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Rizikové jídelní chování v synchronizovaném plavání / Risky eating behaviour in synchronised swimmingCibulková, Natálie January 2020 (has links)
Title: Risky eating behaviour in synchronised swimming. Objectives: The objective of this diploma thesis is to find out what is the prevalence of risky eating behaviour in synchronised swimming by means of the EAT - 26 and ORTO - 15 questionnaires. Methods: The theoretical part of the diploma thesis deals with theoretical knowledge about synchronised swimming, diagnostic criteria of eating disorders and disturbed eating behaviour as well as eating disorders in water sports. The research group consists of 133 respondents, who are further divided into two primary groups, namely the group of synchronised swimmers, which includes 72 respondents, and the control group, which includes 61 respondents. The control group is further divided into two subgroups, depending on whether the respondent is registered in a sports club or not. Standardized questionnaires EAT - 26 and ORTO - 15 were used for the research. The questionnaires were completely anonymous and in an electronic form. The results were evaluated quantitatively and processed in the form of graphs in a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet editor. Results: The prevalence of risky eating behaviour when using the EAT - 26 questionnaire is lower in the group of synchronised swimmers (8.31 %) compared to the control group (24.58 %). In the control group, the...
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Ligafiering inom idrotten : Professionella sportligor inom lag och individuell idrottForsberg Meinhart, Walter January 2020 (has links)
Syfte och frågeställningar: Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur sportligor inom lag och individuell idrott är organiserade och uppbyggda med en fördjupning i dess tävlingsformat och exempel i International Swimming League. Frågeställningarna som undersöktes var följande: Vilka olika sätt finns det att organisera en professionell sportliga på inom lagidrott? Hur relaterar sportligor inom individuell idrott till sportligor i lagidrott? Med avstamp från International Swimming League. Metod: Metodvalet för denna studie är en litteraturstudie. Genom hela arbetet har det grundläggande upplägget varit att: söka, värdera, sammanställa och analysera forskning inom området. Totalt hittades tre vetenskapliga artiklar genom systematisk litteratursökning och analys i databasen Ebesco och ytterligare tre artiklar genom kedjesökning. Resultat: Studiens resultat visar att det finns två huvudsakliga modeller att organisera sportligor på inom idrott, den europeiska och den amerikanska. Den största skillnaden mellan dessa ligor bygger på att den europeiska ligan är öppen och lag kontinuerligt byts ut beroende på hur de presterat efter föregående säsong. Inom den amerikanska modellen är ligor stängda och de lag som ingår i ligan kommer ingå i den kommande säsongen också. Resultatet påvisar även att sportligor förekommer inom individuell idrott men där är de snarare ett komplement till de individuella tävlingarna som fortfarande är den primära tävlingsformen. Alla sportligor inom individuell idrott som studerades struktureras enligt den europeiska modellen. Slutsats: De olika sätten att organisera ligor på har påverkan för idrottare bland annat av att de stängda ligaformaten inte tillåter deltagande i andra ligor och landskamper samtidigt som idrottare i öppna ligor emellertid kan ha fler matcher på kortare tid. Även om sportligor oftast förknippas med lagidrott förekommer de även inom individuella idrotter. Idrottaren påverkas bland annat av att de stängda ligaformaten inte tillåter deltagande i andra ligor och landskamper medan idrottare i öppna ligor emellertid kan ha fler matcher på kortare tid. / <p>Fristående kurs Idrott III</p>
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Swimming Women : Discursive struggles over women's hours at municipal poolsBergkvist Andersson, Magda January 2021 (has links)
This thesis explores constructions of meaning, or frames, surrounding the policy of women’s hours in public debates and municipal settings, using newspaper articles and municipal documents as main empirical sources. Departing from the puzzle of how women’s hours are depicted as both gender equitable and gender inequitable in the debate, the thesis draws on previous research of how gender equality and multiculturalism relates to each other, potentially producing tensions in policymaking and discourse. Although Sweden has often been noted for its exceptionality in both dimensions, research suggests that multiculturalism has lost its favorable status in Sweden. To understand the impact framing may have on institutions, analysis is grounded feminist discursive institutionalism. The analysis is realized in two steps. First, the analysis identifies four frames, two supporting and two opposing, most prominently used to construct and depict women’s hours in public debate. Second, the analysis zooms in on the three municipalities Västerås, Haninge and Västervik, exploring the relationship between framing and outcomes. The thesis finds that the frames of women’s hours are often involved in culturalist language, depicting women’s hours as a Muslim policy, or, implicitly, depicting women’s hours as a gender equal policy by connecting it to other women than Muslim. In relation to institutional outcomes, the thesis finds that if the policy is constructed in a Muslim-culturalist language - that is, diagnosed as a Muslim practice - it leads to disapproval. If the policy is constructed as a gender equal policy beneficial to “all” women, it seems more accessible to keep. In line with previous research, the findings are suggestive of how the idea of multiculturalism as a problem seems to have become salient while gender equality remains a highly attractive master frame, contributing to how the policy of women’s hours is adopted only if successfully connected to other groups of women than Muslim.
