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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Renforcement de la dose par rayonnement synchrotron et atomes lourds dans le cadre du traitement des gliomes

Bobyk, Laure 10 November 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Les gliomes de haut grade sont des tumeurs cérébrales de très mauvais pronostic. Le traitement standard proposé combine la chirurgie, la radiothérapie et parfois l'utilisation de témozolomide (agent de chimiothérapie). Une limitation majeure de la radiothérapie provient de la radiosensibilité des tissus sains. La radiothérapie stéréotaxique par rayonnement synchrotron est une technique innovatrice dont le principe est de combiner un rayonnement basse énergie (inférieur à 100 keV) à la présence d'atomes lourds dans la zone tumorale afin d'augmenter la dose déposée et ainsi accroître le différentiel de dépôt de dose entre la tumeur et les tissus sains environnants. Dans cette étude, plusieurs composés contenant des atomes lourds tels que les agents de chimiothérapie : cisplatine/carboplatine, un analogue d'une base de l'ADN : la 5-iodo-2'-désoxyuridine (IUdR) ou bien des nanoparticules d'or ont été considérés. Des études cellulaires ont permis de quantifier les facteurs d'augmentation de dose induits par la présence de ces composés dans l'environnement extracellulaire pour certains et intracellulaire pour d'autres. Lors d'études in vivo effectuées sur des rats porteurs de gliomes, la toxicité, cinétique de distribution et la localisation de ces composés a été déterminée, ainsi que l'efficacité potentielle du traitement associant injection cérébrale et irradiation basse énergie.

Dosimétrie pour la radiothérapie stéréotaxique par rayonnement synchrotron : d'une vision macroscopique aux considérations microscopiques des dépôts d'énergie.

Edouard, Magali 09 July 2010 (has links) (PDF)
De nombreuses stratégies thérapeutiques sont explorées pour trouver un traitement curatif aux gliomes de haut grade pour lesquels il n'existe pas de réelle solution. Parmi ces techniques, la radiothérapie apporte une réponse significative mais limitée par un effet différentiel insuffisant pour éradiquer la tumeur tout en préservant les tissus sains. La radiothérapie stéréotaxique par rayonnement synchrotron permet d'augmenter cet effet différentiel en augmentant localement la dose de rayonnement au niveau de la tumeur, par l'effet synergique d'une irradiation avec des rayons-X de basse énergie (< 100 keV) en présence d'un élément lourd préalablement incorporé à la tumeur. Ce travail de doctorat s'inscrit dans le cadre de la préparation des essais cliniques de radiothérapie stéréotaxique prévus au synchrotron de Grenoble. Le premier objectif de ce travail a été l'optimisation des paramètres l'irradiation basée sur une étude dosimétrique globale des plans de traitement. Nous avons notamment montré l'intérêt d'utiliser un nombre fini et apparié de faisceaux correctement pondérés pour homogénéiser la dose dans la tumeur. La suite de ces travaux a consisté en l'étude de la répartition des dépôts d'énergie à l'échelle cellulaire prenant en compte la distribution fine de l'élément lourd dans le tissu (micro-dosimétrie). Il est en effet crucial que les photoélectrons générés sur les atomes lourds, qui restent dans l'espace extracellulaire dans le cas des agents de contraste iodés, puissent atteindre les cibles cellulaires. Cette approche microdosimétrique a été comparée à des résultats de survie cellulaire obtenus in vitro, soit sur un modèle cellulaire 3D (cellules tumorales cultivées sous forme de sphéroïdes), soit sur des cellules irradiées en suspension dans un milieu iodé.

Que peut-on faire avec un microscope à force atomique dans un porte échantillon d'un synchrotron?

