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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Skolhälsopersonalens upplevelser av att främja sunda levnadsvanor hos elever : En kvalitativ studie

Aqaian, Linda January 2015 (has links)
Ohälsosamma levnadsvanor bland barn och ungdomar är ett folkhälsoproblem. Ett av skolhälsovårdens uppdrag är att verka för sunda levnadsvanor hos eleverna. Syftet med studien var att undersöka skolhälsopersonalens upplevelser av att främja sunda levnadsvanor hos skolbarn i 6-10 års ålder vid kommunala grundskolor i Västerås Stad. En kvalitativ studiedesign valdes för att uppnå syftet. Datainsamlingen skedde genom sex individuella semistrukturerade intervjuer med skolhälsovårdens personal och en manifest innehållsanalys tillämpades för att analysera insamlad data. Resultatet visade att samverkan mellan olika aktörer mot ett gemensamt mål samt en individbaserat arbetsmetod ansågs vara centrala förutsättningar för skolhälsopersonalen för att främja sunda levnadsvanor hos elever. Ojämlik resursfördelning, brist på kompetens hos skolsköterskor samt brist på effektiva evidensbaserade arbetsstrategier identifierades som utmaningar för att uppfylla målet. I resultatet framkom även att skolhälsopersonalen upplever sin roll både som vägledande och stödjande för beteendeförändringar mot sunda levnadsvanor. Studien visade dock att dessa roller behövde förstärkas. Det behövs mer forskning för att utveckla evidensbaserad kunskap och ett evidensbaserat ramverk för att bemöta de upplevda utmaningarna inom skolhälsovårdens hälsofrämjande arbete för att främja sunda levnadsvanor hos elever. / Unhealthy lifestyles are increasing among children and this has been identified as a public health problem. School is a key setting for promoting healthy lifestyles. The school health services have an ambition to promote healthy lifestyles among pupils. The aim of this study was to explore the experiences of school healthcare staff of promoting healthy lifestyles among school children 6-10 years old at the municipal primary schools in the city of Västerås. A qualitative study design was chosen and data collection took place through six individual semi-structured interviews with school healthcare staff. A content analysis was applied to analyze the collected data. The study showed that collaboration between various stakeholders towards a common goal as well as a person-centered approach were considered as main facilitators for the school healthcare staff to promote healthy lifestyles. Unequal distribution of resources, lack of knowledge and skills among school nurses and lack of practical evidence-based working strategies were considered as challenges for the school healthcare staff to promote healthy lifestyles. This study proved to be a guiding as well as a supporting role for the school healthcare staff in health behaviour changes in pupils and their families. This study, however, showed that these roles needed to be strengthened. More research is required to improve evidence-based knowledge and to develop an evidence-based framework to address the perceived challenges in school healthcare efforts towards promoting healthy lifestyles among pupils.

Pedagogiska rum för barn

Hemning, Christian January 2011 (has links)
Reggio Emilia inspirerad förskola med rum mellan tak och golv.

Occurrence of Bornean Mammals in Two Commercial Forest Reserves and Characteristics that Influence their Detectability

Wong, Seth Timothy 08 December 2017 (has links)
The Southeast Asian island of Borneo boasts an incredible diversity of terrestrial mammals which is threatened by habitat loss. Understanding the abundance and distribution of these species is essential for conservation and management. We assessed the occurrence of terrestrial mammals within two commercial forest reserves in Sabah, Malaysian Borneo. In particular, we investigated the habitat associations of the Sunda stink-badger, whose patchy distribution is not well understood. To improve detection probability and precision of model parameters, we deployed 2 camera-traps at sample stations. Our results showed that Sunda stink-badgers are likely dietary and habitat generalists, that may benefit from forest disturbance. Additionally, we found that unguligrade species were associated with high detection probability when data from one camera trap was considered and inclusion of a second camera further increased the detectability of ungulates compared to all other species. We suggest that future studies consider physical characteristics of focal species to maximize effectiveness of camera effort and ensure that data collection is efficient and meets project needs.

Peasants and policymakers : agricultural transformation in Java under Suharto /

Axelsson, Tobias. January 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Doctoral dissertation. / Database: Nordic Web Publications. Format: PDF. Bibl.

