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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Gestión de Controversias aplicadas en un Contrato a Suma Alzada en la modalidad de ejecución Fast Track para un Proyecto Privado de Infraestructura de Salud en el Norte del Perú / Dispute Management in a Lump Sum Contract in the Fast Track form for a Health Infrastructure Private Project in Northern Perú

Cerna Meza, Luis Miguel, Huerta Amoretti, Héctor Daniel, Narciso Maldonado, Daphne Olga 28 January 2021 (has links)
El Trabajo de Investigación presenta el caso de la construcción de una clínica en el norte del país, que empezó como un proyecto con un alcance definido y con un contrato a suma alzada, pero que durante la ejecución y por iniciativa del propietario se dieron tantos cambios que lo convirtieron en la práctica en un proyecto fast track con un contrato a suma alzada. Esta situación originó una serie de impactos en costo y plazo que derivaron en reclamos planteados por el contratista del orden del 10% de la venta, incluyendo los costos derivados de un posible arbitraje. Teniendo en cuenta esta experiencia, se plantea como alternativa un proceso de gestión de cambios robusto en donde se enfatiza el pleno conocimiento del alcance del proyecto y del contrato como medida de prevención que busca que el cambio planteado esté formulado de una manera clara sobre la base de los documentos del proyecto. Asimismo, para aquellos casos en los que el reclamo es inevitable se plantea también el proceso de gestión de prevención de reclamos, en donde se establecen pautas para la negociación tratando de evitar llegar a la última instancia que sería el litigio por la vía judicial. / This Research Paper presents the case of the construction of a clinic in the north of the country that began as a project with a defined scope and with a lump sum contract, but during the execution and at the initiative of the owner there were so many changes which effectively turned it into a fast track project with a lump sum contract. This situation originated a series of cost and time impacts that resulted in claims raised by the contractor of the order of 10% of the sale including the costs derived from a possible arbitration. Taking into account this experience, a robust change management process is proposed as an alternative where full knowledge of the project scope and contract are emphasized as a preventive measure that seeks the proposed change may be formulated in a clear way on the basis of the project documents. Likewise, for those cases in which the claim is unavoidable, the claims management process is also proposed, where guidelines for negotiation are established, trying to avoid reaching the last instance, which would be litigation through the courts. / Tesis

Algunos resultados sobre B-matrices y matrices con inversa positiva

Abad Rodríguez, Manuel Francisco 26 July 2012 (has links)
El objetivo de esta memoria es analizar, desde diferentes puntos de vista, dos clases de matrices ampliamente utilizadas, las matrices con inversa positiva y las B-matrices. Vamos a generalizar, en unos casos, y completar en otros los resultados obtenidos por diferentes investigadores. El problema de caracterizar matrices inversa-positiva ha sido extensamente tratado en la literatura. Diversos autores estudiaron el concepto para matrices inversa-positiva que además fuesen Z-matriz (es decir, M-matrices). Otros autores se ocuparon de caracterizar los patrones de signos que debe seguir una matriz inversa-positiva. La inversa-positividad de matrices cuadradas reales juega un rol muy importante en diferentes áreas de la ciencia y la ingeniería y ha sido analizada en diferentes contextos. En nuestro trabajo presentamos nuevas caracterizaciones de matrices inversa-positiva. Analizamos también el concepto inversa-positiva para un tipo particular de patrón de signos: el patrón 'checkerboard'. La suma sub-directa de matrices es una generalización de la suma habitual de matrices. Fue introducida por C. Johnson y S. Fallat y aparece de un modo natural en completación de matrices y subdominios solapados en métodos de descomposición de dominios, entre otros contextos. También aparece en diversas variantes de precondicionamiento aditivo de Schwartz, y cuando se analizan métodos aditivos de Schwartz para cadenas de Markov. En este trabajo aportamos nuevos resultados acerca de la suma sub-directa de matrices con inversa positiva y de la suma sub-directa de las distintas clases de B-matrices, planteándonos las preguntas de Fallat y Johnson y respondiéndolas para las clases de matrices mencionadas. Johnson, estudió los posibles patrones de signos de una matriz compatibles con el hecho de que tenga su inversa positiva. Siguiendo sus resultados, analizamos el concepto inversa-positiva para un tipo particular de patrón: el patrón 'checkerboard'. Estudiamos también en esta memoria la / Abad Rodríguez, MF. (2012). Algunos resultados sobre B-matrices y matrices con inversa positiva [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/16883

