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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Contribuição à automação do processo de flotação do fosfato de cajati. / Contribution to process automation cajati phosphate flotation.

Barrios, Marco Rogério 01 July 2016 (has links)
Flotação é uma operação unitária à base de química de superfície que envolve a captura de partículas hidrofóbicas por bolhas de ar na suspensão aquosa, na qual são transportadas para a superfície, com posterior remoção desta camada de espuma. Por outro lado, porque as partículas hidrofílicas não aderem a bolhas de ar, elas tendem a afundar e ir para o fluxo inferior do tanque de flotação. A separação de apatita-ganga através de flotação de espuma é o controle eficaz dos fenômenos de molhabilidade, que, por sua vez, determina a seletividade do processo. A regulação da interação de minerais (apatita e ganga) com moléculas de água (natureza hidrofílica) e também com as bolhas de ar (natureza hidrofóbica) é conseguida com a adição de reagentes químicos (coletores, modificadores e espumantes) na polpa de flotação. Adsorção de reagentes químicos na interface mineral/solução é o método mais eficaz para promover a hidrofobicidade das partículas de apatita (favorecendo sua flotação) e também reforçar a hidrofilicidade dos minerais de ganga, inibindo sua flotação. Este trabalho tem o objetivo de construir uma curva de calibração para o coletor Berol®867 através do método colorimétrico de Bradford, método na presença do corante Coomassie Brilliant Blue. Medidas simulando condições típicas de flotação foram também realizadas em laboratório. Medições em soluções de flotação foram realizadas pelo tensiômetro IP6000 que baseia-se no método da pressão máxima de bolha (MPMB) na qual é muito mais adequado para líquidos puros, mas não para soluções aquosas contendo surfactantes. Por conseguinte, os valores de L/G obtidos por MPMB são deterministicamente superiores aos gerados pelo Método com Wilhelmy (MPW), que é considerada como sendo adequada para soluções contendo tensioativos, mas não suficientemente robusta para aplicações industriais in-situ. / Froth flotation is a chemistry-based surface unit operation that involves the capture of hydrophobic particles by air bubbles in aqueous slurry, followed by levitation and collection in a froth layer. Conversely, because hydrophilic particles do not adhere to air bubbles, they are likely to sink and go to the underflow of the flotation cell. The selectivity of apatite-gangue separation via froth flotation is determined by the efficient control of the wetting phenomena. Adding chemical reagents to the flotation pulp, like collectors or frothers, it is possible to regulate the interfacial affinity of each mineral, apatite or gangue, turning them hydrophilic or hydrophobic. Adsorption of chemical reagents onto interfaces is the most effective approach to promote the hydrophobicity of the mineral, which is desired to float, and also the reinforcement of the wettability by water of the minerals which are desired to sink. This work had as objective to construct a calibration curve for the Berol®867 collector through the Bradford colorimetric method in the presence of Coomassie Brilliant Blue dye. Measurements simulating typical flotation conditions were also run at the laboratory. Measurements of flotation solution performed by tensiometer IP6000 are based on the Maximum Bubble Pressure Method (MBPM) which is very suitable for pure liquids, but not for aqueous solutions containing surfactants. Therefore, the values of ?LG yielded by MBPM are deterministically higher than those yielded by the Wilhelmy Plate Method (WPM), which is regarded as suitable for surfactant solutions but not sufficiently robust for in-situ industrial applications.

