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"The sufferings of Christ are abundant in us" (2 Cor 1:5) : a narrative dynamics investigation of Paul's sufferings in 2 CorinthiansLim, Kar-Yong January 2007 (has links)
No description available.
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Patientens upplevelse av oro i samband med den preoperativa omvårdnaden : En litteraturstudieHellman, Kelly, Zhao Chen, Lijun January 2016 (has links)
Bakgrund: Oro drabbar de flesta patienter inför operation. Det finns många faktorer som påverkar patientens upplevelser av oro både inom vården och det liv patienten befinner sig i. Det är av stor vikt att få en ökad förståelse av hur den preoperativa omvårdnaden kan minska patientens oro och lidande utifrån patientens perspektiv. Syfte: Att beskriva patientens upplevelse av oro i samband med den preoperativa omvårdnaden. Metod: En deskriptiv litteraturstudie baserad på kvalitativa artiklar valdes. Tjugo artiklar analyserades med en beskrivande syntes enligt Evans (2002). Resultat: Det uppkom tre huvud teman och sex subtema; Tema ”Oro som är relaterad till operation” med subteman ”Faktorer som orsakar oro hos patienten innan operation” och ”Väntetidenspåverkan”, tema ”Behov av stöd för att vara delaktig” med subteman ”Individuellt anpassad information” och ”Informationsstöd från vårdpersonal och närstående”, tema ”Behov av trygghet och tillit” med subteman ”Bemötande” och ”Vårdmiljön”. Slutsats: Upplevelsen av att känna oro innan operation var huvudsakligen ohanterbart och frustrerande på alla aspekter i patientens livsvärld. Med hjälp av ökad förståelse av patientens upplevelser av oro i förhållande till den preoperativa omvårdnaden kan operationssjuksköterskan minska detta lidande som är relaterad till vården. Det är viktigt för operationssjuksköterskan att reflektera över det stöd som patienter är i behov av med en helhetssyn. Nyckelord: preoperativ omvårdnad, upplevelse, lidande, oro, patient, kvalitativ / Background: Anxiety afflicts the majority of patients before an operation. There are many factors which affect the patient's experience of anxiety both within care and the stage of life in which the patient finds himself. It is of great importance to acquire an increased understanding of how pre-operative care can reduce the patient's anxiety and suffering from the patient's perspective. Aim: To describe the patient's experience of anxiety in relation to pre- operative care. Method: A descriptive literature study based on qualitative articles was chosen. Twenty articles were analyzed with a descriptive synthesis as according to Evans (2002). Results: Three main themes and six sub-themes emerged. Theme “Anxiety related to operation” with the sub-theme “Factors which cause anxiety before an operation” and “The effect of waiting”, theme “The need of support to be involved” with the sub-theme “Personalized information” and “Information support from nursing staff and family”, theme “The need of security and trust” with the sub-theme “Personal treatment” and “Care environment”. Conclusion: The experiencing of feelings of anxiety before an operation could not be addressed and was frustrating in all aspects of the patient's lifeworld. With the help of increased understanding of the patients’ experience of anxiety in relation to the pre-operative care, the operation nurse can reduce this suffering that is related to health care. It is important that the operation nurse reflects over the support the patient needs with a holistic approach. Keywords: preoperative care, experience, suffering, anxiety, patient, qualitative