Silveira Rodrigues, Mario Manuel 29 April 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Cette thèse a comme objectif principal la combinaison en temps réel et in-situ de deux types de spectroscopies différentes: la microscopie en champ proche et la spectroscopie avec la lumière de synchrotron. Donc cette thèse a pour but l'introduction de nouvelles techniques expérimentales qui permettent d'explorer les propriétés des matériaux à l'échelle nanométrique. Ces nouveaux instruments sont sensés permettre d'obtenir à la fois une image topographique et un contraste chimique avec une résolution latérale de 10-40 nm. Ceci repousserait les limites de chacune de ces deux familles de spectroscopies et ouvrirait la porte à de nouvelles opportunités de recherche et de défis. Pour réussir cette combinaison in situ et en temps réel, un microscope à force atomique (AFM) a spécialement été construit. Ce microscope a été développé autour d'un diapason à cristal de quartz qui était le capteur de force avec lequel des forces à l'échelle manométrique ont été mesurées. Le microscope développé ici a été utilisé dans différentes lignes de lumières au synchrotron (ESRF) avec deux objectifs essentiellement différents. Un premier objectif était de faire de la spectroscopie, comme la mesure d'un seuil d'absorption, localement au moyen de la pointe de l'AFM. Ce type de mesures a effectivement été fait, mais la résolution latérale obtenue n'était pas donnée par la géométrie de la pointe mais par la taille du faisceau X. La pointe de l'AFM a également été utilisée pour mesurer la diffraction de Bragg dans des cristaux de tailles inférieures au micromètre. Un deuxième objectif a été d'utiliser la pointe de l'AFM pour interagir mécaniquement avec des systèmes à l'échelle nanométrique et simultanément utiliser un faisceau X pour mesurer des changements du paramètre de mailles dans les systèmes en question. Ainsi, la pointe de l'AFM a été utilisée pour déformer élastiquement un cristal de SiGe pendant que le signal de diffraction été mesuré. Ceci a permis d'observer des décalages des pics de Bragg en fonction de la pression appliquée par la pointe. La combinaison in-situ de microscopie atomique avec la diffraction a, cette fois ici, permis d'obtenir le module d'Young d'un cristal à l'échelle nanométrique sans aucun paramètre ajustable.

Photoelectron Spectroscopy on HCl and DCl : Synchrotron Radiation Based Studies of Dissociation Dynamics

Burmeister, Florian January 2003 (has links)
<p>Dissociation dynamics of the ionized molecules HCl and the deuterated system DCl has been studied in gas-phase using synchrotron based photoelectron spectroscopy (PES).</p><p>The inner-valence "(4σ)<sup>-1</sup>" photoionization band for DCl and HCl was recorded using maximum resolution in order to probe an interference pattern between a dissociative and a bound electronic state. For HCl<sup>+</sup>, we clearly observed distorted Fano-type peaks even for modest resolution, whereas for DCl<sup>+</sup>, the pattern was hardly discernible. The observation in HCl<sup>+</sup> has been explained by a coupling between two adiabatic electronic states, where the bound state was populated through non-adiabatic curve-crossing. The nuclear motion of HCl<sup>+</sup> is too fast for the Born-Oppenheimer approximation to be fully valid in this case. Whereas for DCl<sup>+</sup>, with larger reduced mass and therefore slower nuclear motion, the non-adiabatic coupling is less pronounced, and the vibrational progression vanishes.</p><p>A comparative study between PES and threshold photoelectron spectra (TPES) of the inner-valence bands of HCl and DCl has been performed, showing differences in intensities and shapes of the vibrational bands. These differences were attributed to the fact that the sudden approximation, which can be assumed to be valid for PES, is violated in the case of TPES.</p><p>A resonant Auger electron spectroscopy study of HCl and DCl has been performed, which shows an interference pattern between atomic and molecular Auger- and photoelectron channels. The atomic features are associated with ultra-fast dissociation of the molecules, on the same time scale as the Auger decay. The observation shows that the excited molecular system has to be regarded as a superposition of fragmented and molecular states.</p><p>A study of the <i>X</i>-state of HCl<sup>+</sup>, populated via a core-excited state, shows a selective population of the final state. The explanation was shown to be that the magnetic orientation of the core-hole is transferred to the final state of the molecule.</p><p>A setup for data acquisition of Photo-Electron Photo-Ion Photo-Ion COincidence (PEPIPICO) measurements using a Time-Of-Flight (TOF) spectrometer has been developed. A Time-to-Digital Converter (TDC) card has been linked together with the data treatment program Igor as a user interface. Furthermore, the PEPIPICO spectrometer has been characterized to provide a solid basis for the analysis of experimental data.</p>

Zirkulardichroismus-Messungen mit Synchrotronstrahlung am BESSY : Möglichkeiten und Grenzen bei der Untersuchung biologischer Proben / Synchrotron radiation circular dichroism measurements at BESSY : potentials and limitations investigating biological samples

