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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

O peso das palavras, o choque dos ideais: uma análise crítica dos indicadores de sustentabilidade como critérios para a gestão da comunicação organizacional / The weight of words, the clash of ideals: a critical analysis of Indicators of Sustainability criteria for the management of Organizational Communication.

Silva, Eduardo Augusto da 23 March 2011 (has links)
Uma nova ordem mundial está exigindo posturas efetivamente diferenciadas das organizações, de todos os setores e esferas, acompanhadas pela crescente vigilância da sociedade através de mecanismos de avaliação de suas atividades. No intuito de definir parâmetros éticos, foram e estão sendo desenvolvidos modelos de prestação de contas das atividades corporativas. Por meio deles, pretende-se que a sociedade e o mercado assumam o papel de auditores do processo e da transparência nos resultados sociais alcançados. Alguns desses mecanismos são os cada vez mais propagados Indicadores de Responsabilidade Social Corporativa e, mais recentemente, os Indicadores de Sustentabilidade, que parecem buscar responder mais adequadamente aos anseios de uma consciência social, muito assustada com o presente e o futuro do planeta. O objetivo geral desta pesquisa foi analisar se as Políticas de Comunicação Organizacional podem se utilizar dos principais modelos e guias de avaliação das ações corporativas como critérios efetivos de certificação nos âmbitos da RSC e da Sustentabilidade, sem configurar em estratégias reducionistas de promoção da imagem institucional e mercadológica. O método de pesquisa utilizado neste trabalho foi o estudo de caso, as unidades de análise foram os modelos de avaliação de RSC e de Sustentabilidade de maior relevância no cenário brasileiro, sendo eles: GRI Global Reporting Initiative, Guia Ethos e o ISE Índice de Sustentabilidade Empresarial da BM&FBOVESPA. A técnica de coleta de dados deste estudo foi a pesquisa bibliográfica. Através do Modelo de Comparabilidade desenvolvido para analisar os indicadores selecionados, o resultado foi que nenhum deles passou no teste, todos necessitam de ajustes para que se obtenha sua adequada funcionalidade. Assim, na determinação de Políticas de Comunicação Organizacional deve-se tomar o cuidado de se envolver toda a organização no sentido de cumprir as prerrogativas dos modelos de avaliação de RSC e da Sustentabilidade, pois, além do alto custo que isso pode gerar, e dos esforços físicos, estruturais e pessoais, não significa a efetiva convergência para empresa socialmente responsável ou [equivocadamente] sustentável. Logo, corre-se o risco do reducionismo e do empobrecimento da Gestão da Comunicação Corporativa que dirija suas ações em função dos resultados dos indicadores ou índices de RSC ou de Sustentabilidade. Em função dos tipos e da diversidade de variáveis e temas que a Sustentabilidade envolve, parece perigoso utilizar os relatórios para definição do quantum, sintetizado em um número adjetivo para um grupo seleto de organizações. As margens para a subjetividade e julgamentos de valores ficam perniciosamente abertas para vereditos de especialistas desavisados. / A new world order is demanding effectively differentiated postures, organizations from all sectors and spheres, accompanied by the growing surveillance society through mechanisms for evaluating their activities. In order to define ethical parameters have been and are being developed models of accountability of corporate activities. Through them, it is intended that the society and the market assume the role of Auditors of the process and transparency in social results achieved. Some of these mechanisms are increasingly propagated Indicators of Corporate Social responsibility and, more recently, indicators of sustainability, which seem to seek to respond more adequately to the expectations of a social conscience, very frightened with the present and the future of the planet. The overall objective of this research was to examine if Organizational Communication policies can use the main models and guides for the assessment of business actions as effective certification criteria in the areas of CSR and sustainability, without configuring equalitarian strategies to promote institutional image and marketing. The search method used in this work was the case study, the units of analysis were the models for evaluation of CSR and sustainability of greater relevance in the Brazilian scenario, whether they are: GRI-Global Reporting Initiative, Ethos and Guide the ISE corporate sustainability index BM & FBOVESPA. The technique of collecting data from this study was bibliographic search. Through the Comparability Model developed to analyze the indicators selected, the result was that none of them passed the test; all of them required adjustments to achieve its proper functionality. Thus, in determining Organizational Communication policy must take care to engage the whole organization towards fulfilling the prerogatives of models of evaluation of RSC and sustainability, because, besides the high cost that this can generate, and physical, structural efforts and personal, doesn\'t mean the effective convergence for undertaking socially responsible or sustainable [erroneously]. Soon, there is a risk of reductionism and impoverishment of the management of corporate communications that drive their actions in accordance with the results of indicators or indexes of RSC or sustainability. Depending on the diversity of types and variables and themes that sustainability involves, it seems dangerous to use reports for definition of quantum, synthesized in adjective for a select group of organizations. The margins to the subjectivity and judgments of values are perniciously open for unsuspecting verdicts of specialists.