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Kvinnors upplevelse av lidande relaterat till cytostatikabehandlingen vid bröstcancer : En litteraturöversikt / Women's experience of suffering related to chemotherapy during breast cancer : A litterature reviewBernvik, Erika, Jakobsson van Stam, Ebba January 2016 (has links)
Bakgrund: Bröstcancer är den vanligaste cancerformen bland kvinnor och en vanlig behandlingsmetod är cytostatika, vilken kommer med ett flertal biverkningar. Lidande kategoriseras i tre olika former. Etiska principer används vid ställningstagande av behandling. Syfte: Att beskriva kvinnors upplevelse av lidande relaterat till cytostatikabehandlingen vid bröstcancer. Metod: Studien är en litteraturöversikt som utgår från kvalitativ forskning. Elva artiklar granskades och sammanfattades genom att utgå från Friberg (2012). Resultat: Kvinnor med bröstcancer drabbas av ett lidande i relation till cytostatikabehandling. De upplever att de förlorar en del av sin identitet i samband med att de får ett förändrat utseende. Människor i deras omgivning behandlar dem annorlunda och de klarar inte av att göra samma saker som tidigare i rollen som mor, fru, väninna och kollega. Lidandet består även av fysiska symtom relaterade till själva behandlings- och sjukperioden, men även av symtom som inte går tillbaka efter avslutad behandling. Diskussion: Det är de fysiska biverkningarna som leder till psykiska biverkningar då kvinnorna upplever förlorad identitet, skuld och skam. Vårdpersonalen har en viktig roll i att informera och bemöta kvinnorna på ett bra sätt för att minska vårdlidande. Cytostatikabehandlingen ger upphov till lidande i form av både sjukdomslidande och vårdlidande, men även livslidande. / Background: Breast cancer is the most common cancer among women and a common treatment is chemotherapy, which comes with side effects. Suffering can be categorized in three different forms. Ethical principles are used to motivate choice of treatment. Aim: To describe women's experience of suffering related to chemotherapy during breast cancer. Method: The study is a literature review based on qualitative research. Eleven articles were reviewed and summarized by using Friberg (2012). Results: Women with breast cancer experience suffering when undergoing chemotherapy. They feel loss of their identity when their looks changes. People around them treat them differently and they are not able to do the same things as before in the role of mother, wife, friend and colleague. Suffering also consists of physical symptoms related to the treatment and the illness period, but some of the symptoms do not go away after treatment. Discussion: Physical side effects lead to psychological side effects as women experiences loss of identity, guilt and shame. Health care professionals have an important role in informing and to counter women in a good way to reduce suffering. Chemotherapy leads to suffering due to the illness and treatment, but it is also related to their existence.
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“Let Joy Size at God Knows When to God Knows What”: Gerard Manley Hopkins’s Struggle for Comfort, and the Illuminating Nature of Unwarranted SufferingKirk, Joel 01 January 2016 (has links)
Gerard Manley Hopkins suffered deeply. His “Terrible Sonnets” are confessional poetry that demonstrate his struggle with his God and with himself. This work analyses the Hebrew Bible and the New Testament, starting Noah and ending with Jesus’s promise of a Paraclete, to analyze how both God and Man approach earthly and heavenly comfort. The work will then turn to Hopkins’s poetry to show that Hopkins’s unshakable faith and deep understanding of the Bible is both the cause and the cure of his suffering. This essay concludes that it is only through suffering that Hopkins, like Job, Jesus, and King Lear, is able to achieve both comfort and wisdom.
