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Sorbentų naudojimo paviršinėms nuotekoms valyti tyrimai ir analizė / Research and analysis of sorbent usage for storm water run-off purificationLevickaitė, Giedrė 20 June 2011 (has links)
Didžiausiais paviršinių nuotekų teršalais laikomi naftos produktai ir skendinčiosios medžiagos. Pastarąsias galima nesunkiai pašalinti taikant tradicinius paviršinių nuotekų valymo metodus, tokius kaip nusodinimas, o naftos produktų šalinimui reikalingas antrinis nuotekų valymas. Vienas efektyviausių NP šalinimo iš nuotekų būdas yra filtravimas pro sorbuojančiosios medžiagos filtrą. Nors šiuo būdu valant nuotekas galima pasiekti didelio teršalų šalinimo efektyvumo, praktiškai dažnai susiduriama su problema, kai į eksploatuojamuosius valymo įrenginius nuotekos atiteka dideliais greičiais ir teršalai nėra iki galo pašalinami. Todėl šiame darbe buvo atliktas trijų skirtingų sintetinių sorbentų („Fibroil, „Duck“, „Reo-dry“) efektyvumo šalinti iš paviršinių nuotekų naftos produktus ekstremaliomis sąlygomis (esant dideliems greičiams) eksperimentinis tyrimas. Atlikus bandymus su dirbtinėmis ir realiomis paviršinėmis nuotekomis laboratoriniame stende, nustatyta, kad visų trijų sorbentų efektyvumas šalinti NP yra panašus ir skendinčiosios medžiagos bei nuotekų drumstumas neturi įtakos NP šalinimo efektyvumui. Tačiau „Fibroil“ sorbentą naudojant kaip filtro užpildą, 30 m/h greitį galima išlaikyti gerokai ilgiau nei su sorbentais „Duck“ ir „Reo-dry“ ir šį sorbentą naudoti ekonomiškiausia.
Darbą sudaro 8 dalys: įvadas, darbo aktualumo aprašymas, literatūros apžvalga, tiriamojo darbo metodikos aprašymas, eksperimeto rezultatai, rekomendacijos ir išvados bei literatūros sąrašas.
Darbo... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Suspended solids and oil products are considered as the most important pollutants in the storm water. As suspended solids can be easily retained from storm water by simple sedimentation, for oil products it is usually needed to have a secondary treatment: filtration through sorbents media. Although storm water filtration through a sorbent filter gives high treatment efficiency, it is usually impossible to ensure the right speed of storm water coming to the treatment facilities (it is usually too high to ensure an efficient sorption). For this reason the research and analysis of three different synthetic sorbents („Fibroil“, „Duck“, „Reo-dry“) were performed with artificial and real storm water in the laboratory under extreme conditions (filtration speed 30 m/h). According to the results of the experiment, all three sorbents have similar treatment efficiency and suspended solids and turbidity has no impact on oil products removal efficiency. But it is more efficient to use “Fibroil” and it is suitable for filtration under 30 m/h speed much longer than sorbents “Duck” and “Reo-dry”. Structure: introduction, relevance, methodology, results of the experiment, recomedations conclusions and references. Thesis consist of: 55 p. text without appendixes, 21 pictures, 8 tables, 39 bibliographical entries.
