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Análise comparativa do desempenho de reator anaeróbio híbrido e reator de manto de lodo de fluxo ascendente (UASB) aplicados ao tratamento de esgoto sanitárioHoyos, Nestor Leonel Muñoz January 2016 (has links)
O presente trabalho teve como objetivo principal avaliar a performance e a estabilidade operacional de uma nova configuração de um reator anaeróbio híbrido (RAH) que combina um filtro anaeróbio de fluxo descendente seguido de uma câmara de manta de lodo de fluxo ascendente comparativamente ao reator UASB nas mesmas condições operacionais aplicados ao tratamento de esgoto sanitário. A avaliação da eficiência de remoção de remoção da matéria orgânica e dos sólidos suspensos nos reatores piloto foi por meio de testes da DQO, DBO, sólidos em suspensão totais (SST) e dos sólidos em suspensão voláteis (SSV).Os reatores UASB e RAH foram operados por um período de 240 dias na fase 1 e 150 dias na fase 2 com vazão afluente de 1,6 m3/h e TDH de 11,8 h. O TDH médio na câmara de entrada do RAH foi de 2,7h e de 9,1h na câmara ascendente de manto de lodo. Os reatores piloto apresentaram capacidade de tratamento para suportar os choques de carga orgânica devido à variabilidade do esgoto bruto. A eficiência de remoção de matéria orgânica em termos de DQO foi de 66% e 59% para o UASB e RAH, a eficiência de remoção de SST atingiu valores de 65% e 63% respectivamente, aliás, o reator UASB apresentando valores superiores de desempenho operacional em quase todos os parâmetros de monitoramento dos processos de digestão anaeróbia os valores médios dos parâmetros DQO, DBO5, SST e SSV não tiveram diferenças estatisticamente significativas. O pH para os sistemas piloto esteve na faixa ideal para o desenvolvimento dos microorganismos anaeróbios (6,5 a 7,5) e a alcalinidade e os AGVs demonstraram estabilidade dos reatores, corroborados pela estabilidade do pH no interior de cada sistema. A velocidade ascensional na câmara de manta de lodo (0,45 m/h) não causou efeito adverso na qualidade do efluente em termos de SST, com valor médio de 39,8 mg/L, na mesma faixa observada no reator UASB (41,6 mg/L). Foi observada menor concentração de biomassa no reator RAH (distribuição vertical) comparativamente ao reator UASB segundo os perfis verticais de lodo, entretanto, este fato não comprometeu a sua eficiência de remoção de matéria orgânica e dos sólidos suspensos. A retirada do lodo de excesso dos sistemas piloto foi baseada na relação STV/ST para estimar a fração de biomassa, a freqüência do descarte foi de 1 vez por mês retirando o equivalente aos 10% do volume de lodo das tomadas que apresentaram uma fração de STV menor que 50%. É viável a implementação da turbidez como parâmetro de detenção de perdida de lodo no efluente dos reatores anaeróbios devido a que a turbidez e os SST apresentaram uma relação direta o que ajudaria a simplificar mecanismos de controle operacional para a toma de decisões nas estações de tratamento, sendo que a turbidez é um parâmetro de leitura rápida “in situ” e poderia advertir do excesso de lodo ao interior do reator. Foram empregados diferentes métodos titrimétricos para a determinação dos AGVs no efluente do RAH e UASB. Após análise dos resultados, recomenda-se o uso do método de KAPP e RIPLEY para a determinação dos AGVs pela simplicidade metodológica e pela rapidez na obtenção do resultado. / This study aimed to evaluate the performance and operational stability of a new configuration of a hybrid anaerobic reactor (RAH) combining an anaerobic filter downflow followed by a sludge blanket chamber upflow compared to UASB in same operating conditions applied to sewage treatment. The evaluation of organic matter removal and removal efficiency of suspended solids in the pilot reactor was by testing COD, BOD, total suspended solids (TSS) and volatile suspended solids (VSS). The RAH and UASB reactors were operated for a period of 240 days in the first phase and 150 days in phase 2 with the inlet flow of 1,6 m3/h and 11,8h TDH. The average TDH RAH in the inlet chamber was 2.7h and 9,1h in ascending chamber sludge blanket. Pilot reactors showed treatment capacity to support organic shock loads due to the variability of raw sewage. The organic matter removal efficiency in terms of COD was 66% and 59% for the UASB and RAH, the TSS removal efficiency reached values of 65% and 63% respectively, by the way, the UASB presenting performance values higher operational in almost all parameters of the monitoring anaerobic digestion