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Att leva med KOL : En litteraturstudie / Living with COPD : A litterature studyGustafsson, Simon January 2015 (has links)
Bakgrund Kronisk obstruktiv lungsjukdom är en sjukdom som är irreversibel och påverkar andningen negativt hos dem som lider av den och visar sig genom ett stort antal symtom. Sjukdomen skapar stort lidande och försvårar förmågan att leva ett normalt liv med hög livskvalité. Det beräknas vara den tredje största dödsorsaken i världen 2030 enligt världshälsoorganisationen. Syfte Att beskriva personers erfarenheter av att leva med Kronisk obstruktiv lungsjukdom Metod Studien utgörs av en litteraturstudie med fjorton artiklar. Artiklarnas resultat sammanfattades och gick från delarna till en ny helhet. En kvalitetsgranskning och analys utfördes för att skapa resultatet. Resultat Resultatet presenterades med fyra huvudkategorier: Att inte få luft, Förändrad livssituation, Beroende av stöd och Information och hantering. Till huvudkategorierna skapades följande tio underkategorier: Andnöd/andfåddhet, Ångest, Trötthet, Förluster, Skam, Miljöanpassning, Anhöriga, Hjälpmedel, Undervisning och information och Hantering och strategier. Konklusion Litteraturstudien visade att en stor dimension av symtom påverkar personer som lever med Kronisk obstruktiv lungsjukdom. Det behövs vidare forskning angående personers erfarenhet av sjukdomen men denna litteraturstudie har gett en inblick i några av de erfarenheter personerna lever med. / Background Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease is an irreversible disease and it’s effecting the breathing in a negative way for those suffering by the disease and it’s shown by many different symptoms. The disease creates big suffering and obstructs the ability to live a normal life with high quality of life. It is expected to be the third largest cause of death worldwide in 2030, according to the World Health Organization. Aim To describe people's experiences of living with chronic obstructive lung disease. Method The study is a literature study with fourteen articles. The result from the articles were summarized and went from parts into a new whole. An inspection of quality and analysis was performed to create the result. Result The result were presented with four main categories: Unable to breathe, Change of way of life, Depending on support, Information and management. To the main categories were ten under categories created: Shortness of breath/breathlessness, Anxiety, Fatigue, Losses, Adaptation to environment, Relatives, Utilities, Education and information and Management and strategies. Conclusion The literature study showed that there’s a major dimension of symptoms affecting people living with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. The literature review showed that a large dimension of symptoms are affecting people living with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. We need further research on people's experience of the disease, but this study has provided an insight into some of the experiences people are living with.
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att leva utan en kroppsdel – livet efter en amputation : en litteraturöversikt / To live without a body part – life after an amputation : a literature reviewDemyr, Christoffer, Berg, Pia January 2015 (has links)
No description available.
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Att leva med långvarig smärta / Living with chronic painIsmail, Asha, Sanhaji, Eleonore January 2016 (has links)
Background: Chronic pain is a common and occurring disease that creates pain and suffering for many people. The painful experience is individually unique and is affected by many different factors. The insufficient knowledge regarding the assessment of chronic pain makes it difficult to abate the suffering from the individuals. Nurses´ perception and comprehension about chronic pain may hinder them from listening to the patient´s need. The nurse creates conditions for a functioning dialogue. An increased understanding from a patient´s point of view is necessary in order to comprehend the patient´s need. Aim: The aim is to highlight the experiences of people living with chronic pain. Method: This literature review is influenced by Friberg (2012). 12 qualitative scientific articles were obtained and analyzed from three different databases. Results: The result demonstrates two main categories with related sub-categories. The first category highlights how pain affects peoples´physical, emotional, social and existential aspects when the pain takes over. The latter describes how people manage the pain through strategies and acceptance. Discussion: The result is discussed from Armstrong´s symptoms experience model that demonstrates that people living with chronic pain gives meaning to their experience of pain in various ways, which may tend to give positive and negative impact in their daily life. Moreover, the result connects to Ericsson´s concepts regarding the Caring Science such as, suffering in illness, life, and healthcare. It also describes the theory of a person in suffering which can affect the individual as a whole. / Bakgrund: Långvarig smärta är vanligt förekommande och skapar ett lidande hos människor. Smärtupplevelsen är unik för varje individ och påverkas av många olika faktorer. Otillräcklig kunskap i bedömningen av långvarig smärta medför svårigheter i att lindra lidande. Sjuksköterskors föreställningar om smärta kan vara hinder för att lyssna på patienten. Sjuksköterskan skapar förutsättningar för en väl fungerande dialog. En ökad förståelse för patientens perspektiv är nödvändigt för att förstå patientens behov. Syfte: Syftet är att belysa människors upplevelser av att leva med långvarig smärta. Metod: Metoden är en litteraturöversikt influerad av Friberg (2012). 12 kvalitativa vetenskapliga artiklar inhämtade ur tre olika databaser har analyserats. Resultat: Resultatet presenterar två huvudkategorier med tillhörande underkategorier. Den första huvudkategorin: När smärtan tar över belyser hur smärta påverkar människor ur fysiska, psykiska, sociala och existentiella aspekter. Den andra huvudkategorin: Vägen till att kunna hantera smärtan uppmärksammar människors sätt att hantera smärtan genom strategier och acceptans. Diskussion: Resultatet diskuteras utifrån Armstrongs symtomupplevelsemodell som visar att människor ger mening åt smärtupplevelser på olika sätt, vilket kan medföra en positiv eller negativ inverkan i deras liv. Vidare knyts resultatet till Erikssons vårdvetenskapliga begrepp: sjukdomslidande, livslidande och vårdlidande samt teorin om den lidande människan som beskriver att smärtan kan påverka människan som helhet.
