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Caractérisation de l'adaptation comportementale des téléostéens en élevage : plasticité et effets de la domestication / Characterization of behavioural adaptation in farming teleosts : plasticity and domestication effectsBenhaïm, David 17 November 2011 (has links)
Ce travail vise une meilleure compréhension de l’adaptation aux conditions d’élevage par une approche comportementale basée sur la comparaison de diverses populations de téléostéens pour trois espèces, l’une marine, le bar (Dicentrarchus labrax), les deux autres d’eau douce, l’omble chevalier (Salvelinus alpinus) et la truite commune (Salmo trutta). La thèse s’articule en deux parties qui ont permis : 1) de tester des facteurs biotiques et abiotiques sélectionnés en fonction de leur importance en élevage du bar et de l’omble chevalier. 2) de caractériser les effets de la domestication sur le comportement par le biais d’une comparaison entre des bars ou des truites sauvages et domestiqués à des âges différents et dans des contextes variables (challenges, labyrinthe). Dans la première partie, les travaux réalisés sur l’omble chevalier ont montré que la présence d’un refuge artificiel durant la phase de nutrition endogène induisait une forte diminution de la mobilité accompagnée de meilleures performances de croissance et d’une survie plus importante, que la taille de l’œuf et l’environnement social jouaient un rôle important sur le comportement alimentaire et la mobilité des juvéniles dans les semaines qui suivent la première nutrition exogène. Les travaux réalisés sur le bar ont montré qu’un aliment végétal ne modifiait pas les capacités d’apprentissage en condition d’auto-alimentation ni leurs capacités cognitives en situation de test en labyrinthe, mais qu’il semble réduire l’activité de nage et la libération à court terme du cortisol. Une autre expérience a montré que la pratique du tri et l’environnement social qui en résulte, en conditions d’auto-alimentation, a peu d’influence sur la demande, le rythme, le gaspillage alimentaires, la structure sociale, les performances de croissance et le statut physiologique. Une période de trois semaines de jeûne, enfin, ne modifie pas la structure sociale et les manipulateurs principaux sont les mêmes avant et après cette période, ce qui pourrait être lié à l’existence de traits de personnalité basés sur le pourcentage d’activation de la tige tactile du dispositif d’auto-alimentation. Dans la seconde partie de la thèse, l’expérience sur la truite a mis en évidence un effet de la domestication sur l’activité de nage avant et après application d’un stress lumineux, en utilisant un matériel biologique contrôlé par génotypage (vitesse angulaire plus élevée chez les individus sauvages, vitesse moyenne et distance parcourue plus importantes chez les individus domestiqués). Les expériences réalisées sur le bar ont comparé des populations sauvages capturées à l’état larvaire dans le milieu naturel à des populations standard industrielles. La première a montré l’influence combinée de l’âge et de mécanismes d’ordre ontogénique sur l’activité de nage et le taux de réponse de fuite (diminution chez les deux catégories de larve). L’impact de la domestication se traduit par des différences entre individus sauvages et domestiquées (vitesse angulaire et vigilance plus élevés chez les individus sauvages). En situation de labyrinthe, la domestication ne semble pas avoir d’influence sur le grégarisme et la cognition chez le bar, mais il existe une forte variabilité individuelle. La discrimination de la familiarité, enfin, n’a pu être mise en évidence que chez les individus domestiqués.L’approche comportementale a permis de révéler une plasticité en réponse à quelques facteurs abiotiques et abiotiques, qui constitue un véritable levier adaptatif pour les téléostéens en élevage. L’effet de la domestication sur le comportement a également été démontré ainsi que l’influence de l’âge et des mécanismes ontogéniques dont la nature reste à déterminer. Cette thèse s’inscrit dans la lignée des travaux qui vise à sélectionner les téléostéens sur leurs traits de personnalité dans l’optique d’une adaptation optimale en élevage ou dans la perspective de programmes de repeuplement. / The present work aims at a better understanding of the adaptation to farming conditions through a behavioural approach based on the comparison between wild vs. domesticated populations of three species: a marine species, sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax), two freshwater species, arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus) and brown trout (Salmo trutta). The thesis is divided into two parts which objectives were : 1) to test the impact of biotic and abiotic factors selected based on their importance in aquaculture on sea bass and artic charr behavioural plasticity (behavioural modifications in response to environmental changes). 