processes mean values of the parameters COD, BOD5, TSS and VSS were not statistically significant differences. The pH for the pilot systems was in the ideal range for the development of anaerobic microorganisms (6,5 to 7,5) and alkalinity and Volatile Fatty Acids (VFA) demonstrated stability of reactors corroborated by the pH stability within each system. The upflow velocity in the sludge blanket chamber (0,45 m/h) caused no adverse effect on effluent quality in terms of TSS, with an average of 39,8 mg/L, in the same range observed in UASB (41,6 mg/L). It was observed lower concentration of biomass in the reactor RAH (vertical distribution) compared to UASB second vertical sludge profiles, however, this fact did not compromise its removal efficiency of organic matter and suspended solids. The withdrawal of the pilot systems excess sludge was based on TSV/TS ratio to estimate the biomass fraction, the frequency of disposal was 1 once a month by removing the equivalent of 10% of the outlets sludge volume that had a fraction of TSV less than 50%. The implementation of turbidity as sludge lost detention parameter is viable in the effluent of the anaerobic reactors due to turbidity and TSS showed a direct relationship which would help simplify operational control mechanisms for decision making in treatment plants, wherein the turbidity is a quick read parameter "in situ" and could warn of excess sludge inside the reactor. Different titrimetric methods were employed for the determination of VFA and the effluent from the UASB and RAH. After analyzing the results, we recommend the use of KAPP and RIPLEY method for the determination of VFA by methodological simplicity and speed in obtaining results.
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Correlação de sedimentos e eventos chuvosos em um trecho do rio Santa Maria da Vitória, ESRampinelli, Fabiana Giacomin 31 August 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-12-23T14:04:30Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Fabiana Giacomin Rampinelli.pdf: 2143742 bytes, checksum: 18967a6eab4d92280c9cca40fb0ad8ec (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2013-08-31 / A bacia do Rio Santa Maria da Vitória - ES apresenta produção de sedimentos resultante da interação de diversos processos hidrogeológicos sendo uma das mais importantes para o estado do Espírito Santo. Com o objetivo principal de verificar a
existência de correlação entre o transporte de sedimentos em suspensão e a ocorrência de chuvas, foram realizadas campanhas em três seções entre os reservatórios de Rio Bonito e Suiça. Os sedimentos quando correlacionados à vazão
em dias de chuvas apresentaram valores altos. Os resultados demonstram também que as correlações encontradas entre a média das chuvas incidentes na bacia e a concentração de sedimentos foram baixas, indicando que a grande extensão da
bacia contribui para a distribuição destes valores. Ao analisar as distribuições dos grãos foi verificado que os tamanhos médios foram predominantes nas amostras de fundo, e para as em suspensão houve predominância de grãos finos. Os valores de descarga total de sedimentos encontrados pela utilização do método de Einsten modificado por Colby foram superestimados. Entretanto a seção localizada a montante da PCH Suíça apresentou as menores estimativas de descargas sólidas estando correlacionados à existência da represa da PCH Rio Bonito, onde ocorre deposição de sedimentos do curso d água / The Santa Maria da Vitória River basin presents sediment production resultant from the interaction of many hydro-geological processes. This basin it is one of the most
important basins for the Espírito Santo state because it supplies water for most of the its metropolitan region provision. The main objective of the dissertation is verify the
existence of a correlation between suspended sediments transport and rains, campaigns in three different sections were realized between Rio Bonito and Suiça s reservoirs. The campaigns showed that low quantity of sediments remains in the deep of the reservoir and it has a bigger grain size. The results also proved that there is no correlation between the mean of rains in the basin and the sediments concentration, indicating that the great size of the basin contributes for the
distribution of the values. The sediments, when related with stream flow in rainy days, presents high values and daily basis sediments collections and stream flow analysis demonstrated that rains may not be noticed immediately in the section.
