Spelling suggestions: "subject:"flower oil""
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Dietas hiperlipídicas alteram citocinas inflamatórias, adipocinas, tecido adiposo e fígado em camundongos / Fat diets alter inflammatory cytokines, adipokines, adipose tissue and liver in miceMariana Catta-Preta 21 February 2011 (has links)
As dietas ricas em lipídios saturados provocam efeitos deletérios no metabolismo de glicose, secreção de adipocinas e inflamação, entretanto, outros tipos de lipídios podem modular de forma diferenciada tais efeitos. Assim, o objetivo deste trabalho foi investigar o efeito de diferentes dietas hiperlipídicas no metabolismo de carboidratos, lipídios, no tecido adiposo e no fígado. Camundongos machos C57BL/6 foram divididos em 5 grupos (n=10/grupo): animais que receberam dieta controle (standart chow, SC, 10% de lipídios, grupo controle) e animais que receberam diferentes dietas hiperlipídicas (High-fat, HF, 60% de lipídios): à base de banha de porco (lard, grupo HF-L), à base de óleo de oliva (olive oil, grupo HF-O), à base de óleo de girassol (sunflower oil, grupo HF-S) e à base de óleo de canola (canola oil, grupo HF-Ca).Os animais foram alimentados com as dietas experimentas por 10 semanas. Diariamente a ingestão alimentar era verificada e semanalmente a massa corporal foi aferida. A glicose de jejum e o teste intraperitoneal de tolerância a insulina (TITI) foram realizados uma semana antes da eutanásia. No dia da eutanásia o sangue foi coletado, o tecido adiposo e o fígado dissecados e pesados. A insulina, leptina, adiponectina, resistina, fator de necrose tumoral alfa (TNFα), interleucina-6 (IL-6), proteína quimiotática de monócitos-1 (MCP-1) e inibidor do ativador de plasminogênio-1 (PAI-1) foram dosadas por ELISA. Com os dados de insulina e glicose foi calculado o índice HOMA-IR. Os animais dos grupos HF-L e HF-O apresentaram os maiores valores de insulina, resistina, leptina e HOMA-IR em comparação aos outros grupos (P < 0,0001). No grupo HF-L, os níveis de IL-6 foram maiores quando comparados com os demais grupos (P < 0,0005), enquanto os valores de adiponectina foram os menores (P < 0,0001). A quantidade de gordura subcutânea e visceral foi maior no grupo HF-L e este grupo apresentou também um aumento no diâmetro dos adipócitos. Entretanto a relação:visceral:subcutânea foi maior nos grupos HF-L e HF-O quando comparado com os demais grupos. Além disso, houve aumento de triglicérides hepáticos e de esteatose hepática nos animais dos grupos HF-L e HF-O. Nossos achados nos permitem concluir que animais que são alimentados com dietas hiperlipídica, a distribuição do tecido adiposo, o metabolismo de carboidratos, acumulo de triglicérides hepáticos e esteatose hepática são mais influenciados pelo tipo de lipídios do que pela quantidade. / Diets rich in saturated fat have a deleterious effect on glucose metabolism, adipokine release and inflammation. However, other lipid sources may modulate these parameters differently. Thus, the aim of the present work was to investigate the effect of high-fat diets from different sources on carbohydrate and lipid metabolism, adipose tissue and liver. Male C57BL/6 mice were allocated into 5 groups (n=10/group): standard chow fed mice (SC, 10% lipid, control group), and mice fed with high-fat diets (HF, 60% lipids) as follow: lard (HF-L), olive oil (HF-O), sunflower oil (HF-S), and canola oil (HF-C). Diets were offered for 10 weeks. Food intake was recorded daily and body mass weekly. One week before euthanasia, fasting glucose and intraperitoneal insulin tolerance test (IPITT) were assessed. At euthanasia, blood was collected, and the liver and adipose tissue were weighed. Insulin, leptin, adiponectin, resistin, tumoral necrosis factor alpha (TNFα), interlekin-6 (IL-6), monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 (MCP-1), and plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 (PAI-1) were measured by an Elisa assay. The HOMA-IR index was calculated based on fasting glucose and insulin. Insulin, resistin, leptin and HOMA-IR were higher in HF-L and HF-O groups compared with the remainder groups (P < 0.0001). IL-6 was higher in the HF-L group compared with the other groups (P < 0.0005), whereas adiponectin levels were the lowest (P < 0.0001). The amount of both subcutaneous and visceral fat depots was the highest in the HF-L group, and they also had increased adipocyte diameter. However, visceral to subcutaneous fat ratio was higher in HF-L and HF-O groups compared with the remainder groups. Additionally, HF-L and HF-O groups showed increased hepatic triglyceride content and steatosis. Our data allow us to conclude that the type of lipid instead of its amount is important for determining adipose tissue distribution, carbohydrate metabolism, hepatic triglyceride accumulation and steatosis in mice fed a high-fat diet.
