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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Mature supply management as an enabler for rapid product development and product portfolio renewal

Verrollot, J. (Jordan) 27 March 2018 (has links)
Abstract Bringing new products faster to the market is increasingly critical. To reach this goal, companies have been improving their product development practices and processes. Rapid product development (RaDe) is a type of incremental product development model, in which new sales items are created by redesigning existing products quickly and inexpensively. This study examines the RaDe challenges and enablers, particularly the ones from the perspective of supply management (SM) and product portfolio management (PPM). The main objective of this study is to recognise and describe the significance of mature SM for RaDe, resulting in successful and efficient product ramp-ups and portfolio renewal. The present study follows a qualitative research approach, which consists of reviewing the literature and analysing the relevant practices and current process settings of several companies representing diverse business areas and industry types. The principal results of this study involve acknowledging and describing the role of mature SM and organised PPM for effective RaDe implementation and product portfolio renewal. The study examines the mature SM from the perspective of 1) the definition of the SM objectives; 2) the alignment of the list of recommended products, buy-items and suppliers; 3) the creation of the product design guidelines, targets and metrics from the SM perspective; and 4) the establishment of the supply capability creation process. The main implications of the present study highlight the importance of the SM maturity that can support managers in RaDe related planning and implementation activities. The originality of the study resides in the emphasis of the SM significance in terms of different aspects that are beneficial to RaDe implementation and product portfolio renewal. / Tiivistelmä Uusien tuotteiden tuominen markkinoille nopeasti on enenevissä määrin tärkeää yrityksille. Tämän saavuttamiseksi yritykset ovat pyrkineet parantamaan tuotekehitystoimintojaan ja -prosessejaan. Nopea tuotekehitys (RaDe) on malli inkrementaaliseen tuotekehitykseen, missä myyntinimikkeitä luodaan uudelleen suunnittelemalla jo olemassa olevia tuotteita nopeasti ja halvalla. Tämä tutkimus tarkastelee RaDe -haasteita ja mahdollistajia, erityisesti hankintatoimen johtamisen (SM) ja tuoteportfoliohallinnan (PPM) näkökulmasta. Tutkimuksen ensisijaisena tavoitteena on tunnistaa ja kuvata kypsän hankintatoimen johtamisen ja nopean tuotekehityksen merkittävyys niin onnistuneen kuin tehokkaan markkinoille tuonnin sekä tuoteportfolion uudistamisen mahdollistajana. Laadullinen tutkimus tarkastelee monipuolisia liiketoiminta-alueita ja teollisuusaloja, koostuen sekä kirjallisuuskatsauksesta että useiden eri yritysten niille relevanttien toimintojen ja prosessien analysoinnista. Keskeiset tutkimuksen tulokset osoittavat ja selittävät kypsän hankintatoimen johtamisen ja organisoidun tuoteportfoliohallinnan roolia nopean tuotekehityksen tehokkaassa toteutuksessa sekä tuoteportfolion uudistamisessa. Kypsää hankintatoimen johtamista tutkimus tarkastelee seuraavista perspektiiveistä: 1) hankintatoimen johtamisen tavoitteiden määritys, 2) suositeltujen tuote-, ostoartikkeli- ja toimittajalistojen linjaus, 3) tuotesuunnittelun ohjeistusten, tavoitteiden ja mittareiden luominen hankintatoimen johtamisen näkökulmasta, ja 4) hankintatoimen kyvykkyyden perustamisen luomisprosessi. Tutkimuksen merkittävimmät kontribuutiot organisaatioille korostavat sellaisen kypsän hankintatoimen johtamisen tärkeyttä, mikä tukee johtoa nopean tuotekehityksen suunnittelussa ja toteutuksessa. Uudenlaista näköalaa tutkimukseen tuottaa hankintatoimen johtamisen merkityksen tähdentyminen positioista, jotka ovat suotuisia nopean tuotekehityksen toteutukselle sekä tuoteportfolion uudistumiselle.

