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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Comparison of polarimetric methods in image classification and SAR interferometry applications

Alberga, Vito 23 January 2004 (has links)
In this thesis, an analysis of the various parameters derivable from polarimetric SAR measurements is reported. The theory related to polarimetry and the state of the art of its application to remote sensing of the Earth by means of SAR systems are thoroughly discussed. The experimental part of this work pursues the task of analyzing all the relevant polarimetric parameters. In the first part of the thesis, a systematic study of the different ways of examining polarimetric data has been performed. The main aim was to evaluate possible differences among the various polarimetric observables and the amount and usefulness of the information they contain. In this context, these observables have been compared by means of the accuracy estimates resulting from classification tests of real polarimetric SAR data. In the analysis proposed here, such accuracy estimates act as an objective measure of the “utility” of the observables. In the second part, some of the aforementioned polarimetric observables have been used for interferometric applications. The main objective was to determine if a characterization of volume scattering, one of the terms affecting the interferometric coherence, is possible. Once again a comparison of the selected parameters has been done in terms of their capability to reduce the effects of volume scattering in interferometric coherence images. Since this work is intended as a general survey of polarimetric observables, completeness has been an important goal, which the author hopes to have achieved. The twofold view of the investigations reported here, oriented both to classification and interferometry, contributes to a comprehensive understanding of the parameters under study. Keywords: Radar imaging, synthetic aperture radar (SAR), SAR polarimetry, SAR interferometry, polarimetric SAR interferometry, image classification. / In dieser Arbeit wird über die Analyse von unterschiedlichen Parametern, ermittelt vom polarimetrischen SAR, berichtet. Die Theorie der Polarimetrie und der Stand der Technik in der Radarfernerkundung der Erdoberfläche, die auf SAR-Systemen beruhe, ist gründlich dargestellt. Der experimentelle Anteil dieser Arbeit beinhaltet die Analyse von allen relevanten polarimetrischen Parametern. Der erste Teil ist eine systematische Untersuchung von polarimetrischen Daten, wobei unterschiedliche Wege analysiert werden. Die Hauptaufgabe besteht darin, sowohl die möglichen Unterschiede zwischen den verschiedenen Eingangsparametern als auch die Anzahl von Parametern und deren Nutzen zur Informationsgewinnung zu untersuchen. Demzufolge wurden die Eingangsparameter hinsichtlich ihrer Klassifikationsgenauigkeit auf vorhandene SAR Daten verglichen. In der vorgeschlagenen Untersuchung stellen die Genauigkeitsanalysen ein objektives Kriterium für den sogenannten “Nutzen” der Eingangsparameter dar. Im zweiten Teil wurden die zuvor genannten polarimetrischen Eingangsparameter für die interferometrische Anwendung eingesetzt. Im Vordergrund stand die Bestimmung der Volumenstreuung und deren Einfluss auf eines der Elemente der interferometrischen Kohärenz. Auch hier fand ein Vergleich der ausgesuchten Parameter in Bezug auf ihre Fähigkeit, den Effekt der Volumenstreuung in der interferonmetrischen Kohärenz zu reduzieren, statt. Diese Arbeit möchte eine allgemeine Erfassung von polarimetrischen Eingangsparametern geben, wobei ein wichtiger Punkt, vom Autor hoffentlich erreicht, die Vollständigkeit ist. Die doppelte Sicht der vorgestellten Untersuchungen, angelehnt an die Polarimetrie und Interferometrie, trägt zu einem umfassenden Verständnis der Parameter in dieser Arbeit bei. Stichworte: Abbildendes Radar, Synthetisches Apertur Radar (SAR), SAR-Polarimetrie, SAR-Interferometrie, Polarimetrische SAR-Interferometrie, Klassifikation.