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Bio-optics, satellite remote sensing and Baltic Sea ecosystems : Applications for monitoring and managementHarvey, Therese January 2015 (has links)
Earth observation satellites cover large areas with frequent temporal repetition and provide us with new insight into ocean and coastal processes. Ocean colour measurements from satellite remote sensing are linked to the bio-optics, which refers to the light interactions with living organisms and dissolved and suspended constituents in the aquatic environment. Human pressures have changed the aquatic ecosystems, by, for example, the increased input of nutrient and organic matter leading to eutrophication. This thesis aims to study and develop the link between bio-optical data and the remote sensing method to the monitoring and management of the Baltic Sea. The results are applied to the European Union’s Water Directives, and the Baltic Sea Action Plan from the Helsinki commission. In paper I indicators for eutrophication, chlorophyll-a concentration and Secchi depth were evaluated as a link to remote sensing observations. Chlorophyll-a measurements from an operational satellite service (paper I) were compared to conventional ship-based monitoring in paper II and showed high correlations to the in situ data. The results in paper I, II and IV show that the use of remote sensing can improve both the spatial and temporal monitoring of water quality. The number of observations increased when also using satellite data, thus facilitating the assessment of the ecological and environmental status within the European Union’s water directives. The spatial patterns make it possible to study the changes of e.g. algae blooms and terrestrial input on larger scales. Furthermore, the water quality products from satellites can offer a more holistic and easily accessible view of the information to decision makers and end-users. In paper III variable relationships between in situ bio-optical parameters, such as coloured dissolved organic matter (CDOM), dissolved organic carbon, salinity and Secchi depth, were found in different parts of the Baltic Sea. In paper IV an in situ empirical model to retrieve suspended particulate matter (SPM) from turbidity was developed and applied to remote sensing data. The use of Secchi depth as an indicator for eutrophication linked to the concentrations of chlorophyll-a and SPM and CDOM absorption was investigated in paper V. The variations in Secchi depth were affected differently by the mentioned parameters in the different regions. Therefore, one must also consider those when evaluating changes in Secchi depth and for setting target levels for water bodies. This thesis shows good examples on the benefits of incorporating bio-optical and remote sensing data to a higher extent within monitoring and management of the Baltic Sea. / <p>At the time of the doctoral defense, the following papers were unpublished and had a status as follows: Paper 4: Manuscript. Paper 5: Manuscript.</p>
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Dynamique des matières en suspension minérales des eaux de surface de la Manche observée par satellite et modélisée numériquement / Near surface mineral suspended particulate matter dynamics in the English Channel observed by satellite and numerically modelledRivier, Aurélie 04 July 2013 (has links)
L'étude des matières en suspension (MES) minérales est essentielle pour comprendre le fonctionnement des écosystèmes en Manche : les MES influencent la pénétration de la lumière dans la colonne d'eau, paramètre clé pour la production biologique, et sont susceptibles de transporter des polluants et nutriments. Lors de ce travail, la dynamique des MES minérales de surface en Manche est étudiée à l'aide de deux méthodes complémentaires : l'observation par satellite et la modélisation numérique tridimensionnelle. Dans un premier temps, les images satellite MODIS et MERIS, traitées par l'algorithme semi-analytique développé par l'IFREMER et représentant les MES non-algales de surface, sont analysées afin d'élaborer trois modèles statistiques permettant d'estimer la MES de surface en fonction de variables basiques telles que le coefficient de marée, la hauteur significative des vagues et la concentration moyenne en chlorophylle-a. Dans un deuxième temps, le modèle hydrosédimentaire multiclasse tridimensionnel ROMS (Regional Ocean Modeling System) est implémenté en Manche. Il prend en considération le forçage par la marée aux frontières ouvertes, la contrainte exercée par le vent à la surface de la mer, l'interaction houle-courant en couche limite de fond et l’hétérogénéité spatiale réaliste du lit sédimentaire. Les résultats du modèle statistique le plus sophistiqué sont également utilisés pour forcer la concentration en MES aux frontières ouvertes du domaine de calcul. Des tests de sensibilité sur les conditions limites montrent l'importance de considérer de manière réaliste les sédiments entrant en Manche par les frontières ouvertes lors de la modélisation numérique. L'influence de la biologie sur les MES minérales est testée en utilisant une formulation de la vitesse de chute et de la contrainte critique d'érosion variant saisonnièrement.Grâce à ces deux outils associés, les influences respectives de la marée, de la houle et de la biologie sur les MES minérales sont mises en avant et localisées en Manche. Le modèle numérique prédit que les MES de surface sont composées principalement de silts (>70%). Les silts en suspension en surface proviennent majoritairement du lit sédimentaire près des côtes en Manche