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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Metaprogramming Program Analyzers

Guannan Wei (16650384) 28 July 2023 (has links)
<p>Static program analyzers are vital tools to produce useful insights about programs without executing these programs. These insights can be used to improve the quality of programs, e.g., detecting defects in programs, or optimizing programs to use fewer resources. However, building static program analyzers that are simultaneously sound, performant, and flexible is notoriously challenging.</p> <p>This dissertation aims to address this challenge by exploring the potential of applying correct-by-construction metaprogramming techniques to build static program analyzers. Metaprogramming techniques manipulate and transform programs as data objects.  In this thesis, we consider static program analyzers as the objects to be manipulated or transformed. We show that metaprogramming techniques can improve our understanding, the construction, flexibility, and performance of program analyzers.</p> <p>We first study the inter-derivation of abstract interpreters. Using off-the-shelf program transformation techniques such as refunctionalization, we demonstrate that big-step abstract interpreters can be mechanically derived from their small-step counterparts, thus building a functional correspondence between two different styles of abstract interpretation.</p> <p>To build high-performance program analyzers, we exploit the first Futamura projection to build compilers for abstract interpretation and symbolic execution. The first Futamura projection states that specializing an interpreter with respect to an input program is a process equivalent to compilation, thus providing a practical way to repurpose interpreters for compilation and code generation. We systematically apply this idea to build program-analysis compilers by writing analyzers as staged interpreters using higher-level abstractions. The staged interpreter can be used for generating sound and performant analysis code given a specific input program. Moreover, the approach enables using abstractions without regret: by using higher-level program abstractions, the analyzer can be written in a way that is close to its high-level specification (e.g. big-step operational semantics), and by compilation, the analyzer is performant since it does not need to pay the runtime overhead of using these abstraction mechanisms.</p> <p>We also develop novel type systems that track sharing and separation in higher-order imperative languages. Such type systems are useful both for general-purpose programming languages and for optimization of domain-specific metaprograms such as those program-analysis compilers.</p> <p><br></p>

Hardware-Aided Privacy Protection and Cyber Defense for IoT

Zhang, Ruide 08 June 2020 (has links)
With recent advances in electronics and communication technologies, our daily lives are immersed in an environment of Internet-connected smart things. Despite the great convenience brought by the development of these technologies, privacy concerns and security issues are two topics that deserve more attention. On one hand, as smart things continue to grow in their abilities to sense the physical world and capabilities to send information out through the Internet, they have the potential to be used for surveillance of any individuals secretly. Nevertheless, people tend to adopt wearable devices without fully understanding what private information can be inferred and leaked through sensor data. On the other hand, security issues become even more serious and lethal with the world embracing the Internet of Things (IoT). Failures in computing systems are common, however, a failure now in IoT may harm people's lives. As demonstrated in both academic research and industrial practice, a software vulnerability hidden in a smart vehicle may lead to a remote attack that subverts a driver's control of the vehicle. Our approach to the aforementioned challenges starts by understanding privacy leakage in the IoT era and follows with adding defense layers to the IoT system with attackers gaining increasing capabilities. The first question we ask ourselves is "what new privacy concerns do IoT bring". We focus on discovering information leakage beyond people's common sense from even seemingly benign signals. We explore how much private information we can extract by designing information extraction systems. Through our research, we argue for stricter access control on newly coming sensors. After noticing the importance of data collected by IoT, we trace where sensitive data goes. In the IoT era, edge nodes are used to process sensitive data. However, a capable attacker may compromise edge nodes. Our second research focuses on applying trusted hardware to build trust in large-scale networks under this circumstance. The application of trusted hardware protects sensitive data from compromised edge nodes. Nonetheless, if an attacker becomes more powerful and embeds malicious logic into code for trusted hardware during the development phase, he still can secretly steal private data. In our third research, we design a static analyzer for detecting malicious logic hidden inside code for trusted hardware. Other than the privacy concern of data collected, another important aspect of IoT is that it affects the physical world. Our last piece of research work enables a user to verify the continuous execution state of an unmanned vehicle. This way, people can trust the integrity of the past and present state of the unmanned vehicle. / Doctor of Philosophy / The past few years have witnessed a rising in computing and networking technologies. Such advances enable the new paradigm, IoT, which brings great convenience to people's life. Large technology companies like Google, Apple, Amazon are creating smart devices such as smartwatch, smart home, drones, etc. Compared to the traditional internet, IoT can provide services beyond digital information by interacting with the physical world by its sensors and actuators. While the deployment of IoT brings value in various aspects of our society, the lucrative reward from cyber-crimes also increases in the upcoming IoT era. Two unique privacy and security concerns are emerging for IoT. On one hand, IoT brings a large volume of new sensors that are deployed ubiquitously and collect data 24/7. User's privacy is a big concern in this circumstance because collected sensor data may be used to infer a user's private activities. On the other hand, cyber-attacks now harm not only cyberspace but also the physical world. A failure in IoT devices could result in loss of human life. For example, a remotely hacked vehicle could shut down its engine on the highway regardless of the driver's operation. Our approach to emerging privacy and security concerns consists of two directions. The first direction targets at privacy protection. We first look at the privacy impact of upcoming ubiquitous sensing and argue for stricter access control on smart devices. Then, we follow the data flow of private data and propose solutions to protect private data from the networking and cloud computing infrastructure. The other direction aims at protecting the physical world. We propose an innovative method to verify the cyber state of IoT devices.

