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Einfluss von Ursprungsquelle und Isolationsmethode auf zellbiologische Charakteristika equiner mesenchymaler Stromazellen / Influence of origin and isolation method on cell biological features of equine mesenchymal stromal cellsGittel, Claudia 02 October 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Multipotente mesenchymale Stromazellen (MSCs) stellen nicht nur beim humanen Patienten, sondern auch in der Veterinärmedizin einen vielversprechenden Therapieansatz in der Behandlung erkrankter muskuloskelettaler Gewebe dar. Ziel der Behandlung ist dabei die Regeneration der betroffenen Strukturen im Vergleich zur Reparation nach konservativer Therapie. Vor allem im Bereich von Sehnenerkrankungen können nach MSC-Applikation vielversprechende Ergebnisse im Hinblick auf niedrigere Rezidivraten beobachtet werden. Dennoch sind noch nicht alle Umstände einer optimalen MSC-Anwendung geklärt.
Hierbei sind unter anderem Fragen bezüglich der Herkunft und Gewinnung von MSCs offen, da Unterschiede von MSCs aufgrund ihrer Gewebezugehörigkeit bereits nachgewiesen wurden. Grundlegende umfassende Arbeiten zum Vergleich von equinen MSCs aus verschiedenen Quellen sowie deren mögliche Beeinflussung durch die Isolierung aus dem Gewebe lagen bislang noch nicht vor.
Ziel dieser Studie war es daher, equine MSCs aus verschiedenen Quellen zu gewinnen und mögliche Unterschiede in vitro aufzuzeigen. Weiterhin sollten Unterschiede zwischen den Zelleigenschaften nach Anwendung verschiedener Isolationsprotokolle untersucht werden.
In der hier vorliegenden Studie wurden MSCs aus Fett- und Sehnengewebe, Knochenmark, Nabelschnurblut und Nabelschnurgewebe von Pferden isoliert und vergleichend charakterisiert. Dabei wurden für die soliden Körpergewebe zwei unterschiedliche Isolationsmethoden, die Digestion und die Explantation, angewendet, um mögliche Einflüsse auf die gewonnen Zellen zu ermitteln.
Die untersuchten Kriterien beinhalteten Zellertrag, Proliferation, Differenzierungspotenz und das Migrationsverhalten von MSCs. Hinblickend auf eine Anwendung von MSCs bei Sehnenerkrankungen wurde auch die Expression von Sehnenmarkern verglichen.
In der vorliegenden Studie konnte gezeigt werden, dass sich die MSCs aus verschiedenen Quellen hinsichtlich der Zellausbeute und ihres Wachstumspotentials unterschieden. Aus soliden Geweben konnten mittels Digestion im Vergleich zu Körperflüssigkeiten signifikant mehr MSCs isoliert werden (p < 0,001). Dabei erbrachte die Isolation von MSCs mittels Digestionsmethode einen deutlich höheren Zellertrag nach der Passage 0 im Vergleich zur Explantationsmethode (p < 0,05). Im weiteren Verlauf der Kultivierung zeigten MSCs aus Sehnengewebe und Fettgewebe ein signifikant besseres Proliferationsverhalten im Vergleich zu Knochenmark-MSCs und Nabelschnurblut-MSCs.
Im Hinblick auf das Differenzierungspotential konnten signifikante Unterschiede zwischen den MSCs aus den verschiedenen Quellen beobachtet werden. MSCs aus Knochenmark zeigten eine sehr gute osteogene Differenzierungsfähigkeit im Vergleich zu MSCs aus den geburtsassoziierten Geweben (p < 0,05). Im Gegensatz dazu zeichneten sich diese MSCs durch eine deutlich bessere chondrogene Differenzierung im Vergleich zu Knochenmark-MSCs aus (p < 0,05). Im Hinblick auf die Isolationsmethode konnten keine Unterschiede im Differenzierungspotential beobachtet werden.
Weitere Unterschiede aufgrund der Zellquelle lassen sich in der Genexpression der Sehnenmarker erkennen. MSCs aus Fettgewebe und Sehnengewebe exprimierten Kollagen 1A2 auf höchstem Niveau. Sklexaris hingegen wurde von MSCs aus Nabelschnurblut und Sehnengewebe am höchstem exprimiert. Dabei zeigten MSCs, die mittels Digestionsmethode isoliert worden waren, ein signifikant höheres Expressionslevel von Skleraxis im Vergleich zur Explantationsmethode (p < 0,05).
Die Ergebnisse der vorliegenden Studie lassen einen Einfluss der Zellquelle auf die Zellcharakteristika erkennen. MSCs aus Fettgewebe stellen dabei eine vielversprechende Alternative zu Knochenmark-MSCs dar. Allerdings scheint für eine klinische Anwendung von MSCs eine selektive Auswahl der Zellquelle entsprechend der vorliegenden Erkrankung von Vorteil zu sein. Dabei ist eine Isolierung von MSCs aus soliden Geweben mittels Digestionsverfahren zu empfehlen, da hier deutlich höhere Zellzahlen gewonnen werden können. Eine negative Beeinflussung der Zelleigenschaften durch die enzymatische Digestion lässt sich nach den vorliegenden Ergebnissen nicht vermuten. Inwiefern die beobachteten Unterschiede bei in-vivo-Anwendungen von Bedeutung sind, muss jedoch noch umfassend untersucht werden. / Not only in humans but also in veterinary medicine, multipotent mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs) are a promising treatment option in the therapy of injured musculoskeletal tissues. This is due to the improved tissue regeneration instead of the insufficient reparation following conventional therapies. With regard to an application of MSCs for treatment of tendinopathies in horses, lower rates of reinjury have been reported. However, further investigations to optimize the MSC treatment are still outstanding.
Differences in MSCs from different origins have been already reported, but there are still remaining questions about the influence of origin and isolation procedures of MSCs. Fundamental research on equine MSCs derived from different sources and their potential impact due to the isolation process has not been published so far.
The aim of this study was to isolate equine MSCs from different sources and to demonstrate potential differences in vitro. Furthermore, differences in cell features following different isolation methods were investigated. In the present study, MSCs from horses were isolated from adipose tissue, tendon tissue, bone marrow, umbilical cord blood and umbilical cord tissue and subsequently subjected to comparative characterization. In case of the solid tissues, two different isolation methods, digestion and explantation, were performed in order to analyze influences on obtained cells.
