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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

EN förändrad KROPP, ETT förändrat LIV : Patienters upplevelser av att leva med stomi

Armini, Antonia, Camilla, Söderlind January 2017 (has links)
Background: When patients suffer from sicknesses such as rectal cancer, Chrons disease and ulcerative colitis, then ostomies can be a course of treatment. Earlier research show that nurses lack knowledge to be able to care for patients with ostomies while expected to have an important role in the patients’ well-being.  Problem: Lack of knowledge from the general nurse about ostomy care impacts patients since their lives are affected by living with a stoma.  Aim: To describe patient´s experiences of living with a stoma. Method: A literature review based on ten qualitative scientific articles with descriptive synthesis. Results: Experiences shown in the results were divided into three themes: “Emotionell influence”, “Changes in everyday life” and “Acceptance of living with a stoma”.  Out of these themes came six subthemes: “To feel worry”, “To feel frustration”, “To feel shame”, “To live with a changed body”, “To be limited physically in one´s life”, “To lose control”.  Conclusion: Life with a stoma brings daily changes and influences the patients emotional state in relation to their body and their new situation. These experiences can in their turn evolve and patients can come to accept the stoma over time. Patients experiences a lack of information concerning ostomy care and support in living with a stoma. The results show that patients due to their ostomy experience suffering related to illness, to care, and to life.

The Meaning of Suffering: Shaping Conceptualizations of Assisted-Death

Przybylak-Brouillard, Antoine January 2016 (has links)
In recent years the right to die has emerged from the fringes as a global movement - locally tailored - advocating for patient access to medically assisted-death. Although proposed and actualized models of assisted-death vary in method and level of accessibility, a majority of right to die advocates are motivated by a belief that suffering can at times be “unnecessary”. Based on an overview of the anthropology of suffering and fieldwork in Quebec, Ontario, and Belgium, my research focuses on right to die advocates’ conceptualization of suffering in relation to assisted-death and on how their understanding suffering shapes their views on when assisteddeath should be permitted. I argue that those supporting assisted-death are brought in a form of solidarity through the belief that at times suffering is meaningless and devoid of deeper significance.

Confronting 'meaningless' suffering : from suffering-as-insult to suffering-as-ontological-impertinence

Nelson, Sally January 2011 (has links)
From the personal contemporary pastoral experience of caring for dying people, and with particular attention given to the psychospiritual anguish often associated with the perceived failure of death, I argue that suffering is primarily identified in the modern West as an insult to normality, often expressed in various forms of the question: 'Why me?'. I challenge this view of 'suffering as insult' by selectively identifying and critiquing some culturally embedded views of the nature of reality, taking note of the influence on suffering persons of the dialogue between science and faith in the UK, and by introducing dialogue with the process thought of Whitehead as an alternative to traditional theistic models of God. Such a dialogue also affects the nature of the person conceived in imago dei, and so I examine the effect of replacing the rational autonomous individual with the dialogical personhood of McFadyen. I then consider the rehabilitation of suffering as a key experience of metanoia in the formation of the person. Finally I reflect on suffering in postmodernity in the light of Ricoeur's hypothesis that reality is narrative in form, and develop the argument that suffering can be understood as an 'ontological impertinence', analogous to the 'semantic impertinence' which Ricoeur attributes to the category of metaphor.

'n Kritiese evaluering van die denke binne die A.G.S. van S.A. oor lyding en die bose.

Van der Merwe, Jakobus Potgieter 15 April 2008 (has links)
In the Apostolic Faith Mission of South Africa (AFM) there is a school of thought, which has a very simplistic viewpoint of the role of the Evil One in the suffering in this world. Satan is seen as a very definite adversary who has to be resisted by rebuke and positive confession of the promises in the Bible in order for man to have a life free of any suffering. The consequence of the extreme dualistic perspective is that Satan is regarded as an independent entity. Man, as God’s representative, is the one with the authority and responsibility to thwart the efforts of Satan to cause suffering in the world. All suffering is the result of the direct onslaught of Satan. The Bible paints a different picture in both Testaments. Satan is a rebel, but still a creature subjected to the supremacy of God. There is also no preoccupation with Satan. He is an elusive foe, focusing his subtle attacks on the relationship between God and man. The Old Testament shows his subtle and illusive nature by using images of human enemies, mythical monsters and the threat of death. The believer of both Testaments resists him by living a Godfocused life. The life and works of C.S. Lewis have been pivotal in changing the perspective of the writer of this dissertation. Lewis shows that God is using suffering as a scalpel as it were, to cut out the infection caused by evil contamination in the heart of man. Until the Kingdom of God finally arrives in fullness, this will be the situation. Suffering has not only one role-player. The situation is more often than not of a very complex and mysterious nature. It is suggested that the simplistic school of thought take notice of the insights of Lewis. This study has shown that the simplistic school of thought in the AFM lacks the depth and balance found in the Bible and ingeniously expounded by C.S. Lewis. / Dr. LP Mare