Hur Redovisar Dagligvarubranschen Socialt Ansvar? / How Does The Grocery Industries Account For Social Responsibility?

Högfeldt, Laila, Hugosson Koinberg, Rebecca January 2014 (has links)
Företags vilja att hållbarhetsredovisa har ökat markant under 2010-talet. I och med den ökade tillämpningen av hållbarhetsredovisning skapas även behov av ett ramverk. Det ramverk som idag är det mest framträdande inom hållbarhetsredovisning har skapats av organisationen Global Reporting Initiative (GRI). GRIs mål är att frivillig hållbarhetsredovisning ska vara lika tillförlitlig och jämförbar som finansiella rapporter.Hållbarhetsbegreppet kan delas in i tre områden vilka är social, ekonomisk och miljömässig. Resultat från tidigare forskning visar att det råder stora brister inom hållbarhetsredovisning eftersom redovisningen är frivillig och det därmed inte föreligger några lagstadgade krav. Tidigare forskning visar även att socialt ansvar är den del i hållbarhetsredovisningen som är mest bristfällig. Den här studien kommer således att studera Sveriges tre största dagligvaruföretags redovisning av socialt ansvar i jämförelse av år 2008 och år 2013.Studiens syfte är att undersöka hur dagligvaruföretagen redovisar socialt ansvar enligt GRIs riktlinjer samt vilka kvalitetsförändringar som skett i dagligvaruföretagens redovisning av socialt ansvar genom att jämföra år 2008 och år 2013. För att se hur företagen redovisar enligt GRIs riktlinjer studeras dagligvaruföretagens redovisningar utifrån GRIs resultatindikatorer inom socialt ansvar. Vidare studeras dagligvaruföretagens redovisningar från år 2008 och år 2013 för att jämföra redovisningarna och på så vis se vilka kvalitetsförändringar som företagens redovisning visar. Kvalitetsförändringarna studeras utifrån kvalitetsprinciperna neutralitet, precision och jämförbarhet.Studiens resultat visar att dagligvaruföretagen redovisar fler av GRIs indikatorer inom socialt ansvar år 2013 jämfört med år 2008. Trots att fler indikatorer redovisas brister dagligvaruföretagen fortfarande i att redovisa en stor del av indikatorerna. Kvalitetsprinciperna neutralitet, precision och jämförbarhet kan inte anses vara uppfyllda varken år 2008 eller år 2013 trots att redovisning av socialt ansvar för svenska dagligvaruföretag förbättrats i kvalitet mellan åren.Hållbarhetsredovisning av socialt ansvar har förbättrats mellan år 2008 och år 2013 då fler indikatorer redovisas. Dock behöver de studerade företagen fortsätta utveckla redovisningen av socialt ansvar för att mer fullständigt tillämpa GRIs indikatorer. Det är inte endast tillämpningen av indikatorerna som dagligvaruföretagen behöver förbättra inom redovisningen, de behöver även förbättra kvaliteten i redovisningen. Genom att skapa hållbarhetsredovisningar med neutralitet, precision och jämförbarhet kan kvaliteten av rapporterna höjas. / Program: Civilekonomprogrammet

