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商業智慧應用之研究-以銷售分析為例吳文宗 Unknown Date (has links)
根據<CFO Magazine>調查,75%的高階主管在面臨擬定策略時,通常無法獲得即時且完整的資訊,以致於在競爭激烈的產業環境中,失去了主動出擊的機會,也錯失了替公司創造財富的機會。
企業要提升競爭力,除了與企業本身運作的良窳相關外,也與整體的資訊支援能力有高度的關係。企業相關資訊系統的資訊如何作適度的整合,以利相關使用者,因此導入整合管理、決策與資訊科技的商業智慧系統,對內可以提升管理績效,對外以形成競爭優勢,實際化資訊為行動,並將其績效評估以指標式呈現,藉助有效的績效管理來提升服務,降低管理成本,以求競爭力的提升。Kaplan and Norton在平衡計分卡一書上說「如果您不能對他進行衡量,您便無法管理它」。
「Get the right information,to the right people,at the right time」是商業智慧系統應用的最佳境界,然而其資料的來源,除了外部資訊外,絕大部份是從企業的歷史資料或由現有的應用系統提供,商業智慧是整合企業所有應用系統的資料,以提供給所有的使用者使用,也就是這些應用系統所產生的資料是商業智慧的基礎,有了這些資料,商業智慧才能發揮功效,兩者是相輔相成,企業如能充分發揮商業智慧和應用系統的各自特點,結合應用,必能提高企業的競爭力。
因此本論文提供一個銷售分析的實際案例,以Top Down的思考模式來定義各階層使用者的需求,而實際開發的步驟是以Bottom Up的方式來建置,以整體規劃,分階段執行的建置方式來確保商業智慧系統專案的成功。
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健保醫療費用審查自動化之研究 / The Research of Automatic Peer Review in National Health Insurance王復中, Wang, Fu-Chung Unknown Date (has links)
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商業智慧系統在電子通關作業應用之研究林敏 Unknown Date (has links)
經由本研究獲得以下結論:應用商業智慧,資訊系統可依據需求適時提供正確資訊,提升資訊作業之效益;應用於電子通關作業,因多維度分析資料的方便取得,能迅速掌握決定通關方式的相關因素,可提升通關作業效益,此外,亦能藉由相關分析資訊的輔助,提升海關行政管理效能。 / Customs service has been playing an important role in the country’s trade development. In the past years, to respond to the emerging of the express business and global logistics, the Customs is introducing new concept into its operation including promoting autonomous management and adopting the principle of risk management in deciding how goods are cleared through Customs. Although the automated cargo clearance system, which was implemented in 1995, has covered all the cargo clearance procedures, it can only provide information in a predefined specification. Being a transaction system, it can hardly meet the decision-making requirements which often contain flexible query conditions, not to mention providing a wide variety of trend information to the top executives.
Business Intelligence System can integrate data gathering from daily business operation and transform them into information and knowledge for decision making. By designing a Business Intelligence application according to Customs decision analysis requirements, this study explore how Customs can benefit from this technology in information management and information presentation as well as the effect of easy access to analytical information on Customs administration and decision making.
The study reaches the conclusion that, by adopting Business Intelligence, information system can easily deliver the right thing to the right person at the right time. Customs clearance efficiency can be enhanced as well because Business Intelligence facilitate multi-dimensional analysis on factors related to ways of clearance. In addition, with the help of analytical information, Customs can also raise its efficiency in administration.
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混合式的Java網頁應用程式分析工具 / A hybrid security analyzer for Java web applications江尚倫 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究的重點將放在動態的程式分析技術上,也就是於程式執行期間所進行的分析,來解決分析Java網頁應用程式的上述問題。為了在程式執行期間得到可利用的分析資訊,我們運用了AspectJ的插碼技術。我們的工具會先將負責收集資訊的模組插入應用程式的源碼,並以單元測試的方式執行程式,於程式執行的過程中將分析資訊傳遞給分析模組,利用Java 語言的特性進行汙染資料的追蹤 。另外,我們考慮到以動態分析的方式偵測弱點會因為執行的路徑,導致一些潛在的弱點無法被發現,所以我們利用了線上分析的概念,設計出了線上的污染資料流分析模組,我們的工具結合了上述兩個分析模組所產生的分析結果,提供開網頁應用程式弱點資訊。 / In recent years, development of web application is flourishing and the increasing population of using internet, providing customer service and making business through network has been a prevalent trend. Consequently, the web applications have become the targets of the web hackers. With the progress of information technology, the technique of web attack becomes timeless and widespread. Some approaches have been taken to prevent from web attacks, such as firewall and encrypted connection. But these approaches have a limited effect against these attack techniques. The basic method should be taken is to eliminate the vulnerabilities inside the web application. Program analysis is common technique for detecting these vulnerabilities. There are two major program analysis approaches: static analysis and dynamic analysis. Both these approaches can detect vulnerabilities effectively.