Hutchens, Joshua Caleb 07 June 2018 (has links)
This dissertation argues that persecution in Galatians manifests the cosmic conflict between God and the present evil age. Chapter 1 introduces the reader to the topic of persecution in Galatians and the history of research. Chapter 2 demonstrates that Paul uses the theme of cosmic conflict to place the crisis in Galatia within a broader context of a conflict between God who has inaugurated the new creation within the present time and this present evil age. Chapters 3–4 examine Paul’s theological context. Chapter 3 investigates a theme of cosmic conflict in Genesis, Psalms, Isaiah, and Habakkuk. Chapter 4 examines the theme in other early Jewish texts (Daniel; 1 Enoch; 4 Ezra; 2 Baruch; Jubilees; 1 Maccabees; 2 Maccabees; 4 Maccabees; 1QS; CD; 1QM). This survey reveals that Paul’s iteration of the theme possesses continuity and discontinuity with other authors. Chapter 5 offers a historical reconstruction of the instances of persecution mentioned in Galatians. Four instances of persecution in Galatians are examined: (1) Paul the Persecutor (1:13, 23). (2) Paul the Persecuted (3:1; 4:13, 19; 5:11; 6:17) (3) The Opponents as Potential Targets (6:12) (4) The Persecution of the Galatians (3:4; 4:17–18, 29). Paul uses the theme of persecution to reshape the perception of the Galatian believers and to reveal the danger of the false gospel preached by his opponents. Chapter 6 identifies persecution as a specific manifestation of the cosmic conflict between God and this present evil age. Galatians 4:29 directly connects the phenomenon of persecution with the broader cosmic conflict. Paul does so by identifying typology in Genesis 21:9. In light of this understanding of Paul’s use of Genesis, other significant passages on persecution in Galatians are reexamined to see how they fit within a cosmic conflict reading: 1:13, 23; 3:4; 5:11; 6:12, 17. In conclusion, chapter 7 offers three possible results of Paul’s understanding of persecution as cosmic conflict. It then examines the significance of the thesis for global Christianity today.

Discovering Factors Which Helped Selected Participants In Columbus, Ohio Achieve Wellbeing During Times Of Grief

Drew, DJuana P. 07 May 2021 (has links)
No description available.

Fylld av endometrium : Den normaliserade menstruationssmärtan / Full of endometrium : The normalization of menstrual pain

Saglind, Tamira, Öreby, Olivia January 2019 (has links)
Background: Endometriosis is a gynecological disease caused by endometrium, or cells similar to the endometrium, that grows outside the uterus and creates a chronic inflammation. The most commonly reported symptoms are dysmenorrhoea, dyspareunia, severe or irregular bleedings and pelvic pain. The underlying cause of the disease is not yet established and 5,726,6% of women in fertile age are estimated to be affected. Health care professionals has an important role in nursing care, as it might affect quality of life in women with endometriosis. Purpose: The aim of the study is to describe women's experiences of living with endometriosis. Method: Literature study based on an analysis of 18 scientific articles with qualitative and quantitative content. Results: Four main themes are represented in the result; Experiences of health care, Physical consequences, Mental pain and Endometriosis controls women’s social lives. Conclusion: The literature study shows that endometriosis has a major impact on women's lives, which affects relationships, life opportunities and quality of life. The majority have experienced negative meetings with health care and a lack of knowledge. This leads to a long wait for diagnosis and insufficient treatment options. Further research should focus on results-oriented treatments and symptomatic therapies for endometriosis patients. Studies should also include transgender patients and patients that has undergone gender reassignment surgery, that is seeking health care for endometriosis-related symptoms.