Calcul du pire temps d'exécution : méthode formelle s'adaptant à la sophistication croissante des architectures matérielles / Computation of the worst case execution time : formal analysis method that fits the increasing complexity of the hardware architecture

Benhamamouch, Bilel 02 May 2011 (has links)
Afin de garantir qu'un programme respectera toutes ses contraintes temporelles, nous devons être capable de calculer une estimation fiable de son temps d'exécution au pire cas (WCET: worst case execution time). Cependant, identifier une borne précise du pire temps d'exécution devient une tâche très complexe du fait de la sophistication croissante des processeurs. Ainsi, l'objectif de nos travaux de recherche a été de définir une méthode formelle qui puisse s'adapter aux évolutions du matériel. Cette méthode consiste à développer un modèle du processeur cible, puis à l'exécuter symboliquement afin d'associer à chaque trace d'exécution un temps d'exécution au pire cas. Une méthode de fusionnement est également prévue afin d'éviter une possible explosion combinatoire. Cette méthode a pour principale contrainte de ne pas introduire trop d'imprécision sur les temps calculés. / To ensure that a program will respect all its timing constraints we must be able to compute a safe estimation of its worst case execution time (WCET). However with the increasing sophistication of the processors, computing a precise estimation of the WCET becomes very difficult. In this report, we propose a novel formal method to compute a precise estimation of the WCET that can be easily parameterized by the hardware architecture. Assuming that we developed an executable timed model of the hardware, we use symbolic execution to precisely infer the execution time for a given instruction flow. We also merge the states relying on the loss of precision we are ready to accept, in order to avoid a possible states explosion.

Une approche compositionnelle pour la modélisation et l'analyse des composants systemC au niveau TLM et au niveau des Delta Cycles / A Stepwise Compositional Approach to Model and Analyze SystemC Designs at the Transactional Level and the Delta Cycle Level

