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Inkluzivní vzdělávání se zaměřením na žáky ze socio-kulturně odlišného či znevýhodněného prostředí / Inclusive education with a focus on pupils from socially and culturally different or disadvantaged backgroundsKadlecová, Eva January 2016 (has links)
The thesis deals with the topic of inclusive education in terms of inclusion of children from socio-culturally disadvantaged backgrounds into mainstream education. In the theoretical part there is description of the current situation in the Czech Republic based on the analysis of relevant sources of information regarding inclusive education. Inclusive education is viewed in the context of special education, multicultural education and social environment. As next there is outlined part of a legislative framework of this education and the possibility of support measures in the form of group tutoring. The practical part describes the group tutoring as one of the possible form of support measures. The group tutoring is analysed on the basis of the results of survey among children, who attended the group tutoring, and structured interviews with volunteers who helped to guide this tutoring.
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Styly učení a jejich efektivita u žáků s SPU / Learning styles and their effectivness amongst pupils with specific learning disabilitiesNyklíčková, Zdeňka January 2017 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with learning styles and their effectiveness amongst pupils with specific learning disabilities. The theoretical part describes the problems of specific learning disorders, the current legislation and the possibilities of care for pupils with specific learning disabilities in school counseling facility, learning styles, learning habits amongst pupils with specific learning disorders and basic diagnostics of learning styles. The practical part is focused on the research and includes quantitative research which focuses on revealing the predominant style of learning at the second level of elementary school amongst pupils with learning disabilities and its comparison with the regular population of pupils. The thesis also answers a range of questions, such as, what helps learners who have learning disabilities to make the most out of their work, what disturbs the learners during learning, and compares these findings with pupils without any learning disabilities. The results of the survey revealed that pupils with specific learning disabilities involved in the research are predominant in the auditory style of learning. There were no differences found between predominant learning styles in pupils with learning disabilities and pupils without these disorders.
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Asistent pedagoga na I. stupni ZŠ / Teacher Assistant in Primary schoolKřehlová, Jana January 2019 (has links)
The Master's thesis deals with the issue of cooperation between a teacher and a teaching assistant. In the introduction to the theoretical part, the thesis deals with the concept of integration, inclusion and inclusive education. Furthermore, it also includes the current legislation establishing the function of a teaching assistant, qualification and personality requirements of the teaching assistant and the resulting risks of the teaching assistant's function at primary schools. All this information related to the topic of teaching assistants at lower primary schools is the basis for the research part of the paper, which is done through a qualitative research. The research is carried out at one selected primary school in Prague. The empirical part of the thesis maps examples of good practice, forms of co-operation between the teacher and the teaching assistant, a system of support at the selected school using materials provided by the school, and also focuses on mapping out the difficulties resulting from the co-operation of the teaching assistant and the teacher. The source materials for the research part were processed by means of questionnaires with open questions, a semi-structured interview with the headmaster and also by common observation and observation directly in the lessons of specific...
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Intervenční přístupy k žákům se specifickými poruchami učení v mladším školním věku / Interventional approaches to pupils with specific learning difficulties in young school ageŠťastná, Kateřina January 2020 (has links)
The theoretical part of the diploma thesis deals with possible adjustments to the education of pupils with specific learning disabilities (SLD) throughout primary school of the main educational system. The theoretical part defines specific learning disabilities, their aetiology, and psychological impacts of SLD on the pupils, their school performance and family. Attention is paid to the counselling system, intervention services in schools, and the most frequently used approaches. The empirical part of the work combines the quantitative and qualitative research. It was determined, using a questionnaire survey, what forms and methods of teaching and intervention approaches are provided to pupils. The questionnaire was also concerned with the number of pupils with special educational needs in classes, and the representation of special counsellor and psychologists in school counselling. The piece of the research part is an example of good practice in primary school. The results of this work demonstrate the extent of interventional approaches, and adjustments of education, that can help students with SLD to meet their educational goals, as well as they demonstrate the representation of these experts in school counselling centres in more than in half of the schools surveyed. KEYWORDS specific learning...