orientale et des frontières ouvertes du domaine de calcul à l'ouest de la presqu'île du Cotentin et au large en Manche centrale et orientale. Les variations des MES de surface sont ensuite étudiées aux échelles des cycles de marée semi-diurnes, vive-eau/morte-eau et autour d'un épisode de houles. Enfin, l'évolution de la concentration de sédiments dans la zone de forte turbidité autour de l'île de Wight peut être analysée suivant les conditions hydrodynamiques afin d'évaluer les rôles respectifs des processus locaux d'érosion/dépot et d'advection dans la génération de ces turbidités remarquables. / Study of mineral suspended particulate matter (SPM) is essential to understand ecosystem dynamics. SPM influences light penetration which is closely related to primary production and carries pollutants and nutrients within the water masses. This work aims to study near-surface mineral SPM dynamics in the English Channel using two complementary methods: remote-sensing by satellites and numerical modelling.Firstly, MODIS and MERIS satellite images processed by the IFREMER semi-analytical algorithm and describing non-algal SPM, are analysed to build three statistical models which are able to estimate near-surface SPM using simple variables, e.g., tidal coefficient, significant wave height and mean chlorophyll-a concentration. Secondly, the three-dimensional hydrosedimentary model ROMS (Regional Ocean Modeling System) is applied in the English Channel. It considers tidal forcing along open boundaries, wind stress at the sea-surface, wave-current interactions in the bottom boundary layer and realistic heterogeneous bottom sediments. Results of the more sophisticated statistical model is also used to impose SPM concentrations at open boundaries. Sensitivity tests on SPM boundary conditions show the importance of prescribing realistic sediment concentrations to improve the model predictions. Biological influences on mineral SPM are also tested using settling velocity and critical shear stress for erosion which vary with seasons.Both statistical and numerical models highlight and locate respective influences of tide, waves and biology on mineral SPM. Numerical predictions indicate that near-surface SPM is mainly composed of silts (>70%). Near-surface suspended silts come largely from seabed resuspension alongshore in the Eastern Channel and from the open boundaries of our limited-area coastal model at the West of Cotentin Peninsula and offshore. Near-surface SPM variations are investigated at semi-diurnal, neap-spring tidal cycle time scales and during a wave event. Finally, dynamics of sediments in the turbidity maximum zone around the Isle of Wight is examined depending on hydrodynamical conditions in order to distinguish the role played by advection and local erosion/settling processes in this area.
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Alternativy nepodmíněného trestu odnětí svobody / Alternatives to unconditional of imprisonmentHrušáková, Denisa January 2013 (has links)
This thesis discusses the alternatives to unsuspected sentence of imprisonment, as only they can in the long run solve an acute and currently very topical problem of the prison overcrowding. The aim of this thesis was firstly the theoretical definition of alternatives to unsuspected sentence of imprisonment with regard to the Czech legislation and, secondly, an analysis of alternatives that Czech law provides. The introductory part focuses on the importance of alternative punishments in the system of sanctioning institutions. The thesis is divided into two main chapters with regard to the two objectives it focuses on. The first chapter, dealing with the definition of "alternatives to unconditional sentence of imprisonment", is divided into four subchapters. The first subchapter, on the background of the current concept of alternatives available in the Czech doctrinal environment, seeks a theoretical definition through the criteria on the basis of which it is possible to consider a specific institute as such an alternative. The second subchapter explains the preference for alternatives to unsuspended sentence of imprisonment. The third subchapter is devoted to the development of Czech criminal policy towards alternative punishments. Subsequently, in the fourth subchapter, the author explains contemporary...
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Dynamique saisonnière des sédiments en suspension dans l'estuaire de la Gironde : modélisation opérationnelle de la réponse aux forçages hydrodynamiques / Seasonal dynamics of suspended sediment in the Gironde estuary : operational modelling under hydrodynamic forcingBenaouda, Abdelkader 08 September 2008 (has links)
L’objectif de ce travail est d’étudier la dynamique du bouchon vaseux, ainsi que la dynamique saline, dans l’estuaire de la Gironde. La stratégie adoptée consiste à examiner, par le biais du modèle de simulation SIAM-3D, l’impact du paramétrage hydro-sédimentaire, du débit fluvial et de la bathymétrie, sur le comportement des sédiments et sur l’évolution de la salinité. L’effet de la vitesse de chute sur la dynamique sédimentaire est l’un des cas étudiés ; son impact sur la distribution des suspensions est considérable. Ainsi, la diminution de ce paramètre entraîne l’homogénéisation de la concentration sur la verticale, mais aussi l’étalement du bouchon vaseux et l’évacuation d’une masse de sédiment hors de l’estuaire. Nous avons également mis en évidence lors d’une période de débits moyens ou faibles précédée par une crue, la partition du bouchon vaseux simulé en deux masses turbides, l’une remonte l’estuaire