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Influência de diferentes protocolos de exercício e da dieta hiperlipídica sobre o tecido adiposo, perfil lipídico e receptor CB1 do sistema endocanabinóideRosante, Marisa Cristina 20 October 2011 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2011-10-20 / Financiadora de Estudos e Projetos / The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of high-fat diet and swimming and resistance training in the adipose tissue, endocannabinoid system and lipid profile in obese rats. Wistar adult male rats were divided into 6 groups (n = 10 per group): sedentary chow diet (SP); sedentary high-fat diet (SH); swimming chow diet (NP); swimming high-fat diet (NH); resistance training chow diet (FP); resistance training high-fat diet (FH). After three weeks feeding on a chow diet or high-fat diet, the animals started the exercise protocols. The NP and NH groups swam 60 minutes/day, five days a week, with a constant overload of 5% body weight during 8 weeks in tanks of 50 cm of height and 30 cm of diameter, for 8 weeks. The groups FP and FH started the resistance training with weights tied to their tails, once every three days for 8 weeks. The animals of SP and HS groups remained sedentary and fed their respective diets. After this period all animals were sacrificed by decapitation and tissues dissected, weighed and immediately stored at -80 º C. High-fat diet increased body weight gain, relative weight of adipose tissues (epididymal, retroperitoneal, visceral and subcutaneous) and adipose tissue area (epididymal, retroperitoneal and visceral). It also increased the fat percentage of all adipose tissues and liver, and increased gene expression of CB1 receptor. The trained groups, both resistance training and swimming, presented lower values of adipocyte area, benefits in lipid profile, lower percentage of fat in the adipose tissue and liver, lower body weight gain, and lower values for gene expression the CB1 receptor. Thus our results indicate the potential benefits of the resistance training and swimming as non pharmacological alternatives to control the deleterious effects of high-fat diet on adipose tissue, lipid profile, lipid content of tissues and control of the endocannabinoid system imbalance caused by high-fat diet. / O objetivo do presente estudo foi investigar os efeitos da dieta hiperlipídica e do treinamento de natação e força sobre o tecido adiposo, perfil lipídico e sistema endocanabinóide de ratos obesos. Para isso, utilizamos sessenta ratos adultos machos divididos em seis grupos: Sedentário Padrão (SP); Sedentário Hiperlipídico (SH); Natação Padrão (NP); Natação Hiperlipídica (NH); Força Padrão (FP); Força Hiperlipídica (FH). Após três semanas recebendo dieta padrão ou hiperlipídica, os animais iniciaram os protocolos de exercício. Os grupos NP e NH nadaram 60 minutos por dia, 5 dias na semana com uma carga de 5% do peso corporal atada ao corpo, em tanques de 50 cm de altura e 30 cm de diâmetro, durante 8 semanas. Os grupos FP e FH realizaram exercício de subida em escada com pesos atados às suas caudas, uma vez a cada três dias, durante 8 semanas. Os animais dos grupos SP e SH continuaram sedentários e alimentados com suas respectivas dietas. Após esse período todos os animais foram sacrificados por decapitação, e os tecidos dissecados, pesados e imediatamente congelado a -80ºC. A dieta hiperlipídica aumentou o ganho de massa corporal, peso relativo dos tecidos adiposos (epididimal, retroperitoneal, visceral e subcutâneo) e área de adipócitos (epididimal, retroperitoneal e visceral). Também aumentou o percentual de gordura de todos os tecidos adiposos e fígado, além de aumentar a expressão gênica do receptor CB1. Os grupos treinados, tanto em força quanto em natação, apresentaram menores valores de área de adipócitos, melhora do perfil lipídico, menores valores no percentual de gordura dos tecidos adiposos e fígado, menores ganhos de massa corporal, além de menores valores de expressão gênica para o receptor CB1. Assim nossos resultados indicam os potenciais benefícios do treinamento força e natação, como alternativas não farmacológicas para controlar os efeitos deletérios da dieta hiperlipídica sobre o tecido adiposo, perfil lipídico, conteúdo lipídico dos tecidos e controle do desequilíbrio do sistema endocanabinóide provocado pela dieta hiperlipídica.
