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Biochemical oxygen demand reduction of semi-chemical neutral sulfite waste by heat hydrolysisButler, Robert George 11 May 2010 (has links)
The object or this experiment was to determine if and to what extent the B.O.D. of S.N.W. waste could be reduced by Heat Hydrolysis. This process gave B.O.D. reduction up to 80 percent when used on sulfite waste at Oregon State College and it was hoped that similar results could be obtained using S.N.W. liquor.
The exper1mental part of the investigation was conducted to determine (1) it the B.O.D. content of S.N.W. liquor could be reduced by Heat Hydrolysis; (2) if pH, dilution and the addition of oxygen were factors that affected the reduction of B.O.D. These factors were determined by adjusting the raw liquor to the desired concentration and cooking the liquor in a closed container until certain conditions were obtained, namely, that of constant pressure with constant temperature.
Ana1ysis of the raw and cooked liquor consisted of determining pH, total solids, and B.O.D., while analysis of the gas created during the cook was limited to the total amount of gas created and the amount of CO₂, CO, O₂ and H₂S in the gas.
Four different series of cooks were conducted on each sample. They were, Neutral (raw liquor), Acid (raw liquor pH adjusted, Neutral-Oxygen added (raw liquor with oxygen added) and Ac1d-0xygen added (raw liquor pH adjusted with oxygen added). The samples used were 7OO ml., 465 ml., dilution 1:1 (232 ml. liquor plus 232 ml. distilled water) and dilution 2:1 (310 ml. distilled water plus 155 ml. liquor. / Master of Science
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Reatividade química de um novo nitrosilsulfito complexo trans-[Ru(NH3)4(isn)(N(O)SO3)](PF6), e desenvolvimento de filmes de amido doadores de óxido nítrico / Chemical reactivity of a new nitrosylsulphito complex trans-[Ru(NH3)4(isn)(N(O)SO3)](PF6), and development of a nitric oxide releasing starch-based film.Roveda Júnior, Antonio Carlos 03 February 2016 (has links)
Na busca por novos materiais doadores de óxido nítrico (NO), o presente trabalho descreve o desenvolvimento de um filme à base de amido de mandioca, no qual foi incorporado um nitrosilo complexo de rutênio, e o estudo da liberação de NO nesse material. O nitrosilo complexo trans-[Ru(NH3)4(isn)NO](BF4)3 (RuNOisn; isn = isonicotinamida) apresenta a propriedade de liberar NO de forma controlada, por meio de fotólise (λirr = 310-370 nm) e de redução química. A incorporação desse complexo em filmes de amido foi realizada em condições brandas, resultando em um novo material para o armazenamento e liberação de NO, designado como CSx-RuNOisn. Os ensaios espectroscópicos indicaram que a esfera de coordenação do complexo RuNOisn permaneceu inalterada durante a produção dos filmes. A exposição de CSx-RuNOisn à luz (λirr = 355 nm) levou à liberação de NO e provavelmente à formação do fotoproduto trans [RuIII(NH3)4isn(H2O)]3+ no filme. A reação desse aquocomplexo de rutênio(III) com solução aquosa contendo nitrito de sódio regenerou o complexo de partida, RuNOisn. A identificação e quantificação do NO liberado durante a fotólise foi efetuada por meio da reação com oximioglobina. Durante o tempo de irradiação de 17 minutos, foram liberados 5,02 ± 0,12 μM de NO (10, 04 ± 0,24 nmol NO em 2 mL). Os ensaios de liberação de NO desencadeada por redução foram realizados utilizando-se L-cisteína como redutor. O fluxo de NO liberado a partir da reação com cisteína perdurou por mais de 7 horas, alcançando-se concentrações fisiologicamente relevantes, com fluxo médio de 1,9 pmol NO s-1 cm-2 de filme. Esse valor é comparável àquele produzido por células endoteliais, em que o fluxo de NO é de 1,67 pmol s-1 cm-2. Os resultados preliminares de degradação dos filmes in vivo sugerem que o material foi degradado pelo organismo em 30 dias. Todos os resultados alcançados sugerem que o filme CSx-RuNOisn é um candidato promissor para aplicações em meio biológico. Um novo complexo de rutênio contendo o ligante nitrosilsulfito (N(O)SO3 -) foi isolado, trans [Ru(NH3)4(isn)(N(O)SO3)](X) (isn = isonicotinamida, X = PF6- ou SiPF6 2-), e a sua estrutura cristalina determinada por difração de raio-X. A síntese desse complexo foi realizada por meio da reação entre trans-[Ru(NH3)4(isn)(NO)]3+ e íons sulfito (SO32-). O ataque nucleofílico do SO32- ocorreu no nitrogênio do ligante nitrosônio (NO) coordenado ao centro metálico de rutênio ([Ru-NO+]), originando o ligante O=N-SO3-: [RuNO+]3+ + SO32- →[Ru(N(O)SO3)]+. Observou-se que em meio aquoso, no intervalo de pH de 7,4 a 5,2 o complexo trans [Ru(NH3)4(isn)(N(O)SO3)]+ é estável, e a velocidade de decomposição (labilização do ligante isn) variou de k = 0,86 a 3,07 × 10-5 s-1. Em soluções mais ácidas (tampão ácido acético/acetato pH 4,2, 3,9, ou 1,0 M ácido trifluoroacético) o complexo trans-[Ru(NH3)4(isn)(N(O)SO3)]+ decompõe-se formando o respectivo nitrosilo complexo trans- [RuII(NH3)4(isn)NO+]3+. A reação do íon trans-[Ru(NH3)4(isn)(N(O)SO3)]+ com íons hidróxido (OH-) dá origem ao respectivo nitro complexo trans-[Ru(NH3)4(isn)(NO2)]+, que foi caracterizado por RMN de 15N e por espectroscopia eletrônica. As