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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Strukturierte Wikis – Konzept und Anwendungsbeispiel

Voigt, Stefan, Fuchs-Kittowski, Frank, Koschnick, David 26 October 2015 (has links) (PDF)
Strukturierte Wikis verbinden die Flexibilität von konventionellen Wikis mit der Möglichkeit, Strukturen und Beziehungen automatisiert erstellen und einfacher pflegen zu können. Am ICKEwiki werden die Vorteile gegenüber konventionellen Wikis anhand eines Fallbeispiels aufgezeigt.

Arborescent numbers : higher arithmetic operations and division trees

Trappmann, Henryk January 2007 (has links)
The overall program "arborescent numbers" is to similarly perform the constructions from the natural numbers (N) to the positive fractional numbers (Q+) to positive real numbers (R+) beginning with (specific) binary trees instead of natural numbers. N can be regarded as the associative binary trees. The binary trees B and the left-commutative binary trees P allow the hassle-free definition of arbitrary high arithmetic operations (hyper ... hyperpowers). To construct the division trees the algebraic structure "coppice" is introduced which is a group with an addition over which the multiplication is right-distributive. Q+ is the initial associative coppice. The present work accomplishes one step in the program "arborescent numbers". That is the construction of the arborescent equivalent(s) of the positive fractional numbers. These equivalents are the "division binary trees" and the "fractional trees". A representation with decidable word problem for each of them is given. The set of functions f:R1->R1 generated from identity by taking powers is isomorphic to P and can be embedded into a coppice by taking inverses. / Baumartige Zahlen und höhere arithmetische Operationen Von Schülern und Laienmathematikern wird oft die Frage gestellt, warum nach den Operationen Addition (1. Stufe), Multiplikation (2. Stufe), Potenzieren (3. Stufe) keine Operationen der 4. oder höheren Stufen betrachtet werden. Jede Operation der nächsthöheren Stufe ist die Wiederholung der vorhergehenden Operation, z.B. n * x = x + x + ... + x x^n = x * x * ... * x Das offensichtliche Problem mit der Wiederholung des Potenzierens besteht darin, dass das Potenzieren nicht assoziativ ist und es somit mehrere Klammerungsmöglichkeiten für die Wiederholung dieser Operation gibt. Wählt man eine spezifische Klammerungsmöglichkeit aus, z.B. x^^n = (x^(x^(x^(......)))), gibt es jedoch wieder verschiedene Möglichkeiten, diese Operation auf rationale oder reelle n fortzusetzen. In der Tat kann man im Internet verschiedene solcher Fortsetzungen beschrieben finden und keine scheint besonders ausgezeichnet zu sein. Das ganze Dilemma der verschiedenen Klammerungen kann man jedoch überwinden, in dem man den Zahlenbereich abstrakter macht. So dass statt nur der Anzahl auch eine Klammerungsstruktur in einer Zahl kodiert wird. Die ganz natürliche Verallgemeinerung der natürlichen Zahlen in dieser Hinsicht sind die Binärbäume. Und in der Tat lassen sich die 4. und höhere Operationen in einer eindeutigen Weise auf den Binärbäumen erklären. Vielmehr stellt sich sogar heraus, dass die Binärbäume zu viel Information mit sich tragen, wenn es nur darum geht, die höheren Operationen zu definieren. Es gibt eine Spezialisierung der Binärbäume, die aber allgemeiner als die natürlichen Zahlen (die die assoziative Spezialisierung der Binärbäume sind) ist, und die die passende Informationsmenge zur Definition der höheren Operationen kodiert. Dies sind die so genannten linkskommutativen Binärbäume. Es stellt sich heraus, dass die (linkskommutativen) Binärbäume viele Eigenschaften der natürlichen Zahlen teilen, so z.B. die Assoziativität der Multiplikation (die Operation der 2. Stufe) und eine eindeutige Primzahlzerlegung. Dies motiviert die Frage, ob man die Erweiterungskonstruktionen der Zahlen: „natürliche Zahlen zu gebrochenen Zahlen“ (macht die Multiplikation umkehrbar) „gebrochene Zahlen zu positiven reellen Zahlen“ (macht das Potenzieren umkehrbar und erlaubt Grenzwertbildung) auch ausgehend von (linkskommutativen) Binärbäumen vornehmen kann. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird (neben unzähligen anderen Resultaten) gezeigt, dass die Zahlenbereichserweiterung „natürliche Zahlen zu gebrochenen Zahlen“ auch analog für (linkskommutative) Binärbäume möglich ist. Das Ergebnis dieser Konstruktion sind die Divisionsbinärbäume (bzw. die gebrochenen Bäume). Letztere lassen sich unerwartet in der Form von Brüchen darstellen, sind jedoch als Verallgemeinerung der gebrochenen Zahlen sehr viel komplexer als dieser. (Das kann man live nachprüfen mit dem dafür erstellten Online-Rechner für gebrochene Bäume (auf englisch): http://math.eretrandre.org/cgi-bin/ftc/ftc.pl ) Damit wird ein Programm „baumartige Zahlen“ gestartet, indem es darum geht, auch die Erweiterung „gebrochene Zahlen zu positiven reellen Zahlen“ für die Divisionsbinärbäume (bzw. die gebrochenen Bäume) durchzuführen, wobei die höheren Operationen auf dieser Erweiterung definiert werden könnten und umkehrbar sein müssten. Ob dies wirklich möglich ist, ist derzeit unklar (neben diversen anderen direkt aus der Dissertation sich ergebenden Fragen) und eröffnet damit ein enorm umfangreiches Feld für weitere Forschungen.