Hairy switches and oscillators - reconstructing the zebrafish segmentation clock

Oswald, Annelie 30 January 2014 (has links)
Formation of segments during vertebrate embryogenesis is regulated by a biological clock. Models and experimental data indicate that the core of this clock consists of a cell- autonomous single cell oscillator. This oscillator likely involves a genetic feedback loop of transcriptional repressors belonging to the hairy gene family. In zebrafish, three her genes, her1, hes6 and her7, have been identified as core oscillator components. The main purpose of this project was to study the molecular mechanism of the hairy gene negative feedback oscillator in single cells. To determine whether a single cell oscillator is part of the zebrafish segmentation clock, a cell dissociation protocol was established to track the expression of Her1 ex vivo. Upon dissociation, Her1 expression continued to oscillate for up to three cycles. The period of oscillations was significantly slower than that of the segmentation clock, but appears to speed up in the presence of serum. To test whether the hairy gene interactions are sufficient to generate oscillations in single cells, a protocol was established that uses synthetic biology principles to design, construct and characterize hairy gene networks in yeast. First a library of network parts, containing hairy genes, promoters and Her binding sites was generated and subsequently assembled into simple devices to test their functionality in yeast. The three core oscillator components, Her1, Hes6 and Her7, were characterized and optimized for expression in yeast. In the SWITCH-OFF assay, the Her1 protein, modified with a MigED yeast repressor domain, was found to function as a transcriptional repressor in yeast, while Hes6 with the same modification can not. The dissociation of segmentation clock cells provides the first direct evidence that single cell oscillators exist in zebrafish. In this system, oscillator dynamics can be studied without the interactions of higher level clock components. In parallel, establishing a yeast chassis for hairy gene networks provides a novel technique to directly test predicted oscillator mechanisms by constructing them ’bottom up’.

A universal transfer route for graphene

Gorantla, Sandeep, Bachmatiuk, Alicja, Hwang, Jeonghyun, Alsalman, Hussain A., Young Kwak, Joon, Seyller, Thomas, Eckert, Jürgen, Spencer, Michael G., Rümmeli, Mark H. 02 December 2019 (has links)
Often synthetic graphene requires transfer onto an arbitrary substrate prior to use because the substrate it was originally synthesized on is inappropriate for either electrical measurement or characterization. While a variety of routes have been developed they are substrate dependant and often involve the use of harsh treatments. Here we present a facile and cheap route that can be applied to graphene over any substrate. This universal transfer route is based on a wet chemical reaction producing gaseous species which can intercalate between the substrate and the graphene and thus gently delaminate the two.

