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Problem i högt fuktbelastade byggnader : Riskbedömning med hjälp av WUFI / Problems in buildings with high moisture load : Risk assessment using WUFIWong, Katilla, Bergh, David January 2012 (has links)
Många av Sveriges badhus byggda i slutet av 1900-talet börjar idag visa tecken på kraftiga fuktskador på grund av extrema inomhusklimat. Denna rapport förklarar den allmänna problematiken kring högt fuktbelastade byggnader och berör det fuktskadade badhuset Aquarena i Katrineholm. Extrem noggrannhet krävs vid montering av ångspärr i en konstruktion, speciellt vid högt invändigt fukttillskott. Optimal placering av fuktspärren i konstruktionens varmare del innebär att fukt aldrig tillåts kondensera och därmed minimeras risken för fuktskador och negativa konsekvenser. Verkligheten visar också att om kunskaper om fukt och fuktskador prioriteras redan i ett tidigt stadium under projektering kan många hundratusentals kronor sparas. Beräkningar av fukttransport har gjorts för tidigare ytterväggskonstruktion i Aquarena (den som drabbats av skador) och nybyggd ytterväggskonstruktion (nyframtagen till återuppbyggnaden) i datorprogrammet WUFI Pro 4.2 och analyserats i WUFI Bio 3.0. Beräkningarna visar att den tidigare väggkonstruktionen får de skador som undersökningar av den visat och att skadorna hade kunnat undgås om genomförningar i ångspärren hade utförts på ett korrekt sätt. Vi har med beräkningar inte kunnat bevisa att alla delar i den nybyggda ytterväggskonstruktionen kommer fungera perfekt. Främst beror osäkerheten i beräkningar utförda i WUFI på att beräkningsmodellen inte är färdigutvecklad. Osäkerheter beror också på otillräcklig kännedom av egenskaper hos de simulerade materialen. Beräkningar för den nyframtagna väggkonstruktionen visar dock entydigt på bättre resultat än för den tidigare väggkonstruktionen. Det finns därför anledning att vidare utreda vilka värden på fukt och temperatur som kommer att råda över de närmaste åren. Detta bland annat för att senare kunna korrigera beräkningsmodellen efter verkligheten. / Many of Sweden's public indoor swimming pools built in the late 1900’s are beginning to show signs of excessive moisture damage due to extreme indoor climate. This report explains the general problem of high moisture-loaded buildings and involves the moisture-damaged public indoor swimming pool Aquarena in Katrineholm. Extreme care is required when assembling the moisture barrier in a structure, especially with high internal moisture content. Optimal placement of the moisture barrier in the warmer parts of the construction means that moisture is never allowed to condense, thus minimizing the risk of moisture damage and negative consequences. Reality also shows that if risks of moisture and moisture damages are assessed early in the planning process, amounts in the range of hundreds of thousands of Swedish crowns can be saved. Calculations of moisture transport have been made for the previous exterior wall structure (the one that suffered damage) and new exterior wall structure the (new design for the reconstruction) using the computer program WUFI Pro 4.2 and analyzed in WUFI Bio 3.0. Calculations show that the old exterior wall structure in Aquarena would have been able to withstand moisture damage and damages due to moisture if joints and transitions in the moisture barrier had been correctly performed. Calculations have not proven that all elements of the newly built wall design will work perfectly. The main reason for uncertainty in calculations when using WUFI is that the calculation model is not fully developed. Uncertainty is also due to insufficient knowledge of properties of the simulated materials. However, calculations show unambiguously better results than the previous wall construction. It is therefore necessary to further investigate what values of humidity and temperature will exist over the next few years to be able to later on correct the calculation model after reality.
