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Effects of a nontraditional beef cattle finishing system on performance, carcass quality, and economicsGuelker, Lakan D. 13 August 2024 (has links) (PDF)
Crossbred beef heifers [Year 1, n = 12 initial body weight (BW) = 400.5 kg] and beef steers (Year 2, n = 24, initial body weight (BW) = 401.9 kg] were used to compare the effect of non-traditional, low-input finishing diets (CORN and SBH) to a traditional finishing diet (DIET) in a small-scale finishing system on animal performance, carcass characteristics, and economic impact. In Year 1, cattle were finished for 132d (n = 6) or 174d (n = 6) and in Year 2, cattle were finished for 154d (n = 8), 162d (n = 8), and 196d (n = 7) then harvested. No differences were noted on animal BW or G:F; however, dry matter intake (DMI) (P = < 0.0001) and average daily gain (ADG) (P = 0.0053) was greater for DIET compared to CORN and SBH. No differences were noted in total cost of gain, however there were differences on cost per animal (Year 1, P = < 0.0001; Year 2, P = 0.0003). Results indicate CORN and SBH diets could be a viable option to finish beef just as efficiently as a total mixed ration (DIET).
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Development of infrared spectroscopic methods to assess table grape qualityDaniels, Andries Jerrick 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScAgric)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The two white seedless table grape cultivars, Regal Seedless and Thompson Seedless fulfil a
very important role in securing foreign income not only for the South African table grape
industry, but the South African economy as a whole. These two cultivars, however, are like so
many other white table grape cultivars, also prone to browning, especially netlike browning on
Regal Seedless and internal browning on Thompson Seedless grapes. This leads to huge
financial losses every year, since there is no established way to assess at harvest, during
storage or during packaging, whether the grapes will eventually turn brown. In other words,
there is no well-known protocol of assessing the browning risk of a particular batch of grapes
prior to export. Numerous studies have been undertaken to determine the exact cause of
browning and how it should be managed, but to date, no chemical or physical parameter has
been firmly associated with the phenomenon.
The overall aim of this study was thus to find an alternative way to deal with the problem by
investigating the potential of near infrared (NIR) spectroscopy as a fast, non-destructive
measurement technique to determine the browning potential of whole white seedless table
grapes. A secondary aim was the determination of optimal ripeness of table grapes. In this way
harvest maturity and quality indicative parameters namely total soluble solids (TSS), titratable
acidity (TA), pH, glucose and fructose, also associated with the browning phenomenon, was
quantified using models based on infrared spectra.
Three different techniques (a) Fourier transform Near Infrared (FT-NIR), (b) Fourier
transform – Mid Infrared (FT-MIR) and (c) Fourier transform – Mid Infrared Attenuated Total
Reflectance (FT-MIR ATR) spectroscopy were investigated to determine these parameters. This
was done so that a platform of different technologies would be available to the table grape
The grapes used in this study were harvested over two years (2008 and 2009) and were
sourced from two different commercial vineyards in the Hex River valley, Western Cape, South
Africa. Different crop loads (the total amount of bunches on the vines per hectare) were left for
Regal Seedless (75 000, 50 000 and 35 000) and for Thompson Seedless (75 000 and 50 000).
Three rows were used for Regal Seedless and two rows for Thompson Seedless. Each row had
six sections which each represented a repetition for each crop load. In 2008 these cultivars
were harvested early at 16°Brix, at optimum ripeness (18°Brix) and late at 20°Brix. In 2009 they
were harvested twice at the optimum ripeness level.
Berries from harvested bunches were crushed and the juice was used to determine the
reference values for the different parameters in the laboratory according to their specific
methods. The obtained juice was also scanned on the three different instruments. Different
software (OPUS 6.5 for the FT-NIR and FT-MIR ATR instruments and Unscrambler version 9.2
for the FT-MIR instrument) as well as different spectral pre-processing techniques were also
evaluated before construction of the models for all the instruments.
Partial least squares (PLS) regression was used for the construction of the different
calibration models. Different regression statistics, that included the root mean square error for
prediction (RMSEP); the coefficient of determination (R2); the residual prediction deviation
(RPD) and the bias were used to evaluate the performance of the developed calibration models.