Investigated cell features included cell yield, proliferation, differentiation and migration potential. Furthermore, expression of tendon markers was evaluated with regard to an application of MSCs in tendinopathies.
In the present study it was shown that MSCs derived from different sources differ distinctly in cell yield and proliferation potential. In comparison to body fluids, significantly more MSCs could be isolated from solid tissues when using the digestion method (p < 0.001). Furthermore, the cell yield at first cell harvest was distinctly higher when performing the isolation by digestion in comparison to isolation by explantation (p < 0.05). With regard to further cultivation, MSCs derived from tendon tissue and adipose tissue displayed a significantly better proliferation potential compared to MSCs derived from other sources.
Considering the differentiation potential, significant differences were obvious between the MSCs derived from different sources. Bone marrow-MSCs showed an excellent osteogenic differentiation capacity in comparison to MSCs derived from umbilical cord blood and tissue (p < 0.05). In contrast, the birth-associated MSCs displayed a distinctly better chondrogenic differentiation than MSCs derived from bone marrow (p < 0.05). No difference in the differentiation potential was noticeable following the different isolation procedures.
Furthermore, differences in the gene expression of tendon markers were evident with regard to the cell source. MSCs derived from adipose tissue and tendon tissue expressed collagen 1A2 on the highest level. On the other hand, scleraxis was expressed highest in MSCs derived from umbilical cord blood and tendon tissue. In these cells, MSCs isolated by the digestion method showed a significantly higher expression level of scleraxis in comparison to MSCs isolated by explantation (p < 0.05).
Based on the results obtained so far, a relevant impact of the source of MSCs on cell features was evident. MSCs derived from adipose tissue are a promising alternative to bone marrow-MSCs. However, with regard to a clinical application of MSCs, a selection of the MSC source depending on the respective intended use seems to be advantageous. For routine isolation of MSCs from solid tissues, the digestion method could be recommended due to the higher obtainable cell numbers. Furthermore, a negative influence of the enzymatic digestion on the cell features was not detectable. However, to what extent the observed differences in vitro are relevant for in-vivo-applications needs to be further investigated.
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Etude de l'expression et de la fonction de la protéine de liaison à l'ARN RBPMS2 dans les tumeurs stromales gastrointestinales (GISTs) / Study of expression and function of the RNA-Binding Proteins RBPMS2 during GastroIntetinal Stromal Tumors (GISTs)Hapkova, Ilona 05 December 2012 (has links)
Les tumeurs stromales gastro-intestinales (GIST) sont les tumeurs mésenchymateuses les plus fréquentes du système digestif. Elles ont pour origine les cellules interstitielles de Cajal (ICC) ou les cellules précurseurs mésenchymateuses communes aux ICCs et aux cellules musculaires lisses (SMC). Les GISTs sont des tumeurs qui sont chimiorésistantes et radiorésistantes. L'identification de mutations activatrices des gènes KIT (75-80%) ou/et PDGFRA (5-10%) a ouvert la voie à un traitement systémique chez les patients GIST sous forme d'Imatinib, un inhibiteur de tyrosine-kinase. Si ce traitement aboutit à une réponse clinique d'amélioration, un certain nombre d'effet secondaire sont néanmoins observés, comme les résistances au traitement. Afin d'améliorer le traitement initial, la physiopathologie du GIST doit progresser. La musculature de l'appareil digestif est une structure complexe composée de SMCs, de neurones entériques, de fibroblastes et d'ICCs. Au cours du développement, le mésoderme splanchnique donnera lieu au moins à deux types de cellules, les SMCs et les ICCs. Récemment, notre laboratoire a montré que la protéine de liaison à l'ARN RBPMS2 (pour RNA Binding Protein with Multiple Splicing 2) est impliquée dans le développement et le remodelage des SMCs digestives. Les travaux que j'ai réalisés au cours de ma thèse avaient pour objectifs d'étudier l'expression et la fonction de RBPMS2 dans les tumeurs GISTs humains. Nous avons analysé l'expression de RBPMS2 dans les GIST humains et nous avons démontré que RBPMS2 était fortement exprimé dans les tumeurs GISTs de manière indépendante de l'activité KIT. Nous avons également analysé la fonction de RBPMS2 en culture et avons montré que l'expression ectopique de RBPMS2 dans les SMCs humaines adultes et différenciées culture conduisaient à l'augmentation de leur taux de prolifération et altèreraient leur différenciation. Ces résultats suggèrent que RBPMS2 et les voies de signalisation qu´il contrôle pourraient être des cibles thérapeutiques potentielles dans la thérapie des tumeurs GISTs. / Gastrointestinal stromal tumors (GIST) are the most common mesenchymal neoplasm of the GI tract. They are supposed to arise from the interstitial cells of Cajal (ICCs) or from a mesenchymal precursor cell, common of ICCs and smooth muscle cells (SMCs). GISTs are highly resistant to conventional chemotherapy and radiotherapy. However, a targeted therapy is now proposed. These tumors have activating mutations in two closely related genes, the KIT (75-80%) or/and the PDGFRA (5-10%). Targeting these mutated activated proteins with Imatinib mesylate, a small-molecule tyrosine kinase inhibitor, has proven efficient in GIST treatment. However, resistance to Imatinib finally develops and new-targeted therapies are necessary. The musculature of the gastrointestinal (GI) tract is a highly complex structure composed of visceral SMCs, enteric neurons, fibroblast-like cells and ICCs. During the development, the splanchnic mesoderm will give rise at least to two cell types, ICCs and SMCs. Recently our laboratory showed that the RNA Binding Protein with Multiple Splicing 2 (RBPMS2) is involved into the development and remodeling of SMC.My PhD works investigate the expression and function of RBPMS2 in human GISTs. We analyzed the expression of RBPMS2 in human GISTs and we found that RBPMS2 was abnormally highly expressed in the tumoral cells of GISTs. We also analyzed the function of RBPMS2 into human adult SMC cell culture and demonstrated that ectopic expression of RBPMS2 in mature and differentiated SMC cultures increases their proliferation rate and alters their differentiation. These findings suggest that RBPMS2 could be a potential target for cancer therapy.
