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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Evoluce genomu bakteriálních symbiontů vši \kur{Polyplax serrata} (Phthiraptera, Anoplura)

ŘÍHOVÁ, Jana January 2017 (has links)
Blood-sucking louse Polyplax serrata harbor two phylogenetically distinct symbiotic bacteria from the orders Legionellales (Gammaproteobacteria) and Neisseriales (Betaproteobacteria). Based on rigorous phylogenetic analyses, the first bacteria was confirmed as member of genus Legionella, and the name Candidatus Legionella polyplacis, sp. n. was proposed. Vertical transgeneration transmission was proved by visualisation of the symbiont in host tissues. Improved genome of latter symbiont is considerably larger and possesses more metabolic functions. In the genome, I found horizontally transferred operon, which encode synthesis of enzymes involved in urea cleavage.

Estudos bioecológicos de Tamarixia radiata (Waterston, 1922) (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae) para o controle de Diaphorina citri Kuwayama, 1907 (Hemiptera: Psyllidae) / Bioecological studies on Tamarixia radiata (Waterston, 1922) (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae) in the control of Diaphorina citri Kuwayama, 1907 (Hemiptera: Psyllidae)

Mariuxi Lorena Gómez Torres 08 April 2009 (has links)
Desde 2004 foram detectadas, nas áreas citrícolas paulistas, as bactérias responsáveis pela principal doença de citros no mundo, o huanglongbing ou greening. A ampla distribuição no Brasil do psilídeo vetor, Diaphorina citri e a presença do patógeno nas áreas citrícolas é um fator limitante à produção. Tamarixia radiata é o principal agente de controle biológico de D. citri. Assim, os objetivos do presente estudo foram: a) realizar o levantamento populacional de T. radiata nas regiões citrícolas do estado São Paulo; b) caracterizar o policromismo em populações do parasitóide provenientes das principais regiões citrícolas do estado; c) estudar a biologia de T. radiata em condições de laboratório; d) avaliar a capacidade de parasitismo em diferentes temperaturas; e) determinar, mediante liberações em pomares cítricos comerciais, a eficiência de T. radiata para o controle de D. citri; f) determinar a ocorrência e efeitos no parasitismo da associação T. radiata - Wolbachia; g) realizar o zoneamento agroecológico de D. citri e T. radiata com base nas exigências térmicas e higrométricas para o estado de São Paulo. As populações de T. radiata coletadas em Itirapina, Pederneiras, Piracicaba e São Carlos apresentaram variações cromáticas em relação à espécie típica, sendo que as regiões ITS1 e ITS2 do rDNA das populações analisadas apresentaram de 98 a 99% de identidade. Assim, estas variações cromáticas estão relacionadas à plasticidade fenotípica intra-específica, própria de populações que se encontram em processo de adaptação ecológica. Em 24 horas, o maior parasitismo foi obtido nas temperaturas de 25 e 30°C. Este parasitóide desenvolveu-se na faixa térmica de 15 a 35°C, sendo que 25°C foi a temperatura mais adequada por proporcionar maior viabilidade do período ovo-adulto e os maiores valores da taxa liquida de reprodução (Ro) e da razão finita de aumento (). No município de Araras, oito dias após a liberação, a porcentagem de parasitismo de T. radiata se manteve entre 51,57 e 72,75%. Nos municípios de Cordeirópolis e Limeira, após três liberações, a porcentagem de parasitismo variou entre 30 e 60%. As populações coletadas em Cafelândia, Ribeirão Bonito e Piracicaba apresentaram infecção múltipla por Wolbachia. O limite térmico inferior de desenvolvimento (Tb) foi de 7,13°C e a constante térmica de 188,7GD. Mediante um Sistema de Informação Geográfica, foram obtidos mapas de distribuição do desenvolvimento de T. radiata e D. citri. Assim, ao longo do ano podem ocorrer, na região norte, de 