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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Healing Through Movement: A Support Center for Bereaved Parents

Tassara, Guadalupe 16 August 2016 (has links)
My personal experience on loss inspired me to consider how parents who lose children to cancer, accidents, or other terrible things are able to deal with the loss. Where did they go for support? How did they learn to cope with the loss for a lifetime? As I dealt with my loss, I went to therapy and opted for a prescription free treatment. I dove deeper into yoga and meditation and I recognized that therapy was helping but was not enough. The only thing that truly made me feel better was physically moving my body. I felt some satisfaction from recognizing this, yet I felt alone on my journey. Time passed and one afternoon during my weekly practice of yoga, I had a pivotal Matsyasana (fish pose) with the crown of my head submerged in the shoreline of St. Augustine Beach. It became clear to me that the I needed to use my thesis to create a healing place to unify bereaved parents. I desired it, and knew that others around me did as well. That sunny afternoon the idea of a holistic support center was conceived. / Master of Architecture

Developing a dealer customer support center strategy

Hauger, Jarah January 1900 (has links)
Master of Agribusiness / Department of Agricultural Economics / Vincent R. Amanor-Boadu / As the integration of technology and data rises in production agriculture, John Deere dealers in North America are in a constant quest to differentiate themselves and be more than just an equipment provider. Customers with more technologically advanced products are requiring more support from the dealerships. Each dealership has a unique opportunity to provide unprecedented levels of support and each may do it in a slightly different way. This creates a challenge for Deere & Company in providing resources and support to those dealers in their endeavors. This thesis was requested by Deere & Company (John Deere) to provide the company with information on Dealer Customer Support Centers in North America. In order to provide resources and tools for dealers to be successful, it is necessary to understand what they are currently doing with customer support centers and the barriers to implementing more. An online survey was sent out to the Integrated Solutions Manager at every John Deere Dealer organization in North America. From that survey there were a total of 127 responses. The two most common forms of customer support systems that dealers are using are having Integrated Solutions Staff members take calls directly from customers and having someone within the dealership answer the phone and manually route the call to the right person for support. Data also shows that some of the less common but more technologically advanced methods of support have been implemented more in the past 12 months. Survey analysis indicates that only a small percentage of dealers have a true centralized dedicated support center for customers. This subset of dealers is utilizing several different methods to support customers. The two indicative methods are having a 1- 800 number for customers to utilize for support and having a dedicated staff to help customers remotely. Dealers are frequently using several types of tools and resources to help support customers, the most frequently occurring ones include JDLink™ and Data Management Services. Respondents indicated using many other tools to provide value to customers including John Deere Remote Display Access, clinics and optimization sessions and many others. Barriers to implementing more complex forms of customer support are numerous, the biggest of which is the cost of implementation and lack of resources to support a more sophisticated customer support system. With this information, John Deere is better positioned to provide resources and support to our dealer channel facing these challenges.

Understanding the Organizational and Institutional Origins of Social Support in a Cancer Support Center

Meluch, Andrea Lauren 21 July 2016 (has links)
No description available.

Contributions to large-scale data processing systems / Contributions aux systèmes de traitement de données à grande échelle

