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Environmental Justice, Stakeholders and Local Communities: A case study from Northern TanzaniaPoudel, Sagar January 2022 (has links)
The issues surrounding the distribution and management of ecosystem resources in local communities in the face of climate change have never been more relevant. This qualitative study seeks to explore the understanding and implications surrounding environmental justice in local communities in the framework of environmental courses provided by organization “A” in northern Tanzania. The environmental justice indicator framework served as a conceptual framework to analyze the stakeholders' understanding and the local communities' experience surrounding different dimensions of environmental justice. Focus group discussions and semi-structured interviews were carried out with a total of 25 participants for data collection and analysis. A thematic analysis methodology provided several findings related to the contrast in substantive, distributive and procedural justices in relation to the environmental courses provided by the organization “A” and the local authorities. The study highlights the dynamics of access, power and control and the implications of intersectionality in relation to the distribution of ecosystem resources in the targeted rural communities. Concludingly, the research study highlights the need for more advocacy, coordination and efforts from the stakeholders, local authorities and local communities in achieving environmental justice for everyone.
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民眾公平觀感與民眾滿意度之關連:以台灣全民健保政策為例 / Perceptions of equality and citizen satisfaction: a study of NHI in Taiwan黃汎如 Unknown Date (has links)
有鑑於八0年代新公共管理(NPM)的興起對公共行政帶來重大的影響,其顧客導向的主張,刺激了顧客滿意度調查在公部門廣泛的應用。然而回顧過去公私部門重要的民眾滿意度調查,發現評估指標幾乎都著重在效率、效能面,而公共行政引以為本的公平價值卻少見探討。因此,本研究選取對人民影響最基本但重大的全民健保政策為個案,嘗試建構一個兼顧效率與公平面的民眾滿意度模型,並將焦點置於公民公平觀感與滿意度之間關連性的探討。在資料的蒐集上,採用國家衛生研究院「衛生醫療體系優先順序之制定的研究」於2007年12月1日至12月24日進行的電話訪問調查,經扣除遺漏值後,共有2478份樣本。本研究所建構的民眾滿意度ordered probit模型以「健保滿意度」為結果變項,解釋變項則包含了基本人口社經背景、以及效率效能面和公平面的指標。經實證結果發現,過去一直被強調的效率效能指標對健保滿意度確實產生顯著影響,但民眾對健保政策的主觀公平觀感也被證實與滿意度有顯著關連;換句話說,如果政府進行民眾滿意度調查時,未能含括公平面指標,則其所獲得的資訊將不能完整表達民眾的心聲。但本研究亦發現公民對健保政策以外的公平性態度並未顯著的影響健保滿意度,因此,民眾滿意度調查中測量公平觀感必需具有明確的政策背景。 / In the past three decades, new public management (NPM) has a great impact on the field of public administration. Among the impacts, “customer orientation” is the most influential one. For the purpose of evaluating citizen satisfaction on government services, public agencies begin to utilize the Customer Satisfaction Survey (CSS) mainly designed and administrated by business managers. However, after reviewing the content of the CSS questionnaires, we find that the emphasizing values behind the CSS are efficiency and effectiveness rather than equality, which is sometimes the main value behind public service delivery. Whether value of equality will influence citizen’s level of satisfaction is the main research question of this thesis. We take Taiwan’s National Health Insurance (NHI) as a case study, and utilize a citizen survey on priority setting of the NHI from the National Health Research Institutes in late 2007 as the secondary data. The dependent variable of our citizen satisfaction ordered probit model is “NHI satisfaction”, and explanatory variables including demographic backgrounds, indexes about efficiency or effectiveness, and indexes about equality. The results show that efficiency and effectiveness have significant association with NHI satisfaction. Most importantly, the citizens’ general evaluation on the equality of NHI also has a significant impact on the NHI satisfaction. According to the results, we suggest that applying CSS into public service evaluation should include index about equality in order to capture the holistic picture of citizen satisfaction.