Lengefeld, Jan January 2010 (has links)
In dieser Arbeit wurden die Möglichkeiten und Grenzen für Zirkulardichroismus-Messungen mit Synchrotronstrahlung untersucht. Dazu wurde ein Messaufbau für Zirkulardichroismus-Messungen an zwei Strahlrohren am Berliner Elektronenspeicherring für Synchrotronstrahlung eingesetzt, die für Messungen im Bereich des ultravioletten Lichts geeignet sind. Eigenschaften der Strahlrohre und des Messaufbau wurden in einigen wichtigen Punkten mit kommerziellen Zirkulardichroismus-Spektrometern verglichen. Der Schwerpunkt lag auf der Ausdehnung des zugänglichen Wellenlängenbereichs unterhalb von 180 nm zur Untersuchung des Zirkulardichroismus von Proteinen in diesem Bereich. In diesem Bereich ist es nicht nur die Lichtquelle sondern vor allem die Absorption des Lichts durch Wasser, die den Messbereich bei der Messung biologischer Proben in wässriger Lösung einschränkt. Es wurden Bedingungen gefunden, unter denen der Messbereich auf etwa 160 nm, in einigen Fällen bis auf 130 nm ausgedehnt werden konnte. Dazu musste die Pfadlänge deutlich reduziert werden und verschieden Probenküvetten wurden getestet. Der Einfluss der dabei auftretenden Spannungsdoppelbrechung in den Probenküvetten auf das Messsignal konnte mit einem alternativen Messaufbau deutlich reduziert werden. Systematische Fehler im Messsignal und auftretende Strahlenschäden begrenzen jedoch die Zuverlässigkeit der gemessenen Spektren. Bei Proteinfilmen schränkt die Absorption von Wasser den Messbereich kaum ein. Es wurden jedoch meist deutliche Unterschiede zwischen den Spektren von Proteinfilmen und den Spektren von Proteinen in wässriger Lösung festgestellt. Solange diese Unterschiede nicht minimiert werden können, stellen Proteinfilme keine praktikable Alternative zu Messungen in wässriger Lösung dar. / The possibilities and limitations for synchrotron radiation circular dichroism measurements were investigated in this thesis. Therefore an experimental setup to measure circular dichroism was used at two beamlines at the “Berliner Elektronenspeicherring für Synchrotronstrahlung”(BESSY), which were suitable in the ultraviolet range of light. Properties of the beamlines and the experimental setup were compared to those of commercial circular dichroism spectrometer in some important points. The focus was on the extension of the accessible wavelength range below 180 nm, with the aim to investigate the circular dichroism of proteins in that range. It is not only the light source that limits measurements with aqueous solutions in that range, but mainly the absorption of the light by water. Conditions were found under which the wavelength range was extended to about 160 nm, in some cases even to 130 nm. To achieve this, a significant reduction of the pathlength was necessary. Several sample cells were tested for their usability. The effect of birefringence within the sample cells on the circular dichroism signal could be reduced strongly with an alternative experimental setup. However systematic errors in the circular dichroism signal and appearing radiation damage of the proteins limits the reliability of the measured spectra. By using protein films, the light absorption by water is not a problem anymore. However, significant differences between the circular dichroism spectra of protein films and proteins in aqueous solution occurred in most of the cases. Unless these differences can be eliminated, measuring protein films is not an alternative to measurements in aqueous solution.

Synchrotron radiation induced fluorescence spectroscopy of gas phase molecules

Álvarez Ruiz, Jesús January 2004 (has links)
A new experimental set-up for gas phase fluorescence studies using synchrotron radiation has been designed and constructed to perform simultaneously total and dispersed fluorescence measurements. Neutral photodissociation of CO has been investigated after excitation with 19-26 eV photons. Fluorescence from 3p 3P, 3p 3S and 3p 1D excited states in carbon was recorded and interpreted by ab initio calculations. The population and dissociation of states belonging to the C and D Rydberg series in CO seem to explain the production of the observed triplet states but not the 3p 1D state. Neutral photodissociation of NO is reported in the 17-26 eV energy range. No known molecular states can account for the collected data. New information regarding the precursor states of the observed neutral dissociation is provided by ab initio calculations. Autoionization of superexcited states in molecular nitrogen is evidenced by strong deviations of the Franck-Condon ratio in the fluorescence of the N2+ B state. Ab initio calculations predict the existence of autoionizing-excited states that may account for some of the observed structures in the 20-46 eV energy range. Selective molecular fluorescence from the npó1Óu+ and npð 1Ðu (n=3-7) Rydberg levels to the E,F 1Óg+ state in H2 was recorded and rotationally analyzed. Vibrational levels of the E,F 1Óg+ state (vEF =0,1,3,6-10) are determined. The predissociation of npð 1Ð+ levels is observed in agreement with the literature. Fragmentation of SF6 was investigated after excitation with 25–80 eV photons. Dispersed fluorescence measurements reveal the emission of S, S+, F and F+ excited atoms. These fragments are produced after single, double and triple excitations as well as direct ionizations and shake-ups in SF6. Photoabsorption and fluorescence yield have been measured in SF5CF3 using 10-30eV photons. The photoabsorption spectrum can be explained in terms of its similarities to those of the SF6 and CF4 molecules. The dispersed and un-dispersed fluorescence resemble those of the CF3X family. Several features suggest the migration of an F atom across the S-C bond that fragments the molecule producing excited CF4. Doubly excited states of H2 have been investigated in the range of 26-60 eV by monitoring Balmer á emission. The experimental data show the already known emission correlated with the fragmentation of the Q1 and Q2 states, and new features which could be attributed to dissociative photoionization and higher lying doubly excited states Qn (n&gt;2) of the hydrogen molecule

