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A Comparative Analysis of the Patterns of Language Development between Children with Williams syndrome and Children with Down syndromeHart, Erin Elizabeth January 2011 (has links)
Thesis advisor: Penny Hauser-Cram / Williams syndrome (WS) is a genetic disorder marked by a microdeletion of approximately 25 genes on chromosome 7. Down syndrome (DS) is a genetic disorder marked by a chromosomal abnormality in which an additional copy of chromosome 21 is present in some or all cells. A comparative analysis of language acquisition between populations of children with WS and populations of children with DS yielded largely different patterns in language development. Phonology was found to be largely intact in children with WS, while children with DS struggled to produce intelligible and articulate speech. Semantics proved an area of relative strength in comparison to other areas of language development in both populations. Syntax was found to be a relative strength in the WS population, while children with DS struggled with syntactic output. Both groups exhibited difficulties in syntactic processing. In contrast to common conceptions regarding pragmatic strengths in children with WS, results indicated that gesture, narrative and discourse were areas of relative weakness in this population. Gesture, narrative and discourse proved areas of relative strength for children with DS. / Thesis (BA) — Boston College, 2011. / Submitted to: Boston College. College of Arts and Sciences. / Discipline: College Honors Program.
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A Grammar of WampisPeña, Jaime 23 February 2016 (has links)
This dissertation constitutes the first attempt at describing the grammar of Wampis (Spanish: Huambisa), a language spoken in the Peruvian Amazon. Wampis belongs to the so-called Jivaroan family of languages and is closely related to sister languages Awajun, Shuar, Shiwiar and Achuar. The grammar introduces the Wampis people and some aspects of their culture and history before analyzing the major aspects of the language from a grammatical perspective.
Wampis possesses a complex prosodic system that mixes features of tone and stress. Vowel elision processes pervade most morphophonological processes. Nasalization is also present and spreads rightward and leftward through continuants and vowels. Every word in Wampis needs at least one high tone, but more can occur in a word.
Morphologically, Wampis is a very rich language. Nouns and especially verbs have very robust morphology. Affixes and enclitics contribute different meanings to words. Some morphemes codify semantic categories that are not grammatically codified in many other languages, such as sudden realization, apprehensive and mirative modalities. An outstanding feature of Wampis is the pattern of argument indexation on the verb, which follows an uncommon pattern in which the verb agrees with the object (and not with the subject) if the object is a Plural Speech Act participant. Parallel to this pattern of argument indexation is the typologically uncommon pattern of object marking in Wampis, whereby a third person object noun phrase is not marked as an object if the subject is a first plural, second singular or second plural person.
Wampis exhibits a nominative-accusative alignment. All notional objects (direct, indirect, object of applicative) are treated identically in the syntax. The preferred order is A P V.
Wampis also possesses a sophisticated system of participant tracking, which is instantiated in the grammar via switch-reference markers. Another typologically uncommon feature of Wampis is the presence of a sub-system of switch-reference markers that track a participant that is not a subject.
Throughout the twenty-one chapters of this grammar, other issues of Wampis related to different areas of phonology, morphology and syntax are also addressed and described from a functional and a typological perspective.
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Stadsgatans överlevnad : En studie av förhållandet mellan utbud, densitet och urban formEkman Öhrn, August, Wirf, Pontus January 2019 (has links)
Staden som en handelsplats har djupa rötter och handelns form i våra städer förändras löpande, i samtiden kanske framförallt genom e-handelns intåg. Arenan för kommersiell service är i ständig förändring och när våra städer förtätas har vi genom planering chans att påverka förutsättningarna för kommersiell service. Föremålet för denna studie är förhållandet mellan densitet, service och urban form. Sambandet mellan densitet och urban kommersiell ställs mot en integrationsanalys enligt space syntax för att identifiera om olika områdens urbana form påverkar tillgången till urban kommersiell service. Genom fallstudier av Stockholm och Göteborg visar uppsatsen att över- och underrepresentation av urban kommersiell service i förhållande till befolkningsdensiteten framförallt förekommer i de centrala delarna av staden, men underrepresentation oftare i anslutning till större barriärer. Områden med höga integrationsvärden kan i studiens båda fall kopplas till en stor överrepresentation av kommersiell service.