constantes de velocidade para essa reação são k = 6,16 ± 0,22 M-1 s-1 à T = 25oC, e k = 2,15 ± 0,07 M-1 s-1 à T = 15oC. A reação entre o nitrosilo complexo trans [RuII(NH3)4(isn)NO+]3+ e íons OH- também resulta na formação do nitro complexo trans-[Ru(NH3)4(isn)(NO2)]+. Neste caso, a constante de velocidade foi estimada entre k = 47-58 M-1 s-1 à T = 25oC, e o valor obtido experimentalmente à T = 15oC foi de k = 10,53 ± 0,29 M-1 s-1. O espectro eletrônico do íon complexo trans [Ru(NH3)4(isn)(N(O)SO3)]+ em meio aquoso apresentou uma banda larga com λ max = 362 nm (ε ∼6000 M-1 cm-1), atribuída por cálculos teóricos às seguintes transições: transferência de carga do metal para o ligante (TCML) Ru → N(O)SO3 e Ru → isn, e também d → d. Os ensaios preliminares de fotólise (λ irrad = 355 nm) do complexo trans[Ru(NH3)4(isn)(N(O)SO3)](PF6) em solução de tampão fosfato (pH 7,4) sugerem a formação das seguintes espécies nos intervalos iniciais de fotólise: i) NO, ii) SO3 •-, e iii) isn (labilizado do complexo). O mecanismo para a formação desses produtos ainda está sob investigação. / Aiming the production of new nitric oxide releasing materials (NORM), this work reports the development of a cassava starch based film, in which a ruthenium nitrosyl complex was impregnated, and evaluate the NO release from this film. Ruthenium nitrosyl complex trans-[Ru(NH3)4(isn)NO](BF4)3 (RuNOisn; isn = isonicotinamide) is able to release NO in a controlled manner through both photolysis (λirr = 310-370 nm) and chemical reduction. The incorporation of such complex into the starch-based films was performed under mild conditions, yielding a new material able to store and release NO, abbreviated as CSx-RuNOisn. Spectroscopic analysis of CSx-RuNOisn indicated that the coordination sphere of RuNOisn remained intact during film production. Exposure of CSx-RuNOisn to long wave UV-light (λirr = 355 nm) leads to NO release and likely to the formation of the paramagnetic photoproduct trans-[RuIII(NH3)4isn(H2O)]3+ in the film. Reaction of this aquoruthenium(III) complex with aqueous nitrite regenerates RuNOisn in the film. Delivery of NO upon photolysis of CSx-RuNO isn was verified and quantified by trapping with oxymyoglobin. The calculated concentration of NO released from the film was 5.02 ± 0.12 μM (10.04 ± 0.24 nmol NO in a 2 mL) after approximately 17 min of irradiation (500 laser pulses at 2 s intervals). Moreover, NO release upon chemical reduction was carried out using L-cysteine as a reductant. Cysteine-mediated NO delivery from CSx-RuNOisn persisted for more than 7 h, during which physiologically relevant NO concentrations were liberated (average flux of 1.9 pmol NO s-1 cm-2 of film). This value is comparable to that produced by endothelial cells (1.67 pmol s-1 cm-2). Preliminary results about the biodegradation of the films in vivo suggest that the films were completely absorbed by the organism in a period of 30 days. These results suggest that CSx-RuNOisn is a promising candidate for use in biological applications. A new nitrosylsulphito complex bearing the ligand (N(O)SO3-) was isolated, trans-[Ru(NH3)4(isn)(N(O)SO3)](X) (isn = isonicotinamide, X = PF6- or SiPF6-), and its structure was determined by X-Ray crystallography. This complex was obtained by the reaction between trans-[Ru(NH3)4(isn)(NO)]3+ and sulfite ions (SO32-). X-Ray results confirmed that the nucleophilic attack of the sulphite anion (SO32-) was on the nitrogen atom of the nitrosyl ligand (NO) coordinated to the ruthenium center ([Ru-NO+]), yielding the ligand O=N-SO3-: [RuNO+]3+ + SO32- → [Ru(N(O)SO3)]+. Complex trans- [Ru(NH3)4(isn)(N(O)SO3)]+ is stable in aqueous solution from pH 7.4 to 5.2, and the decomposition rates (k) (due to the isn labilization) are in the range of k = 0.86-3.07 × 10-5 s-1. In more acidic conditions, (acetate buffer pH 4.2, 3.9, and trifluoroacetic acid solution 1.0 M) complex trans-[Ru(NH3)4(isn)(N(O)SO3)]+ is converted into the respective nitrosyl trans-[RuII(NH3)4(isn)NO+]3+. Reaction of trans-[Ru(NH3)4(isn)(N(O)SO3)]+ and hydroxide ions (OH-) yielded the nitro complex trans-[Ru(NH3)4(isn)(NO2)]+, which was characterized by 15N NMR and electronic spectroscopy. Rate constants for such reaction are k = 6.16 ± 0.22 M-1 s-1 at 25oC, and k = 2.15 ± 0.07 M-1 s-1 at 15oC. In the case of complex trans-[RuII(NH3)4(isn)NO+]3+, its reaction with OH- also yield the nitro complex trans-[Ru(NH3)4(isn)(NO2)]+. The estimated rate constant for such reaction was k = 46.9-57.6 M-1 s-1 at 25oC, and the experimental value obtained at 15oC was k = 10.53 ± 0.29 M-1 s-1. The ion complex trans-[Ru(NH3)4(isn)(N(O)SO3)]+ showed an intense and broad band at 362 nm (ε∼6000 M-1 cm-1) in aqueous solutions, which was assigned by DFT calculations to the following transitions: metal to ligand charge transfer (MLCT) Ru→N(O)SO3 and Ru→isn, and d→d as well. Preliminary photolysis assays (λirrad = 355 nm) performed with complex trans-[Ru(NH3)4(isn)(N(O)SO3)](PF6) in phosphate buffer solution (pH 7,4) suggests that the following species have been formed (in the initial photolysis period): i) NO, ii) SO3•-, and iii) isn (labilized). The whole mechanism to yield such products is still under investigation.