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La périostine, un nouveau biomarqueur des métastases osseuses : développement d’un immunodosage et évaluation préclinique / Periostin, a new biomarker of bone metastases : immunoassay development and preclinical assessmentContié, Sylvain 16 November 2010 (has links)
La périostine est une protéine matricellulaire préférentiellement exprimée aux sites de contraintes mécaniques, notamment le périoste, et dans le stroma associé à de nombreux types de cancers. En premier lieu, nous nous sommes attachés à évaluer la pertinence de cette protéine en tant que biomarqueur du métabolisme osseux et de la réaction stromale dans les métastases osseuses. Nous avons développé le premier dosage ELISA de la périostine circulante chez la souris présentant des caractéristiques analytiques (spécificité, précision) conformes aux exigences réglementaires. Ce dosage nous a permis de préciser l’implication de la périostine dans le métabolisme osseux et les métastases osseuses de cancer du sein. Nos données in vitro et in vivo suggèrent que la périostine n’est pas un indice direct du remodelage osseux, contrairement aux marqueurs biologiques conventionnels, mais une composante de l’ossification primaire. Nous avons aussi montré dans les métastases osseuses d’origine mammaire que la périostine est surexprimée par les cellules stromales de la métastase, comme cela a pu être observé au niveau des tumeurs primaires. Enfin, nous avons confirmé par une approche bioinformatique la relation étroite entre périostine et réaction stromale dans la plupart des tumeurs chez l’Homme. La périostine et d’autres protéines conjointement exprimées pourraient donc constituer un panel de marqueurs biologiques de la progression tumorale, certains pouvant se révéler comme nouvelles cibles thérapeutiques en oncologie. / Periostin is a matricellular protein preferentially expressed at sites subjected to mechanical constraints, including the periosteum, and in the stroma associated to several tumor types. We first aimed to evaluate the relevance of periostin as a biomarker of bone metabolism or stromal reaction in bone metastases. We developed the first ELISA for serum periostin in mouse with analytical characteristics (specificity, precision) that are in accordance with regulatory standards. This ELISA allowed us to specify further the involvement of periostin in bone metabolism and breast cancer bone metastases. Our in vitro and in vivo data suggested that periostin is a component of primary ossification rather than a direct index of bone remodeling, unlike conventional bone markers. In breast cancer bone metastases, we also showed that periostin is overexpressed by stromal cells associated with bone metastasis, in agreement with its localization in the stroma of primary tumors. Finally, using bioinformatics analyses of large datasets from various tumors in human, we confirmed the close relationship between periostin and the stromal reaction. Periostin and other co-expressed proteins could therefore constitute a set of biological markers of cancer progression, and/or appear as potential therapeutic targets.
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Estudo comparativo entre células estromais mesenquimais derivadas de pacientes com diabetes mellitus tipo 1 e de indivíduos saudáveis em relação ao potencial terapêutico no diabetes experimental / Comparative analysis of mesenchymal stromal cells derived from patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus and healthy individuals regarding the therapeutic potential in experimental diabetesYaochite, Juliana Navarro Ueda 23 May 2014 (has links)
O diabetes mellitus do tipo 1 (DM-1) é uma doença autoimune caracterizada pela destruição seletiva de células pancreáticas produtoras de insulina. O tratamento convencional é feito com insulina e existe atualmente a necessidade de desenvolver alternativas terapêuticas para o DM-1, como por exemplo o tratamento com células-tronco. As células estromais mesenquimais multipotentes (multipotent mesenchymal stromal cells-MSCs) representam uma fonte de células ideal para terapias celulares em virtude de seu fácil isolamento, expansão e capacidades imunomoduladora e regenerativa. Ainda não está esclarecido se MSCs isoladas de indivíduos com doenças autoimunes possuem alterações funcionais que poderiam limitar seu uso no contexto do transplante autólogo. Já foi descrito que MSCs de pacientes com esclerose múltipla, artrite reumatoide e lúpus eritematoso sistêmico possuem alterações fenotípicas e/ou funcionais. No entanto, pouco se sabe acerca das características das MSCs de pacientes com DM-1. Desse modo, o objetivo principal deste trabalho foi avaliar a eficácia da infusão de MSCs derivadas de pacientes com DM-1 no tratamento do diabetes experimental e comparar os resultados obtidos com o tratamento feito com MSCs isoladas de indivíduos saudáveis. Além disso, investigamos os efeitos da hiperglicemia in vitro sobre as MSCs, estabelecemos a melhor via de administração das MSCs em camundongos diabéticos e caracterizamos fenotipicamente e funcionalmente as MSCs de pacientes com DM-1. O diabetes experimental foi induzido em camundongos C57BL/6 por meio da administração de estreptozotocina. MSCs isoladas de tecido adiposo murino (ADMSCs) foram administradas em camundongos diabéticos pelas vias intravenosa, intraperitoneal, intrapancreática ou intraesplênica. MSCs foram isoladas da medula óssea de pacientes com DM-1 recém-diagnosticado (DM1-MSCs) e de indivíduos saudáveis (C-MSCs). A morfologia, tamanho celular, perfil imunofenotípico, diferenciação em adipócitos, migração e capacidade imunossupressora foram avaliados. 