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Efeitos do tratamento com l?tio na mem?ria aversiva, comportamentos relacionados ? ansiedade e depress?o e na express?o de BDNF em ratosPontes, Isabella Maria de Oliveira 09 May 2014 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2014-05-09 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cient?fico e Tecnol?gico / Lithium (Li) is the first choice to treat bipolar disorder, a psychiatric illness
characterized by mood oscillations between mania and depression. However,
studies have demonstrated that this drug might influence mnemonic process
due to its neuroprotector, antiapoptotic and neurogenic effects. The use of Li in
the treatment of cognitive deficits caused by brain injury or neurodegenerative
disorders have been widely studied, and this drug shows to be effective in
preventing or even alleviating the memory impairment. The effects of Li on
anxiety and depression are controversial and the relationship of the effects of
lithium on memory, anxiety and depression remain unknown. In this context,
this study aims to: evaluate the effects of acute and chronic administration of
lithium carbonate in aversive memory and anxiety, simultaneously, using the
plus maze discriminative avoidance task (PMDAT); test the antidepressant
effect of the drug through the forced swimming test (FS) and analyze brainderived
neurotrophic factor (BDNF) expression in structures related to memory
and emotion. To evaluation of the acute effects, male Wistar rats were
submitted to i.p. administration of lithium carbonate (50, 100 or 200 mg/kg) one
hour before the training session (PMDAT) or lithium carbonate (50 or 100
mg/kg) one hour before the test session (FS). To evaluation of the chronic
effects, the doses administered were 50 or 100 mg/kg or vehicle once a day for
21 days before the beginning of behavioral tasks (PMDAT and FS). Afterwards,
the animals were euthanized and their brains removed and submitted to
immunohistochemistry procedure to quantify BDNF. The animals that received
acute treatment with 100 and 200 mg/kg of Li did not discriminated between the
enclosed arms (aversive and non-aversive) in the training session of PMDAT,
showing that these animal did not learned the task. This lack of discrimination
was also observed in the test session, showing that the animals did not recall
the aversive task. We also observed an increased exploration of the open arms
of these same groups, indicating an anxiolytic effect. The same groups showed
a reduction of locomotor activity, however, this effect does not seem to be
related with the anxiolytic effect of the drug. Chronic treatment with Li did not
promote alterations on learning or memory processes. Nevertheless, we
observed a reduction of open arms exploration by animals treated with 50
mg/kg when compared to the other groups, showing an anxiogenic effect
caused by this dose. This effect it is not related to locomotor alterations since
there were no alterations in these parameters. Both acute and chronic treatment
were ineffective in the FS. Chronic treatment with lithium was not able to modify
BDNF expression in hippocampus, amygdala and pre-frontal cortex. These
results suggest that acute administration of lithium promote impairments on
learning in an aversive task, blocking the occurrence of memory consolidation
and retrieval. The reduction of anxiety following acute treatment may have
prevented the learning of the aversive task, as it has been found that optimum
levels of anxiety are necessary for the occurrence of learning with emotional
context. With continued, treatment the animals recover the ability to learn and
recall the task. Indeed, they do not show differences in relation to control group,
and the lack of alterations on BDNF expression corroborates this result.
Possibly, the regimen of treatment used was not able to promote cognitive
improvement. Li showed acute anxiolytic effect, however chronic administration
promoted the opposite effect. More studies are necessary to clarify the potential
beneficial effect of Li on aversive memory / L?tio (Li) ? o f?rmaco de escolha para o tratamento do transtorno bipolar,
doen?a psiqui?trica caracterizada por oscila??es de humor entre mania e
depress?o. Entretanto, estudos mostram que essa droga pode ter influ?ncia
sobre os processos mnem?nicos devido a seu car?ter neuroprotetor,
antiapopt?tico e neurog?nico. O emprego no l?tio para o tratamento de d?ficits
cognitivos provocados por les?es cerebrais ou doen?as neurodegenerativas
vem sendo amplamente estudado, visto que esse f?rmaco mostra-se capaz de
prevenir ou at? mesmo aliviar preju?zos na mem?ria. Os efeitos do Li na
ansiedade e depress?o s?o controversos e a rela??o entre os efeitos do Li na
mem?ria, ansiedade e depress?o s?o ainda desconhecidos. Neste contexto, os
objetivos deste estudo foram: avaliar os efeitos da administra??o aguda e
cr?nica de carbonato de l?tio na mem?ria aversiva e ansiedade,
simultaneamente, utilizando a esquiva discriminativa no labirinto em cruz
elevado (ED); testar o efeito antidepressivo do f?rmaco atrav?s do teste do
nado for?ado (NF); avaliar a express?o de fator neurotr?fico derivado do
enc?falo (BDNF) em estruturas relacionadas com mem?ria e emo??o. Para a
avalia??o do efeito agudo, ratos Wistar machos foram submetidos ?
administra??o intraperitoneal de carbonato de l?tio 50, 100 ou 200 mg/kg uma
hora antes do treino (ED) ou carbonato de l?tio 50 ou 100 mg/kg uma hora
antes do teste (NF). Para a avalia??o cr?nica, foram administradas as doses de
50 ou 100 mg/kg ou ve?culo por 21 dias antes do in?cio das tarefas
comportamentais (ED e NF). Ap?s o t?rmino dessas tarefas, os animais foram
eutanasiados e seus enc?falos removidos para realiza??o de
imunohistoqu?mica para quantificar BDNF. Os animais que receberam
tratamento agudo com Li nas doses de 100 e 200 mg/kg n?o demonstraram
discrimina??o entre os bra?os fechados (aversivo e n?o-aversivo) na sess?o
treino da ED, mostrando que esses animais n?o aprenderam a tarefa. Essa
aus?ncia na discrimina??o foi observada tamb?m na sess?o teste, mostrando
que n?o houve evoca??o da mem?ria aversiva. Foi ainda observado um
aumento da explora??o dos bra?os abertos para essas mesmas doses,
apontando um efeito ansiol?tico do f?rmaco. Os mesmos grupos apresentaram
ainda uma redu??o na atividade locomotora, no entanto, esse efeito parece n?o
estar relacionado com o efeito ansiol?tico do f?rmaco. O tratamento cr?nico
com l?tio n?o promoveu altera??es nos processos de aprendizado e mem?ria.
