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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Fusion de données hyperspectrales, polarimétriques et angulaires de diffusion : application au diagnostic optique de milieux denses et complexes / Data fusion system for hyperspectral, polarimetric, and angular scattering : application to optical diagnostic of dense and complex media

Ceolato, Romain 08 November 2013 (has links)
Ces travaux de recherche portent sur le développement d'un système original de fusion de données de diffusion électromagnétique et optique par des milieux denses et complexes. La méthode, à la fois théorique, numérique et expérimentale, permet la fusion des signatures de diffusion hyperspectrales, polarimétriques et angulaires d'un milieu d'étude. Un système expérimental multi-capteurs comprenant une source laser supercontinuum est présenté pour mesurer les signatures de diffusion de différentes cibles. Des modèles directs de simulation physique ont aussi été développés via : (i) une approche dite « top-down » qui modélise les signatures à partir de paramètres macroscopiques (ex. rugosité, indices optiques effectifs) ou (ii) une approche dite « bottom-up » qui modélise les signatures à partir de paramètres microscopiques (ex. distribution en taille, géométrie, concentration, indices optiques et structuration des diffuseurs) en résolvant soit l'équation de transfert radiatif ou directement les équations de Maxwell. Des méthodes inverses appliquées sur les signatures mesurées sont développées pour retrouver simultanément les paramètres d’intérêt du milieu analysé. Les avancées de ces travaux permettent une amélioration de la compréhension des phénomènes de diffusion électromagnétiques et optiques par des milieux denses et complexes tels que les surfaces rugueuses, les revêtements, les nanomatériaux, les suspensions colloïdales ou les agrégats fractals d'aérosols ultrafins. Les domaines d'applications de ces travaux sont l'aéronautique (ex. peintures d'aéronefs), l'imagerie aéroportée ou satellite (ex. imagerie active hyperspectrale ou polarimétrique), la sécurité et la défense (ex. matériaux pour la furtivité) ou bien les sciences de l'atmosphère (ex. systèmes LiDAR, suivi de pollution, suies), l'industrie chimique (ex. suspensions colloïdales) ou le biomédical (ex. diagnostic de tumeurs et mélanomes). / This work reports the development of an original data fusion system dedicated to electromagnetic and light scattering by dense and complex media. The dissertation encompasses the theoretical, numerical and experimental studies. The output of the data fusion system is a fused hyperspectral, polarimetric and angular scattering signature. An experimental multi-sensor and supercontinuum laser-based system is presented to measure the scattering signatures for various targets. Direct physical simulation models were developed using a two-level modelling scheme: (i) a top-down approach is used to model signatures from macro-physical parameters, e.g. the surface roughness or the effective refractive index and, (ii) a bottom-up approach is used to model signatures from microphysical parameters, e.g. the size distribution, the geometry, the concentration, the refractive index and the structuration of the scatterers, by solving the radiative transfer equation or directly the Maxwell's equations. Inversion schemes are deployed to retrieve these parameters by inverting the experimental signatures. The advancements described throughout this dissertation will serve to improve understanding of electromagnetic and light scattering by dense and complex media such as rough surfaces, coatings, nanomaterials, colloidal suspension and fractal aggregates of ultrafine aerosols. This study has relevant applications in fields as diverse as aeronautics (e.g. aircraft paint coatings), remote-sensing (e.g. hyperspectral, polarimetric, active or passive imaging), security and defense (e.g. furtive materials), atmospheric science (e.g. black carbon or soot characterization, LiDAR systems), chemical engineering (e.g. colloidal suspensions), or biomedical (e.g. tumor and melanoma diagnostic).

Projeto e construção de um amplificador paramétrico óptico operando no infravermelho médio / Design and construction of an optical parametric amplifier operating in the mid-infrared