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The subject of this thesis is to design complex of natural swimming pool. The aim is to create a space where people feel comfortable and safe. There are four buildings designed, entrance building with a ticket office, cloakrooms, refreshments and wellness. The area has several playgrounds and sandbox. The terrain is contoured and planted with vegetation.
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Urbanisticko architektonická studie městského nízkopodlažního bydlení / Urban architectural study of urban low-rise housingKrůpa, Miloslav January 2018 (has links)
The theme of the thesis is to propose urban efficient comfortable living in a quiet natural environment between the original settlement of Líšeň and the panel housing estate from the 1980s. The design of the new residential complex will be in line with the current trends and needs of healthy living. The land lot which the buildings will be constructed on has a trapezoidal shape with a longer side in the west-east direction, narrowing and sloping towards the east. The elevation is about 22 m to 330 m of the length of the land lot. An important feature of Líšeň is the "chapel" (Chapel of Virgin Mary the Helpful) on the opposite eastern hill. The aim of the urban study was to create a smooth transition between the old part of Líšeň (so called "Stará Líšeň") and the new part of Líšeň (so called "Nová Líšeň”), with an emphasis on environmental and social aspects. The territory is divided by compositional and a viewing axes, which are meeting in the social space, formed by the social center with a dominant open space and covered facilities in an adjacent building located in its highest western part. In front of this building, there is a small square followed by the central area with a residence lawn, a public grill and a playground for children. This part finishes in the east with a new water surface in the form of a bathing biotope, which is bridged by two footbridges following the compositional axes. The west side of the stairs between the footbridges continues in a landing stage. Selected combination of low-floor apartment houses and low-floor family houses elevates in height and volume from the eastern and southern boundaries of the territory towards its northwest corner. Along the western border of Novolíšeňská street, a barrier house is designed and it performs also a function of an optical dividing line from the existing panel houses. Emphasis was also put on the minimum of traffic areas. The main routes are designed as one-way roads so as to simplify the orientation in the area. Parking areas are preferably designed as covered and subterranean parking. The main priorities were the greatest extend of greenery (in the form of growing plants and green roofs) on the one hand, and the utmost preservation of a non-built-up area. The result of this study is a low-rise housing in the greenery area with the open views from the buildings to their surroundings, a generous amount of sunshine in living rooms, and an extensive social life for its inhabitants and for inhabitants of surrounded areas. Energetic efficiency was also taken into account while designing the houses. Objects are designed as simple block-shaped blocks with a rectangular or square ground plan. Residential buildings usually have a common or conjoined underground floor. The object of the barrier house has a linear character and roughly copies the western border of the territory. Its parterre is regularly interrupted in four places by passages which serve as a connection with the Novolíšeňská service road. Wood and stone were chosen as materials because of their natural character. Family houses at the southern border are terraced (in groups of 2 x 4 and 1 x 5) and intended as passive houses. Separate family houses around the water area are accessible only by foot, as no car-traffic around the water surface is allowed (however, the arrival of vehicles is possible on a walkway with a width of 3.0 m). These houses are considered as low-energy houses.
