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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


邱達勝, GIU,DA-SHENG Unknown Date (has links)
J.R.H:CKS(1966) 在其所著“工資理論、一書中,曾以理論模型分析,而認為勞資雙 方可以避免罷工的手段而達到和罷工后相同的結果。證諸事實,罷工卻仍時有所聞, 對于此理論上的矛盾,究其原因,概略可分為三 (1)不充份訊息下,造成勞資雙方認知上的差距。 (2)工會以罷工為武器,來強化其談判地位并使罷工成為最后依歸。 (3)罷工可以使得工會內部團結一致對外。 本文擬以不充份訊息所造成勞資雙方認知上的差距,來探討罷工后生的原因及罷工期 間勞資的僵持固可能在漫長的談判過程中相互讓步而達成協議,亦可能無法達成任何 結果。架構上引用Sobel & Takahashi(1983) 所提出的多回合談判模型來分析由工會 提出工資議價而資方表示「接愛」或「拒絕」的談判模式。當資方拒絕時,工會采集 體罷工方式來抗爭,并于其間再行提出工資議價,持續至資方接受,雙方合意訂定工 資契約為止。整個談判遂依“資方一拒絕,工會就罷工”的方式進行,直到資方表示 接受為止。此一不充分訊息下的談判模型是以「完全性貝氏均衡」(Perfect Bayesi- an eguil:br:um) 的概念對均喳策略做一分析,工會利用「付價傳訊機能」(S:gna ll:ng)(Spence 1979) 來修正對資方認知上的差距,因此隨罷工時間的經過,雙方遂 漸形成共識而達成協議。 本文提出幾項論點,期能對罷工的發生和罷工期間雙方的僵持作出更合理的解釋并契 合事實。

網路外部性下的市場演化 / Market evolution with network externality

魏全志, Wei, Chuan Chih Unknown Date (has links)
現今的科技產品環境,當新產品進入市場時,因為舊有產品使用者建構的網路外部性下,不容易開拓其市佔率。過去討論網路外部性的文獻中,大多僅探討一項新產品與舊有產品競爭的情況。然而,現實中往往出現多項產品同時在市場上競爭。本文模型建立在Jassen and Mendys (2007) 上,來探討擁有較高網路外部性之舊產品,面臨同時出現兩項品質較好之新產品時,市場佔有率的分佈樣貌。此模型中,存在於市場上的消費者對品質及網路外部性的偏好為異質,且模型中的消費者每期皆會重複購買該產品。本文發現,三項產品同時存在於市場上的穩定均衡解不存在,且市場均衡解將會出現在僅剩品質最優的新產品及既存舊產品共存的市場下,品質居中的產品無法存活於市場。新產品品質與舊產品品質間的差距不大時,舊產品仍然主導市場;若新產品品質明顯優於既有產品品質時,則新產品會拿下整個市場。且當品質優勢超過八分之一時,新產品將很快地占領整個市場。 / The market today is a harsh environment for new firms introducing new technologies into it, because users of existing products have already constructed a tough network which cannot be shaken easily. On network externality, previous researches only analyzed the condition of one new product competing with one old product. However, in reality, there are often more than two products competing with each other in the market. Based on Jassen and Mendys (2007), our model further discusses the outcome of the competition between two new superior products and an old inferior product. Consumers have different preferences of the quality and network externality of a product, and buy one product in each period. The outcome reveals that there is no stable equilibrium solution, when three products co-exist in the market. Stable equilibrium solution exists when there are only two products, the best one and the worst one, in the market. The product with middle quality cannot survive. Also, old products can still possess the most part of the market when the quality differs subtly between new and old products. But when the quality of new products is apparently higher than that of old products, then new products could take over the whole market. We discovered that the quality difference must be greater than 0.125 for new products to dominate the market quickly.


張文□, ZHANG, MING-YING Unknown Date (has links)
對於一個日趨開放的經濟體系,而言,在朝向國際整合的路途中,無疑的政府的決策 居於主導的地位,經濟決策者必需正確評估總體政策的效果,尤其要了解政府支出與 私人支出間的互動關係,方能正確引導經濟發展。 本論文即試圖分析政府行為與私人行為的相關性,尤其注重政府融通、公有財提供對 私人部門生產與消費的互補替代性,在完全預見的概念下,分析各種政府融通政策的 可能影響,希望能夠對於實際政策運作的可能性給予一個理論性的描述,從其間我們 可以發現政府支出對私人部門的效果,取決於公有財提供的型態,再則政府債券的發 行,影響整個經濟體系的穩定性,必須謹慎從事,否則可能導致經濟失衡的現象。政 府支出對匯率的影響方向,同時取決於公有財邊際利益的大小。 論文內容包含五章:第一章緒論,概述本論文的研究動機及其研究方向,第二章基本 模型,建立一個小型開放經濟體系,推論其個體基礎及其均衡條件,第三章靜態穩定 均衡分析,利用完全預見特性,說明政策干擾的長期效果,第四章傳遞動態分析,探 討各種融通政策效果,第五章結論,總結本論文的研究成果。

