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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Hydroxycalciomicrolite, Ca1.5Ta2O6(OH), a new member of the microlite group from Volta Grande pegmatite, Nazareno, Minas Gerais, Brazil

Andrade, M. B., Yang, H., Atencio, D., Downs, R. T., Chukanov, N. V., Lemée-Cailleau, M. H., Persiano, A. I. C., Goeta, A. E., Ellena, J. 01 May 2017 (has links)
Hydroxycalciomicrolite, Ca1.5Ta2O6(OH) is a new microlite-group mineral found in the Volta Grande pegmatite, Nazareno, Minas Gerais, Brazil. It occurs as isolated octahedral and as a combination of octahedral and rhombic dodecahedral crystals, up to 1.5 mm in size. The crystals are yellow and translucent, with a white streak and vitreous to resinous lustre. The mineral is brittle, with a Mohs hardness of 56. Cleavage is not observed and fracture is conchoidal. The calculated density is 6.176 g cm(3). Hydroxycalciomicrolite is isotropic, n(calc). = 2.010. The infrared and Raman spectra exhibit bands due to OH stretching vibrations. The chemical composition determined from electron microprobe analysis (n = 13) is (wt.%): Na2O 0.36(8), CaO 15.64(13), SnO2 0.26(3), Nb2O5 2.82(30), Ta2O5 78.39(22), MnO 0.12(2), F 0.72(12) and H2O 1.30 (from the crystal structure data), O = F -0.30, total 99.31(32), yielding an empirical formula, (Ca1.48Na0.06Mn0.01)(Sigma 1.55)(Ta1.88Nb0.11Sn0.01)S2.00O6.00[(OH)(0.76)F0.20O0.04]. Hydroxycalciomicrolite is cubic, with unit-cell parameters a = 10.4205(1) angstrom, V = 1131.53(2) angstrom(3) and Z = 8. It represents a pyrochlore supergroup, microlite-group mineral exhibiting P4(3)32 symmetry, instead of Fd (3) over barm. The reduction in symmetry is due to long-range ordering of Ca and vacancies on the A sites. This is the first example of such ordering in a natural pyrochlore, although it is known from synthetic compounds. This result is promising because it suggests that other species with P4(3)32 or lower-symmetry space group can be discovered and characterized.

Origin and Architecture of Deep-water Levee Deposits: Insight from the Ancient Rock Record and Experiments

Khan, Zishann January 2012 (has links)
Although levee deposits make up a significant part of modern and ancient deep-marine slope systems, details of their internal lithological composition and stratal architecture remain poorly documented. At the Castle Creek study area, strata of the Neoproterozoic Isaac Formation (Windermere Supergroup) crop out superbly in a kilometre-scale section through a sinuous deep-water channel-levee system (ICC3). Levee deposits near the outer bend of the channel consist of sandstone-rich (sandstone-to-mudstone ratio of 68:42), medium- to thick-bedded turbidites interstratified with thinly-bedded turbidites. Structureless sandstone (Ta), planar laminated sandstone (Tb), non-climbing ripple cross-stratified sandstone (Tc) and massive and laminated siltstone (Td) are common. Thick beds generally thicken and then thin and fine laterally over about 300 m. Thin-bedded strata, in contrast, thin and fine negligibly over similar distances. In the distal part of the outer-bend levee (up to 700 m laterally away from the channel) strata consist predominantly of thin-bedded Tcd turbidites with a much lower sandstone-to-mudstone ratio (35:65). On the opposite side of the channel, inner-bend levee deposits are mudstone-rich, locally as low as 15:85, and consist mostly of thin-bedded, Tcd turbidites, although thicker-bedded, Ta-d turbidites are more common in the lower part of the section. Lateral thinning and fining of beds is more rapid than their outer-bend counterpart. Levee deposits of ICC3 comprise three stacked decametre-scale upward-thinning and -fining successions. Each is interpreted to record a depositional history consisting of lateral channel migration, levee deposition, channel filling, and distal levee deposition. During the early stage of increasing levee relief it is proposed that the termini of individual beds progressively backstep towards the channel margin resulting in an overall lateral thinning of the stratal profile. This interpretation notably contrasts the common assumption that levee morphology is the result of the vertical stacking of beds that dip. In addition to field studies, laboratory experiments were conducted to determine the depositional threshold of non-climbing ripple cross-stratification, which is common in levee strata of ICC3. It was determined that non-climbing ripples form when bed aggradation rates are less than 0.015 cm/sec, and most probably in flows made up of poorly sorted sediment.

Vertical and Lateral Facies Architecture of Levees and Their Genetically-Related Channels, Isaac Formation, Neoproterozoic Windermere Supergroup, Cariboo Mountains, B.C.