We reviewed several program analysis tools. Most of them are static analysis tool. However, we noticed that it is insufficient to analysis Java program in a static way due to the characteristic of Java language, e.g., polymorphism, reflection and more. Static has its congenital defects in examining these features, because static analysis happens when the program is not executing and lacks of runtime information.
In this thesis, we focus on dynamic analysis of programs, where the analysis occurs when the program is executing, to solve the problems mentioned above in Java web application. In order to retrieving the runtime analysis information, we utilize the instrumentation mechanism provided by AspectJ. We instrument designed module in to the program and gather the needed information and execute the program in a unit testing approach. Our dynamic analysis module retrieves the information from instrumented executing program and utilizes the characteristic of Java to perform the tainted data tracking. We considered the dynamic tracking mechanism will leave some vulnerabilities undiscovered when the program is not completely executed. Hence we adopt the online analysis concept and design an online analysis module to find out the potential vulnerabilities which cannot be detected by dynamically tracking the tainted data. Our analysis tool finally integrates these two analysis results and provides the most soundness analysis result for developers.
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雲端服務中銷售員支援之研究 / A study on sales force support in cloud service翁玉麟 Unknown Date (has links)
客戶關係管理(Customer Relationship Management, CRM)藉由各種資訊技術來留住客戶,以產生更多的商業價值。然而,許多文獻指出,CRM系統的失敗率很高,尤其是CRM主要的核心能力--銷售員自動化(Sales Force Automation, SFA)。研究指出改善的方式包含更好的管理支援、培訓、系統易用性和強烈的使用動機等等。接續此建議,本文提出了一個銷售員支援(Sales Force Support, SFS)系統,藉由線上分析處理(Online Analytical Processing, OLAP)、資料採礦(Data Mining, DM)和雲端服務(Cloud Service)等技術,協助彙整及提供支援銷售員的客戶推薦 (Customer Recommendation)和自我績效評估(Self Evaluation)功能,以刺激更好的銷售能力、滿足客戶與管理。可望提高系統的易用性和業務人員的使用動機,藉以橋接銷售員和管理人員之間的差異。為了評估推薦功能之適用性,本論文也發展一套驗證指標,並採用一套隨機數學模型(Stochastic Mathematical Model),作為強化推薦預測之嘗試。 / Customer Relationship Management (CRM) adopts various information technologies to retain and attain customers in order to generate more business values. However, the earlier studies indicate the failure rate for CRM systems is high and it’s even higher for Sales Force Automation (SFA), a major core in CRM. They usually suggest the enhancement in better management support, more training, user friendliness, and usage motivation, and so on. Following the suggestions, this research proposes a Sales Force Support (SFS) system to integrate technologies like OLAP (Online Analytical Processing), Data Mining (DM), and cloud service, etc. to provide supporting information in customer recommendation and self-evaluation, in order to better stimulate sales and satisfy customer and management. The objectives can be achieved by enhancing the user friendliness and usage motivation, and bridging the differences between sales force and management. To evaluate the fitness of recommendation function, a set of validation measures is also developed. In addition, a stochastic mathematical model is also attempted to enhance the recommendation prediction.
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應用商業智慧之研究:安裝企業管理儀表板之個案分析 / The critical success factors of instalment of a Business Intelligence system--A case study of the Optronics Device Industry陳仁嘉, Chen,akagrant Unknown Date (has links)
商業智慧是近年來企業邁向成功重要的工具,在競爭劇烈的市場上採用商業智慧來作業其管理效果卓越。 企業除了提高產能、準時交貨率、服務品質、客戶滿意度等競爭優勢等;另外降低不良率、減少應收帳款周轉天數、減低庫存周轉率、重工率、報廢率、退貨率、客戶抱怨、成本….等。
本文就是利用商業智慧 (Business Intelligence)的企業管理儀表板 (EMD – Enterprise Management Dashboard)的一個成功的案例,例如:單一畫面全方位管理、多維度互動式 (Multi-Dimensional)、相關性快速分析、交叉分析 (Slice & Dice)、穿透鑽取 (Drill-Through)、上捲下鑽 (Drill-Down & Drill-Up)及線上分析 (OLAP – On Line Analytical Processing)引擎,提供各級主管即時的資訊作為管理工具,即時自動轉為視覺化資訊 (Visualizer Web) – 協助企業快速透視整體營運狀況,進而採取最佳行動方案快速超過對手,創造出良好的營運績效為企業帶來可觀的收益與利潤。
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