Avaliação da tensão superficial, parâmetros reológicos e atenuação acústica de suspensões de açaí / Analysis of surface tension, ultrasound attenuation and rheological parameters of açai\' suspensions

Trevisan, Bruno Peruchi 14 October 2011 (has links)
Nesta pesquisa teve-se como objetivo estudar as propriedades físicas de polpas de açaí disponíveis comercialmente, tais como: pH, condutividade, viscosidade, tensão superficial e atenuação acústica, em função da temperatura e de particulados presentes na suspensão de açaí. Foram selecionadas quatro marcas comerciais de polpa de açaí originárias da região norte do Brasil. As amostras foram estudadas na forma pura (sem diluição) e diluídas. As análises de tensão superficial foram conduzidas utilizando o tensiômetro da Sensadyne (modelo QC6000) na faixa de temperatura de 15ºC a 60ºC. Observou-se uma variação da tensão superficial entre as marcas estudadas e em todos os casos a polpa de açaí diluída apresentou tensão superficial superior à polpa pura. Para valores de temperatura maiores que 45ºC, a tensão superficial aumentou com a temperatura para duas marcas estudadas. A verificação da atenuação e do tamanho de partículas foi realizada utilizando a técnica de espectroscopia de atenuação acústica com o equipamento APS-100 (Matec Applied Science, Northborough, USA). A polpa diluída apresentou uma menor atenuação com relação à polpa pura. As polpas de açaí, pura e diluída, apresentaram partículas com tamanho inferior a 0,6 µm de diâmetro, sendo que a polpa pura apresentou partículas com diâmetros maiores. Na investigação reológica foram utilizados reômetros rotacionais (Modelo DVIII+) da marca Brookfield com geometrias de cone-placa e cilindros concêntricos na faixa de temperatura de 15ºC a 60ºC. Os reogramas obtidos foram ajustados aos modelos de Ostwald-de-Waale (Lei da Potência) e Herschel-Bulkley, sendo que o melhor ajuste foi obtido com o modelo de Lei da Potência. Todas as amostras estudadas apresentaram comportamento reológico não-Newtoniano, com características de fluidos tixotrópicos. Foi investigado também o comportamento reológico de polpas de açaí tratadas enzimaticamente para posterior processamento por microfiltração tangencial. As enzimas comerciais Pectinex Ultra SP-L, Biopectinase KK Plus e Ultrazym AFPL foram avaliadas separadamente e a respectiva eficiência foi analisada pela redução da viscosidade no reômetro rotacional com a geometria de cone-plana. A enzima comercial Ultrazym foi mais eficiente na redução da viscosidade aparente da polpa de açaí, sendo que as enzimas Pectinex e Biopectinase não apresentaram alteração significativa da viscosidade. A análise da viscosidade aparente dos produtos (permeado e retentado) da microfiltração utilizando membranas cerâmicas comerciais de 0,8 e 0,2 \'mü\'m foi feita utilizando o reômetro rotacional com a geometria de cone-placa, na temperatura de 25ºC. Para o processamento por microfiltração sem tratamento enzimático, o retentado apresentou valores de viscosidade aparente superior ao permeado e à polpa diluída, enquanto que a polpa diluída apresentou viscosidade aparente superior