Min-Protein Waves on Geometrically Structured Artificial Membranes

Schweizer, Jakob 06 February 2013 (has links)
Das stäbchenförmige Bakterium Escherichia coli teilt sich in zwei gleich große Tochterzellen. Dies ist nur möglich, wenn sich die Zelle in der Mitte teilt. Bei E. coli wird die Zellteilung durch den Zusammenschluss der FtsZ-Proteine an der Membran zum Z-Ring eingeleitet. Topologische Regulierung des Z-Ringes erfolgt durch räumlich-zeitliche Oszillationen von Min-Proteinen zwischen den beiden Zellpolen. MinC, MinD und MinE binden an und lösen sich von der Membran unter Hydrolyse von ATP und in antagonistischer Art und Weise, was zu einer alternierenden Ansammlung von MinC und MinD an den Zellpolen führt. Gemittelt über die Zeit ergibt sich somit ein MinD-Verteilungsprofil, das maximale Konzentration an den Zellpolen und ein Minimum in der Zellmitte aufweist. MinC bindet an MinD und folgt somit seiner Verteilung. Der Zusammenschluss von FtsZ-Proteinen wird durch MinC unterbunden, und somit kann sich der Z-ring nur an einer Position herausbilden, die ein Minimum an MinC aufweist - der Zellmitte. Das Min-system wurde in der Vergangenheit auch mit einem in-vitro-Ansatz untersucht, indem Min-Proteine in künstliche, aufliegende Lipiddoppelschichten (supported lipid bilayers, SLB) rekonstitutiert wurden. Dabei bildeten die Min-Proteine kein oszillierendes Muster aus, sondern organisierten sich vielmehr in parallelen und propagierenden Wellen (Loose, 2008, Science, 320). In diesen in-vitro-Experimenten war das Membransubstrat wesentlich größer als die Wellenlänge der Min-Proteinwellen. In vivo hingegen ist die Länge der Zelle in der gleichen Größenordnung wie die charakteristische Länge des Oszillationsmusters der Min-Proteine. Daher war es das Ziel dieser Arbeit, den Einfluß einer beschränkten Fläche und geometrischer Formgebung der künstlichen Lipiddoppelschichten auf die Wellenpropagation der Min-Protein zu untersuchen. Flächige Beschränkung künstlicher Membranen erfolgte durch Mikrostrukturtechnologie. Deckglässchen wurden mit einer Goldschicht und mikroskopischen Aussparungen unterschiedlicher geometrischer Formen strukturiert. Funktionale SLBs bildeten sich nur auf Glasflächen ohne Goldbeschichtung aus. Nach der Rekonstitution der Min-Proteine, organisierten sich diese auf den Membranstücken in parallele Wellen. Dabei bestimmte die flächige Beschränkung der künstlichen Membranen die Ausbreitungsrichtung der Min-Proteinwellen. Min-Proteinwellen konnten entlang gekrümmter Membranstreifen, in Ring- und sogar in Slalomstrukturen geleitet werden. In geraden, länglichen Strukturen richteten sich die Wellen entlang der längsten Achse aus. Kopplung von Proteinwellen auf räumlich getrennten Membranstücken in Abhängigkeit des Abstandes und des sogenannten Molecular Crowdings in der wässrigen Lösung konnte ebenfalls beobachtet werden. Diese Kopplung ist ein Indiz für inhomogene Proteinverteilungen in der Lösung oberhalb der Membran. Desweiteren konnten Min-Proteinwellen auch in diversen dreidimensionalen künstlichen Membranen rekonstitituiert werden. Im Wildtyp von E. coli ähneln die Min-Proteindynamiken der einer Oszillation mit einer charakteristischen Länge von 5 µm. Auf SLBs, bilden Min-Proteine Wellen mit einer Wellenlänge aus, die ca. zehnmal größer ist als in vivo. Dieser Unterschied zwischen der in-vivo- und der in-vitro-Welt wurde untersucht und diskutiert. In vitro konnte die Wellenlänge um 50 % durch Erhöhung des Molecular Crowding in der Lösung sowie um 33 % durch Temperaturerhöhung verkleinert werden. Das oszillierende Muster könnte dahingegen eine Folge der Kompartimentierung sein. Erste Versuche, das Min-System in geschlossene Membrankompartimente zu rekonstitutieren, wurden getestet. / Escherichia coli, a rod-like bacterium, divides by binary fission. Cell division into two daughter cells of equal size requires that fission takes place at a midcell position. In E. coli, cell division is initiated by assembly of the FtsZ-proteins at the inner membrane to the Z-ring. Topological regulation of the Z-ring is achieved by spatiotemporal pole-to-pole oscillations of Min-proteins. MinC, MinD and MinE bind to and detach from - under hydrolysis of ATP - the membrane in an antagonistic manner leading to an alternating accumulation of MinC and MinD at the cell poles. Averaged over time, the distribution profile of MinD exhibits maximal concentration at the cell poles and a minimum at the cell center. MinC binds to MinD and thus follows its distribution. FtsZ assembly is inhibited by MinC and therefore the Z-ring can only form at a cell position low in MinC - at the cell center. In the past, the Min-system was also investigated in an in vitro approach by reconstitution of Min-proteins into a supported lipid bilayer (SLB). Here, Min-proteins did not self-organize into an oscillatory pattern but into parallel and propagating waves (Loose, 2008, Science, 320). In this in vitro assay, the membrane substrate was infinitely large compared to the wavelength. However, in vivo, the cell length is on the same order of magnitude as the respective length scale of the oscillatory pattern of Min-proteins. Therefore, we wished to investigate the effect of lateral confinement and geometric structuring of artificial lipid bilayers on the Min-protein wave propagation. Lateral confinement of artificial membranes was achieved by microfabrication technology. Glass slides were patterned by a gold coating with microscopic windows of different geometries, and functional SLBs were only formed on uncoated areas. Upon reconstitution, Min-proteins organized into parallel waves on the geometric membrane patches. Confinement of the artificial membranes determined the direction of propagation of Min-protein waves. Min-protein waves could be guided along curved membrane stripes, in rings and even along slalom-geometries. In elongated membrane structures, the protein waves always propagate along the longest axis. Coupling of protein waves across spatially separated membrane patches was observed, dependent on gap size and level of molecular crowding of the aqueous media above the bilayer. This indicates the existence of an inhomogeneous and dynamic protein gradient in the solution above the membrane. Furthermore, reconstitution of Min-protein waves in various three-dimensional artificial membranes was achieved. In wild-type E. coli, Min-protein dynamics resemble that of an oscillation with a characteristic length scale of 5 µm. On supported lipid bilayers, Min-proteins self-organize into waves with a wavelength approximately 10-fold larger than in vivo. These discrepancies between the in vivo and in vitro world were investigated and discussed. In vitro, the wavelength could be decreased by a factor of 50 % by increase of the molecular crowding in solution and by 33 % through temperature increase. The oscillatory pattern is thought to be a consequence of compartmentalization and first attempts to encapsulate the Min-system in closed bilayer compartments are presented.