Calibration models which are fit for screening purposes were obtained on the FT-NIR and FTMIR
ATR instruments for TSS (11.40 - 21.80°Brix) (R2 = 85.92%, RMSEP = 0.71 °Brix RPD =
2.67 and bias = 0.03°Brix), pH (2.94 - 3.9) (R2 = 85.00%, RMSEP = 0.08 RPD = 2.59 and bias =
-0.01) and TA (4.3 - 13.1 g/L), (R2 = 90.77%, RMSEP = 0.48 g/L RPD = 3.30 and bias = -0.03
g/L). Models for fructose (46.70 – 176.82 g/L) (R2 = 74.66%, RMSEP = 9.28 g/L RPD = 2.00 and
bias = 1.10 g/L) and glucose (20.36 – 386.67 g/L) (R2 = 70.71%, RMSEP = 11.10 g/L RPD = 1.87 and bias = 1.64 g/L) were obtained with the FT-NIR and FT-MIR ATR instruments that
were in some instances fit for screening purposes and in some instances unsuitable for
quantification purposes. The FT-MIR instrument gave models for all the parameters that were
not yet suitable for quantification purposes.
Combined spectral ranges used for calibration were often similar for some parameters,
namely 12 493 - 5 446.2 for TSS and pH, 6 101.9 - 5 446.2 for TSS, TA and fructose and
4 601.5 - 4 246.7 for pH and fructose on the FT-NIR instrument, 2 993.2 - 2 322.3 for pH, TA
and glucose and 1 654.3 - 649.4 for pH and glucose on the FT-MIR ATR instrument and
sometimes they were adjacent (3 996.6 - 3 661.2, 3 663.5 - 3 327.7 and 3 327.2 - 2 322.3 for
TSS and glucose, 1 988.3 - 1 652.8 and 1 654.3 - 649.4 for TSS, pH and TA. Other times they
were overlapping (1 654.3 - 649.4 and 1 318.8 - 649.4) for pH, TA and fructose on the FT-MIR
ATR instrument. This is a very good sign for transfer of this technology to a handheld device,
where adjacent and/ or overlapping wavenumbers are crucial. Instruments which have to
determine different parameters over large spectral ranges are not only impractical, because the
instrument has to be big, but because it is also very expensive.
Another advantage of implementing especially FT-NIR spectroscopy as a fast, accurate and
inexpensive technique for determining harvest maturity and quality parameters is because no
sample preparation is necessary and very little waste (few single berries tested) is produced.
This is a pre-requisite which is highly recommended in the green era that we are currently living
in and will do so for aeons to come. A platform of technologies has now been made available
through this study for the determination of the respective parameters in future table grape
samples by just taking their spectra on one of the instruments. Indeed something that has not
been possible or available for the South African table grape industry before. Berries for the browning experiments were scanned on a FT-NIR instrument immediately
after harvest (before cold storage) and again after cold storage. Before cold storage they were
scanned on each side of the berry and after cold storage they were scanned twice on a brown
spot if browning was present and twice on a clear spot, irrespective of whether browning was
present or not. Inspection of the berries for the incidence of browning after cold storage
revealed that Regal Seedless had a higher incidence of browning (68% in 2008 and 66% in
2009) than Thompson Seedless (21% in 2008 and 25% in 2009). Regal Seedless was also
more prone to external browning, specifically netlike browning, whereas Thompson Seedless
was more prone to internal browning, despite the different phenotypes of browning that were
present on both.
Principal component analysis (PCA) done on the spectra obtained before and after cold
storage revealed that NIR can capture the changes related to cold storage with the first principal
components explaining almost 100% of the variation in the spectra. Classification models also
build using PCA was based on spectra of berries that remained clear before and after cold
storage and those that turned brown after cold storage. Classification models of berries based
on spectra obtained after cold storage (browning present) had a better total accuracy (94% for
training- and 87% for test datasets), than the classification models based on spectra obtained
before cold storage (79% for training- and 64% for test datasets). The implication of this is that
the current models will be able to classify berries in terms of those which have turned brown
already and those that remained clear better after cold storage than before cold storage, which
is the critical stage where we want to actually know whether the berries will turn brown or not.