ao permeado. Na microfiltração com tratamento enzimático a polpa diluída apresentou viscosidade aparente inferior ao permeado, comportamento observado para as duas membranas estudadas (0,8 e 0,2 \'mü\'m). Com os resultados obtidos foi possível verificar a grande variação nas propriedades físicas de polpas comerciais de açaí e com isso, a importância de se realizar tais medidas para a otimização de processos como a microfiltração tangencial. / The main objective of this research was the study of physical properties of commercial types of açaí pulp; including pH, electric conductivity, viscosity, surface tension and acoustic attenuation as a function of temperature and particulates of açaí suspension. Four types of açaí pulp from north region of Brazil were selected. The samples were analyzed in pure (undiluted) and diluted form. Surface tension was measured with Sensadyne tensiometer (model QC6000) in the temperature range: 15º to 60º Celsius. In all types of pulp studied the surface tension of diluted sample was higher than pure sample. For temperatures above 45º Celsius surface tension increased for two types of açai pulp studied. Acoustic attenuation and particle size of samples were analyzed with the equipment APS-100 from Matec Applied Science, Northborough, USA. Acoustic attenuation of diluted samples is smaller for pure samples; the açaí pulp (pure and diluted) has particle sizes below 0,6 µm and the particle sizes of the pure samples were larger than the diluted samples. Brookfield/USA rotational rheometers (Model DVIII+) was employed for rheological analysis with two geometries: cone-plate and concentric cylinders in the temperature range: 15º to 60º Celsius. The rheological behavior was adjusted by Ostwald-de-Waale model (or Power-law model) and Herschel-Bulkley model; the Ostwald-de-Waale model showed a better fit. All brands of pulp studied presented non-Newtonian behavior with tixotropic characteristics. It also investigated the rheological behavior of açaí pulp treated enzymatically for later processing by tangential microfiltration. The commercial enzymes: Pectinex Ultra SP-L (Novozymes - Bagsvaerd, Dinamarca), Biopectinase KK Plus (Kerry Bio-Science) and Ultrazym AFPL (Novozymes - Bagsvaerd, Dinamarca), were utilized to reduce viscosity and the effect was evaluated with the cone-plate geometry of the Brookfield/USA rheometer (Model DVIII+). The data shows that the Ultrazym enzyme was the best option for viscosity reduction of açaí pulp, and the other presented no changes in the viscosity. The viscosity of the retentate and permeate from the microfiltration process (membranes with cut-off 0,8 and 0,2 µm) was determined with the cone-plate geometry of the Brookfield/USA rheometer (Model DVIII+) at 25º Celsius. In microfiltration process without enzymatic action, the apparent viscosity of retentate was always higher than the retentate from diluted pulp. With the results we observed the large variation in physical properties of commercial açaí pulp and thus, the importance of carrying out such measures for the optimization of processes such as tangential microfiltration.