Caneill, Matthieu 05 February 2018 (has links)
Cette thèse couvre le sujet des systèmes de traitement de données àgrande échelle, et plus précisément trois approches complémentaires :la conception d'un système pour prédir des défaillances de serveursgrâce à l'analyse de leurs données de supervision; l'acheminement dedonnées dans un système à temps réel en étudiant les corrélationsentre les champs des messages pour favoriser la localité; etfinalement un environnement de développement innovateur pour concevoirdes transformations de donées en utilisant des graphes orientés deblocs.À travers le projet Smart Support Center, nous concevons unearchitecture qui passe à l'échelle, afin de stocker des sériestemporelles rapportées par des moteurs de supervision, qui vérifienten permanence la santé des systèmes informatiques. Nous utilisons cesdonnées pour effectuer des prédictions, et détecter de potentielsproblèmes avant qu'ils ne ne produisent.Nous nous plongeons ensuite dans les algorithmes d'acheminement pourles sytèmes de traitement de données en temps réel, et développons unecouche pour acheminer les messages plus efficacement, en évitant lesrebonds entre machines. Dans ce but, nous identifions en temps réelles corrélations qui apparaissent entre les champs de ces messages,tels les mots-clics et leur localisation géographique, par exempledans le cas de micromessages. Nous utilisons ces corrélations pourcréer des tables d'acheminement qui favorisent la colocation desacteurs traitant ces messages.Pour finir, nous présentons λ-blocks, un environnement dedéveloppement pour effectuer des tâches de transformations de donnéessans écrire de code source, mais en créant des graphes de blocs decode. L'environnement est rapide, et est distribué avec des pilesincluses: libraries de blocs, modules d'extension, et interfaces deprogrammation pour l'étendre. Il est également capable de manipulerdes graphes d'exécution, pour optimisation, analyse, vérification, outout autre but. / This thesis covers the topic of large-scale data processing systems,and more precisely three complementary approaches: the design of asystem to perform prediction about computer failures through theanalysis of monitoring data; the routing of data in a real-time systemlooking at correlations between message fields to favor locality; andfinally a novel framework to design data transformations usingdirected graphs of blocks.Through the lenses of the Smart Support Center project, we design ascalable architecture, to store time series reported by monitoringengines, which constantly check the health of computer systems. We usethis data to perform predictions, and detect potential problems beforethey arise.We then dive in routing algorithms for stream processing systems, anddevelop a layer to route messages more efficiently, by avoiding hopsbetween machines. For that purpose, we identify in real-time thecorrelations which appear in the fields of these messages, such ashashtags and their geolocation, for example in the case of tweets. Weuse these correlations to create routing tables which favor theco-location of actors handling these messages.Finally, we present λ-blocks, a novel programming framework to computedata processing jobs without writing code, but rather by creatinggraphs of blocks of code. The framework is fast, and comes withbatteries included: block libraries, plugins, and APIs to extendit. It is also able to manipulate computation graphs, foroptimization, analyzis, verification, or any other purposes.

Analýza procesů provozování ERP aplikací / Process analysis of utilizing ERP applications

Györfy, István January 2008 (has links)
We are living at times, when information became one of the most – if not the most – required “product”. All the companies which want to survive, be productive and effective on the market sooner or later understand the value of information systems. In the near past a well configured and stable IS was an advantage, this is not the case nowadays. The competition is ruthless and managers realized that specialized information systems are needed to stay in the game. Because of these systems covers the complete company’s business they are extremely complex and without appropriate support they would be almost completely useless. The main objective of this thesis is to provide detailed information about the support of ERP systems and services provided after successful implementation.

Latin American Immigrants' Perceptions of Discrimination and Acquisition of English as a Second Language as a Result of Using a Community Social Support Center

McFarland, Holly 01 May 1999 (has links)
The associations between Latin American immigrants' use of a community social support center and perceived discrimination and language acquisition were investigated. All variables were measured by respondents' self-reports on a questionnaire designed to obtain demographic data as well as describe the needs of the Latin American community in rural Northern Utah . Chi-square analyses indicated a statistically significant association between use of the center and acquisition ofEnglish as a second language. No relationship was found between use of the center and perceived discrimination. The results of this study provide valuable demographic data as well as describe some of the experiences Latin American immigrants face upon immigrating to the United States.

