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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Impact de l'étude du Women's Health Initiative sur les taux d'utilisation, les caractéristiques cliniques et la persistance associés à la prise d'hormonothérapie substitutive

Guay, Marie-Pascale January 2005 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.

Impact économique de la Tibolone comparativement à l'hormonothérapie substitutive dans le contrôle des symptômes climatériques chez les femmes post-ménopausées

Diaby, Vakaramoko January 2006 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.

Propriétés combinatoires et arithmétiques de certaines suites automatiques et substitutives

Albert, Julien 10 July 2006 (has links) (PDF)
L'objet de cette thèse est l'étude des liens existant entre la combinatoire de l'écriture d'un nombre réel en base entière ou sous la forme d'une fraction continue et le caractère algébrique ou transcendant de ce nombre réel (une conjecture de Borel prévoit que tout irrationnel algébrique est un nombre absolument normal: ses écritures en bases entières ont la même propriété que celle d'une suite aléatoire de chiffres).

Pour une ontologie des traductions littéraires

Arviset, Sébastien 01 1900 (has links)
Cette thèse part d’une constatation troublante : une œuvre littéraire et sa traduction sont deux textes différents. Comment deux textes différents peuvent-ils s’annuler, être indiscernables en tant qu’œuvre ? Y a-t-il une œuvre, deux œuvres distinctes, ou plutôt, comme nous le proposerons provisoirement, une œuvre relationnelle, la traduction littéraire. Cette relation est en fait une dépendance que nous théorisons, avant de proposer une théorie procéduraliste institutionnelle de l’œuvre et de montrer que les traductions littéraires ne sont pas des œuvres, mais des compositions substitutives, « œuvre » étant un statut qui chapeaute toutes les compositions qui la font fonctionner. Nous montrons en outre qu’elles appartiennent aux pratiques artistiques, qui regroupent un certain nombre d’activités et d’artefacts essentiels au fonctionnement des œuvres d’art. « Œuvre » étant un statut, cela a comme conséquence qu’« auteur » en est un aussi. Nous tentons ensuite de déterminer si le traduire s’étend à toutes les activités de compréhension, ou s’il y a une spécificité du traduire interlinguistique littéraire. Par la suite, nous étudions les deux principales attitudes qui s’offrent au traducteur au moment de traduire : les approches sourciste et cibliste. Après quoi nous examinons qui est le lecteur d’une traduction littéraire et dans quelle mesure il se distingue du lecteur de la composition en langue première. Après un examen de la compréhension d’un point de vue empirique, nous en venons à la conclusion que le critère de réussite pour la lecture est la compréhension. Cela nous permet de proposer une étude du critère de fidélité en fonction de la compréhension, tout en précisant qu’une œuvre, étant un statut, n’est jamais traduite. Pour finir, après avoir appliqué notre théorie aux traductions de Shakespeare réalisée par Voltaire, nous montrons que la pensée de la traduction est travaillée par une méprise ontologique qui confond fidélité sémantique et fidélité ontologique. / This dissertation starts from a troubling observation: a literary work and its translation are two different texts. How can two different texts cancel each other out, be indiscernible? Is there one work, two distinct works, or rather, as we will provisionally propose, a relational work, the literary translation. This relation is in fact a dependence that we theorize, before proposing an institutional proceduralist theory of the work and showing that literary translations are not works, but substitute compositions, "work" being a status that encompasses all the compositions that make it work. We further show that literary translations belong to artistic practices, which bring together a number of activities and artefacts essential to the functioning of works of art. "Work" being a status, the consequence is that "author" is also one. We then attempt to determine whether translating extends to all the activities related to understanding, or whether there is a specificity to literary interlinguistic translating. Next, we study the two main attitudes available to the translator when translating: the sourceand target-oriented approaches. We then consider who the reader of a literary translation is and how he differs from the reader of the first-language composition. After studying understanding from an empirical point of view, we come to the conclusion that a successful reading is one through which the read work is understood. This allows us to unfold a study of faithfulness according to understanding, before concluding that a work, being a status, is never translated. Finally, having applied our theory to the Voltaire’s translations of Shakespeare, we show that the theory of translation is dominated by an ontological misunderstanding which confuses semantic and ontological faithfulness.