Avaliação da tensão superficial do PVB e da PA-6. / Evaluation of surface tension of poly(vinyl butyral) and nylon-6.

Morais, Douglas 02 September 2008 (has links)
No laboratório de Análise, Processamento e Reologia de Materiais Poliméricos da Escola Politécnica da USP tem sido estudadas blendas de Poliamida-6 (PA-6) e filme de poli(vinil butiral) (PVB), como uma alternativa para reciclagem do filme de PVB oriundo do processo de separação dos componentes do vidro laminado pós-consumo. As propriedades mecânicas de uma blenda polimérica dependem da sua morfologia e, por sua vez, a morfologia depende das propriedades reológicas e da tensão interfacial entre os polímeros formadores da blenda, que para o caso de blendas envolvendo filme de PVB podem mudar em função da concentração de plastificante presente na composição do filme. Apesar da importância do seu conhecimento, a tensão interfacial entre PA-6 e filme de PVB não é conhecida. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar a tensão superficial do filme de PVB e da PA-6. O método utilizado foi o da gota pendente. Também estudou-se a influência da adição de plastificante na tensão superficial do filme de PVB. Os resultados mostraram que a tensão superficial dos polímeros estudados decresce com o aumento da temperatura (temperatura variando entre 240 e 260ºC). Em particular, para o filme de PVB a entropia de superfície ( (d/dT) ) apresentou um valor acima dos normalmente encontrados para polímeros fundidos. Este comportamento foi atribuído à estabilidade térmica do filme. O filme de PVB utilizado nos ensaios de tensão superficial foi caracterizado por Espectroscopia no Infravermelho (FTIR), Espectroscopia no Ultravioleta/Visível (UV-VIS), Espectroscopia Eletrônica para Análise Química (ESCA) e Análise Termogravimétrica (TG). Os resultados obtidos comprovaram que há mudanças na estrutura do PVB durante sua exposição a temperaturas elevadas, por longo período de tempo (condições do ensaio de tensão superficial). Foi observado, primeiramente, a evaporação do plastificante, seguida por perda de grupos polares (-OH, C=O e C-O-C) presentes na estrutura do PVB. A tensão superficial da Poliamida-6 foi determinada para temperaturas de 250 e 260ºC. Os resultados mostraram que a PA-6 manteve-se estável durante os ensaios. / In the Rheology and Polymer Processing Laboratory of Escola Politécnica of the University of São Paulo, Polyamide-6 / poly(vinyl butiral) film blends have been studied as an alternative for the recycling of post-consumption laminated glasses. The mechanical properties of these blends were studied and explained in light of their morphology. The morphology of polymer blends strongly depends on the rheological behavior of the blend and on the interfacial tension between the polymers forming the blend. In the case of Poliamide-6 (PA-6)/poly(vinyl butiral) (PVB) film blends, the interfacial tension depends on the plasticizer concentration present in PVB film. However, to our knowledge neither the PA-6/PVB film interfacial tension nor the surface tension of PVB film at temperatures above softening temperatures have been evaluated. In this work, the surface tension of poly(vinyl butyral) and polyamide was evaluated using the pendant drop method. Also it was tried to evaluate the surface tension of PVB film as a function of plasticizer content. The surface tension values obtained were in the same range as the ones obtained for other molten polymers: the surface tension decreases with increasing temperature (for temperatures ranging from 240 to 260°C). However, the value of PVB film surface entropy ((d/dT) where is the surface tension and T is the temperature) was much larger than values reported for other molten polymers. This result was attributed to thermal stability of PVB film during the surface tension measurement. The drops of PVB film after surface tension analysis were examined for any change in their functional groups using infrared spectroscopy (FITIR), ultraviolet-visible spectroscopy (UV/VIS), electron spectroscopy for chemical analysis (XPS/ESCA) and thermogravimetric analysis (TG). The results showed that changes in the chemical structure of PVB film occur during surface tension measurement. First, the plasticizer within the PVB film evaporates and, then, the PVB suffers reduction of polar units and creation of C=C bonds. The surface tension of PA-6 was evaluated for temperatures of 250 and 260°C. The PA-6 remained stable during tests.