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Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances in surface water and Bluegill and its relationship to swimming performance and histologyCoy, Carrie 04 May 2020 (has links)
No description available.
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”Desire followed by its instant antidote — fear.” : En fenomenologisk studie av begär och skam i Call Me by Your Name av André Aciman och Swimming in the dark av Tomasz JedrowskiRandeblad, Joel January 2023 (has links)
This essay analyses Call Me by Your Name by André Aciman and Swimming in the Dark by Tomasz Jedrowski through a phenomenological lens. Through the theoretical framework, mainly consisting of Sara Ahmed’s The Cultural Politics of Emotion and Queer Phenomenology, I discuss how feelings such as desire and shame work through the subject and influence its relationship with their surroundings. The analysis concludes that the emotion of shame is an isolating feeling, causing the subject to shield themselves from their surroundings. At the same time shame is forgotten in its own temporality, whereas the emotion itself is mistaken as permanent by the subject in the feeling state. On the other hand, the forbidden desire feels temporary and like something that could be expelled from the body. Furthermore, I discuss how desire affects the relationship between subject and object, especially through the ways that desire complicates the hierarchal division between the two. I further posit how desire affects boundaries between bodies and how the forbidden desire creates the will to penetrate boundaries while at the same time maintaining them. Through the combination of shame and desire the subject is limited in their worldview, where the desire can feel impossible to navigate through the “life-lines” that Ahmed theorizes because of the shame that follows. The essay concludes that the relationship between shame and desire affects the relationship between subject and object mainly through the internalization of societal norms.
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Intranationella migrationserfarenheter bland simmare på riksidrottsgymnasium under Covid-19 / Intra-National Migration Experiences of Swedish National Institute Swimmers During Covid-19Almeida Sundell, Alexander January 2023 (has links)
Atleter mellan 16-18 år migrerar allt oftare till andra orter inom Sveriges gränser med ambitionen att fortsätta sin idrottsliga karriär parallellt med gymnasiala studier, så som genom ett riksidrottsgymnasium [RIG]. En migration bland så unga atleter är dock en osäker investering och följs utifrån en migrationsaspekt utav flera anpassningssvårigheter samt psykologiska, psykosociala och akademiska utmaningar. RIG-uppsättningen är ämnad att dämpa denna övergång genom att erbjuda bra utbildning tillsammans med en god idrottsutveckling. Under Covid-19 försvårades den migrationsanpassning som RIG-elever förväntas göra i form av att flera restriktioner lades på individerna. Trots att några studier har gjorts på såväl elevers som idrottares påverkan under pandemin, har inga gjorts på individer som dessutom satsar på dubbla karriärer och migrerade under pandemin, så som RIG-elever. Därför ville jag i denna studie undersöka RIG-elevers upplevelser och erfarenheter av en migration och anpassning till en ny miljö under Covid-19 med syftet att skapa förståelse för hur pandemin påverkade migrationen samt hur individerna lyckades överkomma de hinder och utmaningar som de stod inför. Följande möjliggjordes genom att göra en fallstudie på RIG-simmare från Helsingborg och Jönköping. Fem semistrukturerade intervjuer fördes med RIG-simmare, vilka senare analyserades genom en tematisk analys. Bourdieus teoretiska ramverk och begreppen kapital, habitus, fält och illusio vägledde mig i tematiseringen och den efterföljande analysen/diskussionen. Resultatet visar att RIG-simmarna upplevde olika svårigheter att anpassa sig utifrån de resurser och tidigare förutsättningar de besatt. Olika typer av kapitalinnehav innebar också olika typer av anpassningar vilket i ett längre led påverkade motivationen i positiv eller negativ bemärkelse. Samtliga elever, oavsett kapitalinnehav, upplevde utmaningar i distansundervisning, disciplin och rutiner samt brist på gemenskap. Utifrån undersökningen konkluderas det därmed att RIG-elevers anpassning är beroende av hur mycket kapital man besitter inom det nya fältet och hur stark känsla av illusio individerna upplever att de har. Undersökningen belyser i ett längre led hur viktigt det är att hitta hållbara sätt att stödja karriärmöjligheter för unga idrottsutövare, även under en samhällskris som Covid-19. / Athletes between the ages of 16-18 are increasingly migrating to other locations within Sweden with the ambition to continue their athletic careers in parallel with