When the grain distribution is analyzed, they presented medium sizes, predominantly, in the deep samples and fine size, predominantly, in the suspended ones. The total discharge values of sediment were overestimated by using the
Einstein method, modified by Colby. However, it can be noticed low solids discharges in the section located upstream hidroeletric Suíça, which can be related to the existence of the Rio Bonito dam that should occur sediments deposition from the water course
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Estudo do fluxo de deposição de partículas para a Região Metropolitana da Grande Vitória usando dados de partículas totais em suspensãoAlves, Mayana Rigo 28 February 2011 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-12-23T14:04:33Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Mayana Rigo Alves parte 1.pdf: 1590439 bytes, checksum: 71b9b8c5889a2acb01c01d6378aabf0b (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2011-02-28 / A maior parte dos trabalhos científicos sobre a presença de material particulado na atmosfera está relacionada a partículas mais finas (menores que 2,5 μm ou menores que 10 μm), devido a seus efeitos sobre a saúde pulmonar dos seres humanos. Entretanto, partículas maiores podem causar consideráveis incômodos à população, devido a sua deposição sobre as superfícies, e a essas partículas, dá-se o nome de Material Particulado Depositado- MPD. A maior parte dos métodos experimentais para quantificação de partículas é bastante trabalhosa e onerosa, motivando o uso de métodos teóricos ou métodos indiretos de quantificação. O objetivo da aplicação da técnica indireta é reduzir o custo das medições e acelerar o tempo de obtenção dos dados. Nesse contexto, o objetivo geral deste trabalho é avaliar a hipótese da utilização de dados de Partículas Totais em Suspensão - PTS (medidos por equipamento automático) no cálculo do fluxo de deposição, substituindo o uso de medidores de deposição baseados em gravimetria.
Dentro desse alvo, o presente trabalho buscou contribuir na implantação da rede de monitoramento de partículas sedimentáveis, bem como agilizar o processo de obtenção dos dados de fluxo de deposição dessas partículas. Os fluxos de deposição foram medidos no período de abril de 2009 a abril de 2010 em algumas das estações pertencentes à Rede Automática de Monitoramento da Qualidade do Ar (RAMQAR) pelo método de coleta baseado na Norma ASTM D1739 (1998). Esse mesmo fluxo foi estimado para uma das estações da rede (RAMQAR), a saber, Jardim Camburi, através de quatro modelos matemáticos. Três deles são baseados em modelos existentes na literatura e um é baseado no ajuste de curva para a obtenção da velocidade de deposição a partir dos dados experimentais de deposição. O último modelo apresentou resultados superiores aos demais. Tendo em vista o bom resultado desse último modelo, ele foi aplicado às demais estações. De forma geral, os resultados obtidos em todas as estações foram bons, conseguindo prever em 93% os valores de fluxo de deposição da região estudada. Demostrando ser uma ferramenta auxiliar para uma rápida estimativa dos fluxos de deposição onde as medições PTS estão disponíveis. No entanto, o modelo é dependente da existência de medidas de fluxo de deposição experimental para a sua calibração / Most scientific studies regarding the atmospheric aerosol is related to fine particles (less than 2.5 μm or less than 10 μm), due to its effects on lung health of humans; however, larger particles can cause considerable annoyance to the population, due to their deposition on surfaces (Settled Particulate Matter SPM). Most experimental methods for the quantification of these particles are laborious and expensive, motivating the use of theoretical methods or indirect methods of quantification. The aim of the indirect methods is to reduce the cost of measurements and time to obtain the data. In this context, the objective of this study is to evaluate the hypothesis using data of TSP concentration (measured by automated equipment) for calculating the deposition flux, replacing the use of experimental methods for direct measurements of deposition based on gravimetry.