1x106 DM1-MSCs ou C-MSCs foram injetadas pela via intraesplênica em camundongos diabéticos 20 dias após indução do diabetes. A glicemia foi monitorada periodicamente. Após sacrifício dos camundongos, avaliamos a histologia do tecido pancreático, níveis de insulina circulante, a população de células T reguladoras no baço e linfonodos pancreáticos, o perfil de citocinas no soro e homogeneizado pancreático. A migração das ADMSCs Luc+ injetadas foi avaliada por meio de processamento de imagem baseado em bioluminescênia. Sete dias após cultivo com diferentes concentrações de glicose, as MSCs não apresentaram alterações nos parâmetros avaliados. A injeção de MSCs em camundongos diabéticos por meio da via intraesplênica foi a mais eficiente, promovendo reversão da hiperglicemia em cerca de 70-100% dos camundongos tratados. As DM1-MSCs apresentaram morfologia, tamanho celular, perfil imunofenotípico, diferenciação in vitro em adipócitos e capacidade imunossupressora in vitro semelhante às MSCs de indivíduos saudáveis. No entanto, as DM1-MSCs apresentaram maior migração in vitro em relação às C-MSCs. Não houve diferenças significantes do tratamento de camundongos diabéticos feito com DM1-MSCs ou C-MSCs, uma vez que ambas MSCs foram capazes de reverter a hiperglicemia, promover aumento da massa de células pancreáticas, bem como diminuir os níveis de IL-2 e IFN- no pâncreas dos camundongos tratados. Considerando-se que as MSCs de pacientes com DM-1 recém-diagnosticados não apresentaram alterações fenotípicas ou funcionais, elas poderiam ser transplantadas de forma autóloga nesses pacientes, representando uma nova alternativa terapêutica para o DM-1. / Type 1 diabetes mellitus (DM-1) is an autoimmune disease characterized by a selective destruction of insulin-producing pancreatic cells. The conventional treatment for DM-1 patients is the administration of insulin and new therapeutic approaches are needed, such as stem cell therapies. Mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs) represent an important stem cell source for cell therapies because they are easy to isolate, present good capacity of expansion and they exhibit immunomodulatory and regenerative properties. However, it is not fully understood if MSCs from autoimmune patients are functionally defective or not, limiting their use in the autologous transplantation setting. There are some reports in the literature showing that MSCs from patients with multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis or systemic lupus erythematosus exhibit phenotypical and/or functional alterations. However, little is known about MSCs isolated from DM-1 patients (DM1-MSCs). Taking this into account, the aim of this work was to evaluate the efficacy of DM1-MSCs transplantation in diabetic mice and to compare this treatment with the treatment using MSCs isolated from healthy individuals. We also evaluated the influence of in vitro hyperglycemia on MSCs and we established the best route of MSCs administration in diabetic mice. The phenotypical and functional characteristics of DM1-MSCs were analyzed. The experimental diabetes model was induced in C57BL/6 male mice by the administration of streptozotocin. MSCs were isolated from mouse adipose tissue (ADMSCs) and injected in diabetic mice by intravenous, intraperitoneal, intrapancreatic or intrasplenic routes. DM1-MSCs were isolated from bone marrow aspirates of newly-diagnosed type 1 diabetes patients and C-MSCs were obtained from healthy individuals. The morphology, immunophenotypic profile, cell size, adipocyte differentiation (in vitro), migration (in vitro) and immunosuppressive capacity (in vitro) were evaluated. 1x106 DM1-MSCs or C-MSCs were injected by intrasplenic route in diabetic mice 20 days after diabetes induction. Glycemia was frequently monitored. The pancreatic tissue (histology and immunohistochemistry), serum insulin levels, the regulatory T cells population in spleen and pancreatic lymph nodes, the serum and pancreatic homogenate cytokine profiles were evaluated after MSCs administration. The homing of ADMSCs Luc+ was analyzed by bioluminescence based image processing. MSCs cultured for seven days with different glucose concentrations did not exhibit alterations in all evaluated parameters. The intravenous, intraperitoneal, intrapancreatic or intrasplenic routes of MSCs administration were tested. The intrasplenic route was the most efficient and promoted diabetes reversion in about 70-100% of MSCs-treated mice. No differences in morphology, cell size, immunophenotypic profile, adipocyte differentiation and immunosuppressive capacity were found for DM1-MSCs when compared with C-MSCs. However, the migration capacity of DM1-MSCs was higher than C-MSCs. The intrasplenic administration of DM1-MSCs or C-MSCs in diabetic mice similarly promoted a decrease in blood glucose levels, improved insulin-producing cell mass and modulated the production of IL-2 e IFN- in pancreatic tissue. Taking into account that MSCs from newly-diagnosed DM-1 patients did not show phenotypical and functional alterations, these cells could be isolated from diabetic patients representing a new therapeutic approach for DM-1 patients (autologous transplantation).
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Participação de proteínas tirosina quinase ativada por mitógenos (MAPKs) na indução do fator inibidor de leucemia (LIF) em células estromais da medula óssea de crianças com sindromes mielodisplásicas (SMD) / Participation of protein tyrosine kinase activated by mitógenos (MAPKs) in the induction of the inhibitory factor for leukemia (LIF) stromal cells in the bone marrow of children with Myelodysplastic Syndromes (MDS)Costa, Simone Vieira da 22 September 2008 (has links)
Em nosso trabalho anterior mostramos que dentre as citocinas analisadas, os níveis do mRNA de LIF nas células estromais pediátricas, de SMD e de SMD-LMA foram maiores quando comparados às células estromais de crianças saudáveis. No presente estudo, observamos um aumento tempo dependente nos níveis da proteína LIF após adição de SFB em todas as células analisadas (células estromais de crianças saudáveis, de SMD e de SMD-LMA). O envolvimento de p38, ERK e JNK na expressão LIF nestas células foi determinado pelo uso de inibidores dos membros das proteínas quinase ativadas por mitógenos: ERK (PD98059), p38 (SB302580) e JNK (SP600125) os quais inibiram a produção de LIF nas células estromais de crianças saudáveis, após estas serem estimuladas por SFB. No entanto, os níveis da expressão de LIF-induzido por soro nas células estromais de SMD e de SMD-LMA tratadas com SB302580 (p38) foram significativamente diminuídos, em comparação com a inibição observada no tratamento com PD98059 e SP600125 (p <0001, teste ANOVA). Em adição analisamos as formas fosforiladas de p38 e ERK, após 48hs na ausência ou na presença de soro por diferentes tempos. Níveis de atividade de ERK e do p38 foram inicialmente elevados na ausência de soro. A atividade de p38 foi sustentada após tratamento com SFB, entretanto, ERK apresentou uma variação de atividade durante o tratamento. Sugerimos