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Využívání podpůrných opatření u žáků s funkční poruchou zraku / Use of supportive measures in pupils with visual impairmentCvachová, Aneta January 2020 (has links)
This diploma thesis covers the pupils with visual impairment who are school educated through the supportive measures of varying degrees. Firstly, it describes the essential concepts related to the topic. The first chapter introduces visual functions and their most common disorders, plus visual disorders in childhood which can be encountered in education. In following chapters, the definition and classification of terms used in the Catalogue of support measures in the Czech Republic is introduced and defined. The main terms covered are visual impairment and impaired visual perception and the education specifics are described for each groups of pupils according to the severity of visual impairment. This thesis also contains detailed analysis of support areas and each supportive measure designed for pupils in need of support in education due to the visual impairment and impaired visual perception. In the second part of practical study, research goals and questions are defined. From medical and other relevant reports of special pedagogical centre the qualitative research analysis had been conducted. The data were collected from selected primary school pupils who are using varying degrees of supportive measures. In total, it includes insight of seven pupils who are educated with the second, third and...
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One for all, all for one? A study regarding collegial efficacy as a means to support English teachers in their teachingAndersson, Emil, Olsson, Jimmy January 2019 (has links)
This study sets out to explore English teachers’ perceptions of aspects concerning theirworkplace and collegial collaborations. At the present time in Sweden, there is a need fornew qualified teachers, and furthermore, a considerable amount of the current teachersemployed are considering resignation. This has resulted in that many unlicensed teachers,who are not properly qualified, have been hired. In some schools, this has causedcompetence development to stagnate, having teachers rely more on getting through theirwork-days rather than to develop the quality of their teaching. Furthermore, reports havesurfaced that reveal heightened stress levels, and workload to be causing more sick leaveand burnout. However, a concept called collective efficacy, have been found to countermany of these issues. By prioritizing collective collaboration and efforts that are wellstructured and supported by the school leadership, personnel have been shown to improvein both efficacy and well-being. This is why we wanted to examine what perceptionsEnglish teachers had of their current workplace situation, communication, opportunities forcollegial exchanges, supportive measures and competence development in regard toteaching English. The study was conducted using a mixed methods approach. We gathereddata through a questionnaire with 34 respondents, and through semi-structured interviewswith two English teachers. A majority of the teachers in the study were positive to theperception that they collectively could improve student results. They were also positive tothe benefits of collegial exchanges. However, time is frequently identified as the leadingfactor as to why they can not, under ruling circumstances, incorporate more structuredcollegial exchanges. This implies that schools and school leadership would need todedicate both time and to structure formal and functioning meetings for these collegialexchanges at their schools - should they chose an approach such as this.
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Postoje a zkušenosti pedagogů vybrané základní školy s inkluzí žáků s mentálním postižením / The attitudes and experience of Primary school teachers with inclusion of pupils with mental disabilitiesZikánová, Drahomíra January 2018 (has links)
The thesis deals with the issue of inclusive education of pupils with mild intellectual disabilities in Czech mainstream schools focusing on attitudes and experiences of teachers of a selected elementary school on this issue. The theoretical part defines the concept of inclusion in the context of the Czech educational system and legislative measures related to this topic. It summarizes the concept of intellectual disability, describes what an intellectual disability is, what families of a child with intellectual disabilities are facing, and defines the specifics of educating a pupil with an intellectual disability. It also deals with special educational needs and measures for the education of pupils with this disability, which are embedded in the education act and aim to support the inclusive education of pupils with mild intellectual disabilities. The empirical part of the thesis analyses the interviews with teachers of a selected elementary school in the Central Bohemian Region. While conducting the research, the semi-structured interviews were gathered and the attitudes of teachers towards the explored issues were described. The final part summarizes and graphically elaborates findings of the qualitative research and suggests recommendations for possible further research and teaching practice.
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Náplň práce školního speciálního pedagoga / Job description of school special educatorHanslová, Kateřina January 2020 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the activities of a special educator at a regular elementary school. Thesis is interested in his position and role in the school, his competence or job description and how other pedagogical staff treat his work at the school. The theoretical part of the thesis defines the legislative anchoring of the profession of special educator and the whole system of education. The thesis defines the methods and forms of work that are most suitable in the education of pupils with special educational needs. The thesis also provides an insight into the consulting system and its specifics with an emphasis on the functioning of the school consulting centre. The empirical part of the thesis consists of mixed research. It is based on the evaluation of a questionnaire survey, which examines the opinions of teachers on the work of the school consulting centre and above all opinions on the position of a special teacher at the school. The questionnaires were distributed to teachers and teacher assistants and asked what benefits and shortcomings they see in the work of the school special educator and how they think they work with pupils, their parents and other teachers. The questionnaire survey is supplemented by an interview with a special educator, who offers the opinion of a school...