Hållbarhetsredovisning : En studie om hur statligt ägda företag arbetar med att integrera hållbarhetsfrågor i affärsverksamheten

Pouzette, Anna, Runhagen, Sofie January 2013 (has links)
Syfte: Syftet med uppsatsen är att ta reda på hur statligt ägda företag arbetar med hållbarhetsfrågor och hur dessa förhåller sig till affärsverksamheten.  Metod: Vi har i denna uppsats använt oss av en kvalitativ undersökningsstrategi. Vi har vidare genomfört kvalitativa intervjuer där vi har använt oss av en intervjuguide  innehållande fyra ämnesområden som knyter an till uppsatsens frågeställning. Ämnesområdena är företagets mål, tillvägagångssätt och strategier, GRI:s ramverk samt hållbarhetsredovisningens effekter och framtidsutsikter. Empiri: Vi har samlat in vår empiri genom telefonintervjuer och intervjuer på plats hos de deltagande företagen i studien. De deltagande företagen i denna studie är Vattenfall, Teracom, SAS, Samhall, TeliaSonera, Green Cargo och PostNord där vi har träffat ansvariga inom hållbarhetsområden på respektive företag. Slutsats: Samtliga företag i studien har antingen påbörjat eller strävar efter att integrera hållbarhetsfrågorna i affärsverksamheten, vilket de anser är den enda vägen att gå. Det finns däremot skillnader på hur långt de olika företagen kommit med denna integration. Vi anser att om ett företag ska lyckas med detta så krävs tydliga mål och strategier. / Purpose: The purpose of this study is to find out of how state-owned companies work with sustainability issues and how they relate to business Methods: We have used a qualitative research approach. We have also conducted qualitative interviews where we have used an interview guide containing for subject areas,    which are linked to the question of the study. The subjects are the goals for the company, practice and strategies, GRI´s framework and the effects and prospects of sustainability reporting Empirics: We have collected our empirical data through both telephone interviews and on-site interviews with the participating companies in the study. Participating companies in the study are Vattenfall, SAS, Samhall, TeliaSonera, Green Cargo and PostNord where we have met managers in sustainability from each company. Conclusion: All companies in the study have either started or strive to integrate sustainability into business operations, which they believe is the future way to go. However, there are differences in how far the different companies have come with this integration. We believe that if a company is to succeed in this, there must be clear goals and strategies.

O peso das palavras, o choque dos ideais: uma análise crítica dos indicadores de sustentabilidade como critérios para a gestão da comunicação organizacional / The weight of words, the clash of ideals: a critical analysis of Indicators of Sustainability criteria for the management of Organizational Communication.