Identifying trends and relationships between key performance indicators to aid municipal mangement and decision making

Schoeman, Stephanus Johannes 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScEng)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: South African municipalities are under pressure to improve the current state of the water andwastewater service delivery industry. Knowing that there exists a need for improvement within the municipal water and wastewater industry, the Department of Water Affairs (DWA) launched a municipal strategic self-assessment (MuSSA) initiative to evaluate the business health of the industry. MuSSA asks high level technical management staff five key questions about sixteen key business attribute areas. This study seeks to determine if theMuSSA data can be used to aid municipal decision making, by way of drawing correlations between key performance indicators contained in the MuSSA questions. The correlations are to bring forth areas thatmust be focussed on to improve selected attribute areas requiring attention within municipalities. Three areas have been chosen from theMuSSA data to be investigated in this research project namely; (i)staff skill levels and capacity, (ii)non-revenue water and (iii)the execution of planned water services activities. In the MuSSA questionnaire there are questions addressing each of (i), (ii) and (iii) to determine the municipality’s performance in each of the three areas. Non-parametric statistics are used to determine with which of the MuSSA questions’ answers the relevant questions’ answers significantly correlate for (i), (ii) and (iii). Engineering judgement and expert opinion are used to determine if the questions correlating with the relevant questions for (i), (ii) and (iii) either affect, are affected by or have no relation with the question. These results are then organized using a flow diagram and are discussed in detail by way of a bivariate histogramof each correlation. The investigation revealed that municipalities not having sufficient technical management capacity are not performing well on at least one of the five questions asked on eleven of the sixteen MuSSA business attributes. The skill level of water and wastewater treatment works staff were found to be strongly affected by technical management capacity and skill, water services planning and financial sustainability of the organization. Municipalities training technical management and operational staff showed a high percentage of skilled operational staff employed at treatment works. Water and wastewater treatment works staff capacity are very dependent of the level of skill and capacity of technical management employed by the municipality. Municipalities having appropriate budgets and funding to appoint and train staff showed a tendency to be better at operational staff capacity building than those lacking funding. The reduction of non-revenue water (NRW) showed strong correlations with technical management and network operational repair staff skills and development. Municipalities employing staff with correct skills and experience combined, with commitment from management to reduce NRW by way of monitoring and practicing of pressuremanagement programs, significantly reduced NRW percentages. Equally crucial to the reduction of NRW, as revealed from the investigation, is the practicing of infrastructure asset management within the municipality. It was concluded that municipalities should strive to reach a NRW percentage of 30% or less to become financially stable, due to correlation between funding of routine operations and building up of cash reserve versus NRW percentages. Municipalities wanting to improve the execution rate of planned water services activities are recommended to address, among other factors, technical management skill levels and capacity. Municipalities lacking technical management skill and capacity reported a low percentages of planned activities being executed. Also of high significance, is the technical operational staff skill levels and capacity, due to their involvement in the execution of planned activates. The involvement of council members in water and wastewater planning and the reporting of data and issues to council greatly enhancesmunicipalities’ abilities to execute planned activities. This can mainly be contributed to increased funding in situations where council members support planned projects. The lack of funding was found to be a major inhibitor of the execution of planned activities. Even though a great deal of municipalities indicated that they are effectively spending allocated budgets, this positive indication is not seen in the percentage municipalities executing planned activities and leads to the conclusion that there is a lack of funding. Municipalities taking actions in other areas of their business such as infrastructure assetmanagement and planning were more effective at executing planned activities. In all, it was concluded that technicalmanagement and operational staff skill levels and capacity need to be present for amunicipality to function properly. Municipalities also are in need of funding to execute planned activities and need to become financially self sustainable. One way of working towards the goal of financial self sustainability is the reduction of NRW percentages. The data from this investigation shows great similarity with the literature consulted on the current state and functioning of South African municipalities. The statistical analysis of the MuSSA data accurately revealed correlations among key performance indicators in municipalities. The conclusion can be drawn that investigation of correlations amongMuSSA questions can be used to help aid municipal decision making. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Suid-Afrikaanse munisipaliteite is onder druk om die huidige toestand van die water en afvalwater dienslewering te verbeter. Met die wete dat daar ’n behoefte vir verbetering in die munisipale water en afvalwater bedryf is het dieDepartement vanWaterwese ’n munisipale strategiese self-assessering (MuSSA) projekte geïnisieer omdie welstand van die bedryf te evalueer. MuSSA vra hoë vlak tegniese bestuurs personeel vyf kern vrae oor sestien sleutel besigheids aspekte. Hierdie studie poogomvas te stel of dieMuSSA data gebruik kan word om munisipale besluitneming te help verbeter, deur middel van die evaluering van korrelasies tussen die sleutel prestasie aanwysers soos vervat in MuSSA vrae. Die korrelasies bring na vore gebiede waar op gefokus moet word om geselekteerde kenmerk areas binne munisipaliteite, wat aandag vereis, te verbeter. Drie areas uit die MuSSA-data is ondersoek in hierdie navorsings projek naamlik; (i) personeel vaardigheidsvlakke en kapasiteit, (ii) nie-inkomste water en (iii) die uitvoering van die beplande waterdienste aktiwiteite. In die MuSSA vraelys is daar vrae wat elk van (i), (ii) en (iii) aanspreek om die munisipaliteit se prestasie op die drie gebiede te monitor. Nie-parametriese statistiek word gebruik om die oorblywendeMuSSA vrae wat se antwoorde met die relevante vrae se antwoorde korreleer vir (i), (ii) en (iii) vas te stel. Kundigheid en oordeel van ingenieurs word gebruik om te bepaal of die vrae wat korreleer met die relevante vrae vir (i), (ii) en (iii) die relevante vraag beïnvloed, beïnvloed word deur die relevante vraag of geen verhouding het met die relevante vraag nie. Hierdie resultate word dan georganiseer met behulp van ’n vloeidiagram en word in detail bespreek deur middel van ’n tweeveranderlike histogram van elke korrelasie. Die ondersoek het aan die lig gebring dat munisipaliteite wat nie genoegsame tegniese bestuurs kapasiteit het nie swak presteer op ten minste een van die vyf vrae van elf van die sestienMuSSA besigheid eienskappe. Die personeel vaardigheidsvlakke van water en afvalwater behandelings werke word sterk beïnvloed deur die tegniese bestuurskapasiteit en -vaardigheid, waterdienste beplanning en die finansiële volhoubaarheid van die organisasie. Munisipaliteite wat opleiding van tegniese bestuur en operasionele personeel uitvoer het ’n hoë persentasie van opgeleide operasionele personeel werksaam by suiweringswerke. Water en afvalwater behandelingswerke se personeelkapasiteit is baie afhanklik van die vlak van vaardigheid en kapasiteit van tegniese bestuur in diens van die munisipaliteit. Munisipaliteite met toepaslike begrotings en befondsing om personeel aan te stel en op te lei het ’n neiging om beter te presteer met kapasiteitsbou van operasionele personeel as die wat aan ’n gebrek ly van befondsing. Die vermindering van nie-inkomste water (NRW) het sterk korrelasies met tegniese bestuur en netwerkherstel personeelvaardighede en ontwikkeling. Munisipaliteite wat personeel met die korrekte vaardighede en ervaring in diens het, gekombineer met bestuur wat dit nastreef om NRW te verminder by wyse van monitering en uitvoering van druk beheer in water netwerke het aansienlik kleiner NRWpersentasies. Ewe noodsaaklik vir die vermindering van NRW, soos geopenbaar deur die ondersoek is die beoefening van interne infrastruktuur batebestuur deur diemunisipaliteit. Daar is tot die gevolgtrekking gekom dat munisipaliteite daarna moet streef om ’n NRW persentasie van 30% of minder te bereik om finansieel stabiel te word, as gevolg van die korrelasie tussen befondsing van roetine bedrywighede en die opbou van kontant reserwe teenoor NRWpersentasies. Munisipaliteitewat die uitvoeringskoers van beplande waterdienste aktiwiteitewil verbeter, word aanbeveel om onder andere, tegniese bestuurs vaardigheids vlakke en kapasiteit aan te spreek. Munisipaliteite wat nie tegniese bestuursvaardigheid en -kapasiteit het nie, berig dat ’n lae persentasie van beplande aktiwiteite uitgevoer word. Die tegniese operasionele personeel vaardigheidsvlakke en kapasiteit, as gevolg van hul betrokkenheid in die uitvoering van beplande aktiwiteite is ook van groot belang. Die betrokkenheid van lede van die raad by water en afvalwater beplanning en die rapportering van data en kwessies aan die raad verhoog baiemunisipaliteite se vermoëns om beplande aktiwiteite uit te voer. Dit kan hoofsaaklik toegeskryf word aan verhoogde befondsing in situasies waar raadslede beplande projekte ondersteun. Dit is gevind dat die gebrek aan befondsing ’n groot inhibeerder van die uitvoering van beplande aktiwiteite is. Alhoewel ’n meerderheid van die munisipaliteite aangedui het dat hulle begrotings effektief spandeer, word dit egter nie weerspieël in die persentasie munisipaliteite wat beplande aktiwiteite uivoer nie en lei dit tot die gevolgtrekking dat daar n gebrek aan befondsing is. Munisipaliteite wat klem lê op ander gebiede van hul besigheid soos, infrastruktuur batebestuur en beplanning was meer effektief met die uitvoering van die beplande aktiwiteite. Daar is tot die gevolgtrekking gekom dat tegniese bestuur en operasionele personeel vaardigheidsvlakke en kapasiteit noodsaaklik is vir ’n munisipaliteit om behoorlik te funksioneer. Daar is ook ’n behoefte aan befondsing by munisipaliteite om beplande aktiwiteite uit te voer en munisipaliteite moet finansieel onafhanklik en lewensvatbaar word. Een manier om te werk te gaan om finansiële self volhoubaarheid te bereik, is die vermindering van NRW persentasies. Die data van hierdie ondersoek toon groot ooreenkomste met die literatuur wat geraadpleeg is oor die huidige stand en funksionering van Suid-Afrikaanse munisipaliteite. Die statistiese analise van die MuSSA data het akkurate korrelasies geopenbaar tussen die sleutel prestasie-aanwysers inmunisipaliteite. Die gevolgtrekking kan gemaak word dat die ondersoek in terme van die korrelasie tussen MuSSA vrae gebruik kan word om munisipale besluitneming te help verbeter.