El culto al dios Viracocha y al Sol en la formación del Tahuantinsuyu, según los primarios cronistas de la historia inca Juan de Betanzos, Pedro Cieza de León y Miguel Cabello de Balboa

Lei, Shudi 26 March 2019 (has links)
Para entender la religión y las costumbres de los incas, así como la cosmovisión de los pueblos del mundo andino, las crónicas constituyen una fuente fundamental. El culto al dios Viracocha y el culto solar resultan temas importantes y complejos, diferentes cronistas lo describen con distintos énfasis debido a una serie de factores. La presente investigación se enfoca en analizar el culto a estos dioses en la formación del Tahuantisuyu, así como sus estrechos vínculos con los gobernantes incas, a partir del análisis de tres cronistas importantes de la historia de los incas, Juan de Betanzos, Cieza de León y Cabello de Balboa. En primer lugar, se describe el contexto en que fueron escritas las crónicas, el cual influyó en su contenido y en la apreciación que tuvieron sus autores de los incas. Posteriormente, se presenta las descripciones del culto al dios Viracocha y el Sol de los tres autores. Y luego se hará una comparación de las diferencias y similitudes en las descripciones de dichos temas y analizar los distinto énfasis que ponen los tres cronistas y los intereses y restricciones que están detrás de los autores bajo su época. / To understand the religion and customs of the Incas, as well as the worldview of the peoples of the Andean world, the chronicles constitute a fundamental source. The cult to the god Viracocha and the solar cult is a very important and complex subject, different chroniclers describe it with different emphases due to a series of factors. The present investigation focuses on analyzing the cult of these gods in the formation of the Tahuantisuyu, as well as their close ties with the Inca rulers, from the analysis of three important chroniclers of the history of the Incas, Juan de Betanzos, Cieza de León and Cabello de Balboa. In the first place describe the context in which the chronicles were written, which influences their content and opinion. In addition, this work focuses on making a comparison about the differences and similarities in the descriptions of these topics and analyzing the different emphases that put the three chroniclers and the interests and restrictions that are behind the authors under their time. / Tesis

Poplatková politika bank v ČR a v Německu / Problems of the Banking Fees

BRZÁK, Tomáš January 2008 (has links)
My thesis concentrates on the problems of the banking fees of banks in Czech Republic and Germany. It aims to examine the bank fees from the bank customers{\crq} point of view, and witch regard to the importance of the bank{\crq}s profit formation by analyzing and comparing bank politics in the Czech Republic and Germany. This thesis consists of two parts: theoretical and practical one. The theoretical part focuses on analyzing different types of bank schemes, their advantages and disadvantages and various types of banks existing in the market, and also on the scope of integral rate license. Last but not least, it deals with the analysis of the new Basel II which supports the stability of the financial system and competitive environment. The theoretical part also informs about the structure of the bank system in Germany and the competence of various bank institutions. The practical part similarly concentrates on analyzing the level of costs and commissions in relation to pecuniary gain of banks in Czech Republic and Germany. It also compares the banks on the basis of various indicators, such as for example the total assets, capital assets, number of business opportunities and net profit. Besides, it contains the level and progression of various fees of specific services over the last years, the pricing of bank deals and also all sorts of surveys like the most ridiculous fee, the bank with the best provided service and the bank with the best arranged scale of charges. Apart from that, it looks into the consumers{\crq} awareness about tariff changes in Czech Republic as well as Germany and it also focuses on the rules of conduct that the banks agreed on in order to improve the quality of the services for their customers.

Účetní a daňové konsekvence zákona o obchodních korporacích / Accounting and tax consequences of the Business corporation act

Šindelář, Michal January 2013 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the new legal regulation of trading companies. The aim is to present the legal regulation of trading companies and so to connect the Business corporation act with the accounting and tax regulations. The first part presents the basic aspects of the regulation of trading companies in the system of the new legal regulation. It deals with the mutual position of the new Civil code and the Business corporation act and occupies itself with the general reglation of legal persons, that applies to trading companies. This part is being followed with the presentation of general requirements of the Business corporation act. The second part analyses the personal companies, where the special attention is dedicated to deposit duty, that can be paid for by doing work. The last part presents the capital companies and the special attention is dedicated ty paying of prepayments on share on profit (dividends) in these companies. The thesis is completed with a lot of practical examples and diagrams.