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Reatividade química de um novo nitrosilsulfito complexo trans-[Ru(NH3)4(isn)(N(O)SO3)](PF6), e desenvolvimento de filmes de amido doadores de óxido nítrico / Chemical reactivity of a new nitrosylsulphito complex trans-[Ru(NH3)4(isn)(N(O)SO3)](PF6), and development of a nitric oxide releasing starch-based film.Antonio Carlos Roveda Júnior 03 February 2016 (has links)
Na busca por novos materiais doadores de óxido nítrico (NO), o presente trabalho descreve o desenvolvimento de um filme à base de amido de mandioca, no qual foi incorporado um nitrosilo complexo de rutênio, e o estudo da liberação de NO nesse material. O nitrosilo complexo trans-[Ru(NH3)4(isn)NO](BF4)3 (RuNOisn; isn = isonicotinamida) apresenta a propriedade de liberar NO de forma controlada, por meio de fotólise (λirr = 310-370 nm) e de redução química. A incorporação desse complexo em filmes de amido foi realizada em condições brandas, resultando em um novo material para o armazenamento e liberação de NO, designado como CSx-RuNOisn. Os ensaios espectroscópicos indicaram que a esfera de coordenação do complexo RuNOisn permaneceu inalterada durante a produção dos filmes. A exposição de CSx-RuNOisn à luz (λirr = 355 nm) levou à liberação de NO e provavelmente à formação do fotoproduto trans [RuIII(NH3)4isn(H2O)]3+ no filme. A reação desse aquocomplexo de rutênio(III) com solução aquosa contendo nitrito de sódio regenerou o complexo de partida, RuNOisn. A identificação e quantificação do NO liberado durante a fotólise foi efetuada por meio da reação com oximioglobina. Durante o tempo de irradiação de 17 minutos, foram liberados 5,02 ± 0,12 μM de NO (10, 04 ± 0,24 nmol NO em 2 mL). Os ensaios de liberação de NO desencadeada por redução foram realizados utilizando-se L-cisteína como redutor. O fluxo de NO liberado a partir da reação com cisteína perdurou por mais de 7 horas, alcançando-se concentrações fisiologicamente relevantes, com fluxo médio de 1,9 pmol NO s-1 cm-2 de filme. Esse valor é comparável àquele produzido por células endoteliais, em que o fluxo de NO é de 1,67 pmol s-1 cm-2. Os resultados preliminares de degradação dos filmes in vivo sugerem que o material foi degradado pelo organismo em 30 dias. Todos os resultados alcançados sugerem que o filme CSx-RuNOisn é um candidato promissor para aplicações em meio biológico. Um novo complexo de rutênio contendo o ligante nitrosilsulfito (N(O)SO3 -) foi isolado, trans [Ru(NH3)4(isn)(N(O)SO3)](X) (isn = isonicotinamida, X = PF6- ou SiPF6 2-), e a sua estrutura cristalina determinada por difração de raio-X. A síntese desse complexo foi realizada por meio da reação entre trans-[Ru(NH3)4(isn)(NO)]3+ e íons sulfito (SO32-). O ataque nucleofílico do SO32- ocorreu no nitrogênio do ligante nitrosônio (NO) coordenado ao centro metálico de rutênio ([Ru-NO+]), originando o ligante O=N-SO3-: [RuNO+]3+ + SO32- →[Ru(N(O)SO3)]+. Observou-se que em meio aquoso, no intervalo de pH de 7,4 a 5,2 o complexo trans [Ru(NH3)4(isn)(N(O)SO3)]+ é estável, e a velocidade de decomposição (labilização do ligante isn) variou de k = 0,86 a 3,07 × 10-5 s-1. Em soluções mais ácidas (tampão ácido acético/acetato pH 4,2, 3,9, ou 1,0 M ácido trifluoroacético) o complexo trans-[Ru(NH3)4(isn)(N(O)SO3)]+ decompõe-se formando o respectivo nitrosilo complexo trans- [RuII(NH3)4(isn)NO+]3+. A reação do íon trans-[Ru(NH3)4(isn)(N(O)SO3)]+ com íons hidróxido (OH-) dá origem ao respectivo nitro complexo trans-[Ru(NH3)4(isn)(NO2)]+, que foi caracterizado por RMN de 15N e por espectroscopia eletrônica. As constantes de velocidade para essa reação são k = 6,16 ± 0,22 M-1 s-1 à T = 25oC, e k = 2,15 ± 0,07 M-1 s-1 à T = 15oC. A reação entre o nitrosilo complexo trans [RuII(NH3)4(isn)NO+]3+ e íons OH- também resulta na formação do nitro complexo trans-[Ru(NH3)4(isn)(NO2)]+. Neste caso, a constante de velocidade foi estimada entre k = 47-58 M-1 s-1 à T = 25oC, e o valor obtido experimentalmente à T = 15oC foi de k = 10,53 ± 0,29 M-1 s-1. O espectro eletrônico do íon complexo trans [Ru(NH3)4(isn)(N(O)SO3)]+ em meio aquoso apresentou uma banda larga com λ max = 362 nm (ε ∼6000 M-1 cm-1), atribuída por cálculos teóricos às seguintes transições: transferência de carga do metal para o ligante (TCML) Ru → N(O)SO3 e Ru → isn, e também d → d. Os ensaios preliminares de fotólise (λ irrad = 355 nm) do complexo trans[Ru(NH3)4(isn)(N(O)SO3)](PF6) em solução de tampão fosfato (pH 7,4) sugerem a formação das seguintes espécies nos intervalos iniciais de fotólise: i) NO, ii) SO3 •-, e iii) isn (labilizado do complexo). O mecanismo para a formação desses produtos ainda está sob investigação. / Aiming the production of new nitric oxide releasing materials (NORM), this work reports the development of a cassava starch based film, in which a ruthenium nitrosyl complex was impregnated, and evaluate the NO release from this film. Ruthenium nitrosyl complex trans-[Ru(NH3)4(isn)NO](BF4)3 (RuNOisn; isn = isonicotinamide) is able to release NO in a controlled manner through both photolysis (λirr = 310-370 nm) and chemical reduction. The incorporation of such complex into the starch-based films was performed under mild conditions, yielding a new material able to store and release NO, abbreviated as CSx-RuNOisn. Spectroscopic analysis of CSx-RuNOisn indicated that the coordination sphere of RuNOisn remained intact during film production. Exposure of CSx-RuNOisn to long wave UV-light (λirr = 355 nm) leads to NO release and likely to the formation of the paramagnetic photoproduct trans-[RuIII(NH3)4isn(H2O)]3+ in the film. Reaction of this aquoruthenium(III) complex with aqueous nitrite regenerates RuNOisn in the film. Delivery of NO upon photolysis of CSx-RuNO isn was verified and quantified by trapping with oxymyoglobin. The calculated concentration of NO released from the film was 5.02 ± 0.12 μM (10.04 ± 0.24 nmol NO in a 2 mL) after approximately 17 min of irradiation (500 laser pulses at 2 s intervals). Moreover, NO release upon chemical reduction was carried out using L-cysteine as a reductant. Cysteine-mediated NO delivery from CSx-RuNOisn persisted for more than 7 h, during which physiologically relevant NO concentrations were liberated (average flux of 1.9 pmol NO s-1 cm-2 of film). This value is comparable to that produced by endothelial cells (1.67 pmol s-1 cm-2). Preliminary results about the biodegradation of the films in vivo suggest that the films were completely absorbed by the organism in a period of 30 days. These results suggest that CSx-RuNOisn is a promising candidate for use in biological applications. A new nitrosylsulphito complex bearing the ligand (N(O)SO3-) was isolated, trans-[Ru(NH3)4(isn)(N(O)SO3)](X) (isn = isonicotinamide, X = PF6- or SiPF6-), and its structure was determined by X-Ray crystallography. This complex was obtained by the reaction between trans-[Ru(NH3)4(isn)(NO)]3+ and sulfite ions (SO32-). X-Ray results confirmed that the nucleophilic attack of the sulphite anion (SO32-) was on the nitrogen atom of the nitrosyl ligand (NO) coordinated to the ruthenium center ([Ru-NO+]), yielding the ligand O=N-SO3-: [RuNO+]3+ + SO32- → [Ru(N(O)SO3)]+. Complex trans- [Ru(NH3)4(isn)(N(O)SO3)]+ is stable in aqueous solution from pH 7.4 to 5.2, and the decomposition rates (k) (due to the isn labilization) are in the range of k = 0.86-3.07 × 10-5 s-1. In more acidic conditions, (acetate buffer pH 4.2, 3.9, and trifluoroacetic acid solution 1.0 M) complex trans-[Ru(NH3)4(isn)(N(O)SO3)]+ is converted into the respective nitrosyl trans-[RuII(NH3)4(isn)NO+]3+. Reaction of trans-[Ru(NH3)4(isn)(N(O)SO3)]+ and hydroxide ions (OH-) yielded the nitro complex trans-[Ru(NH3)4(isn)(NO2)]+, which was characterized by 15N NMR and electronic spectroscopy. Rate constants for such reaction are k = 6.16 ± 0.22 M-1 s-1 at 25oC, and k = 2.15 ± 0.07 M-1 s-1 at 15oC. In the case of complex trans-[RuII(NH3)4(isn)NO+]3+, its reaction with OH- also yield the nitro complex trans-[Ru(NH3)4(isn)(NO2)]+. The estimated rate constant for such reaction was k = 46.9-57.6 M-1 s-1 at 25oC, and the experimental value obtained at 15oC was k = 10.53 ± 0.29 M-1 s-1. The ion complex trans-[Ru(NH3)4(isn)(N(O)SO3)]+ showed an intense and broad band at 362 nm (ε∼6000 M-1 cm-1) in aqueous solutions, which was assigned by DFT calculations to the following transitions: metal to ligand charge transfer (MLCT) Ru→N(O)SO3 and Ru→isn, and d→d as well. Preliminary photolysis assays (λirrad = 355 nm) performed with complex trans-[Ru(NH3)4(isn)(N(O)SO3)](PF6) in phosphate buffer solution (pH 7,4) suggests that the following species have been formed (in the initial photolysis period): i) NO, ii) SO3•-, and iii) isn (labilized). The whole mechanism to yield such products is still under investigation.