No entanto, foi observado uma redu??o da explora??o dos bra?os abertos
pelos animais tratados com a dose de 50 mg/kg em rela??o aos outros grupos,
mostrando um efeito ansiog?nico causado pelo tratamento cr?nico. Esse efeito
n?o est? relacionado a altera??es locomotoras, visto que n?o foi detectado
altera??es nesses par?metros. Ambos os tratamentos (agudo e cr?nico) foram
ineficazes em demonstrar o efeito antidepressivo do l?tio na tarefa do NF. O
tratamento cr?nico com l?tio tamb?m n?o foi capaz de alterar a express?o de
BDNF no hipocampo, am?gdala e c?rtex pr?-frontal. Esses resultados sugerem
que a administra??o aguda de l?tio promove preju?zos no aprendizado em uma
tarefa aversiva, impedindo a ocorr?ncia de consolida??o e evoca??o da
mem?ria. A redu??o da ansiedade no tratamento agudo pode ter impedido o
aprendizado da tarefa aversiva, visto que j? foi verificado que n?veis adequados
de ansiedade s?o necess?rios para que ocorra aprendizado com contexto
emocional. Com a continuidade do tratamento os animais recuperam a
capacidade de aprender e evocar a tarefa, mas n?o apresentam altera??es em
rela??o ao grupo controle e a aus?ncia de altera??o na express?o de BDNF
corrobora esse resultado. Possivelmente, o regime de tratamento utilizado n?o
foi capaz de promover melhora cognitiva nos animais. O l?tio demonstrou efeito
ansiol?tico agudo, todavia a administra??o cr?nica promoveu efeito oposto.
Mais estudos s?o necess?rios para esclarecer o potencial efeito ben?fico do
l?tio sobre a mem?ria
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Efeitos a longo prazo de diferentes separações dos filhotes no período neonatal sobre as genitorasToigo, Eduardo von Poser January 2011 (has links)
Esse estudo foi realizado para verificar se a exposição a separações repetidas (por diferentes intervalos de tempo) de mães dos seus filhotes no período neonatal poderiam ser classificadas como indutoras de um estado do tipo deprimido em genitoras. Sessenta ratas Wistar prenhes foram divididas em 3 grupos: controle, separação por 10 minutos e separação por 3 horas. As intervenções neonatais foram realizadas nos dias 1-10 pós parto. Após o desmame as genitoras foram submetidas ao teste do nado forçado, ao teste do labirinto em cruz elevado e ao teste do odor de predador. Também foi avaliado o comportamento alimentar e os padrões de reatividade a um sabor doce e a um sabor amargo. Foi medido os níveis de ocitocina no líquido cefaloraquidiano, corticosterona plasmática e atividade hipocampal Na+, K+-ATPase, assim como a atividade das enzimas antioxidantes catalase, glutationa peroxidase, superoxido dismutase, produção de radicais livres, e a produção de óxido nítrico, além dos níveis dos receptores A2A de adenosina e D2 de dopamina no estriado dorsoventral e no hipocampo. Foi observado que somente a separação por 3 h induziu um aumento significativo no tempo de imobilidade no teste do nado forçado, o que é consistente com estudos prévios. A atividade hipocampal da Na+, K+-ATPase se mostrou diminuída no grupo separado por 10 minutos e mais significativamente diminuída nas genitoras submetidas a separação por 3 horas de seus filhotes. Adicionalmente, os níveis de ocitocina no líquido cefaloraquidiano se encontravam aumentados no grupo separado por 10 minutos, o que pode estar relacionado a um aumento no cuidado materno, induzido por esta manipulação dos filhotes, por parte das genitoras, como reportado na literatura. Uma redução nos níveis de óxido nítrico no hipocampo das genitoras separadas por 3 horas foi observado Nessas genitoras também foi verificado um aumento no comportamento de risco, uma diminuição no sentimento prazeroso frente a uma solução doce e aumento na sensibilidade a uma solução aversiva, o que é congruente a um perfil de estado do tipo deprimido. Além disso, nós verificamos uma diminuição na quantidade do receptor de dopamina D2 no estriado das mães submetidas a separação por 3 horas dos filhotes, o que poderia ser relacionado com uma diminuição no prazer (anedonia) que acontece na depressão. Conclui-se que a retirada dos filhotes das mães por longos períodos tornam essas mães mais susceptíveis ao desenvolvimento de características depressivas. / This study was carried out to ascertain whether exposure to repeated separations (different times) of mothers from their pups in the neonatal period could be classified as an induction of a depressive-like state in dams. Sixty Wistar rats were divided into 3 groups: control, brief separation and long-term separation. The neonatal interventions were done on postpartum days 1-10. After weaning, the dams were subjected to the forced swimming test, elevated plus maze and predator odor test. It was also evaluated the feeding behavior and the taste reactivity patterns to a sweet and to a bitter solution. It was mesaured cerebral spinal fluid oxytocin, plasma corticosterone, and hippocampal Na+, K+-ATPase activity, as well as the activity of the antioxidant enzymes catalase, glutathione peroxidase, superoxide dismutase, free radicals production, and the production of nitric oxide and the levels of adenosine A2A and dopamine D2 receptors in the dorsoventral striatum and hippocampus. It was observed that only the 3 h separation induced a significant increase in the immobility time of rats in the forced swimming test, which is consistent with previous studies. Hippocampal Na+, K+-ATPase activity was decreased in the brief separated group and more significantly decreased in dams subjected to 3h separation from their pups. Additionally, cerebral spinal fluid oxytocin was increased in dams of the brief separated group, which may be related to the increased handled-induced maternal care, as reported in the literature. A reduction in nitric oxide levels in the hippocampus in dams of the long separated group was also observed. It was also verify an increase in the risk-taking behavior by the 3h separated mothers. The 3h separated mother also demonstrated a diminished feeling of pleasure with a sucrose solution and a increased sensibility to a aversive solution, wich is congruent with a depressive like state profile. Furthermore, we shown a decrease in the dopamine D2 receptor quantity in the striatum of the 3 h separated mothers, wich could be related to a decrease in pleasure feeling (anhedonia) experienced in depression. It is concluded that the withdrawal of pups from their mothers for long periods make the mothers more susceptible to the development of depressive features.