Eduardo Augusto da Silva 23 March 2011 (has links)
Uma nova ordem mundial está exigindo posturas efetivamente diferenciadas das organizações, de todos os setores e esferas, acompanhadas pela crescente vigilância da sociedade através de mecanismos de avaliação de suas atividades. No intuito de definir parâmetros éticos, foram e estão sendo desenvolvidos modelos de prestação de contas das atividades corporativas. Por meio deles, pretende-se que a sociedade e o mercado assumam o papel de auditores do processo e da transparência nos resultados sociais alcançados. Alguns desses mecanismos são os cada vez mais propagados Indicadores de Responsabilidade Social Corporativa e, mais recentemente, os Indicadores de Sustentabilidade, que parecem buscar responder mais adequadamente aos anseios de uma consciência social, muito assustada com o presente e o futuro do planeta. O objetivo geral desta pesquisa foi analisar se as Políticas de Comunicação Organizacional podem se utilizar dos principais modelos e guias de avaliação das ações corporativas como critérios efetivos de certificação nos âmbitos da RSC e da Sustentabilidade, sem configurar em estratégias reducionistas de promoção da imagem institucional e mercadológica. O método de pesquisa utilizado neste trabalho foi o estudo de caso, as unidades de análise foram os modelos de avaliação de RSC e de Sustentabilidade de maior relevância no cenário brasileiro, sendo eles: GRI Global Reporting Initiative, Guia Ethos e o ISE Índice de Sustentabilidade Empresarial da BM&FBOVESPA. A técnica de coleta de dados deste estudo foi a pesquisa bibliográfica. Através do Modelo de Comparabilidade desenvolvido para analisar os indicadores selecionados, o resultado foi que nenhum deles passou no teste, todos necessitam de ajustes para que se obtenha sua adequada funcionalidade. Assim, na determinação de Políticas de Comunicação Organizacional deve-se tomar o cuidado de se envolver toda a organização no sentido de cumprir as prerrogativas dos modelos de avaliação de RSC e da Sustentabilidade, pois, além do alto custo que isso pode gerar, e dos esforços físicos, estruturais e pessoais, não significa a efetiva convergência para empresa socialmente responsável ou [equivocadamente] sustentável. Logo, corre-se o risco do reducionismo e do empobrecimento da Gestão da Comunicação Corporativa que dirija suas ações em função dos resultados dos indicadores ou índices de RSC ou de Sustentabilidade. Em função dos tipos e da diversidade de variáveis e temas que a Sustentabilidade envolve, parece perigoso utilizar os relatórios para definição do quantum, sintetizado em um número adjetivo para um grupo seleto de organizações. As margens para a subjetividade e julgamentos de valores ficam perniciosamente abertas para vereditos de especialistas desavisados. / A new world order is demanding effectively differentiated postures, organizations from all sectors and spheres, accompanied by the growing surveillance society through mechanisms for evaluating their activities. In order to define ethical parameters have been and are being developed models of accountability of corporate activities. Through them, it is intended that the society and the market assume the role of Auditors of the process and transparency in social results achieved. Some of these mechanisms are increasingly propagated Indicators of Corporate Social responsibility and, more recently, indicators of sustainability, which seem to seek to respond more adequately to the expectations of a social conscience, very frightened with the present and the future of the planet. The overall objective of this research was to examine if Organizational Communication policies can use the main models and guides for the assessment of business actions as effective certification criteria in the areas of CSR and sustainability, without configuring equalitarian strategies to promote institutional image and marketing. The search method used in this work was the case study, the units of analysis were the models for evaluation of CSR and sustainability of greater relevance in the Brazilian scenario, whether they are: GRI-Global Reporting Initiative, Ethos and Guide the ISE corporate sustainability index BM & FBOVESPA. The technique of collecting data from this study was bibliographic search. Through the Comparability Model developed to analyze the indicators selected, the result was that none of them passed the test; all of them required adjustments to achieve its proper functionality. Thus, in determining Organizational Communication policy must take care to engage the whole organization towards fulfilling the prerogatives of models of evaluation of RSC and sustainability, because, besides the high cost that this can generate, and physical, structural efforts and personal, doesn\'t mean the effective convergence for undertaking socially responsible or sustainable [erroneously]. Soon, there is a risk of reductionism and impoverishment of the management of corporate communications that drive their actions in accordance with the results of indicators or indexes of RSC or sustainability. Depending on the diversity of types and variables and themes that sustainability involves, it seems dangerous to use reports for definition of quantum, synthesized in adjective for a select group of organizations. The margins to the subjectivity and judgments of values are perniciously open for unsuspecting verdicts of specialists.

Společenská odpovědnost v malých a středních podnicích v ČR / Corporate social responsibility in small and medium-sized enterprises in Czech Republic

Růžková, Kateřina January 2015 (has links)
The Master´s thesis deals with the social responsibility of organization with focus on small and medium-sized enterprises. The aim of this thesis is to analyze the level and attitude of corporate social responsibility in these enterprises. The theoretical part is to introduce concept of tripple-bottom-line, history, current trends and advantages and disadvantages of CSR. This part of thesis also includes implementation and measurement of CSR activities with subsequent reporting and information support. The practical part deals with the research of the social responsibility in small and medium-sized enterprises in Czech Republic. In the conclusion of the practical part are summarized recommendations and proposals for SME.