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Utbytets och malningens inverkan på NSSC-massans egenskaper / The impact of yield and refining on the properties of NSSC-pulpLarsson, Markus, Kullander, Johan January 2010 (has links)
<p>Neutralsulfitkokning av björk möjliggör ett högt utbyte av hemicellulosa, vilket bidrar positivt till flutingens egenskaper och minskar vedkostnaden. Neutralsulfitkoket ska avbrytas när delignifieringen nått tillräckligt långt för att veden ska kunna defibreras skonsamt med en rimlig energiinsats, men innan nedbrytningen av hemicellulosa hunnit accelerera. Syftet med detta examensarbete var att undersöka utbytets och malningens inverkan på NSSC-massans egenskaper.</p><p>En laboratoriestudie genomfördes där massan kokades till olika utbyten och maldes vid olika insatser. Resultatet av den studien användes sedan för att ställa om kokaren och raffinörerna på lämpligt sätt vid fabriksförsöken. Massaprover togs ut efter det andra kvarnsteget och skickades för analys. De mest väsentliga egenskaperna för fluting testades genom CCT (Corrugated Crush Test), CMT (Concora Medium Test) och SCT (Short Span Compression test) men övriga konventionella egenskaper testades likväl. En avgörande egenskap för fluting är också dess krypstyvhet som undersöktes på laboratorie genom isokrona kryptester. För att få en djupare förståelse för NSSC-massans egenskaper samt kokningens och malningens inverkan på dessa utfördes även fiberkaraktärisering.</p><p>Resultatet visar att styrkan på NSSC-massan kan påverkas genom att variera både utbytet och effekten i raffinörerna. För att åstadkomma en signifikant styrkeökning krävs ett lågt utbyte tillsammans med en hög effekt i raffinörerna. Kraftiga ändringar av dessa parametrar leder dessvärre till att papperets egenskaper förändras i den grad att körbarheten på maskin kan påverkas. Studien visar även att fluting som uppfyller dagens riktvärden kan framställas kostnadseffektivt genom ett högt utbyte i kokaren och en hög insats i raffinörerna. Samtidigt erhålls då en ljusare massa, vilket kan vara betydande i vissa fall. Krypmätningarna visar samtidigt att malningen i positiv bemärkelse påverkar krypstyvheten medan utbytets inverkan är mer svårtolkat. Ett allt för högt utbyte verkar dock vara negativt ur krypstyvhetssynpunkt.</p> / <p>Neutral sulphite cooking of birch enables a high yield of hemicelluloses. This contributes positively to the properties of the flute, reduces the amount of wood needed and hence the cost. The neutral sulphite cook is to be terminated when the delignification has gone sufficiently far so that the wood can be refined mercifully with a reasonable energy input, but before the delignification has gone so far that the degradation of hemicelluloses has started to accelerate. The objective with this thesis was to examine how yield and refining affects the properties of the NSSC pulp.</p><p>A laboratory study was performed where the pulp was cooked to different yields and then beaten with different energy inputs. The results from this study were then used to determine how to set the boiler and the refiners appropriately in the paper mill trials. Pulp samples were collected after the second refiner and were then sent for analysis. The most important properties for flute were tested through CCT (Corrugated Crush Test), CMT (Concora Medium Test) and SCT (Short Span Compression test). More conventional properties were tested as well. Another important property for flute, the creep resistance, was tested in the laboratory through isochronous creep tests. To get a deeper understanding of the properties of NSSC-pulp, along with the effects of cooking and refining, fiber characterization was also performed.The results indicate that it is possible to affect the strength properties on the NSSC pulp by varying both the yield and the energy input in the refiners. To accomplish a large increase in strength, a relatively low yield is needed, along with increased refining. Large changes of those parameters may unfortunately lead to changes in paper properties in such a way that the runability on the paper machine is affected.</p><p>The results also indicate that it is possible to manufacture flute in a more cost efficient way by lowering the H-factor in the boiler while increasing the degree of refining, still keeping the strength properties above the critical values.A pulp with a higher brightness is also acquired when running the mill this way, which can be important in some aspects. The creep studies indicate that increased refining has a positive effect on the creep resistance. It is harder to make conclusions about the impact of yield, but it seems as though all too high yields affects the creep resistance negatively.</p>
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Utbytets och malningens inverkan på NSSC-massans egenskaper / The impact of yield and refining on the properties of NSSC-pulpLarsson, Markus, Kullander, Johan January 2010 (has links)
Neutralsulfitkokning av björk möjliggör ett högt utbyte av hemicellulosa, vilket bidrar positivt till flutingens egenskaper och minskar vedkostnaden. Neutralsulfitkoket ska avbrytas när delignifieringen nått tillräckligt långt för att veden ska kunna defibreras skonsamt med en rimlig energiinsats, men innan nedbrytningen av hemicellulosa hunnit accelerera. Syftet med detta examensarbete var att undersöka utbytets och malningens inverkan på NSSC-massans egenskaper. En laboratoriestudie genomfördes där massan kokades till olika utbyten och maldes vid olika insatser. Resultatet av den studien användes sedan för att ställa om kokaren och raffinörerna på lämpligt sätt vid fabriksförsöken. Massaprover togs ut efter det andra kvarnsteget och skickades för analys. De mest väsentliga egenskaperna för fluting testades genom CCT (Corrugated Crush Test), CMT (Concora Medium Test) och SCT (Short Span Compression test) men övriga konventionella egenskaper testades likväl. En avgörande egenskap för fluting är också dess krypstyvhet som undersöktes på laboratorie genom isokrona kryptester. För att få en djupare förståelse för NSSC-massans egenskaper samt kokningens och malningens inverkan på dessa utfördes även fiberkaraktärisering. Resultatet visar att styrkan på NSSC-massan kan påverkas genom att variera både utbytet och effekten i raffinörerna. För att åstadkomma en signifikant styrkeökning krävs ett lågt utbyte tillsammans med en hög effekt i raffinörerna. Kraftiga ändringar av dessa parametrar leder dessvärre till att papperets egenskaper förändras i den grad att körbarheten på maskin kan påverkas. Studien visar även att fluting som uppfyller dagens riktvärden kan framställas kostnadseffektivt genom ett högt utbyte i kokaren och en hög insats i raffinörerna. Samtidigt erhålls då en ljusare massa, vilket kan vara betydande i vissa fall. Krypmätningarna visar samtidigt att malningen i positiv