Planning for seawater desalination in the context of the Western Cape water supply system

Blersch, Catherine Louise 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MEng) -- Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: South Africa has historically been reliant on inexpensive surface and groundwater resources; however, as pressure on these resources continues to grow, seawater desalination has begun to emerge as a potential future supply source. One of the towns earmarked as a candidate for large-scale seawater desalination is Cape Town. In order to maximise the benefits and minimise the costs of such a scheme, the desalination plant needs to be considered as an integral part of the current system. Integrated planning has been lacking at the existing seawater desalination plants in South Africa, most of which were constructed as emergency schemes and are financially cumbersome for the municipalities to operate and manage. Recent research related to inter-basin water transfer schemes has shown that a comprehensive approach is required in assessing water supply from a new scheme in which the system as a whole is modelled stochastically and the estimated water transfer extracted. This comprehensive approach was the foundation of the modelling undertaken in this research. Existing models of the Western Cape system were adapted to include a seawater desalination plant, and short-term and long-term analyses were completed for a variety of possible desalination plant operating scenarios and capacities. The increase in system yield and the annual supply from the desalination plant were determined. First-order capital and operating costs were estimated, and these costs were combined with the annual supply values to calculate and compare unit reference values. The maximum increase in yield was found to occur when the seawater desalination plant is used as a base supply, operational all the time. There was little benefit, in terms of system yield, in using the desalination plant as an emergency supply source only. Unit reference values for the desalination plant decrease as the percentage supply from the desalination plant increases, meaning that the lowest possible cost per cubic metre of water supplied is when the desalination plant is used as a base supply. It was also apparent that the unit reference values decrease with an increase in desalination plant capacity, suggesting that, from an economic perspective, the optimal solution would be to have one large desalination plant operational immediately. The lower the reservoir trigger level at which the desalination plant becomes active, the larger the stochastic variation in the supply from the desalination plant and hence the larger the variation in the costs. Hence, using stochastic modelling to calculate unit reference values is particularly important for integrating a desalination plant into an existing conventional supply system when used as a peak or emergency supply source. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Suid-Afrika maak histories staat op goedkoop oppervlak- en grondwaterhulpbronne. Namate druk op hierdie hulpbronne aanhou toeneem, begin seewaterontsouting egter as ’n moontlike toekomstige waterbron na vore tree. Een van die stede wat as ’n kandidaat vir grootskaalse ontsouting geïdentifiseer is, is Kaapstad. Vir die meeste moontlike voordele teen die laagste moontlike koste, moet so ’n ontsoutingsaanleg as ’n integrale deel van die huidige stelsel beskou word. Geïntegreerde beplanning het tot dusver tekortgeskiet by bestaande ontsoutingsaanlegte in Suid-Afrika, wat merendeels as noodskemas opgerig is en waarvan die bedryf en bestuur ’n finansiële las op munisipaliteite plaas. Onlangse navorsing oor skemas vir tussenbekkenwateroordrag toon dat ’n omvattende benadering vereis word om watervoorsiening uit ’n nuwe skema te beoordeel. Volgens so ’n benadering word die stelsel in die geheel stogasties gemodelleer en die geraamde wateroordrag onttrek. Dié omvattende benadering was dan ook die grondslag vir die modellering wat in hierdie navorsing onderneem is. Bestaande modelle van die Wes-Kaapse stelsel is aangepas om ’n ontsoutingsaanleg in te sluit, en kort- en langtermynontledings is vir verskeie moontlike ontsoutingsaanlegvermoëns en -bedryfscenario’s voltooi. Die toename in stelselopbrengs en die jaarlikse watervoorsiening uit die ontsoutingsaanleg is bepaal. Kapitaal- en bedryfskoste van die eerste orde is geraam, welke koste toe met die jaarlikse voorsieningswaardes gekombineer is om eenheidsverwysingswaardes te bereken en te vergelyk. Die maksimum toename in opbrengs blyk te wees wanneer die ontsoutingsaanleg as ’n basisbron dien wat te alle tye in werking is. Wat stelselopbrengs betref, was daar weinig voordeel in die gebruik van die aanleg as ’n noodwaterbron. Eenheidsverwysingswaardes vir die ontsoutingsaanleg neem af namate die persentasie voorsiening uit die aanleg toeneem, wat beteken dat die laagste moontlike koste per kubieke meter water verkry word wanneer die ontsoutingsaanleg as ’n deurlopende basisbron dien. Dit was ook duidelik dat die eenheidsverwysingswaardes afneem met ’n toename in aanlegvermoë, wat te kenne gee dat die optimale oplossing uit ’n ekonomiese oogpunt sou wees om onmiddellik een groot ontsoutingsaanleg in bedryf te stel. Hoe laer die opgaardamvlak waarop die ontsoutingsaanleg in werking tree, hoe groter die stogastiese variasie in watervoorsiening uit die aanleg, en hoe groter die variasie in koste. Daarom is die gebruik van stogastiese modellering om eenheidsverwysingswaardes te bereken veral belangrik vir ’n ontsoutingsaanleg wat as ’n spits- of noodwaterbron dien.