Estudo das características de dispersão de suspensões de carbonato de cálcio. / Study of dispersion characteristics of calcium carbonate suspensions.

Valencia, Gabriela Araujo 12 April 2017 (has links)
O presente trabalho tem como proposição investigar a hipótese de que a diminuição da tensão superficial do líquido favorece o comportamento reológico de suspensões concentradas, uma vez que as partículas estão mais próximas e a contribuição da força de capilaridade possivelmente aumenta. Como suspensões concentradas tendem ao comportamento viscoelástico, investigou-se métodos reológicos propícios para analisar possíveis consequências devido à alteração da tensão superficial da água. Foram utilizados dois carbonatos de cálcio equivalentes (P1 e P5) que se diferenciam pela distribuição granulométrica. Utilizou-se dois dispersantes de mercado e etilenoglicol como modificadores de tensão superficial. A análise de superfície pelo ensaio de potencial zeta, revelou carga superficial positiva. Embora os pós sejam equivalentes, a mobilidade eletroforética do P5 é menor. Verificou-se que o íon cálcio é determinante do potencial. Verificou-se contribuição eletrostática apenas dos dispersantes. O ensaio de gota pendente constatou diminuição da tensão superficial da água com os três aditivos. Ensaios de ascensão capilar pelo método de Washburn revelaram maiores ângulos de contato para ensaios com aditivos, sendo menor para P5. Avaliou-se geometrias e métodos reológicos a fim de selecionar bom conjunto para medidas de viscoelasticidade, sendo oscilatório de tensão e geometria vane escolhidos. O acréscimo dos dispersantes resultou em menores valores de G\' e tensões de escoamento, enquanto o etilenoglicol resultou em maiores. Não há relação clara entre valores calculados de ângulo de contato e mobilidade eletroforética. Os ensaio reológicos e de mobilidade relacionaram-se apenas para os dispersantes. A hipótese foi verificada pelos valores de tensão de escoamento e IPS. Para os dispersantes, foi possível observar comportamento próximo à hipótese, quanto menor foi a tensão superficial do líquido, menores valores de tensão para menores IPS. Explorou-se também a hipótese pelos ensaios de ângulo de contato, observou-se novamente curva próxima a hipótese. Embora necessidade de mais ensaios, o presente trabalho contribuiu para metodologia de exploração de características de superfície, dispersão e reológicas de suspensões concentradas. / The proposition of the present work is to investigate the hypothesis that the reduction of the surface tension of the liquid favors the rheological behavior of concentrated suspensions, since the particles are closer and the contribution of capillarity forces possibly increases. As concentrated suspensions tend to viscoelastic behavior, rheological methods were examined to analyze possible consequences due to changes of surface tension of the water. Two equivalent calcium carbonates (P1 and P5) were used and differ by particle-size distribution. Two market dispersants and ethylene glycol were used as surfactant. Surface analysis by the zeta potential test revealed positive surface charge and, although the powders are equivalent, the electrophoretic mobility of P5 is lower. The reults show that calcium is potential determining ion. Electrostatic contribution was found only for the dispersants. Pendant drop test showed a decrease in the surface tension of the water with the three additives. Washburn capillary rise technique estimated greater contact angles for tests with additives and lower ones for P5. Rheological geometries and methods were evaluated in order to select good set for viscoelasticity measurements, choosing oscillatory stress sweep and vane geometry. The addition of the dispersants resulted in lower values G \'and yield stress, while ethylene glycol resulted in higher values. There is no clear relation between contact angle and electrophoretic mobility. The rheological and eletrophoretic mobility showed relation only for dispersants. The hypothesis was verified by the values yield stress and IPS. For the dispersants, it was possible to observe behavior close to the hypothesis, the lower the surface tension of the liquid, the lower the yield stress for lower IPS. The hypothesis was also explored by the contact angle tests, a curve next to the hypothesis was observed again. Although the need for more tests, the present work contributed to the methodology of exploration of surface characteristics, dispersion and rheological characteristics of concentrated suspensions.

Características da anatomia foliar e da deposição de gotas de pulverização em plantas daninhas aquáticas /