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Äldre personer i vården - smärta och smärthantering : Faktorer som påverkar äldre personers vardagliga liv till följd av brister i bedömning och hantering av smärta / Elderly people in nursing care - pain and pain management : Factors affecting people´s daily life as result of inadequacies in assessment and management of painBroström, Jessica, Nilsson, Kajsa January 2015 (has links)
Bakgrund: Smärta och äldre personer är centrala delar i sjukvården. Smärta är en subjektiv upplevelse och påverkar en person både psykiskt och fysiskt. Smärta är komplext och det finns många anledningar till att smärta uppkommer. Många äldre personer i samhället får inte korrekt smärtlindring vilket kan bero på attityder och felaktiga bedömningar. För att underlätta bedömningen av smärta finns det instrument som vårdpersonal kan ta hjälp av för att underlätta bedömningen av äldre personers smärta. Syfte: Att beskriva hur äldre personer upplever smärta och hur den handhas på vårdenheter. Metod: En litteraturöversikt som byggts på tio vetenskapliga artiklar. Artiklarna har hämtats från CINAHL complete. Sökord som har använts i studien: Perception, aged, analgesia, nursing, pain, pain assessment, older adults, aged 80 and over, patient, pain measurement, interviews. Den teoretisk referensram som användes var Katie Erikssons teori om lidande som syftar på att lidandet är en del av livet och är ett skydd för den enskilda individen. Resultat: Analysen av resultatdelarna delades upp i tre teman: Smärta och äldre, som belyser hur smärta kännetecknas hos äldre. Identifiering och bedömning av äldre personers smärta, belyser bedömningen av äldre personers smärta och bedömningsinstrument för att mäta smärta samt hur smärta hanteras, som belyser behandling av smärta hos äldre personer. Diskussion: De två teman som togs upp i diskussionen var smärta och äldre samt bedömning av äldre personers smärta. Dessa har diskuterats mot Katie Erikssons teori om lidande och konsensus begreppet vårdande. / Background: Pain and elderly people are central parts of healthcare. Pain is a subjective feeling affecting humans both psychologically and physically. Pain is complex and there are many reasons why pain arises. Many elderly people in society do not get the right pain relief, which may be due to attitudes or incorrect assessments. To facilitate the assessment of pain, there are instruments that health professionals can use to assess the pain of the elderly. Aim: To describe elderly people’s perception of pain and how it’s administered in care settings. Method: A literature review that has been built on ten scientific articles. The articles were taken from CINAHL complete. Search terms used: Perception, aged, analgesia, nursing, pain, pain assessment, older adults, aged 80 above, patient, pain measurement, interviews. The theoretical framework was Katie Erikson's theory of suffering that refers to that suffering is part of life and is a defense for the individual. Results: The analyses of the results were divided into three themes: Pain and elderly, which illustrates how the pain is characterized in elderly. Identification and assessment of older people's pain, highlighting the assessment of older people's pain and the assessment instruments that can be used and how pain is managed, that elucidate the treatment of pain for elderly people. Discussions: The two themes addressed in the discussion were pain and elderly, and assessment of elderly people’s pain. These were discussed against Katie Erikson's theory about suffering and the consensus term care.