The potential, however, to use NIR spectroscopy to detect browning before harvest already on
white seedless grapes is still present, since all these models were built using the whole NIR
spectrum. No variable selection was thus done and all the different browning phenotypes were
also used together. Further analysis of the data will thus be based on using variable selection techniques like particle swarm optimization (PSO) to select certain wavelengths strongly
associated with the browning phenomenon and only on the main types of browning (netlike on
Regal Seedless and internal browning on Thompson Seedless). This study has major
implications for the table grape industry, since it is the first time that the possibility to predict
browning with other methods than visual inspection, especially before cold storage, is shown. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die twee wit pitlose tafeldruif kultivars, Regal Seedless en Thompson Seedless onderskeidelik,
speel 'n baie belangrike rol in die verkryging van buitelandse inkomste, nie net vir die Suid-
Afrikaanse tafeldruif industrie nie, maar ook vir die Suid-Afrikaanse ekonomie as 'n geheel.
Hierdie twee kultivars is egter, soos baie ander wit kultivars, ook geneig tot verbruining. Dit is
veral netagtige verbruining op Regal Seedless en interne verbruining op Thompson Seedless
wat pertinent is. Hierdie belangrike kwaliteitsprobleme lei jaarliks tot groot finansiële verliese,
aangesien daar huidiglik geen gevestigde prosedure is om voor oes, tydens opberging of
tydens verpakking te bepaal of die druiwe uiteindelik gaan verbruin nie. Met ander woorde, daar
is geen gevestigde protokol vir die beoordeling van die verbruinings risiko van 'n bepaalde
groep druiwe voor dit uitgevoer word nie. Talle studies is alreeds onderneem om vas te stel wat
die presiese oorsaak van hierdie verskynsel is en hoe dit bestuur moet word, maar geen enkele
aspek wat bestudeer is kon tot op hede, herhaaldelik ge-assosieer word met die presiese
oorsaak van verbruining nie.
Die oorkoepelende doel van hierdie studie was dus om 'n alternatiewe manier te kry om
hierdie probleem aan te spreek. ‘n Ondersoek na die potensiaal van naby infrarooi (NIR)
spektroskopie as 'n vinnige en nie-vernietigende metings tegniek om die verbruinings potensiaal
van ‘n wit pitlose tafeldruifkorrel wat nog heel is te bepaal, is onderneem. 'n Sekondêre doel
was om die bepaling van optimale rypheid van tafeldruiwe te onderosek. Op hierdie manier is
oesrypheid, en die kwaliteitsfaktore, naamlik totale oplosbare vastestowwe (TOVS), titreerbare
suur (TS), pH, glukose en fruktose, wat ook gekoppel word aan die voorkoms van verbruining,
deur middel van infrarooi (IR) spektroskopie modelle gekwantifiseer. Drie verskillende infrarooi
metodes naamlik (a) die Fourier transform naby infrarooi (FT-NIR), (b) Fourier transform - Mid
Infrarooi (FT-MIR) en (c) Fourier transform - Mid Infrarooi Verswakte Totale Refleksie (FT-MIR
VTR) spektroskopie is gebruik om die aspekte te bepaal. Dis gedoen sodat 'n platform van
tegnologie beskikbaar sou wees vir die tafeldruif industrie. Die druiwe wat in hierdie studie gebruik is, is oor twee jaar (2008 en 2009) en van twee
verskillende kommersiële wingerde in die Hexriviervallei, Wes-Kaap, Suid-Afrika ge-oes.
Verskillende oesladings (die totale aantal trosse op die wingerdstokke per hektaar) is vir Regal
Seedless (75 000, 50 000 en 35 000) en Thompson Seedless (75 000 en 50 000) gelaat. Daar
is drie rye gebruik Regal Seedless en twee vir Thompson Seedless. Elke ry het ses vakkies
gehad wat dan verteenwoordigend was van ‘n herhaling vir elke oeslading. In 2008 is hierdie
kultivars by vroeë rypwording (16°Brix), by optimale rypheid (18°Brix) en by laat rypheid
(20°Brix) geoes. In 2009 is dit twee keer by die optimale rypheidsgraad geoes. Vir die bepaling
van oesrypheid, en die kwaliteitsapekte is verskillende sagteware (OPUS 6.5 op die FT-NIR en
FT-MIR VTR instrumente en Unscrambler weergawe 9.2 vir die FT-MIR instrument) sowel as
verskillende spektrale voor-verwerking tegnieke ëvalueer voor die konstruksie van die kalibrasie
modelle op die verskillende instrumente.