La négociation substitutive d'entreprise / Collective bargaining in non union enterprises

Mariano, Christophe 26 November 2018 (has links)
La place acquise par l’accord collectif d’entreprise dans le champ de la réglementation des conditions de travail et d’emploi et son positionnement en tant que vecteur préférentiel de déclinaison de dispositifs légaux interroge sur l’accessibilité de l’acte conventionnel dans l’entreprise. L’entreprise dépourvue de délégué syndical constitue à cet égard un foyer traditionnellement réfractaire à l’épanouissement conventionnel. Les dispositifs légaux se sont pourtant multipliés depuis plus de vingt ans afin de remédier à cette carence. Le législateur a créé puis développé des formes alternatives de représentation dans la négociation collective sans toutefois se soucier d’ancrer sa démarche dans un schéma clair. Il en résulte aujourd’hui un agrégat de dispositifs variés à la complexité attestée sollicitant de multiples références détournées à la volonté de la collectivité de travail. Davantage motivé par la propagation quantitative des accords collectifs d’entreprise en l’absence de délégué syndical plutôt que par un souci qualitatif de recréation du procédé conventionnel en dehors du référentiel syndical classique, le législateur livre aux utilisateurs de ce mode de négociation un système sans âme dont les malfaçons sont nombreuses. C’est à partir d’un tel constat que nous nous proposons de reprendre l’ouvrage légal en fondant la démarche sur l’exigence constitutionnelle de libre accès des salariés à la négociation collective et en reconstruisant la figure de l’acteur substitutif de négociation sur des exigences plus poussées de représentation de la collectivité de travail lors de la passation de l’acte collectif. / Non-union firms are normally excluded from collective bargaining and consequently from collective agreement. But company-level agreement had gained importance in such a way that the legislator was compelled to create some forms of alternative representation in collective bargaining. But after several evolutions, these forms are now complex and unable to satisfy constitutional principles. So this PhD work aims to rebuild the actual forms of non-union representation in collective bargaining process to give a legitimate and more attractive access to an efficient form of labour relations in spite of the unavailability of representative trade unions. The conventional activity of such substitute bargaining agent newly reconstructed needs even more to be canalized for the purposes of give an equivalent access to collective agreement to both union and non-union companies.

Review of substitutive assistive tools and technologies for people with visual impairments: recent advancements and prospects

Muhsin, Z.J., Qahwaji, Rami S.R., Ghanchi, Faruque, Al-Taee, M. 19 December 2023 (has links)
Yes / The development of many tools and technologies for people with visual impairment has become a major priority in the field of assistive technology research. However, many of these technology advancements have limitations in terms of the human aspects of the user experience (e.g., usability, learnability, and time to user adaptation) as well as difficulties in translating research prototypes into production. Also, there was no clear distinction between the assistive aids of adults and children, as well as between “partial impairment” and “total blindness”. As a result of these limitations, the produced aids have not gained much popularity and the intended users are still hesitant to utilise them. This paper presents a comprehensive review of substitutive interventions that aid in adapting to vision loss, centred on laboratory research studies to assess user-system interaction and system validation. Depending on the primary cueing feedback signal offered to the user, these technology aids are categorized as visual, haptics, or auditory-based aids. The context of use, cueing feedback signals, and participation of visually impaired people in the evaluation are all considered while discussing these aids. Based on the findings, a set of recommendations is suggested to assist the scientific community in addressing persisting challenges and restrictions faced by both the totally blind and partially sighted people.

Déviation des moyennes ergodiques / Deviation of ergodic averages

González Villanueva, José Luis 04 July 2014 (has links)
Ce travail étudie les déviations de sommes ergodiques pour des systèmes dynamiques substitutifs avec une matrice qui admet des valeurs propres de module supérieur à 1. Précisément, nous nous concentrons sur les substitutions telle que ces valeurs propres ne sont pas conjuguées. Dans un premier temps, on défini les lettres a-minimales et dominantes d'un mot pour étudier sa ligne brisée associé. On défini la ligne brisée normalisée et sa fonction limite. Pour l'étude des sommes ergodiques, on défini le sous-automate des lettres minimales. On donne des conditions sur une substitution de sorte qu'il y ait un nombre infini des sommes ergodiques égales à zéro pour un point x 2 X. Enfin, en utilisant un boucle dans une classe de Rauzy, on prouve l'existence d'un nombre infini d'échanges d'intervalles auto-similaires, dont la matrice de Rauzy a deux valeurs propres non conjuguées de module supérieur à 1. Et tout échange d'intervalles affine semi-conjugué à cet échange d'intervalles est aussi conjugué. / This thesis focuses on the deviation of ergodic sums for a substitution dynamical systems with a matrix that admits eigenvalues of modulus larger than 1. Specifically, we concentrate on substitutions with non-conjugated eigenvalues. At first, we define the a-minimals letters and the dominant letters of a word to study its broken associated line. We define the normalize broken line and its limit function. For the study of ergodic sums, we define the sub-automaton of minimum letters. We give conditions on a substitution so that there is infinitely many zero sums ergodic for a point x 2 X. Finally, using a loop in a class of Rauzy, we prove the existence of infinitely many interval exchange transformation self-similar, whose Rauzy matrix has two non-conjugated eigenvalues larger than 1 and every affine interval exchange transformation that is semi-conjugated, is also conjugated.