Costa, Neumárcio Vilanova da, 1978- January 2004 (has links)
Resumo: O presente trabalho de pesquisa teve como objetivo estudar, em sete espécies de plantas daninhas aquáticas, Enhydra anagallis Gardn., Brachiaria mutica Stapf, Brachiaria subquadripara (Trin.) Hitchc., Panicum repens Burm. f., Eichhornia crassipes (Mart.) Solms, Heteranthera reniformis Ruiz & Pav. e Typha subulata Crespo & Perez-Moreau, as características da anatomia da folha, o pH foliar e a área de molhamento de gotas de pulverização nas superfícies foliares adaxial e abaxial. O experimento foi conduzido no Núcleo de Pesquisas Avançadas em Matologia - NUPAM, do Departamento de Produção Vegetal, pertencente à Faculdade de Ciências Agronômicas de Botucatu/UNESP, e no Departamento de Botânica, do Instituto de Biociências de Botucatu/UNESP. As plantas foram cultivadas em caixas d'água sob condições de campo e, quando apresentavam pleno desenvolvimento, ou seja, antes do florescimento, foram realizadas as amostragens do material foliar, para as sete espécies estudadas. Com relação às estruturas presentes no limbo foliar, foram quantificados os seguintes caracteres anatômicos das regiões da nervura central e internervural: epiderme das faces adaxial e abaxial, feixe vascular, bainha do feixe vascular (=endoderme), esclerênquima, parênquima e lacunas do aerênquima. Foi também mensurada, na região internervural, a espessura do limbo foliar, bem como realizada a contagem do número de estômatos e de tricomas das faces adaxial e abaxial. Os dados dos 19 caracteres estruturais quantitativos, utilizados na diferenciação das espécies de plantas daninhas aquáticas estudadas, foram submetidos aos testes estatísticos multivariados de Análise de Agrupamento e Análise de Componentes Principais. Os componentes Y1 e Y2, foram responsáveis, respectivamente, por 63,58% e 18,40% da informação retida pelos caracteres estudados... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / The aim of this research was to study leaf anatomy characteristic, leaf pH and to evaluate the spreading area after application of solution surfactants of following aquatic weeds, Enhydra anagallis Gardn., Brachiaria mutica Stapf, Brachiaria subquadripara (Trin.) Hitchc., Panicum repens Burm. f., Eichhornia crassipes (Mart.) Solms, Heteranthera reniformis Ruiz & Pav. and Typha subulata Crespo & Perez-Moreau. Aquatic weeds were cultivated in reservoirs containing water in field conditions and it was collected foliar tissues when plants reached its full development (before flowering). For weeds anatomy characterizations were study anatomic structure presented at leaf blade and the following structures were quantitative evaluated: upper and lower epidermal faces, vascular bundles (=endodermis), esclerenchyma, parenchyma and lacuna of the aerenchyma. At the internerve region the thickness of foliar hem was evaluated. For foliar hem nineteen quantitative anatomic characters were used for aquatic weeds differentiation and the datas were analyzed as multivariate analyses. Components Y1 and Y2 were responsible for 63.58 and 18.40% on retained information of the studied character. The main components analyses of leaf quantitative anatomic characters of the aquatic weed species were responsible for grouping the species in three distinct groups. All aquatic weed species showed anfistomata leaves. Only grasses, B. mutica, B. subquadripara, P. repens, presented tricomas. Leaf pH medium values varied between 5.50 and 7.50, pointing out to E. anagallis that have the higher pH values with 6.68 and 7.02 for upper and lower surfaces. Superficial drop tension for glyphosate alone (5.0% v v-1), glyphosate + Aterbane BR (5.0 + 0.5% v v-1), glyphosate + silwett L-77 (5.0 + 0.05% v v-1), and surfactants alone... (Complete abstract, click eletronic address below) / Orientador: Roberto Antonio Rodella / Coorientador: Dagoberto Martins / Banca: Eduardo A. Lemos Erasmo / Bacna: Fernando Tadeu de Carvalho / Mestre

FREEFLOW-AXI: um ambiente de simulação de escoamentos axissimétricos com superfícies livres. / FREEFLOW-AXI: an axisymmetric free surface flow simulation system.

Maria Luísa Bambozzi de Oliveira 28 June 2002 (has links)
Este trabalho apresenta um ambiente de simulação de escoamentos com simetria radial e superfícies livres, baseado no sistema Freeflow. O sistema é formado por três módulos: um modelador de moldes, um simulador e um visualizador de escoamentos. O simulador implementa o método GENSMAC para a solução das equações de Navier-Stokes em coordenadas cilíndricas, utilizando diferenças finitas em uma malha diferenciada. São introduzidos os efeitos da tensão superficial e do ângulo de contato nas simulações com simetria radial. Alguns resultados de simulações utilizando este sistema e uma validação do código são apresentados, comparando simulações com soluções analíticas e experimentais, e estudando a convergência do método. / This work presents an environment for the simulation of axisymmetric free surface flows, based on the Freeflow system. The system contains three modules: a geometric model modeller, a simulator and a visualizator. The simulator implements the GENSMAC method for the solution of the Navier-Stokes equations in cylindrical coordinates, using finite differences in a staggered grid. The effects of surface tension and contact angle are introduced in the axisymmetric simulations. Some results from simulations using this system and a validation of the code are presented, comparing the simulations with analytical and experimental solutions, and studying the convergence of the method.