The challenge of implementing integrated water resources management (IWRM) in the Lower Okavango River Basin, Ngamiland district, Botswana.

Kgomotso, Phemo Karen January 2005 (has links)
Water resources management practice has undergone changes in management approaches and principles over time. It was previously characterised by what scholars refer to as the hydraulic mission where ‘extreme engineering’ was the order of the day (Allan, 2003). As Radif (1999) argues, water resources managers and policy makers were initially driven to manage and supply water to people for its direct use / these included drinking, growing food, and providing power for domestic and industrial use. This modus operandi continued until the end of the 1970s. Over two decades later, this focus is still prevalent in many countries in southern Africa including Botswana. As Swatuk and Rahm (2004) state, “augmenting supply is a continuing focus of government activity”. The National Water Master Plan (NWMP) is the current policy document guiding water resources management in Botswana and it focuses on supply-side interventions in response to increasing water demand. According to SMEC et al. (1991), the consulting company that conducted the NWMP study, “the investigation and studies... indicated the need for the continuing development of water supplies throughout Botswana over the next 30 years”. Based on these observations, government has developed significant human and technical capacity in exploiting both surface and groundwater resources (Swatuk and Rahm, 2004).

A framework for the evaluation of the information system at Eskom

Ramafalo, Mogale Emmanuel 01 1900 (has links)
M. Tech. (Information Technology, Faculty of Applied and Computer Sciences) Vaal University of Technology / A reliable and efficient information system (IS) is critical for Eskom so that it is able to manage and meet its energy demands. A reliable power supply provides stakeholders with the confidence that supply of power is managed sustainably, effectively and efficiently. Thus, an information system is integral in the effective and efficient generation, distribution and transmission of electricity. The purpose of the study was to investigate IS evaluation criteria and to develop a comprehensive framework that will serve as basis for IS evaluation across Eskom. The research study additionally investigated IS evaluation methods and instruments that are currently used in Eskom. This study produced an information systems success evaluation framework. The proposed model was built by reviewing well-established information systems success models and information systems theories found in the literature. This research study followed the interpretive research paradigm combining it with qualitative case study. The research findings linked information systems success to top management support, change management process and information quality. The findings of the study alsorevealed that quality of IS department’s service as perceived by users can greatly influence IS success. The results of this study provided enlightening reference benefit for Eskom, which was in line with Eskom’s goal of improving business processes, efficiencies and eliminating waste.