Harrath, Nesrine 04 November 2014 (has links)
Les systèmes embarqués sont de plus en plus intégrés dans les applications temps réel actuelles. Ils sont généralement constitués de composants matériels et logiciels profondément Intégrés mais hétérogènes. Ces composants sont développés sous des contraintes très strictes. En conséquence, le travail des ingénieurs de conception est devenu plus difficile. Pour répondre aux normes de haute qualité dans les systèmes embarqués de nos jours et pour satisfaire aux besoins quotidiens de l'industrie, l'automatisation du processus de développement de ces systèmes prend de plus en plus d'ampleur. Un défi majeur est de développer une approche automatisée qui peut être utilisée pour la vérification intégrée et la validation de systèmes complexes et hétérogènes.Dans le cadre de cette thèse, nous proposons une nouvelle approche compositionnelle pour la modélisation et la vérification des systèmes complexes décrits en langage SystemC. Cette approche est basée sur le modèle des SystemC Waiting State Automata (WSA). Les SystemC Waiting State Automata sont des automates permettant de modéliser le comportement abstrait des systèmes matériels et logiciels décrits en SystemC tout en préservant la sémantique de l'ordonnanceur SystemC au niveau des cycles temporels et au niveau des delta-cycles. Ce modèle permet de réduire la complexité de la modélisation des systèmes complexes due au problème de l'explosion combinatoire tout en restant fidèle au système initial. Ce modèle est compositionnel et supporte le rafinement. De plus, il est étendu par des paramètres temps ainsi que des compteurs afin de prendre en compte les aspects relatifs à la temporalité et aux propriétés fonctionnelles comme notamment la qualité de service. Nous proposons ensuite une chaîne de construction automatique des WSAs à partir de la description SystemC. Cette construction repose sur l'exécution symbolique et l'abstraction des prédicats. Nous proposons un ensemble d'algorithmes de composition et de réduction de ces automates afin de pouvoir étudier, analyser et vérifier les comportements concurrents des systèmes décrits ainsi que les échanges de données entre les différents composants. Nous proposons enfin d'appliquer notre approche dans le cadre de la modélisation et la simulation des systèmes complexes. Ensuite l'expérimenter pour donner une estimation du pire temps d'exécution (worst-case execution time (WCET)) en utilisant le modèle du Timed SystemC WSA. Enfin, on définit l'application des techniques du model checking pour prouver la correction de l'analyse abstraite de notre approche. / Embedded systems are increasingly integrated into existing real-time applications. They are usually composed of deeply integrated but heterogeneous hardware and software components. These components are developed under strict constraints. Accordingly, the work of design engineers became more tricky and challenging. To meet the high quality standards in nowadays embedded systems and to satisfy the rising industrial demands, the automatization of the developing process of those systems is gaining more and more importance. A major challenge is to develop an automated approach that can be used for the integrated verification and validation of complex and heterogeneous HW/SW systems.In this thesis, we propose a new compositional approach to model and verify hardware and software written in SystemC language. This approach is based on the SystemC Waiting State Automata (WSA). The SystemC Waiting State Automata are used to model the abstract behavior of hardware or software systems described in SystemC. They preserve the semantics of the SystemC scheduler at the temporal and the delta-cycle level. This model allows to reduce the complexity of the modeling process of complex systems due to the problem of state explosion during modeling while remaining faithful to the original system. The SystemC waiting state automaton is also compositional and supports refinement. In addition, this model is extended with parameters such as time and counters in order to take into account further aspects like temporality and other extra-functional properties such as QoS.In this thesis, we propose a stepwise approach on how to automatically extract the SystemC WSAs from SystemC descriptions. This construction is based on symbolic execution together with predicate abstraction. We propose a set of algorithms to symbolically compose and reduce the SystemC WSAs in order to study, analyze and verify concurrent behavior of systems as well as the data exchange between various components. We then propose to use the SystemC WSA to model and simulate hardware and software systems, and to compute the worst cas execution time (WCET) using the Timed SystemC WSA. Finally, we define how to apply model checking techniques to prove the correctness of the abstract analysis.

Test symbolique de services web composite / Symbolic Testing Approach of Composite Web Services

Bentakouk, Lina 16 December 2011 (has links)
L’acceptation et l’utilisation des services Web en industrie se développent de par leursupport au développement d’application distribuées comme compositions d’entitéslogicielles plus simples appelées services. En complément à la vérification, le testpermet de vérifier la correction d’une implémentation binaire (code source nondisponible) par rapport à une spécification. Dans cette thèse, nous proposons uneapproche boîte-noire du test de conformité de compositions de services centralisées(orchestrations). Par rapport à l’état de l’art, nous développons une approchesymbolique de façon à éviter des problèmes d’explosion d’espace d’état dus à la largeutilisation de données XML dans les services Web. Cette approche est basée sur desmodèles symboliques (STS), l’exécution symbolique de ces modèles et l’utilisationd’un solveur SMT. De plus, nous proposons une approche de bout en bout, quiva de la spécification à l’aide d’un langage normalisé d’orchestration (ABPEL) etde la possible description d’objectifs de tests à la concrétisation et l’exécution enligne de cas de tests symboliques. Un point important est notre transformation demodèle entre ABPEL et les STS qui prend en compte les spécifications sémantiquesd’ABPEL. L’automatisation de notre approche est supportée par un ensemble d’outilsque nous avons développés. / Web services are gaining industry-wide acceptance and usage by fostering the developmentof distributed applications out of the composition of simpler entities calledservices. In complement to verification, testing allows one to check for the correctnessof a binary (no source code) service implementation with reference to a specification.In this thesis, we propose black box conformance testing approach for centralizedservice compositions (orchestrations). With reference to the state of the art, wedevelop a symbolic approach in order to avoid state space explosion issues due to theXML data being largely used in Web services. This approach is based on symbolicmodels (STS), symbolic execution, and the use of a satisfiability modulo theory(SMT) solver. Further, we propose a comprehensive end-to-end approach that goesfrom specification using a standard orchestration language (ABPEL), and the possibledescription of test purposes, to the online realization and execution of symbolic testcases against an implementation. A crucial point is a model transformation fromABPEL to STS that we have defined and that takes into account the peculiarities ofABPEL semantics. The automation of our approach is supported by a tool-chainthat we have developed.