Synthesis of Photo Crosslinked and pH Sensitive Polymersomes and Applications in Synthetic Biology

Gaitzsch, Jens 14 March 2013 (has links)
As an inspiration from nature, polymeric vesicles can be formed from amphiphilic block-copolymers. These vesicles are called polymersomes and have applications in drug delivery and as nanoreactors. Within this thesis, photo cross-linked and pH sensitive polymersomes were synthesized, characterized and applied on cells as well as bionanoreactors. The stability due to the crosslinking yielded polymersomes which show a distinct and reproducible swelling upon repeated pH changes. If the non cross-linked vesicles were exposed to a plasma-cleaned surface, they formed a tethered singly and multiple bilayers. Upon studying these membranes, they turned out to harden upon crosslinking and showed a completely non-fluid behaviour. Additionaly, the polymersome-cell interactions were studied and yielded a high influence of the crosslinking conditions on cellular toxicity. If crosslinked for a long time in a phosphate-free enviroment, the polymersomes proved to be least toxic. Finally, an enzyme was incorporated into the polymersomes to create bionanoreactors. Due to the pH sensitivity and swelling, the vesicles created yielded a pH controlled nanoreactor with enzymatic activity and a swollen, e.g. acidic, state only.

Functional characterization and structural modeling of synthetic polyester degrading hydrolases from Thermomonospora curvata

Wei, Ren, Oeser, Thorsten, Then, Johannes, Kühn, Nancy, Barth, Markus, Schmidt, Juliane, Zimmermann, Wolfgang January 2014 (has links)
Thermomonospora curvata is a thermophilic actinomycete hylogenetically related to Thermobifida fusca that produces extracellular hydrolases capable of degrading synthetic polyesters. Analysis of the genome of T. curvata DSM43183 revealed two genes coding for putative polyester hydrolases Tcur1278 and Tcur0390 sharing 61% sequence identity with the T. fusca enzymes. Mature proteins of Tcur1278 and Tcur0390 were cloned and expressed in Escherichia coli TOP10. Tcur1278 and Tcur0390 exhibited an optimal reaction temperature against p-nitrophenyl butyrate at 60°C and 55°C, respectively. The optimal pH for both enzymes was determined at pH 8.5. Tcur1278 retained more than 80% and Tcur0390 less than 10% of their initial activity following incubation for 60 min at 55°C. Tcur0390 showed a higher hydrolytic activity against poly(ε-caprolactone) and polyethylene terephthalate (PET) nanoparticles compared to Tcur1278 at reaction temperatures up to 50°C. At 55°C and 60°C, hydrolytic activity against PET nanoparticles was only detected with Tcur1278. In silico modeling of the polyester hydrolases and docking with a model substrate composed of two repeating units of PET revealed the typical fold of α/β serine hydrolases with an exposed catalytic triad. Molecular dynamics simulations confirmed the superior thermal stability of Tcur1278 considered as the main reason for its higher hydrolytic activity on PET.:Introduction; Materials and methods; Results; Discussion