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Narratives of suffering in the cancer experience.Gregory, David Michael. January 1994 (has links)
Suffering is a fundamental experience of the human condition. Whereas the arts and humanities have struggled to make sense of this condition, no concerted effort has taken place in nursing. Suffering is painfully absent within the cancer nursing research literature, a place where suffering should be conspicuous. The purpose of this study was to explore suffering inherent in the cancer experience. The concurrent use of Travelbee's Human-To-Human Relationship Model and narrative theory provided the conceptual underpinning for this prospective ethnography. Narratives of suffering were explored among seven patients diagnosed with cancer (breast, n = 4; brain; malignant melanoma; and ovarian cancer). Five women and two men were interviewed weekly (N = 89 interviews) for a period of up to five months. Participant observation supplemented the interview data. Seven richly textured narratives revealed the suffering endured in the living-of-cancer. The narratives also detailed the informant as person, the cancer trajectory, and explanatory models of cancer causation. A second level analysis of the narratives provided an intra-group comparison of suffering. "Cascade of losses" was the overarching theme. The undermining of personhood, and a loss of faith and trust in the medical system characterized this cascade of losses. Losses were further encountered: the dismissal of symptoms presented to physicians, the failure of treatment as cure, the death of other cancer patients, and the false reassurance that "cancer can be beaten". The remaining themes were "cancer as torture" and "the work of suffering--the beauty of cancer". The findings of this study suggest that nurses may not be capable of alleviating patient suffering. Patients' lives intersect at the suffering experience; their suffering is shaped by the past, present, and future. Nurses may influence these intersections of suffering to some extent, however, it is the individual who ultimately determines the living and outcome (if any) of their suffering. In the lives of the informants, it was the love of spouses and children, faith and trust in God, and satisfaction with life's accomplishments which permitted the endurance of suffering. Competent, comfort-care provided by compassionate nurses is needed by patients who suffer with cancer.
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Encountering Distant Suffering: The Culture, Production, and Outcomes of Transnational Immersion Trips on the U.S.-Mexico BorderAdler, Gary John Jr. January 2012 (has links)
Short-term international immersion travel connects participants from educational and religious organizations with distant suffering to build solidarity and motivate transnational civic action. It is a distinct form of transnational social action that produces a personalized, embodied experience of transformation. Despite increasing popularity, and increasing evidence that this form of travel can facilitate civic action and activism, the mechanisms behind the production, experience, and outcomes are not well known. This research examines these issues through a focus on multiple cultural processes. The research site is BorderLinks, a faith-affiliated organization that promotes immigration awareness through travel along the U.S.-Mexico border. I use participant observation with different groups (colleges, seminaries, churches), pre/post surveys with 180 participants, and interviews with participants to examine why individuals participate, how transformative experience is produced, how group styles stabilize this moment of unsettledness, the difficulties of solidarity formation, and the specific patterns of outcomes. Short-term international immersion travel is a cultural strategy of transformation that provides participants with identity shaping experiences and fits the goals of feeder organizations that prioritize personal transformation and social engagement. Recruitment through feeder organizations creates groups with distinct demographic profiles, motivational repertoires, and emotional orientations: the "toolkits of travel." An immersion trip sits in a liminal space of culture, yet the institutional origins of groups generate group styles that guide groups through this unsettledness (Eliasoph and Lichterman 2003). Some groups "sleuth" while others "story build," resulting in different imaginations of possible future action. The encounter with migrants addresses a central question of how solidarity between international travelers and distant suffering is formed. I show the importance of two strategies of solidarity, one relational and one imaginative. Through a hike in the desert, I show the conditions for producing evoking symbols that moralize the experience into the future. I examine change in economic behavior, attitudes, and some civic activity. I use Qualitative Comparative Analysis to show which aspects of immersion travel are most responsible for change: emotional intensification, moralized situations, cognitive awareness, and/or group affiliation. For participants' narrative construction, differences in group use of reflexivity resources affect the moral extension into the future.
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