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Efeito da inclusão de óleo de girassol, selênio e vitamina E na dieta de vacas lactantes sobre a qualidade e aceitabilidade do leite / Effect of sunflower oil, selenium and vitamin E inclusion in the diet of lactating cows on the quality and acceptability of milkLéa Furlan D\'Abreu 27 February 2015 (has links)
O objetivo do presente trabalho foi avaliar o efeito da suplementação com óleo de girassol, selênio e vitamina E em vacas lactantes, com base no perfil de ácidos graxos e estabilidade oxidativa da gordura do leite, além da aceitabilidade do produto pelos consumidores. Para tal, 32 vacas da raça Jersey em início de lactação foram distribuídas aleatoriamente entre os seguintes tratamentos dietéticos: C) controle; O) inclusão de 4% de óleo de girassol (% na MS); SE) inclusão de 3.000 UI de vitamina E/d + 3,5 mg de selênio/kg de MS; OSE) inclusão de 4% de óleo de girassol + 3.000 UI de vitamina E/d + 3,5 mg de selênio/kg de MS. Foram realizadas análises do perfil de ácidos graxos, TBARS e índice de peróxidos. Para caracterização sensorial do produto final, foram empregados os testes de aceitabilidade e diferença do controle. Os tratamentos dietéticos não influenciaram o desempenho produtivo e a composição do leite (P>0,05). Os animais suplementados com óleo de girassol produziram leite com elevado teor de ácido vacênico (P<0,0001) e ácido esteárico (P<0,05). O leite dos animais que receberam óleo de girassol apresentou menor concentração de C10:0, C12:0 e C14:0 (P<0,05). A inclusão dos antioxidantes na dieta não conseguiu retardar a oxidação do leite (P>0,05). Os resultados da análise sensorial mostraram que os avaliadores conseguiram identificar diferenças na cor das amostras de leite dos grupos tratados e do controle, em relação a um padrão conhecido (P<0,01), obtendo este a maior nota. Concluiu-se que a inclusão de óleo de girassol na dieta de vacas leiteiras resulta em mudanças no perfil de ácidos graxos do leite, com aumento de CLA, sem alterar a susceptibilidade da gordura à oxidação. A suplementação dietética com vitamina E e selênio não representou nenhum benefício à estabilidade oxidativa do leite. Além disso, as mínimas diferenças observadas pelos consumidores, referente às características organolépticas do leite frente a uma amostra padrão indicam que o produto final teria boa aceitação no mercado. / The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of supplementation with sunflower oil, vitamin E and selenium in lactating cows based on fatty acid profile and oxidative stability of milk fat in addition to the acceptability of the final product by consumers. For this, 32 Jersey cows in early lactation were randomly distributed among the following dietary treatments: C) control; O) inclusion of 4% sunflower oil (% DM); SE) inclusion of 3,000 IU vitamin E/d + 3.5 mg selenium/kg DM; OSE) inclusion of 4% sunflower oil + 3,000 IU vitamin E/d + 3.5 mg selenium/kg DM. Analysis of the milk fatty acid profile, TBARS and peroxide value were performed. For sensory characteristics of the final product, acceptability testing and difference from the control test were conducted. Dietary treatment did not affect cow\'s performance and milk composition (P>0.05). The animals supplemented with sunflower oil produced milk with higher vaccenic acid (P<0.0001) and stearic acid (P<0.05) content. The milk of animals receiving sunflower oil showed the lowest concentrations of C10:0, C12:0 and C14:0 (P<0.05). The inclusion of antioxidants in the diet failed to retard the oxidation of the milk (P>0.05). The results of sensory analysis showed that the evaluators were able to identify differences in the color of the milk samples from control and treated groups, compared to a known standard (P<0.01), to which it was given the highest score. It was concluded that the sunflower oil inclusion in the diet of dairy cows results in changes in milk fatty acids profile, increasing CLA content, without altering the fat susceptibility to oxidation. Dietary supplementation with vitamin E and selenium did not represent any benefit to oxidative stability of milk. Furthermore, the minimum differences observed by consumers, regarding the organoleptic characteristics of milk compared to a known standard indicates that the final product would have good market acceptance.