Knihovna pro výpočet šumů používaných v procedurálním texturování / Library for Evaluation of Noises Used in Procedural Texturing

Kučera, Ondřej Unknown Date (has links)
The aim of the work is to describe procedural texturing and usage of a noise for creating textures of real materials. The reader will learn the fundamentals of the noise, its properties and a way of using it. Random numbers and interpolation methods are important parts of the noise evaluations, therefore there are chapters about random numbers generating and interpolation methods. Obviously, there is not missing the chapter, which is depicting properties and principles of several methods of creating noise. The main part of this work is effective implementation of library with a chosen noise methods, so next chapters are about choosing methods and design of the interface, implementation and many kinds of tests and optimalizations. Achieved results and final conclusions are at the end of this work.

Generació additiva de funcions d'agregació conjuntives i disjuntives discretes

Monreal Garcies, Jaume 14 September 2012 (has links)
En aquest treball es defineix el concepte de generador additiu de t–normes i de t–conormes discretes. S’hi estableixen resultats generals sobre la generació additiva de disjuncions i les caracteritzacions dels generadors de les t–conormes bàsiques. Es planteja un algorisme per a decidir quan una disjunció és additivament generable, basat en l’algorisme Gamma de la teoria de convexitat. S’estudia la relació que hi ha entre la generació additiva amb la suma ordinal i amb l’anidament. S’introdueixen els conceptes de generador concau i generador convex. S’estudia la generació additiva de les disjuncions i les t–conormes suaus i bivalents sobre L*. S’insisteix amb l’aplicabilitat de la generació additiva quan es tracta de manejar la condició de T–transitivitat per a relacions d’indistingibilitat discretes. Finalment, s’estudia la relació que hi ha entre la generació additiva d’una t–conorma S i les propietats de l’S–implicació corresponent. Amb motiu de les propietats d’ordre i modus ponens generalitzat, es defineixen els generadors mixtos

Em defesa da cristandade : Tomás de Aquino e o conceito de "bem comum" na Suma teológica