Bergen, Anika January 2017 (has links)
At the Castle Creek study area, levee deposits are well-exposed over an area of ~2.6 km wide and ~90 m thick. This provides an opportunity to describe their lateral and vertical lithological changes, and accordingly details about their reservoir geometry and stratal continuity. Here, levee deposits are divided vertically into packages, each consisting of a sand-rich lower part overlain sharply by a mud-rich upper part. Each lower part displays a consistent thickening then thinning trend laterally away from its genetically related channel. The characteristics of these packages suggest that they were controlled by recurring changes in the structure of channellized flows, which in turn was controlled by grain size and grain sorting. This ultimately was controlled by short-term changes in relative sea level. Moreover, some mud- and sand-rich strata are rich in residual carbon suggesting that mid-fan levees can serve as source rocks for hydrocarbon generation, and also reservoirs.

Sedimentology, Stratigraphy, Architecture and Origin of Deep-water, Basin-floor Deposits: Middle and Upper Kaza Group, Windermere Supergroup, B.C., Canada

Terlaky, Viktor January 2014 (has links)
Ancient basin-floor strata are exceptionally well exposed in the Neoproterozoic Windermere Supergroup in the southern Canadian Cordillera. Data from the Castle Creek outcrop, where strata of the upper Kaza Group crop out, and the Mt. Quanstrom outcrop, where the middle Kaza is exposed, form the main dataset for this study. The aim of this study is to describe and interpret the strata starting at the bed scale, followed by stratal element scale, lobe scale and ultimately fan scale. Strata of the Kaza Group comprise six sedimentary facies representing deposition from a variety of fluid and cohesive sediment gravity flows. These, in turn, populate seven stratal elements that are defined by their basal contact, cross-sectional geometry and internal facies distribution. The lithological characteristics of stratal elements vary little from proximal to more distal settings, but their relative abundance and stacking pattern do, which, then, forms the basis for modeling the internal architecture of lobes. Lobes typically comprise an assemblage of stratal elements, which then are systematically and predictably arranged in both space (along a single depositional transect) and time (stratigraphically upward). Lobes typically became initiated by channel avulsion. In the proximal part of the system scours up to several meters deep, several tens of meters wide are interpreted to have formed by erosion downflow of the avulsion node. Erosion also charged the flow with fine-grained sediment and on the lateral margins and downflow avulsion splays were deposited. Later flows then exploited the basin-floor topography and on the proximal basin-floor carved a feeder channel, which then fed a downflow depositional lobe. At the mouths of feeder channels flows became dispersed through a network of distributary channels that further downflow shallow and widen until eventually merging laterally in sandstone-rich terminal splays. During the lifespan of a single lobe the feeder channel remains fixed, but the distributary channel network and its associated terminal splays wander, causing them to stack and be intercalated laterally and vertically. Eventually an upstream avulsion terminates local sediment supply, causing a new lobe to be initiated elsewhere on the fan, and the process repeats.

Assessment of the mineralogical variability of the A1, UE1A, and A5-reefs at Cooke Section, Rand Uranium, using MLA-based automated mineralogy

Mkhatshwa, Sindile Francisca 21 August 2012 (has links)
M.Sc. / This study focuses on the mineralogical variability of the A1, A5 and UE1A Elsburg reefs, obtained at Rand Uranium’s underground mining areas. A total of 133 reef samples, consisting of the Elsburg UE1A, A1 and A5-reefs have been obtained from Cooke 2 and 3 (two of the three Rand Uranium Mines) using the conventional chip sampling method. One of the challenges faced by Rand Uranium Gold Mines in the Cooke section area is the difficulty in differentiating between the various reef types by means of their macroscopic characteristics (colour, pebble types/sizes/shapes, sorting, matrix type, visible sulphide mineralization etc.). This difficulty led to this study which is aimed at utilizing mineral liberation analyzer (MLA)-based automated mineralogy to distinguish between the various reefs and to assess the mineralogical variation within the A1, A5 and UE1A-reefs. The mineralization in this area is hosted by the upper Central Rand Group of the Witwatersrand Supergroup. The main orebodies that are exploited at the mines occur within the Gemsbokfontein Member of the Elsburg Formation. These orebodies have been deformed into an east-west trending anticline at Cooke 3. The present study also attempts to prove or disprove the equivalence of the UE1A-reef on the western limb of the anticline to the A1 or A5-reefs on the eastern limb of the anticline on the basis of mineralogy. Representative splits of the samples were subjected to mineralogical abundance quantification as possible through quantitative MLA-based modal abundance protocols such as XMOD. A standard file on the various mineralogical phases encountered, was created on the 600F MLA and complemented by quantitative XRD (X-ray diffraction) data. Mineral abundances were quantified by MLA, based on integrated backscatter electron (BSE) images and energy dispersive spectrometry (EDS) analyses. Thirty one minerals have been detected using the MLA and they include phases such as quartz, pyrophyllite, chlorite, brannerite, gold, monazite and pyrite as well as minor unknown minerals. Only a few of the minerals are relatively more abundant within the reefs while the majority occurs in very low abundance. Albite, chlorite, muscovite, pyrite, pyrophyllite, quartz, uraninite and zircon are relatively more abundant than the rest of the minerals.