Unscharfe Validierung strukturierter Daten : ein Modell auf der Basis unscharfer Logik /

Schlarb, Sven. January 2008 (has links)
Universiẗat, Diss.--Köln, 2007.

Ein Standard-File für 3D-Gebietsbeschreibungen

Lohse, Dag 12 September 2005 (has links)
Es handelt sich hierbei um die Dokumentation eines Dateiformats zur Beschreibung dreidimensionaler FEM-Gebiete in Randrepräsentation. Eine interne Datenbasis dient als Verbindung zwischen externem Dateiformat und verschiedenen verarbeitenden Programmen.

Ein Standard-File für 3D-Gebietsbeschreibungen. - Datenbasis und Programmschnittstelle data_read

Lohse, Dag 13 September 2005 (has links)
Auf der Grundlage der in Preprint 98-11 dieser Reihe gegebenen Dokumentation des Dateiformats wird hier eine Programmschnittstelle beschrieben, die das Einlesen solcher Gebietsdatenfiles ermöglicht. Die Struktur der internen Datenbasis wird beschrieben.

Strukturierte Wikis – Konzept und Anwendungsbeispiel

Voigt, Stefan, Fuchs-Kittowski, Frank, Koschnick, David January 2015 (has links)
Strukturierte Wikis verbinden die Flexibilität von konventionellen Wikis mit der Möglichkeit, Strukturen und Beziehungen automatisiert erstellen und einfacher pflegen zu können. Am ICKEwiki werden die Vorteile gegenüber konventionellen Wikis anhand eines Fallbeispiels aufgezeigt.

Untersuchung der Material begrenzenden Einflüsse beim Multidrahtsägen von Silicium unter Verwendung gerader und strukturierter Drähte