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Intensification par détente instantanée contrôlée (DIC) de la fonctionnalisation physico-chimiques [sic] des graines végétales (caroube et tournesol) / Intensification by instant controlled pressure drop (DIC) of physico-chimical functionalization of vegetable seeds (carob and sunflower)Zeaiter, Amal 28 September 2018 (has links)
La présente thèse traite, au travers d’une analyse fondamentale et expérimentale, l’effet de texturation par détente instantanée contrôlée (DIC) sur les phénomènes de transfert au cours des processus de séchage, d’extraction mécanique et de comportement rhéologique. Les produits concernés ont été les graines de caroube (gomme et germe) et deux variétés de graines de tournesol (linoléique et oléique). La texturation DIC permet d’agir sur la cinétique de séchage par flux d’air ce qui conduit à une intensification des processus de séchage par flux d’air tout en assurant une bonne préservation de la qualité nutritionnelle du produit fini. L’étude expérimentale a été couplée à une analyse phénoménologique de la cinétique à travers une modélisation de type CWD (coupled Washing/Diffusion). Cette dernière étude conduit à une évaluation de l’impact de la texturation sur la diffusivité effective Deff et l’accessibilité initiale δWs. D’autre part, l’étude expérimentale en vue de l’optimisation de l’opération a été réalisée à travers la méthode des plans d’expériences. La modification des paramètres opératoires fonctionnels de la DIC, à savoir la pression absolue de vapeur d’eau saturée sèche (P), et le temps de traitement thermique (t), ainsi que le nombre des cycles (c) sur l’ensemble des performances de l’opération a été établie sur le comportement rhéologique de la gomme de caroube. Une deuxième partie de la thèse a été consacrée à l’étude fondamentale et expérimentale des procédés d’extraction d’huile de tournesol des deux variétés de graines linoléiques et oléiques. Le traitement thermomécanique par détente instantanée contrôlée (DIC) permet, à travers une modification contrôlée de la structure de la matière première, d’agir sur l’extraction mécanique par presse à froid des huiles de tournesol, ainsi que sur l’extraction par solvant de l’huile à partir du tourteau résiduel. Un complément à cette opération a consisté en l’extraction par solvant (n-hexane) opérée sur l’ensemble des graines de tournesol. La texturation DIC a conduit à une grande augmentation du rendement en huile pour les variétés linoléique et oléique. La préservation de la qualité de l’huile et du tourteau prouve l’adéquation de la DIC avec l’absence pratique de la dégradation chimique. Notre étude a également concerné la définition d’un nouveau procédé de désodorisation. Il s’agit de l’utilisation de l’Autovaporisation Multi-Flash MFA sur le raffinage de l’huile de tournesol. Cette technologie innovante de désodorisation se distingue par son faible niveau de température assurant ainsi une sévérité nettement inférieure à celle des méthodes conventionnelles à haute température. / This thesis deals with a fundamental and experimental analysis of the effect of instant controlled pressure drop (DIC) on the transfer phenomena and rheological behavior, which occurs during the drying process and mechanical and solvent extraction. The products concerned were carob seeds (gum and germ) and two varieties of sunflower seeds (linoleic and oleic). DIC texturing makes it possible to greatly modify the drying kinetics, leading to an effective intensification of the drying processes while maintaining a good preservation of the nutritional quality of the finished product. The experimental study was coupled with a phenomenological kinetic model using the CWD (coupled Washing/Diffusion). This study leads to evaluate the impact of texturing on the effective diffusivity Deff and the initial accessibility δWs. On the other hand, the experimental study for the optimization of the operation was carried out through an adequate experimental design method. The impact of the DIC processing parameters, namely the absolute pressure of saturated dry water vapor (P), and the heat treatment time (t), as well as the number of cycles (c) was established on the rheological behavior of the carob bean gum. A second part of our work was devoted to the theoretical and experimental study of sunflower oil extraction processes of the two types of linoleic and oleic seeds. By acting as a controlled modification of the raw material, (DIC) texturing allowed increasing the yield of sunflower oil by both cold pressing and solvent extraction from the residual cake. DIC texturing has led to a large increase in oil yield for both linoleic and oleic varieties. The preservation of the quality of oil demonstrates that DIC was perfectly adequate with a perfect absence of chemical degradation. Our study also involved the definition of a new deodorization process. This is the use of the Multi-Flash Autovaporization MFA on the refining of sunflower oil. This innovative deodorization technology is characterized by its low temperature level, thus ensuring a much lower severity than conventional high temperature methods.