Wettability of solid metals by low melting non-metallic inclusions

Parry, Gavin Wayne, Materials Science & Engineering, Faculty of Science, UNSW January 2007 (has links)
A project studied wetting of iron, nickel and platinum by molten MnO-SiO2 (MS) and CaO-Al2O3-SiO2 (CAS) slags of eutectic composition to contribute to understanding of wetting behaviour of solid metal-molten oxide systems relevant to steelmaking. Novel results of dynamic wetting behaviour by the sessile drop method were obtained under strongly reducing atmosphere (oxygen partial pressure 10-20 -- 10-18 atm). Terminal contact angles (after 240 min) for MS slag were: for iron substrates -5??2??(1350??C), 9+-2?? (1390??C), 6+-2 (1450??C); nickel -- 3+-2??(1350 and 1390??C); and platinum --15+-2??(1350 and 1390??C), 12+-2??(1450??C). Contact angles with CAS slag were: iron -- 55+-2??(1350??C), 60+-2?? (1390??C), 44+-2?? (1450??C); nickel -- 59+-2??(1350??C), 60+-2?? (1390??C); and platinum -- 15+-2?? (1350, 1390 and 1450??C). Values for interfacial tension, work of adhesion, spreading parameter (S) and interaction coefficient (Ф) were also determined. Work of adhesion for all three substrates with MS slag changed in a very narrow range 910 - 930 mJ/m2. Interfacial tension with this slag was 1,480 mN/m for Ni at 1350-1390??C, and 1,880-1,890 mN/m for Pt in the temperature range 1,350-1,450??C. For iron, interfacial tension was 1,720 mN/m at 1350??C (γ-Fe); it decreased to 1590-1580 mN/m with increasing temperature to 1390 and 1450??C (-Fe). Lower work of adhesion and higher interfacial tension was found for metals with CAS slag. Wetting properties of Pt substrate with MS slag were close to that with CAS slag, while Fe and Ni substrates showed better wetting by MS slag in comparison with CAS slag. This was attributed to higher reactivity of Fe and Ni with MS slag, particularly reduction of MnO. Although MnO was also reduced in reaction with Pt, oxygen adsorption in contact with both slags was a major factor governing wettability of Pt. Dissolution of manganese in nickel and platinum substrates at elevated temperatures modified the interface chemistry, causing formation of a liquid alloy phase. Degree of silica reduction from MS slag was much smaller in comparison with MnO reduction (negligible for Pt); it was very minor from CAS slag. Concentration profiles of Mn and Si across the interface and along the metal surface were used to estimate diffusion coefficients. Diffusion along metal surfaces was generally higher by 1 to 2 orders of magnitude than across the interface. Reduction of oxides and adsorption of oxygen modify the metal-oxide interface, making wetting dynamic. They have a profound on interfacial properties.

Reaction kinetics and dynamic interfacial phenomena in liquid metal-slag systems

Rhamdhani, Muhammad Akbar. Brooks, Geoffrey January 2005 (has links)
Thesis (Ph.D.)--McMaster University, 2005. / Supervisor: Geoffrey Brooks and Kenneth Coley. Includes bibliographical references (p. 152-164).

Dynamics and Mechanics of Zebrafish Embryonic Tissues / Dynamik und Mechanik embryonaler Zebrafisch Gewebe