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Análises morfométricas para predições do desempenho natatório de duas espécies de peixes neotropicais migradoras de longas distâncias / Morphometric analysis for swimming performance prediction of two long distances migratory neotropical speciesAssumpção, Lucileine de 29 July 2010 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2010-07-29 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / This study aimed to evaluate the morphometric characteristics related to swimming performance of two migratory neotropical species, of long distances, which would subsidize the study of swimming performance and the planning of futures fish pass systems. A total of 80 adult fish of the species Leporinus elongatus and Prochilodus lineatus (40 of each one) were analyzed, collected on the fish pass of Sergio Motta Hydroelectric Power Plant (Porto Primavera), high Paraná river, during November 2007 to January 2008 and October 2009. Thirteen morphological measurements were done to obtain eight morphometric ratios (muscle ratio, propulsive ratio, fineness ratio, aspect ratio, caudal peduncle depth factor, caudal fin length ratio, pectoral fin ratio and length from nose to pectoral fin base ratio) considered potentially important to describe the fish swimming performance. The Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and the Analysis of variance were applied to verify the morphological diversification pattern between the two species. Leporinus elongatus and Prochilodus lineatus differed regarding morphometric characteristics related to swimming performance, as muscle ratio, caudal fin length ratio, caudal peduncle depth factor, length from nose to pectoral fin base ratio and fineness ratio. These morphometric ratios can be used to predict the swimming performance of the studied species. However, it is important to emphasize the need of more studies related to survey of swimming performance (tests of prolonged and burst speed) to predict if the species presented differences for swimming speed/performance, whereas the predictive character of this kind of approach would give better precision to analysis, besides contributing significantly to subsidize the absence of basic information about the biology of our neotropical migratory native species. / Este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar as características morfométricas relacionadas ao desempenho natatório de duas espécies de peixes neotropicais migradoras, de longas distâncias, as quais poderão subsidiar os estudos de capacidade natatória e o planejamento de futuros sistemas de transposição para peixes. Um total de 80 peixes adultos das espécies Leporinus elongatus e Prochilodus lineatus (40 de cada espécie) foram analisados, coletados na escada para peixes da Usina Hidrelétrica Engenheiro Sergio Motta (Porto Primavera), alto rio Paraná, no período de novembro de 2007 a janeiro de 2008 e em outubro de 2009. Treze medidas morfológicas foram realizadas para obtenção de oito razões morfométricas (razão muscular, razão propulsora, razão fineza, razão aspecto, fator altura do pedúnculo caudal, razão comprimento da nadadeira caudal, razão nadadeira peitoral e razão comprimento da ponta do focinho à base da nadadeira peitoral) consideradas potencialmente importantes para descrever o desempenho natatório dos peixes. A Análise dos Componentes Principais (ACP) e a Análise de Variância foi aplicada para verificar o padrão de diversificação morfológica entre as duas espécies. Leporinus elongatus e Prochilodus lineatus diferiram quanto às características morfométricas relacionados ao desempenho natatório, como a razão muscular, razão comprimento da nadadeira caudal, fator altura do pedúnculo caudal, razão distância da ponta do focinho à base da nadadeira peitoral e razão fineza. Essas razões morfométricas podem ser utilizadas para predizer o desempenho natatório das espécies estudadas. Ressalva-se, no entanto, a necessidade da realização de estudos relativos a levantamento da capacidade natatória (testes de velocidade prolongada e de explosão) para predizer se as espécies apresentam diferenças nas velocidades de natação/capacidade natatória, uma vez que o caráter preditivo deste tipo de abordagem forneceria maior precisão às análises, além de contribuir, de modo significativo, para subsidiar a ausência de informações básicas sobre a biologia de nossas espécies migradoras neotropicais.