Within this target, this study sought to contribute in the implementation of the monitoring network of sedimentary particles as well as expedite the process of obtaining the data flow of deposition of these particles. The deposition fluxes were measured from April 2009 to April 2010 at 7 stations of the Regional Air Quality Monitoring Network (RAMQAR), by using ASTM D1739 (1998). The deposition flux was estimated by four mathematical models. Three models are based on models existing literature and one model is based on a curve fit to obtain the deposition rate from the experimental data of deposition. The latter model showed better results than others, given the successful outcome of this last model was applied to the stations. Overall, the results were satisfactory, achieving 93% predict average flux values for the region. Thus, in general, the results indicate the a simple linear fitting can be used as a aiding tool for fast estimating of deposition fluxes where TSP measurements are available. Nonetheless, the model is dependent on the existence of deposition flux measurements for calibration
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Origine et physicochimie des particules atmosphériques PM₂.₅ dans des villes du littoral de la région Nord-Pas-de-Calais / Origin and physichochemical behaviour of atmospheric PM₂.₅ in cities located in the area of the Nord-Pas-de-Calais region, FranceKfoury, Adib 30 May 2013 (has links)
Les objectifs principaux de cette étude étaient d'acquérir une meilleure connaissance des niveaux d'exposition aux particules fines PM₂.₅ de leur composition chimique et de leurs sources, dans trois villes situées sur la façade littorale de la région du Nord-Pas-de-Calais. Les particules fines ont été collectées dans le cadre de deux campagnes d'échantillonnage menées entre novembre 2010 et avril 2011 (campagne "hiver" à Dunkerque et Boulogne sur Mer ; campagne "printemps" à Dunkerque et Saint Omer). La composition chimique des PM₂.₅ a été déterminée suite à la quantification d'éléments majeurs, d'éléments traces, d'ions hydrololubles et du carbone total. Pour les deux périodes considérées, les concentrations et la composition chimique en PM₂.₅ évoluent en suivant les mêmes tendances sur chacun des sites. L'influence de sources locales a été mise en évidence en comparant l'évolution temporelle et les roses de concentration de certains éléments majeurs et éléments traces, d'un site à l'autre. Cette exploitation a permis de proposer des rapports spécifiques entre éléments, qui peuvent être utilisés comme traceurs de certaines sources anthropiques. Enfin, l'application d'un modèle source-récepteur, basé sur la factorisation matricielle non-négative (NMF), a permis d'identifier les sources principales des PM₂.₅, d'évaluer leur contribution et leur part relative au niveau de chacun des sites étudiés. / The main objectives of this study were to acquire a better knowledge on the exposure level to fine PM₂.₅ particles and on their chemical composition and sources, in three cities located on the littoral facade of the Nord-Pas-de-Calais region. The particles were collected following two sampling campaigns held between November 2010 and April 2011 ("winter" campaign in Dunkerque and Boulogne sur Mer ; "Spring" campaign in Dunkerque and Saint-Omer). The chemical composition of the collected PM₂.₅ was determined through the quantification of major elements, trace elements, water soluble ions and total carbon. For the two considered sampling periods, PM₂.₅ concentrations and chemical composition trends followed similar tendencies at each site. Local sources influence was evidenced throughout a comparison of the chronological evolution and concentration roses of some major and trace elements between the sites. This analysis allowed the suggestion of specific elemental ratios, which can be used as tracers of some anthropogenic sources. Finally, the use of a source-receptor model, based on a non-negative matrix factorization (NMF) method, allowed the identification of the main PM₂.₅ sources as well as the evaluation of their relative contributions in each of the studied sites.