2) to characterize the domestication effect on behaviour through the comparison between wild vs. domesticated sea bass and brown trout at different ages and under different experimental conditions (challenges, maze).In the first part, experiments performed on arctic charr showed that an artificial shelter induced a lower mobility, better growth performances and a higher level of survival during the endogenous feeding period, that egg size and social environment play an important role on feeding behaviour and mobility during the weeks following the first exogenous feeding period. These results illustrated behavioural flexibility in response to abiotic and biotic factors. The findings could be used to improve culture performances and welfare of arctic charr. The experiments performed on sea bass showed that a plant-based diet do neither modify the learning abilities under self-feeding conditions nor the cognition under a test situation in a maze, but has an impact on swimming activity (the mean velocity decreased and the total distance travelled decreased) and on the short-term release of cortisol (plasmatic concentration lower than the control group). Another experiment showed that, under self-feeding conditions, size grading and the resulting social environment have no major influence on feed-demand, feeding rhythm, food wastage, social structure, growth performances and physiological status. At last, a three-week fasting period does not modify the social structure and high-triggering fish are exactly the same individuals before and after the fasting period. Individual’s triggering activity levels could therefore be considered as personality traits but further research is needed to verify this hypothesis.In the second part of the thesis, the experiment performed on brown trout showed an impact of domestication on swimming activity before and after a light-elicited stress, using a biological material controlled by genotyping. Angular velocity was higher in wild fish while mean velocity and total distance travelled were higher in domesticated fish. All the experiments carried out on sea bass compared wild-caught fish (from the larval stage) to domesticated fish (industrial standard). The first one showed the interplay of age and ontogeny on swimming activity and escape response rate. These variables decreased in fish from both origins. The impact of domestication was shown through differences between wild-caught and domesticated larvae (angular velocity and vigilance level higher in wild fish). They showed that domestication has no influence on gregarism, and cognition in sea bass but there was a high individual variability. The ability to discriminate familiarity was shown only in domesticated fish. The behavioural approach developed in this thesis was demonstrated to be relevant to reveal plasticity in response to a few abiotic and biotic factors among the numerous ones that remain to be investigated. Plasticity plays an important role in the adaptation of fish to culture conditions. Domestication impact on behaviour was also demonstrated as well as the interplay of age and ontogeny. This thesis followed the path and brings new insights for research programs targeting fish selection based upon personality traits in order to improve adaptation for aquaculture or restocking purposes.
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Effects of Hypoxia and Exercise on In Vivo Lactate Kinetics and Expression of Monocarboxylate Transporters in Rainbow TroutOmlin, Teye D. January 2014 (has links)
The current understanding of lactate metabolism in fish is based almost entirely on interpretation of concentration measurements that cannot be used to infer changes in flux. Moreover, the transporters regulating these fluxes have never been characterized in rainbow trout. My goals were: (1) to quantify lactate fluxes in rainbow trout under normoxic resting conditions, during acute hypoxia, and exercise by continuous infusion of [U-14C] lactate; (2) to determine lactate uptake capacity of trout tissues by infusing exogenous lactate in fish rest and during graded exercise, and (3) to clone monocarboxylate transporters (MCTs) and determine the effects of exhausting exercise on their expression. Such information could prove important to understand the mechanisms underlying the classic “lactate retention” seen in trout white muscle after intense exercise. In normoxic resting fish, the rates of appearance (Ra) and disappearance (Rd) of lactate were always matched (~18 to 13 µmol kg-1 min-1), thereby maintaining a low baseline blood lactate concentration (~0.8 mM). In hypoxic fish, Ra lactate increased from baseline to 36.5 µmol kg-1 min-1, and was accompanied by an unexpected 52% increase in Rd reaching 30.3 µmol kg-1 min-1, accounting for a rise in blood lactate to 8.9 mM. In exercising fish, lactate flux was stimulated > 2.4 body lengths per second (BL s-1). As the fish reached critical swimming speed (Ucrit), Ra lactate was more stimulated (+67% to 40.4 μmol kg-1 min-1) than Rd (+41% to 34.7 μmol kg-1 min-1), causing an increase in blood lactate to 5.1mM. Fish infused with exogenous lactate stimulated Rd lactate by 300% (14 to 56 μmol kg-1 min-1) during graded exercise, whereas the Rd in resting fish increased by only 90% (21 to 40 µmol kg-1 min-1). Four MCT isoforms were partially cloned and characterized in rainbow trout: MCT1b was the most abundant in heart, and red muscle, but poorly expressed in gill and brain where MCT1a and MCT2 were prevalent. MCT4 was more expressed in the heart. Transcript levels of MCT2 (+260%; brain), MCT1a (+90%; heart) and MCT1b (+50%; heart) were stimulated by exhausting exercise. This study shows that: (i) the increase in Rd lactate plays a strategic role in reducing the lactate load imposed on the circulation. Without this response, blood lactate accumulation would double; (ii) a high capacity for lactate disposal in rainbow trout tissues is elicited by the increased blood-to-tissue lactate gradient when extra lactate is administered; and (iii) rainbow trout may be unable to release large lactate loads rapidly from white muscle after exhausting exercise (lactate retention) because they poorly express MCT4 in white muscle and fail to upregulate its expression during exercise.