Atuação administrativa consensual: estudo dos acordos substitutivos no processo administrativo sancionador / Consensual administrative action: study of the substitutive agreements in administrative process for imposition of sanction

Palma, Juliana Bonacorsi de 26 February 2010 (has links)
Esta dissertação se propõe a analisar a atuação administrativa consensual, com enfoque nos acordos substitutivos no processo administrativo sancionador. A questão que se pretende responder consiste em verificar se há necessário relacionamento entre prerrogativas públicas e desenvolvimento das atividades administrativas. Para respondê-la, a consensualidade administrativa é trabalhada em três frentes: normativa, teórica e prática. Na primeira parte, realiza-se a reconstrução do modelo de atuação administrativa típica, formalizada em atos unilaterais e imperativos, a fim de estabelecer o paradigma com o qual a atuação administrativa consensual dialoga. Na seqüência, há a análise do modelo de atuação administrativa consensual, repartida em dois capítulos. No primeiro, são mapeados os debates doutrinários a respeito do tema, indicados os pressupostos teóricos da consensualidade no Direito Administrativo e enfrentada a questão da viabilidade de a Administração Pública transacionar pela análise crítica dos princípios da supremacia e da indisponibilidade do interesse público. No segundo capítulo, é identificado o modelo de consensualidade adotado pelo Direito Administrativo brasileiro com base na apreciação das normas que prevêem instrumentos consensuais levantadas. A terceira parte da dissertação destina-se a avaliar o plano prático da atuação administrativa consensual por meio do estudo empírico do compromisso de cessação, na qualidade de acordo substitutivo no processo administrativo sancionador do CADE. Neste capítulo, são depreendidos os principais impasses relacionados à atividade sancionatória e a forma de emprego do referido acordo administrativo pela autoridade antitruste a fim de verificar os efeitos da consensualidade na prática do Direito Administrativo. Ao final, são analisados os principais vetores dos acordos substitutivos, quais sejam, legalidade, negociação das prerrogativas públicas, controle judicial e cultura repressiva prevalecente na Administração Pública. Na conclusão, a questão é retomada e as hipóteses lançadas - viabilidade da negociação das prerrogativas públicas e preferência dos acordos substitutivos pelo Poder Público em razão dos expressivos efeitos positivos que detêm - testadas. / This essay intends to analyze the consensual administrative action, approaching to the substitutive agreements in the administrative process for imposition of sanctions. The question to be answered herein is to verify if there is a necessary relation between public prerogatives and development of administrative activities. To answer it, the administrative consensus is worked in three perspectives: normative, theoretical and practical. In the first part, it is done the reconstruction of the typical administrative actions model, formalized in unilateral and imperative acts, in order to establish the paradigm to which the consensual administrative action dialogues. After that, it is done the analysis of the consensual administrative action, distributed in two chapters. In the first, doutrinariess debates involving the theme are identified, consensuss theoretical premises in Administrative Law are indicated and the issue of availability of transaction in Public Administration is faced by the principles of supremacy and non-availability of public interests critical analysis. In the second chapter, it is identified the model of consensus adopted by brazilian Administrative Law through appreciation of the norms that dispose about consensual instruments. The essays third part intends to evaluate the practical field of the consensual administrative action through empirical study of the consent decree, as a substitutive agreement, in the CADEs administrative process for imposition of sanctions. In this chapter, it is recognized the main problems with the imposition of sanctions and the use of that administrative agreement by the antitrust authority, in order to discover the consensus effect in Administrative Law. Finally, substitutive agreements main guides are analyzed, which are: legality, public prerogatives negotiation, judicial control and repressive culture that prevails into Public Administration. In the conclusion, the question is retaken and the hypotheses exposed - negotiation of the public prerogatives availability and preference of the substitutive agreements bi Public Power because of its expressive positive effects - tested.