Entre a leveza dos desencontros e a sutileza dos desencantos : quem é do Núcleo de Apoio à Saúde da Família diz

Timmermann, Talita Abi Rios January 2016 (has links)
Introdução: O Núcleo de Apoio à Saúde da Família (NASF), criado em 2008, tem como objetivo ampliar a oferta de serviços, a resolutividade e a abrangência das ações no âmbito da Atenção Primária à Saúde (APS), por meio de uma equipe multiprofissional que presta apoio para as equipes de Saúde da Família. Para orientar as ações do NASF, foram publicados dois Cadernos de Atenção Básica (CAB) – nº 27 e nº 39, em 2010 e 2014, respectivamente. Neles são apresentadas propostas de atuação por meio dez diferentes ferramentas tecnológicas: Apoio Matricial, Pactuação de Apoio, Clínica Ampliada, Projeto Terapêutico Singular, Projeto de Saúde no Território, Grupos, Genograma, Ecomapa, Atendimento Domiciliar Compartilhado e Atendimento Compartilhado. Um instrumento que permite conhecer as atividades desenvolvidas pelos trabalhadores do NASF é a Comunidade de Práticas (CdP), um site do Departamento de Atenção Básica do Ministério da Saúde, criado em 2013. A CdP possui um espaço em que disponibiliza relatos de experiências escritos por trabalhadores, gestores e outros atores que atuam na APS. Objetivo: Identificar quais têm sido as ações desenvolvidas pelos profissionais do NASF e se elas estão articuladas com as preconizações descritas nos documentos oficiais do Ministério da Saúde. Metodologia: Este estudo utilizou a técnica documental em Portarias, CABs, Manuais e Boletim, todos do Ministério da Saúde diretamente relacionado ao NASF. Além disso, foram coletados relatos de experiência da CdP que possuíssem o termo “NASF” no título e/ou corpo do texto, publicados entre 2013 e 30 de abril de 2015. Todos os relatos foram submetidos à leitura criteriosa e selecionados apenas os referentes ao NASF, escrito por trabalhadores e que descrevessem ações desenvolvidas por eles. Foram excluídos aqueles considerados incompletos. As publicações também foram analisadas de acordo com o conceito de experiência proposto por Larrosa (2002), ou seja, não apenas uma descrição do processo de trabalho ou ação desenvolvida, mas sim, associado a reflexão e os afetos gerados pelas tarefas realizadas. Resultado: Baseado nos documentos oficiais do Ministério da Saúde, foi possível descrever a trajetória histórica do NASF, apresentando os marcos legais e as transições que ocorreram nesta estratégia de apoio. Posteriormente, foram identificados 361 relatos de experiência com o termo NASF. Destes, 230 serviram como base para o trabalho. Os relatos foram submetidos a análise quantitativa descritiva, identificando que 43,2% dos autores dos relatos desenvolvem ações diferentes das descritas nos CABs, como rodas de conversa, fóruns, oficinas e gincanas, seguidos de 37,2% que utilizam a ferramenta Grupos em seus cotidianos. Para análise qualitativa, utilizando o conceito de experiência de Larrosa (2002), foram analisados dez relatos de experiência, que resultaram em quatro conceitos-chave: Equipe e vínculos; O que é o NASF e a relação com a Equipe de Saúde da Família; Os desafios do território; o NASF e a Gestão. Observou-se que a realidade dos territórios descrita pelos profissionais do NASF não cabe nas proposições dos CABs, e que a formação para atuar no NASF tem ocorrido nos mais variados contextos e, principalmente, na prática. Conclusão: Diante de um contexto onde as atividades do NASF não caminham paralelamente com a construção e disponibilização de materiais teóricos como CABs e Portarias, a utilização da CdP permite uma aproximação com a realidade dos profissionais. A não-utilização das ferramentas tecnológicas indicadas para o NASF não significa que as atividades não têm sido realizadas no território, e sim que os trabalhadores têm desenvolvido novas ferramentas e possibilidades que se adequem a realidade onde estão inseridos. / Introduction: Support Center for Family Health (NASF), created in 2008, aims to expand the supply of services, the resolution and the scope of actions in the context of Primary Health Care (APS), by a multidisciplinary team that provides support to the Family Health teams. To guide the actions of NASF were published two Primary Care books (CAB) – No. 27 and No. 39, in 2010 and 2014, respectively. In these, action proposals are presented through different technological tools: Matrix Support, Support Pact, Amplified Clinic, Singular Therapeutic Project, Territorial Health Project, Groups, Genogram, Ecomap, Shared Home Care and Shared Service. An instrument that allows learning about the developed activities by NASF workers is the Community of Practices (CdP), a website of the Department of Primary Care of the Ministry of Health, created in 2013. The CdP has a space that provides reports of experiences written by workers, managers and other members working in APS. Goals: Identifying which have been the actions developed by NASF professionals and if they are articulated with the recommendations described in Ministry of Health’s official documents. Methodology: This study used the documentary technique in Directives, CABs, manuals and Bulletin, all from the Ministry of Health directly related to NASF. In addition, we have collected CdP experience reports possessing the term "NASF" in the title and/or the text, published between 2013 and April 30, 2015. All reports were submitted to careful reading and selected only the ones concerning NASF, written by workers and that described actions carried out by them. The ones considered incomplete were excluded. The publications were also analyzed according to the concept of experience proposed by Larrosa (2002), that is, not only a description of the work process or action developed, but rather, associated with reflection and affections generated by the tasks performed. Results: Based on official documents of the Ministry of Health, it was possible to describe the history of NASF, with the legal framework and the transitions that occurred in this support strategy. Later, 361 reports of experience with the term NASF were identified. Of these, 230 served as the basis for the work. The reports were submitted to descriptive quantitative analysis, identifying that 43.2% of the authors of the reports develop different actions described in the CABs, as conversation circles, forums, workshops and competitions, followed by 37.2% who use the Groups tool in their daily lives. For qualitative analysis, using Larrosa’s (2002)concept of experience, were analyzed ten experience reports, which resulted in four key concepts: Team and bonds; What NASF is and the relationship with the Family Health Team; The challenges of the territory; NASF and Management. It was observed that the reality of the territories described by NASF professionals do not fit in the propositions of CABs, and that training to work in NASF has taken place in various contexts, and especially in practice. Conclusion: Facing a context where NASF activities do not move in parallel with the construction and delivery of theoretical material as CABs and Directives, the use of CdP allows an approach to the reality of the professionals. The non-use of technological tools suitable for NASF does not mean that the activities have not been carried out in the territory, but that workers have developed new tools and possibilities that fit the reality in which they live.