10 a 13 ciclos de D. citri e de 31 a 35 ciclos de T. radiata; na região nordeste, o número de ciclos pode variar de 6 a 10 e de 24 a 31 para a praga e para o parasitóide, respectivamente; nas regiões sudoeste e sudeste, o número de gerações pode variar de 3 a 10 e de 19 a 31 para D. citri e T. radiata. Verificando estes aspectos da interação T. radiata e D. citri, os dados obtidos no presente trabalho poderão auxiliar para a implementação de um programa de controle biológico, como parte do manejo de D. citri, em regiões ecologicamente distintas do estado de São Paulo. / Since 2004, have been detected in citrus-growing areas of São Paulo, the bacterias that are responsible for the main disease of citrus worldwide, known as greening or huanglongbing. The widespread distribution in Brazil of the vector psyllid, Diaphorina citri and the presence of the pathogen in citrus-growing areas is a limiting factor for production. Tamarixia radiata is the most important biological control agent against D. citri. Therefore, the objectives of this study were to: a) conduct a population survey of T. radiata in the citrus-growing regions of the State of São Paulo; b) characterize polychromism in populations of the parasitoid from the main growing regions in the State of São Paulo; c) study the biology of T. radiata under laboratory conditions; d) evaluate the parasitism capacity at different temperatures; e) determine, by means of releases in commercial citrus orchards, the effectiveness of T. radiata for the control of D. citri; f) determine the occurrence and effects on parasitism of the T. radiata - Wolbachia association; g) prepare an agroecological zoning of D. citri and T. radiata for the State of São Paulo based on their temperature and humidity requirements. T. radiata populations collected in Itirapina, Pederneiras, Piracicaba, and São Carlos showed chromatic variations in relation to the typical species; the ITS1 and ITS2 rDNA regions of the populations analyzed had between 98 and 99% identity. Consequently, these chromatic variations are related to the intraspecific phenotypic plasticity characteristic of populations that are undergoing a process of ecological adaptation. In a 24-hour period, the highest parasitism of T. radiata was obtained at 25 and 30°C. This parasitoid developed in the temperature range from 15 to 35°C; the most suitable temperature was 25°C, since it gave the highest viability for the egg-adult period, and the highest net reproductive rate (Ro) and finite rate of increase values (). In the municipality of Araras, T. radiata parasitism percentage values eight days after release remained between 51.57 and 72.75%. In the areas selected in the municipalities of Cordeirópolis and Limeira, the parasitism percentage of T. radiata after three releases ranged between 30 and 60%. The populations collected in Cafelândia, Ribeirão Bonito, and Piracicaba showed multiple infections by Wolbachia. The parasitoids lower temperature development threshold (Tb) was 7.13°C, with a thermal constant of 188.7 GDD. Distribution maps for T. radiata and D. citri development in the State of São Paulo were obtained by means of a Geographic Information System (GIS). According to those, from 10 to 13 D. citri cycles and from 31 to 35 T. radiata cycles may occur in the northern region over the course of one year; in the northeastern region, the numbers of cycles may vary from 6 to 10 and from 24 to 31 for the pest and the parasitoid, respectively; in the southwest and southeast regions the numbers of generations may vary from 3 to 10 and from 19 to 31 for D. citri and T. radiata. Based on these aspects of the T. radiata × D. citri interaction, the data obtained in this work can be useful for the implement a biological control program as part of D. citri management in ecologically distinct regions of the State of São Paulo.