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Pohled učitelů na předškolní vzdělávání dětí se speciálními vzdělávacími potřebami v čase / View of teachers on preschool education of children with special educational needs in timeNováková, Monika January 2020 (has links)
The topic of the thesis is a look at special and pre-school education in the Czech Republic in the past 30 years. To better understand the interdependence of the development of special education, however, some chapters are devoted to the period before 1989. The theoretical part of the diploma thesis is focused on legislation and documents that significantly influenced special and pre-school education, on the topic of integration / inclusion in education and also on the system of teacher education after 1989 to the present and the position of teaching assistant. The practical part analyzes information obtained in the form of an interview with the kindergarten teachers addressed. The aim of this work was to find out how kindergarten teachers perceive the changes that preschool and special education have undergone during the past 30 years.
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Närvarofrämjande, förebyggande och åtgärdande arbete gällande problematisk skolfrånvaro : Specialpedagogens insatser beskrivna i 20 kommunala handlingsplaner / Supportive and preventative measures and intervention programs as response to problematic school absenteeism : The special educator’s role as described in 20 municipalities’ action plansHellborg, Susanna, Nilsson, Lotta January 2021 (has links)
Problematisk skolfrånvaro har uppmärksammats efter att en statlig utredning 2016 kom fram till att det finns bristande kunskap inom området i Sverige. Studiens syfte är att undersöka hur specialpedagogen används i det främjande arbetet för skolnärvaro och det förebyggande och åtgärdande arbetet vid problematisk skolfrånvaro utifrån 20 kommunala handlingsplaner. Frågorna är: Vilka insatser för närvaro och problematisk skolfrånvaro, som beskrivs i de kommunala handlingsplanerna, kan kopplas till specialpedagogen? På vilka nivåer (individ-, grupp- och organisationsnivå) används specialpedagogen i arbetet med att främja närvaro och att förebygga och åtgärda problematisk skolfrånvaro? En kvalitativ dokumentanalys gjordes utifrån sex kategorier. Systemteori och specialpedagogiska perspektiv användes i analysen för att belysa studiens frågor. Sammanfattningsvis visar studien att specialpedagogen kopplas explicit till uppgifter som till exempel fördjupad kartläggning vid skolfrånvaro och specialpedagogiskt stöd till enskild elev på individnivå. Specialpedagogen nämns implicit genom elevhälsans arbete på organisationsnivå i ett fåtal handlingsplaner. I diskussionen lyfts varför handlingsplanerna bör uttrycka det främjande och förebyggande arbetet och hur det förebyggande och åtgärdande arbetet kan utvecklas i det systematiska kvalitetsarbetet kopplat till specialpedagogens kompetens. Därutöver diskuteras även den specialpedagogiska kompetensen och dess roll i elevhälsan, riskerna med frånvaroteam och behovet av att utveckla ämnet problematisk skolfrånvaro i den specialpedagogiska utbildningen. / Problematic school absenteeism as first identified as a problem in 2016 when a government inquiry concluded that there was a lack of proper knowledge on the subject in Sweden. The purpose of this paper is to explore how 20 municipalities, via their schools’ action plans and policies, utilize special educators with regard to students’ problematic school absenteeism through the use of early intervention, and preventative and supportive measures. Examined will be: How is the special educator involved in the efforts to curb problematic school absenteeism? On what levels (individual, group or organizational) is the special educator engaged to promote attendance and to prevent and remedy problematic school absenteeism? The observational basis for this paper is a qualitative analysis of action plans from twenty different municipalities. This analysis was made based on six categories. Systems theory and special needs perspectives were used in the analysis to highlight the questions posed in this paper. In summary, the special educator is explicitly connected to certain tasks such as the in-depth tracking of absenteeism and the support for students with special needs. More often, the responsibilities included under the special educator’s purview are implicitly included in the framework for the team responsible for student well-being. The discussion addresses why action plans must describe supportive and preventative measures and ways in which preventive and remedial activities can be developed during systematic quality processes linked to the special educator's skills set. Additionally, discussed were the special educator’s roll in the team responsible for student well-being, the pros and cons with the absenteeism-teams and even the need to develop understanding for this subject in training for the special educator.
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