A stepwise compositional approach to model and analyze system C designs at the transactional level and the delta cycle level / Une approche compositionnelle pour la modélisation et l'analyse des composants systemC au niveau TLM et au niveau des Delta Cycles

Harrath, Nesrine 04 November 2014 (has links)
Les systèmes embarqués sont de plus en plus intégrés dans les applications temps réel actuelles. Ils sont généralement constitués de composants matériels et logiciels profondément Intégrés mais hétérogènes. Ces composants sont développés sous des contraintes très strictes. En conséquence, le travail des ingénieurs de conception est devenu plus difficile. Pour répondre aux normes de haute qualité dans les systèmes embarqués de nos jours et pour satisfaire aux besoins quotidiens de l'industrie, l'automatisation du processus de développement de ces systèmes prend de plus en plus d'ampleur. Un défi majeur est de développer une approche automatisée qui peut être utilisée pour la vérification intégrée et la validation de systèmes complexes et hétérogènes.Dans le cadre de cette thèse, nous proposons une nouvelle approche compositionnelle pour la modélisation et la vérification des systèmes complexes décrits en langage SystemC. Cette approche est basée sur le modèle des SystemC Waiting State Automata (WSA). Les SystemC Waiting State Automata sont des automates permettant de modéliser le comportement abstrait des systèmes matériels et logiciels décrits en SystemC tout en préservant la sémantique de l'ordonnanceur SystemC au niveau des cycles temporels et au niveau des delta-cycles. Ce modèle permet de réduire la complexité de la modélisation des systèmes complexes due au problème de l'explosion combinatoire tout en restant fidèle au système initial. Ce modèle est compositionnel et supporte le rafinement. De plus, il est étendu par des paramètres temps ainsi que des compteurs afin de prendre en compte les aspects relatifs à la temporalité et aux propriétés fonctionnelles comme notamment la qualité de service. Nous proposons ensuite une chaîne de construction automatique des WSAs à partir de la description SystemC. Cette construction repose sur l'exécution symbolique et l'abstraction des prédicats. Nous proposons un ensemble d'algorithmes de composition et de réduction de ces automates afin de pouvoir étudier, analyser et vérifier les comportements concurrents des systèmes décrits ainsi que les échanges de données entre les différents composants. Nous proposons enfin d'appliquer notre approche dans le cadre de la modélisation et la simulation des systèmes complexes. Ensuite l'expérimenter pour donner une estimation du pire temps d'exécution (worst-case execution time (WCET)) en utilisant le modèle du Timed SystemC WSA. Enfin, on définit l'application des techniques du model checking pour prouver la correction de l'analyse abstraite de notre approche. / Embedded systems are increasingly integrated into existing real-time applications. They are usually composed of deeply integrated but heterogeneous hardware and software components. These components are developed under strict constraints. Accordingly, the work of design engineers became more tricky and challenging. To meet the high quality standards in nowadays embedded systems and to satisfy the rising industrial demands, the automatization of the developing process of those systems is gaining more and more importance. A major challenge is to develop an automated approach that can be used for the integrated verification and validation of complex and heterogeneous HW/SW systems.In this thesis, we propose a new compositional approach to model and verify hardware and software written in SystemC language. This approach is based on the SystemC Waiting State Automata (WSA). The SystemC Waiting State Automata are used to model the abstract behavior of hardware or software systems described in SystemC. They preserve the semantics of the SystemC scheduler at the temporal and the delta-cycle level. This model allows to reduce the complexity of the modeling process of complex systems due to the problem of state explosion during modeling while remaining faithful to the original system. The SystemC waiting state automaton is also compositional and supports refinement. In addition, this model is extended with parameters such as time and counters in order to take into account further aspects like temporality and other extra-functional properties such as QoS.In this thesis, we propose a stepwise approach on how to automatically extract the SystemC WSAs from SystemC descriptions. This construction is based on symbolic execution together with predicate abstraction. We propose a set of algorithms to symbolically compose and reduce the SystemC WSAs in order to study, analyze and verify concurrent behavior of systems as well as the data exchange between various components. We then propose to use the SystemC WSA to model and simulate hardware and software systems, and to compute the worst cas execution time (WCET) using the Timed SystemC WSA. Finally, we define how to apply model checking techniques to prove the correctness of the abstract analysis.