Vocalisation and feeding skills in extremely preterm infants:an intensive follow-up from birth to first word and first step

Törölä, H. (Helena) 12 February 2013 (has links)
Abstract The preverbal vocalisation up to the first word, feeding skills as well as motor development until the first steps of ELBW preterm infants without disability were compared in this descriptive study to those of healthy full-term infants. In addition, preverbal and feeding skills were studied in relation to gross motor movement patterns. The preverbal development of preterm infants proceeded according to the same temporal schedule as that of full-term infants, however, preterm infants failed to produce several vocalisation skills that full-term infants presented. The preterm infants increased their vocalisation slower than the full-term infants in the beginning of each of the developmental stages. The difference between the preterm and the full-term infants grew when approaching syllables, syllable combinations, and words. The preterm infants reached the first word approximately two months later than the full-term infants. The suckling of preterm infants was either disorganised or dysfunctional, while normal or disorganised in the case of full-term infants. The preterm infants reached the spoon-feeding skills approximately at the same (corrected) ages as the full-term infants, but the transitions to new stages were difficult. Half of the preterm infants suffered from feeding problems while only two of the full-term infants had feeding problems. Both the preterm and full-term infants reached vocalisation and feeding skills in relation to gross motor movement patterns earlier than assumed according to the predominant clinical knowledge. The vocalisation and feeding skills did not seem to be dependent upon the gross motor development. / Tiivistelmä Tässä kuvailevassa tutkimuksessa tarkasteltiin tiiviissä seurannassa erittäin ennenaikaisina ja pienipainoisina syntyneiden lasten esileksikaalista ääntelyä ensisanaan asti sekä syömistaitojen ja motoriikan kehitystä ensiaskeliin asti. Tuloksia verrattiin terveiden, täysiaikaisina syntyneiden lasten vastaaviin taitoihin. Lisäksi ääntelyn ja syömisen kehitystä tarkasteltiin suhteessa karkeamotoristen taitojen kehitysaikatauluun. Ennenaikaisesti syntyneiden lasten ääntely kehittyi saman aikataulun mukaan kuin täysiaikaisten lasten ääntely. Ennenaikaisesti syntyneet lapset jättivät kuitenkin väliin taitoja, jotka täysiaikaisina syntyneet lapset saavuttivat. Siirryttäessä uusille ääntelyn ja kielen kehitystasoille ennenaikaisina syntyneiden lasten ääntelyn määrä lisääntyi hitaammin kuin täysiaikaisina syntyneiden lasten ääntelyn määrä. Ero ennenaikaisina ja täysiaikaisina syntyneiden lasten kehityksessä kasvoi lähestyttäessä tavuja, tavuyhdistelmiä ja sanoja. Ennenaikaisesti syntyneet lapset saavuttivat ensisanavaiheen kaksi kuukautta täysiaikaisia lapsia myöhemmin. Ennenaikaisina syntyneiden lasten syömisen taidoissa havaittiin, että varhainen imeminen oli joko jäsentymätöntä tai poikkeavaa, kun täysiaikaisina syntyneillä se oli puolestaan normaalia tai jäsentymätöntä. Ennenaikaisina syntyneet lapset oppivat käsittelemään soseita ja kiinteitä ruokia samassa (korjatussa) iässä kuin täysiaikaisina syntyneet lapset, mutta siirtyminen kehitysvaiheesta toiseen tuotti vaikeutta. Puolet ennenaikaisista lapsista kärsi syömisvaikeuksista. Sen sijaan täysiaikaisina syntyneistä lapsista kahdella todettiin syömisen vaikeutta. Sekä ennenaikaisina että täysiaikaisina syntyneet lapset oppivat ääntelyn ja syömisen taitoja ennen tiettyjä karkeamotorisia liikemalleja, joiden on vallitsevan kuntoutuskäsityksen mukaisesti oletettu edeltävän näiden taitojen saavuttamista. Ääntelyn ja syömisen taidot eivät siis näyttäneet olevan riippuvaisia karkeamotoriikan kehityksestä.

Les comportements préalables à la prise lactée chez le souriceau : caractérisation de sécrétions maternelles réactogènes et implication de l'expérience néonatale / Pre-lactation behavior in mice : characterization of maternal reactive secretions and involvement of the neonatal experience