Mendonça, Marcela de Freitas 24 May 2010 (has links)
Um Amplificador Paramétrico Óptico (optical parametric amplifier - OPA) é uma fonte de luz coerente, de alta qualidade e sintonizável, baseada em processos ópticos não-lineares de segunda ordem. Alguns modelos possuem largura de banda estreita e um amplo intervalo de sintonia, podendo alcançar regiões que vão desde o ultravioleta até o infravermelho médio. A nossa motivação para construir este amplificador paramétrico óptico é sua utilização em experimentos de espectroscopia vibracional de superfícies através do processo óptico não-linear de segunda ordem, geração de soma de frequências (sum-frequency generation - SFG), que é uma técnica que exige fontes sintonizáveis no infravermelho médio e com altas intensidades de pico e largura de banda estreita. O objetivo desse trabalho foi projetar, montar e testar um amplificador paramétrico óptico capaz de produzir pulsos sintonizáveis de alta energia no infravermelho médio (λ ~ 2,5 a 10 μm) a partir de um laser de bombeio que fornece pulsos de 25 ps, com alta energia em λ = 1064 nm. Para obter-se uma geração de infravermelho bastante eficiente, foi proposto um projeto inovador para amplificadores paramétricos de picossegundos, utilizando-se a geração de supercontínuo de luz branca como feixe sinal do estágio de amplificação paramétrica. O pulso de bombeio (λ = 1064 nm) é dividido em duas partes: a primeira, de menor energia, é utilizada para gerar um pulso de alta largura espectral no infravermelho próximo (supercontínuo de luz branca de picossegundos). Uma fração espectral desse pulso é selecionada através de um monocromador e utilizada como semente do estágio de amplificação paramétrica. O cristal amplificador paramétrico (sulfeto de prata e gálio, AgGaS2) é então bombeado pelo restante do pulso de bombeio e simultaneamente amplifica a semente sintonizável no infravermelho próximo e gera um novo pulso de frequência complementar no infravermelho médio. Foram testados vários meios para geração de supercontínuo, mas os melhores resultados foram obtidos em uma cubeta de 10 cm de comprimento com uma mistura de água e água deuterada (3 % em volume de H2O em D2O) e em uma fibra fotônica não-linear com 2 m de comprimento. Usando o supercontínuo como feixe semente, observou-se amplificação paramétrica no caso do feixe gerado na fibra fotônica com um ganho de 260 vezes, mas não com o feixe gerado na mistura de água/água deuterada, presumivelmente pela maior instabilidade desse supercontínuo. / An Optical Parametric Amplifier (OPA) is a tunable light source of high quality, coherent radiation, based on second-order nonlinear optical processes. Some models have a narrow spectral bandwidth and a tuning range from the ultraviolet to the mid-infrared. The motivation for building this optical parametric amplifier is its use in vibrational spectroscopy of surfaces by a second-order nonlinear optical process, sum-frequency generation (SFG), which is a technique that requires tunable sources in the mid-infrared with narrow bandwidth and high peak intensities. The purpose of this work is to design, implement and test an OPA to generate tunable high energy pulses tuneable in the mid-infrared (λ ~ 2.5 to 10 μm) from a pumping laser that provides 25 ps pulses with high energy at λ = 1064 nm. For an efficient mid-infrared generation, we propose an innovative design for picosecond parametric amplifiers, using the near infrared portion of a white-light supercontinuum pulse as the seed beam for the parametric amplifier. The pump pulse (λ = 1064 nm) is divided into two parts: the first one, with lower energy, generates a high spectral width pulse in the near infrared (white-light supercontinuum picosecond pulse). A spectral fraction of this pulse is selected through a monochromator and is used as seed for the parametric amplification stage. The second part of the laser beam pumps the parametric amplifier crystal (silver gallium sulfide, AgGaS2) which simultaneously amplifies the tunable seed beam in the near infrared and generates a new pulse with complementary frequency in the mid-infrared. Several media were tested for supercontinuum generation, but the best results were obtained with a 10 cm long cuvette with a mixture of water and deuterated water (3 % volume of H2O in D2O) and with a 2 m long nonlinear photonic crystal fiber. Using the supercontinuum as a seed beam, we have obtained parametric amplification of the seed generated by the photonic fiber with a gain of 260 times, but not of the beam generated by the water mixture, presumably because of its significantly higher instability.

Développement instrumental pour la microscopie de fluorescence résolue en temps: applications biomédicales

Blandin, Pierre 07 November 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Pour certaines problématiques biomédicales, notamment en neurobiologie, l'imagerie des échantillons exige des résolutions spatiale et temporelle élevées, et seules des techniques de microscopie optique innovantes vont permettre d'imager la cellule dans des conditions physiologiques. Pour répondre à ces contraintes nous avons développé en intégralité un dispositif de microscopie de fluorescence en réflexion totale interne et résolue en temps. En effet, l'imagerie de fluorescence résolue en temps (FLIM) permet, en complément des informations de localisation et de topologie apportées par la microscopie conventionnelle, une analyse dynamique de processus moléculaires et métaboliques au sein des cellules. Associée à la technique de microscopie en réflexion totale interne, qui confère au système d'imagerie une résolution axiale sub-longueur d'onde tout en acquérant des images en champ large, la technique FLIM permet d'analyser l'activité membranaire des cellules en s'affranchissant de la fluorescence des autres entités de la cellule.<br />Ce travail s'est articulé autour de trois axes principaux : l'étude et le développement d'un dispositif d'excitation de la fluorescence basé sur un oscillateur laser solide picoseconde dont le spectre est élargi par effets non linéaires dans des fibres optiques microstructurées ; le développement et la caractérisation d'un dispositif de microscopie de fluorescence par onde évanescente (TIRF) couplé à une détection résolue en temps en plein champ ; et l'application de ce dispositif à l'étude d'un précurseur membranaire du peptide amyloïde impliqué dans la maladie d'Alzheimer.