Free Metal Clusters Studied by Photoelectron Spectroscopy

Andersson, Tomas January 2012 (has links)
Clusters are aggregates of a finite number of atoms or molecules. In the present work, free clusters out of metallic parent materials have been created and studied by synchrotron radiation-based photoelectron spectroscopy. The clusters have been formed and studied in a beam and the electronic structure of the clusters has been investigated. Conclusions have been drawn about the spatial distribution of atoms of different elements in bi-component clusters, about the development of metallicity in small clusters, and about the excitation of plasmons. Bi-component alloy clusters of sodium and potassium and of copper and silver have been produced. The site-sensitivity of the photoelectron spectroscopy technique has allowed us to probe the geometric distribution of the atoms of the constituent elements by comparing the responses from the bulk and surface of the clusters. In both cases, we have found evidence for a surface-segregated structure, with the element with the largest atoms and lowest cohesive energy (potassium and silver, correspondingly) dominating the surface and with a mixed bulk. Small clusters of tin and lead have been probed to investigate the development of metallicity. The difference in screening efficiency between metals and non-metals has been utilized to determine in what size range an aggregate of atoms of these metallic parent materials stops to be metallic. For tin this has been found to occur below ~40 atoms while for lead it happened somewhere below 20-30 atoms. The excitation of bulk and surface plasmons has been studied in clusters of sodium, potassium, magnesium and aluminium, with radii in the nanometer range. The excitation energies have been found to be close to those of the corresponding macroscopic solids. We have also observed spectral features corresponding to multi-quantum plasmon excitation in clusters of Na and K. Such features have in macroscopic solids been interpreted as due to harmonic plasmon excitation. Our observations of features corresponding to the excitation of one bulk and one surface plasmon however suggest the presence of sequential excitation in clusters.

Gas phase molecular relaxation probed by synchrotron radiation experiments

Rius i Riu, Jaume January 2002 (has links)
This thesis presents experimental studies of gas phasemolecular relaxation after excitation with synchrotron photonsin the 15-35 eV and in the 70-350 eV regions. In the 15-35 eV region, molecular relaxation by neutraldissociation processes and non Franck-Condon effects in N2 and O2 molecules have beenstudied by means of dispersed fluorescence and photoelectronspectroscopy experimental techniques, respectively. From thedispersed fluorescence data, excitation functions for themeasured atomic fluorescence spectra have been obtained. Fromthe recorded photoelectron spectra vibrational branching ratioshave been produced. The results obtained reveal that Rydbergseries and singly and doubly excited valence states of theappropriate symmetry energetically accessible in the studiedregion and interactions between themaccount for most of theobserved effects in these two type of experiments. In the 70-350 eV range, molecular relaxation processesresulting in fragmentation of CD4 and SF6 after absorption ofsynchrotron light have been studied by energy resolved electronion coincidence technique using a multicoincidence experimentalstation developed by our group during the last five years forsuch type of experiments. The coincidence measurements yieldedmass spectra from which information about the kinematics of thedetected fragments has been deduced by means of Monte Carlosimulations of the experimental peak shapes. The obtainedresults show completely different dissociation patternsdepending on the molecular electronic states studied. Thesepatterns reflect the bonding properties of the excited orbitalsand they permit the description and in some cases theidentification of the different molecular relaxation pathwaysobserved. The achievements presented in this thesis exemplifythe potential of the multicoincidence station used in thereported experiments.