Al Aïn, Syrina 18 December 2012 (has links)
La naissance est l’une des étapes les plus délicates à laquelle les nouveau-nés mammifères doivent faire face. Le nouveau-né doit opérer des changements physiologiques et comportementaux pour s’adapter à l’environnement aérien, et l’un des premiers défis est d’ingérer du colostrum et du lait. Il est surprenant que la nature des stimuli et les mécanismes impliqués dans le déclenchement de la tétée soient encore mal connus, alors que la survie du nouveau-né est conditionnée par le succès de la première tétée. Par conséquent, cette étude a pour but de comprendre comment un nouveau-né immature et inexpérimenté réussit à s’orienter vers une tétine, à la saisir et à la téter de façon efficace? Cette question générale est posée chez la souris en focalisant sur : i) la nature des substrats chimiques utilisés par les souriceaux pour atteindre les tétines maternelles ; ii) la variation de la puissance attractive de ces substrats au cours du développement ; et iii) l’implication des effets de l’expérience dans l’établissement des réponses adaptatives précoces. Premièrement, nos résultats mettent en lumière que les odeurs mammaires de femelles allaitantes induisent plus d’approches et de saisies de la tétine chez les souriceaux que celles émanant de femelles non allaitantes. Deuxièmement, les odeurs de liquide amniotique et de lait déclenchent la première saisie orale de la tétine chez des souriceaux à la naissance, alors que les odeurs de salives maternelle et infantile n’induisent ce comportement qu’après une brève expérience de tétée. Troisièmement, les souriceaux âgés de 0, 2 et 6 jours postnatals (P), ayant eu une expérience de tétée, affichent une attraction sélective envers des odeurs de laits collectés en début de lactation plutôt qu’en fin de lactation, alors que les souriceaux plus âgés P15 ne montrent aucune réponse sélective envers ces odeurs. En résumé, certains substrats biologiques présents sur les tétines de femelles allaitantes sont immédiatement attractifs après la naissance, tandis que d’autres ont besoin d’être appris pour être réactogènes. Par conséquent, la réponse initiale de recherche de la tétine chez le souriceau est contrôlée par des processus d’apprentissage postnatal. A ce stade, l’implication de l’apprentissage prénatal et de processus prédisposés n’a pu être prouvée, bien qu’elle ne soit pas exclue. Ces résultats montrent des capacités d’apprentissage sophistiquées chez le souriceau nouveau-né / Birth is one of the most delicate periods mammalian infants have to deal with. Newborns have then to adapt physiologically and behaviorally to the aerial environment, and one of their first challenges is to ingest colostrum and milk. It is paradoxical that the survival of pups is conditioned by the success of this first suckling, and that we have so little understanding of the stimuli that underlie and promote it. Thus, the present work aims to contribute to answer how immature and naïve newborns do manage to orient to a nipple, to grasp it, and to suckle efficiently? This general issue will be addressed in the mouse in focusing on: i) the nature of the chemical substrates that newborn mice use to reach nipples; ii) whether the attractive potency of these substrates changes as a function of development; and iii) whether exposure effects underly the establishment of early adaptive responses? The results highlight that mammary odors of lactating females are more behaviorally active for newly born pups than those of non-lactating females. Secondly, amniotic and milk odors provoke the first nipple grasping in newborns right at birth, while maternal and pup salivary odors induce this behavior after short sucking experience. Thirdly, younger pups on postnatal day (P) 0, 2 and 6 (with sucking experience), display a selective orientation toward the odor of milk collected during early-lactation rather than to the odor of late-lactation milk, whereas older pups P15 do not exhibit any selective attraction to these odors. To summarize, some of the biological substrates which are present on a nursing mouse nipples are attractive immediately after birth, while some others need to be postnatally learned to be active. Thus, the initial nipple search response of mouse pups is controlled by processes involving postnatal learning. At this stage, the involvement of prenatal learning and of predisposed processes that do not depend on previous exposure effect are not conclusive, although not excluded. These results show highly sophisticated learning abilities in a newborn mammal

Blood beliefs in early modern Europe

Matteoni, Francesca January 2010 (has links)
This thesis focuses on the significance of blood and the perception of the body in both learned and popular culture in order to investigate problems of identity and social exclusion in early modern Europe. Starting from the view of blood as a liminal matter, manifesting fertile, positive aspects in conjunction with dangerous, negative ones, I show how it was believed to attract supernatural forces within the natural world. It could empower or pollute, restore health or waste corporeal and spiritual existence. While this theme has been studied in a medieval religious context and by anthropologists, its relevance during the early modern period has not been explored. I argue that, considering the impact of the Reformation on people’s mentalities, studying the way in which ideas regarding blood and the body changed from late medieval times to the eighteenth century can provide new insights about patterns of social and religious tensions, such as the witch-trials and persecutions. In this regard the thesis engages with anthropological theories, comparing the dialectic between blood and body with that between identity and society, demonstrating that they both spread from the conflict of life with death, leading to the social embodiment or to the rejection of an individual. A comparative approach is also employed to analyze blood symbolism in Protestant and Catholic countries, and to discuss how beliefs were influenced by both cultural similarities and religious differences. Combining historical sources, such as witches’ confessions, with appropriate examples from anthropology I also examine a corpus of popular ideas, which resisted to theological and learned notions or slowly merged with them. Blood had different meanings for different sections of society, embodying both the physical struggle for life and the spiritual value of the Christian soul. Chapters 2, 3 and 4 develop the dualism of the fluid in late medieval and early modern ritual murder accusations against Jews, European witchcraft and supernatural beliefs and in the medical and philosophical knowledge, while chapters 5 and 6 focus on blood themes in Protestant England and in Counter-Reformation Italy. Through the examination of blood in these contexts I hope to demonstrate that contrasting feelings, fears and beliefs related to dangerous or extraordinary individuals, such as Jews, witches, and Catholic saints, but also superhuman beings such as fairies, vampires and werewolves, were rooted in the perception of the body as an unstable substance, that was at the base of ethnic, religious and gender stereotypes.

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