On-water surface synthesis of charged two-dimensional polymer single crystals via the irreversible Katritzky reaction

Wang, Zhiyong, Zhang, Zhen, Qi, Haoyuan, Ortega-Guerrero, Andres, Wang, Lihuan, Xu, Kun, Wang, Mingchao, Park, SangWook, Hennersdorf, Felix, Dianat, Arezoo, Croy, Alexander, Hartmut, Cuniberti, Gianaurelio, Weigand, Jan J., Kaiser, Ute, Dong, Renhao, Feng, Xinliang 23 January 2023 (has links)
Two-dimensional polymers (2DPs) and their layer-stacked 2D covalent organic frameworks (2D COFs) are classes of structurally defined crystalline polymeric materials with exotic physical and chemical properties. Yet, synthesizing 2DP and 2D COF single crystals via irreversible reactions remains challenging. Here we report the synthesis of charged 2DP (C2DP) single crystals through an irreversible Katritzky reaction, under pH control, on a water surface. The periodically ordered 2DPs comprise aromatic pyridinium cations and counter BF4− anions. The C2DP crystals, which are composed of linked porphyrin and pyrylium monomers (C2DP-Por), have a tunable thickness of 2–30 nm and a lateral domain size up to 120 μm2. Single crystals with a square lattice (a = b = 30.5 Å) are resolved by imaging and diffraction methods with near-atomic precision. Furthermore, the integration of C2DP-Por crystals in an osmotic power generator device shows an excellent chloride ion selectivity with a coefficient value reaching ~0.9 and an output power density of 4 W m−2, superior to those of graphene and boron nitride.

Reduced replication origin licensing selectively kills KRAS-mutant colorectal cancer cells via mitotic catastrophe