Java網頁程式安全弱點驗證之測試案例產生工具 / Test Case Generation for Verifying Security Vulnerabilities in Java Web Applications

黃于育, Huang, Yu Yu Unknown Date (has links)
近年來隨著網路的發達,網頁應用程式也跟著快速且普遍化地發展。網頁應用程式快速盛行卻忽略程式設計時的安全性考量,進而成為網路駭客的攻擊目標。因此,網頁應用程式的安全議題日益重要。目前已有許多網頁應用程式安全弱點的相關研究,以程式分析的技術找出弱點,主要分成靜態分析與動態分析兩大類。但無論是使用靜態或是動態的分析方法,仍有其不完美的地方。其中靜態分析結果完備但會產生過多弱點誤報;動態分析結果準確率高但會因為測試案例的不完備而造成弱點的漏報。因此,本論文研究結合了動靜態分析,利用靜態分析方法發展一套測試案例產生工具;再結合動態分析方法隨著測試案例的執行來追蹤測試資料並作弱點的驗證,以達到沒有弱點漏報的產生以及改善弱點誤報的目標。 本論文研究的重點集中在以靜態分析技術產生涵蓋目標程式中所有可執行路徑的測試案例。我們應用測試案例產生常見的符號化執行技巧,利用程式的路徑限制蒐集與解決來達成測試案例產生。實作上我們利用跨程序性路徑分析找出目標程式中所有潛在弱點的路徑,再以反向路徑限制蒐集將限制資訊完整蒐集;最後交給限制分析器解限制並產生測試案例。接著利用剖面導向程式語言AspectJ的程式插碼技術實現動態的汙染資料流分析,配合產生的測試案執行程式觸發動態的汙染資料流分析並產生可信賴的弱點分析結果。 / Due to the rapid development of the internet in recent years, web applications have become very popular and ubiquitous. However, developers may neglect the issues of security while designing a program so that web applications become the targets of attackers. Hence, the issue of web application vulnerabilities has become very crucial. There have been many research results of web application security vulnerabilities and many of them exploit the technique of program analysis to detect vulnerabilities. These analysis approaches can be can basically be categorized into dynamic analysis and static analysis. However, both of them still have their own problems to be improved. Specifically static analysis supports high coverage of vulnerabilities, but causes too many false positives. As for the dynamic analysis, although it produces high confident results, yet it may cause false negatives without complete test cases. In this thesis, we integrate both static analysis and dynamic analysis to achieve the objectives that no false negatives are produced and reduce false positives. We develop a test case generation tool by the static analysis approach and a program execution tool that dynamically track the execution of the target program with those test data to detect its vulnerabilities. Our test case generation tool first employs both intra- and inter-procedural analysis to cover all vulnerable paths in a program, and then apply the symbolic execution technique to collect all path constraints. With these collected constraints, we use a constraint solver to solve them and finally generate the test cases. As to the execution tool, it utilizes the instrumentation mechanism provided by the aspect-oriented programming language AspectJ to implement a dynamic taint analysis that tracks the flow of tainted data derived from those generated test cases. As a result, all vulnerable program paths will be detected by our tools.

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