Weber, Bernd 11 August 2015 (has links) (PDF)
In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurden experimentelle Untersuchungen zu Material begrenzenden Einflüssen beim Multidrahtsägen von Silicium unter Verwendung gerader und strukturierter Drähte durchgeführt. Ziel dieser Arbeit war es, den Einfluss von dünnen und strukturierten Drähten auf den Drahtsägeprozess von Silicium und die erzeugten Waferqualitäten zu untersuchen. Zusätzlich galt es, Grenzen und Potentiale für den Einsatz dieser Drähte im Sägeprozess aufzuzeigen und ein Modell zu entwickeln, das den Materialabtrag in Silicium für strukturierte Drähte beschreibt. Die in dieser Arbeit verfolgten Lösungsansätze beinhalten im ersten Teil der Arbeit die Durchführung von Sägeexperimenten mit einer Eindrahtsäge. Es wurden dünne Drähte mit Durchmesser ≤ 100 µm und zwei unterschiedliche Siliciumcarbid (SiC) Korngrößenverteilungen untersucht. Zusätzlich wurden die Normalkräfte in Vorschubrichtung variiert. Im zweiten Teil der Arbeit werden Sägeexperimente mit einer Multidrahtsäge vorgestellt. Es wurden zwei unterschiedlich strukturierte Drähte mit variierten Drahtgeschwindigkeiten und Vorschüben im Vergleich zu geradem Draht untersucht. Der industrielle Einsatz dünner Drähte im Sägeprozess zur Reduzierung des Sägeverschnitts ist derzeit auf Durchmesser von 100 µm begrenzt. Die getesteten Drähte mit geringerem Durchmesser sind nicht wirtschaftlich einsetzbar, da sie zu geringe Standzeiten aufweisen und zu einer Slurryverarmung beitragen können. Es konnte eine Slurryverarmung des Schnittspalts in Silicium beobachtet werden, die um mehrere Zentimeter in den Schnittspalt ragt und dadurch den Drahtsägeprozess negativ beeinflusst, indem Sägeriefen entstehen. Die Verschleißuntersuchungen von Sägedrähten zeigen, dass eine lineare Abnahme der Drahtdurchmesserreduzierung in Abhängigkeit der akkumulierten Eingriffslänge in Silicium auftritt. Der Prozess der Durchmesserreduzierung wird maßgeblich durch die aufgebrachte Normalkraft, welche durch die Zugfestigkeit und Härte des Drahts beeinflusst wird, die Drahtgeschwindigkeit und die verwendete Korngrößenverteilung bestimmt. Es konnte durch Sägeversuche mit Drähten unterschiedlicher Hersteller gezeigt werden, dass das beobachtete Verschleißverhalten nicht einem Drahthersteller zuordenbar ist, sondern eine globalere Gültigkeit besitzt. Der industrielle Einsatz strukturierter Drähte wirkt sich positiv auf den Sägeprozess aus. Es konnten signifikant höhere Vorschübe bei ähnlichen Kräften im Vergleich zu geraden Drähten erreicht werden. Für einen Vorschub von 0,6 mm/min sind die Kraftwerte für strukturierten Draht A im Vergleich zu geradem Draht um 40% reduziert, für Draht B um 16%. Durch die Drahtstruktur wird ein größeres Slurryvolumen durch den Schnittspalt befördert, was zu einem homogeneren Materialabtrag entlang des Schnittspalts führt. Die erhöhten Vorschübe konnten sowohl für mono- wie auch für multikristallines Siliciummaterial erreicht werden. Zusätzlich wurden homogenere Waferdicken durch den Einsatz strukturierter Drähte beim Sägeprozess erzeugt. Auf Basis der Ergebnisse für strukturierte Drähte wurde ein theoretisches Modell für den Materialabtrag entwickelt, welches die in dieser Arbeit durchgeführten Experimente gut beschreibt. / In the present work experimental analyses were carried out to investigate the material limiting influences in the multi wire sawing process of silicon while using thin and structured wires. The purpose of the work was to investigate influences on the wire sawing process and the resulting wafer qualities caused by thin and structured wires. Additionally, the purpose was to define the limits and potentials of thin and structured wires in industrial wire sawing processes and to develop a model which describes the material removal in silicon for structured wires. Experiments with two different SiC particle size distributions in combination with wire diameters of ≤ 100 µm and varying normal forces in feed direction were carried out in the first part of this work with a single wire saw. Experiments with two differently structured wires and variation of the wire speed and feed rate are shown in the second part using a multi wire saw. The actual limit for industrial sawing applications to reduce kerf loss is reached for 100 µm thin wire diameters. The tested lower wire diameters are uneconomical due to shorter durability and to aggravate slurry depletion effects. Such a depletion effect of several centimeters length which is detrimental for the wire sawing process was observed at the end of a sawing channel. The results of the experiments showed that the steel wire diameter is reduced linearly with the accumulated sawn length of silicon. The material removal process of the steel wire is significantly influenced by the normal force in feed direction and the hardness of the wire. The experiments with wires of different suppliers showed no difference in the material removal process. Therefore the abrasive wear of wires has a more global validation. The results of the experiments using differently structured wires showed that significantly lower forces in feed direction occur for a given feed rate in comparison to straight wires. The forces are reduced up to 40% for structured wire A and up to 16% for wire B for a feed rate of 0,6 mm/min. A higher slurry volume is transported due to the structure of the wire which enables a more homogeneous material removal process along the cutting channel. Higher feed rates were reached for mono- and multi crystalline silicon material. Additionally, more homogeneous wafer thicknesses were cut using structured wires.