Fontoura, Odir Mauro da Cunha January 2016 (has links)
Esta dissertação tem por tema o conceito de “bem comum”, tal como é compreendido por Tomás de Aquino em sua obra magna, a Suma Teológica. Teve-se por objetivo analisar as relações deste conceito tanto com a teologia quanto com o direito canônico do séc. XIII, saberes que embasam e legitimam as discussões sobre o bem comum na sociedade medieval. Também objetivou-se articular as reflexões de Tomás de Aquino ao desenvolvimento da Inquisição na Idade Média central. No primeiro capítulo, foi analisado como este conceito é entendido pelo teólogo e como está localizado na Suma, em outras palavras, quais são as outras reflexões que orbitam ao redor da questão do “bem comum” para Tomás. Nesse sentido, para entender as reflexões teológicas e jurídicas que embasam a concepção tomista de bem comum no séc. XIII, com o auxílio da metodologia da história intelectual, foi possível fazer um mapeamento na obra para verificar quais são as referências de autoridade (auctoritas) para o teólogo, sendo possível questionar: quem Tomás de Aquino cita ao falar sobre este conceito? Assim, filiando o Aquinate a uma tradição intelectual que remonta tanto a Agostinho quanto a Aristóteles, foi possível verificar qual é a inovação deste teólogo no debate em relação aos seus antecessores. No segundo capítulo, foi possível compreender que o conceito de bem comum está intimamente ligado às discussões de Tomás a respeito do pecado, da heresia, do lugar do herege na sociedade e sobre como e porquê ele deve ser exterminado da civitas. Situando a posição de Tomás a respeito do bem comum ao estabelecimento progressivo da Inquisição na Idade Média central, foi possível perguntar: Tomás de Aquino representa a Igreja na segunda metade do séc. XIII? Tal questionamento revelou que Tomás não é um representante unilateral da reforma que a Cristandade empreende no período. No último capítulo, o conceito de bem comum, conforme Tomás de Aquino, também foi associado ao desenvolvimento de uma sociedade perseguidora no séc. XIII, o que permitiu tanto refletir sobre uma “nova” espiritualidade que entra em vigor com a atuação dos mendicantes na civitas quanto, a partir de um exercício de antropologia escolástica, ver como Tomás, a exemplo dos seus pares, enxergava a comunidade cristã na qual estava inserido. Através da criação de uma categoria conceitual, a civitas christiana, foi possível entender que – pelo menos para Tomás de Aquino –, apesar da perseguição institucional empreendida, o lugar do herege na Idade Média não é fora da sociedade cristã, mas ao contrário, tendo funções a desempenhar nessa communitas, seu lugar é dentro dela. / The subject of this dissertation is the concept of “common good”, as understood by Thomas Aquinas in his magna opera, the Summa Theologica. One goal was to analyze the relationship of this concept with both the theology and in canon law of the XIIIth, knowledge that support and legitimize discussions of the common good in medieval society. Also aimed to articulate the thoughts of Thomas Aquinas to the development of the Inquisition in the Central Middle Ages. In the first chapter, was intended to analyze how this concept is understood by the theologian and as it is located in the document, in another way, what are the other reflections that orbiting the question of “common good” for Aquinas. In this sense, in order to understand the theological and juridical considerations underpinning the Thomist conception of the common good in XIIIth century with the help of the methodology of intellectual history, it was possible to map the work in order to verify what are the authority of references (auctoritas) to the theologian and, therefore, to question: who Aquinas quotes when talking about this concept? Wherefore, affiliating Aquinas to an intellectual tradition that dates back as far as Aristotle to Augustine, it was possible to find what is the innovation of this theologian in the debate over its predecessors. In the second chapter, from these issues, it was possible to understand that the concept of common good is closely linked to Aquinas’s discussions about sin, heresy, heretic’s place in society and how and why it should be destroyer from the civitas. Situating Aquinas’s position on the common good to the progressive establishment of the Inquisition in the Middle Ages central, it was questioned: Is Thomas Aquinas representative of Church in the second half of XIIIth century? Such questioning illustrated that Thomas is not an unilateral representative of reform that Christianity undertakes the period. In the last chapter, the concept of the common good, according Thomas Aquinas, was also associated with the development of a persecuting society in the XIIIth, which allowed both reflect about a “new” spirituality which takes effect with the activities of mendicants in the civitas as well as an exercise in scholastic anthropology, see how Aquinas, like its peers, understand the Christian community in which he was inserted. By creating a conceptual category, the civitas christiana, was possible to understand that – at least for Aquinas –, despite the undertaken institutional persecution, the place of the heretic in the Middle Ages is not “out” of Christian society, it’s the opposite, having duties in this communitas, their place is in it.

Em defesa da cristandade : Tomás de Aquino e o conceito de "bem comum" na Suma teológica