Parsiële kleinste kwadraat (PKK) regressie is gebruik vir die opstel van kalibrasiemodelle
vir die bepaling van laasgenoemde aspekte. Verskillende statistieke gegewens is gebruik om
die kalibrasie modelle te evalueer, naamlik die bepalingskoëffisiënt (R2), die vierkantswortelgemiddelde-
kwadraat fout vir voorspelling (VGKV), relatiewe voorspellingsafwyking (RVA) en
sydigheid. Kalibrasie modelle wat geskik is vir keuring is verkry op die FT-NIR en FT-MIR VTR
instrumente vir TOVS (11.40 – 21.80°Brix) (R2 = 85.92%, VGKV = 0.71°Brix, RVA = 2.67 en
sydigheid = 0.03°Brix), pH (2.94 – 3.9) (R2 = 85.00%, VGKV = 0.08 g/L, RVA = 2.59 en
sydigheid = -0.01 g/L), en TS (4.3 – 13.1 g/L), (R2 = 90.77%, VGKV = 0.48 g/L RVA = 3.30 en
sydigheid = -0.03 g/L). Modelle vir fruktose (46.70-176.82 g/L) (R2 = 74.66%, VGKV = 9.28 g/L
RVA = 2.00 en sydigheid = 1.10 g/L) en glukose (20.36 – 386.67 g/L) (R2 = 70.71%, VGKV = 11.10 g/L RVA = 1.87 en sydigheid = 1.64 g/L) is verkry met die FT-NIR en FT-MIR VTR
instrumente wat in sommige gevalle gepas was vir keuringsdoeleindes en in sommige gevalle
nie geskik was vir kwantifiserings doeleindes nie. Die FT-MIR-instrument het modelle vir al die
aspekte gegee wat nog nie vir kwantifiserings doeleindes of vir keuringsdoeleindes geskik was
Gekombineerde spektrale reekse is gebruik vir die kalibrasies wat dikwels soortgelyk was
vir sommige aspekte naamlik 12 493 - 5 446.2 vir TOVS en pH, 6 101.9 - 5 446,2 vir TOVS, TS
en fruktose en 4 601.5 - 4 246.7 vir pH en fruktose op die FT-NIR instrument, 2 993.2 - 2 322.3
vir pH, TA en glukose en 1 654.3 – 649.4 vir pH en glukose op die FT-MIR VTR instrument.
Andersyds, was dit aangrensend (3 996.6 - 3 661.2, 3 663.5 - 3 327.7 en 3 327.2 - 2 322.3) vir
TOVS en glukose, 1 988.3 - 1 652.8, 1 654.3 – 649.4 vir TOVS, pH en TS en ander tye was dit
weer oorvleuelend 1 654.3 – 649.4 en 1 318.8 – 649.4 vir pH, TS en fruktose op die FT-MIR
VTR instrument. Dit is 'n baie goeie teken vir die oordrag van hierdie tegnologie na ‘n
handgedraagde instrument, waar aanliggende en/of oorvleuelende golfnommers noodsaaklik is.
Instrumente wat verskillende aspekte oor groot spektrale reekse moet bepaal is nie net
onprakties, omdat die instrument groot moet wees nie, maar dit is ook baie duur.