ANDRE LUIZ MENDOZA 21 May 2007 (has links)
[pt] As companhias farmacêuticas necessitam dirigir atenção à demanda crescente em trazer medicamentos ao mercado em uma forma econômica. A pressão sobre o preço está aumentando, e as vantagens de ter um período de exclusividade da utilização de suas patentes estão diminuindo, enquanto a produção de produtos genéricos está crescendo em todo mundo. Ter um portifólio de novas drogas é crítico, mas também é crítico ter habilidade de trazer essas drogas ao mercado em uma maneira eficiente e de baixo custo. Entretanto, as companhias farmacêuticas não podem mais contar unicamente em pesquisa e desenvolvimento e marketing para sobreviver, mas devem também confiar nos valores agregados pela gestão da cadeia de suprimentos (Supply Chain Management - SCM). Neste contexto, o presente trabalho tem o intuito de analisar o modelo de SCM global utilizado por uma grande empresa de medicamentos (Glaxosmithkline-GSK), através da apresentação das principais características de sua cadeia de suprimentos, da análise do planejamento e gerenciamento do suprimento e da demanda e da análise de práticas de SCM implementadas por esta empresa na Europa. / [en] Pharmaceutical companies need to address the growing demand for bringing medicines to market in an economical way. Price pressure is increasing, and the advantages of having a buffered patent window is decreasing as generic manufacturing is on the rise. Having a pipeline of new drugs is critical, but it is also critical the ability to bring them to market in a cost effective and efficient manner. However, pharmaceutical companies can no longer solely rely on research and development and marketing to survive, but must also rely on supply chain management to deliver value. Within this context, this dissertation intends to analyze the supply chain management model of a major pharmaceutical company (GlaxoSmithkline - GSK) throughout an overview of the key characteristics of its supply chain, supply and demand management and some examples of projects implemented in Europe.

"Disponibilidade e gerenciamento sustentável do aqüífero Serra Grande no município de Picos - Piauí" / Availability and sustainable management of the Serra Grande aquifer in the municipality of Picos, Piauí

Vidal, Claudio Luiz Rebello 16 October 2003 (has links)
Este trabalho objetivou determinar a disponibilidade do aqüífero Serra Grande e estabelecer as diretrizes para o seu gerenciamento sustentável no município de Picos, localizado no sudeste do Estado do Piauí. Principal sistema de água subterrânea da região, este aqüífero é o único com capacidade para atender as demandas futuras da população. Porém, a falta de regras básicas na exploração dos seus recursos poderá comprometer sua sustentabilidade. O desenvolvimento deste estudo teve início com a elaboração do modelo conceitual da área e a análise das condições de uso dos recursos hídricos. Nesta etapa, verificando-se que os conceitos hidrogeológicos vigentes consideravam apenas o limite físico do sistema para definir sua disponibilidade, foi estabelecido um novo princípio para determinação do volume de recursos que pode ser explorado de um aqüífero, denominado de princípio sustentável, tendo como base os fatores econômicos envolvidos na sua exploração. Para determinação da disponibilidade física e econômica do aqüífero Serra Grande, primeiramente, foi estimado o déficit hídrico acumulado desde o início da exploração do sistema, estabelecida sua relação com a posição do nível potenciométrico e calculado o custo atual de produção da água. Em seguida, foram traçados dois cenários futuros para a exploração dos recursos hídricos no município, representando os modelos de gestão da oferta e gestão da demanda, para o período de 15 e 50 anos. Posteriormente, foi construído um modelo matemático para representar o sistema de subsuperfície, no qual foi simulada a evolução futura do nível d’água. Com base nos valores obtidos, foi estimado o volume de água a ser produzido do armazenamento, a quantidade de recursos que deverão ser incorporados ao sistema e o custo futuro de produção. Os resultados mostraram que o aqüífero precisará incorporar um volume significativo de recursos, que talvez não esteja disponível na região estudada, e que a elevação real do custo da água poderá comprometer a capacidade de pagamento da população para dispor destes recursos. Verificada esta situação, foram definidas as medidas que precisam ser implementadas para o gerenciamento sustentável do aqüífero estudado, de modo a garantir o abastecimento futuro do município e da região. Com a elaboração deste trabalho, concluiu-se que o aqüífero Serra Grande não é “intensamente explorado" em Picos, porém é mal explorado atualmente, o que deverá provocar prejuízos na exploração futura dos seus recursos. / This work’s goals were to determinate the availability of the Serra Grande aquifer and to establish the governess for its sustainable management in the municipality of Picos, located on the southeast of Piauí State. This aquifer, the region’s most important groundwater system, has an unique capacity of fulfilling the population’s future demand. However, the absence of basic rules for the exploitation of its resources would compromise its sustainability. The study began with the development of the conceptual model of the area and the analyses of the water resources use. During this step, after verify that the hydrological actual concepts only observe the physical limit of the system to define its availability, it was established a new principle to determinate the volume of resources that can be exploited from an aquifer, named sustainable principle, based on the economical factors involved in its exploitation. In order to determine the physical and economical availability of the Serra Grande aquifer, first, it was estimated the water deficit accumulated since the begging exploitation of the system, established its relationship with the potenciometric level and was calculated the present cost of water production. Later on, two hypothetical scenarios concerning future exploration of water resources were drawn, representing the models of supply and demand management, for a period of 15 and 50 years. Furthermore, a mathematic model was built to represent the subsurface system, which was simulated the evolution of the water level. Based on the values found, it was estimated the amount of water that should be produced from storage, the quantity of resources that have to be incorporated to the system and the future production cost. Moreover, the results showed that the aquifer will need to incorporate a meaningful quantity of resources, that may be not available in the studied region, and that the real increase of the cost of the water would compromise the payment capacity of the population to dispose those resources. After verify this situation, it was defined the actions that must be taken for the sustainable management of the studied aquifer, to guarantee the future water supply of the municipality and the region. In conclusion, this work confirmed that the Serra Grande aquifer is not “overexploited" in Picos, instead, it is not being correctly exploited, which will negatively affect the future exploitation of its resources.