Fontoura, Odir Mauro da Cunha January 2016 (has links)
Esta dissertação tem por tema o conceito de “bem comum”, tal como é compreendido por Tomás de Aquino em sua obra magna, a Suma Teológica. Teve-se por objetivo analisar as relações deste conceito tanto com a teologia quanto com o direito canônico do séc. XIII, saberes que embasam e legitimam as discussões sobre o bem comum na sociedade medieval. Também objetivou-se articular as reflexões de Tomás de Aquino ao desenvolvimento da Inquisição na Idade Média central. No primeiro capítulo, foi analisado como este conceito é entendido pelo teólogo e como está localizado na Suma, em outras palavras, quais são as outras reflexões que orbitam ao redor da questão do “bem comum” para Tomás. Nesse sentido, para entender as reflexões teológicas e jurídicas que embasam a concepção tomista de bem comum no séc. XIII, com o auxílio da metodologia da história intelectual, foi possível fazer um mapeamento na obra para verificar quais são as referências de autoridade (auctoritas) para o teólogo, sendo possível questionar: quem Tomás de Aquino cita ao falar sobre este conceito? Assim, filiando o Aquinate a uma tradição intelectual que remonta tanto a Agostinho quanto a Aristóteles, foi possível verificar qual é a inovação deste teólogo no debate em relação aos seus antecessores. No segundo capítulo, foi possível compreender que o conceito de bem comum está intimamente ligado às discussões de Tomás a respeito do pecado, da heresia, do lugar do herege na sociedade e sobre como e porquê ele deve ser exterminado da civitas. Situando a posição de Tomás a respeito do bem comum ao estabelecimento progressivo da Inquisição na Idade Média central, foi possível perguntar: Tomás de Aquino representa a Igreja na segunda metade do séc. XIII? Tal questionamento revelou que Tomás não é um representante unilateral da reforma que a Cristandade empreende no período. No último capítulo, o conceito de bem comum, conforme Tomás de Aquino, também foi associado ao desenvolvimento de uma sociedade perseguidora no séc. XIII, o que permitiu tanto refletir sobre uma “nova” espiritualidade que entra em vigor com a atuação dos mendicantes na civitas quanto, a partir de um exercício de antropologia escolástica, ver como Tomás, a exemplo dos seus pares, enxergava a comunidade cristã na qual estava inserido. Através da criação de uma categoria conceitual, a civitas christiana, foi possível entender que – pelo menos para Tomás de Aquino –, apesar da perseguição institucional empreendida, o lugar do herege na Idade Média não é fora da sociedade cristã, mas ao contrário, tendo funções a desempenhar nessa communitas, seu lugar é dentro dela. / The subject of this dissertation is the concept of “common good”, as understood by Thomas Aquinas in his magna opera, the Summa Theologica. One goal was to analyze the relationship of this concept with both the theology and in canon law of the XIIIth, knowledge that support and legitimize discussions of the common good in medieval society. Also aimed to articulate the thoughts of Thomas Aquinas to the development of the Inquisition in the Central Middle Ages. In the first chapter, was intended to analyze how this concept is understood by the theologian and as it is located in the document, in another way, what are the other reflections that orbiting the question of “common good” for Aquinas. In this sense, in order to understand the theological and juridical considerations underpinning the Thomist conception of the common good in XIIIth century with the help of the methodology of intellectual history, it was possible to map the work in order to verify what are the authority of references (auctoritas) to the theologian and, therefore, to question: who Aquinas quotes when talking about this concept? Wherefore, affiliating Aquinas to an intellectual tradition that dates back as far as Aristotle to Augustine, it was possible to find what is the innovation of this theologian in the debate over its predecessors. In the second chapter, from these issues, it was possible to understand that the concept of common good is closely linked to Aquinas’s discussions about sin, heresy, heretic’s place in society and how and why it should be destroyer from the civitas. Situating Aquinas’s position on the common good to the progressive establishment of the Inquisition in the Middle Ages central, it was questioned: Is Thomas Aquinas representative of Church in the second half of XIIIth century? Such questioning illustrated that Thomas is not an unilateral representative of reform that Christianity undertakes the period. In the last chapter, the concept of the common good, according Thomas Aquinas, was also associated with the development of a persecuting society in the XIIIth, which allowed both reflect about a “new” spirituality which takes effect with the activities of mendicants in the civitas as well as an exercise in scholastic anthropology, see how Aquinas, like its peers, understand the Christian community in which he was inserted. By creating a conceptual category, the civitas christiana, was possible to understand that – at least for Aquinas –, despite the undertaken institutional persecution, the place of the heretic in the Middle Ages is not “out” of Christian society, it’s the opposite, having duties in this communitas, their place is in it.

Trh s hypotečními zástavními listy a trh hypotečních úvěrů / The Bonds and Mortgage Loans Market

PAULUS, Jan January 2008 (has links)
This thesis deals with the problem of banks in connection with mortgage loans and mortgage bonds. Its main aim is the research and analysis ot the market with mortgage bonds and mortgage loans in the Czech and Slovak Republic. The work also takes into concern the so discussed integration of European mortgage markets. The thesis is divided into five chapters. The first two chapters are theoretical and are focused on the legislature and the feature of bonds and mortgage bonds. One of the components is the problem of mortgage banks and mortgage loans. The practical section is divided into three chapters. The first chapter is focused on the position of mortgage banks in the Czech and Slovak Republics in the framework of the bank´s sector in the given country. The banks are evaluated on the basis of economic criteria including balance sheets, net profit, initial capital, capital feasibility, number of branches and number of employees. The final part of this section is the evaluation and comprison of the Czech and Slovak bank sectors and their comparison with the European Union. The second chapter deals with entities conducting in the field of mortgage banking and the evaluation of their position in the framework of the Czech and Slovak Republic. The third chapter evaluates the present state and predicts further developments of the bank market in the area of mortgage bonds and mortgage loans. The problem of the integration of mortgage markets in the European Union is included.

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