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Estimativa de taxas de denudação mecânica da bacia hidrográfica do Rio Quatorze (PR) pela análise de sólidos em suspensão / Estimate rate of mechanical denudation River Basin Quatorze (PR) the analysis of solid suspensionAguiar, Wagner de 27 February 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2017-07-10T17:31:22Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Wagner_de_Aguiar.pdf: 11388693 bytes, checksum: 2d568f29c8d953e3f9cb683f0a508900 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2012-02-27 / The object of this paper is to estimate the mechanical denudation rates for the river basin
Quatorze in the sectors of the upper valley and the mouth of the river. The basin is located in
the municipality of Francisco Beltrão, in Paraná, draining the left bank of the middle valley of
the river basin Marrecas. Monitoring the field began in august 2011, rising daily data of
rainfall, flow and concentration of suspended solids in the sections of the channels drained the
upper valley and the mouth of the river, to obtain the discharges suspended solids. Carrying
out further surveys in ten soil profiles distributed throughout the basin, allowing the
identification of the main soil classes (Regolithic Entisols, Inceptisols, Oxisols and
Nitossolos) and the measurement of laboratory parameters such as density and real, total
porosity and fines content (silt and clay). In the monitored period was recorded daily rainfall,
which occurred on august 19, 165 mm, resulting in large peak flows and discharge of
suspended solids, contributing to the total rainfall for the month of august 2011, 343 mm,
reached the highest monthly index for the month of august, the last 37 years, according to data
provided by the Meteorological Station of Francisco Beltrão. Recognizing that the largest
fraction pedological removed by the force of runoff is composed of mud (silt and clay), this
parameter was quantified for soils of the basin, yielding an average of 91.87%. From the data
of total suspended solid discharge (1,616.54 tons. in the upper valley and 5960.38 tons. at the
mouth) and the average density (1.05 g.cm-³) of soil profiles were estimated denudation rates
for the month of august 2011, 0.0419 mm in the sector of the basin drained by the upper
valley and 0.0527 mm in the area drained by the mouth of the river. These results were
extrapolated to annual estimates, based on the monitored period of rainfall and monthly
average of the years 1974 to 2010. The standard deviations of the average monthly rainfall,
for those years, enabled the establishment of maximum and minimum estimates for the annual
rates of denudation. The sector of the upper valley had average estimate of 0.2458 mm.yr-¹
can vary over a range of 0.1069 mm.yr-¹ to 0.3848 mm.yr-¹, while the sector had the mouth of
the river estimated annual average higher, 0.3092 mm.yr-¹ may, however, vary in a range of
0.1344 mm.yr-¹ to 0.4840 mm.yr-¹. / O objeto de estudo deste trabalho é estimar as taxas de denudação mecânica para a bacia
hidrográfica do rio Quatorze, nos setores do Alto Vale e da Foz do rio. A bacia está localizada
no município de Francisco Beltrão, no Sudoeste do Paraná, drenando a margem esquerda do
médio vale da bacia do rio Marrecas. O monitoramento a campo iniciou-se no mês de agosto
de 2011, levantando-se dados diários de pluviosidade, de vazão e de concentração de sólidos
em suspensão, nas seções dos canais drenados pelo Alto Vale e pela Foz do rio, para a
obtenção das descargas sólidas em suspensão. Realizando-se na sequência levantamentos de
solos em dez perfis distribuídos pela bacia, possibilitando a identificação das principais
classes de solo (Neossolos regolítico, Cambissolos, Nitossolos e Latossolos) e a quantificação
laboratorial dos parâmetros como densidade aparente e real, porosidade total e teor de finos
(silte e argila). No período monitorado foi registrada pluviosidade diária, ocorrida no dia 19
de agosto, de 165 mm, provocando grandes picos de vazão e descarga de sólidos em
suspensão, contribuindo para que a pluviosidade total do mês de agosto de 2011, 343 mm,
atingisse o maior índice mensal, para os meses de agosto, dos últimos 37 anos, de acordo com
dados fornecidos pela Estação Meteorológica de Francisco Beltrão. Reconhecendo-se que a
maior fração pedológica removida pela força do escoamento superficial é composta pela lama
(silte e argila), quantificou-se este parâmetro para os solos da bacia, obtendo-se um valor
médio de 91,87%. A partir dos dados de descarga sólida em suspensão total (1.616,54 ton. no
Alto Vale e 5.960,38 ton. na Foz) e da densidade aparente média (1,05 g.cm-³) dos perfis de
solo, foram estimadas as taxas de denudação, para o mês de agosto de 2011, em 0,0419 mm
no setor da bacia drenado pelo Alto Vale e 0,0527 mm no setor drenado pela Foz do rio.
Resultados estes extrapolados para estimativas anuais, tendo como base as pluviosidades do
período monitorado e das médias mensais dos anos de 1974 a 2010. Os desvios padrões das
pluviosidades médias mensais, dos referidos anos, possibilitaram o estabelecimento de
estimativas máximas e mínimas para as taxas de denudação anual. O setor do Alto Vale
apresentou estimativa média de 0,2458 mm.ano-¹ podendo variar em uma faixa de 0,1069
mm.ano-¹ a 0,3848 mm.ano-¹, enquanto que o setor da Foz do rio apresentou estimativa média
anual, mais elevada, de 0,3092 mm.ano-¹, podendo, no entanto, variar em uma faixa de 0,1344
mm.ano-¹ a 0,4840 mm.ano-¹.