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Badhus / Bath HouseMagnusson, Irmeli January 2014 (has links)
Ett nytt badhus i Västertorp, beläget i den bortglömda, av E4:an dammiga, Mellanbergsparken dit folk kan gå för att bada. Det behövs inga fler simhallar i Stockholm, men ett nytt sorts badhus dit alla olika människor av alla åldrar kan komma och bada i en starkt arkitektonisk miljö - det fattas idag. Därför har jag fokuserat på att gestalta starka rumsligheter där vattnet får stå i fokus och förstärka upplevelsen av rummet. Genom badhuset finns tre olika steg på skalan i material och badupplevelser som går från asfalt till skog, från slutet till öppet. Längst ut mot skogen finns en badsal på 24 x 84 meter där en pelarskog av tegelpelare möter vattenytan. En vattenyta sträcker sig genom hela badsalen och speglar taket bestående av kryssvalv i bärande tegel. Från entrén till badhuset ser du tvärs igenom hela huset, genom innergården och skymtar denna magnifika badsal. I badsalen finns en rundsimmningsslinga och bredvid är det endast ankeldjupt. Du kan simma ut under ett stort fönsterparti och under arkaden som skuggar utanför. Här möter du tillslut skogen och E4:ans buller är glömt långt bakom. / A new kind of bath house in Västertorp, situated in the forgotten Mellanbergsparken contaminated by noise and dust from the freeway, where people can go swimming. There is no need for more indoor swimming pools in Stockholm, but a new kind of bath house, where different people of all different ages can go to bathe, swim and relax in a strongly architectural environment is missing. Therefore my focus has been to create powerful spaces where the water is in focus and enhances the architectural experience of the room. Through the bath house there is a scale that evolves from the site: from asphalt to forest, from enclosed to open. From the bath house entrance you get a glimpse through the inner court yard, towards the 24 by 84 meter colonnade hall for swimming. Here brick columns meet the water surface that stretches through the entire hall unbroken and reflects the ceiling made up of load bearing brick lierne vaults. In the bath hall is a loop for swimming and on the sides the water is only ankle-deep. From the loop you can swim out under a colonnade that shades the pool. Finally you meet the forest on the other side and the noise and smell of the freeway is far away and forgotten.
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Kallbad som turistattraktion : En studie om destinationsutveckling av Stockholms stadMonaxios, Susanna, Ekwall, Kristina January 2011 (has links)
Stockholm is considered as a tourist destination which has a lot of offers to attract tourists and if it utilizes it water better it can give a wonderful and unique experiences and cold baths may become an image to it. The aim of this study is to shed light on the open-air swimming-baths and shores of Stockholm. Also how to use this advantage as it’s a city based on many islands, the purest water in Europe and this makes Stockholm as a destination a very attractive place for tourism. For a better understanding of our study, we have studied the quality and quantity to see how people began to exploit open-air swimming-baths throughout history everywhere in Europe and specifically of Stockholm city sea shore. We did a study on the history traditions of open-air swimming-baths and how it can be a tourist attraction through books and interviews, scientific articles and our personal observation, so that we can analyze how to develop sustainable tourism in the future and how Stockholm city can make development of opportunities for the future. Research has shown that the City does not focus specifically on cold baths, their marketing is on permanent attractions focusing on culture and events to attract tourists. Equally important is the range of secondary and tertiary attractions at your destination and give a greater value for the tourist. The growth of the tourism benefits the city, local businesses and local people including contributing to more jobs. Some players feel that the demand for swimming in Stockholm's city center has risen and some not, but they agree that demand is high. It is interesting to know whether the open-air baths in the future could become part of Stockholm's image or not.
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Centro de alto rendimiento de natación / High performance swimming centerSalazar Torres, Mariano Ignacio Noé 26 April 2021 (has links)
El proyecto que se presenta a continuación es un Centro de Alto rendimiento de Natación que se desarrolla como elemento integrado e hito urbano dentro de la ciudad. Ubicado en el cono sur de Lima, en el distrito de San Juan de Miraflores, que por la cantidad de complejos deportivos en su extensión tiene vocación a ser un foco deportivo importante.
Sin embargo, en la ciudad de Lima no existe la infraestructura adecuada para la formación de deportistas de alto nivel en sus diversas disciplinas, siendo la natación una de las más afectadas. Es de esta manera como surge la concepción del proyecto, como una propuesta de solución para el desarrollo del deporte en su máximo nivel de exigencia y competitividad. Que busca ser el principal escenario deportivo de competencias nacionales e internacionales y ampliar la práctica de las disciplinas acuáticas, brindando una formación especializada para el desarrollo de deportistas de alto nivel desde sus inicios.
El proyecto arquitectónico tiene como principal enfoque crear interrelaciones espaciales mediante un espacio interior flexible que incorpore vistas programa, múltiples usos y calidad espacial que permita al edificio exhibir su interior y así lograr el contacto entre los diferentes usuarios creando circuitos definidos de acuerdo con cada uno. / The Project presented below is a High-Performance Swimming Center that is developed as an integrated element and urban landmark within the city. Located in the southern cone of Lima, in the district of San Juan de Miraflores, which due to the number of sports complexes in its extension has the vocation to be an important sports focus.