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Efeitos do treinamento físico por natação sobre o sistema cardiovascular e marcadores moleculares de hipertrofia cardíaca em ratas wistar / Swimming training effects on cardiovascular system and hypertrofic cardiac molecular markesrs in wistar femalesNara Yumi Hashimoto 20 September 2007 (has links)
O treinamento por natação leva a uma sobrecarga de volume no coração, que induz a hipertrofia cardíaca (HC) excêntrica, com aumento da massa e do diâmetro cardíaco. Neste trabalho foram investigadas as adaptações no sistema cardiovascular e na expressão de genes relacionados à HC patológica, na gênese da HC por treinamento de natação. 42 ratas wistar foram divididas em grupos: sedentário controle (SC) treinado protocolo 1 (P1) e treinado protocolo 2 (P2). O treinamento de P1 foi de 1x60min/dia, 5x/semana, por 10 semanas. O de P2 foi igual ao P1 até a 8ª semana. Na 9ª semana 2x/dia e na 10ª semana 3x/dia. Os grupos treinados, em relação ao SC, apresentaram bradicardia de repouso, melhora no desempenho físico do teste máximo e do consumo máximo de oxigênio e HC, sem alterar a pressão arterial média e a expressão dos genes do fator natriurético atrial e da alfa actina esquelética. O grupo P2 apresentou aumento no diâmetro cardíaco e redução da expressão do gene da beta miosina de cadeia pesada. Este último resultado é contrário à literatura para a HC patológica, que mostra o aumento não só da expressão deste gene como a dos outros genes estudados. Os resultados de HC de P2 assemelham-se aos encontrados em estudos recentes com atletas de modalidades de maior componente aeróbio, sendo este um bom modelo para investigação dos mecanismos envolvidos na HC destes atleta / Swimming training leads to a cardiac volume overload that induces excentric cardiac hypertrophy (CH) with an increase in cardiac mass and diameter. Cardiovascular system adaptations and expression of genes relatated with pathological CH were investigated in swimming training CH. We studied 42 wistar females, divided in sedentary control (SC) group, protocol 1 trained group (P1) and protocol 2 trained group (P2). The P1 training program was once a day for 5 times/week for 10 weeks. P2 was the same as P1 until 8th week. In 9th week it was twice a day and in 10th week 3 times a day. Trained groups, in contrast with SC, showed rest bradycardia, improvement in physical performance, maximum oxygen uptake and CH, with no alteration in the medium arterial pressure and in the expression of atrial natriuretic factor and skeletal alpha actin genes. Moreover, P2 showed an increase in cardiac diameter and decrease in the expression of beta myosin heavy chain gene. This expression result is different of patological CH literature wich shows an increase of this gene expression and also in the others genes we had investigated. P2 CH results were similar to those recently found in endurance-type athletes, sugesting this is a good model to investigate mechanisms involved in endurance-type athletes CH
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Aquapark Brno / Water park BrnoBrázdová, Zuzana January 2018 (has links)
The subject matter of the assigned project is Aquapark Brno – located near Lužánky. The subject is an architectural study elaboration of an aquapark adjoining the current swimming pool building which was established in 1979. This building facility is used primarily by professional swimmers and sportsmen for it contains the only 50 meters long swimming pool with a tribune in Brno. The aim of the project is to create new areas and pools for visitors with recreational intentions and therefore to widen the possibilities for free time activities. The project also deals with restoration of a 16 meters long training pool in the existing building, creation of inner and outer aquapark areas and adding exercise and dance halls as an extension to the existing fitness center. Another goal of this project was to make the pedestrian access to the area more pleasant which is achieved by creating an underground parking space in the area of the existing building’s frontal space and also by designing a footpath leading from the remote side of the excessively frequented Sportovní street. The primary aim of the project is an operational connection of the existing and the new building by a central building and also preventing an eclipse of the area by integrating the building in the area’s hillside. The advantage of the project is the presence of relaxation facilities and sports areas. The project completes the sporting environment of the area which makes it an attractive locality for a family recreation.