Stratigraphic Architecture and Depositional History of Laterally-accreted Channel Fills in the Lower Isaac Formation, Windermere Supergroup, British Columbia, Canada

Dumouchel, Iain January 2015 (has links)
Continental slope channels, which serve as the primary conduits for sediment transport into the deep marine, occasionally become sites of sediment deposition with excellent reservoir potential. Increasingly reported in the literature are subsurface channel fills exhibiting shingled seismic reflectors that are interpreted to have formed by lateral channel migration. In lower Isaac Formation channels inclined strata are observed but at a lateral scale that is far below industry-seismic detection. Distinctively these flat-based channels are filled with coarse-grained sandstone that transitions abruptly and obliquely upwards into thin, fine grained turbidites. Like rivers, lateral accretion in Isaac channels is interpreted to be the result of the interaction of inertial and pressure forces, but in highly turbulent, highly density-stratified turbidity currents. This resulted in the formation of two superimposed secondary circulation cells that caused enhanced erosion on the outer bank and preferential deposition of coarse-grained sediment along the inner bank.

Stratigraphy and sedimentary environments of the Late Permian Dicynodon Assemblage Zone (Karoo Supergroup, South Africa) and implications for basin development

Viglietti, Pia Alexa January 2016 (has links)
A thesis submitted to the Faculty of Science, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg in fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. June 2016. / The Dicynodon Assemblage Zone (DiAZ) spans the last three million years of the Late Permian (Lopingian) Beaufort Group (Karoo Supergroup). Fluvio-lacustrine conditions covered the entire Karoo Basin during this period, preserved as the rocks of the Balfour, Teekloof, and Normandien formations. However widely separated exposures and few dateable horizons make correlating between lithostratigraphic subdivisions difficult. Here a revised litho- and biostratigraphic framework is provided for the Upper Permian DiAZ. The Balfour Formation’s Barberskrans Member (BM) is renamed due to identifying the Oudeberg Member and not the BM at the current type locality (Barberskrans Cliffs). It is renamed Ripplemead member (RM) after Ripplemead farm 20 km north of Nieu Bethesda where it outcrops. The Teekloof Formation’s Javanerskop member and Musgrave Grit unit in the central Free State Province are regarded mappable units whereas the Boomplaas sandstone (BS) may represent a unit that is a lateral equivalent to the Oudeberg Member. Palaeontological and detrital zircon data suggest none of these locally persistent sandstone horizons correlate temporally. Three index fossils that currently define the DiAZ (Dicynodon lacerticeps, Theriognathus microps, and Procynosuchus delaharpeae) appear below its lower boundary and disappear below the Permo-Triassic Boundary (PTB), coincidentally with the appearance of Lystrosaurus maccaigi. The base of the DiAZ is redefined, with the revived Daptocephalus leoniceps and T. microps re-established as the index fossil for the newly proposed Daptocephalus Assemblage Zone (DaAZ), and is subdivided into two subzones. Da. leoniceps and T. microps’ appearance define the lower and L. maccaigi defines the base of the upper subzone. The same patterns of disappearance are observed at the same stratigraphic interval throughout the basin, despite the thinning of strata northward. Additionally wetter floodplain conditions prevailed in the Lower DaAZ than in the Upper DaAZ which likely reflects climatic changes associated with the Permo-Triassic mass extinction (PTME). Palaeocurrent and detrital zircon data demonstrate a southerly source area, and recycled orogen petrography indicates the Cape Supergroup is the source of Upper Permian strata. Dominant late Permian zircon population supports the foreland nature of the Karoo Basin. Orogenic loading/unloading events are identified by two fining-upward cycles, separated by a diachronous third-order subaerial unconformity at the base of the RM and Javanerskop members. Sediment progradation northwards was out-of-phase with the south and wedge-shaped. Distributive fluvial systems depositing sediment within a retroarc foreland basin best explains these observations. Lithostratigraphic beds and members are recommended for use as local marker horizons only in conjunction with other proxies, such as index fossils or radiometric dates in future studies. / LG2017

Petrology and Provenance of the Triassic Sugarloaf Arkose, Deerfield Basin, Massachusetts