Incentivising Intra-Organisational Sustainability Development at GANNI

Hermeling, Melanie, Dittmann, Laura January 2021 (has links)
Background – Under the acceleration in globalising tendencies of monopoly capitalism aided by social hyper-connectivity and a supply of cheap international labour, fashion companies struggle to find sufficient agency to manoeuvre their way out of the unsustainable, self-inflicted problems. Since fashion companies' rhetoric on sustainability matters is often far ahead of corporate action, it requires further development and engagement by all actors. Purpose – The purpose is to investigate motivational bases for the engagement in sustainability development (SD) among employees and review the compatibility between management control systems (MCSs) in order to incentivise sustainable behaviour. Methodology – With the Design Thinking approach as baseline, a single case study design is guided by both the resource-based view as well as institutional theory to explore individuals’ motivation for engaging in SD and identify MCS misalignment inefficiencies from a bottom-up perspective. Primary data is sought through semi-structured interviews with employees of the case company, which is complemented by secondary data documents and a conceptual framework grounded in literature. The data is analysed qualitatively and quantitatively through iterative coding cycles in MAXQDA. Findings – The data not only reveals the relative importance of different determining variables of sustainable behaviour at three institutional context levels of analysis, but also allows for their categorisation into behavioural progressions in engaging in SD. Even though varying motivational bases respond to different external stimuli depending on the personal interest in sustainability topics, findings on misalignment inefficiencies point towards informal MCSs requiring reinforcement by formal MCSs. Here, a lack of knowledge or perceived incompatibility with conventional business practices hamper transformational change in SD. Implications – The single case study implies that even though dominant cultural controls have institutionalised sustainability awareness among employees, the fashion SME needs to support the engagement of employees in SD with strong sustainability leadership showing courage behind conviction and assigning clear responsibilities as well as a personal purpose to the corporate sustainability missions. Additionally, MCSs need to be set up that allow for an enhanced learning culture and increase the flow of ideas even beyond corporate walls. Since findings are limited to the single case study as well as to its institutional context, this research refers to general implication of institutional theory with resource-dependent arguments as suggested by Oliver (1997) to incentivise the engagement of employees in SD. Originality– The novelty of the work lies within the Design Thinking approach, as employee profiles on progressive behaviour for engaging in SD are theorised and crucial MCSs incentivising these specific motivational bases are derived for the case company. In addition, the ideation process leads to the theoretical establishment of an incentivisation network in which social relationships between departments are rewarded that enable collaboration, creativity and productivity in favour of SD based on Social Physics.

Human resource development : an assessment of capacity development initiatives of World Bank projects in Ghana

Danquah, Joseph K. January 2017 (has links)
The significance of capacity development programmes, as key driver for sustaining development goals, is anchored in all international fora. This research complements and extends our present understanding of the contribution of capacity development approaches to development and achievement of the SDGs. This is achieved by critically assessing the impact of capacity development initiatives sponsored by the World Bank. This thesis has focused on analysis of implementation strategies and critical assessment of the impact of the projects using multidisciplinary approach, utilising a range of quantitative and qualitative methods. It provides a sound empirical basis for assessing the complexities of these projects. This empirical investigation has identified a wide range of disparities of implementation strategies utilised for capacity development initiatives among the major international players (World Bank and UNDP). These findings clearly indicate that there is no single strategy for the implementation of capacity development initiatives. Thus, based on empirical evidence, as well as a critical review of the literature, the study proposes a model for achieving critical sustainable capacity development based on broad and long-term strategies; input, process, output, and outcome which defines the appropriateness of policies and practices that support sustainable development. It is concluded that capacity development initiatives are relevant and essential ensuring national development and sustainable results. The recommendations include the focus on individual, organisational, and societal factors when planning, developing and adopting strategies for implementing all government/national programmes.