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Intégrité fonctionnelle chez le poisson zèbre, Danio rerio, exposé à des concentrations sublétales d’hydrocarbures aromatiques polycycliques / Functionnal integrity in zebrafish Danio rerio exposed to sub-lethales concentrations of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs)Lucas, Julie 19 December 2013 (has links)
L’anthropisation croissante des zones côtières induit le rejet dans les écosystèmes aquatiques d’Hydrocarbures Aromatiques Polycycliques (HAP). En plus de la concentration et de la voie de contamination considérées, leurs effets dépendent du stade de développement de l’organisme. Dans ce contexte, l’objectif de cette étude était d’évaluer les effets d’une contamination par voie trophique à des concentrations sublétales de HAP sur une espèce modèle, le poisson zèbre Danio rerio. Deux types de mélanges de HAP, pyrolytique et pétrogénique, représentatifs de ce qui est rencontré en milieu contaminé ont été testés via des expositions chroniques. Au niveau individuel, les réponses biologiques ont été évaluées au travers de performances physiologiques considérées comme des mesures indirectes de la fitness : la capacité métabolique aérobie, les performances de nage et la réponse de fuite. A l’échelle sub-individuelle, l’exposition aux HAP a été évaluée sur le cœur via la mesure du rythme cardiaque. Ces paramètres biologiques ont été mesurés (i) à différents temps d’exposition des poissons ainsi que (ii) sur leur descendance dans le but d’évaluer l’effet parental de la contamination. Les résultats mettent en évidence une diminution de la capacité métabolique aérobie chez la descendance de poissons contaminés aux HAP d’origine pyrolytique. Chez les poissons adultes directement exposés aux HAP de type pétrogénique, une réduction de la capacité métabolique a également été observée, associée à une réduction de la vitesse de nage critique. Cette étude contribuera à établir une vision globale des effets de l’exposition aux HAP et à mieux comprendre les mécanismes régulant des fonctions biologiques clés dans la survie d’un organisme tout au long de son cycle de vie. / The increase of anthropogenic activities on coastal areas induces discharges of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in aquatic ecosystem. PAHs effects depend on their concentration and the way of contamination, but also on the different developmental stages of the organism. In this context, the aim of our study was to observe the effects of an exposure to two PAHs mixes, pyrolytic and petrogenic, on the model species zebrafish Danio rerio. These chronicle exposures at sub-lethal concentrations were representative of contaminated areas. Biological responses of fish were estimated at individual levels through the assessment of aerobic metabolic scope, swimming and escape performance, which are considered to be relevant indirect measures of the fitness. Furthermore, measurements of cardiac frequency allowed observing PAHs impairments at sub-individual levels. These physiological performances were estimated (i) a several times of exposure (i.e. from 2-months juveniles to 6-months adults) and (ii) on their progeny, in order to observe parental effect of the PAHs exposure. An increase of aerobic metabolic scope was observed on the progeny of fish contaminated by pyrolytic mix. Regarding petrogenic PAHs exposure, the increase of aerobic metabolic scope was associated to increase of critical swimming speed in adults. This study will contribute to establishing a global vision of PAHs exposure impairments and to a better understanding of the regulating mechanisms of the main biological functions on which organism survival depends.
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Sous-produits de chloration dans les eaux de piscine - Effet de l'ozonation / Disinfection by-products in chlorinoted swimming pool waters - Effect of ozonationFreyfer, Diab Adams 12 December 2012 (has links)
Ce travail a été consacré à l'étude des sous-produits de désinfection formés lors de la chloration des eaux de piscine publiques. En effet, parallèlement à son action désinfectante, le chlore réagit sur les composés organiques et minéraux introduits dans l'eau des bassins par les baigneurs (urine, sueur, ...) pour former des sous-produits indésirables (chloramines et composés organohalogénés).Des analyses d'urée, principal composé précurseur de chloramines inorganiques, ont été effectuées dans une cinquantaine d'eaux de piscine. Les concentrations mesurées ont été comprises entre 0,14 et 3,67 mg/L (valeur moyenne : 1,08 mg/L ; écart-type : 0,70 mg/L). L'étude de la réactivité du chlore sur l'urée (cinétique et consommation de chlore) effectuée sous différentes conditions expérimentales a mis en évidence une très grande stabilité de l'urée en présence de chlore libre dans les eaux de piscines.Les analyses de sous-produits de chloration ont démontré que l'hydrate de chloral représente l'un des sous-produits de chloration majoritaire avec les acides dichloroacétique et trichloroacétique. Cette étude a aussi permis de déterminer la constante cinétique d'hydrolyse de l'hydrate de chloral dans l'eau, l'influence du pH et de la température sur la vitesse d'hydrolyse, ainsi que les potentiels de formation d'hydrate de chloral à partir de quelques constituants de l'urine.La dernière partie de ce travail a porté sur l'étude de la réactivité de l'ozone sur le chlore et sur des sous-produits de chloration ainsi que sur l'étude de l'incidence d'une préozonation des eaux de piscines (en absence et en présence de chlore libre) sur la formation des sous-produits organohalogénés lors d'une post-chloration. / The aim of this work was to study of the formation of disinfection by-products during the chlorination of public swimming pools water. In parallel to its disinfecting action, chlorine reacts with organic and inorganic compounds introduced into the swimming pool water by bathers (urine, sweat, ...) to form undesirable by-products (chloramines and organohalogenated matters).A statistical study of the presence of urea, the major component of urine and sweat, and the main precursor compound of inorganic chloramines, in public swimming poolwater has been made. Measured concentrations were between 0.14 and 3.67 mg/L (mean value: 1.08 mg/L, s.d: 0.70 mg/L). The study of the reactivity of chlorine with urea (kinetic and chlorine consumption) made under different experimental conditions, showed a very high stability of urea in the presence of free chlorine in the pools water.Analysis of chlorination by-products showed that chloral hydrate, with the dichloro and the trichloroacetic acids, is one of the major chlorination by-products found. This study also determined the kinetic rate constant of hydrolysis of chloral hydrate in water, the influence of the pH and the temperature on the rate of hydrolysis and the potential of chloral hydrate formation from some constituents of the urine.The last part of this work was focused on the study of the reactivity of ozone on chlorine and some disinfection by-products, as well as the study of the impact of preozonation of swimming pools water (in absence and presence of free chlorine) on the formation of organohalogenated by-products during a post-chlorination.