Souffrance sexuelle : genre, norme et politique dans une pratique psychanalytique : la différence sexuelle et sa fétichisation / Sexual suffering : gender, norm and politics in a psychoanalytic practice : sexual difference and its fetishization

Stefani, Pascale 14 January 2017 (has links)
Le sexuel à l’oeuvre dans la clinique psychanalytique s'avère toujours traversé par des enjeux de genre, genre commesexe social mais aussi comme catégorie discursive produisant le corps sexué et questionnant la subjectivité d'uneépoque. Cette thématique est analysée du point de vue de la question des normes et de la prise en compte de sonincorporation et de son attachement dans les processus d'identification. Il s'agira de penser les insuffisancesthéoriques et politiques de la notion de « différence sexuelle » pour une clinique qui souhaite prendre en compte leschangements sociaux relatifs à la sexualité et inventer de nouvelles manières de « faire de la politique ». Unefétichisation de la différence sexuelle m'est apparue un obstacle majeur aux avancées du travail théorico-clinique. Maclinique au quotidien comme psychologue clinicienne en service d'urologie à l'hôpital accueillant des personnessouffrant dans leur sexualité m'a invité à m'enrichir de l'apport de la pluridisciplinarité, et particulièrement des étudesde genre et féministes. Celles-ci me sont apparues comme pouvant permettre à la psychanalyse de demeurer undispositif critique à l'endroit des normes, envisagées comme grammaire de la subjectivation. De penser le lien entremode d'assujettissement, désir de normes et souffrance sexuelle et d'entendre la plainte, le symptôme dans sasingularité et comme résistance psychique aux normes sociales. L'approche de la différence sexuelle sous l'angle dugenre propose à la psychanalyse d'autres configurations du désir, du symbolique, du pouvoir et de la sexuation pourainsi articuler l'individuel et le collectif, le sujet social avec le sujet de l'inconscient. Ainsi pouvons nous penserpsychanalytiquement sans les pathologiser les configurations de genre, sexe et sexualité contestant la conceptionbinaire de la différence sexuelle et ses assignations, avec la question centrale du traitement politique que l'on souhaitefaire de la différence. / In psychoanalysis clinical practice, the sexual always is confronted to gender's issues ; gender as social sex butalso as a discursive category producing sexed body and questionning a particular time's subjectivity. We haveinvestigated those questions from the perspective of norms, taking into account its incorporation and attachment inthe identification process. This will involve thinking about the concept of “sexual difference” theorical and politicalshortcomings, in order to propose a clinical approach that takes into account social changes related to sexuality and toinvent new ways to « do politics ». The fetichization of sexual difference, it seems to me, is a obstacle to theoreticaland clinical work's advancement. My daily clinical practice as a clinical psychologist in the hospital urologydepartment, where I see people suffering in their sexuality, opened upfor me the benefits of a multidisciplinaryapproach, particulary in gender and feminist studies. These ones appeared to me allowing psychoanalysis to remain acritical perspective of the norms, seen as a “grammar of subjectivation” ; allow also to investigate the link betweenmodes of submission, desire of norms and sexual suffering, and lastly to be able to hear the complaint, the symptom,as a singularity, a resistance to social norms. The approach of the sexual difference seen from the gender perspectiveopen up for psychoanalysis new configurations of desire, symbolic, power and sexuation, allowing a differentarticulation of the individual and collective, of the social actor and the unconscious. We may attain a psychoanalyticalapproach that doesn't see as pathology, gender, sex and sexuality's configurations which contest the binary conceptionof sexual difference and its assignations, withing the central question, the political treatment of “ difference”.

Nemoc a nemocní v poselstvích sv. Jana Pavla II. ke Světovým dnům nemocných / Sickness and sick people in the messages of saint John Paul II. for the Worlds days of the Sick

Voborská, Ludmila January 2017 (has links)
We will focus on the concept of suffering in the theology of John Paul II., especially his messages during the Days of the sick in this dissertation "Sickness and sick people in the messages of saint John Paul II. for the Worlds days of the Sick". Firstly we have to describe sickness in catholic theology to understand this topic better. We will continue further with the analysis of messages during the Days of the Sick under the pontificate of saint John Paul II. This in consideration of his other texts (especially the apostolic letter Salvifici doloris), John Paul's attitude towards the way sickness and the sick are viewed in different cultures, as well as his position on various kinds of suffering, will be streamlined and characterized in this work. We will also allow for the sickness in the life on John's Paul II. which particularly influenced his main view on sick people and we will also take into account his other writings.