內生性經濟成長與國際貿易 / Endogenous Growth and International Trade

謝戎峰, Hsieh, Long Fon Unknown Date (has links)
本文主要是在探討在部門間是固定規模報酬的情況下,傳統的Oniki-Uzawa外生成長模型及現代內生性成長模型,包括Bond,Wang and Yip(1996)、Mino(1996)之兩財模型及Stokey and Rebelo(1995)之三財模型下,均衡成長率的決定與其動態調整過程,並分析比較小國封閉和開放體系下,此二者之異同。


林靜慧, LIN, JING-HUI Unknown Date (has links)
企業經營之基本目標為競存及獲利。在一個高度競爭的經濟社會中,企業無時無刻俱 面對著競爭壓力,為克服此種壓力,企業必須追求成長。無論企業採取何種成長策略 ,均須經由資本投資來達成。因此,管理者或投資者投資決策的明智與否,關係至企 業之生存與成長。 由於資本投資的金額通常十分龐大,因而往往需向外界籌措資金。故,從短期來看, 管理者或投資者所訂立的投資決策,將改變企業的流動能力與資本結構;就長期而言 ,亦將影響企業未來的經濟風險與財務狀況。 投資計劃之評估,為投資決策之基礎。一般所謂的投資計畫評估,即指經濟效益之評 估。在傳統上,評估投資計畫經濟效益多係利用會計人員所提供的資料與所應用的評 估方法為基礎,僅單方面的衡量--投資計畫的獲利能力,無法實質的評估其經濟效 益。本論文表要係以財務管理為基礎,輔以「系統動態分析」為工具,從投資計畫的 獲利能力、風險性與資金成本三方面,就經濟效益評估其資本投資之可行性。全文共 分六章。 第一章:研究動機、方法及研究內容、研究限制與創獲。 第二章:資本預算之意義與評估方法。 第三章:系統動態之縱覽與評析。 第四章:系統動態之架構與測試。 第五章:系統動態之實證研究--個案。 第六章:結論與建議。

混合式的Java網頁應用程式分析工具 / A hybrid security analyzer for Java web applications

江尚倫 Unknown Date (has links)
近年來網路應用蓬勃的發展,經由網頁應用程式提供服務或從事商業行為已經成為趨勢,因此網頁應用程式自然而然成為網路攻擊者的目標,攻擊手法也隨著時間不斷的翻新。已經有許多的方法被提出用來防範這些攻擊,增加網頁應用程式的安全性,如防火牆的機制以及加密連線,但是這些方法所帶來的效果有限,最根本的方法應為回歸原始的網頁應用程式設計,確實的找出應用程式本身的弱點,才能杜絕不斷變化的攻擊手法。以程式分析的技術來發現這些弱點是常見的方法之一,程式分析又分為靜態分析和動態分析,兩種分析技術都能有效的找出這些弱點。我們整理了近幾年的網頁應用程式分析技術,多採用靜態分析,然而比較後發現靜態分析的技術對於Java的網頁應用程式的分析,無法達到精確的分析結果,原因在於Java語言所具有的特性,如:變數的多型、反射機制的應用等。靜態分析在處理這些問題具有先天上的缺陷,由於並沒有實際的去執行程式,所以無法獲得這些執行時期才有的資訊。 本研究的重點將放在動態的程式分析技術上,也就是於程式執行期間所進行的分析,來解決分析Java網頁應用程式的上述問題。為了在程式執行期間得到可利用的分析資訊,我們運用了AspectJ的插碼技術。我們的工具會先將負責收集資訊的模組插入應用程式的源碼,並以單元測試的方式執行程式,於程式執行的過程中將分析資訊傳遞給分析模組,利用Java 語言的特性進行汙染資料的追蹤 。另外,我們考慮到以動態分析的方式偵測弱點會因為執行的路徑,導致一些潛在的弱點無法被發現,所以我們利用了線上分析的概念,設計出了線上的污染資料流分析模組,我們的工具結合了上述兩個分析模組所產生的分析結果,提供開網頁應用程式弱點資訊。 / In recent years, development of web application is flourishing and the increasing population of using internet, providing customer service and making business through network has been a prevalent trend. Consequently, the web applications have become the targets of the web hackers. With the progress of information technology, the technique of web attack becomes timeless and widespread. Some approaches have been taken to prevent from web attacks, such as firewall and encrypted connection. But these approaches have a limited effect against these attack techniques. The basic method should be taken is to eliminate the vulnerabilities inside the web application. Program analysis is common technique for detecting these vulnerabilities. There are two major program analysis approaches: static analysis and dynamic analysis. Both these approaches can detect vulnerabilities effectively. We reviewed several program analysis tools. Most of them are static analysis tool. However, we noticed that it is insufficient to analysis Java program in a static way due to the characteristic of Java language, e.g., polymorphism, reflection and more. Static has its congenital defects in examining these features, because static analysis happens when the program is not executing and lacks of runtime information. In this thesis, we focus on dynamic analysis of programs, where the analysis occurs when the program is executing, to solve the problems mentioned above in Java web application. In order to retrieving the runtime analysis information, we utilize the instrumentation mechanism provided by AspectJ. We instrument designed module in to the program and gather the needed information and execute the program in a unit testing approach. Our dynamic analysis module retrieves the information from instrumented executing program and utilizes the characteristic of Java to perform the tainted data tracking. We considered the dynamic tracking mechanism will leave some vulnerabilities undiscovered when the program is not completely executed. Hence we adopt the online analysis concept and design an online analysis module to find out the potential vulnerabilities which cannot be detected by dynamically tracking the tainted data. Our analysis tool finally integrates these two analysis results and provides the most soundness analysis result for developers.