However in the city of Lima there is no adequate infrastructure for the training of high-level athletes in their various disciplines, swimming being one of the most affected. It is in this way that the conception of the project arises, as a solution proposal for the development of sport at its highest level of demand and competitiveness. It seeks to be the main sports venue for national and international competitions and expand the practice of aquatic disciplines, providing specialized training for the development of high-level athletes from the beginning.
The main focus of the architectural project is to create spatial interrelations through a flexible interior space that incorporates program views, multiple uses and spatial quality that allows the building to display its interior and thus achieve contact between the different users creating defined circuits according to each one. / Tesis
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Wellness centrum / Wellness centerVetešník, Štěpán Unknown Date (has links)
The subject of this thesis is a design documentation for construction of a wellness centre. The main goals include creating structural and material solutions or designing a layout. The designed wellness centre is a building of 3 above-ground floors, which also has a basement. It is situated in a mild slope and shaped into a wave. The building will have a role of a local amenity, providing its visitors a wellness, 3 pools and a space for leisure activities.
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Městské lázně / The Municipal BathsLangová, Monika January 2010 (has links)
Designed construction of a spa with the wellness center programs (relaxation type), for 200-250 people (at one moment) at Brno city, near Voronez Hotel and Exhibition Centre. The five-floor spa building is designed as a puzzle in the shape originating from a dice. Cycles of water in its various forms and states of matter or properties fade into one another here. Each floor is designed to have its own theme (water world, the Asian world, aroma floor, salt floor, sunny and airy bath) and offers various types of premises and procedures: swimming, relaxing in the water, baths, showers, steam rooms, saunas, infrared saunas, wraps and massages etc. The spa program is accompanied by various types of refreshments: cafe, bar, tearoom, fruit bar. Rooftop pool and bar offers a unique view on the city. The spa and hotel Voronež parking is carried out within the ground floor.
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Ostravskou krajinou... / Across the landscape of Ostrava...Kubinová, Michaela January 2014 (has links)
A human enters with his activities to the industrial landscape in the same natural way as the nature entered before, and developed them.
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Does Shape Predict Performance? An Analysis of Morphology and Swimming Performance in Great Basin FishesAedo, John R. 08 December 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Swimming performance strongly influences fitness in aquatic organisms and is closely tied to external body morphology. Although this connection has been closely examined at the individual and species level, few studies have focused on this relationship as it pertains to functional group assemblages. Using functional groups based on similarities in habitat use and morphology, I tested the hypothesis that swimming performance can be reliably predicted by functional group composition. I measured swimming performance as burst speed using a simulated predator attack and as prolonged speed using a step-endurance test in a laboratory flume. I measured morphology using geometric morphometric techniques. A difference in swimming behavior in four of the seven species was observed in the step-endurance test. Benthic species exhibited bracing behavior as an alternative to body-caudal fin (BCF) propulsion in the prolonged speed trials. Swimming performance exhibited a weak relationship with functional groups based on habitat or morphology. Rather a species-based model was the best predictor of swimming performance. Although species exhibited variation in swimming performance, body size was the strongest predictor of absolute swimming performance across all models. Relative swimming performance (measured in body lengths/sec) was negatively related to body size. The results of this study suggest that functional groups are not always reliable predictors of performance and they necessitate empirical testing to validate their effectiveness. This study also provides critical swimming performance data for previously unstudied Great Basin fishes which could be valuable for predicting fish passage through culverts, weirs and fish ladders.