bemärkelse påverkar krypstyvheten medan utbytets inverkan är mer svårtolkat. Ett allt för högt utbyte verkar dock vara negativt ur krypstyvhetssynpunkt. / Neutral sulphite cooking of birch enables a high yield of hemicelluloses. This contributes positively to the properties of the flute, reduces the amount of wood needed and hence the cost. The neutral sulphite cook is to be terminated when the delignification has gone sufficiently far so that the wood can be refined mercifully with a reasonable energy input, but before the delignification has gone so far that the degradation of hemicelluloses has started to accelerate. The objective with this thesis was to examine how yield and refining affects the properties of the NSSC pulp. A laboratory study was performed where the pulp was cooked to different yields and then beaten with different energy inputs. The results from this study were then used to determine how to set the boiler and the refiners appropriately in the paper mill trials. Pulp samples were collected after the second refiner and were then sent for analysis. The most important properties for flute were tested through CCT (Corrugated Crush Test), CMT (Concora Medium Test) and SCT (Short Span Compression test). More conventional properties were tested as well. Another important property for flute, the creep resistance, was tested in the laboratory through isochronous creep tests. To get a deeper understanding of the properties of NSSC-pulp, along with the effects of cooking and refining, fiber characterization was also performed.The results indicate that it is possible to affect the strength properties on the NSSC pulp by varying both the yield and the energy input in the refiners. To accomplish a large increase in strength, a relatively low yield is needed, along with increased refining. Large changes of those parameters may unfortunately lead to changes in paper properties in such a way that the runability on the paper machine is affected. The results also indicate that it is possible to manufacture flute in a more cost efficient way by lowering the H-factor in the boiler while increasing the degree of refining, still keeping the strength properties above the critical values.A pulp with a higher brightness is also acquired when running the mill this way, which can be important in some aspects. The creep studies indicate that increased refining has a positive effect on the creep resistance. It is harder to make conclusions about the impact of yield, but it seems as though all too high yields affects the creep resistance negatively.
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Investigação de mecanismos fisiopatológicos de erros inatos do metabolismo do enxofre em cérebro de ratos e fibroblastos humanos e potenciais estratégias terapêuticasGrings, Mateus January 2018 (has links)
O sulfito e o tiossulfato encontram-se acumulados na deficiência da sulfito oxidase (SO), ao passo que o tiossulfato também se acumula na deficiência da proteína da encefalopatia etilmalônica 1 (ETHE1). Os pacientes apresentam principalmente encefalopatia progressiva e convulsões neonatais graves, resultando geralmente em morte prematura. Neste estudo, investigamos os efeitos in vivo do sulfito em estruturas encefálicas de ratos com deficiência da SO, e da administração intraestriatal de sulfito e tiossulfato em ratos normais sobre a homeostase redox e mitocondrial. Também avaliamos alterações nesses parâmetros em fibroblastos de pacientes. Inicialmente, observamos que o sulfito diminuiu os níveis de GSH e as atividades da glutationa redutase (GR) e glutationa S-transferase (GST) no córtex cerebral, e da GST no cerebelo de animais deficientes para a SO. Além disso, o sulfito aumentou as atividades dos complexos II e II-III em estriado e do complexo II no hipocampo, mas diminuiu a atividade do complexo IV no estriado de animais com deficiência da SO. Nesses animais, o sulfito também reduziu o potencial de membrana mitocondrial no córtex cerebral e no estriado, além de diminuir as atividades da malato e glutamato desidrogenase. Já nos animais que receberam injeção intraestriatal de sulfito ou tiossulfato, ambos os compostos diminuíram as atividades da creatina cinase e da citrato sintase, enquanto que o sulfito reduziu a massa mitocondrial. O sulfito ainda diminuiu os níveis de GSH e as atividades da glutationa peroxidase (GPx), GR, GST e glicose-6-fosfato desidrogenase (G6PDH), enquanto que o sulfito e o tiossulfato aumentaram a atividade da catalase. O sulfito também diminui os níveis nucleares de PGC-1α e induziu reatividade glial e dano neuronal. As alterações causadas pelo sulfito foram prevenidas pelo tratamento com bezafibrato. Por fim, nos estudos realizados em fibroblastos, utilizamos células de quatro pacientes com deficiência da ETHE1 e de um paciente com deficiência da SO. Observamos diminuição da respiração mitocondrial em todos os tipos celulares, e diminuição de ATP em duas linhagens com deficiência da ETHE1 e na linhagem com deficiência da SO. Também verificamos alterações variáveis no conteúdo de proteínas de dinâmica mitocondrial, e uma diminuição do conteúdo de proteínas envolvidas na comunicação entre retículo endoplasmático (RE) e mitocôndria. Um aumento nos níveis de DDIT3, marcadora de estresse de RE, na produção de superóxido e apoptose também foram verificados em todos os tipos celulares. O tratamento com JP4-039, um antioxidante mitocondrial, diminuiu os níveis de superóxido em todas as linhagens celulares e aumentou a respiração mitocondrial em duas linhagens com deficiência da ETHE1 e na linhagem com deficiência da SO. Os achados deste trabalho evidenciam que alterações na homeostase energética e redox, na biogênese e dinâmica mitocondrial, bem como na comunicação entre mitocôndria e RE são mecanismos patológicos envolvidos nas deficiências da SO e da ETHE1. Além disso, visto que o bezafibrato e o JP4-039 exerceram efeitos protetores nos diferentes modelos, pode ser sugerido que esses compostos são promissores para o desenvolvimento de novas estratégias terapêuticas para as deficiências da SO e da ETHE1. / Sulfite and thiosulfate are accumulated in tissues of patients affected by sulfite oxidase (SO) deficiency, whereas thiosulfate also accumulates in the deficiency of ethylmalonic encephalopathy protein 1 (ETHE1). Patients present progressive encephalopathy and severe neonatal seizures, often resulting in early childhood death. In this study, we investigated the effects of sulfite in encephalic structures of SO-deficient rats, and of an intrastriatal injection of sulfite or thiosulfate in normal rats on redox and mitochondrial homeostasis. We also investigated possible alterations in these parameters in fibroblasts of patients. Initially, we observed that sulfite decreased reduced glutathione (GSH) levels and the activities of glutathione reductase (GR) and glutathione S-transferase (GST) in cerebral cortex, and of GST in cerebellum of SO deficient rats. Moreover, sulfite increased the activities of the respiratory chain complexes II and II-III in striatum and of complex II in hippocampus, whereas complex IV activity was decreased in striatum of SO deficient animals. In these animals, sulfite also reduced mitochondrial membrane potential in the cerebral cortex and in the striatum, as well as inhibited the activities of malate and glutamate dehydrogenase in cerebral cortex. Regarding the rats that received sulfite or thiosulfate via intrastriatal injection, both compounds reduced creatine kinase and citrate synthase activities, while sulfite decreased mitochondrial mass. Sulfite also decreased GSH levels and the activities of glutathione peroxidase (GPx), GR, GST, glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PDH), whereas both sulfite and thiosulfate increased catalase activity. In addition, sulfite decreased PGC-1α nuclear levels and induced glial reactivity and neuronal damage. Bezafibrate prevented the alterations induced by sulfite in striatum. Finally, in the experiments with fibroblasts, we used four cell lines with ETHE1 deficiency and one cell line with SO deficiency. We observed a decrease in basal and maximal respiration in all cell lines, and ATP depletion in two ETHE1 deficient cell lines and in the SO deficient fibroblasts. We also verified variable alterations in the content of proteins involved in mitochondrial dynamics, and a decrease in the content of proteins involved in endoplasmic reticulum (ER)-mitochondria communication. Increased content of DDIT3, an ER stress marker, as well as high levels of superoxide and apoptosis induction were further seen in all cell lines. Treatment with the mitochondria-targeted free radical scavenger JP4-039 decreased superoxide levels in all cells lines and increased basal and maximal respiration in two ETHE1 deficient cell lines and in the SO deficient cells. Our findings provide evidence that alterations in energy and redox homeostasis, mitochondrial biogenesis and dynamics, as well as in the communication between mitochondria and ER are pathological mechanisms involved in the SO and ETHE1 deficiencies. Furthermore, since bezafibrate and JP4-039 exerted protective effects, it may be suggested that these compounds are attractive agents for the development of new therapeutic strategies aiming to improve the prognosis of patients affected by SO and ETHE1 deficiency.
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Investigação de mecanismos fisiopatológicos de erros inatos do metabolismo do enxofre em cérebro de ratos e fibroblastos humanos e potenciais estratégias terapêuticasGrings, Mateus January 2018 (has links)
O sulfito e o tiossulfato encontram-se acumulados na deficiência da sulfito oxidase (SO), ao passo que o tiossulfato também se acumula na deficiência da proteína da encefalopatia etilmalônica 1 (ETHE1). Os pacientes apresentam principalmente encefalopatia progressiva e convulsões neonatais graves, resultando geralmente em morte prematura. Neste estudo, investigamos os efeitos in vivo do sulfito em estruturas encefálicas de ratos com deficiência da SO, e da administração intraestriatal de sulfito e tiossulfato em ratos normais sobre a homeostase redox e mitocondrial. Também avaliamos alterações nesses parâmetros em fibroblastos de pacientes. Inicialmente, observamos que o sulfito diminuiu os níveis de GSH e as atividades da glutationa redutase (GR) e glutationa S-transferase (GST) no córtex cerebral, e da GST no cerebelo de animais deficientes para a SO. Além disso, o sulfito aumentou as atividades dos complexos II e II-III em estriado e do complexo II no hipocampo, mas diminuiu a atividade do complexo IV no estriado de animais com deficiência da SO. Nesses animais, o sulfito também reduziu o potencial de membrana mitocondrial no córtex cerebral e no estriado, além de diminuir as atividades da malato e glutamato desidrogenase. Já nos animais que receberam injeção intraestriatal de sulfito ou tiossulfato, ambos os compostos diminuíram as atividades da creatina cinase e da citrato sintase, enquanto que o sulfito reduziu a massa mitocondrial. O sulfito ainda diminuiu os níveis de GSH e as atividades da glutationa peroxidase (GPx), GR, GST e glicose-6-fosfato desidrogenase (G6PDH), enquanto que o sulfito e o tiossulfato aumentaram a atividade da catalase. O sulfito também diminui os níveis nucleares de PGC-1α e induziu reatividade glial e dano neuronal. As alterações causadas pelo sulfito foram prevenidas pelo tratamento com bezafibrato. Por fim, nos estudos realizados em fibroblastos, utilizamos células de quatro pacientes com deficiência da ETHE1 e de um paciente com deficiência da SO. Observamos diminuição da respiração mitocondrial em todos os tipos celulares, e diminuição de ATP em duas linhagens com deficiência da ETHE1 e na linhagem com deficiência da SO. Também verificamos alterações variáveis no conteúdo de proteínas de dinâmica mitocondrial, e uma diminuição do conteúdo de proteínas envolvidas na comunicação entre retículo endoplasmático (RE) e mitocôndria. Um aumento nos níveis de DDIT3, marcadora de estresse de RE, na produção de superóxido e apoptose também foram verificados em todos os tipos celulares. O tratamento com JP4-039, um antioxidante mitocondrial, diminuiu os níveis de superóxido em todas as linhagens celulares e aumentou a respiração mitocondrial em duas linhagens com deficiência da ETHE1 e na linhagem com deficiência da SO. Os achados deste trabalho evidenciam que alterações na homeostase energética e redox, na biogênese e dinâmica mitocondrial, bem como na comunicação entre mitocôndria e RE são mecanismos patológicos envolvidos nas deficiências da SO e da ETHE1. Além disso, visto que o bezafibrato e o JP4-039 exerceram efeitos protetores nos diferentes modelos, pode ser sugerido que esses compostos são promissores para o desenvolvimento de novas estratégias terapêuticas para as deficiências da SO e da ETHE1. / Sulfite and thiosulfate are accumulated in tissues of patients affected by sulfite oxidase (SO) deficiency, whereas thiosulfate also accumulates in the deficiency of ethylmalonic encephalopathy protein 1 (ETHE1). Patients present progressive encephalopathy and severe neonatal seizures, often resulting in early childhood death. In this study, we investigated the effects of sulfite in encephalic structures of SO-deficient rats, and of an intrastriatal injection of sulfite or thiosulfate in normal rats on redox and mitochondrial homeostasis. We also investigated possible alterations in these parameters in fibroblasts of patients. Initially, we observed that sulfite decreased reduced glutathione (GSH) levels and the activities of glutathione reductase (GR) and glutathione S-transferase (GST) in cerebral cortex, and of GST in cerebellum of SO deficient rats. Moreover, sulfite increased