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Stratégies d'acquisition des ressources en proies et coût du transport chez l'éléphant de mer austral / Resource acquisition strategies and cost of transport in southern elephant sealJouma'a, Joffrey 29 November 2016 (has links)
L’océan austral est un écosystème fragile dont la dynamique est influencée par des variations climatiques qui vont structurer la distribution spatio-temporelle des ressources. L’objectif de cette thèse était d’étudier les stratégies d’acquisition des ressources en proies mises en place par l’éléphant de mer austral face aux contraintes énergétiques (coûts du transport et coûts d’accès à la ressource) et temporelles (temps passé au fond d’une plongée et limite de plongée aérobie) auxquelles il est soumis. L’utilisation d’un ensemble d’enregistreurs de données déployés sur ces animaux a permis de reconstruire en trois dimensions leur plongée, mais également de calculer leur effort de nage, le nombre de proies rencontrées ainsi que leur dépense énergétique. Notre étude montre qu’à l’échelle d’une plongée, les éléphants de mer adaptent leur trajectoire, mais également le temps qu’ils passent au fond, en fonction du nombre de proies rencontrées. Pour des densités locales de proie importantes, ils passent plus de temps au fond, et concentrent leur recherche en zone restreinte, caractérisée par une diminution de la vitesse et une augmentation de la sinuosité horizontale. Au-delà de 550 m, le coût d’accès aux ressources devient supérieur aux coûts d’acquisition ; ils doivent alors faire face à un compromis entre l’accessibilité et la disponibilité en proies. À mesure qu’ils s’alimentent, ces phoques augmentent leur flottabilité, diminuant de surcroît leur dépense énergétique. Cette étude démontre également une structuration spatio-temporelle de cette dépense énergétique qui semble être liée au succès d’alimentation et donc à la distribution des ressources en proies. / The Southern Ocean is a fragile ecosystem whose dynamics are influenced by climate change that will structure the spatio-temporal distribution of resources. The objective of this PhD was to investigate the foraging strategies used by the southern elephant seal, under energetic (cost of transport and costs of access to the resource) and temporal (time at the bottom of a dive and aerobic dive limit) constraints. Using a set of animal-borne data loggers allowed us to reconstruct their three-dimensional path underwater, but also to calculate their swimming effort, the number of prey encountered and their energy expenditure. At the dive level, our study shows that elephant seals adapt their path, but also the time spent at the bottom, depending on the number of prey encountered. For high local prey density, they spent more time at the bottom, and concentrated their foraging effort in areas restricted search, characterized by a decrease in speed and an increase in horizontal sinuosity. Beyond 550 m, the cost of access to resources becomes greater than the cost of acquisition ; they must therefore deal with a trade-off between prey accessibility and availability. While feeding, these seals increase their buoyancy, reducing furthermore their energy expenditure. This study also shows a spatio-temporal structure of the energy expenditure that appears to be related to feeding success and therefore to prey resources distribution.
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Perfil farmacológico do tipo antidepressivo do composto 3-(4-fluorofenilselenil)-2,5 difenilselenofeno: envolvimento do sistema serotoninérgico / Antidepressant-like pharmacological profile of 3-(4- Fluorophenylselenyl)-2,5-diphenylselenophene: involvement of serotonergic systemGai, Bibiana Mozzaquatro 23 February 2011 (has links)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / Depression is a serious, recurrent and incapacitating psychiatric condition with a
heavy social burden. The pharmacological approach to this disorder employs therapy with
antidepressant drugs, which have side effects and numerous limitations. In view of the
promising pharmacological properties of containing-selenium molecules, this study evaluated
the effect of 3-(4-fluorophenylselenyl)-2,5-diphenylselenophene (DPS) in the mouse forced
swim test (FST) and tail suspension test (TST), two models predictive of depressant activity.
Since serotonin (5-HT) plays an important role in the pathophysiology of depressive
disorders, the involvement of serotonergic system and 5-HT receptors in the action caused by
DPS was studied. The antidepressant-like action of combined treatment with subeffective
doses of both DPS plus paroxetine, a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) was
investigated. Further, we verified the possible mechanism responsible for antidepressant-like
action of DPS. The results showed that DPS (50 and 100 mg/kg, p.o.) significantly reduced
the immobility time during the FST and TST, without accompanying changes in ambulation
when assessed in the open-field test. The anti-immobility effect of DPS (50 mg/kg, i.g.) in the
FST was prevented by pretreatment of mice with pCPA (p-chlorophenylalanine; an inhibitor
of 5-HT synthesis, 100 mg/kg, i.p., once a day for 4 consecutive days,), WAY 100635 (N-[2-
[4-(2-methoxyphenyl)-1-piperazinyl]ethyl]-N-2-pyridinylcyclohexane carboxamide; 0.1
mg/kg, s.c., a selective 5-HT1A receptor antagonist), ritanserin (1 mg/kg, i.p., a 5-HT2 receptor
antagonist) or ondansetron (1 mg/kg, i.p., a 5-HT3 receptor antagonist). Combined treatment
with paroxetine and DPS reduced the immobility time in the FST. DPS at the dose of 50
mg/kg did not produce any change in the cerebral activity of monoamine oxidase subtypes
(MAO-A or MAO-B). DPS at the dose of 50 mg/kg inhibited significantly 5-HT uptake in
mouse brain synaptosomes. These results suggest that DPS produced an antidepressant-like
action in the mouse FST and TST and this action seems most likely to be mediated through an
interaction with serotonergic system, particularly by 5-HT reuptake inhibition. / A depressão é uma doença grave, recorrente e uma condição psiquiátrica incapacitante
que gera pesados custos sociais. A abordagem farmacológica dessa desordem é feita por meio
do emprego de antidepressivos, os quais apresentam efeitos adversos e numerosas limitações.