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Avaliação dos solventes dióxido de carbono supercrítico e propano subcrítico na extração do óleo de girassol / Evaluation of supercritical carbon dioxide and subcritical propane as solvents in the extraction of the sunflower oilNimet, Graziane 13 February 2009 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2009-02-13 / The extraction of oil from greasy seeds is traditionally based in the use of organic solvents. Currently the most used method is the process of extraction by n-hexane. Aiming the obtainment of vegetable oil with higher quality using clean technologies with reduction of oil contamination through solvent and minimizing the damage to the environment is that the technology with fluid pressurized has become one alternative viable to extraction. In this context, the current work has the objective to compare the extraction of the oil in sunflower seeds using the carbon dioxide as solvent in supercritical conditions, the propane in subcritical conditions and the n-hexane. At the beginning, the sunflower seeds were characterized, then went by drying process, crush and sifting and, finally through the extraction process. The experiments were led in temperatures of 40, 50, and 60 °C and pressures of 19, 22 e 25 MPa to carbon dioxide, and temperatures of 30, 45 e 60 ºC and pressures of 8, 10, and 12 MPa to propane. It was considered the effect of the temperature and pressure in the reason of the weight the extracted sunflower oil per weight of solvent used to the different experimental conditions, using a factorial planning 22 with 3 repetitions in the central point. The samples of oil extracted were subordinated to quantification analysis of fatty acids, concentrated of vitamin E (α-tocopherol) and stability oxidative. The pie was analyzed as for its protein content. From the experimental data of the extractions kinetics were tasted the Mathematical models of second order and the Sovová. The results showed that extraction with propane subcritical presented higher rate of extraction when compared to carbon dioxide and to n-hexane, indicating that the propane is a solvent more appropriate to extraction of sunflower oil than the carbon dioxide. The sunflower oil obtained in different experimental conditions didn t present alterations as for the content of fatty acids, however, it was noticed difference in the concentration of vitamin E (α-tocopherol). The samples of oils extracted as in supercritical conditions with carbon dioxide as in subcritical conditions using propane presented better oxidative stability, indicated by the induction time of oxidation than the sample extracted with n-hexane. The pies presented protein contents close independent to the solvent used in the extraction of sunflower oil. The Mathematical modeling of second order and the Sovová model were adapted properly to the experimental data of both solvents. / A extração de óleos de sementes oleaginosas é tradicionalmente baseada no uso de solventes orgânicos. Atualmente o método mais utilizado é o processo de extração por n-hexano. Visando a obtenção de óleos vegetais com maior qualidade utilizando tecnologias limpas com redução de contaminação do óleo pelo solvente e minimizando os danos ao meio ambiente é que a tecnologia com fluidos pressurizados tem se tornado uma alternativa viável de extração. Neste contexto, o presente trabalho teve como objetivo comparar a extração do óleo de sementes de girassol utilizando como solventes o dióxido de carbono em condições supercríticas, o propano em condições subcríticas e o n-hexano. Inicialmente as sementes de girassol foram caracterizadas, então passaram por processo de secagem, moagem e peneiramento e finalmente pelo processo de extração. Os experimentos foram conduzidos em temperaturas de 40, 50 e 60 ºC e pressões de 19, 22 e 25 MPa para o dióxido de carbono, e temperaturas de 30, 45 e 60 ºC e pressões de 8, 10 e 12 MPa para propano. Avaliou-se o efeito da temperatura e pressão na razão de massa de óleo extraída por massa de solvente utilizado para as diferentes condições experimentais, usando um planejamento fatorial 22 com 3 repetições no ponto central. As amostras de óleo extraídas foram submetidas a análises de quantificação de ácidos graxos, concentração de vitamina E (α-tocoferol) e estabilidade oxidativa. A torta foi analisada quanto ao seu teor protéico. A partir dos dados experimentais das cinéticas de extrações foram testados os modelos matemáticos de segunda ordem e de Sovová. Os resultados mostraram que extrações com propano subcrítico apresentaram maior taxa de extração quando comparado ao dióxido de carbono e ao n-hexano, indicando que o propano é um solvente mais apropriado para extração do óleo de girassol do que o dióxido de carbono. O óleo de girassol obtido nas diferentes condições experimentais não apresentou alterações quanto ao teor de ácidos graxos, porém, observou-se diferença na concentração de vitamina E (α-tocoferol). As amostras de óleo extraído tanto em condições supercríticas com dióxido de carbono, quanto em condições subcríticas utilizando propano apresentaram melhor estabilidade oxidativa, indicada pelo tempo de indução da oxidação, do que a amostra extraída com n-hexano. As tortas apresentaram teores protéicos próximos independente do solvente empregado na extração do óleo de girassol. O modelo matemático de segunda ordem e o modelo de Sovová ajustaram-se adequadamente aos dados experimentais de ambos os solventes.