Métodos substitutivos ao uso prejudicial de animais no ensino médico veterinário: uma análise da realidade brasileira por meio da percepção do estudante / Substitutive methods to the use of animals in Veterinary Medical Education: an analysis of the Brazilian reality through the perception of the student

Gebara, Rosangela Ribeiro 21 September 2015 (has links)
No ensino da medicina veterinária esta implícito o uso de animais para o aprendizado das mais diversas habilidades profissionais, sendo que na maioria das vezes os animais utilizados nas práticas pedagógicas sofrem algum tipo de prejuízo ou morrem para este fim. Com o aumento da preocupação ética em relação aos animais, nas últimas duas décadas, surgiu a necessidade de se substituir estes métodos de ensino onde havia prejuízo aos animais e ao aprendizado do aluno, por métodos humanitários. Este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar o conhecimento e opinião dos alunos das Faculdades de Medicina Veterinária brasileiras acerca da implementação dos chamados “métodos substitutivos“ ao uso prejudicial de animais e os métodos que estão sendo utilizados atualmente. Foram obtidas 1383 respostas de estudantes de medicina veterinária de 26 estados brasileiros e do Distrito Federal, que responderam questionário semiaberto divulgado de forma online e as respostas foram submetidas à uma analise estatística que nos permitiu concluir que 47,9% dos entrevistados desconhecem a principal legislação acerca do uso de animais, 66,4% afirmaram conhecer o que é um método substitutivo ao uso de animais, 87,7% entendem como "uso prejudicial de animais” a eutanásia de um animal saudável para fins didáticos”; 55,6% acreditam que métodos substitutivos podem sim substituir o uso de animais, desde que seja o método apropriado e que a principal vantagem desta substituição seria o fato de que são métodos eticamente aceitáveis onde não há crueldade contra animais” (57,3%) e a principal desvantagem seria o custo para aquisição (51,8%). Cerca de 93% indicaram que há utilização de animais no seu curso, sendo que a principal espécie o cão (76,5%) e a anatomia apontada como a disciplina que mais utiliza animais. Quanto as aulas de técnica cirúrgica, o método mais citado foi o uso de cadáveres preservados (27,2%).Quanto a utilização de métodos substitutivos, 47,3% responderam que seus cursos utilizam estes métodos e que a disciplina que mais utilizava métodos como manequins, simuladores, vídeos, e softwares era a de anatomia, seguidas das disciplinas de clinica e cirurgia de pequenos animais, que utilizavam atendimento clinico de animais da comunidade ou de ONGs. De acordo com os dados analisados, podemos afirmar que os alunos de Instituições de ensino públicas tiveram mais contato com o conceito dos 3Rs que os alunos de Instituições de ensino privadas e que não há diferenças significativas entre as Instituições públicas e privadas quanto ao uso de métodos substitutivos. Diante destes resultados, faz-se necessário um esforço de toda comunidade acadêmica, dos docentes, dos coordenadores e do comitê de ética da escola no sentido de se desenvolver e implantar métodos didáticos humanitários e eficazes, que possam ir ao encontro das necessidades e posicionamentos éticos dos estudantes de medicina veterinária / In veterinary medicine teaching is implicit the use of animals for learning different professional skills, and most of the time these animals used in pedagogical practices suffer some kind of injury or die for this purpose. With the increasing of the ethical concern for animals in the last two decades, emerged the necessity to replace these teaching methods to humane methods. This study aimed to evaluate the implementation of the "substitutive methods" to the harmful use of animals in veterinary teaching and training in Brazilian Schools, through information obtained from undergraduate students. They were obtained 1383 answers of veterinary medical students from 26 Brazilian states and the Federal District, who responded an online semi-open questionnaire, the responses were submitted to a statistical analysis and we concluded that 47.9% of respondents are unaware of the main legislation about the use of animals, 66.4% said they knew what is a substitute method to animal use, 87.7% perceive as "harmful use of animals' - euthanasia of healthy animals for teaching purposes"; 55.6% believe that substitutive methods can replace the use of animals, but depends of the method, the main advantage of these humane methods is the fact that they are ethically acceptable and avoid animal cruelty"(57.3%) and the main problem would be the cost of acquisition (51.8%). About 93% indicated that use animals in its course, and the main specie is the dog (76.5%) and the anatomy was considered the discipline that use most animals. In the surgical classes, the most cited method was the use of preserved cadavers (27.2%). Regarding the use of substitutive methods, 47.3% answered that their courses using these methods and the discipline that most used methods such as mannequins, simulators, videos, and software was the anatomy, followed by clinical disciplines and surgery of small animals who used clinical care of animals from the community or NGOs. According to the data analysed, we can say that most students of public education institutions had contact with the concept of the 3Rs than students in private educational institutions and there are no significant differences between public and private institutions on the use of substitutive methods. According to this result, is necessary an effort of the academic community (teachers, coordinators and school ethics committee) in order to develop and implement humane and effective teaching methods, which can meet the ethical requirements and positions of students of veterinary medicine

"Gerência enquanto instrumento para mudanças em um serviço substitutivo de saúde mental no município de Uberaba - estudo de caso" / Management as a changing instrument in a substitute mental health service in the city of Uberaba – a case study.

