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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Estudo sobre atividade auto sustentada em modelos de redes neurais corticais / Study on self-sustained activity in cortical neural network models

Vieira, Diogo Porfirio de Castro 13 December 2013 (has links)
O entendimento de como a informação é representada e processada no cérebro e quais são os mecanismos necessários para que isto seja possível é um dos grandes desafios da neurociência. A atividade populacional das células corticais possui dinâmica emergente bastante complexa, apresentando padrões auto-sustentados mesmo na ausência de estímulos externos. Esses padrões de atividade podem representar estados internos de auto-organização da rede neural cortical. Porém, quais características da rede cortical seriam essenciais para o entendimento deste tipo de atividade? Podemos elencar duas características fundamentais: a organização topológica da rede e as características dinâmicas das unidades funcionais da rede (os neurônios). Neste trabalho estudamos a influência da topologia e da dinâmica dos neurônios sobre a atividade auto-sustentada de dois modelos corticais diferentes. O primeiro modelo possui arquitetura hierárquica e modular construída segundo uma estratégia top-down. As simulações com este modelo mostram que criação hierárquica de módulos favorece a atividade auto-sustentada em concordância com trabalhos anteriores de outros autores. Também observamos que diferentes classes funcionais de neurônios influenciam de maneiras distintas a atividade auto-sustentada da rede. O segundo modelo possui arquitetura em camadas com regras intra- e inter-laminares específicas baseadas em dados anatômicos do córtex visual primário de gatos. As simulações com este modelo mostram um importante papel das condutâncias sinápticas excitatórias e inibitórias sobre o início da atividade auto-sustentada na rede, especialmente sobre a largura (intervalo de valores da condutância excitatória) da zona de transição entre as regiões com e sem atividade auto-sustentada no diagrama de condutâncias sinápticas. Conclui-se que a topologia da rede cortical e sua composição em termos de combinações de neurônios de diferentes tipos têm importante papel sobre a existência e as propriedades da atividade auto-sustentada na rede. / To understand how information is represented and processed in the brain and the necessary mechanisms for this is one of the major challenges in neuroscience. The population activity of cortical cells has complex and emergent dynamics, showing self-sustained activity patterns even in the absence of external stimuli. These activity patterns may represent internal self-organizing states of the cortical network. Which characteristics that make up the cortical network would be essential to understand this type of activity? We can list two basic characteristics: the topological organization of the network and the dynamic characteristics of its functional units (the neurons). In this work we studied the influence of topology and neuronal dynamics on self-sustained activity in two different cortical network models. The first model has hierarchical and modular architecture constructed according to a top-down strategy. Simulations with this model show that the hierarchical creation of modules favors self-sustained activity in agreement with results from other authors. We also observed that different functional neuronal classes influence in distict ways the self-sustained activity. The second model has a layered architecture with specific intra- and inter-laminar rules based on anatomical evidence from the primary visual cortex of cats. Simulations with this model show an important role of excitatory and inhibitory synaptic conductances on the beginning of self-sustained network activity, specially on the width of the border (range of excitatory conductance values) between regions with and without self-sustained activity in the excitatory-inhibitory synaptic conductances diagram. We conclude that network topology and its composition in terms of combinations of neurons with different dynamics have an important role on the existence and properties of self-sustained activity in the network.

Estudo sobre atividade auto sustentada em modelos de redes neurais corticais / Study on self-sustained activity in cortical neural network models

Diogo Porfirio de Castro Vieira 13 December 2013 (has links)
O entendimento de como a informação é representada e processada no cérebro e quais são os mecanismos necessários para que isto seja possível é um dos grandes desafios da neurociência. A atividade populacional das células corticais possui dinâmica emergente bastante complexa, apresentando padrões auto-sustentados mesmo na ausência de estímulos externos. Esses padrões de atividade podem representar estados internos de auto-organização da rede neural cortical. Porém, quais características da rede cortical seriam essenciais para o entendimento deste tipo de atividade? Podemos elencar duas características fundamentais: a organização topológica da rede e as características dinâmicas das unidades funcionais da rede (os neurônios). Neste trabalho estudamos a influência da topologia e da dinâmica dos neurônios sobre a atividade auto-sustentada de dois modelos corticais diferentes. O primeiro modelo possui arquitetura hierárquica e modular construída segundo uma estratégia top-down. As simulações com este modelo mostram que criação hierárquica de módulos favorece a atividade auto-sustentada em concordância com trabalhos anteriores de outros autores. Também observamos que diferentes classes funcionais de neurônios influenciam de maneiras distintas a atividade auto-sustentada da rede. O segundo modelo possui arquitetura em camadas com regras intra- e inter-laminares específicas baseadas em dados anatômicos do córtex visual primário de gatos. As simulações com este modelo mostram um importante papel das condutâncias sinápticas excitatórias e inibitórias sobre o início da atividade auto-sustentada na rede, especialmente sobre a largura (intervalo de valores da condutância excitatória) da zona de transição entre as regiões com e sem atividade auto-sustentada no diagrama de condutâncias sinápticas. Conclui-se que a topologia da rede cortical e sua composição em termos de combinações de neurônios de diferentes tipos têm importante papel sobre a existência e as propriedades da atividade auto-sustentada na rede. / To understand how information is represented and processed in the brain and the necessary mechanisms for this is one of the major challenges in neuroscience. The population activity of cortical cells has complex and emergent dynamics, showing self-sustained activity patterns even in the absence of external stimuli. These activity patterns may represent internal self-organizing states of the cortical network. Which characteristics that make up the cortical network would be essential to understand this type of activity? We can list two basic characteristics: the topological organization of the network and the dynamic characteristics of its functional units (the neurons). In this work we studied the influence of topology and neuronal dynamics on self-sustained activity in two different cortical network models. The first model has hierarchical and modular architecture constructed according to a top-down strategy. Simulations with this model show that the hierarchical creation of modules favors self-sustained activity in agreement with results from other authors. We also observed that different functional neuronal classes influence in distict ways the self-sustained activity. The second model has a layered architecture with specific intra- and inter-laminar rules based on anatomical evidence from the primary visual cortex of cats. Simulations with this model show an important role of excitatory and inhibitory synaptic conductances on the beginning of self-sustained network activity, specially on the width of the border (range of excitatory conductance values) between regions with and without self-sustained activity in the excitatory-inhibitory synaptic conductances diagram. We conclude that network topology and its composition in terms of combinations of neurons with different dynamics have an important role on the existence and properties of self-sustained activity in the network.