alors que l’autre se maintient en aval. La dynamique saline a été étudiée, entre autres, par l’analyse des gradients de salinité, calculés dans l’estuaire aval et en situation de forts débits. On observe, la diminution de ces gradients avec l’augmentation de l’intensité de la marée à l’échelle des cycles vives-eaux/mortes-eaux, toutefois, de fortes valeurs sont maintenues lors de la phase d’augmentation de cette grandeur à l’échelle de la marée. D’autres résultats ont permis de vérifier la capacité du modèle à simuler des dynamiques sédimentaires observées in-situ ; on peut citer entre autres, le détachement du bouchon vaseux de la rive gauche dans l’estuaire aval et son transfert vers la rive droite, en situation de forts débits. Afin d’évaluer l’impact de l’évolution du fond des fleuves de 1959 à 2002 sur l’hydrodynamique et les dynamiques sédimentaire et saline, nous avons comparé deux simulations, l’une effectuée avec l’ancienne bathymétrie de 1959, l’autre avec la nouvelle bathymétrie de 2002. Les résultats montrent l’augmentation de la masse sédimentaire dans les fleuves avec la bathymétrie de 2002 comparée à celle de 1959, ainsi que la hausse de la salinité dans la Garonne et l’amplification de la marée dans la Dordogne. Ces résultats sont en accord avec les mesures et observations in-situ. / The aim of this work is to study the turbidity maximum dynamics as well as the salinity dynamics in the Gironde estuary. The adopted strategy consists in analysing, by means of the SIAM-3D simulation model, the impact of hydro-sedimentary parameters, the fluvial flow and the bathymetry on sediment behaviour and salinity evolution. The effect of settling velocity on sediment dynamics is one of the studied cases; its impact on suspended sediment distribution is goodly. Thus, the diminution of this parameter leads to homogenisation of concentration in water column, but also spreading the turbidity maximum and evacuation of a sediment mass outside the Gironde estuary. We gave also prominence to the division of the turbidity maximum into two parts during low or mean water flow preceded by peak high water discharge, one of the parts migrates upstream whereas the other remains downstream. We studied the salinity dynamics, among others things, by means of analysing the calculated salinity gradients in the lower estuary during high water discharge. We observe the decrease of these gradients with increase of the tide intensity on a scale of spring tides/neap tides cycles, however, on a scale of tide, these gradients reach high values during the augmentation phase. Others results indicate the model capacity to simulate in-situ observations of the sediment dynamics; for example, the detachment of turbidity maximum from the left bank in the lower estuary and its transfer to the right bank during high water discharge. In order to evaluate the impact of the bed river evolution from 1959 to 2002 on hydrodynamics, sediment and salinity dynamics, we compared two simulations performed using the former (1959) and recent (2002) bathymetries. The results demonstrate that the sediment mass increase in the rivers with recent bathymetry, as well as, the salinity in the Garonne river and the tide amplitude in the Dordogne river. These results are in accordance with the in-situ measures and observations.
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Utilização da técnica de fluorescência de raios X por dispersão em energia (EDXRF) na avaliação do material particulado em suspensão na cidade de Limeira - SP / Using energy dispersive X ray fluorescence (EDXRF) technique to evaluate the suspended particulate matter from Limeira city, State of São Paulo, BrazilMoraes, Liz Mary Bueno de 31 August 2009 (has links)
O objetivo principal deste trabalho foi avaliar a composição química do material particulado em suspensão na atmosfera na cidade de Limeira/SP, pela técnica de fluorescência de raios X dispersiva em energia (EDXRF). Um amostrador tipo stacker foi utilizado para coletar particulados fino (partículas com diâmetro aerodinâmico entre 2,5 e 10 \'mü\'m) e grosso (partículas maiores que 10 \'mü\'m), utilizando filtros de policarbmüonato de 47 mm de diâmetro e com diâmetros de poro de 0,4 e 8 \'mü\'m, respectivamente. As amostras foram coletadas em 2006 (de janeiro a dezembro), 2008 (de janeiro a abril e de julho a dezembro) e 2009 (de janeiro a março). Na excitação da técnica de EDXRF utilizou-se um tubo de Mo com filtro de Fe (análise sob vácuo) para a determinação dos elementos do Al ao Ca, e com filtro de Zr (análise sob ar atmosférico) para determinação do Sc ao Zn e também do Pb. Para a detecção dos raios X utilizou-se um detector semicondutor de Si(Li) acoplado a um analisador multicanal, com um tempo de aquisição de 300 s. Os espectros de raios X foram interpretados através do programa AXIL e a para a quantificação dos elementos químicos fez-se o uso da metodologia dos parâmetros fundamentais. Realizou-se também microanálises nas amostras utilizando-se um microscópio eletrônico de varredura acoplado a um sistema de fluorescência de raios X por dispersão em energia (SEM/EDS) para a caracterização química e morfológica das partículas coletadas no material particulado em suspensão. Determinou-se também a concentração de negro de fumo (black carbon) utilizando a técnica de reflectância. Embora a amostragem não tenha sido suficiente para indicar a contribuição de cada fonte de emissão, a metodologia de análise de agrupamento possibilitou a identificar duas principais fontes para o material particulado em suspensão: poeira de solo e resíduos de queima de cana-de-açúcar / The main objective of this work was to evaluate the chemical composition of the suspended particulate matter from the atmosphere of the city of Limeira, State of São Paulo, by energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence (EDXRF) technique. A stacker filter sampler was used to collect the fine (particles with aerodynamic diameter between 2.5 and 10 \'mü\'m) and the gross particulates (particles larger than 10 \'mü\'m) employing 47 mm polycarbonate filters, with 0.4 and 8 \'mü\'m pore diameters, respectively. Samples were collected in 2006 (from January to December), 2008 (from January to April and from July to December), and 2009 (from January to March). The EDXRF excitation was carried out using a Mo X-ray tube with Fe filter (analysis under vacuum) to determine elements from Al to Ca, and with Zr filter (analysis under air atmosphere) to determine from Sc to Zn and also Pb. A Si(Li) semiconductor detector coupled to a multichannel analyzer was used for X-ray detection, with 300 s acquisition time. The X-ray spectra were deconvoluted by the AXIL software, and fundamental parameters methodology was adopted for quantification. Samples microanalysis by scanning electron microscope, connected to an energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence system (SEM/EDS) was carried out for chemical and morphological characterization of collected particles in the suspended particulate matter. Black carbon content was also evaluated by reflectance. Despite the fact that the sampling was not enough to indicate the contribution of each emission source, grouping analysis statistical method allowed to identify two main sources of the particulate matter in suspension: dust soil and sugar cane burning residues
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Suivi des flux d'eau et de matières en suspension dans les cours d'eau par profileurs acoustiques Doppler horizontaux / Monitoring flow and fluxes of suspended sediment in rivers using side-looking acoustic Doppler current profilersMoore, Stéphanie 16 December 2011 (has links)
Cette thèse est une étude de l'applicabilité des profileurs acoustiques Doppler horizontaux (H-ADCP) pour le suivi des flux d'eau et de matières en suspension (MES) dans les rivières. Plus d'un an de données acquises avec des H-ADCP de 300, 600 et 1200 kHz sur quatre sites, sur le Rhône, l'Isère et la Saône, avec des géométries et des conditions de forçage contrastées sont analysées. Les résultats montrent qu'une profondeur de section limitée peut poser problème en raison de la diffusion d'une partie de l'énergie acoustique par la surface libre. De plus, quand l'intensité rétrodiffusée par les particules est trop faible, les mesures de vitesse sont sous-estimées ou plus dispersées par rapport aux mesures de référence. Des relations de vitesse indice sont toutefois établies en fonction de l'intensité et de la concentration afin de corriger les vitesses. La concentration en MES est déterminée à partir de l'atténuation acoustique qui est importante pour des suspensions concentrées de limons (> ~100 mg/L). Les constantes d'atténuation sont obtenues par calage sur des mesures de turbidité~; elles sont proches des valeurs théoriques calculées pour les distributions granulométriques des particules primaires. Les mesures acoustiques de concentration sont en bon accord avec les mesures de référence et reproduisent finement la dynamique temporelle. En outre, l'évolution de la granulométrie est étudiée à partir des mesures multi-fréquences d'atténuation sous l'hypothèse que les distributions granulométriques sont lognormales. Cette étude montre qu'une fois que les conditions limites pour des mesures fiables sont bien établies, le H-ADCP est un outil performant pour le suivi des flux d'eau et de MES dans les rivières, surtout pendant des périodes de fortes concentrations telles que des crues. / The work investigates the feasibility of using horizontal acoustic Doppler current profilers (H-ADCPs) to monitor fluxes of water and suspended sediment in rivers. Year-long data sets acquired with H-ADCPs operating at 300, 600 and 1200 kHz at four sites with varying geometries and flow forcing conditions on the Rhône, Saône and Isère rivers are analyzed. Findings show that limited depth can pose a problem due to scattering of a fraction of the acoustic energy from the air-water interface. A second problem arises when the backscattered intensity from the suspended sediment is too weak; this leads to underestimation or higher variability of the velocity estimates compared to reference values. Nevertheless, index-velocity relationships are established as a function of concentration and intensity in order to correct the velocity measurements. Concentrations of suspended sediment can be determined from the acoustic attenuation, which is substantial for silt-sized particles at concentrations > ~100 mg/L. Attenuation constants obtained by comparison with turbidity data are in good agreement with the theoretical values calculated for the measured grain size distributions of the primary particles. The acoustic measurements of concentration are in good agreement with reference methods in terms of both amplitude and temporal resolution. Grain size is determined from multi-frequency attenuation data, accounting for lognormal grain size distributions. Our findings show that once the limits of accurate velocity measurements are well established for a given site and instrument, the side-looking ADCP can be a valuable tool for monitoring concentration and changes in grain size throughout high concentration events such as floods.