Apoio matricial do NASF: representa??o social de profissionais da Aten??o Prim?ria ? Sa?de sobre assist?ncia ? sa?de

Silva, Ana Paula Campos Barbosa da 02 December 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Jos? Henrique Henrique (jose.neves@ufvjm.edu.br) on 2018-07-30T19:24:15Z No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) ana_paula_campos_barbosa_silva.pdf: 1261920 bytes, checksum: 745fbfc83a27d78f80dd346ad35d219a (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Rodrigo Martins Cruz (rodrigo.cruz@ufvjm.edu.br) on 2018-10-05T19:09:52Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) ana_paula_campos_barbosa_silva.pdf: 1261920 bytes, checksum: 745fbfc83a27d78f80dd346ad35d219a (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-10-05T19:09:52Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) ana_paula_campos_barbosa_silva.pdf: 1261920 bytes, checksum: 745fbfc83a27d78f80dd346ad35d219a (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017 / O N?cleo de Apoio ? Sa?de da Fam?lia (NASF) foi criado com o objetivo de ampliar as a??es das Estrat?gias de Sa?de da Fam?lia (ESF), atuando de forma interdisciplinar alicer?ado primordialmente no apoio matricial. Por?m, observa-se uma fragilidade na incorpora??o dessa ferramenta no processo de trabalho das equipes da ESF e do NASF do munic?pio de Itamarandiba ? MG. Nesse contexto, a identifica??o das representa??es sociais dos profissionais da Aten??o Prim?ria ? Sa?de (APS) sobre assist?ncia ? sa?de visou ? compreens?o do impacto das mesmas na operacionaliza??o do apoio matricial exercido pelo NASF do munic?pio em quest?o. Para isso, este estudo recorreu ao desenho metodol?gico de estudo de caso, com natureza explorat?ria e abordagem qualitativa. Para o alcance dos dados usou-se an?lise documental, entrevistas semiestruturadas e observa??o do campo. Participaram como sujeitos deste estudo: dois m?dicos, dois enfermeiros, um cirurgi?o dentista, um auxiliar de sa?de bucal, dois Agentes Comunit?rios de Sa?de (ACS), dois t?cnicos em enfermagem, e os tr?s profissionais do NASF, perfazendo um total de treze profissionais, todos pertencentes ? rede de APS do munic?pio de Itamarandiba. O corpus primeiramente foi submetido ? an?lise pelo software IRAMUTEQ (Interface de R pourles Analyses Multidimensionnelles de Textes et de Questionnaires), atrav?s da Classifica??o Hier?rquica Descendente (CHD), com o objetivo de verificar as classes de palavras e sua organiza??o. Na sequ?ncia, submeteu-se o corpus ? an?lise tem?tico-categorial evidenciando os temas ?Assist?ncia? e ?Pr?ticas profissionais?. Como resultados deste estudo, verificou-se a presen?a de conceitos de assist?ncia ? APS tanto convergentes como divergentes com as diretrizes do SUS e normativas ministeriais da APS, j? as pr?ticas revelaram que, em sua maioria, afastavam-se do modelo de promo??o da sa?de, demonstrando, pois, representa??es sociais ancoradas no modelo biom?dico. Al?m disso, a investiga??o dos processos hist?ricos e culturais de organiza??o da APS, em especial do NASF, em Itamarandiba, esclareceu o contexto de produ??o das representa??es sociais, permitindo a compreens?o do quanto o mesmo favorece ? perman?ncia de condutas ancoradas em um modelo de assist?ncia verticalizado, com pr?ticas fragmentadas e isoladas que dificultam a intersetorialidade e se afastam da compreens?o do instrumento apoio matricial. Percebe-se a exist?ncia de pr?ticas pautadas no modelo de promo??o da sa?de, mas que precisam ser fortalecidas. Espera-se que este trabalho fomente reflex?es, entre os profissionais das equipes da APS, os coordenadores e gestores de Itamarandiba, de