellista luotettavien rekonstruktioiden aikaansaamiseksi. Jos aktiviteetti heijastuu lihasten kiinnittymiskohtiin, raskasta ja kevyttä työtä tekevillä ihmisillä tulee olla erilainen luustomorfologia. Lisäksi, lihasten kiinnittymiskohtien morfologian sekä luun poikkileikkausten ominaisuuksien tulee muunnella yhdessä koska molemmat heijastavat aktiviteettia. Luun poikkileikkausten ominaisuuksien aktiviteettisidonnaisuus tunnetaan paremmin liikuntalääketieteellisten tutkimusten ansiosta. Kolmanneksi, jos luu voi vastata rasitukseen paikallisesti kasvattamalla luun paksuutta lihaksen vetosuuntaan nähden, myös luun pinnassa paikallisesti tapahtuvat muutokset ovat mahdollisia. Nämä ovat uusia lähestymistapoja aktiviteettia heijastavien syntymekanismien selvittämisessä. Tutkimustulosteni perusteella raskasta ja kevyttä työtä tekevillä ihmisillä on erilainen luustomorfologia lihaksen kiinnittymiskohdassa. Nämä muutokset ovat alttiita myös ikäsidonnaisille muutoksille, joten noin 40–50 ikävuoden jälkeen fyysisen aktiviteetin intensiteettiä ei voida enää luotettavasti rekonstruoida. Aktiviteetin aiheuttamien muutosten syntymekanismi lihaksen kiinnittymiskohdissa on todennäköisesti sama kuin luun poikkileikkausten ominaisuuksilla, koska molemmat muuntelevat yhdessä. Lisäksi huomasin, että luu voi reagoida rasitukseen myös paikallisesti, koska luun seinämät olivat paksumpia lihaksen vetosuunnassa verrattuna kohtaan, johon ei liittynyt suoraa lihaksen vetosuuntaa. Ehdotan, että lihasten kiinnittymiskohtia voidaan käyttää aktiviteetin rekonstruktioissa, kunhan tutkimuksessa otetaan huomioon muut vaikuttavat tekijät, kuten ikä.

Intensificação agrícola e complexificação social: uma perspectiva bioantropológica de populações pré-históricas do litoral dos Andes Centrais / Intensification of agriculture and social complexity: a bioanthropological perspective of prehistoric populations from coastal Central Andes

Luis Nicanor Pezo Lanfranco 14 May 2015 (has links)
Esta pesquisa aborda, a partir de uma perspectiva bioarqueológica comparativa, a problemática das mudanças nos padrões de subsistência associados à intensificação da agricultura e suas implicações no processo de complexificação social na costa dos Andes Centrais. Para tanto, se examinaram indicadores de patologia oral, estresse nutricional e isótopos estáveis, e outros dados paleodietéticos e arqueológicos de 09 populações pré-históricas da costa dos Andes Centrais datadas para o período Formativo (~3000-1 a.C.). Os resultados mostram que as dietas a predomínio de carboidratos são muito antigas na região, inclusive nos sítios litorâneos e que o processo de complexificação ocorreu em presença da agricultura como base econômica. As formações teocráticas do 3ro e 2do milênios a.C. floresceram baseadas na agricultura de tubérculos, leguminosas, árvores frutíferas e milho em menor quantidade (abaixo de 20%), apelando a técnicas agrícolas adaptadas às características de aridez dos vales da bacia do Pacífico. Uma drástica mudança na dieta costeira andina ocorreu entre 500-1 a.C., quando o milho passa ser o principal produto de subsistência ao nível regional em concomitância com o aparecimento de governos seculares. / From a comparative bioarchaeological perspective this research addresses the issue of changes in subsistence patterns associated with the intensification of agriculture on the coast of the Central Andes and their implications to the social complexity process. Markers of oral pathology and nutritional stress were examined, along with stable isotopes, and other paleodietetic and archaeological data of 09 prehistoric coastal populations dated to the Formative period (~3000-1 BC). The results show that the predominance of rich carbohydrate diets is very old in the region, also on shoreline settlements, and the process of complexity was based in agriculture as an economic basis. The theocratic societies of 3rd and 2nd millennium BC flourished based on agriculture of tubers, legumes, fruit trees and corn in smaller quantities (below 20%), using farming techniques highly adapted to the aridity of the Pacific basin valleys. A drastic change in the Andean coastal diet occurred between 500-1 BC, when the corn became the main regional staple concomitant to the appearance of secular governments

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