Analysis of homogeneous film flows on inclined surfaces and on corrugated sheet of packing using CFD

Subramanian, Kumar 02 June 2015 (has links) (PDF)
The key to success in separation of liquid mixtures is the efficient creation and utilization of vapour-liquid contact area. By packing the column with gas-liquid contact devices such as structured packing, the vapour-liquid contact area can be increased. However, the efficiency of these packed columns depends strongly on the local flow behaviour of the liquid and vapour phase inside the packing. The aim of this work was to develop three-dimensional CFD models to study the hydrodynamic behaviour on the corrugated sheets of packing. Different approaches are possible to simplify the problem and to extend it for more complex flow scenarios. In this work, three-dimensional CFD simulations were performed to study the complete fluid-dynamic behaviour. This was performed in two steps. As a first step, the developed model was validated with experimental studies using a simplified geometry i.e., an inclined plate. The three-dimensional Volume-of-Fluid (VOF) model was utilized to study the flow behaviour of the gas-liquid countercurrent flow. The influence of the liquid surface tension was taken into consideration using the Continuum Surface Force (CSF) model. The wetting characteristics of liquids with different viscosity (1 and 5 mPas) and contact angle (70° and 7°) were studied for different flow rates. Three different mixtures (water, water-glycerol (45 wt. %) and silicon-oil (DC5)) were considered. Initially, the rivulet width of experiments and simulations were compared and an error of 5 % maximum was determined. The results were also in good agreement with earlier studies. The percentage of wetting due to changes in flow rate, viscosity and contact angle was compared and discussed. For all tested systems, excellent agreement between the experiments and simulation studies was found. In addition, profiles of the velocity in the film at film flow conditions over a smooth inclined plate obtained from simulations were compared with experimental profiles obtained using a μPIV technique. A detailed sensitivity study was also performed in order to understand the changes in the velocity profiles due to small change in liquid flow rate, temperature and inclination angle. As a next step, the developed model was extended to geometries resembling real corrugated sheets of packing used in industrial applications. In earlier numerical studies of structured packing, geometries were simplified to enable easy meshing and faster computation. In this work, the geometries of corrugated sheets of packing were developed without any simplification and the flow behaviour was studied using the model validated in the first step. The flow behaviour on sheets with different geometrical modifications such as smooth and triangular crimp surfaces as well as perforations on the sheets were numerically studied and quantitatively compared with experimental studies for the three different fluid test systems. The agreement between the simulations and experiments was within an acceptable range for all system. The difference in the interfacial area between the corrugated sheets of a packing with and without perforation was analyzed and the prediction ability of different empirical correlations for the interfacial area available in literature was also compared and discussed. Furthermore, the numerical study was extended to understand the influence of the second corrugated sheet. Studying the flow behaviour between two sheets experimentally is very challenging, especially inside opaque packing. The model proved to be a very suitable tool to study the hold-up of the liquid between two sheets, the change in wetting behaviour due to small change in liquid inlet position. The results are also in good agreement with the earlier experimental studies, where researchers measured the liquid hold-up mainly in the region where two corrugated sheets touch each other. The three-dimensional CFD model was validated to study the flow behaviour on corrugated sheets of packing. The results from the simulations agree very well with findings from the experimental studies in terms of wetting and hold-up.