Gastl, Bastian 25 October 2018 (has links)
KRAS ist eines der am häufigsten mutierten Onkogene in Darmkrebspatienten. Dies macht es zu einem guten Ansatzpunkt für gezielte Krebstherapien. Trotz jahrzehntelanger Forschungsbemühungen hat sich jedoch keines der zur Inhibition des mutierten KRAS entwickelten Medikamente klinisch etablieren können. Um eventuelle Schwachstellen von KRAS mutierten Darmkrebszellen aufzudecken, wurde in der vorliegenden Studie ein shRNA basierter Screen in CaCo2 Zellen mit konditioneller KRAS(G12V) Expression ausgeführt. Die maßangefertigte shRNA-Bibliothek umfasste 121 ausgewählte Gene, die zuvor nach MEK Inhibition als stark hoch- oder herunterreguliert identifiziert wurden. Der Screen sowie die Screen-Validierung zeigten, dass KRAS(G12V) exprimierende CaCo2 Zellen besonders sensitiv für den Knockdown des DNA Replikationslizensierungsfaktors Minichromosome Maintenance Complex Component 7 (MCM7) waren, wohingegen sich KRAS(wt) CaCo2 Zellen als weitestgehend resistent gegenüber des MCM7 Knockdowns erwiesen. Ähnliche Ergebnisse wurden im isogenen DLD 1 Zellmodell erzielt. Des Weiteren hat der Knockdown von MCM7 spezifisch in KRAS mutierten Zellen zu erhöhtem Replikationsstress geführt, der durch gesteigerte nukleare RPA Fokalisierung nachgewiesen wurde. Weitere Untersuchungen haben außerdem eine signifikant erhöhte Anzahl an mitotischen Zellen nach gleichzeitigem MCM7 Knockdown und KRAS(G12V) Expression ergeben. Diese Zunahme an mitotischen Zellen wurde zusätzlich von einer stark angestiegenen Anzahl an DNS Schäden in der Mitose begleitet. Das hohe Maß an DNS Schäden in der Mitose kann auf den gesteigerten Replikationsstress zurückgeführt werden, der ungelöst zu einer gestörten Segregation der Chromosomen in der Mitose führt. Zusammenfassend zeigen die Ergebnisse, dass KRAS mutierte Darmkrebszellen sensitiv auf den Knockdown von MCM7 sind. Demzufolge könnte die Inhibition von DNS Replikationslizensierung ein geeigneter Ansatz für die gezielte Therapie von KRAS mutierten Darmkrebs sein. / KRAS ist eines der am häufigsten mutierten Onkogene in Darmkrebspatienten. Dies macht es zu einem guten Ansatzpunkt für gezielte Krebstherapien. Trotz jahrzehntelanger Forschungsbemühungen hat sich jedoch keines der zur Inhibition des mutierten KRAS entwickelten Medikamente klinisch etablieren können. Um eventuelle Schwachstellen von KRAS mutierten Darmkrebszellen aufzudecken, wurde in der vorliegenden Studie ein shRNA basierter Screen in CaCo2 Zellen mit konditioneller KRAS(G12V) Expression ausgeführt. Die maßangefertigte shRNA-Bibliothek umfasste 121 ausgewählte Gene, die zuvor nach MEK Inhibition als stark hoch- oder herunterreguliert identifiziert wurden. Der Screen sowie die Screen-Validierung zeigten, dass KRAS(G12V) exprimierende CaCo2 Zellen besonders sensitiv für den Knockdown des DNA Replikationslizensierungsfaktors Minichromosome Maintenance Complex Component 7 (MCM7) waren, wohingegen sich KRAS(wt) CaCo2 Zellen als weitestgehend resistent gegenüber des MCM7 Knockdowns erwiesen. Ähnliche Ergebnisse wurden im isogenen DLD 1 Zellmodell erzielt. Des Weiteren hat der Knockdown von MCM7 spezifisch in KRAS mutierten Zellen zu erhöhtem Replikationsstress geführt, der durch gesteigerte nukleare RPA Fokalisierung nachgewiesen wurde. Weitere Untersuchungen haben außerdem eine signifikant erhöhte Anzahl an mitotischen Zellen nach gleichzeitigem MCM7 Knockdown und KRAS(G12V) Expression ergeben. Diese Zunahme an mitotischen Zellen wurde zusätzlich von einer stark angestiegenen Anzahl an DNS Schäden in der Mitose begleitet. Das hohe Maß an DNS Schäden in der Mitose kann auf den gesteigerten Replikationsstress zurückgeführt werden, der ungelöst zu einer gestörten Segregation der Chromosomen in der Mitose führt. Zusammenfassend zeigen die Ergebnisse, dass KRAS mutierte Darmkrebszellen sensitiv auf den Knockdown von MCM7 sind. Demzufolge könnte die Inhibition von DNS Replikationslizensierung ein geeigneter Ansatz für die gezielte Therapie von KRAS mutierten Darmkrebs sein. / With KRAS being one of the most frequently altered oncogenes in colorectal cancer (CRC), it is an obvious target for cancer therapy. However, despite enormous efforts over the past three decades to target mutated KRAS, not a single drug has made it to the clinic. To unravel vulnerabilities of KRAS-mutant CRC cells, a shRNA-based screen was performed in CaCo2 cells harboring conditional oncogenic KRAS(G12V). The custom-designed shRNA library comprised 121 selected genes, which were previously identified to be strongly up- or downregulated in response to MEK inhibition. The screen as well as the subsequent validations showed that CaCo2 cells expressing KRAS(G12V) were sensitive to the suppression of the DNA replication licensing factor Minichromosome Maintenance Complex Component 7 (MCM7), whereas KRAS(wt) CaCo2 cells were largely resistant to MCM7 suppression. Similar results were obtained in an isogenic DLD-1 cell culture model. Knockdown of MCM7 in a KRAS-mutant background led to replication stress as indicated by increased nuclear RPA focalization. Further investigation showed a significant increase in mitotic cells after simultaneous MCM7 knockdown and KRAS(G12V) expression. The increased percentage of mitotic cells coincided with strongly increased DNA damage in mitosis. Taken together, the accumulation of DNA damage in mitotic cells is due to replication stress that remained unresolved, which results in mitotic catastrophe and cell death. In summary, the data show a vulnerability of KRAS mutant cells towards suppression of MCM7 and suggest that inhibiting DNA replication licensing might be a viable strategy to target KRAS-mutant cancers.