Nog 'n voordeel van die implementering van veral FT-NIR spektroskopie as 'n vinnige,
akkurate en goedkoop tegniek vir die bepaling van oesrypheid, en die kwaliteit aspekte van
druiwe is omdat daar geen monster voorbereiding nodig is nie en baie min afval (paar enkele
korrels word gemonster) geproduseer word. 'n Voorvereiste wat sterk aanbeveel kom in die
groen era waarin ons tans leef en nog vir eeue van nou af gaan doen. ‘n Platform van
tegnologie is nou beskikbaar gestel deur middel van hierdie studie vir die bepaling van die
onderskeie aspekte in toekomstige tafeldruif monsters deur net op een van die instrumente
hulle spektra te neem. Inderdaad iets wat nie voorheen moontlik of beskikbaar was vir die Suid-
Afrikaanse tafeldruif industrie nie. Korrels vir die verbruiningseksperimente is geskandeer direk na oes (voor koelopberging)
en weer na koelopberging. Dit was voor koelopberging op elke kant van die korrel skandeer en
na koelopberging was dit twee maal skandeer op 'n bruin vlek indien verbruining teenwoordig
was en twee keer op 'n helder plek, ongeag of verbruining teenwoordig was of nie. Inspeksie
van die korrels vir die voorkoms van verbruining na koelopberging het aan die lig gebring dat
Regal Seedless 'n hoër voorkoms van verbruining (68% in 2008 en 66% in 2009) as Thompson
Seedless (21% in 2008 en 25% in 2009) gehad het. Regal Seedless was ook meer geneig om
eksterne verbruining, spesifiek netagtige verbruining te vertoon, terwyl Thompson Seedless
meer geneig was om interne verbruining te vertoon, ten spyte van die verskillende fenotipes van
verbruining wat teenwoordig was op beide kultivars.
Hoofkomponente analise (HKA) is op die spektra gedoen voor en na koelopberging en
naby infrarooi spektroskopie het aan die lig gebring dat die veranderinge wat verband hou met
koelopberging met die eerste hoofkomponent (HK) verduidelik kan word met byna 100% van
die variasie in die spektra wat daarin vasgevang is. Klassifikasiemodelle is ook deur die gebruik
van HKA gebou en was gebaseer op die spektra van korrels wat vekry is voor en na
koelopberging asook die wat verkry is nadat korrels verbruin het na koelopberging.
Klassifikasiemodelle van korrels wat gebaseer was op spektra na koelopberging (verbruining
teenwoordig) het 'n beter algehele akkuraatheid (94% vir opleidingsdata en 87% vir toetsdata),
getoon as die klassifikasiemodelle wat gebaseer was op spektra van korrels voor koelopberging
(79% vir opleidings data en 64% vir toetsdata). Die implikasie hiervan is dat die huidige modelle
in staat sal wees om korrels beter te klassifiseer in terme van diegene wat alreeds verbruin het
en die wat nie verbruin het na koelopberging as daardie voor koelopberging, wat juis die kritieke
stadium is waar ons wil weet of die korrels wel gaan verbruin of nie. Daar is wel potensiaal wat verder ontgin kan word, aangesien al hierdie modelle gebou is deur gebruik te maak van die
hele NIR spektrum. Geen veranderlike seleksie is dus gedoen nie en al die verskillende
verbruiningsfenotipes is ook saam gebruik in die opstel van die modelle. Verdere analise van
die data sal dus gebaseer word op die gebruik van veranderlike seleksie tegnieke soos deeltjie
swerm optimisasie (DSO) wat sekere golflengtes kies wat sterk verband hou met die verbruining
verskynsel en slegs die belangrikste tipes van verbruining (netagtig op Regal Seedless en
interne verbruining op Thompson Seedless) sal gebruik word. Hierdie studie het 'n baie
belangrike implikasie vir die tafeldruifbedryf, want dit is die eerste keer dat die moontlikheid om
verbruining te voorspel met ander metodes as visuele inspeksie, veral voor koelopberging,
getoon word. / The Postharvest and Innovation Programme, for financing this study
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Bring it To The TableDamisch, Robert January 2019 (has links)
The thesis is intending to answer the question: Do tools and objects have the ability to support capacities for imagining alternative ways of living the present and through that also the future? How do we imagine our future? What is necessary for us and how do we want to live our everyday? It is important to rest for a moment and have a conversation about this questions in order to adapt old concepts of the world towards drastically changing conditions. Most of us, mainly in the modern western society, know that we can no longer maintain this lifestyle in the future. We know that we have to react as soon as possible and find alternative ways of living together. Yet it seems that we are paralysed to initiate action towards new ways of thinking. Where does this inactivity come from? It is hard to find new ways of thinking, especially when conventional norms, rules and structures of the current system do not provide any room for new forms of development. Is it possible that we are trapped in this system and the web of stories that hold it together? Is it possible that we are so used to the structures of the everyday, that we see them as set truths and do not question them anymore? The work investigates where these conditions come from and how non-human stakeholders in form of our everyday objects impact human culture and core beliefs. Through designing a disobedient tool that supports the capacity for alternative thinking towards more playful, imaginative presents and futures I want to try to questioning established systems embedded in our everyday tools, tools which embody our relations to each other and to the living and non-living inhabitants of our surroundings.