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Espécies químicas inorgânicas (Al, As, Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Hg, Mn, Ni, Pb e Sn) no sedimento e nos sólidos em suspensão do rio Corumbataí, SP / Inorganic chemical species (Al, As, Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Hg, Mn, Ni, Pb e Sn) in sediment and suspended matter in the Corumbataí River, SP.Zambetta, Paula Munhoz Antunes 15 September 2006 (has links)
Os teores totais e trocáveis de alumínio, arsênio, cádmio, cobre, ferro, manganês, mercúrio, níquel, chumbo e estrôncio, foram determinados em amostras de sedimento do rio Corumbataí. As leituras para quantificação dos elementos foram feitas por espectrometria de emissão atômica com plasma acoplado indutivamente (ICP-AES), análise por ativação neutrônica (AAN) e espectrometria de fluorescência atômica (AFS). As amostras para determinação dos teores totais de metais, quantificados por ICP-AES e AFS foram digeridas em bombas de Teflon em meio de água régia. Para quantificação de metais trocáveis utilizou-se extração a frio com HCl 1,0 M. O As foi quantificado por AFS através de geração de hidretos. Para comparação de resultados, Fe, Cr e As foram também analisados por AAN, método em que a amostra foi irradiada com fluxo de nêutrons térmicos de 1012n cm-2 s-1 e a determinação do elemento feita em espectrômetro de raios gama por meio das radiações emitidas pelos radionuclídeos formados. As amostras de sedimento foram coletadas em sete pontos ao longo do Rio Corumbataí, em março, agosto e novembro de 2004 e fevereiro de 2005. Coletas de águas superficiais para a determinação de variáveis físicas, químicas e biológicas, as quais compõem o Índice de Qualidade de Água (IQA), preconizado pela CETESB, foram realizadas concomitantemente. No período de cheia, ou seja, novembro de 2004 e fevereiro de 2005 foram obtidas amostras de sólidos em suspensão, que passaram pelos mesmos procedimentos descritos para sedimento. As amostras foram caracterizadas quanto à granulometria e conteúdo de C e N, evidenciando os baixos níveis de carbono nas partículas e a classificação arenosa dos sedimentos, cuja granulometria mostrou-se relevante na dinâmica dos metais no ecossistema aquático. Não houveram indícios de que o sedimento do rio estivesse contaminado por elementos metálicos. As partículas finas (<63 µm) dos sólidos em suspensão, com maiores teores de carbono, foram responsáveis pelo transporte desses elementos até o rio Piracicaba. A qualidade da água, medida através do IQA, foi considerada Boa, à exceção dos pontos de coleta 6 e 7 que sofrem maior impacto devido ao despejo de efluentes do município de Rio Claro e do bairro Santa Teresinha, e foram classificados com qualidade Aceitável em três épocas de coleta. / Total and exchangeable levels of aluminum, arsenic, cadmium, cupper, iron, manganese, mercury, nickel, plumb and strontium, were determined in sediment samples from Corumbataí river. The measurements for the elements quantification were made by atomic emission spectrometry with inductively coupled plasma (ICP-AES), neutron activation analyses (NAA) and atomic fluorescence spectrometry (AFS). The samples for total metals load determination, quantified by ICP-AES and AFS were extracted in Teflon bombs with aqua regia. Cold extraction with HCl 1,0 M was used for the quantification of exchangeable metals. As were quantified by AFS through hydride generation technique. For results comparison, Fe, Cr and As were also analyzed by NAA, method that the sample was irradiated with 1012n cm-2 s-1 thermal neutrons flux and the element determination is made by gamma ray spectrometry through the radionucleotideos radiation emission. The sediment samples were collected in seven sites in the Corumbataí River, in March, August and November 2004 and February 2005. Superficial water sampling for the determination of physics, chemical and biological variables which set up the Water Quality Index IQA, commended by CETESB, were made concomitantly. In the rainy period, corresponded to November 2004 and February 2005, were collected suspended solids that went through the same procedures described for sediment. The sample were grain size, C and N percentage characterized becoming evident the low levels of carbon and the sediment classification as sandy, in which the grain size show up relevant in the metals dynamics in that aquatic environment. There were no indications of metallic elements contamination in the Corumbataí River. The suspended matter clay particles (<63 µm), with higher carbon levels in which are adsorbed greater quantities of metals are responsible for these elements transport for the Piracicaba river. The water quality, measured through IQA is Good, exception made to the 6 and 7 sites that received greater impact due to the effluents discharge from counties of Rio Claro, Santa Gertrudes and the district of Santa Teresinha, and were classified as Acceptable in three sampling times.