modo a problematizar o quanto o processo de trabalho e a organiza??o das a??es e servi?os de sa?de do munic?pio precisam ser reavaliados e reconfigurados, visando ao fortalecimento da APS. Com isso, viabilizar a atua??o do NASF em parceria com as equipes de ESF, sob a l?gica do apoio matricial e equipes de refer?ncia, visando ? organiza??o do sistema municipal de sa?de, e, consequentemente, a melhoria da qualidade de vida dos usu?rios. / Disserta??o (Mestrado) ? Programa de P?s-gradua??o em Ensino em Sa?de, Universidade Federal dos Vales do Jequitinhonha e Mucuri, 2017. / The Family Health Support Center (NASF) was created with the aim of expanding the actions of the Family Health Strategies (ESF), acting in an interdisciplinary way based primarily on the support of the matrix. However, there is a weakness in the incorporation of this tool in the work process of the ESF and NASF teams of the municipality of Itamarandiba - MG. In this context, the identification of the social representations of Primary Health Care (APS) professionals on health care aimed at understanding the impact of these on the operationalization of the matrix support exercised by the NASF of the municipality in question. For this, this study used the methodological design of case study, with exploratory nature and qualitative approach. For data coverage, we used document analysis, semi-structured interviews and field observation. Two physicians, two nurses, one dental surgeon, one oral health assistant, two community health agents (ACS), two nursing technicians, and the three NASF professionals, comprising a total of thirteen professionals, all belonging to the APS network of the municipality of Itamarandiba. The corpus was first submitted to analysis by the software IRAMUTEQ (Interface of Multidimensional Analyzes of Textes et de Questionnaires), by the method of Classification Hierarchical Descending (CHD), with the objective of verifying word classes and their organization. Subsequently, the corpus was submitted to the thematic - categorial analysis highlighting the themes "Assistance" and "Professional Practices". As results of this study, was verifyed the presence of concepts of PHC assistance both convergent and divergent with SUS guidelines and mini-ministerial PHC regulations, but the data revealed practices that, for the most part, deviated from the health promotion model, thus evidencing, social representations anchored in the biomedical model. In addition, the investigation of the historical and cultural processes of organization of the APS, especially the NASF in Itamarandiba, clarified the context of production of the social representations, allowing the understanding of how much the same favors the permanence of anchored ducts in a model of assistance vertical, with fragmented and isolated practices that hinder the intersectoriality and distance themselves from the understanding of the instrument matrix support. It is noticed the existence of practices based on the model of health promotion, but that need to be strengthened. It is hoped that this work will foster reflections among the professionals of the PHC teams, the coordinators and managers of Itamarandiba, in order to problematize how much the work process and the organization of the actions and health services of the municipality need to be re-evaluated and reconfigured aimed at strengthening PHC. With this, to enable NASF to act in partnership with the ESF teams, under the logic of matrix support and reference teams, aiming at the organization of the municipal health system, and, consequently, improving the quality of life of users.