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Europadomstolen och slöjan : En kvinnas möjlighet till upprättelseMaamri, Sara January 2019 (has links)
Det finns en utbredd kritik riktad mot Europadomstolen och dess tillämpning av religionsfriheten (artikel 9 i Europakonventionen). Akademiker har anklagat domstolen för att ha demonstrerat enbiasi fall som rör islam och slöjan. Domstolens bedömningar har upplevts som godtyckliga. Muslimer har framhävt att de upplever att de inte kan räkna med att få en rättvis domstolsprocess. Denna allvarliga kritik mot Europadomstolen ligger till grund för studiens övergripande syfte som är att undersöka vilka förutsättningar som finns för rättvisa i fall som rör religionsfriheten och slöjan. Forskare har uppmanat domstolen att anamma fyra proceduriella rättvisekriterier (deltagande, neutralitet, respekt och tillit) i syfte att åstadkomma rättvisa domstolsprocesser. Studien börjar därför med att analysera det huvudsakliga materialet, fyra rättsfall som alla behandlar en slöjbärande muslimsk kvinna utifrån de proceduriella rättvisekriterierna. Dessa kriterier kompletteras med en moralfilosofisk förståelse för alla individers grundläggande rätt till rättfärdigande. Studiens tes är dock att en proceduriell förståelse av rättvisa riskerar att vara otillräcklig. Det teoretiska ramverket består därför även av en substantiell förståelse av rättvisa, som istället för att fokusera på domstolens tillvägagångssätt fokuserar på utfall. Resultatet bekräftar denna tes genom att först anamma en förståelse för att vårt praktiska förnuft riskerar att vara invävt med ideologi. Det är inte förrän vi tillämpar ett dekonstruerande och dekoloniserande perspektiv som vi ser vad det är som hindrar domstolen från att upprätta substantiell rättvisa för slöjbärande kvinnor. Slöjan som symbol och sekularism som begrepp har tillskrivits särskilda värden vilket gör att domstolen förstår dessa som i direkt strid med varandra. Det är inte förrän domstolen självkritiskt reflekterar över och dekonstruerar dessa inneboende värden som substantiell rättvisa är möjligt. Studiens uppfattning är att muslimska slöjbärande kvinnor systematiskt nekas en verklig möjlighet till upprättelse i Europadomstolen. / The European Court of the Human Rights has been widely criticized regarding its implementation of the freedom of religion (article 9 in the European Convention on Human Rights). Researchers have noticed that the Court has demonstrated a bias in cases concerning Islam and the Islamic veil. The Courts judgements have been understood as arbitrary and European Muslims have argued that they do not have a fair chance to a just court procedure. This serious critique aimed at the Court grounds the aim of this study which is to explore the conditions for justice regarding freedom of religion cases and the Islamic veil in the European Court of Human Rights. Researchers have advised the court to apply four procedural justice criteria (participation, neutrality, respect and trust) in order to secure just and fair court procedures. Therefore, from a procedural understanding of justice, the study starts with an analysis of the main material, which is four cases, all concerning women wearing the Islamic veil. The theoretical framework is supplemented with a moral understanding of everyone’s basic right to justification and the two procedural justice criteria reciprocity and generality. However, the thesis of this study is that a procedural understanding of justice might be unsatisfying when discovering the general conditions for justice in the Court. The theoretical framework therefore needs to include substantive justice. Instead of focusing on pure procedural justice itaims at establishing substantively just outcomes. The result of this study confirms this thesis by acknowledging that our practical reason might be infused with ideology. It is not until a deconstructing and decolonial perspective is applied that it becomes clear what is hampering the court from establishing substantively just outcomes for women wearing the Islamic veil. As the veil and the term secularism has been ascribed certain values and ideas, the court put these two phenomena in direct contrast with each other. Substantive justice is not achievable until the court, in a self-critical manner deconstructs these values and ideas. The main result of this study is that until then, Muslim women wearing the Islamic veil are systematically denied substantive justice.
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