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Previous issue date: 2012-05-28 / All forms of environmental pollution are potentially harmful to human health, fauna,
flora and environment in general. Air pollution, understood as the presence of
various substances in the atmosphere, altering its natural composition, making it
dangerous for all living beings which depend on it, has received increasing
attention. The diversity of pollutants and their concentration in the atmosphere is
quite broad and complex. For this reason, and considering other aspects such as
the toxicological profile of pollutants and the main sources of atmospheric
emissions, several countries have set standards of air quality for specific groups of
pollutants. In Brazil, there are standards for seven pollutants (CO, SO2, NO2, O3,
PTS, PM10 (all acronyms are in Portuguese), and smoke). This research focus on
the characterization of the concentration of PTS in the atmosphere, especially the
occurrence of metals associated with these particles and the possible injuries to
human health. To fulfill this purpose it was necessary to make the collection of
material particles in the central region of Goiania - GO, during the winter of 2011.
The analysis was set for metals: Al, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Ti, Pb, and Zn.
The collection of PTS was performed through the Sampler of Great Volume (AGV
in Portuguese) method and through the detection of metals, with the application of
spectrometry of optical emission with inductively coupled plasma (ICP OES in
Portuguese). The results showed a concentration of PTS which at no time
exceeded the primary standard for this pollutant, as defined by the CONAMA
Resolution 03/90, different reality when the pattern established by the Decree
1.745/79 of the State of Goiás was observed, which demonstrated that for six
times the concentrations PTS were above this standard. The average
concentration of metals in the twenty-two samples of material particles resulted in
values which were considered low in relation to the standards proposed by
international agencies and institutions (EPA, ASTDR, and OMS in Portuguese),
and, similarly, when compared to the occurrence of metals in material particle in
other cities in the country. Human exposure to metals, especially those considered
toxic, in high concentrations, or even in low ones but for a long period of time, can
cause severe consequences to health, ranging from simple allergic reactions to
diseases like cancer that can lead to death. Through the generated, we can
conclude that, in general, the air quality in the region observed by the research
varies from good to regular, and that the concentrations of metals associated with
PTS does not present a significant threat to the health of the population. / Todas as formas de poluição ambiental possuem potencial deletério à saude
humana, à fauna, à flora e ao meio ambiente de uma forma geral. A poluição do
ar, que se traduz na presença de substancias diversas na atmosfera, alterando
sua composição natural, tornando-a perigosa para todos os seres vivos que dela
dependem, tem merecido uma atenção crescente. A diversidade de poluentes e a
concentração destes na atmosfera é algo bem amplo e complexo. Por essa razão,
e considerando outros aspectos como o perfil toxicológico de poluentes e as
principais fontes de emissão atmosférica, vários países definem padrões da
qualidade do ar para grupos específicos de poluentes. No Brasil, existem padrões
para sete poluentes (CO, SO2, NO2, O3, PTS, PM10 e fumaça). Esse trabalho
deteve-se na caracterização da concentração de PTS na atmosfera,
especialmente a ocorrência de metais associados à essas partículas e os
possiveis agravos à saúde humana. Para cumprimento de tal finalidade
promoveu-se a coleta de material particulado na região central de Goiânia GO,
durante o inverno, no ano de 2011. Os metais definidos para análises foram: Al,
Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Ti, Pb e Zn. A coleta de PTS foi realizada pelo método
do Amostrador de Grande Volume (AGV) e a detecção dos metais, com aplicação
da espectrometria de emissão óptica com plasma indutivamente acoplado (ICP
OES). Os resultados demonstraram uma concentração de PTS que em nenhum
momento ultrapassou o padrão primário para este poluente, definido pela
Resolução CONAMA 03/90, realidade diferenciada quando observado o padrao
estabelecido pelo Decreto 1.745/79 do Estado de Goiás, onde por 6 vezes as
concentrações de PTS posicionaram-se acima desse padrão. As concentrações