Tendo em vista as promissoras propriedades farmacológicas das moléculas contendo selênio,
este estudo avaliou o efeito do 3-(4-fluorofenilselenil)-2,5-difenilselenofeno (DPS) no teste do
nado forçado (TNF) e no teste da suspensão da cauda (TSC) em camundongos, dois modelos
preditivos de comportamento depressivo. Uma vez que a serotonina (5-HT) desempenha um
importante papel na patofisiologia dos transtornos depressivos, o envolvimento do sistema
serotoninérgico e dos receptores de 5-HT na ação desenvolvida pelo DPS foi estudado. A
ação do tipo antidepressiva do tratamento combinado com doses subefetivas de DPS e
paroxetina, um inibidor seletivo da recaptação de serotonina (ISRS) foi investigada. Além
disso, o possível mecanismo responsável pela ação do tipo antidepressiva do DPS também foi
verificado. Os resultados mostram que o DPS (50 e 100 mg/kg) reduziu significativamente o
tempo de imobilidade durante os TSC e TNF, sem causar alterações na atividade locomotora
no teste do campo aberto (TCA). O efeito anti-imobilidade do DPS (50 mg/kg, i.g.) no TNF
foi prevenido pelo pré-tratamento dos animais com pCPA (p-clorofenilalanina; 100 mg/kg,
i.p., administrado uma vez ao dia durante 4 dias consecutivos, um inibidor da síntese de
serotonina), WAY 100635 (N-[2-[4-(2-metoxifenil)-1-piperazinil]etil]-N-2-
piridinilciclohexano carboxamida; 0,1 mg/kg, s.c., um antagonista seletivo de receptores 5-
HT1A), ritanserina (1 mg/kg, i.p., um antagonista seletivo de receptores 5-HT2) ou
ondansetrona (1 mg/kg, i.p., um antagonista seletivo de receptores 5-HT3). O tratamento
combinado com paroxetina e DPS reduziu o tempo de imobilidade no TNF. O DPS na dose
de 50 mg/kg não produziu nenhuma alteração na atividade dos subtipos da monoamino
oxidase (MAO-A e MAO-B) cerebral. O DPS na dose de 50 mg/kg inibiu significantemente a
captação de 5-HT em sinaptossoma de cérebro de camundongos. Esses resultados sugerem
que o DPS produziu uma ação do tipo antidepressiva no TSC e no TNF em camundongos e
esta ação parece ser mediada por uma interação com o sistema serotoninérgico,
particularmente por uma inibição da recaptação de 5-HT.
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Analýza a prognóza závodní výkonnosti elitních závodníků a závodnic na mistrovství světa ITU v letech 1989-2016 v olympijském triatlonu / Analysis and prognosis of elite male and female triathletes performance at the ITU World Triathlon Championships in 1989-2016 in Olympic TriathlonLátová, Lenka January 2017 (has links)
Title: Analysis and prognosis of elite male and female triathletes performance at the ITU World Triathlon Championships in 1989-2016 in Olympic triathlon Objectives: To analyse male and female performance in individual parts of the triathlon (swim, bike, run) as well as the whole race performance during the years 1989 - 2016. To determine the performance prediction of racers using the time series analysis for Olympic triathlon in ITU World Triathlon Championship in 2028. Methods: For statistical data processing we will apply the time series analysis using SPSS Statistics 22 software. We will then add the historical content and the actual conditions of the race to the final graphs. On the basis of the processed data, we will create a performance prediction for 2028 using Excel program. Results: In swimming, women are approaching men's performance and they are now on 92.2%. In the future, women will not come closer to men's times. Performance will improve slightly. In cycling, the gap between men and women is 10%. We do not expect any major change in the future. According to the trend of development, we find deterioration in both categories, especially in men. At the moment, the performance of women in running is 88.3% of men. We do not expect any change in the future. However, male and female times...