Interplay of dynamics and network topology in systems of excitable elements

Tomov, Petar Georgiev 22 March 2016 (has links)
Wir untersuchen globale dynamische Phänomene, die sich von dem Zusammenspiel zwischen Netzwerktopologie und Dynamik der einzelnen Elementen ergeben. Im ersten Teil untersuchen wir relativ kleine strukturierte Netzwerke mit überschaubarer Komplexität. Als geeigneter theoretischer Rahmen für erregbare Systeme verwenden wir das Kuramoto und Shinomoto Modell der sinusförmig-gekoppelten "aktiven Rotatoren" und studieren das Kollektivverhalten des Systems in Bezug auf Synchronisation. Wir besprechen die Einschränkungen, die durch die Netzwerktopologie auf dem Fluss im Phasenraum des Systems gestellt werden. Insbesondere interessieren wir uns für die Stabilitätseigenschaften von Fluss-invarianten Polydiagonalen und die Entwicklungen von Attraktoren in den Parameterräume solcher Systeme. Wir untersuchen zweidimensionale hexagonale Gitter mit periodischen Randbedingungen. Wir untersuchen allgemeine Bedingungen auf der Adjazenzmatrix von Netzwerken, die die Watanabe-Strogatz Reduktion ermöglichen, und diskutieren verschiedene Beispiele. Schließlich präsentieren wir eine generische Analyse der Bifurkationen, die auf der Untermannigfaltigkeit des Watanabe-Strogatz reduzierten Systems stattfinden. Im zweiten Teil der Arbeit untersuchen wir das globale dynamische Phänomen selbstanhaltender Aktivität (self-sustained activity / SSA) in neuronalen Netzwerken. Wir betrachten Netzwerke mit hierarchischer und modularer Topologie , umfassend Neuronen von verschiedenen kortikalen elektrophysiologischen Zellklassen. Wir zeigen, dass SSA Zustände mit ähnlich zu den experimentell beobachteten Eigenschaften existieren. Durch Analyse der Dynamik einzelner Neuronen sowie des Phasenraums des gesamten Systems erläutern wir die Rolle der Inhibierung. Darüber hinaus zeigen wir, dass beide Netzwerkarchitektur, in Bezug auf Modularität, sowie Mischung aus verschiedenen Neuronen, in Bezug auf die unterschiedlichen Zellklassen, einen Einfluss auf die Lebensdauer der SSA haben. / In this work we study global dynamical phenomena which emerge as a result of the interplay between network topology and single-node dynamics in systems of excitable elements. We first focus on relatively small structured networks with comprehensible complexity in terms of graph-symmetries. We discuss the constraints posed by the network topology on the dynamical flow in the phase space of the system and on the admissible synchronized states. In particular, we are interested in the stability properties of flow invariant polydiagonals and in the evolutions of attractors in the parameter spaces of such systems. As a suitable theoretical framework describing excitable elements we use the Kuramoto and Shinomoto model of sinusoidally coupled “active rotators”. We investigate plane hexagonal lattices of different size with periodic boundary conditions. We study general conditions posed on the adjacency matrix of the networks, enabling the Watanabe-Strogatz reduction, and discuss different examples. Finally, we present a generic analysis of bifurcations taking place on the submanifold associated with the Watanabe-Strogatz reduced system. In the second part of the work we investigate a global dynamical phenomenon in neuronal networks known as self-sustained activity (SSA). We consider networks of hierarchical and modular topology, comprising neurons of different cortical electrophysiological cell classes. In the investigated neural networks we show that SSA states with spiking characteristics, similar to the ones observed experimentally, can exist. By analyzing the dynamics of single neurons, as well as the phase space of the whole system, we explain the importance of inhibition for sustaining the global oscillatory activity of the network. Furthermore, we show that both network architecture, in terms of modularity level, as well as mixture of excitatory-inhibitory neurons, in terms of different cell classes, have influence on the lifetime of SSA.

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