Cunha, Maria Thereza Rodrigues da 14 February 2003 (has links)
Esta pesquisa caracteriza-se como um estudo de caso, realizado no Núcleo de Atenção Psicossocial - NAPS “Maria Boneca", um serviço substitutivo de Saúde Mental, na cidade de Uberaba-MG e busca compreender a dinâmica da gerência do referido serviço, enquanto um instrumento capaz de propiciar mudanças nas práticas de atenção ao paciente portador de sofrimento mental. O pressuposto deste estudo é creditar à gerência a potência de dar ao serviço substitutivo de saúde mental uma organização e dinâmica capaz de produzir no portador de sofrimento mental uma vida mais humana, mais digna e cidadã, permitindo-lhe participar do mundo em sociedade, não com o traço da estranheza e periculosidade, como geralmente lhe é atribuído, mas como alguém portador de uma diferença. A pesquisa foi realizada com dez (10) trabalhadores do NAPS, um por categoria profissional, sendo escolhidos pelo critério da antigüidade, com os quais foram realizadas entrevistas semi-estruturadas. O material empírico foi organizado segundo o método do Discurso do Sujeito Coletivo e a análise do material, feita segundo a análise de conteúdo, na vertente da Análise Temática. Do movimento de análise foi possível identificar dois (2) grandes temas: A expressão da subjetividade no trabalho em saúde mental – um trabalho muito especial e O processo de trabalho participativo enquanto um componente da gerência nos serviços substitutivos. É identificado no estudo, segundo os trabalhadores entrevistados, a importância do processo de gerência nos serviços, principalmente naqueles que pretendem atender aos portadores de sofrimento mental, demanda tão segregada socialmente e tão excluída da convivência social, especialmente da familiar. Evidencia-se a importância da participação dos usuários nos processos decisórios, pois os mesmos colaboram no sentido de permitir aos pacientes uma vivência integradora da vida e uma busca de sua identidade perdida por anos a fio nas internações psiquiátricas, e o (re)encontro com a cidadania. O trabalho aponta, como formas de participação nas decisões instâncias como a Assembléia Geral, a Reunião Clínica e as decisões que ocorrem de maneira informal, denominada de “decisões de corredor". No estudo feito, a equipe de trabalhadores do NAPS “Maria Boneca", se considera coesa, afetuosa, portadora de um projeto coletivo, apesar de dificuldades e diferenças; mesmo a equipe se colocando como condutora do processo gerencial, existem membros que desejariam ver no serviço uma gerência mais autoritária e hierárquica. / This study is characterized as a case study conducted in the Nucleus of Psychosocial Care – NAPS Maria Boneca, a substitute mental health service in the city of Uberaba, Minas Gerais State. It aimed at understanding the management dynamics in that service as an instrument that can propitiate changes in the practice of caregiving to patients with mental suffering. This study assumes that managers should be given the power to provide the substitute mental health service with an organization and dynamics that could offer patients with mental suffering a more human, respectale and rightful life, thus allowing them to participate in the social world, not under the shadow of strangeness or perilousness that is usuallly cast over them, but as people who bear a difference. The study was conducted with 10 (ten) workers from NAPS, one from each professioal category, who were selected according to the antiquity criterion and to whom the interviews were applied. The empirical material was organized according to the Collective Subject’s Discourse method and the analysis of such material was made through content analysis based on Thematic Analysis. From the analytical movement, it was possible to identify 2 (two) broad themes: The expression of subjectivity in mental health work – a very special type of work and The participative work process as a management component in substitute services. According to the interviewed workers, the importance of the management process in services, especially in those intending to assist mental health patients, is identified – a demand that is so discriminated socially and excluded from social living, particularly from social life. The importance of the participation of users in decision-making processes is emphasized since they contribute in order to offer patients an integrating life experience and an opportunity to search for their identity lost through the years of psychiatric hospitalizations and to the re-encountering with citizenship. The work suggests the following forms of participation in decision making: General Assembly, Clinical Meeting and the decisions that were made informally and denominated “hallway decisions". The team of workers at NAPS Maria Boneca regards itself as cohesive, affectionate, and involved with a collective project in spite of the difficulties and differences, in addition to playing the role of a conductor of the managerial process, although there are members who would like the service to have a more authoritarian and hierarchical management.

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