Materialval i byggprocessen : Utvärdering av ”metod för val av sunda ytmaterial” / Material selection in the building process : Evaluation of  “method for selection of healthy surface materials”

Andrén, Johanna, Päbel, Elin January 2014 (has links)
Allt byggande innebär en miljöbelastning i någon form men med en bra arbetsmetod som dessutom är enkel att använda kan byggsektorns miljöpåverkan minska. När olika byggmaterial ska jämföras finns det många faktorer att väga in om ett miljö- och hälsomässigt bra val ska göras. År 2012 tog två byggingenjörsstudenter vid Karlstads Universitet fram ett metod för att jämföra olika ytmaterial ur miljö-, hälso- och funktionsperspektiv för offentlig miljö. I den här rapporten görs en utvärdering av  metoden genom koppling till ett verkligt projekt. Metoden består av en multikriterieanalys där kriterier som rör miljö, hälsa och funktion ingår. I multikriterieanalysen poängsätts och värderas olika kriterier för varje material för att sedan summeras så att de olika materialen kan jämföras. När multikriterieanalysen är genomförd vägs den ekomomiska aspekten in med hjälp av en formel där så kallade nyckeltal räknas ut och jämförs. I den här rapporten testas metoden på ett verkligt renoveringsprojekt tillsammans med aktiva personer i byggbranschen för att se om den är användbar och tillräckligt omfattande för att få fram ett miljömässigt hållbart resultat. Projektet som metoden tillämpas på är en ombyggnation av Hagfors gamla stationshus där det skulle byggas kontor. Tolv olika golvmaterial till rumstyperna kontor, korridor och personalrum togs fram och beräknades enligt metoden. Metodens användbarhet diskuterades sedan i en workshop med deltagare från arkitektkontoret som var delaktiga renoveringsprojektet. Metoden för val av sunda ytmaterial visade sig vara svår att sätta sig in i vid genomförandet av metoden. Den tog även tid att genomföra på grund av all data som skulle sammanställas för varje materialalternativ. Ekonomiaspekten i metoden var svår att genomföra på ett verklighetsanpassat sätt då priserna oftast fås genom offert när det gäller inköpspris och montagekostnad för golv. Om metoden ska bli attraktiv för byggbranschen måste den vara enkel att använda och inte tidskrävande eftersom kostnaden kan bli svår att motivera för beställaren. Enligt deltagarna i workshopen behöver kriterierna ses över, dels för att de tyckte att några saknades för att metoden skulle bli mer miljömässig och dels för att funktionskriterierna inte skulle fungera att jämföra på det här sättet i verkligheten. I byggbranschen finns det ett intresse av en arbetsmetod där likartade material kan jämföras miljö- och hälsomässigt. Metoden som presenteras i rapporten är inte tillräckligt utvecklad och lätthanterlig för att användas i verkliga projekt. / All construction has an impact on the environment in some way but with a good method which is also easy to use, the construction industry´s environmental impact could be reduced. When comparing different materials there are many factors to consider if a good health and environmental choice are to be made. In the year 2012 two construction engineering students at Karlstads University developed a method to compare different surface materials from an environmental, health and function perspective for public areas. This report is an evaluation of the method by relating to a real project. The method consists of a multi-criteria analysis which relates to environmental, health and function aspects. In the multi-criteria analysis (the MCA) the various criteria are evaluated and scored for each material and then sums up so that the materials can be compared. When the MCA is completed the economic aspect are then considered. Using a formula where different ratios are calculated and compared. In this report the method is tested on a real renovation project and together with people working in the construction industry the report will show if the method is useful and comprehensive enough to produce an environmentally sustainable result. The project that the method has been applied to is a reconstruction of Hagfors old station house to an office building. Twelve different flooring materials for office, hall and common room were developed and calculated using the method. The usefulness of the method was discussed in a workshop with participants from the architect office which was involved in the renovation project. The method for selecting good surface materials proved difficult to put into the implementation of the method. It also took time to complete because of all the data that had to be prepared for each material option. The economic aspect of the method was difficult to implement in a realistic way when prices for flooring usually are obtained by quotation regarding the purchase price and installation cost. If the method is to be attractive to the construction industry it must be simple to use and not time consuming because the cost can be difficult to justify to the client. According to the workshop participants the criteria needs to be revised, partly because the thought that some criteria were missing for the method to be more environmental friendly and partly because it would not be possible to compare the performance standards in this way in reality. In the construction industry, there is an interest in a working method where similar materials can be compared in an environmental and health point of view. The method presented in this report in neither developed nor easy enough to use in real projects.