their secondary education, such as through a national sports high school [RIG]. However, migration among such young athletes represents an uncertain investment and is accompanied, from a migration perspective, by several challenges of adjustment, as well as psychological, psychosocial, and academic challenges. The RIG system is intended to ease this transition by offering a good education alongside athletic development. During Covid-19, the migration adjustment that RIG students are expected to make was made more difficult by several restrictions. While some studies have been conducted on the impact of the pandemic on both students and athletes, none have been conducted on individuals who are also pursuing dual careers and migrated during the pandemic, such as RIG students. Therefore, the present study aimed to examine RIG students' experiences and perceptions of the move and adjustment to a new environment during Covid-19, with the goal of understanding how the pandemic affected migration and how individuals were able to overcome the obstacles and challenges they faced. This was made possible by conducting a case study on RIG swimmers from Helsingborg and Jönköping. Five semi-structured interviews were conducted with RIG swimmers, which were later analyzed through a thematic analysis. Bourdieu's theoretical framework and concepts of capital, habitus, field, and illusio guided the thematic analysis and subsequent discussion. The results show that RIG swimmers experienced different difficulties in adapting based on the resources and previous conditions they possessed. Different types of capital ownership also meant different types of adaptations, which in the longer term affected motivation positively or negatively. All students, regardless of their capital ownership, experienced challenges in distance learning, discipline and routines, as well as a lack of community. The study therefore concludes that RIG students' adaptation depends on how much capital they possess within the new field and how strong a sense of illusio they have. In the longer term, the study highlights the importance of finding sustainable ways to support career opportunities for young athletes, even during a societal crisis such as Covid-19.
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The Sensory Basis of Rheotaxis in Turbulent FlowElder, John Price 03 July 2014 (has links)
No description available.
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Den vältränade kvinnan som ett hot motden rådande samhällsordningen : Kampen om den jämlika könsrepresentationen påolympiska sim- och friidrottsarenanLindberg, Thomas January 2021 (has links)
This thesis examines the struggle for equal gender representation in the Olympic swimming and athletics arena. It investigates the relationship in participation and representation between men and women in athletics and swimming from the first modern Olympic Games in Athens in 1896 to Rio de Janeiro in 2016. When the modern Olympic Games resumed in 1896, they had been recreated by a group of privileged men. These men had created a forum for the aristocratic masculine world and initially had no intention of including women in their creation. The contemporaries around the turn of the century in 1900 considered women to be weak, inappropriate and that femininity was the exact opposite of everything that the masculine competitive sport represented. Muscle, fitness and sweat were not something that the weak female bodies would be associated with. Man was created for the public sphere and woman for the home domains. The sports movement was a mirror of the prevailing privileged upper-class society and came to conform to the prevailing social and culturally constructed norms that were prevalent in the meantime. The women made a first breakthrough in the masculine sports sphere in the early 20th century and then they managed to make a real breakthrough in the 1920s. This created concern among the privileged men. Should women athletes change in a more masculine direction, would they even lose interest in traditional female responsibilities such as home and family formation? The struggle for equal representation continued throughout the 20th century and only in connection with the feminine radicalization of the 1960s and 1970s as a real change did it begin to be seen again in the Olympic competition arenas and only after the turn of the millennium has real equality regarding representation been achieved. In this thesis, I have studied the athletics and swimming women inclusion to into the Olympic space. I spotlight how the two sports have developed from an equality and gender equality point of view. My survey prove a clear connection and have put figures on men and women's participation and demonstrated inequalities in the Olympic space.
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