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PCB design and performance evaluation of miniaturized electronics : A case study for the SOMIRO project / Konstruktion och utvärdering av miniatyriserad elektronik : En fallstudie för SOMIRO-projektetJansson, Albert January 2022 (has links)
Electronics miniaturization is an ever-important subject in the industry of consumer electronics, where smaller, lighter and more powerful electronics is expected. This thesis investigates the miniaturization challenge in the EU-funded project SOMIRO, that aims to construct an energy autonomous swimming millirobot for remote sensing in in agriculture. The current prototype Generation 1 (G1) prototype design is used as a base and a smaller version with additional features is constructed to evaluate possible performance differences. The Printed Circuit Board (PCB) that is produced is of a folding flex-rigid construction that sandwiches several layers of components to fit all components required. The performance of the new Generation 2 (G2) prototype is very similar to the existing G1 prototype in all electrical performance tests with the notable exception being the current draw for actuation of the swimming platform. The G2 prototype consumes significantly less current in this case, which is beneficial for the limited energy availability the millirobot will be operating in. There is still room for improving the PCB design with additional advanced PCB manufacturing techniques. Some of the external parts for the final version of the millirobot still needs to be finalized, for which this PCB may need additional changes, but this is not part of this thesis. / Miniatyrisering av elektronik är ett ständigt aktuellt problem i industrin för konsumentelektronik, där mindre, lättare och mer kraftfulla produkter förväntas. Detta mastersarbete undersöker miniatyriseringsutmaningen i EU-projektet SOMIRO som ska utveckla en energiautonom simmande millirobot för distribuerad mätning inom vattenbaserade jordbruk. Den nuvarande prototypen, Generation 1 (G1), lägger grunden till detta arbete som producerar en mindre version som dessutom innehåller fler funktioner. Den nya prototypen, Generation 2 (G2), utvärderas och jämförs med G1-versionen för att se om det är någon skillnad i elektrisk prestanda. Kretskortet som konstrueras är hopvikbart för att få plats med alla komponenter. Det nya kortet presterar mycket likt G1-versionen, förutom i testet för drivningen av aktuatorplattformen, där det nya kortet drog mindre ström. Det är en fördel då en mycket begränsad mängd energi kommer finnas tillgänglig i de tänkta miljöerna för milliroboten. Det finns fortfarande förbättringsmöjligheter då ytterligare avancerade konstruktionstekniker kan användas i design och tillverkning av kretskortet för att minska storleken ytterligare. Vissa förändringar kan också krävas för att kretskortet ska kunna monteras ihop med de externa delarna som ingår i den kompletta milliroboten, vilket dock inte är del av detta arbete.
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Moderatoreffekte bewusster und unbewusster Faktoren auf implizite und explizite Motive sowie die MotivkongruenzMempel, Gordon 16 December 2013 (has links)
Im Rahmen zweier Studien im Leistungssport werden die Effekte bewusster und unbewusster Faktoren auf implizite und explizite Motive untersucht. Es kann die Distinktheit der Vorhersagebereiche impliziter und expliziter Motivdiagnostik repliziert werden. Dabei wird aufgezeigt, dass die handlungsführenden Effekte impliziter und expliziter Motive jeweils exklusiv durch unbewusste Impulskontrolle und bewusste Selbststeuerungskompetenzen moderiert werden. Allein implizite Prozesse (implizite Motive, Impulskontrolle) besitzen prognostischen Wert für sportliches Leisten in Situationen die unbewusst verarbeitet werden. Explizite Prozesse (explizite Motive, bewusste Selbststeuerung) hingegen sagen sportliches Leisten in bewusst verarbeiteten Situationen des sportlichen Wettkampfs vorher. Die differentielle Prognostizität direkter und indirekter Motivdiagnostik in der Sportpsychologie kann durch die Berücksichtigung adäquater Faktoren verbessert werden. Aufgrund der Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit ist bei der Auswahl adäquater Persönlichkeitsvariablen darauf zu achten, dass das zu prognostizierende Kriterium und die Erhebungsmethodik bezüglich ihres Grades an bewusster Bearbeitung miteinander übereinstimmen. / The effects of conscious and unconscious factors on implicit and explicit motives were examined in the context of two studies. The distinct array of prediction by implicit and explicit motive diagnostic can be replicated. Though it was possible to provide evidence for the exclusive moderation of implicit motives by unconscious activity inhibition while explicit motives were moderated by conscious skills of self-regulation. Only the implicit processes (implicit motives and activity inhibition) proof a value to predicting human activity in situations coped without consciousness. In contrast only explicit processes (explicit motives and conscious skills of self-regulation) can predict the outcome of behaviour in situations coped with consciousness. The results of that paper can improve the differential prediction of direct and indirect motive diagnostic by regarding the adequate moderator factors. Further investigations will have the ability to improve the value of motivational predictors if they consider, that the level of consciousness is consistent within the situation of ascertainment the motivational predictor and the situation the criteria is imposed.
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