Gestão estratégica de operações sustentáveis: perspectiva institucional e abordagem dos stakeholders

Brock, Vítor Fabian 26 June 2012 (has links)
Submitted by Fabricia Fialho Reginato (fabriciar) on 2015-07-27T23:53:11Z No. of bitstreams: 1 VitorFabianBrock.pdf: 5588420 bytes, checksum: cc04dab6ecfa9bf81fa60c3ef89ef429 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2015-07-27T23:53:11Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 VitorFabianBrock.pdf: 5588420 bytes, checksum: cc04dab6ecfa9bf81fa60c3ef89ef429 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-06-26 / Nenhuma / O presente trabalho objetivou a incorporação dos conceitos de sustentabilidade na formulação da estratégica de operações. O modelo proposto compreende cinco vértices: o contexto externo, as decisões e práticas de manufatura, as atividades da Rede de Valor em Operações (com ênfase na área de suprimentos), os sistemas de aprendizado organizacional (troca de conhecimento interno e externo), assim como o desempenho em manufatura (dimensões competitivas). A principal contribuição teórica deste modelo é que a sustentabilidade é tratada de maneira intrínseca, apresentando a sua interação com cada uma das vértices, expandindo os conceitos tradicionais. O principal consenso encontrando na literatura é a influência do ambiente externo para a adoção de práticas sustentáveis. Assim, esta pesquisa se apoiou em duas teorias organizacionais: a teoria dos stakeholders e a teoria institucional. Enquanto a primeira busca compreender as demandas específicas por práticas sustentáveis, a segunda compreende um sistema de valores mais amplos e profundos na estrutura social. Para validar empiricamente o modelo proposto, foi desenhado um estudo survey de corte transversal, dirigido aos gerentes das fábricas metal-mecânicas e eletroeletrônicas. Essas fábricas estão localizadas no Brasil e foram extraídas da base das Federações das Indústrias. A amostra resultou em 277 empresas, as quais foram contatadas individualmente, por telefone, sendo a pesquisa apresentada aos diretores industriais. Posteriormente, os dados foram coletados, usando-se um questionário estruturado, com escalas previamente validadas em outros estudos na área de operações e novas escalas formuladas especificamente para este estudo. Houve 62 respondentes válidos, representando uma taxa de resposta de 22%. Os dados coletados serviram para dois estudos. O primeiro estudo relaciona as pressões dos stakeholders com as práticas de gestão de manufatura, voltada para melhoria no desempenho ambiental da empresa. Os resultados evidenciam que stakeholders mais coercivos são os regulatórios (através de leis e normativas), os clientes locais e internacionais e os acionistas. O segundo estudo relaciona a aprendizagem organizacional, a gestão de processos sustentáveis, a gestão de suprimentos sustentáveis e as dimensões competitivas. Para avaliar o fator institucional, dados de uma pesquisa realizada no Canadá foram incorporadas ao segundo estudo. A base canadense foi coletada com as mesmas escalas da base brasileira, endereçando os mesmos ramos industriais. Além disso, apresenta as mesmas características nos respondentes e na taxa de resposta: 18%. Dessa forma, a variável país foi utilizada como fator moderador nas relações. Verificou-se que, no Brasil, onde o custo de mão-de-obra é menor e os equipamentos de produção são mais caros, a troca de conhecimento interno desempenha um papel fundamental nas relações com gestão de processos sustentáveis e suprimentos. Já nas fábricas canadenses, onde o cenário é o oposto, mão-de-obra cara e equipamentos mais baratos, a troca de conhecimento externos é importante. O desempenho em manufatura não apresentou diferenças, sendo que, em ambos países, a troca de conhecimento interno influencia o desempenho em entrega e a troca de conhecimento externo impacta no desenvolvimento de novos produtos. As principais contribuições deste trabalho são fornecer subsídios para a literatura emergente e para as práticas de gestão na área de operações. / The aim of this dissertation is to incorporate the concepts of sustainability into the formulation of operation strategies. The proposed model is composed of five vertices: the external context, manufacture decisions and practices, operations value chain activities (with an emphasis on suppliers), organizational learning (internal and external knowledge exchange), as well as the manufacture performance (competitive dimensions). The main theoretical contribution of this model is sustainability being treated intrinsically, with its interaction with each one of the vertices, which expands traditional concepts. The main consensus that has been found in all the literature is the adoption of sustainable practices often driven by the influence of the external environment. Thus, this research has been based upon two organizational theories: the stakeholders’ theory and the institutional theory. Whereas the first aims at understanding specific demands for sustainable practices, the second one encompasses a system of broader and deeper values in the social structure. In order to empirically validate the proposed model, a cross-section survey was applied on the managers of the metalworking, electrical appliances and electronics industry. Such plants are located in Brazil, and have been exacted from the local industry directory database. Hence 277 plants were contacted one by one by telephone, and the survey addressed plant manager. Afterwards, the data were collected with a structured questionnaire, with scales previously validated in other studies in the operations research area, as well as with new scales that were formulated for this particular study. There were 62 valid respondents, which accounted for a response rate of 22%. The collected data were employed in two studies. The first study relates stakeholders’ pressure to the green manufacture practices that is the plant initiative for improving its environmental performance. The results shown that the most coercive stakeholders are the regulatory, through laws and norms, local and international clients, and shareholders. The second study deals with organizational learning and knowledge; the green management practices, green supply management, and manufacture performance. In order to assess the institutional factor, data from a previous research carried out in Canada have been incorporated into the second study. The Canadian dataset was collected with the same scales as the Brazilian one, addressing the same industries. In addition, that dataset shows the same characteristics both in the respondents profile and in the response rate: 18%. Thus, the variable “country” was set as a moderating factor in the relations. It has been verified that, in Brazil, where the labor cost is cheap and the production machinery is expensive, the internal knowledge exchange plays a pivotal role in the relations with green manufacture process and green supply management. In the Canadian plants, where the scenario is the opposite, expensive labor force and cheaper machinery, external knowledge exchange is important. The manufacture performance did not show differences, with both countries having the internal knowledge exchange influence the delivery performance. Also, in both countries, the external knowledge exchange has an impact on the new products development. This dissertation main contribution is to provide insights for the literature in operations as well as proper information to plant manager and practitioners in operations management.