Patientens upplevelse av att leva med trycksår : En litteraturstudie / The patient's experience of living with pressure ulcers : A literature study

Akhlaghi, Taghi, Kjell, Alexander January 2020 (has links)
Background: Pressure ulcer are one of the most common healthcare injuries and is a challenge for healthcare professionals. A pressure ulcer occurs from pressure or shear or a combination of both and it is mainly the elderly who are at risk. Pressure-relieving aids are used to prevent the pressure ulcer. The patient's experience is important in the care in order to prevent the pressure ulcer. Not understanding the patient's experience can lead to missed care and actions which in turn can lead to serious consequences. Aim: To describe patient's experiences of living with pressure ulcers. Method: A literature study was performed. An analysis of eleven qualitative articles that focused on the patient's experiences of pressure ulcers were conducted. Results: Two main themes and six subthemes emerged. The result presents the two main theme: Physical impact and Mental impact. Physical impact describes that pressure ulcers are painful and limit patient's mobility, which leads to becoming dependent on nursing care. Mental impact describes that the pressure ulcer causes the patients to isolate themselves, become dependent of others and lead to feelings of hopelessness. Conclusion: Patients experienced that being dependent on others are difficult and they experienced feelings of worthless and incapable. The smell and pain of the pressure ulcer and its wound fluids impairs patient's self-esteem and wellbeing, resulting in social isolation and hopelessness. / Trycksår är en av de vanligaste vårdskadorna inom hälso- och sjukvården som leder till ett lidande hos patienterna. Lidande är något som patienten blir utsatt för och är tvungen att leva med. Syftet med studien är att beskriva patienters upplevelser av att leva med trycksår. Att ta hänsyn till patienters upplevelser och deras kunskap kan resultera till en minskad sjukhusvistelse. Sjuksköterskan har som ansvar att främja hälsa, förebygga sjukdom, återställa hälsa och lindra patienters lidande. En viktig del av sjuksköterskans ansvar i omvårdnaden är att förhindra tryckskador. För att förhindra tryckskador ska sjuksköterskan känna till faktorer som ökar risken för trycksår, vilka är inkontinens, nedsatt rörlighet, anemi, rökning, malnutrition, nedsatt känsel, ödem, övervikt, hypotoni, diabetes och ateroskleros. För att kunna ge en adekvat behandling krävs det först att genomföra en bedömning för att kunna avgöra vilken behandling som blir aktuell. Stödytor som till exempel madrasser och sittdynor är det mest effektiva tillvägagångsätt för att förebygga trycksår hos patienter som befinner sig i samma ställning under en längre tid. Stödytans funktion är att jämnt fördela kroppens tyngdpunkt över hela ytan. I litteraturstudiens resultat inkluderades elva artiklar med kvalitativansats för att beskriva patienters upplevelser av att leva med trycksår. Patienterna upplever att trycksår är smärtsamma och begränsar dem i deras dagliga liv. Att leva med trycksår innebär att leva ett liv i smärta. Smärtan förvärrades av rörelser och bidrog till en nedsatt rörelseförmåga. Patienter uttryckte en förlust av rörlighet i samband med sitt trycksår, vilket bidrog till minskad förmåga att fortsätta med sitt dagliga liv. Den begränsade rörligheten gjorde att de blev beroende av andra personer och hjälpmedel. Många upplevde att tryckavlastande stödytor var obekväma och smärtsamma. Att ha trycksår bidrog även till sociala begränsningari livet. Patienterna uppgav att på grund av lukten från trycksåret så valde de att isolera sig från sociala aktiviteter. Att vara beroende av andra upplevdes som påfrestande vilket försämrade deras självkänsla och självförtroende, vilket bidrog till att de kände sig värdelösa och otillräckliga som inte kunde klara sig själva. Att få hjälp med intimvård och hygien upplevdes av patienterna som hotande för deras värdighet och integritet. Läketiden och behandlingen av trycksår var lång och fick patienterna att uppleva nedstämdhet och hopplöshet. Slutligen påverkar trycksår patienterna båda fysisk och psykisk och inverkar på deras välbefinnande och hälsa.

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