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Aspectos dos sintagmas nominais em karitiana: a quantificação universal / Aspects of noun phrases in Karitiana: universal quantificationThiago Coutinho da Silva 17 February 2009 (has links)
De uma maneira geral, este trabalho tem como objetivos descrever e analisar alguns aspectos dos Sintagmas Nominais em Karitiana. Primeiramente, retomamos as discussões de Müller, Storto e Coutinho-Silva (2006a,b) e Sanchez-Mendes (2007) acerca da quantificação em Karitiana e descrevemos o comportamento do suposto quantificador Universal: akatyym, propondo que em Karitiana exista um processo específico de \'quantificação\' que não pode ser tratado como quantificação nominal ou adverbial conforme descrito em Bach et al (1995), pois o que nossa análise tanto do ponto de vista morfossintático, quanto do ponto de vista semântico aponta é que NP+akatyym é uma sentença relativa com núcleo interno, e sua suposta força quantificacional de Universal pode ser justificada como uma característica das relativas livre de núcleo interno que ao interpretar semanticamente seus núcleos nominais internamente ao CP, gera uma operação que tem como resultado semântico uma denotação de entidade plural máxima ou completa (cf. Grosu & Landman, 1998). Além disso, este trabalho analisa alguns fatos inter-relacionados dentro do Sintagma Nominal: analisamos as estruturas demonstrativas, mostrando que elas também são melhor analisadas como sentenças relativas e propomos uma descrição e análise dos pronominais em Karitiana tanto do ponto de vista da Morfologia Distribuída, seguindo os trabalhos de Ritter e Harley (1998), Hanson, Harley e Ritter (2000) e Harley e Ritter (2002) para a composição da geometria de traços no paradigma dos pronomes pessoais na língua, quanto dos recursos envolvidos na ligação e co-denotação (Büring, 2005). Por fim, apontamos que a não existência de um item lexical específico para a Quantificação Universal Nominal, de pronomes demonstrativos e de uma efetiva morfologia de número nos pronomes pessoais corroboram a hipótese de não existência da categorial funcional DP nos nominais em Karitiana proposta por Müller, Storto & Coutinho-Silva (2006a,b). / In a general aspect, this work has as its goals to describe and analyze some aspects of the Karitiana Noun Phrases. First, we take up again the discussions from Müller, Storto & Coutinho-Silva (2006a,b) and Sanchez-Mendes (2007), on Karitianas quantification, and we describe the behaviour of the alleged universal quantifier: akatyym, proposing that, in Karitiana, there is a specific quantificational process that cannot be treated as noun ou adverbial quantification as described in Bach et al (1995), since what our analysis shows from the morphossyntactic, as well as the semantic point of view, is that NP +akatyym is a internalheaded relative clause, and its alleged Universal quantificational force can be justified as a characteristic of the internal-headed free relatives, that, as it interprets its nominal heads semantically DP-internally, generates an operation which has as its semantic result a denotation of plural maximum or complete entity (cf. Grosu & Landman, 1998). Besides, this work analyzes a few interesting facts correlated within the Noun Phrase: we analysed the demonstrative structures, showing that they are best analyzed as relative clauses, and we propose a description and an analysis of the Karitiana pronouns from both the Distributed Morphology point of view, following the works of Ritter & Harley (2002), for the feature geometry composition for the person pronouns paradigm, and also of the resources involved in binding and co-denotation (Büring, 2005). At last, we point that the non-existance of a specific lexical item for universal quantification of nominals, of demonstrative pronouns and of an effective number morphology in the personal pronouns corroborate the hypothesis of non-existance of the functional category DP in the Karitiana nouns, as proposed by Müller, Storto & Coutinho- Silva (2006a,b).