EAD: O POLO DE APOIO PRESENCIAL COMO ESPAÇO ORGANIZADOR DA AÇÃO EDUCATIVO-CULTURAL / Distance Education : the support center as an organizer area of Educational and Cultural actions

Costa, Simone do Nascimento da 14 December 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-08-02T21:42:25Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Simone Costa .pdf: 1155252 bytes, checksum: 16c5a111e65a37625357bf6e59a9c8f9 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-12-14 / This research studies the organization and the structure of three support centers in distance education modality, including their management process and autonomy in the context they operate. Therefore, it has two analysis moments, whereas the first one is a descriptive exploratory study about the support centers organization and structure from a pre-established guidelines and the discussion about the cultural and contingency reality at the same time in this area; the second one uses the interview technique to analyze the autonomy and management process in the support centers surveyed. For the research application the support centers were visited (two of them in São Paulo State and one in Parana State) and the coordinators were interviewed, and it is important to emphasize that two of these support centers are private and the third one is from the public reality. Although the pre-established guidelines, these analyses indicated respectively that the support centers surveyed have a contingent model, thus a cultural adaptation to their reality, and the semi-structured interviews about the management process showed a clear proposal by the coordinators in working the distance education, resulting in a management focused on adjustments and readjustments in face of a constantly development context. In the autonomy process the factors that deserve attention are directly connected with the comprehension of the non-negotiable procedures existence, respectively related to the legal basis that regulate the support centers, therefore, set these parameters, the autonomy is determined by the management decision-making in face up to the current reality. / Esta pesquisa estuda a organização e estruturação de três polos de apoio presencial ligados a modalidade a distância, bem como os processos de gestão e autonomia no contexto em que atuam. Trata-se, portanto, de dois momentos de análise, considerando que o primeiro se relaciona a um estudo descritivo-exploratório no que se refere a organização e estruturação dos polos, a partir de diretrizes preestabelecidas e da discussão sobre a realidade cultural e, ao mesmo tempo contingencial existente neste espaço; o segundo, relacionado à utilização da técnica da entrevista para a análise do processo de gestão e autonomia existente nos polos pesquisados. Para a aplicação da pesquisa, foram realizadas visitas aos polos de apoio presencial (dois localizados no Estado de São Paulo e um no Estado do Paraná) e entrevistas com seus coordenadores, sendo importante destacar que dois destes polos estão ligados à realidade privada e um deles à realidade pública. Respectivamente, tais análises e entrevistas indicaram que apesar das diretrizes preestabelecidas, os polos pesquisados possuem um modelo contingencial e, portanto, cultural de adaptação à realidade em que se instalam; sendo que no caso das entrevistas semiestruturadas e, respectivamente do processo de gestão, existe uma proposta clara por parte dos coordenadores no exercício em se fazer EAD, compreendendo assim, uma gestão voltada a adequações e readequações diante de um contexto em constante desenvolvimento. No que se refere ao processo de autonomia, os fatores que merecem atenção estão diretamente relacionados à compreensão dos sujeitos sobre a existência de trâmites não negociáveis, respectivamente relacionados às bases legais que regulamentam a existência dos polos de apoio presencial, contudo, estabelecidos estes parâmetros, a autonomia se determina pela tomada de decisão deste gestor diante da realidade em que se instala.