que a sinalização das MAPKs (p38, ERK e JNK), em resposta a fatores de crescimento presentes no soro, parece desempenhar um papel importante na expressão da LIF em células estromais de crianças saudáveis, mas a sinalização do p38 parece ser funcionalmente mais importante nas mielodisplasias ou naquelas associadas à LMA / Our previous report showed that among the cytokines analysed, LIF mRNA levels in stromal cells from pediatric MDS and MDS-AML were higher as compared to those found in healthy stromal cells. In the present study, we have observed an increased protein LIF levels in a time dependent manner after FCS stimulation in all stromal cells analysed (MDS, MDS-AML and healthy children) and the involvement of p38, ERK and JNK pathways in the LIF expression in these cells was determined. In stromal cells from two healthy children, LIF production was equally inhibited in a dose dependent manner after FCS stimulation by mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPKs) members inhibitors: ERK (PD98059), p38 (SB302580) and JNK (SP600125). However, in MDS and MDS-AML stromal cells, the levels of LIF-induced by serum, were significantly decreased by SB302580, as compared with the inhibition observed by treatment with PD98059 and SP600125 (p <0,001, ANOVA test). In addition we have analysed the presence of p38 and ERK phosphorylated forms in stromal cells, after 48hs of serum starvation or in the presence of FCS for different times. Activated ERK and p38MAPK levels were initially elevated in the absence of serum. p38MAPK activation was sustained after treatment with FCS, whereas ERK presented a variation of the activated forms during treatment. We suggest that the signalling of the MAPKs (p38, ERK and JNK) in response to growth factors present in the serum, seems to play an important role in the LIF expression by stromal cells of healthy children, but p38 MAPK signalling appears to be functionally more important in MDS and MDS-AML
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Ensaio clínico randomizado sobre o uso de enxerto autógeno de gordura suplementado com células estromais derivadas do tecido adiposo para a reconstrução de partes moles faciais em pacientes portadores de microssomia craniofacial / Randomized controlled clinical trial of fat grafts supplemented with adipose-derived stromal cells for facial soft tissue reconstruction in patients with craniofacial microsomiaTanikawa, Daniela Yukie Sakai 04 March 2013 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: Apesar dos primeiros relatos sobre o uso clínico de células estromais derivadas do tecido adiposo (ADSC) sugerirem que esta abordagem seja factível e efetiva na reconstrução de partes moles, não existem na literatura ensaios clínicos randomizados e com inclusão de controles. Assim sendo, foi objetivo deste estudo investigar se um novo protocolo para o isolamento de ADSC e seu uso em conjunto com os enxertos de gordura é de fato capaz de aumentar a sobrevivência destes enxertos. MÉTODOS: Pacientes com microssomia craniofacial (n=18) foram selecionados e randomicamente distribuídos para o grupo EC (com suplementação de ADSC) ou o grupo EE (sem suplementação de ADSC). Para o grupo EC, ADSC imediatamente isoladas a partir de metade do volume lipoaspirado foram utilizadas para o enriquecimento de células progenitoras do enxerto. A quantidade de tecido adiposo transplantado foi determinada pela simetria com o lado não afetado, não sendo realizado qualquer tipo de supercorreção. O número total de células viáveis isoladas antes e após a suplementação dos enxertos de gordura foi calculado, e através de citometria de fluxo estas células foram examinadas quanto à presença de marcadores de superfície para células mesenquimais. Tomografia computadorizada foi realizada para avaliar ambas as hemifaces no pré-operatório e no pós-operatório de seis meses. A espessura do revestimento de partes moles em quatro diferentes pontos de referência e o volume das hemifaces foram calculados. Morbidade geral e variáveis transoperatórias foram registradas. RESULTADOS: Para ambos os grupos o volume médio injetado foi de aproximadamente 28 mL. O número médio de células viáveis isoladas antes e após a suplementação dos enxertos foi 5,6 x 105 e 9,9 x 105 células por mL de tecido adiposo (p=0,015). Análise de citometria de fluxo revelou que ADSC foram positivas para marcadores de células mesenquimais (>95% para CD 73 e CD 105). No pós-operatório de seis meses, o índice de espessura média nos pontos de 1 a 4 foi de 0,91 (p=0,002), 1,02 (p=0,01), 1,05 (p=0,001), e 1,00 (p=0,04) no grupo EC, e 0,80 (p=0,58), 0,95 (p=0,18), 0,85 (p=0,009), e 0,84 (p=0,59) no grupo EE. Para o grupo EC o volume de gordura mantido após seis meses foi de 84 % e para o grupo EE foi de 51 % (p=0,003). Nenhuma complicação foi detectada. CONCLUSÕES: Estes resultados sugerem que o isolamento e a suplementação de ADSC é efetivo, seguro e superior à lipoenxertia convencional para o aumento de partes moles da face em pacientes portadores de microssomia craniofacial / INTRODUCTION: Although first reports of the clinical use of adipose-derived stromal cells (ADSC) suggest that this approach may be feasible and effective for soft tissue reconstruction, there is a lack of randomized, controlled clinical trials in the literature. Hence, this study aimed to investigate whether a novel protocol for isolation of ADSC and their use in combination with fat tissue could really improve the long-term retention of the grafts. METHODS: Patients with craniofacial microsomia (n=18) were selected and randomly assigned to group EC (with supplementation of ADSC) or group EE (without supplementation of ADSC). For group EC, ADSC freshly isolated from half of the aspirated fat sample were used to enrich for progenitor cells in the graft. Amount of transplanted adipose tissue was determined by trying to obtain symmetry with the unaffected side without any overcorrection. Number of viable cells isolated before and after the supplementation of the grafts was calculated, and these cells were examined for mesenchymal cell surface markers using flow cytometry. Computed tomography was performed to assess both hemifaces preoperatively and at six months postoperatively. Soft tissue thicknesses at four different reference points and the hemifaces volume were calculated. Overall morbidity and surgical variables were recorded. RESULTS: For both groups mean injected volume was 28 mL. Average number of viable cells isolated before and after supplementation of the grafts was 5,6 x 105 and 9,9 x 105 cells per mL of fat tissue (p=0,015). Flow cytometry analysis revealed that the ADSC were positive for mesenchymal cell markers (>95% for CD 73 and CD 105). At six months postoperatively, average thickness ratio at points 1 to 4 was 0,91 (p=0,002), 1,02 (p=0,01), 1,05 (p=0,001), and 1,00 (p=0,04) in group EC, and 0,80 (p=0,58), 0,95 (p=0,18), 0,85 (p=0,009), and 0,84 (p=0,59) in group EE. For group EC surviving fat volume at six months was 84 % and for group EE it was 51 % (p=0,003). No complications were detected. CONCLUSIONS: These results suggest that this strategy for isolation and supplementation of ADSC is effective, safe and superior to conventional lipoinjection for facial recontouring in patients with craniofacial microsomia