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Variação paramétrica em predicados complexos e nomes compostos: um estudo translinguístico / Parametric variation in complex predicates and compound names: a translinguistics studyBarbosa, Julio William Curvelo 12 December 2012 (has links)
O objetivo desta tese é discutir a noção de Parâmetro dentro da Gramática Gerativa (CHOMSKY, 1986, inter alia), com base na observação de dados do português brasileiro (doravante PB) e do inglês, partindo das definições apresentadas no Parâmetro de Composição (SNYDER, 1995, 2001). A partir da descrição das propriedades formais dos dados das duas línguas acima mencionadas, esta tese mostra que o Parâmetro de Composição da maneira como é definido precisa ser reformulado, seja do ponto de vista do seu escopo empírico, seja da sua definição formal, pelos seguintes fatos: (a) os nomes compostos N+N do inglês se mostram semanticamente idênticos a expressões nominais complexas do tipo N + de + N do PB, e o Parâmetro de Composição depende exatamente da presença de compostos N+N para explicar sua distinção paramétrica; (b) a definição de predicados complexos proposta por Snyder é muito abrangente, dado que o PB apresenta construções que, segundo a formulação do referido parâmetro, não deveriam ser permitidas nessa língua, como (i) construções causativas, (ii) construções locativas (iii) construções dativas e (iv) construções perceptuais. É motivado, então, propor que essas construções não devam ser consideradas parte do escopo do parâmetro proposto por Snyder (op. cit.). Por conta da necessidade da reformulação dos fenômenos empíricos abarcados pelo Parâmetro de Composição, é apresentada uma nova análise em que há não um, mas dois parâmetros em jogo. Restritos pelo Parâmetro de Emolduração, predicados complexos puros, como construções resultativas, verbo+partícula e, consequentemente, isolamento de preposição, são impossíveis em PB por consequência das suas características tipológicas de emolduração sendo essa uma língua emoldurada pelo verbo (TALMY, 2000) analisada nesta tese como apresentando uma configuração estrutural semelhante a uma estrutura diádica composta (HALE; KEYSER, 2002). Já nomes compostos e construções de alternância dativa (construções dativas e construções de objeto duplo) são compatíveis com propriedades de estruturas diádicas básicas (idem). O segundo parâmetro o Parâmetro de Realização Fonológica de Núcleos é o responsável por explicar a diferença, em PF, na ordem dos elementos que participam dessas construções, apesar de leituras semânticas idênticas quando comparando inglês e PB. O suporte teórico do quadro teórico da Morfologia Distribuída (HALLE; MARANTZ, 1993) é utilizado nesta tese, pois ele permite enquadrar expressões nominais e expressões verbais sob o mesmo modelo de análise sintática. Além disso, a proposta de Mateu & Rigau (1999) para acomodar a teoria sobre as propriedades tipológicas das línguas naturais feita por Talmy (2000) permite que as intuições e análises deste último autor pudessem ser incorporadas nesta tese, para explicar a distinção entre PB e inglês em termos puramente sintáticos, i.e., em propriedades dos traços formais e categorias funcionais envolvidas. Como consequência do modelo em que a análise é desenvolvida, esta tese sugere que as noções de variação paramétrica devam ser revistas, já que o locus da variação (léxico versus sintaxe), assim como suas propriedades distintivas deixam de ser motivadas dentro de um sistema computacional que deriva tanto expressões nominais quanto verbais. / The goal of this dissertation is to discuss the notion of Parameter within Generative Grammar (CHOMSKY, 1986, among others), based on the observation of data from Brazilian Portuguese (henceforth BP) and English, departing from the definitions presented by the Compounding Parameter (SNYDER, 1995, 2001). Based on a description of the formal properties of the data in both of the above mentioned languages, this dissertation shows that the Compounding Parameter in the way it is defined needs a reanalysis, both from the point of view of its empirical scope and its formal definition, for the following facts: (a) English N+N compounds are shown to be semantically identical to complex nominal expressions of the type N + de + N, from BP, and the Compounding Parameter depends exactly on the presence of N+N compounds in order to explain its parametric distinction; (b) the definition of complex predicates proposed by Snyder is too broad, given that BP presents constructions that, given the formulation of the mentioned parameter, should not be allowed in this language, such as (i) causative constructions, (ii) locative constructions, (iii) dative constructions and (iv) perceptual constructions. It is motivated, then, to claim that these constructions should not be considered part of the scope of the parameter proposed by Snyder (op. cit.). Provided the need to reformulate the empirical relations the Compounding Parameter suggests, a new analysis is presented, in which there is not one, but two parameters at stake. Restricted by the Framing Parameter, pure complex predicates, such as resultative constructions, verb-particle and, consequently, preposition stranding, are not possible in BP due to its verb-framed typological characteristics (TALMY, 2000) presenting a structural configuration similar to a composite dyadic structure (HALE; KEYSER, 2002). Compounds and dative shift constructions (dative constructions and double object constructions), on the other hand, are compatible with basic dyadic structures (idem). The second parameter the Phonological Head Realization Parameter is the responsible for explaining the difference, at PF, in the order of the elements which play a role in these constructions, despite identical semantic readings when comparing English and BP. The theoretical support from the Distributed Morphology framework (HALLE; MARANTZ, 1993) is used on this dissertation, since it allows placement of both nominal and verbal expressions under the same syntactic analysis model. Besides this fact, Mateu & Rigaus (1999) proposal to accommodate the theory about the typological properties of the natural languages, made by Talmy (2000) allows that the intuitions and analyses of this last author could be incorporated into this dissertation, in order to explain the distinction between BP and English on purely syntactic terms, i.e., by the properties of the forma features and functional categories involved. As a consequence of the model in which the analysis is developed, this dissertation suggests that the notions of parametric variation should be revised, since the locus of variation (lexicon versus syntax), as well as its distinctive properties are no longer motivated within a computational system that derives both nominal and verbal expressions.