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Estimativa de taxas de denudação mecânica da bacia hidrográfica do Rio Quatorze (PR) pela análise de sólidos em suspensão / Estimate rate of mechanical denudation River Basin Quatorze (PR) the analysis of solid suspensionAguiar, Wagner de 27 February 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2017-05-12T14:42:51Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Wagner_de_Aguiar.pdf: 11388693 bytes, checksum: 2d568f29c8d953e3f9cb683f0a508900 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2012-02-27 / The object of this paper is to estimate the mechanical denudation rates for the river basin
Quatorze in the sectors of the upper valley and the mouth of the river. The basin is located in
the municipality of Francisco Beltrão, in Paraná, draining the left bank of the middle valley of
the river basin Marrecas. Monitoring the field began in august 2011, rising daily data of
rainfall, flow and concentration of suspended solids in the sections of the channels drained the
upper valley and the mouth of the river, to obtain the discharges suspended solids. Carrying
out further surveys in ten soil profiles distributed throughout the basin, allowing the
identification of the main soil classes (Regolithic Entisols, Inceptisols, Oxisols and
Nitossolos) and the measurement of laboratory parameters such as density and real, total
porosity and fines content (silt and clay). In the monitored period was recorded daily rainfall,
which occurred on august 19, 165 mm, resulting in large peak flows and discharge of
suspended solids, contributing to the total rainfall for the month of august 2011, 343 mm,
reached the highest monthly index for the month of august, the last 37 years, according to data
provided by the Meteorological Station of Francisco Beltrão. Recognizing that the largest
fraction pedological removed by the force of runoff is composed of mud (silt and clay), this
parameter was quantified for soils of the basin, yielding an average of 91.87%. From the data
of total suspended solid discharge (1,616.54 tons. in the upper valley and 5960.38 tons. at the
mouth) and the average density (1.05 g.cm-³) of soil profiles were estimated denudation rates
for the month of august 2011, 0.0419 mm in the sector of the basin drained by the upper
valley and 0.0527 mm in the area drained by the mouth of the river. These results were
extrapolated to annual estimates, based on the monitored period of rainfall and monthly
average of the years 1974 to 2010. The standard deviations of the average monthly rainfall,
for those years, enabled the establishment of maximum and minimum estimates for the annual
rates of denudation. The sector of the upper valley had average estimate of 0.2458 mm.yr-¹
can vary over a range of 0.1069 mm.yr-¹ to 0.3848 mm.yr-¹, while the sector had the mouth of
the river estimated annual average higher, 0.3092 mm.yr-¹ may, however, vary in a range of
0.1344 mm.yr-¹ to 0.4840 mm.yr-¹. / O objeto de estudo deste trabalho é estimar as taxas de denudação mecânica para a bacia
hidrográfica do rio Quatorze, nos setores do Alto Vale e da Foz do rio. A bacia está localizada
no município de Francisco Beltrão, no Sudoeste do Paraná, drenando a margem esquerda do
médio vale da bacia do rio Marrecas. O monitoramento a campo iniciou-se no mês de agosto
de 2011, levantando-se dados diários de pluviosidade, de vazão e de concentração de sólidos
em suspensão, nas seções dos canais drenados pelo Alto Vale e pela Foz do rio, para a
obtenção das descargas sólidas em suspensão. Realizando-se na sequência levantamentos de
solos em dez perfis distribuídos pela bacia, possibilitando a identificação das principais
classes de solo (Neossolos regolítico, Cambissolos, Nitossolos e Latossolos) e a quantificação
laboratorial dos parâmetros como densidade aparente e real, porosidade total e teor de finos
(silte e argila). No período monitorado foi registrada pluviosidade diária, ocorrida no dia 19
de agosto, de 165 mm, provocando grandes picos de vazão e descarga de sólidos em
suspensão, contribuindo para que a pluviosidade total do mês de agosto de 2011, 343 mm,
atingisse o maior índice mensal, para os meses de agosto, dos últimos 37 anos, de acordo com
dados fornecidos pela Estação Meteorológica de Francisco Beltrão. Reconhecendo-se que a
maior fração pedológica removida pela força do escoamento superficial é composta pela lama
(silte e argila), quantificou-se este parâmetro para os solos da bacia, obtendo-se um valor
médio de 91,87%. A partir dos dados de descarga sólida em suspensão total (1.616,54 ton. no
Alto Vale e 5.960,38 ton. na Foz) e da densidade aparente média (1,05 g.cm-³) dos perfis de
solo, foram estimadas as taxas de denudação, para o mês de agosto de 2011, em 0,0419 mm
no setor da bacia drenado pelo Alto Vale e 0,0527 mm no setor drenado pela Foz do rio.