Java網頁程式安全弱點驗證之測試案例產生工具 / Test Case Generation for Verifying Security Vulnerabilities in Java Web Applications

黃于育, Huang, Yu Yu Unknown Date (has links)
近年來隨著網路的發達,網頁應用程式也跟著快速且普遍化地發展。網頁應用程式快速盛行卻忽略程式設計時的安全性考量,進而成為網路駭客的攻擊目標。因此,網頁應用程式的安全議題日益重要。目前已有許多網頁應用程式安全弱點的相關研究,以程式分析的技術找出弱點,主要分成靜態分析與動態分析兩大類。但無論是使用靜態或是動態的分析方法,仍有其不完美的地方。其中靜態分析結果完備但會產生過多弱點誤報;動態分析結果準確率高但會因為測試案例的不完備而造成弱點的漏報。因此,本論文研究結合了動靜態分析,利用靜態分析方法發展一套測試案例產生工具;再結合動態分析方法隨著測試案例的執行來追蹤測試資料並作弱點的驗證,以達到沒有弱點漏報的產生以及改善弱點誤報的目標。 本論文研究的重點集中在以靜態分析技術產生涵蓋目標程式中所有可執行路徑的測試案例。我們應用測試案例產生常見的符號化執行技巧,利用程式的路徑限制蒐集與解決來達成測試案例產生。實作上我們利用跨程序性路徑分析找出目標程式中所有潛在弱點的路徑,再以反向路徑限制蒐集將限制資訊完整蒐集;最後交給限制分析器解限制並產生測試案例。接著利用剖面導向程式語言AspectJ的程式插碼技術實現動態的汙染資料流分析,配合產生的測試案執行程式觸發動態的汙染資料流分析並產生可信賴的弱點分析結果。 / Due to the rapid development of the internet in recent years, web applications have become very popular and ubiquitous. However, developers may neglect the issues of security while designing a program so that web applications become the targets of attackers. Hence, the issue of web application vulnerabilities has become very crucial. There have been many research results of web application security vulnerabilities and many of them exploit the technique of program analysis to detect vulnerabilities. These analysis approaches can be can basically be categorized into dynamic analysis and static analysis. However, both of them still have their own problems to be improved. Specifically static analysis supports high coverage of vulnerabilities, but causes too many false positives. As for the dynamic analysis, although it produces high confident results, yet it may cause false negatives without complete test cases. In this thesis, we integrate both static analysis and dynamic analysis to achieve the objectives that no false negatives are produced and reduce false positives. We develop a test case generation tool by the static analysis approach and a program execution tool that dynamically track the execution of the target program with those test data to detect its vulnerabilities. Our test case generation tool first employs both intra- and inter-procedural analysis to cover all vulnerable paths in a program, and then apply the symbolic execution technique to collect all path constraints. With these collected constraints, we use a constraint solver to solve them and finally generate the test cases. As to the execution tool, it utilizes the instrumentation mechanism provided by the aspect-oriented programming language AspectJ to implement a dynamic taint analysis that tracks the flow of tainted data derived from those generated test cases. As a result, all vulnerable program paths will be detected by our tools.

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