the activities of the respiratory chain complexes II and II-III in striatum and of complex II in hippocampus, whereas complex IV activity was decreased in striatum of SO deficient animals. In these animals, sulfite also reduced mitochondrial membrane potential in the cerebral cortex and in the striatum, as well as inhibited the activities of malate and glutamate dehydrogenase in cerebral cortex. Regarding the rats that received sulfite or thiosulfate via intrastriatal injection, both compounds reduced creatine kinase and citrate synthase activities, while sulfite decreased mitochondrial mass. Sulfite also decreased GSH levels and the activities of glutathione peroxidase (GPx), GR, GST, glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PDH), whereas both sulfite and thiosulfate increased catalase activity. In addition, sulfite decreased PGC-1α nuclear levels and induced glial reactivity and neuronal damage. Bezafibrate prevented the alterations induced by sulfite in striatum. Finally, in the experiments with fibroblasts, we used four cell lines with ETHE1 deficiency and one cell line with SO deficiency. We observed a decrease in basal and maximal respiration in all cell lines, and ATP depletion in two ETHE1 deficient cell lines and in the SO deficient fibroblasts. We also verified variable alterations in the content of proteins involved in mitochondrial dynamics, and a decrease in the content of proteins involved in endoplasmic reticulum (ER)-mitochondria communication. Increased content of DDIT3, an ER stress marker, as well as high levels of superoxide and apoptosis induction were further seen in all cell lines. Treatment with the mitochondria-targeted free radical scavenger JP4-039 decreased superoxide levels in all cells lines and increased basal and maximal respiration in two ETHE1 deficient cell lines and in the SO deficient cells. Our findings provide evidence that alterations in energy and redox homeostasis, mitochondrial biogenesis and dynamics, as well as in the communication between mitochondria and ER are pathological mechanisms involved in the SO and ETHE1 deficiencies. Furthermore, since bezafibrate and JP4-039 exerted protective effects, it may be suggested that these compounds are attractive agents for the development of new therapeutic strategies aiming to improve the prognosis of patients affected by SO and ETHE1 deficiency.
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Investigação de mecanismos fisiopatológicos de erros inatos do metabolismo do enxofre em cérebro de ratos e fibroblastos humanos e potenciais estratégias terapêuticasGrings, Mateus January 2018 (has links)
O sulfito e o tiossulfato encontram-se acumulados na deficiência da sulfito oxidase (SO), ao passo que o tiossulfato também se acumula na deficiência da proteína da encefalopatia etilmalônica 1 (ETHE1). Os pacientes apresentam principalmente encefalopatia progressiva e convulsões neonatais graves, resultando geralmente em morte prematura. Neste estudo, investigamos os efeitos in vivo do sulfito em estruturas encefálicas de ratos com deficiência da SO, e da administração intraestriatal de sulfito e tiossulfato em ratos normais sobre a homeostase redox e mitocondrial. Também avaliamos alterações nesses parâmetros em fibroblastos de pacientes. Inicialmente, observamos que o sulfito diminuiu os níveis de GSH e as atividades da glutationa redutase (GR) e glutationa S-transferase (GST) no córtex cerebral, e da GST no cerebelo de animais deficientes para a SO. Além disso, o sulfito aumentou as atividades dos complexos II e II-III em estriado e do complexo II no hipocampo, mas diminuiu a atividade do complexo IV no estriado de animais com deficiência da SO. Nesses animais, o sulfito também reduziu o potencial de membrana mitocondrial no córtex cerebral e no estriado, além de diminuir as atividades da malato e glutamato desidrogenase. Já nos animais que receberam injeção intraestriatal de sulfito ou tiossulfato, ambos os compostos diminuíram as atividades da creatina cinase e da citrato sintase, enquanto que o sulfito reduziu a massa mitocondrial. O sulfito ainda diminuiu os níveis de GSH e as atividades da glutationa peroxidase (GPx), GR, GST e glicose-6-fosfato desidrogenase (G6PDH), enquanto que o sulfito e o tiossulfato aumentaram a atividade da catalase. O sulfito também diminui os níveis nucleares de PGC-1α e induziu reatividade glial e dano neuronal. As alterações causadas pelo sulfito foram prevenidas pelo tratamento com bezafibrato. Por fim, nos estudos realizados em fibroblastos, utilizamos células de quatro pacientes com deficiência da ETHE1 e de um paciente com deficiência da SO. Observamos diminuição da respiração mitocondrial em todos os tipos celulares, e diminuição de ATP em duas linhagens com deficiência da ETHE1 e na linhagem com deficiência da SO. Também verificamos alterações variáveis no conteúdo de proteínas de dinâmica mitocondrial, e uma diminuição do conteúdo de proteínas envolvidas na comunicação entre retículo endoplasmático (RE) e mitocôndria. Um aumento nos níveis de DDIT3, marcadora de estresse de RE, na produção de superóxido e apoptose também foram verificados em todos os tipos celulares. O tratamento com JP4-039, um antioxidante mitocondrial, diminuiu os níveis de superóxido em todas as linhagens celulares e aumentou a respiração mitocondrial em duas linhagens com deficiência da ETHE1 e na linhagem com deficiência da SO. Os achados deste trabalho evidenciam que alterações na homeostase energética e redox, na biogênese e dinâmica mitocondrial, bem como na comunicação entre mitocôndria e RE são mecanismos patológicos envolvidos nas deficiências da SO e da ETHE1. Além disso, visto que o bezafibrato e o JP4-039 exerceram efeitos protetores nos diferentes modelos, pode ser sugerido que esses compostos são promissores para o desenvolvimento de novas estratégias terapêuticas para as deficiências da SO e da ETHE1. / Sulfite and thiosulfate are accumulated in tissues of patients affected by sulfite oxidase (SO) deficiency, whereas thiosulfate also accumulates in the deficiency of ethylmalonic encephalopathy protein 1 (ETHE1). Patients present progressive encephalopathy and severe neonatal seizures, often resulting in early childhood death. In this study, we investigated the effects of sulfite in encephalic structures of SO-deficient rats, and of an intrastriatal injection of sulfite or thiosulfate in normal rats on redox and mitochondrial homeostasis. We also investigated possible alterations in these parameters in fibroblasts of patients. Initially, we observed that sulfite decreased reduced glutathione (GSH) levels and the activities of glutathione reductase (GR) and glutathione S-transferase (GST) in cerebral cortex, and of GST in cerebellum of SO deficient rats. Moreover, sulfite increased the activities of the respiratory chain complexes II and II-III in striatum and of complex