204 |
On The Avalanche Properties Of Misty1, Kasumi And Kasumi-rAkleylek, Sedat 01 February 2008 (has links) (PDF)
The Global System for Mobile (GSM) Communication is the most widely used cellular technology. The privacy has been protected using some version of stream ciphers until the 3rd Generation of GSM. KASUMI, a block cipher, has been chosen as a standard algorithm in order to be used in 3rd Generation.
In this thesis, s-boxes of KASUMI, MISTY1 (former version of KASUMI) and RIJNDAEL (the Advanced Encryption Standard) are evaluated according to their linear approximation tables, XOR table distributions and satisfaction of the strict avalanche criterion (SAC). Then, the nonlinear part, FI function, of KASUMI and MISTY1 are investigated for SAC. A new FI function is defined by replacing both s-boxes of KASUMI by RIJNDAEL&rsquo / s s-box. Calling this new version KASUMI-R, it is found to have an FI function significantly better than others.
Finally, the randomness characteristics of the overall KASUMI-R for different rounds are compared to those of MISTY1 and KASUMI, in terms of avalanche weight distribution (AWD) and some statistical tests. The overall performance of the three ciphers is found to be same, although there is a significant difference in their FI functions.
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Ecological aspects and conservation of the invertebrate fauna of the sandstone caves of Table Mountain, Cape Town.Sharratt, Norma Joan. 23 December 2013 (has links)
No abstract available. / Thesis (M.Sc.)-University of Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 1998.
206 |
Orthodox and alternative strategies to control postharvest decay in table grapesValentyn, Aatika 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MscAgric (Horticulture))--University of Stellenbosch, 2007. / More and more markets develop around the world for South African grapes and it becomes a
challenge to store grapes for longer and reach the market with superior quality. The most
destructive decay fungus, Botrytis cinerea can cause huge economic losses and successful
postharvest control in the table grape industry relies on SO2. This gas not only controls the
fungus but also causes losses due to phytotoxicity. SO2 also creates allergic reactions
amongst certain people. In modern times the focus is on food safety and governments
consequently impose certain regulations and restrictions to restrict the use of chemicals and
ensure “cleaner” produce. The objective of this study was to find a steriliser to reduce B.
cinerea inoculum on the berry surface prior to storage,to be used in conjunction with the
current method of control – the SO2 generator pad.
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Water is vital to life, essential to the development of humanity in health, social and economic levels, having strategic importance to the productive sectors and thus playing a key role in generating wealth and ecosystem maintenance. The present study aimed to record the variability of electrical conductivity and temperature of groundwater in shallow wells, and estimate direct recharge of the Guarani Aquifer System, in your outcrop zones over a hydrological year, between October 2012 to September 2013. The survey was conducted in two adjacent watersheds of the river Vacacaí-Mirim, in the Santa Maria region, inserted in the Central Depression of Rio Grande do Sul, on the Paraná Sedimentary Basin edge. Was recorded the electrical conductivity, temperature and the fluctuation of water level in three monitoring wells, designated P05, P06 and P07, with depths of 31, 20 and 15 meters respectively. Pressure transducers were configured to perform readings of groundwater level and temperature, often from hour to hour, at 05 and 07 wells. There were 24 measurement campaigns, with fortnightly basis, the three monitoring wells, enrolling in the entire water column, conductivity and water temperature. There was obtained an amplitude variation of the water level in the order of 3.05 m in the well 05, in the highest position, in the order of 1.55 m in the well 06 in an intermediate position, while the well 07, located in alluvial plain, was only 0.82 m in saturated sedimentary rocks all year. For the electrical conductivity of groundwater were obtained yearly averages ranging from 35.9 to 58.8 μS/ cm in wells 05 and 06, while the well 07 yielded higher annual average of up to 106.5 μS/cm. The average temperatures of the