Potentials of oxymethylene-dimethyl-ether in diesel engine combustion

Saupe, Christopher, Atzler, Frank 04 June 2024 (has links)
The increasing CO2 concentration in the atmosphere and the resulting climate change require an immediate and efficient reduction of anthropogenic carbon-dioxide emission. This target can be achieved by the usage of CO2-neutral fuels even with current technologies (Schemme et al. in Int J Hydrogen Energy 45:5395–5414, 2020). Diesel engines in particular are amongst the most efficient prime movers. Using oxymethylene-dimethyl-ether (OME) it is possible to solve the hitherto existing Soot-NOx-Trade-off. OME has bounded oxygen in the molecular chain. This reduces the formation of soot, but equally the calorific value. But in considerance of the physical and chemical properties of OME, it could be useful to optimize the standard diesel engine into an OME engine. As a result, single-cylinder tests were performed to obtain a detailed analysis of the differences between OME3-5 and commercially available DIN EN 590 Diesel. Based on the fact that OME has gravimetrically less than half the calorific value of diesel, twice the fuel mass must be injected for the same energy release in the combustion chamber. Therefore, at the beginning of the investigations, a variation of the injector flow rate was carried out by means of different nozzle hole diameters. The evaluation of the results included the fundamental differences in the combustion characteristics of both fuels and the determination of efficiency-increasing potentials in the conversion of OME3-5. Due to the lower ignition delay and the shorter combustion time of OME, potentials in the optimisation of the injection setting became apparent. Higher energy flows over the combustion chamber wall were noticeable in operation with OME. To get to the bottom of this, the single-cylinder investigations were supported by tests on the optically accessible high-pressure chamber and the single-cylinder transparent engine. The optical images showed a narrower cone angle and greater penetration depth of the OME injection jet compared to the diesel injection jet. This confirmed the results from the single-cylinder tests. This provides further potential in the design of the injector nozzle to compensate for these deficits. Overall, this work shows that operation with OME in a classic diesel engine is possible without any significant loss in efficiency and with little effort in the hardware. However, it is also possible to achieve more efficient use of the synthetic fuel with minor adjustments.

First Synthesis, Confirmation of Stereochemistry, and Cytotoxic Activity of Oxyfungiformin

Rahelivao, Marie Pascaline, Bauer, Ingmar, Lübken, Tilo, Kataeva, Olga, Vehlow, Anne, Cordes, Nils, Knölker, Hans-Joachim 04 June 2024 (has links)
The relative configuration of the marine sesquiterpenoid oxyfungiformin, isolated from the soft coral Capnella fungiformis, was confirmed by synthesis using the natural product guaiol as chiral precursor. The absolute configuration of oxyfungiformin could be assigned by combination of X-ray diffraction and comparison of the values for the specific optical rotation. Oxyfungiformin and a diastereoisomer showed cytotoxic activity in cells originating from cancers of the lung, breast, and cervix.

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