II in hippocampus, whereas complex IV activity was decreased in striatum of SO deficient animals. In these animals, sulfite also reduced mitochondrial membrane potential in the cerebral cortex and in the striatum, as well as inhibited the activities of malate and glutamate dehydrogenase in cerebral cortex. Regarding the rats that received sulfite or thiosulfate via intrastriatal injection, both compounds reduced creatine kinase and citrate synthase activities, while sulfite decreased mitochondrial mass. Sulfite also decreased GSH levels and the activities of glutathione peroxidase (GPx), GR, GST, glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PDH), whereas both sulfite and thiosulfate increased catalase activity. In addition, sulfite decreased PGC-1α nuclear levels and induced glial reactivity and neuronal damage. Bezafibrate prevented the alterations induced by sulfite in striatum. Finally, in the experiments with fibroblasts, we used four cell lines with ETHE1 deficiency and one cell line with SO deficiency. We observed a decrease in basal and maximal respiration in all cell lines, and ATP depletion in two ETHE1 deficient cell lines and in the SO deficient fibroblasts. We also verified variable alterations in the content of proteins involved in mitochondrial dynamics, and a decrease in the content of proteins involved in endoplasmic reticulum (ER)-mitochondria communication. Increased content of DDIT3, an ER stress marker, as well as high levels of superoxide and apoptosis induction were further seen in all cell lines. Treatment with the mitochondria-targeted free radical scavenger JP4-039 decreased superoxide levels in all cells lines and increased basal and maximal respiration in two ETHE1 deficient cell lines and in the SO deficient cells. Our findings provide evidence that alterations in energy and redox homeostasis, mitochondrial biogenesis and dynamics, as well as in the communication between mitochondria and ER are pathological mechanisms involved in the SO and ETHE1 deficiencies. Furthermore, since bezafibrate and JP4-039 exerted protective effects, it may be suggested that these compounds are attractive agents for the development of new therapeutic strategies aiming to improve the prognosis of patients affected by SO and ETHE1 deficiency.
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Dissolution of cellulose for textile fibre applicationsKihlman, Martin January 2012 (has links)
This thesis forms part of a project with the objective of developing and implementing a novel, wood-based, process for the industrial production of cellulose textile fibres. This new process should not only be cost effective but also have far less environmental impact then current processes. Natural and man-made fibres are usually plagued with problems (e.g. economic and environmental) and are unsuitable in meeting growing demands. The focus of this thesis was therefore to investigate the dissolution of cellulose derived from various pulps in novel aqueous solvent systems. It was shown that cellulose could be dissolved in a NaOH/H2O solvent at low temperatures (<0°C) and that such an alkaline solvent can be improved regarding the solubility, stability and rheological properties of the cellulose dopes formed if different additives (salts or amphiphilic molecules) are used. The effect of different kinds of pretreatment (individually and combined) and the influence of pulp properties on cellulose accessibility and dissolution were also evaluated. These pretreatments affected, as expected, some characteristic properties of the pulps mainly by reducing the DP but also, for example, changing the composition of the carbohydrates. Not only did the pretreatment affect the solubility it also increased the stability of the cellulose dopes, resembling the effect of chemical additives to the NaOH system. According to multivariate data analysis it was established that, of the pulp properties analyzed, only the composition of carbohydrates and the DP had a significant influence on the solubility of the pulps used in this study. Finally, it was emphasized that the dissolution of cellulose pulps seemed to be controlled by a very complex interaction between both kinetic and thermodynamic parameters. / CelluNova
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Oxidative of organic compounds by oxysulfur radicals in the presence of transition metal ions and sulfite / Élimination oxydative de composés organiques par les radicaux oxysulfures en présence de métaux de transition et sulfiteYuan, Yanan 25 May 2018 (has links)
Ces dernières années, de plus en plus de composés organiques réfractaires et toxiques ont été détectés dans les eaux usées. Un bon nombre de ces polluants organiques sont difficilement dégradés par des traitements classiques. Les procédés d’oxydation avancée à base de radicaux sulfates (SR-AOP) sont apparus comme une méthode innovante dans le domaine de la décontamination oxydative des eaux polluées. Des études antérieures ont porté sur ces SR-AOP utilisant du peroxodisulfate (PS) ou du peroxomonosulfate (PMS) comme oxydants, en particulier des couples «métaux de transition et oxydants» (systèmes Fe (II)/PS, systèmes Ni(II)/PMS et Co (II))/PMS), où il a été confirmé que SO4•-·présentent des avantages (sélectivité) par rapport au radical hydroxyle (HO•) pour la décontamination des eaux usées contenant des polluants organiques.Dans cette thèse, nous avons généré des radicaux tels que le radical sulfite SO3•-, le radical sulfate SO4•-, le radical peroxomonosulfate SO5•- à partir d’ions métalliques (Cr(VI), le Co(II), le Fe(III)) capables d’activer le sulfite pour la dégradation des composés organiques. L'efficacité d'élimination et le mécanisme d'oxydation ont été étudiés et le rôle des espèces soufrées a été élucidé. / In recent years, more and more refractory and toxic organic compounds are detected in wastewater. Many of these organic pollutants can hardly be degraded by conventional water treatments. Sulfate radical based advanced oxidation process (SR-AOPs), have emerged as a promising method in the field of oxidative decontamination of polluted water. Past studies focused on this SR-AOPs with peroxydisulfate (PS) or peroxymonosulfate (PMS) as oxidants, especially the ‘transition metal + oxidants’ (i.e. Fe(II)/PS system, Ni(II)/PMS system and Co(II)/PMS system), which has been confirmed that SO4·− has advantages over HO in the decontamination of wastewater containing organic pollutants. In this PhD thesis, oxysulfur radicals including sulfite radical SO3·−, sulfate radical SO4·−, peroxymonosulfate radical SO5·− produced by transition metal ions such as Cr(VI), Co(II), Fe(III) activated sulfite were used to degrade organic compounds. The removal efficiency, the oxidation mechanism were examined, and and the role of sulfur species were elucidated.
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