Recovering the Semantics of Tabular Web Data

Braunschweig, Katrin 26 October 2015 (has links) (PDF)
The Web provides a platform for people to share their data, leading to an abundance of accessible information. In recent years, significant research effort has been directed especially at tables on the Web, which form a rich resource for factual and relational data. Applications such as fact search and knowledge base construction benefit from this data, as it is often less ambiguous than unstructured text. However, many traditional information extraction and retrieval techniques are not well suited for Web tables, as they generally do not consider the role of the table structure in reflecting the semantics of the content. Tables provide a compact representation of similarly structured data. Yet, on the Web, tables are very heterogeneous, often with ambiguous semantics and inconsistencies in the quality of the data. Consequently, recognizing the structure and inferring the semantics of these tables is a challenging task that requires a designated table recovery and understanding process. In the literature, many important contributions have been made to implement such a table understanding process that specifically targets Web tables, addressing tasks such as table detection or header recovery. However, the precision and coverage of the data extracted from Web tables is often still quite limited. Due to the complexity of Web table understanding, many techniques developed so far make simplifying assumptions about the table layout or content to limit the amount of contributing factors that must be considered. Thanks to these assumptions, many sub-tasks become manageable. However, the resulting algorithms and techniques often have a limited scope, leading to imprecise or inaccurate results when applied to tables that do not conform to these assumptions. In this thesis, our objective is to extend the Web table understanding process with techniques that enable some of these assumptions to be relaxed, thus improving the scope and accuracy. We have conducted a comprehensive analysis of tables available on the Web to examine the characteristic features of these tables, but also identify unique challenges that arise from these characteristics in the table understanding process. To extend the scope of the table understanding process, we introduce extensions to the sub-tasks of table classification and conceptualization. First, we review various table layouts and evaluate alternative approaches to incorporate layout classification into the process. Instead of assuming a single, uniform layout across all tables, recognizing different table layouts enables a wide range of tables to be analyzed in a more accurate and systematic fashion. In addition to the layout, we also consider the conceptual level. To relax the single concept assumption, which expects all attributes in a table to describe the same semantic concept, we propose a semantic normalization approach. By decomposing multi-concept tables into several single-concept tables, we further extend the range of Web tables that can be processed correctly, enabling existing techniques to be applied without significant changes. Furthermore, we address the quality of data extracted from Web tables, by studying the role of context information. Supplementary information from the context is often required to correctly understand the table content, however, the verbosity of the surrounding text can also mislead any table relevance decisions. We first propose a selection algorithm to evaluate the relevance of context information with respect to the table content in order to reduce the noise. Then, we introduce a set of extraction techniques to recover attribute-specific information from the relevant context in order to provide a richer description of the table content. With the extensions proposed in this thesis, we increase the scope and accuracy of Web table understanding, leading to a better utilization of the information contained in tables on the Web.

Recovering the Semantics of Tabular Web Data

Braunschweig, Katrin 09 October 2015 (has links)
The Web provides a platform for people to share their data, leading to an abundance of accessible information. In recent years, significant research effort has been directed especially at tables on the Web, which form a rich resource for factual and relational data. Applications such as fact search and knowledge base construction benefit from this data, as it is often less ambiguous than unstructured text. However, many traditional information extraction and retrieval techniques are not well suited for Web tables, as they generally do not consider the role of the table structure in reflecting the semantics of the content. Tables provide a compact representation of similarly structured data. Yet, on the Web, tables are very heterogeneous, often with ambiguous semantics and inconsistencies in the quality of the data. Consequently, recognizing the structure and inferring the semantics of these tables is a challenging task that requires a designated table recovery and understanding process. In the literature, many important contributions have been made to implement such a table understanding process that specifically targets Web tables, addressing tasks such as table detection or header recovery. However, the precision and coverage of the data extracted from Web tables is often still quite limited. Due to the complexity of Web table understanding, many techniques developed so far make simplifying assumptions about the table layout or content to limit the amount of contributing factors that must be considered. Thanks to these assumptions, many sub-tasks become manageable. However, the resulting algorithms and techniques often have a limited scope, leading to imprecise or inaccurate results when applied to tables that do not conform to these assumptions. In this thesis, our objective is to extend the Web table understanding process with techniques that enable some of these assumptions to be relaxed, thus improving the scope and accuracy. We have conducted a comprehensive analysis of tables available on the Web to examine the characteristic features of these tables, but also identify unique challenges that arise from these characteristics in the table understanding process. To extend the scope of the table understanding process, we introduce extensions to the sub-tasks of table classification and conceptualization. First, we review various table layouts and evaluate alternative approaches to incorporate layout classification into the process. Instead of assuming a single, uniform layout across all tables, recognizing different table layouts enables a wide range of tables to be analyzed in a more accurate and systematic fashion. In addition to the layout, we also consider the conceptual level. To relax the single concept assumption, which expects all attributes in a table to describe the same semantic concept, we propose a semantic normalization approach. By decomposing multi-concept tables into several single-concept tables, we further extend the range of Web tables that can be processed correctly, enabling existing techniques to be applied without significant changes. Furthermore, we address the quality of data extracted from Web tables, by studying the role of context information. Supplementary information from the context is often required to correctly understand the table content, however, the verbosity of the surrounding text can also mislead any table relevance decisions. We first propose a selection algorithm to evaluate the relevance of context information with respect to the table content in order to reduce the noise. Then, we introduce a set of extraction techniques to recover attribute-specific information from the relevant context in order to provide a richer description of the table content. With the extensions proposed in this thesis, we increase the scope and accuracy of Web table understanding, leading to a better utilization of the information contained in tables on the Web.

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