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Modélisation thermo-aéraulique des écoulements d’air avec transfert de chaleur et de masse dans un milieu fermé et humide. Application à une piscine intérieureLimane, Abdelhakim January 2017 (has links)
La piscine fait partie des établissements publics les plus fréquentés dans notre société. En effet, il ne s’agit pas uniquement d’un lieu de pratique d'activités physiques, mais également un espace de détente, de jeu, d’éducation et de lien familial. Il est de toute évidence essentiel, de fournir un environnement intérieur confortable et sain pour ses occupants. Cependant, en raison de sa dimension, son besoin excessif en énergie et la complexité des phénomènes physiques évoluant à l’intérieur, il est difficile de parvenir à un équilibre optimum entre : qualité de l’air intérieur, confort thermique des occupants et efficacité énergique du bâtiment. Il faut pour cela, parvenir à une description des mécanismes qui façonnent la structure de l’écoulement de l’air par une analyse profonde de ces phénomènes qui sont à l'origine des transferts de chaleur et de masse mis en jeu à l’intérieur.
Ainsi, l’objectif visé de cette thèse est de présenter une étude numérique thermo aéraulique, par CFD en régime stationnaire et transitoire, qui permet d’évaluer le comportement dynamique, thermique et thermodynamique des différents phénomènes physiques qui évoluent à l’intérieur de la piscine intérieure semi-olympique de l’université Bishop’s (Sherbrooke, Canada) afin d’améliorer la qualité de l’air intérieur et le confort thermique ainsi que son rendement énergétique. Les simulations sont réalisées avec le logiciel libre OpenFOAM en utilisant une approche RANS.
Une étude thermo-aéraulique par CFD a d’abord été réalisée sur une cavité rectangulaire avec plancher chauffé, afin d’appréhender les simulations thermo aérauliques. Cela a abouti à la détermination de la meilleure configuration d’aération pour une qualité de l’air et un confort thermique optimum.
Plusieurs simulations CFD du flux d'air tridimensionnel avec transfert de chaleur et de masse ont été aussi effectuées ultérieurement pour la piscine, afin d’évaluer les effets des conditions climatiques extérieures et ceux des nageurs sur l'atmosphère intérieure. En adoptant plusieurs modèles de turbulence de type RANS, la comparaison des résultats obtenus avec les données expérimentales de référence a permis de valider le code OpenFOAM. Les données expérimentales ont été recueillies au préalable au sein de la piscine de l’Université Bishop’s à l’aide d’un dispositif conçu et adapté aux conditions internes propre à la piscine et qui est équipé de plusieurs capteurs pour la mesure de : température, humidité relative et vitesse.
Enfin, une étude thermo-aéraulique de la piscine en régime turbulent transitoire pour une durée de 24 heures pour les jours typiques d'été et d'hiver a été réalisée afin de prédire l’évolution de la distribution des paramètres tels que la vitesse, la température et l'humidité relative. Une analyse statistique a permis de montrer que les conditions climatiques extérieures n'ont pas d'effet sur l'environnement interne de celle-ci. D’ailleurs, sa très bonne isolation thermique démontrée par un calcul détaillé des pertes thermiques à travers son enveloppe confirme ce constat. D’autre part, l’évaluation de la qualité de l'air intérieur et le confort thermique des occupants a révélé que ces derniers sont inacceptables. Suite auxquels, un ajustement des paramètres de conditionnement de l’air a été apporté pour fin d’amélioration. / Abstract : The swimming pool is one of the most popular public establishments in our society and is not just a place for physical activities but also a space for relaxation, play, education and family ties. It is therefore important to ensure a healthy and comfortable indoor environment for the occupants. However, given the size, energy requirement and complexity of the physical phenomena that take place within such space, it is difficult to achieve an optimum balance between interior air quality, thermal comfort of occupants and energy efficiency of the building. This requires a description of the mechanisms, which determine the structure of the airflow by a profound analysis of these phenomena, which are the origin of the heat and mass transfers involved inside such spaces. The objective of this thesis is to present a numerical thermo-ventilation study using CFD (computational fluid dynamic) in stationary and transient regime that allows to evaluate the dynamic, thermal and thermodynamic behaviors of the various phenomena that take place inside the semi-Olympic closed swimming pool at Bishop's University (Sherbrooke, Qc, Canada). The aim is to improve the indoor air quality and thermal comfort of occupants as well as its energy efficiency. The simulations are carried out using OpenFOAM (Open Field Operation and Manipulation) using a Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) approach. To do this, a CFD thermo-ventilation study was first carried out on a rectangular cavity with heated floor in order to understand the thermo-ventilation simulations. This has led to the determination of the best ventilation configuration for optimum air quality and thermal comfort. Several CFD simulations of the three-dimensional airflow with heat and mass transfer were also carried out later for the indoor swimming pool to evaluate the effects of outdoor climatic conditions and swimmers on the indoor atmosphere of the pool. By adopting several RANS turbulence models, the comparison of the results obtained with the experimental data allowed to validate the OpenFOAM code. The experimental data were collected in the pool at Bishop's University using a device designed and adapted to the pool’s internal conditions. The devise is equipped with several sensors to measure temperature, relative humidity and velocity. Finally, a thermo-ventilation study of the swimming pool in transient turbulent regime for a duration of 24 hours for typical days of summer and winter was conducted in order to predict the distribution of the various parameters such as velocity, temperature and relative humidity. A statistical analysis showed that the external climatic conditions have no effect on the internal environment of the swimming pool. Moreover, its good thermal insulation demonstrated by a detailed calculation of the thermal losses through building envelope confirms this observation. On the other hand, the evaluation of the indoor air quality and the thermal comfort of occupants revealed that the conditions inside the pool are unacceptable. After which, an adjustment of the air conditioning parameters was made for improvements.
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