Etudes expérimentales et numériques des instabilités non-linéaires et des vagues scélérates optiques

Wetzel, Benjamin 06 December 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Ces travaux de thèse rapportent l'étude des instabilités non-linéaires et des évènements extrêmesse développant lors de la propagation guidée d'un champ électromagnétique au sein de fibresoptiques. Après un succinct rappel des divers processus linéaires et non-linéaires menant à lagénération de super continuum optique, nous montrons que le spectre de celui-ci peut présenterde larges fluctuations, incluant la formation d'événements extrêmes, dont les propriétés statistiqueset l'analogie avec les vagues scélérates hydrodynamiques sont abordées en détail. Nous présentonsune preuve de principe de l'application de ces fluctuations spectrales à la génération de nombres etde marches aléatoires et identifions le phénomène d'instabilité de modulation, ayant lieu lors de laphase initiale d'expansion spectrale du super continuum, comme principale contribution à la formationd'événements extrêmes. Ce mécanisme est étudié numériquement et analytiquement, en considérantune catégorie de solutions exactes de l'équation de Schrödinger non-linéaire présentant descaractéristiques de localisations singulières. Les résultats obtenus sont vérifiés expérimentalement,notamment grâce à un système de caractérisation spectrale en temps réel et à l'utilisation conjointede métriques statistiques innovantes (ex : cartographie de corrélations spectrales). L'excellent accordentre simulations et expériences a permis de valider les prédictions théoriques et d'accéder àune meilleure compréhension des dynamiques complexes inhérentes à la propagation non-linéaired'impulsions optiques.

Projeto e construção de um amplificador paramétrico óptico operando no infravermelho médio / Design and construction of an optical parametric amplifier operating in the mid-infrared

Marcela de Freitas Mendonça 24 May 2010 (has links)
Um Amplificador Paramétrico Óptico (optical parametric amplifier - OPA) é uma fonte de luz coerente, de alta qualidade e sintonizável, baseada em processos ópticos não-lineares de segunda ordem. Alguns modelos possuem largura de banda estreita e um amplo intervalo de sintonia, podendo alcançar regiões que vão desde o ultravioleta até o infravermelho médio. A nossa motivação para construir este amplificador paramétrico óptico é sua utilização em experimentos de espectroscopia vibracional de superfícies através do processo óptico não-linear de segunda ordem, geração de soma de frequências (sum-frequency generation - SFG), que é uma técnica que exige fontes sintonizáveis no infravermelho médio e com altas intensidades de pico e largura de banda estreita. O objetivo desse trabalho foi projetar, montar e testar um amplificador paramétrico óptico capaz de produzir pulsos sintonizáveis de alta energia no infravermelho médio (&lambda; ~ 2,5 a 10 &mu;m) a partir de um laser de bombeio que fornece pulsos de 25 ps, com alta energia em &lambda; = 1064 nm. Para obter-se uma geração de infravermelho bastante eficiente, foi proposto um projeto inovador para amplificadores paramétricos de picossegundos, utilizando-se a geração de supercontínuo de luz branca como feixe sinal do estágio de amplificação paramétrica. O pulso de bombeio (&lambda; = 1064 nm) é dividido em duas partes: a primeira, de menor energia, é utilizada para gerar um pulso de alta largura espectral no infravermelho próximo (supercontínuo de luz branca de picossegundos). Uma fração espectral desse pulso é selecionada através de um monocromador e utilizada como semente do estágio de amplificação paramétrica. O cristal amplificador paramétrico (sulfeto de prata e gálio, AgGaS2) é então bombeado pelo restante do pulso de bombeio e simultaneamente amplifica a semente sintonizável no infravermelho próximo e gera um novo pulso de frequência complementar no infravermelho médio. Foram testados vários meios para geração de supercontínuo, mas os melhores resultados foram obtidos em uma cubeta de 10 cm de comprimento com uma mistura de água e água deuterada (3 % em volume de H2O em D2O) e em uma fibra fotônica não-linear com 2 m de comprimento. Usando o supercontínuo como feixe semente, observou-se amplificação paramétrica no caso do feixe gerado na fibra fotônica com um ganho de 260 vezes, mas não com o feixe gerado na mistura de água/água deuterada, presumivelmente pela maior instabilidade desse supercontínuo. / An Optical Parametric Amplifier (OPA) is a tunable light source of high quality, coherent radiation, based on second-order nonlinear optical processes. Some models have a narrow spectral bandwidth and a tuning range from the ultraviolet to the mid-infrared. The motivation for building this optical parametric amplifier is its use in vibrational spectroscopy of surfaces by a second-order nonlinear optical process, sum-frequency generation (SFG), which is a technique that requires tunable sources in the mid-infrared with narrow bandwidth and high peak intensities. The purpose of this work is to design, implement and test an OPA to generate tunable high energy pulses tuneable in the mid-infrared (&lambda; ~ 2.5 to 10 &mu;m) from a pumping laser that provides 25 ps pulses with high energy at &lambda; = 1064 nm. For an efficient mid-infrared generation, we propose an innovative design for picosecond parametric amplifiers, using the near infrared portion of a white-light supercontinuum pulse as the seed beam for the parametric amplifier. The pump pulse (&lambda; = 1064 nm) is divided into two parts: the first one, with lower energy, generates a high spectral width pulse in the near infrared (white-light supercontinuum picosecond pulse). A spectral fraction of this pulse is selected through a monochromator and is used as seed for the parametric amplification stage. The second part of the laser beam pumps the parametric amplifier crystal (silver gallium sulfide, AgGaS2) which simultaneously amplifies the tunable seed beam in the near infrared and generates a new pulse with complementary frequency in the mid-infrared. Several media were tested for supercontinuum generation, but the best results were obtained with a 10 cm long cuvette with a mixture of water and deuterated water (3 % volume of H2O in D2O) and with a 2 m long nonlinear photonic crystal fiber. Using the supercontinuum as a seed beam, we have obtained parametric amplification of the seed generated by the photonic fiber with a gain of 260 times, but not of the beam generated by the water mixture, presumably because of its significantly higher instability.