Exploring the portfolio approach in purchasing and supply management : - the result of an international survey

Fang Sjöberg, Ina January 2010 (has links)
<p>Although many scholars assert that portfolio approach can facilitate purchasing to live up to its strategic importance and contribute to company performance; and practitioners have applied portfolio approach in various purchasing activities, there are still limited empirical researches to confirm that portfolio can actually create the benefits. The purpose of the study is to explore the usefulness of portfolio approach as well as why companies decide to apply portfolio approach in purchasing and supply management.</p><p>Based on an international survey carried on a large number of European and North American manufacturing companies, the findings of the study provide strong evidence on the significant impact that the purchasing portfolio approach has on the business results, and also shed lights on the strategic importance of purchasing as a direct explanation to the application of the approach by companies. The empirical study confirms that the competency of the purchasing professionals plays a prominent role on the path of transforming the strategic importance of purchasing, with the help of portfolio approach, to the success of improved purchasing performance. A cross-discipline theoretical study reveals that different models share a common theoretical foundation and consist of similar basic elements in their construct.</p><p>The results of this study fill the research gap in analyzing the causes of the application of portfolio approach; provide quantitative empirical proof on the usefulness of portfolio approach in the industrial companies and thus give support to the existing theories. The study contributes to a growing research stream on how to improve purchasing business performance, reflecting the increasing strategic role that purchasing is given. The results send useful messages to company managements and provide valuable insights on an important tool for improving purchasing business performance.</p>

Integrating transportation and land-use management strategies aimed at reducing urban traffic congestion : a dynamic adaptive decision framework / W. Heyns

Heyns, Werner January 2008 (has links)
Thesis (Ph.D. (Town and Regional Planning))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2008.

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