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Razão e emoção, o talento de Fritz Jank: de como sintaxe e semântica integram-se na obra do virtuose / Reason and Emotion,The talented Fritz Jank: and the way Syntax and Semantics integrate in his workLenza, Bernadete 14 March 2008 (has links)
Esta Tese estuda o papel da Razão e da Emoção no virtuosismo, como se integram aí sintaxe e semântica. Procuramos entender como a obra de arte é vivida, intuída, tanto no momento da sua concepção quanto no momento da sua execução. Nosso objetivo específico foi o de estudar como as composições de Ludwig van Beethoven encontram resplendor artístico nas mãos do virtuose Fritz Jank. Depois de várias leituras, cursos, estudos sobre a obra musical escolhemos como nosso referencial teórico, a obra de Suzanne Langer por harmonizar-se inteiramente com a linha de pesquisa Razão e Emoção, do Laboratório de Epistemologia Genética do qual participamos. Sua formação néo-kantiana, grandemente influenciada por Ernst Cassirer, permitiu-nos uma compreensão e uma visão da obra de arte e especialmente da música, perfeitamente inseridas na produção científica desse Laboratório. Um virtuose necessita ter o domínio da sintaxe da linguagem musical, ou seja, o domínio do conhecimento musical. Entretanto, quando só há a técnica, aos artistas parece faltar humanidade, paixão, emoção. Procuramos mostrar como, tanto a razão quanto a emoção, estão unidas, quer para a composição, quer para a interpretação musicais. O virtuose, assim, transcende esses aspectos, pois necessita ser um artista com excepcional domínio da técnica, da sintaxe da linguagem musical, além de ter profunda sensibilidade musical. Para fundamentar esta pesquisa realizamos comparações das interpretações pianísticas de Fritz Jank com as de outros grandes mestres do teclado, em execuções de algumas sonatas de Ludwig van Beethoven, por nós selecionadas. Neste trabalho procuramos dar uma idéia da carreira musical de Fritz Jank como professor e virtuose, recolhendo dados dos jornais, entrevistando alguns de seus contemporâneos e até acompanhando cursos sobre a sua obra. Esperamos assim, prestar uma homenagem ao grande mestre, nosso professor, que presenteou seus ouvintes com magníficas interpretações pianísticas e enriqueceu a vida, sobretudo o espírito, de todos aqueles que tiveram o privilégio não só de ouvi-lo, mas também de com ele aprender. / The current Thesis deals with the rule of reason and emotion in virtuosism and the way they integrate themselves in syntax and semantics. We try to understand how one lives and feels the work of art, both at the moment of its creation as well as when its being performed. Our specific aim was studying how Ludwig van Beethovens compositions could achieve success in the hands of the virtuose Fritz Jank. After a lot of reading, course attending and studies we decided to choose, as our theoretical reference the works of Suzanne Langer as it totally combines with the Reason and Emotion research field of our Genetic Epistemology Laboratory. Suzanne Langer´s neo-kantian upbringing greatly influenced by Ernst Cassirer, gave us a better understanding and feeling of the work of art and music inserted in this laboratorys scientific production. A virtuose needs to master the syntax of musical language, that means, the mastery of musical knowledge. However, when there is only technique it looks as though the artists lack humanity, passion and emotion. Thats why we try to demonstrate how reason and emotion are related to each other both in the creation of composition and musical interpretation. This way, the virtuose is the one who transcends these aspects because he needs to be an artist with outstanding mastery of technique and syntax and, along with that, have deep musical sensitivity. In order to give fundaments to this research we have done comparisons between Fritz Jank´s piano interpretations and other piano masters on some of Ludwig van Beethovens sonatas previously selected by us. In this work we try to give an idea about the musical career of Fritz Jank, as a Professor and virtuose, by collecting data from newspapers, interviewing some of his contemporaries and even taking courses on his works. Through this way we want to pay a tribute to the Great Master, our teacher, who gifted his listeners with magnificent piano interpretations that enriched the lives and above all, the spirits of all those who had the privilege of not only listen to him (his plays) but also of learning from him.