Entre a leveza dos desencontros e a sutileza dos desencantos : quem é do Núcleo de Apoio à Saúde da Família diz

Timmermann, Talita Abi Rios January 2016 (has links)
Introdução: O Núcleo de Apoio à Saúde da Família (NASF), criado em 2008, tem como objetivo ampliar a oferta de serviços, a resolutividade e a abrangência das ações no âmbito da Atenção Primária à Saúde (APS), por meio de uma equipe multiprofissional que presta apoio para as equipes de Saúde da Família. Para orientar as ações do NASF, foram publicados dois Cadernos de Atenção Básica (CAB) – nº 27 e nº 39, em 2010 e 2014, respectivamente. Neles são apresentadas propostas de atuação por meio dez diferentes ferramentas tecnológicas: Apoio Matricial, Pactuação de Apoio, Clínica Ampliada, Projeto Terapêutico Singular, Projeto de Saúde no Território, Grupos, Genograma, Ecomapa, Atendimento Domiciliar Compartilhado e Atendimento Compartilhado. Um instrumento que permite conhecer as atividades desenvolvidas pelos trabalhadores do NASF é a Comunidade de Práticas (CdP), um site do Departamento de Atenção Básica do Ministério da Saúde, criado em 2013. A CdP possui um espaço em que disponibiliza relatos de experiências escritos por trabalhadores, gestores e outros atores que atuam na APS. Objetivo: Identificar quais têm sido as ações desenvolvidas pelos profissionais do NASF e se elas estão articuladas com as preconizações descritas nos documentos oficiais do Ministério da Saúde. Metodologia: Este estudo utilizou a técnica documental em Portarias, CABs, Manuais e Boletim, todos do Ministério da Saúde diretamente relacionado ao NASF. Além disso, foram coletados relatos de experiência da CdP que possuíssem o termo “NASF” no título e/ou corpo do texto, publicados entre 2013 e 30 de abril de 2015. Todos os relatos foram submetidos à leitura criteriosa e selecionados apenas os referentes ao NASF, escrito por trabalhadores e que descrevessem ações desenvolvidas por eles. Foram excluídos aqueles considerados incompletos. As publicações também foram analisadas de acordo com o conceito de experiência proposto por Larrosa (2002), ou seja, não apenas uma descrição do processo de trabalho ou ação desenvolvida, mas sim, associado a reflexão e os afetos gerados pelas tarefas realizadas. Resultado: Baseado nos documentos oficiais do Ministério da Saúde, foi possível descrever a trajetória histórica do NASF, apresentando os marcos legais e as transições que ocorreram nesta estratégia de apoio. Posteriormente, foram identificados 361 relatos de experiência com o termo NASF. Destes, 230 serviram como base para o trabalho. Os relatos foram submetidos a análise quantitativa descritiva, identificando que 43,2% dos autores dos relatos desenvolvem ações diferentes das descritas nos CABs, como rodas de conversa, fóruns, oficinas e gincanas, seguidos de 37,2% que utilizam a ferramenta Grupos em seus cotidianos. Para análise qualitativa, utilizando o conceito de experiência de Larrosa (2002), foram analisados dez relatos de experiência, que resultaram em quatro conceitos-chave: Equipe e vínculos; O que é o NASF e a relação com a Equipe de Saúde da Família; Os desafios do território; o NASF e a Gestão. Observou-se que a realidade dos territórios descrita pelos profissionais do NASF não cabe nas proposições dos CABs, e que a formação para atuar no NASF tem ocorrido nos mais variados contextos e, principalmente, na prática. Conclusão: Diante de um contexto onde as atividades do NASF não caminham paralelamente com a construção e disponibilização de materiais teóricos como CABs e Portarias, a utilização da CdP permite uma aproximação com a realidade dos profissionais. A não-utilização das ferramentas tecnológicas indicadas para o NASF não significa que as