Walsh, Matthew P 01 January 2008 (has links) (PDF)
The ~2 km-thick Late Triassic Sugarloaf Arkose is the basal unit of the half-graben Deerfield basin, Massachusetts. Valley-river, piedmont-river, and alluvial-fan depositional facies within the arkose are defined by paleocurrent data and style of sedimentation. The valley rivers flowed from northeast to southwest, and the facies is present from the bottom to the top of the formation. Piedmont rivers built a megafan eastward into the basin, beginning about in the middle of the arkose. The local alluvial fan built from east to west in the upper-third of the formation. The petrology of the medium sand and conglomerate was used to delineate the source areas for each facies. The medium sand in the valley rivers is mostly granite and granite gneiss fragments, coarsely-polycrystalline quartz grains, and twinned plagioclase. This assemblage is a mixture of granite from continental basement uplift, granite gneiss from a dissected magmatic arc, and phyllites and schist from a recycled collision orogen. The medium sand in the piedmont-river facies lacks granite fragments, and untwinned plagioclase is more abundant than twinned: the provenance is continental basement uplift and recycled collision orogen. The alluvial-fan provenance is similar to the valley rivers, combining recycled collision orogen and dissected magmatic arc. Unlike the valley rivers, granite gneiss and untwinned plagioclase in the alluvial fan are dominant over granite and twinned plagioclase. Quartz provenance in the three facies was granite, trending to granite gneiss in the piedmont-river and alluvial-fan facies. In all facies, plagioclase feldspar is more common than K-feldspar in the medium sand. The conglomerate pebbles, however, are dominated by K-feldspar, most likely due to erosion of pegmatites in the source terrane. Gray quartzite, white and translucent varieties of quartz, and pink granitoid pebbles are also common. The post-depositional diagenesis of the Sugarloaf Arkose affects provenance determination. Diagenetic events include: hematite grain coats, mechanical compaction, albitization of feldspars, albite and quartz overgrowths, authigenic hematite cement, carbonate cement, and illite replacement of feldspars. Within the dry-dominated monsoonal paleoclimate, each facies formed in response to tectonism. The initial appearance of each facies is used to determine the timing of tectonic events. The valley rivers flowed from the northeast in an early NNE-SSW-trending ‘sag’ basin, associated with minor normal faulting. The initial appearance of the east-flowing piedmont rivers about half way up the section implies an early, down to the west, basin-bounding normal fault, which formed perpendicular to N70E-S70E extension. This fault propagated, and, on reaching the northeast corner of the basin, the alluvial fan built to the west off the fault scarp. The Amherst block is a relay ramp between basin-bounding faults in the Deerfield and Hartford basins. Linkage of the two basin-bounding faults through the Amherst block created an integrated basin linking the Triassic strata in the early Hartford and Deerfield basins, and may have caused the unconformity present at the top of the arkose.

Fracture Development Around Moshaneng and Kanye, Southeast Botswana

Modisi, Motsoptse Phillip 02 1900 (has links)
<p> SE Botswana, located in the NW part of the Kaapvaal Craton is a long lived tectonically stable environment dominated by brittle deformation for more than 2.6 Ga. </p> <p> Relative chronologies in the development of fractures are rationalized according to major unconformities that developed during the Proterozoic in areas around Moshaneng and Kanye in SE Botswana. Periods of brittle deformation are divided into pre-Transvaal Supergroup, post-Transvaal Supergroup/ pre-Waterberg Group and post-Waterberg Group times. Pre-Transvaal lineaments trend ENE and NE and were probably formed as fractures in a rifting environment Dikes are intruded along some of these lineaments. Post-Transvaal/ pre-Waterberg fractures consist of strike-slip faults that form a conjugate system of two major sets trending NE and NW. These fractures probably formed as a result of E-W compression. The displacement along the NE trending faults depicts reactivation along pre-existing fractures. Regional patterns of fault termination are discemable. Epidermal folds and thrusts were produced in the Transvaal Supergroup rocks. Rotational bulk strain is locally significant. PostWaterberg deformation was dominated by dip-slip faults, vertical displacements and drape folds. </p> <p> An orthogonal system of bedding-normal joints predominates in the layered rocks. Inversion of the relative magnitudes of a2 and a3 probably accounts for a two phase tensile failure of layered rocks during the formation of the joint system. A diagonal system of bedding normal joints is superimposed on the orthogonal system possibly because of pre-existing folds that perturb the remote stress field. Joint spacings have a negatively skewed normal frequency distribution. Systematic joints show that spacing of set1 <set2 <set3 <set4. </p> <p> Relics of joint patterns in chert breccia provide insight about post-Transvaal/ pre-Waterberg karstification residuum. The joint pattern accounts for the initial process of fragmentation that resulted in the formation of chert breccia. </p> <p> On the subcontinental scale, high strain tectonic belts provide a chronology of large scale stress fields that could explain the intracratonic brittle deformations. </p> / Thesis / Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

Lacustrine Deposits of the Jurassic East Berlin Formation, Hartford Basin, Newark Supergroup: Balance-filled or Under-filled Lakes?

Conti, Alexander A. 19 September 2016 (has links)
No description available.

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