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Les prédicats idéophoniques serbes : syntaxe et sémantique / Serbian predicative ideophones : syntaxe and semanticMilosavljević, Tanja 15 November 2018 (has links)
Les prédicats idéophoniques serbes représentent une classe de mots très courante, surtout dans la langue orale. Ces mots, qui s'apparentent par leur forme morphologique des idéophones d'une part, et qui sont dotés d’une fonction prédicative de l'autre, sont souvent classés parmi les interjections. Cependant, leur fonctionnement n'est pas celui des interjections. Le présent travail de thèse propose une première investigation sur ces formes, encore très peu étudiées dans la langue serbe. La thèse commence par une définition de la classe des prédicats idéophoniques, leur rapport avec les interjections, les onomatopées et les verbes. La partie centrale est consacrée à l'étude syntactico-sémantique de chacun de 32 prédicats idéophoniques répertoriés en serbe moderne : dans la littérature, la presse et sur Internet. Une partie synthétique présente les réflexions plus générales sur les particularités phonologiques de ces formes, les spécificités de la réalisation de leurs composants et des constructions qu'elles intègrent, de même que les problèmes de la prédication et de la prédication seconde que posent certaines formes. Sont étudiées aussi les formes synonymes et les particularités de dérivation des verbes issus d'idéophones. Une analyse sémantique plus affinée permet de différencier les idéophones à sémantique très proche, qui se situent surtout dans le domaine de « tomber » ou dans celui de « frapper ». Une conclusion générale clôt la thèse en reprenant les résultats obtenus et fait quelques comparaisons avec le fonctionnement de ces formes en russe, ce qui permet de situer la présente étude dans une perspective typologique. / Serbian predicative ideophones represent a very frequent class of words in Serbian, especially in conversational language. These words that have a morphological form of the ideophone on the one hand and a predicative function on the other, are often classified as interjections. However, these words dont have a fonction of interjection.This thesis work proposes the first investigation of these words, that are still poorly studied in the Serbian language. The thesis begins with a definition of the class of predicative ideophones, their relation to interjections, onomatopeia and verbs. The central part is dedicated to the syntactico-semantic analyses of 32 predicative ideophones identified in modern Serbian language : in the literature, the press and on the Internet. A synthetic part presents the more general reflections about the phonological particularity of these forms, the specificity of the realization of their components and the constructions that these forms integrate, as well as the predicate and the second predication in some forms. Synonymous forms and derivation of verbs from ideophones are also studied. A more refined semantic analysis allows to differentiate ideophones of very close meaning, specially for the expression of « falling » or « hitting ». In the main conclusion are made some comparisons with the function of predicative ideophones in the Russian language. So the present study may be situated in a typological perspective.
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Nominal structure and ellipsis in Jordanian ArabicAlhailawani, Mohammad January 2018 (has links)
This thesis investigates the structure of DPs in Jordanian Arabic (JA) focusing on Nominal Ellipsis (NE). Cross-linguistically, research on NE has produced a number of perspectives on the mechanisms involved in the licensing of NE. I argue that most of the mainstream approaches to NE cannot capture the full set of the ellipsis facts in JA, and that the ellipsis data in JA can be best captured under the ellipsis and stranding approach of Saab and Lipt ak (2016). I show that ellipsis takes place at two levels inside the DP, and that pronominalization arises as a by-product of a stranded affix scenario due to the application of ellipsis at the lower NP level. The investigation of NE in JA has implications for the structure of DPs containing numerals and for possessive DPs. It will be shown that that two classes of numerals in JA occupy different structural positions in the extended nominal projection giving rise to different agreement patterns and affecting the possibilities of ellipsis. As concerns possessive DPs, I investigate the behaviour of the Construct State and Free State constructions under ellipsis. I argue that the two constructions behave differently under ellipsis, and that the possessor DP merges in different positions. Overall, this thesis contributes signi cantly to the debate on the necessary conditions(s) for ellipsis licensing in the DP. It also has implications for the structure of the DP in Arabic.
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On the content of empty categoriesBouchard, Denis January 1982 (has links)
Thesis (Ph.D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Linguistics and Philosophy, 1982. / MICROFICHE COPY AVAILABLE IN ARCHIVES AND HUMANITIES / Bibliography: leaves 506-514. / by Denis Bouchard. / Ph.D.
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On the relationship of the lexicon to syntaxZubizarreta, Maria Luisa January 1982 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Linguistics and Philosophy, 1982. / MICROFICHE COPY AVAILABLE IN ARCHIVES AND HUMANITIES / Vita. / Bibliography: leaves 253-256. / by Maria Luisa Zubizarreta. / Ph.D.
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