Assessing the influence of anthropogenic disturbance on sympatric felids on Borneo with special reference to the Sunda clouded leopard

Hearn, Andrew James January 2016 (has links)
For decades, Borneo's once extensive and pristine forests have been increasingly exposed to a suite of anthropogenic disturbance and deforestation processes as a result of selective and illegal logging, hunting, droughts, fires and the conversion to plantations, chiefly oil palm. Such disturbance is likely impacting the Sunda clouded leopard, Neofelis diardi, and other threatened, sympatric Bornean felids, yet few studies have attempted to address these issues. In this thesis, I used data from intensive camera trap surveys throughout Sabah, Malaysian Borneo and high-resolution GPS data from tagged Sunda clouded leopards to examine the influence of forest disturbance on the abundance, distribution, movements and population connectivity of Sunda clouded leopards and other sympatric felids on Borneo, and to provide some of the first data regarding the ecological interactions and patterns of coexistence among this felid assemblage. I showed that Sunda clouded leopard movement was facilitated by forest cover with high canopy closure, and highly resisted by oil palm plantations with low canopy closure. Models of population connectivity across Sabah identified a number of isolated populations of these felids, which may be particularly threatened with extinction. Analysis of camera trap detection data revealed that the Bornean felids exhibit evidence of resource segregation along the temporal, spatial and prey niche axes, and showed that Sunda clouded leopards, bay cats, Catopuma badia, and marbled cats, Pardofelis marmorata exhibited broad scale avoidance of disturbed habitats but varied in their selection of optimal foraging habitat at fine scales. Conversely, leopard cats, Prionailurus bengalensis, were associated with forest disturbance and likely benefit from such changes. I developed some of the first estimates of population density for Sunda clouded leopards and the first such data for marbled cats. The results are discussed in the context of the conservation of these felids on Borneo.

Discovery of Paleotsunami Deposits along Eastern Sunda Arc: Potential for Megathrust Earthquakes in Bali

Sulaeman, Hanif Ibadurrahman 01 December 2018 (has links)
Several laterally extensive candidate tsunami deposits are preserved along coastlines facing the eastern Java Trench, indicating it has experienced mega-thrust earthquakes in the past. We investigated 37 coastal sites in Bali, Lombok, Sumba and Timor islands, many of which preserve course sand and pebble layers that overlie sharp basal contacts with scour marks into the mud, fine upward in grain size, and have bimodal grain size distributions. Other unique features are the common occurrence of marine fossils and concentrations of heavy minerals. The occurrence of these high-energy deposits interlayered with clay-rich units indicates the coarse clastics are anomalous because they were deposited in what is normally a very low-energy depositional environment. The lateral extent and paucity of thin, coarse clastic layers with marine organisms are inconsistent with local stream flood event, and the proximity to the equator of the sites diminishes the possibility of marine flood events from cyclones. The sparse, but consistent, the occurrence of at least two candidate tsunami deposits at depths of 1 and 2 meters over 950 km along the strike of the Java Trench may reveal that mega-thrust earthquakes have occurred there and generated giant tsunamis in the recent past.Five widely scattered imbricated boulder deposits are also found on Bali, Lombok, and Sumba. The boulders consist of slabs of hardpan up to 2.5 m in length and 80 cm thick that was torn from a near-shore seabed and stacked on top of one another. Some of the boulders were carried over the erosional coastal bank and deposited up to 100 meters inland. Comparisons with imbricated boulder ridges formed during the 1994 tsunami in east Java indicate that these deposits are from one or multiple tsunamis sourced by the Java Trench.Experiments in effective ways to communicate and implement tsunami disaster mitigation strategies have led us to train local communities about the 20-20-20 rule. If coastal communities experience more than 20 seconds of shaking from an earthquake, even if it is not intense, they should evacuate the coast. The time delay between the earthquake and arrival of tsunami waves is around 20 minutes, which is the time window for evacuation. Some tsunami waves may be as high as 20 meters, which is the target elevation for evacuation. Adopting the 20-20-20 rule could save thousands of lives throughout the region, especially in Bali where nearly 1 million people inhabit likely tsunami inundation zones.

Sund inomhusmiljö Studie av betonggolv och dess ytskikt / Healthy indoor environment Study of concrete floors