Resultados estes extrapolados para estimativas anuais, tendo como base as pluviosidades do
período monitorado e das médias mensais dos anos de 1974 a 2010. Os desvios padrões das
pluviosidades médias mensais, dos referidos anos, possibilitaram o estabelecimento de
estimativas máximas e mínimas para as taxas de denudação anual. O setor do Alto Vale
apresentou estimativa média de 0,2458 mm.ano-¹ podendo variar em uma faixa de 0,1069
mm.ano-¹ a 0,3848 mm.ano-¹, enquanto que o setor da Foz do rio apresentou estimativa média
anual, mais elevada, de 0,3092 mm.ano-¹, podendo, no entanto, variar em uma faixa de 0,1344
mm.ano-¹ a 0,4840 mm.ano-¹.
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Qualité des eaux côtières du Sud du Golfe de Gascogne par télédétection spatiale : méthodologie de détermination et de quantification de substances particulaires et dissoutesPetus, Caroline 18 December 2009 (has links)
Les eaux côtières du Sud du Golfe de Gascogne sont soumises à l’expulsion d’un panache fluvial au niveau de l’estuaire de l’Adour. Ces eaux douces peuvent entrainer de fortes variations des concentrations en matières minérales en suspension (MSM, en mg,l-1), en chlorophylle- a (Chla, en mg,m-3) et en matière organiques dissoutes colorées (MODC, en mg,l-1) contenues dans les eaux côtières. En modifiant la transparence de l’eau et en charriant des nutriments et des bactéries, elles peuvent affecter la productivité biologique et avoir un impact significatif sur la santé humaine. Notre étude a pour but de développer des algorithmes empiriques et de tester l’efficacité des images MODIS-Aqua pour la cartographie des substances particulaires et dissoutes contenues dans les eaux côtières soumises à l'influence du panache de l'Adour. Dans cet objectif, deux missions océanographiques ont été réalisées afin de mesurer simultanément les MSM, la turbidité (en NTU), la Chla et les MODC et la réflectance de télédétection de l’eau in-situ. Deux algorithmes empiriques opérationnels pour la quantification des matières minérales en suspension et de la turbidité ont été développés. Une automatisation du traitement des images MODIS-Aqua déjà corrigées des effets atmosphériques et à la résolution de 250 mètres (produit MYD09GQ) a été réalisée. Ce système opérationnel a permis de cartographier les concentrations en sédiments en suspension contenus dans le panache sur 246 jours, entre 2006 et 2009. La première étude à grande échelle spatiale et temporelle de la dynamique hydro-sédimentaire du panache de l'Adour a ainsi pu être réalisée. Finalement, plusieurs algorithmes ont été proposés pour la quantification des concentrations en chlorophylle-a dans le sud du Golfe de Gascogne. Ces relations empiriques devront être testées sur de nouvelles mesures in-situ afin de préciser leurs limites de validité. Notre étude montre l’apport de l’imagerie satellitaire MODIS pour la surveillance du panache de l'Adour. A plus long terme, un système efficace de surveillance de la qualité des eaux côtières de la côte Aquitaine pourrait être envisagé. / The southern Bay of Biscay coastal waters are under the direct influence of the freshwater plume from the Adour estuary. The river outflow leads to a strong variability in the concentration of mineral suspended matters (MSM in mg l-1), chlorophyll-a (Chla, mg, m-3) and colored dissolved organic matters (CDOM in mg l-1) contained in coastal waters. By changing the transparency of the water and carrying nutrients and bacteria, they may affect biological productivity and have a significant impact on human health. Our study aims to develop empirical algorithms and test the efficiency of MODIS-Aqua imagery to map particulate and dissolved substances contained in coastal waters under the influence of the Adour plume. In this aim, two oceanographic missions were carried out to measure simultaneously the MSM, turbidity, Chla and CDOM and the remote sensing reflectance of water. Two empirical operational algorithms for quantification of suspended mineral matters and turbidity have been developed. An automated processing of atmospherically-corrected MODIS-Aqua-250m product (MYD09GQ product) was performed. This operating system has been used to map the concentrations of suspended sediment content in the plume at 246 days between 2006 and 2009. Thus, the first study at large spatial and temporal scale of the Adour plume dynamics has been achieved. Finally, several algorithms have been proposed in order to quantify the concentrations of chlorophyll-a in the southern Bay of Biscay. These empirical relations must be tested on new in-situ measurements to clarify their validity limits. Our study shows the contribution of the MODIS satellite imagery to monitor the Adour plume. In future, an effective monitoring system of Aquitaine coastal water quality could be considered.