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Function of Fra1 in mesenchymal stromal cell differentiation & the potential immune modulatory role of Fra1Drießler, Frank 06 August 2008 (has links)
Aktivator Protein-1 (AP-1) ist ein kollektiver Terminus für dimerische Transkriptionsfaktoren, die sich aus Fos- und Jun- Proteinen zusammensetzen. Diese Untereinheiten binden an eine gemeinsame, spezifische DNA-Sequenz, die AP-1 Bindungsstelle. Zusätzlich zu der gut dokumentierten Rolle des c-Fos Proteins in der Tumorgenese, wo dieses Gen als ein Aktivator beschrieben ist, übt AP-1 einen Einfluss auf mesenchymale Stromazellen und Immunzellen aus. Mesenchymale Knochenmarkszellen sind die Vorläuferzellen für Adipozyten, Osteoblasten, Chondrozyten, Myozyten und Fibroblasten. Die molekularen Mechanismen, welche die Differenzierungen regeln, sind noch weitgehend unerforscht. Der heterodimere Transkriptionsfaktor AP-1 übt eine wichtige Rolle in der Kontrolle der Zelldifferenzierung aus. Verschieden genetisch veränderte Mausmodelle untermauerten dies. Mäuse, welche das Fos-related antigen-1 (Fra1) oder eine kürzere Protein-Isoform von FosB (deltaFosB) überexpremieren, entwickelten, durch eine beschleunigte Differenzierung der Osteoblasten, eine Osteosklerose. Interessanterweise konnte gezeigt werden, dass die transgenen deltaFosB Mäuse weniger Fett haben. Die Stabilität und Aktivität von Fos Proteinen kann durch post-transkriptionale Modifizierungen geregelt werden. Basierend auf knockout Mausmodellen, wurde eine tragende Rolle für das wachstumsregulierende Enzym Rsk2 postuliert. Rsk2 spielt eine mögliche Rolle bei der Ausdifferenzierung von mesenchymalen Vorläuferzellen zu Osteoblasten und Adipozyten. Das Ziel dieser Arbeit war es molekulare Mechanismen zu finden, welche die unterschiedlichen Phänotypen (wild typ, fra1-tg, rsk2-defizient und fra1-tg/rsk2-defizient) charakterisieren. Die Knochenuntersuchungen der verschiedenen Genotypen zeigten, dass Fra1 und Rsk2, unabhängig voneinander, tragende Rollen im Knochenmetabolismus spielen. Quantitative Analysen von Adipozytenmarker, wie PPARgamma und C/EBPalpha zeigten, dass das Protein Fra1 die Adipozytenreifung in vivo und in vitro reguliert. Zusätzlich entwickelten die „doppel-mutierten“ fra1-tg/rsk2-/y Mäuse einen Lipodystrophy. Ein milderer Phänotyp wurde in den fra1-tg Tieren beobachtet, jedoch nicht in den Rsk2-knockout Mäusen. Zusätzlich wurde beobachtet, dass mesenchymale Zellen, welche Fra1 überexprimieren, gegen Glucocorticoid-induzierte Wachstumshemmung resistent waren. Diese Wirkung kann am wahrscheinlichsten durch die Fra1-vermittelte Suppression des Glucocorticoidrezeptors erklärt werden. Außerdem beeinflusste die Überexpression von Fra1 die Milzentwicklung. Leber und Herzanalysen zeigten, dass Fra1 kollagenhaltiges Gewebe induziert. Krankheiten wie Cholangitis und Fibrosen waren die Folge. / AP-1 transcription factor is a general name for multiple dimers formed by the association of Fos (or ATF) and Jun proteins. AP-1 acts as a sensor of changes in the cellular environment and thus, it is implicated in the modulation of cell proliferation, differentiation, transformation and cell death. Besides the well-documented role of c-Fos protein in oncogenesis, where this gene can function as a tumor promoter, AP-1 proteins are being recognized as regulators for mesenchymal stromal cell development and as regulators of immune cells. The mesenchymal stromal cells are the common progenitors for various mesenchymal lineages such as adipocytes, osteoblasts, chondrocytes, myocytes and fibroblasts. AP-1 seems to play a key role in the control of mesenchymal cell fate decision and differentiation. This is suggested by phenotypes of mice with a genetic modifications in either the Jun or the Fos component of AP-1. In particular, mice overexpressing the Fos-related antigen-1 (Fra1) or the short isoform of FosB (deltaFosB) have been found to develop osteosclerosis due to an accelerated differentiation of osteoblasts. Interestingly, mice overexpressing deltaFosB also developed less fat tissue. The activity of Fos proteins can be regulated by post-transcriptional modification. Based on knockout mouse model, a role for the growth factor regulated kinase Rsk2 was proposed in the differentiation of mesenchymal stromal cells to osteoblasts as well as in fat tissue development. Goal in this study was to identify the molecular mechanisms explaining the differences between the wild type, fra1-tg, rsk2-deficient and fra1-tg/rsk2-deficient phenotypes. The comparison of the bones of the different mice genotypes revealed, that Fra1 and Rsk2 were independently regulating bone metabolism. Quantitative analysis of adipocyte markers expressions, like PPARgamma and C/EBPalpha revealed, that Fra1 overexpression was blocking adipocyte maturation in vivo and in vitro. Moreover, the in vivo results show that the fra1-tg/rsk2-/y mice develop a severe lipodystrophy. A milder phenotype was observed in the parental fra1-tg strain but not in the Rsk2 knockout strain. Additionally, it was been observed, that mesenchymal cells overexpressing Fra1 were resistant to glucocorticoid-induced growth inhibition. This effect can most likely be explained by Fra1-mediated downregulation of the glucocorticoid receptor. Furthermore, Fra1 overexpression influenced spleen development. Liver and heart analyses showed that Fra1 overexpression induced collagen tissue. Diseases like cholangitis and fibrosis were the outcome.