The neglected child of sustainability education

Kronenberg, Johannes, Laukkanen, Anastasia, Fischer, Théodore January 2018 (has links)
Since 1970s neoclassical economics has been identified as a major obstacle for reaching sustainability. Despite the world's growing attention to sustainability education, there has been just few attempts to assess the content and the competency building of sustainable development (SD) postgraduate programs. None has been evaluating if and how economics is integrated in such curricula. This study fills this gap in the empirical research by conducting a novel assessment of six leading SD transdisciplinary master programs in Sweden. Our study uses a qualitative approach to inquire how these programs teach students to understand, challenge and reorient dominant neoclassical economics and the reasoning behind it. Results revealed that the absence of an agreed-upon definition of both the economy and sustainability lead to the wide range of approaches on how to introduce the place and the role of the economy. Every program relies on their own understanding, perspectives and resourcefulness, while agreeing that their teaching should challenge neoclassical economics and engage their students in the various scales of system change. Yet, the time allocated to economics teaching does not exceed 8% of the programs ECTS. We argue that economics should take a much bigger place in postgraduate SD education. A proposed “transdisciplinary economics” calls for more collaboration with students, academia and outside of academia in a joint search for economic alternatives.

Limites e possibilidades do balanço social

Penedo, Antonio Sérgio Torres 21 February 2011 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-06-02T19:50:10Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 3589.pdf: 890913 bytes, checksum: cbd3dd2239730ca2e0f03f2ad055bd43 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-02-21 / In the process of dissemination of social and environmental practices, companies have realized that sugarcane social responsibility initiatives can be used to reduce costs, increase competitive advantage, manage risk and reputation and turned the green initiatives on business strategies. Thus, sugarcane industry use monitoring mechanisms and accountability sought at the promotion and progress transparency to social and environmental practices developed. The objective of this thesis is to analyze the limits and possibilities of social statement in the process of dissemination of social and environmental practices in sugar and alcohol. The question this thesis answers is to what extent social reports published by the companies are valid instruments for the analysis of social and environmental practices of the units of ethanol production. On completion of the thesis were worked data and information collected through field research conducted with the plants, and secondary information from the social reports published by the sugar and alcohol in the period 2001 to 2008. The thesis conducts analysis of social and environmental practices at the industry, through the social reports published by them, with the views of supporters of the institutes of social reports (Brazilian Institute of Social and Economic Analysis, Ethos Institute for Business and Social Responsibility and Global Reporting Initiative) attend in the following issues: social, environmental responsibility, sustainable development and sustainability. / No processo de tornar público as iniciativas socioambientais, as empresas sucroalcooleiras perceberam que práticas de responsabilidade socioambiental podem ser usadas para aumentar as vantagens competitivas, minimizar os riscos, administrar a reputação e transformaram as iniciativas socioambientais em estratégias empresariais. Assim, as usinas sucroalcooleiras passaram a utilizar mecanismos de acompanhamento e de prestação de contas que visam promover a transparência das práticas socioambientais desenvolvidas. O objetivo da presente tese é analisar os limites e possibilidades dos balanços sociais no processo de divulgação das práticas socioambientais nas usinas de açúcar e álcool. A pergunta que essa tese pretende responder é até que ponto os balanços sociais divulgados pelas empresas são instrumentos válidos para análise das práticas socioambientais das unidades de produção sucroalcooleira. Na realização da tese foram trabalhados dados e informações coletados através de pesquisa de campo realizada junto às usinas, e informações secundárias provenientes dos balanços sociais publicados pelas usinas de açúcar e álcool no período de 2001 a 2008. A tese realiza análise das práticas socioambientais das usinas, através dos balanços sociais divulgadas pelas mesmas, com as opiniões dos institutos incentivadores de balanços sociais (Instituto Brasileiro de Análises Sociais e Econômicas, Instituto ETHOS de Empresas e Responsabilidade Social e Global Reporting Initiative) atendo-se nas seguintes questões: balanço social, responsabilidade socioambiental, desenvolvimento sustentável e sustentabilidade.