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[pt] A qualidade dos óleos vegetais utilizados na produção de biocombustíveis está diretamente relacionada à qualidade do produto final. Como metais desempenham um papel significativo na oxidação do óleo vegetal, a sua presença é indesejável, mesmo em baixas concentrações. No presente trabalho, investigou
se como a presença de cobre, em diferentes estados de oxidação, cobre(0) ou cobre(II), afeta a estabilidade dos óleos de canola e girassol, auxiliando, assim, na compreensão dos mecanismos de oxidação dos mesmos. Óxido cúprico ou cobre metálico foram adicionados a amostras de óleo gerando suspensões contendo um teor de cobre equivalente a 2000 mg kg 1. As amostras foram mantidas a 90 graus celsius durante catorze dias. Periodicamente, foram retiradas alíquotas, que foram avaliadas quanto à estabilidade oxidativa através da determinação do índice de acidez, índice de iodo, espectroscopias de absorção nas regiões do UV Vis e do infravermelho (FT IR), espectroscopia Raman e do teste Rancimat. Os resultados confirmam que o cobre (não importa a espécie) participa ativamente do processo de degradação dos óleos vegetais, sugerindo que as espécies de metal não apenas influenciam a taxa de oxidação, mas também a extensão dos processos de degradação. Os espectros FT IR das amostras derivadas do óleo de canola mostraram um aumento na razão (I2856/I1747)tx/(I2856/I1747)t0, ou seja, uma diminuição dos grupos éster nas amostras de óleo contaminado com cobre. No entanto, não ocorreram alterações nas bandas com máximo em 1120 e 1098 cm 1, indicando que este metal atua como um catalisador no processo de hidrólise das ligações éster. Além disso, as razões (I2856/I3009)tx/(I2856/I3009)t0 e (I2856/I3010)tx/(I2856/I3010)t0 medidas por espectroscopia no FT IR para o óleo de canola e para o óleo de girassol, respectivamente, e a razão (I2856/I3012)tx/(I2856/I3012)t0 medida por espectroscopia Raman apresentaram um aumento mais pronunciado nas amostras contendo cobre. Contudo, os resultados obtidos sugerem que, durante a oxidação dos triglicerídeos, não ocorreu a quebra de ligações olefínicas, pois, embora tenha sido observado tanto por FT IR como por Raman que a banda relacionada ao v(C-H)cis diminuiu com o progresso da oxidação, não foi verificada significativa diminuição do índice de iodo, indicando que uma grande parte da oxidação nos óleos contaminados com cobre não envolveu diretamente a perda de duplas ligações, e sim a isomerização das duplas ligações cis direcionando a formação de produtos contendo ligações trans. Os dados deste trabalho indicam que o estado de oxidação +2 exerce um maior efeito catalítico do que o cobre na forma de partículas metálicas, uma vez que a diminuição no tempo de indução, assim como o aumento na formação de produtos secundários derivados de oxidação, acompanhada pela medição da absorvância a 270 nm, foi mais pronunciada nas amostras contaminadas com cobre(II). A extensão da isomerização das duplas ligações, acompanhada por FT IR e espectroscopia Raman, apontam neste mesmo sentido. Além disso, a influência de um antioxidante natural, curcumina, também foi avaliada. Verificou se que a sua adição às amostras de óleo contendo cobre(II) elevou a estabilidade frente aos ensaios realizados. / [en] The quality of vegetable oils used in biofuel production is directly related to the quality of the final product. As metals play a significant role in vegetable oil oxidation and degradation, their presence is undesirable, even at low concentrations. The present study investigated how the presence of copper, in different oxidation states, copper(0) or copper(II), affects the stability of canola and sunflower oil, thus aiding in the understanding of oil oxidation mechanisms. Cupric oxide or metallic copper were added to the oil samples generating suspensions containing overall copper amounts equivalent to 2000 mg kg 1. The samples were maintained at 90 celsius degrees for fourteen days. Aliquots were taken periodically and evaluated with regard to oxidative stability, by determining the acid value, iodine value, by absorption UV Vis and Infrared (FT IR) spectroscopy, Raman spectroscopy and the Rancimat test. The results