Development of a method to overcome the power threshold during supercontinuum generation based on an Yb-doped photonic crystal fiber

Baselt, Tobias, Taudt, Christopher, Nelsen, Bryan, Lasagni, Andrés Fabián, Hartmann, Peter 16 September 2019 (has links)
Optical coherence tomography benefits from the high brightness and bandwidth, as well as the spatial coherence of supercontinuum (SC) sources. The increase of spectral power density (SPD) over conventional light sources leads to shorter measuring times and higher resolutions. For some applications, only a portion of the broad spectral range can be used. Therefore, an increase of the SPD in specific limited spectral regions would provide a clear advantage over spectral filtering. This study describes a method to increase the SPD of SC sources by amplifying the excitation wavelength inside of a nonlinear photonic crystal fiber (PCF). An ytterbium-doped PCF was manufactured by a nanopowder process and used in a fiber amplifier setup as the nonlinear fiber medium. The performance of the fiber was compared with a conventional PCF that possesses comparable parameters. Finally, the system as a whole was characterized in reference to common solid-state laser-based photonic SC light sources. An order-of-magnitude improvement of the power density was observed between the wavelengths from 1100 to 1350 nm.

Electro-Optic Range Signatures of Canonical Targets Using Direct Detection LIDAR

Ruff, Edward Clark, III 29 May 2018 (has links)
No description available.

Studies of particle and atom manipulation using free space light beams and photonic crystal fibres

Gherardi, David Mark January 2009 (has links)
Light can exert optical forces on matter. In the macroscopic world these forces are minuscule, but on the microscopic or atomic scale, these forces are large enough to trap and manipulate particles. They may even be used to cool atoms to a fraction of a degree above absolute zero. This thesis details a number of experiments concerned with the optical manipulation of atoms and micron-size particles using free space light beams and photonic crystal fibres. Two atom guiding experiments are described. In the first experiment, a spatial light modulator is used to generate higher blue-detuned azimuthal Laguerre-Gaussian LG) beams, which are annular beams with a hollow core. These LG beams are then used to guide laser cooled rubidium-85 atoms within the dark core over a distance of 30 mm. The second atom guiding experiment involves attempting to guide laser cooled and thermal rubidium atoms through a hollow-core photonic crystal fibre using red-detuned light. Hollow-core photonic crystal fibres are fibres that are able to guide light with low attenuation within a hollow core. For this experiment a hot wire detection system was designed, along with a number of complex vacuum systems. The first dual-beam fibre trap for micron-size particles constructed using endlessly single-mode photonic crystal fibre (ESM-PCF) is described. The characteristics of dual-beam fibre traps are governed by the fibres used. As ESM-PCF has considerably different properties in comparison to conventional single- or multimode fibres, this dual beam ESM-PCF trap exhibits some novel characteristics. I show that the dual beam ESM-PCF trap can form trapping, repulsive and line potentials; an interference-free ‘white light’ trap; and a dual-wavelength optical conveyor belt.

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