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Analýza ekonomického rizika výstavbového projektu / Analysis of Economic Risk of the Construction ProjectBokorová, Martina January 2013 (has links)
This thesis deals with the risk analysis and risk management of a construction project, their detailed characteristics and classification. In the practical part, knowledge and findings from the theoretical part are applied to a project aimed at the reconstruction and completion of an indoors swimming pool in the town Kuřim. In the course of the risk analysis assessment, important information on the project were given, furthermore, risks were identified, the intensity of their impact and likelihood of their development was established, and measures to reduce the risks were recommended.
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Wellness hotel / Wellness hotelBambas, Vratislav January 2013 (has links)
Newly built Wellness hotel. The building is partially basement. The building has three parts. The central part is made of reinforced concrete skeleton and has five aboveground floors. This part serves as the main entrance hall and staircase. The side tracts have four aboveground floors and their support system is a transverse wall, brick, from the system Porotherm. In the basement there is a swimming pool and hotel facilities. There is located a restaurant too. On the second floor there are rooms, a gym and services. On the top floor there are only hotel rooms. The building is based on thecontinous footings. Roofing is made arched trusses.
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Římské lázně a saunový svět / Roman spa and sauna worldKřížek, Martin January 2014 (has links)
This thesis was prepared as an architectural study. In front of his graduate-seminar was a study on urban concept and the building Aquapark Brno - Zidenice hillside snakes. This thesis deals with the extension of the complex of Roman baths and sauna world. This is a two-storey building without a basement cubic shape. The proposal emphasizes the functionality of the service, interior design of the building and the overall expression
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Wellness centrum / Wellness centrumKrchňák, Petr January 2016 (has links)
Diploma Thesis “Wellness centre“ is processed in the form of detailed project documentation which contains all requirements in accordance with applicable standards and regulations. The proposed design of the object is a three-storey building. The building will serve as a place for relaxation and sport. Technical facilities, staff room, changing rooms and fitness centre are located in the basement. The café and wellness is situated in 1PP. The offices for administration of the building, massage rooms, tanning salon, changing rooms and fitness hall are located in the 2nd floor. The building is based on foundation footings and load bearing walls are based on foundation strips. Support system of the building is a combined construction system of the walls and columns.
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Jednotka pro analýzu pohybu závodních plavců / Measuring unit for race swimmers motion analysisKumpán, Pavel January 2016 (has links)
The master’s thesis deals with a design of the computational method for the analysis of swimmers training with the use of an inertial measurement unit. The developed algorithm uses quaternion-based Unscented Kalman filter and merges accelerometer and gyroscope measurements. The proposed method enables analysis of velocity, acceleration and inclination of a swimmer. Verification of the method was based on an underwater video camera capturing and a tethered velocity meter.
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The Motion of Drops and Swimming Microorganisms: Mysterious Influences of Surfactants, Hydrodynamic Interactions, and Background StratificationVaseem A Shaik (8726829) 15 June 2020 (has links)
Microorganisms and drops are ubiquitous in nature: while drops can be found in sneezes, ink-jet printers, oceans etc, microorganisms are present in our stomach, intestine, soil, oceans etc. In most situations they are present in complex conditions: drop spreading on a rigid or soft substrate, drop covered with impurities that act as surfactants, marine microbe approaching a surfactant laden drop in density stratified oceanic waters in the event of an oil spill etc. In this thesis, we extract the physics underlying the influence of two such complicated effects (surfactant redistribution and density-stratification) on the motion of drops and swimming microorganisms when they are in isolation or in the vicinity of each other. This thesis is relevant in understanding the bioremediation of oil spill by marine microbes.<div><br></div><div>We divide this thesis into two themes. In the first theme, we analyze the motion of motile microorganisms near a surfactant-laden interface in homogeneous fluids. We begin by calculating the translational and angular velocities of a swimming microorganism outside a surfactant-laden drop by assuming the surfactant is insoluble, incompressible, and non-diffusing, as such system is relevant in the context of bioremediation of oil spill. We then study the motion of swimming microorganism lying inside a surfactant-laden drop by assuming the surfactant is insoluble, compressible, and has large surface diffusivity. This system is ideal for exploring the nonlinearities associated with the surfactant transport phenomena and is relevant in the context of targeted drug delivery systems wherein one uses synthetic swimmers to transport the drops containing drug. We then analyze the motion of a swimming organism in a liquid film covered with surfactant without making any assumptions about the surfactant and this system is relevant in the case of free-standing films containing swimming organisms as well as in the initial stages of the biofilm formation. In the second theme, we consider a density-stratified background fluid without any surfactants. In this theme, we examine separately a towed drop and a swimming microorganism, and find the drag acting on the drop, drop deformation, and the drift volume induced by the drop as well as the motility of the swimming microorganism.</div>
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