Photoelectron Spectroscopy on HCl and DCl : Synchrotron Radiation Based Studies of Dissociation Dynamics

Burmeister, Florian January 2003 (has links)
Dissociation dynamics of the ionized molecules HCl and the deuterated system DCl has been studied in gas-phase using synchrotron based photoelectron spectroscopy (PES). The inner-valence "(4σ)-1" photoionization band for DCl and HCl was recorded using maximum resolution in order to probe an interference pattern between a dissociative and a bound electronic state. For HCl+, we clearly observed distorted Fano-type peaks even for modest resolution, whereas for DCl+, the pattern was hardly discernible. The observation in HCl+ has been explained by a coupling between two adiabatic electronic states, where the bound state was populated through non-adiabatic curve-crossing. The nuclear motion of HCl+ is too fast for the Born-Oppenheimer approximation to be fully valid in this case. Whereas for DCl+, with larger reduced mass and therefore slower nuclear motion, the non-adiabatic coupling is less pronounced, and the vibrational progression vanishes. A comparative study between PES and threshold photoelectron spectra (TPES) of the inner-valence bands of HCl and DCl has been performed, showing differences in intensities and shapes of the vibrational bands. These differences were attributed to the fact that the sudden approximation, which can be assumed to be valid for PES, is violated in the case of TPES. A resonant Auger electron spectroscopy study of HCl and DCl has been performed, which shows an interference pattern between atomic and molecular Auger- and photoelectron channels. The atomic features are associated with ultra-fast dissociation of the molecules, on the same time scale as the Auger decay. The observation shows that the excited molecular system has to be regarded as a superposition of fragmented and molecular states. A study of the X-state of HCl+, populated via a core-excited state, shows a selective population of the final state. The explanation was shown to be that the magnetic orientation of the core-hole is transferred to the final state of the molecule. A setup for data acquisition of Photo-Electron Photo-Ion Photo-Ion COincidence (PEPIPICO) measurements using a Time-Of-Flight (TOF) spectrometer has been developed. A Time-to-Digital Converter (TDC) card has been linked together with the data treatment program Igor as a user interface. Furthermore, the PEPIPICO spectrometer has been characterized to provide a solid basis for the analysis of experimental data.

Studies of Inorganic Layer and Framework Structures Using Time-, Temperature- and Pressure-Resolved Powder Diffraction Techniques

Krogh Andersen, Anne January 2004 (has links)
This thesis is concerned with in-situ time-, temperature- and pressure-resolved synchrotron X-ray powder diffraction investigations of a variety of inorganic compounds with twodimensional layer structures and three-dimensional framework structures. In particular, phase stability, reaction kinetics, thermal expansion and compressibility at non-ambient conditions has been studied for 1) Phosphates with composition MIV(HPO4)2·nH2O (MIV = Ti, Zr); 2) Pyrophosphates and pyrovanadates with composition MIVX2O7 (MIV = Ti, Zr and X = P, V); 3) Molybdates with composition ZrMo2O8. The results are compiled in seven published papers and two manuscripts. Reaction kinetics for the hydrothermal synthesis of α-Ti(HPO4)2·H2O and intercalation of alkane diamines in α-Zr(HPO4)2·H2O was studied using time-resolved experiments. In the high-temperature transformation of γ-Ti(PO4)(H2PO4)·2H2O to TiP2O7 three intermediate phases, γ'-Ti(PO4)(H2PO4)·(2-x)H2O, β-Ti(PO4)(H2PO4) and Ti(PO4)(H2P2O7)0.5 were found to crystallise at 323, 373 and 748 K, respectively. A new tetragonal three-dimensional phosphate phase called τ-Zr(HPO4)2 was prepared, and subsequently its structure was determined and refined using the Rietveld method. In the high-temperature transformation from τ-Zr(HPO4)2 to cubic α-ZrP2O7 two new orthorhombic intermediate phases were found. The first intermediate phase, ρ-Zr(HPO4)2, forms at 598 K, and the second phase, β-ZrP2O7, at 688 K. Their respective structures were solved using direct methods and refined using the Rietveld method. In-situ high-pressure studies of τ-Zr(HPO4)2 revealed two new phases, tetragonal ν-Zr(HPO4)2 and orthorhombic ω-Zr(HPO4)2 that crystallise at 1.1 and 8.2 GPa. The structure of ν-Zr(HPO4)2 was solved and refined using the Rietveld method. The high-pressure properties of the pyrophosphates ZrP2O7 and TiP2O7, and the pyrovanadate ZrV2O7 were studied up to 40 GPa. Both pyrophosphates display smooth compression up to the highest pressures, while ZrV2O7 has a phase transformation at 1.38 GPa from cubic to pseudo-tetragonal β-ZrV2O7 and becomes X-ray amorphous at pressures above 4 GPa. In-situ high-pressure studies of trigonal α-ZrMo2O8 revealed the existence of two new phases, monoclinic δ-ZrMo2O8 and triclinic ε-ZrMo2O8 that crystallises at 1.1 and 2.5 GPa, respectively. The structure of δ-ZrMo2O8 was solved by direct methods and refined using the Rietveld method.

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