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Potentialité des cellules stromales de la gelée de Wharton en ingénierie du cartillage / Potentiality of stromal cells from wharton’s jelly in cartilage engineeringReppel, Loïc 24 October 2014 (has links)
Les cellules stromales/souches mésenchymateuses de la gelée de Wharton humaines (CSM-WJ) représentent une source abondante et intéressante de cellules souches pour des applications en ingénierie cellulaire et tissulaire. Leur origine fœtale leur confère des caractéristiques spécifiques par rapport aux cellules stromales/souches mésenchymateuses isolées à partir de moelle osseuse humaine (CSM-MO). Tout d'abord, le but de ce travail est d'optimiser les conditions de culture des CSM-GW pour leur utilisation clinique ultérieure. Nous nous concentrons sur l'influence de la concentration en oxygène lors de l'expansion en monocouche de P1 à P7 sur plusieurs paramètres permettant de caractériser les CSM. Les résultats obtenus sont comparés à ceux obtenus avec les CSM-MO. Notre travail a montré des différences entre les deux sources cellulaires en termes de prolifération et de différenciation adipocytaire. D’après nos résultats, l'hypoxie, au cours de l'expansion, est un paramètre important à prendre en compte en ce qui concerne la prolifération et le potentiel de différenciation chondrocytaire. L'influence des facteurs obstétricaux sur les caractéristiques des CSM-GW est également explorée. Cette étude se situant également dans le cadre de l’ingénierie tissulaire du cartilage, la seconde phase du projet consiste à induire la différenciation des cellules en chondrocytes en ensemençant ces dernières dans un biomatériau à base d’alginate et d’acide hyaluronique, et sur une cinétique de 28 jours. Les résultats obtenus sont comparés à ceux obtenus avec les CSM-MO. Après 4 semaines de culture, les CSM-GW sont capables de s'adapter à leur environnement et d’exprimer des gènes et des protéines matriciels spécifiques du cartilage tels que le collagène de type 2, qui se trouve plus exprimé après différenciation à partir des CSM-GW qu’à partir de CSM-MO / Mesenchymal Stromal/Stem Cells from human Wharton’s jelly (WJ-MSC) are an abundant and interesting source of stem cells for applications in cell and tissue engineering. Their fetal origin confers specific characteristics compared to Mesenchymal Stromal/Stem Cells isolated from human bone marrow (BM-MSC). First, the aim of this work is to optimize WJ-MSC culture conditions for their subsequent clinical use. We focus on the influence of oxygen concentration during monolayer expansion on several parameters to characterize MSC. The results are compared to those obtained with BM-MSC. Our work distinguishes WJ-MSC from BM-MSC in terms of proliferation and adipogenic differentiation. Considering our results, hypoxia during cell expansion is an important parameter to take into account regarding proliferation potential but also chondrogenic differentiation potential. The influence of obstetric factors on WJ-MSC characteristics is also explored. In cartilage tissue engineering context, the second phase of the project is to induce cell differentiation into chondrocytes by seeding them in Alginate/Hyaluronic Acid hydrogel scaffold, and during 28 days. The results obtained are compared to those obtained with BM-MSC. After 4 weeks of culture, WJ-MSC are able to adapt to their environment and express specific cartilage-Related genes and matrix proteins such as type 2 collagen, which is found more expressed after differentiation fromWJ-MSC, than from BM-MSC
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Devenir des propriétés immunomodulatrices des cellules souches mésenchymateuses de la gelée de Wharton au cours de la différenciation chondrocytaire / Become immunomodulatory properties of mesenchymal stem cells of Wharton's jelly during chondrocyte differentiationAvercenc-Léger, Léonore 27 November 2017 (has links)
Ce travail a pour objet de déterminer les conditions optimales de production de substituts allogéniques capables de combler les lésions cartilagineuses dans le cadre du traitement de l’arthrose. Il s’oriente particulièrement sur la composante cellulaire de ces substituts. L’usage de cellules souches mésenchymateuses issues de cordons ombilicaux (CSM-GW) implique de déterminer quels facteurs obstétricaux, liés à l’environnement direct et indirect des CSM-GW, peuvent influencer leur prolifération ainsi que leur différenciation chondrocytaire. Dans une première partie de ce travail, trois types de facteurs ont été étudiés : les facteurs liés à l’enfant donneur, au déroulement de l’accouchement et de la délivrance, à la grossesse et à la mère. Nos données montrent que les CSM-GW ont des capacités prolifératives améliorées lorsque l’accouchement s’est déroulé à terme et sans complication, avec utilisation de Syntocinon® pendant le travail. Sur la base de ces résultats, nous avons utilisé les CSM-GW les plus efficaces dans le cadre de l’ingénierie du cartilage. Il a ensuite été essentiel d’élucider le profil d’action des CSM-GW dans un contexte allogénique. Le deuxième temps de ce travail a donc consisté à chercher le profil de stimulation le plus performant, au regard de la viabilité des cellules et de l’évolution de la sécrétion des facteurs solubles responsables des propriétés immunomodulatrices des CSM-GW au cours de la différenciation chondrocytaire. Nous avons alors mimé, in vitro et en biomatériaux d’Alginate/Acide hyaluronique (Alg/HA) une telle situation en stimulant les CSM-GW avec différentes doses d’IFN-γ et de TNF-α. Selon nos résultats, la stimulation par IFN-γ et TNF-α sur les CSM-GW en biomatériaux d’Alg/HA est plus efficace lorsque ces deux cytokines sont utilisées conjointement et n’est pas délétère pour la viabilité cellulaire aux concentrations respectives de 20 et 30 ng/mL. Cette double stimulation induit une augmentation de la sécrétion d’IL-6 et de PGE-2 par les CSM-GW, ne modifie pas leur sécrétion de TGF-β, et diminue la sécrétion de VEGF. Nous avons confirmé ces données lors d’une mise en situation fonctionnelle : des cocultures avec des cellules mononucléées de sang périphérique (PBMC) de donneurs sains nous ont permis d’évaluer la réponse des CSM-GW lors d’une situation allogénique. Ces mises en situations allogéniques ont été étudiées à différents temps afin d’évaluer les propriétés immunologiques des CSM-GW au cours du temps passé en biomatériaux. Nos résultats montrent que les CSM-GW peuvent exprimer des molécules HLA-G ainsi qu’IDO, mais ces expressions sont limitées en biomatériaux d’Alg//HA. Les CSM-GW en biomatériaux d’Alg/HA en situation allogénique ne sont pas immunogènes, quel que soit le temps de différenciation. En revanche, leurs capacités immunomodulatrices décroissent au cours du temps et sont plus fortes à J0 et J3 de la différenciation chondrocytaire, ce qui oriente vers une utilisation précoce de ces cellules. Les conclusions de ce travail permettent de (i) sélectionner les cordons idoines à l’ingénierie cellulaire et l’ingénierie du cartilage, (ii) définir les conditions permettant de mimer une situation allogénique in vitro, (iii) connaitre les propriétés immunomodulatrices des CSM-GW au cours de la culture en biomatériaux d’Alg/HA, y compris en situation allogénique / The purpose of this work is to determine the optimal conditions for allogeneic substitutes production, adapted to filling the cartilaginous lesions in osteoarthritis treatment. It focuses on the cellular component of these substitutes. The