Schötz, Eva-Maria 22 April 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Developmental biologists try to elucidate how it is possible for cells, all originating from the same egg, to develop into a variety of highly specialized structures, such as muscles, skin, brain and limbs. What organizes the behavior of these cells, and how can the information encoded in the DNA account for the observed patterns and developmental processes? Cell movements and tissue flow during embryogenesis constitute a beautiful problem of bridging scales: On the microscopic scale, cells are expressing particular genes which determine their identities and also their fate during morphogenesis. These molecular determinants then lead to the macroscopic phenomena of cell movements and tissue arrangements, for which one needs a continuum description in terms of active fluids. Taking into account that the number of cells is fairly small, a complete coarse graining is not possible, and a characterization of both mesoscopic (individual cell motion) and macroscopic (flow) behavior is required for a full description. In the here presented work, a set of different experimental methods was applied to investigate the mechanical and dynamical properties of zebrafish embryonic cells and tissues. This thesis is structured as follows: In chapter 2, we introduce the fundamental concepts that are important for the study of cell motion during zebrafish embryonic development. In chapter 3, the materials and methods applied in this work are described. The experimental results of my thesis-work are presented in chapters 4-8: Chapter 4 concentrates on the physical properties of whole tissues. It is shown that tissues are viscoelastic materials. Tissue viscoelasticity is not a new concept, but this study is the first one to quantify the mechanical properties of tissues that are in actual contact in a developing embryo. In chapter 5, cell rearrangements in culture, such as cell sorting and tissue wetting are discussed. These experiments show that tissue interactions are largely determined by tissue surface and interfacial tensions. In chapter 6, an optical stretcher device is applied to measure, solely by means of laser light, the material properties of individual cells. Hereby it is shown that single cells from the two investigated tissue types differ in their mechano-physical properties. After the study of cell and tissue mechanics, the dynamics of cell migration in three dimensions in tissue aggregates and in developing zebrafish embryos is addressed: In chapter 7, 3D-cell migration in multicellular aggregates is analyzed quantitatively by studying the mean square displacement, cell velocity distribution and velocity autocorrelation. In chapter 8, we study the cell motion within the developing zebrafish embryo. By following the motion of many cells in four dimensions, we are able to generate a velocity flow profile for this cell-flow. Chapter 9 gives a brief summary of the obtained results and an outlook to future projects motivated by the presented study. The final part of this thesis are four appendices. Appendix A contains protocols and additional methods. Appendix B contains several calculations, whose results were used in the main part of this work. Appendix C contains additional data and discussions, which were excluded from the main part due to space limitations. Finally, Appendix D consists of a compact disc with 11 movies and a movie description, which serves as supplemental material to the presented data. (Die Druckexemplare enthalten jeweils eine CD-ROM als Anlagenteil: 650 MB: Movies - Nutzung: Referat Informationsservice der SLUB)

Experimental studies of Marangoni convection with buoyancy in simple and binary fluids

Li, Yaofa 21 September 2015 (has links)
The flow in a layer of volatile fluid driven by a horizontal temperature gradient is a fundamental transport model for numerous evaporative passive cooling applications. When a thin film of a volatile liquid is subject to a horizontal temperature gradient, changes in the surface tension at the free surface lead to Marangoni stresses that drive the flow. In a thicker liquid layer, the flow is also affected by buoyancy. This thesis describes experimental studies of convection driven by a combined action of Marangoni stresses and buoyancy in simple and binary volatile liquid layers confined in a sealed rectangular cavity heated at one end and cooled at the other. Experiments with varying concentrations of noncondensables (i.e., air) ca were performed to investigate their effect on the phase change and heat and mass transport. In the simple liquid, thermocapillary stresses drive the liquid near the free surface away from the heated end. Varying ca is shown to strongly affect the stability of this buoyancy-thermocapillary flow for Marangoni numbers Ma = 290 - 3600 and dynamic Bond numbers BoD = 0.56 - 0.82: removing air suppresses transition to multicellular and unsteady flow. The results are compared with numerical simulations and linear stability analysis. In the binary liquid considered here, a methanol-water (MeOH-H2O) mixture, solutocapillary stresses drive the flow near the free surface towards the heated end. Four distinct flow regimes are identified for this complex flow driven by thermocapillarity, solutocapillarity, and buoyancy, and are summarized in a flow regime map as a function of ca and the liquid composition (MeOH concentration). At low ca, solutocapillary effects are strong enough to drive the liquid near the free surface towards the heated end over the entire liquid layer, suggesting that binary-fluid coolants could significantly reduce film dryout.

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