médias dos metais nas vinte e duas amostras do material particulado resultaram
em valores considerados baixos em relação a padrões propostos por entidades e
instituições internacionais (EPA, ASTDR e OMS) e, da mesma forma, quando
comparadas a ocorrencia de metais em material particulado em outras cidades do
País. A exposição humana a metais, especialmente os considerados tóxicos, em
concentrações elevadas ou mesmo baixas, mas de forma prolongada pode
provocar sérias consequencias à saúde, variando de simples reações alérgicas
até doenças como cancer que pode levar a morte. Pelos resultados gerados,
pode-se concluir, em linhas gerais, que a qualidade do ar, na regiao afetada pelo
estudo, apresenta-se entre boa e regular e as concentrações de metais
associados âs PTS não oferceu ameaças significativas à saúde da população.
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Silicate weathering in the Himalayas : constraints from the Li isotopic composition of river systemsBohlin, Madeleine Sassaya January 2018 (has links)
Chemical weathering of silicate rock consumes atmospheric CO2 and supplies the oceans with cations, thereby controlling both seawater chemistry and climate. The rate of CO2 consumption is closely linked to the rate of CO2 outgassing from the planetary interior, providing a negative feedback loop essential to maintaining an equable climate on Earth. Reconstruction of past global temperatures indicates that a pronounced episode of global cooling began ~50 million years ago, coincident with the collision of India and Asia, and the subsequent exhumation of the Himalayas and Tibet. This has drawn attention to the possible links between exhumation, erosion, changes in silicate weathering rates, and climate. However, many of the present-day weathering processes operating on the continents remain debated and poorly constrained, hampering our interpretations of marine geochemical archives and past climatic shifts. To constrain the controls on silicate weathering, this thesis investigates the lithium (Li) isotopic composition of river waters, suspended sediments and bed load sediments in the Alaknanda river basin, forming the headwaters of the Ganges. Due to the large fractionation of Li isotopes in the Earth’s surface environment, Li is sensitive to small changes in silicate weathering processes. As a consequence of the pronounced gradients in climate (rainfall and temperature) and erosion across the basin, the river waters show large variations in their Li isotopic composition (δ7Li), ranging from +7.4 to +35.4‰, covering much of the observed global variation. This allows a detailed investigation of the controls on Li isotope fractionation, and by extension silicate weathering. The Li isotopic composition is modelled using a one-dimensional reactive transport model. The model incorporates the continuous input of Li from rock dissolution, removal due to secondary mineral formation, and hydrology along subsurface flow paths. Modelling shows that the Li isotopic variations can be described by two dimensionless variables; (1) the Damköhler number, ND, which relates the silicate dissolution rate to the fluid transit time, and (2) the net partition coefficient of Li during weathering, kp, describing the partitioning of Li between secondary clay minerals and water, which is primarily controlled by the stoichiometry of the weathering reactions. The derived values of the controlling parameters ND and kp, are investigated over a range of climatic conditions and on a seasonal basis, shedding light onto variations in the silicate weathering cycle. In a kinetically limited weathering regime such as the Himalayan Mountains, both climate and erosion exert critical controls the weathering intensity (the fraction of eroded rock which is dissolved) and the weathering progression (which minerals that are being weathered), and consequently the fractionation of Li isotopes and silicate weathering in general. Modelling of the Li isotopic composition provides an independent estimate of the parameters which control silicate weathering. These estimates are then used to constrain variables such as subsurface fluid flux, silicate dissolution rates, fluid transit times and the fraction of rock which is weathered to form secondary clay minerals. The simple one-dimensional reactive transport model therefore provides a powerful tool to investigate the minimum controls on silicate weathering on the continents.
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