water column in the monitoring wells showed a range of variation of 1.0 oC , 2.8 oC and 1.6 oC, correspondingly to the wells 05, 06 and 07. Regarding the estimation of the direct recharge of the aquifer, was used to Water Table Fluctuation method (WTF). Was estimated the recharge of 38.95% in the well 05, and 18.31% in 07 well, considering the total annual rainfall in the period of 1.887 mm. The estimated results of groundwater recharge were similar to those found in previous research. We observed the variability in temperature as the electrical conductivity of the groundwater, possibly related to the position occupied in the landscape wells, as well as characteristics of the constituent materials of the sandstones matrix, formers unconfined aquifer. / A água é uma substância vital para a vida, indispensável ao desenvolvimento da humanidade em todos os níveis da saúde, sociais e econômicos, tendo importância estratégica para os setores produtivos e, portanto, desempenhando papel fundamental na geração de riquezas e manutenção dos ecossistemas. O presente estudo teve como objetivos, registrar a variabilidade espaço-temporal da condutividade elétrica e da temperatura da água subterrânea, em poços rasos, bem como estimar a recarga direta do Sistema Aquífero Guarani, em sua zona de afloramentos, durante um ano hidrológico, de Outubro de 2012 a Setembro de 2013. A pesquisa foi realizada em duas microbacias contíguas do rio Vacacaí-Mirim, na região de Santa Maria, inserida na Depressão Central do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul, na borda da Bacia Sedimentar do Paraná. Registrou-se a condutividade elétrica, a temperatura e a flutuação do nível da água em três poços de monitoramento, denominados P05, P06 e P07, com profundidades de 31, 20 e 15 metros respectivamente. Foram utilizados transdutores de pressão configurados para realizar leituras de nível freático e de temperatura, com frequência de hora em hora, nos poços 05 e 07. Realizaram-se 24 campanhas de medição, com frequência quinzenal, nos três poços de monitoramento, registrando-se em toda a coluna de água, a condutividade elétrica e a temperatura da água. Obteve-se uma amplitude da variação do nível freático da ordem de 3,05 m para o poço 05 em posição mais elevada, da ordem de 1,55 m para o poço 06 em posição intermediária, enquanto que no poço 07, localizado na planície aluvial, foi de apenas 0,82 m, em rochas sedimentares saturadas o ano todo. Para a condutividade elétrica da água subterrânea, obtiveram-se médias anuais variando de 35,9 a 58,8 μS/cm nos poços 05 e 06, enquanto que no poço 07 obtiveram-se médias anuais mais elevadas, de até 106,5 μS/cm. As temperaturas médias da coluna de água nos poços de monitoramento apresentaram uma faixa de variação de 1,0oC, 1,6oC e 2,8oC, correspondentemente aos poços 05, 06 e 07. Com relação à estimativa da recarga direta do aquífero, utilizou-se o método Water Table Fluctuation. Estimou-se a recarga de 38,95% no poço 05, e de 18,31% no poço 07, considerando-se a precipitação pluviométrica total anual ocorrida no período, de 1.887 mm. Os resultados estimados de recarga subterrânea foram semelhantes aos encontrados em pesquisas anteriores. Registrou-se a variabilidade tanto da temperatura quanto da condutividade elétrica da água subterrânea, possivelmente relacionada à posição dos poços ocupada na paisagem, bem como às características dos materiais constituintes da matriz dos arenitos, formadores de aquífero livre.
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Previous issue date: 2007-08-14 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / To eat or not to eat? To drink or not to drink? What, with whom, when, where and how? These are questions which accompanied the humanity s history, and they also were very significant in the Mediterranean nations cultural context since the first century after Christ.
Tell me what you eat and I tell you who you are , added to Tell me with whom you eat , are sayings that summarize the whole cultural and symbolical content (social, economical, political and religious ones) linked to feeding and its sharing.
Possessing the devil , while accusation against John the Baptist; Look! A glutton and drunkard, friend of tax gatherers and sinners as the blemish attributed to Jesus: the Jesus´ table fellowship, in divergence with the Baptist´s ascesis and with that generation s patterns, became evident a conflict between distinct social and religious conceptions.