confirm that copper, no matter in what oxidation state, participates actively in vegetable oil degradation, suggesting that the metal species do not only influence the oxidation rate, but also the extent of the degradation processes. The FT IR spectra of samples derived from copper contaminated canola oil showed an increase in the (I2856/I1747)tx/(I2856/I1747)t0 ratio, i.e., a decrease of the ester groups. However, no changes in the bands with maximums at 1120 and 1098 cm 1 were observed, indicating that this metal acts as a catalyst in the hydrolysis process of ester bonds. Furthermore, the (I2856/I3009)tx/(I2856/I3009)t0 and (I2856/I3010)tx/(I2856/I3010)t0 ratios measured by FT IR spectroscopy, for canola and sunflower oil, respectively, and the (I2856/I3012)tx/(I2856 /I3012)t0 ratio measured by Raman spectroscopy showed a more pronounced increase in the copper containing samples. However, the results also suggest that olefinic bonds did not rupture during triglyceride oxidation, since, despite the fact that a decrease in the band related to cis C-H vibration was observed by both FT IR and Raman during the oxidation progress, no reductions in the iodine value were observed, indicating that the majority of the oxidation in the copper containing oils did not involve the loss of double bonds, but the isomerization of cis double bonds, directing the formation of products containing trans bonds. The results reported in this study indicate that copper in the (II) oxidation state exerts a greater catalytic effect than Cu in the form of metal particles, since the decrease in the induction time, as well as the increase in the production of secondary oxidation products, verified by measuring the absorption intensity at 270 nm, was more pronounced in samples contaminated with copper(II). The influence of a natural antioxidant, curcumin, on the oxidation stability of vegetable oils was also evaluated, and its addition to the oil samples containing copper(II) increased oil stability.
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Dielektrické vlastnosti rostlinných olejů pro elektrotechniku / Dielectric Properties of Vegetable Oils for Electrical EngineeringSpohner, Milan January 2021 (has links)
The dissertation thesis deals with the analysis of prospective environmentally compatible electrical insulating fluids for electrical engineering in relation to their chemical structure. The thesis starts with the overview of the current state of the art and of the latest trends in the use of synthetic and biodegradable natural oils. In the experimental part were studied these oils: mineral oils, rapeseed oil, sunflower oils, soybean oil, methyl oleate, peanut oil, MCT oil, castor oil and other. Dielectric properties were measured using LRC meter Agilent 4980A including dielectric liquid test fixture Agilent 16452A and also by the Novocontrol Alpha-A analyzer. Electrical properties are presented in the frequency range 10 mHz – 1 MHz range in the temperature interval 253 K to 363 K. The work goes on with the study of the suitability of individual oils for lower temperature, including the impact of the chemical structure and formulation on electrical properties.
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Analýza reologických vlastností rostlinných olejů a jejich složek / Analysis of the rheological properties of vegetable oils and their componentsDivílek, Petr January 2014 (has links)
This Master’s thesis is dealing with theoretical analysis of vegetable, mineral oils and synthetic fluids, and with measuring of density and viscosity of selected samples of electric insulating fluids. The main part of the thesis is focused on vegetable oils and their elements called fatty acids. Those are more detail described in separate capitols. In those capitols is described their utilization in engineering practice with focus on energetics, where vegetable oils are used in larger scale. In experimental part of the work is measurement of density and dynamic viscosity. Viscosity was measured on two different machines, first the Hoppler viscometer and on vibrating viscometer. Results of these measurement are evaluated in tables and graphs.
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