atividades não têm sido realizadas no território, e sim que os trabalhadores têm desenvolvido novas ferramentas e possibilidades que se adequem a realidade onde estão inseridos. / Introduction: Support Center for Family Health (NASF), created in 2008, aims to expand the supply of services, the resolution and the scope of actions in the context of Primary Health Care (APS), by a multidisciplinary team that provides support to the Family Health teams. To guide the actions of NASF were published two Primary Care books (CAB) – No. 27 and No. 39, in 2010 and 2014, respectively. In these, action proposals are presented through different technological tools: Matrix Support, Support Pact, Amplified Clinic, Singular Therapeutic Project, Territorial Health Project, Groups, Genogram, Ecomap, Shared Home Care and Shared Service. An instrument that allows learning about the developed activities by NASF workers is the Community of Practices (CdP), a website of the Department of Primary Care of the Ministry of Health, created in 2013. The CdP has a space that provides reports of experiences written by workers, managers and other members working in APS. Goals: Identifying which have been the actions developed by NASF professionals and if they are articulated with the recommendations described in Ministry of Health’s official documents. Methodology: This study used the documentary technique in Directives, CABs, manuals and Bulletin, all from the Ministry of Health directly related to NASF. In addition, we have collected CdP experience reports possessing the term "NASF" in the title and/or the text, published between 2013 and April 30, 2015. All reports were submitted to careful reading and selected only the ones concerning NASF, written by workers and that described actions carried out by them. The ones considered incomplete were excluded. The publications were also analyzed according to the concept of experience proposed by Larrosa (2002), that is, not only a description of the work process or action developed, but rather, associated with reflection and affections generated by the tasks performed. Results: Based on official documents of the Ministry of Health, it was possible to describe the history of NASF, with the legal framework and the transitions that occurred in this support strategy. Later, 361 reports of experience with the term NASF were identified. Of these, 230 served as the basis for the work. The reports were submitted to descriptive quantitative analysis, identifying that 43.2% of the authors of the reports develop different actions described in the CABs, as conversation circles, forums, workshops and competitions, followed by 37.2% who use the Groups tool in their daily lives. For qualitative analysis, using Larrosa’s (2002)concept of experience, were analyzed ten experience reports, which resulted in four key concepts: Team and bonds; What NASF is and the relationship with the Family Health Team; The challenges of the territory; NASF and Management. It was observed that the reality of the territories described by NASF professionals do not fit in the propositions of CABs, and that training to work in NASF has taken place in various contexts, and especially in practice. Conclusion: Facing a context where NASF activities do not move in parallel with the construction and delivery of theoretical material as CABs and Directives, the use of CdP allows an approach to the reality of the professionals. The non-use of technological tools suitable for NASF does not mean that the activities have not been carried out in the territory, but that workers have developed new tools and possibilities that fit the reality in which they live.

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