Betydelsen av ledarnas agerande för kvalitetsutveckling vid en hållbarhetsresa : Skapas förutsättningar för medarbetarnas delaktighet?

Bergström, Ian January 2021 (has links)
Allas delaktighet är ett centralt tema i många styrdokument ända från regeringsnivå till offentliga organisationer och företag. Att skapa förutsättningar för allas delaktighet genom gott ledarskap är centralt både för att uppnå offensiv kvalitetsutveckling och hållbarhetsutveckling. Examensarbetet är en fallstudie där fallet handlar om strategisk samhällsutveckling med hållbarhetsmål. I studien undersöktes hur ledarnas agerande för att skapa förutsättningar för delaktighet påverkar kvalitetsutvecklingen när en offentlig organisation gör en hållbarhetsresa. Studien gjordes genom enkäter riktade till medarbetarna samt semistrukturerade och semistandardiserade intervjufrågor med organisationens högsta ledarskapsskikt under den politiska nivån, i kombination med teoretisk förankring i relevant forskning och litteratur. Från teorin togs kvalitetskriterier för ledarnas agerande och framgångsfaktorer för medarbetarnas upplevelse fram som sedan användes vid analysen. Resultatet visar att ledarnas agerande skapar förutsättningar för medarbetarnas delaktighet för fyra av sex kvalitetsindikatorer, medarbetarna upplever inte att införandet av en gemensam utvecklings- och hållbarhetsagenda och färdplaner har påverkat ledarnas agerande samt att framgångsfaktorerna påverkats positivt för tre av de sex kvalitetskriterierna. Ledarna upplever att de agerar för att skapa förutsättningar för delaktighet för alla kvalitetskriterier och att de förändrat sitt agerande efter att agendan infördes på tre av sex kvalitetskriterier och att deras agerande påverkar framgångsfaktorerna positivt för samtliga kvalitetskriterier. Största skillnader mellan medarbetarnas och ledarnas upplevelse av ledarnas agerande finns i kvalitetskriterium att ”initiera öppen dialog” samt i att ”tydligt visa vilket ansvar och vilka befogenheter medarbetarna har” vilket antyder var förbättringsområdena finns. Studien visar också på vikten av att ledare agerar konsekvent och i linje med gemensamma styrdokument samt att organisationen arbetar in sina strategiska styrdokument i verksamhetens processer och rutiner för att utvecklings- och hållbarhetsagendan ska få genomslag i hela verksamheten. För att det ska lyckas måste ledarskapet ses som ett av utvecklingsområdena för organisationen. / Everyone's participation is a central theme in many governing documents, from government level to public organizations and companies. Enabling everyone's participation through good leadership is central to both offensive quality development and sustainability development. This is a case study where the case is about strategic societal development with sustainability goals. The study examined how the leaders' actions to create conditions for participation affect quality development when a public organization makes a sustainability journey. This study was conducted through surveys aimed at employees as well as semi-structured and semi-standardized interview questions with the organization's highest leadership layer below the political level in combination with theoretical grounding in relevant research and literature. From the theory, quality criteria for the leaders 'actions and success factors for the employees' experience were developed, which were then used in the analysis. The results show that the leaders' actions create conditions for the employees' participation for four of six quality indicators, the employees do not feel that the introduction of a common development and sustainability agenda and roadmaps has affected the leaders' actions and that the success factors have been positively affected by three of the six quality criteria. The leaders feel that they are acting to create the conditions for participation for all quality criteria and that they have changed their actions after the agenda was introduced on three of six quality criteria and that their actions have a positive effect on the success factors for all quality criteria. The biggest differences between the employees' and managers' experience of the managers' actions are in the quality criteria to "initiate open dialogue" and to "clearly show what responsibility and what powers the employees have", which indicates where the areas for improvement are. The study also shows the importance of leaders at all levels acting consistently and in line with common governing documents and that the organization works its strategic governing documents into the business's processes and routines so that the development and sustainability agenda has an impact throughout the business. For it to succeed, leadership must be seen as one of the development areas for the organization. / <p>2021-06-06</p>

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