use of mesenchymal stem cells from umbilical cords (WJ-MSC) involves determining which factors, related to direct and indirect environment of the WJ-MSC, can influence their proliferation and chondrogenic differentiation. In a first part of our work, three types of factors were studied: related to the donor child, the course of labor and delivery, pregnancy and the mother. Our results show that WJ-MSC have enhanced proliferative capacities when coming from full-term birth and without complications, with the use of Syntocinon® during labor. On this basis, we used the most effective WJ-MSC for cartilage engineering. It was then essential to elucidate their action profile in allogeneic context. We stimulated WJ-MSC embedded in Alginate/Hyaluronic Acid (Alg/HA) scaffolds with different concentrations of IFN-γ and TNF-α in order to determine the most effective stimulation profile, with regard to viability of the cells and evolution of immunomodulatory soluble factors secretion. According to our results, the stimulation by IFN-γ and TNF-α on WJ-MSC in Alg/HA scaffolds is more effective when these two cytokines are used together and is not deleterious for cell viability at the concentrations of 20 and 30 ng/mL, respectively. This double stimulation induces an increase in the secretion of IL-6 and PGE-2 by the WJ-MSC, a decrease in the secretion of VEGF and does not modify the secretion of TGF-β. We confirmed these data during a functional study: cocultures with peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) from healthy donors allowed us to evaluate the response of WJ-MSC in an allogeneic situation. These allogeneic situations have been studied at different times to evaluate the immunological properties of WJ-MSC during the time of chondrogenic differentiation. Our results show that WJ-MSC can express HLA-G molecules as well as IDO, but these expressions are limited in Alg/HA biomaterials. Finally, the WJ-MSC in Alg/HA biomaterials in allogeneic conditions are not immunogenic, regardless of the time of differentiation. On the other hand, their immunomodulatory capacities decrease over time and are stronger at day 0 and day 3 of chondrogenic differentiation, which leads to an early use of these cells. Finally, this work allows us to (i) select the umbilical cords suitable for cellular and cartilage engineering, (ii) define the conditions mimicking in vitro an allogeneic situation, (iii) elucidate the immunomodulatory properties of WJ-MSC during Alg/HA biomaterials chondrogenic differentiation, including allogeneic situations
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Análise das características biológicas das células estromais mesenquimais multipotentes obtidas de diferentes regiões anatômicas de pacientes com Pseudoartrose Congênita da Tíbia / Analysis of the biologic characteristics of multipotent mesenchymal stromal cells obtained from different anatomic regions of patients with Congenital Pseudoarthrosis of the TibiaRomero, Jenny Manzano 09 November 2018 (has links)
A Pseudoartrose Congênita da Tíbia (PCT) é uma das doenças mais desafiantes da ortopedia pediátrica pela dificuldade em obter a união óssea e, quando esta ocorre, em mantê-la. É uma doença muito rara, difícil de tratar devido à sua falta de conhecimento sobre a patogênese. As Células estromais mesenquimais multipotentes (CMM) podem desempenhar um papel na patogênese do PCT, possivelmente devido à falha da diferenciação osteogênica. O estudo das CMM pode ajudar a compreender a patogênese da doença e desenvolver novas estratégias terapêuticas baseados no uso desta célula no futuro próximo. Frente ao exposto, este trabalho teve como objetivo a análise das características biológicas das CMM isoladas de diferentes regiões anatômicas de medula óssea de pacientes com PCT. Para isto, amostras de medula óssea foram coletas a partir de locais afetados e não afetadas pela doença: Crista ilíaca do membro não afetada (CINA), crista ilíaca do membro afetada (CIA), tíbia não afetada (TNA), e tíbia afetada (TA). O numero de pacientes incluídos no estudo foi três: PCT1, PCT2 e PCT3. Os resultados mostraram que todas as células isoladas de pacientes com PCT apresentavam características compatíveis com as CMM. A taxa de formação de unidades formadoras de colônias das células da TA tanto no PCT2 quanto no PCT3 foi significativamente menor em relação às células da TNA e CINA respectivamente (p<0.05). A quantidade de células positivas para o marcador CD146 foi menor nas células da TA do PCT1 e PCT2, A análise estatística mostrou que não há uma diferença significativa. Este marcador esta relacionado com a capacidade multipotente e formação óssea in vivo. No PCT1 observou-se que formação de matriz mineralizada das CMM isoladas da CIA foi significativamente maior em relação a TA. Além disso, as células da TA do PCT1 observou-se um uma secreção significativa de alguns citocinas envolvidas no processo de formação óssea, como CCL2, CCL3, CCL4, TNA-alfa, PDGF-BB, e GM-CSF. A alteração destas citocinas pode levar a situações complicadas como o caso de não consolidação óssea. Com os resultados obtidos, se há demonstrado que as CMM da tíbia afetada tenta formar osso, mas no local da lesão é insuficiente, por tal motivo é preciso realizar estudos focados no mecanismo molecular. / Congenital pseudoarthrosis of the tibia (CPT) is one of the most challenging orthopedic diseases because of the difficulty in obtaining bone union and, when it happens, in maintaining it. It is a rare disease, difficult-to-treat due to the lack of knowledge about to pathogenesis. Multipotent mesenchymal stromal cells (MSC) may play a role in the pathogenesis of PCT, possibly due to a failure in the osteogenic differentiation. Studying these cells can help to better understand the pathogenesis of the disease and develop new therapeutic strategies based on the use of MSC in the near future. In view of the above, this work had the objective of analyzing the biological characteristics of CMM isolated from different anatomic regions of bone marrow of patients with PCT. For this, bone marrow samples were collected from sites affected and unaffected by the disease: unaffected limb iliac crest (CINA), affected limb iliac crest (CIA), unaffected tibia (TNA), and affected tibia (TA). The number of patients included in the study was three: PCT1, PCT2 and PCT3. The results showed that all cells isolated from PCT patients had characteristics compatible with CMM. The rate of formation of colonyforming units of TA cells in both PCT2 and PCT3 was significantly lower in TNA and CINA cells respectively (p <0.05). The amount of cells positive for the CD146 marker was lower in the TA cells of PCT1 and PCT2. Statistical analysis showed no significant difference. This marker is related to the multipotent capacity and bone formation in vivo. In PCT1 it was observed that the formation of mineralized matrix of CMCs isolated from CIA was significantly higher in relation to AT. In addition, PCT1 TA cells showed a significant secretion of some cytokines involved in the bone formation process, such as CCL2, CCL3, CCL4, TNA-alpha, PDGF-BB, and GM-CSF. The alteration of these cytokines can lead to complicated situations such as the case of non-consolidation of bone. With the results obtained, if the CMM of the affected tibia has been shown to try to form bone, but at the site of the lesion is insufficient, it is necessary to carry out studies focused on the molecular mechanism.
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