Linnersund, Malin, Litzleäng, Elin January 2002 (has links)
Detta examensarbete behandlar ämnet sunda hus. Vi har studerat betongplattan med dess ytskikt för att se dess påverkan på inomhusmiljön. Anledningen till att denna rapport har skrivits är att NCC, i samarbete med Stångåstaden AB, är intresserade av att få reda på materials påverkan på inomhusmiljön. Studien har utförts i Linköping på Kv. Irrblosset vilket uppförs som ett sunt studentboende. Vi har delat upp examensarbetet i två studier, betongstudie och en studie av betonggolvens ytskikts. För att öka förståelsen för ämnet har vi gjort en grundlig teoretisk referensram. Betongstudien har utförts med hjälp av studiebesök och intervjuer. För att påskynda uttorkningstiden hos betongen anser vi att vibreringsfri och snabbtorkande betong är lämpliga val för att åstadkomma en sund inomhusmiljö. Valda ytskikt på Kv. Irrblosset har utifrån miljö, kvalitet och hälsa studerats. Vi har sedan angett förslag på alternativa ytskikt som kan användas för att öka inomhuskomforten. Exempel på ytskikt som är speciellt lämpade för en sund inomhusmiljö är löslagda trägolv och linoleum som är valt på Kv. Irrblosset. Efter våra intervjuer har vi kommit fram till att ett kvalitetsarbete är viktigt för att uppnå en sund inomhusmiljö. Kvalitetsarbete måste genomsyra hela företaget från ledning till produktion. Kvalitet kan definieras som en ständig strävan för att bli bättre. / This graduate work discusses the subject healthy buildings. We have studied concrete floor and floor materials to find out their influence on the indoor environment. The reason that this graduate work was written is that NCC in corporation with Stångåstaden AB are interested in materials influence on the indoor environment. The study has been accomplished in Linköping at Kv. Irrbloset, which is built as a healthy building for students. Our graduate work contains two different studies, a study about concrete and a study about concrete floor’s material. We have done a thorough literature study to enlarge our comprehension about the subject. The study that discusses concrete has been accomplished by interviews and educational visits. To speed up the time of desiccation in concrete structures a use of vibration free concrete and fast drying concrete are suitable choices to get a healthy indoor environment. Chosen floor materials at Kv. Irrblosset have been studied from an environmental, quality and health kind of view. We have recommended alternative materials that can be used to increase the quality of the indoor environment. Floor materials that are especially suitable for a healthy indoor environment are wooden floors with no glue and linoleum. After several interviews we figured out that quality work is very important to reach a healthy indoor environment. Quality work must be a part of the whole company and a definition of quality can be a permanent aspiration to become better.

Sund inomhusmiljö Studie av betonggolv och dess ytskikt / Healthy indoor environment Study of concrete floors

Linnersund, Malin, Litzleäng, Elin January 2002 (has links)
<p>Detta examensarbete behandlar ämnet sunda hus. Vi har studerat betongplattan med dess ytskikt för att se dess påverkan på inomhusmiljön. Anledningen till att denna rapport har skrivits är att NCC, i samarbete med Stångåstaden AB, är intresserade av att få reda på materials påverkan på inomhusmiljön. Studien har utförts i Linköping på Kv. Irrblosset vilket uppförs som ett sunt studentboende. </p><p>Vi har delat upp examensarbetet i två studier, betongstudie och en studie av betonggolvens ytskikts. För att öka förståelsen för ämnet har vi gjort en grundlig teoretisk referensram. </p><p>Betongstudien har utförts med hjälp av studiebesök och intervjuer. För att påskynda uttorkningstiden hos betongen anser vi att vibreringsfri och snabbtorkande betong är lämpliga val för att åstadkomma en sund inomhusmiljö. </p><p>Valda ytskikt på Kv. Irrblosset har utifrån miljö, kvalitet och hälsa studerats. Vi har sedan angett förslag på alternativa ytskikt som kan användas för att öka inomhuskomforten. Exempel på ytskikt som är speciellt lämpade för en sund inomhusmiljö är löslagda trägolv och linoleum som är valt på Kv. Irrblosset. </p><p>Efter våra intervjuer har vi kommit fram till att ett kvalitetsarbete är viktigt för att uppnå en sund inomhusmiljö. Kvalitetsarbete måste genomsyra hela företaget från ledning till produktion. Kvalitet kan definieras som en ständig strävan för att bli bättre. </p> / <p>This graduate work discusses the subject healthy buildings. We have studied concrete floor and floor materials to find out their influence on the indoor environment. The reason that this graduate work was written is that NCC in corporation with Stångåstaden AB are interested in materials influence on the indoor environment. The study has been accomplished in Linköping at Kv. Irrbloset, which is built as a healthy building for students. </p><p>Our graduate work contains two different studies, a study about concrete and a study about concrete floor’s material. We have done a thorough literature study to enlarge our comprehension about the subject. </p><p>The study that discusses concrete has been accomplished by interviews and educational visits. To speed up the time of desiccation in concrete structures a use of vibration free concrete and fast drying concrete are suitable choices to get a healthy indoor environment. </p><p>Chosen floor materials at Kv. Irrblosset have been studied from an environmental, quality and health kind of view. We have recommended alternative materials that can be used to increase the quality of the indoor environment. Floor materials that are especially suitable for a healthy indoor environment are wooden floors with no glue and linoleum. </p><p>After several interviews we figured out that quality work is very important to reach a healthy indoor environment. Quality work must be a part of the whole company and a definition of quality can be a permanent aspiration to become better.</p>

Making a living in the world of tourism : livelihoods in backpacker tourism in urban Indonesia /

Sörensson, Erika. January 2008 (has links)
Doktorafhandling. / Format: PDF. Bibl.

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