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Factors influencing sediment re-suspension and cross-shore suspended sediment flux in the frequency domainKularatne, Kottabogoda Angidigedera Samantha Rangajeewa January 2006 (has links)
[Truncated abstract] With rapidly increasing population densities along coastlines and rising global sea levels, coastal protection has become a major concern for coastal communities. Predicting sediment transport in nearshore regions, however, is one of the most challenging tasks faced by coastal researchers in designing coastal structures or beach nourishment schemes. Although nearshore sediment transport mainly occurs in the longshore direction, cross-shore sediment transport is crucial in determining the shoreline evolution and beach morphology . . . This study investigated the factors influencing sediment re-suspension and cross-shore suspended sediment flux in the frequency domain through a series of field measurements conducted at several different locations and a numerical model. Only oscillatory flow components were examined and the mean flow components were not considered. Although many different factors such as cross-shore location with respect to breaker line, significant wave height to water depth ratio (Hs/h), normalised horizontal velocity skewness (<u³>/‹u²›³/²), median grain size (d50), breaker type, and wave groupiness appeared to influence the magnitude of cross-shore suspended sediment flux, bed ripples was identified as the major contributing factor in changing the direction of suspended sediment flux due to incident swell waves. Moreover, the direction changed significantly with ripple type. High frequency measurements, obtained to examine the influence of turbulent kinetic energy (TKE) on higher sediment suspension events observed under wave groups indicated that higher TKE was generated at the seabed by approaching wave groups, which in turn resulted in higher suspension events.°1
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Proportionality as a Remedial Principle: A Framework for Suspended Declarations of Invalidity in Canadian Constitutional LawHoole, Grant Russell 01 January 2011 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to provide an analytic framework for the governance of suspended declarations of invalidity in Canadian constitutional law. A suspended declaration is a remedial device by which a court strikes down a constitutionally invalid law, but suspends the effect of its order such that the law retains force for a temporary period. While introduced to Canadian law under circumstances of exigency, suspended declarations have grown to be used liberally by the courts, and the principles that previously confined them have been abandoned. As a result, constitutional rights have sometimes been suspended without just basis. I propose a means to reverse this trend: by adopting proportionality, a core feature of the analytic method used to adjudicate limitations on Charter rights, as a remedial principle guiding the use of suspended declarations. I review the jurisprudence of South Africa’s Constitutional Court to illustrate the merits of this approach.
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Proportionality as a Remedial Principle: A Framework for Suspended Declarations of Invalidity in Canadian Constitutional LawHoole, Grant Russell 01 January 2011 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to provide an analytic framework for the governance of suspended declarations of invalidity in Canadian constitutional law. A suspended declaration is a remedial device by which a court strikes down a constitutionally invalid law, but suspends the effect of its order such that the law retains force for a temporary period. While introduced to Canadian law under circumstances of exigency, suspended declarations have grown to be used liberally by the courts, and the principles that previously confined them have been abandoned. As a result, constitutional rights have sometimes been suspended without just basis. I propose a means to reverse this trend: by adopting proportionality, a core feature of the analytic method used to adjudicate limitations on Charter rights, as a remedial principle guiding the use of suspended declarations. I review the jurisprudence of South Africa’s Constitutional Court to illustrate the merits of this approach.
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