For Jesus and his followers, itinerant thaumaturgists, the binomials miracle/ table and healing / meal, are the propitious places to make happen the gift mechanism: giving, receiving and retributing.(AU) / Comer ou não comer? Beber ou não beber? O que, com quem, quando, onde e como? Estas são questões que acompanham a história da humanidade, inclusive foram muito significativas no contexto cultural dos povos do mediterrâneo do século I d. C.
Dize-me o que comes e dir-te-ei quem és , somado a Dize-me com quem comes , sintetizam todo o conteúdo simbólico e cultural (social, econômico, político, religioso) ligado à alimentação e seu compartilhamento.
Tem um demônio , enquanto acusação feita a João Batista; Veja! Um comilão e beberrão, amigo de cobradores de impostos e pecadores como pecha atribuída a Jesus: a comensalidade de Jesus, em divergência com a ascese de João Batista e com os modelos daquela geração evidenciam um conflito de concepções sociais e religiosas distintas.
Para Jesus e seus seguidores, taumaturgos itinerantes, os binômios milagre/mesa e cura/refeição, são espaços propícios para fazer acontecer os mecanismos do dom: dar, receber e retribuir.(AU)
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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / The intention in this work is to study (locally) the fluctuation system of groundwater levels in two small watersheds. We selected Rancho do Amaral and Rincão do Soturno small watersheds for being representative of the first order streams which compose the Vacacaí-Mirim river watershed headwaters. Both are located at the border of Paraná Sedimentary Basin, in the central region of the state of Rio Grande do Sul. These small watersheds belong to the municipalities of Itaara and Santa Maria, and they are contributors of the Brazilian hydrographic region South Atlantic. They are considered exceptionally important for the municipality of Santa Maria because they are the main drinking water sources for the DNOS Dam at the Vacacaí-Mirim river. They belong to the system in which water is accumulated and provided to the population. The area under study is part of overlying sandstone in the Botucatu Formation, which belongs to the Guarani Aquifer System. In order to carry out the studies, three monitoring wells were made with equipment measuring the water levels and atmospheric pressure. The equipment was set to automatically take readings every hour. Based on the date collected from the equipment, we mounted a database and applied it to a specific computer program, which allowed us to adopt the Water Table Fluctuation (WTF) method. This method only applies to unconfined aquifers and measures direct groundwater recharges in drainage basins. The recharge was estimated to be 833.0 mm at well number 5; 746.2 mm at well number 6 and 467.2 mm at well number 7 during the period of evaluation. Therefore, the presence of groundwater recharge confirmed our work hypothesis. / A intenção neste trabalho foi de estudar, na situação local, o sistema de flutuação dos níveis de água subterrânea em duas microbacias hidrográficas. Foram selecionadas as microbacias Rancho do Amaral e Rincão do Soturno , por serem representativas de curso de água de primeira ordem, fazendo parte das cabeceiras da bacia hidrográfica do Rio Vacacaí-Mirim. Ambas situadas na borda da Bacia Sedimentar do Paraná, compreendendo a região central do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul. Estas microbacias pertencem aos municípios de Itaara e Santa Maria, e são contribuintes da região hidrográfica brasileira Atlântico Sul. Consideram-se excepcionalmente importantes para o município de Santa Maria/RS, pois são as principais fornecedoras de água potável para a barragem do DNOS, no Rio Vacacaí-Mirim, pertencente ao sistema de acumulação e distribuição de água à população. A área em estudo faz parte de afloramentos de arenitos da Formação Botucatu pertencentes ao Sistema Aquífero Guarani. Para a execução do estudo foram perfurados 3 (três) poços de monitoramento e neles instalados equipamentos de medição de nível de água e de pressão atmosférica, que são automáticos e configurados para realizarem leituras de hora em hora. Com base nos dados obtidos pelos equipamentos montou-se um banco de informações, que, aplicadas a um programa de computador específico, permitiram a adoção do método WTF (Water Table Fluctuation). Este método somente se aplica a aquífero livre e determina a recarga direta dos mananciais de água subterrânea. Estimou-se a recarga em 833 mm no Poço 5; 746,2 mm no Poço 6 e 467,2 mm no Poço 7, durante o período avaliado. A hipótese de trabalho foi comprovada, indicando haver recarga de água subterrânea.
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DistroFS: En lösning för distribuerad lagring av filer / DistroFS: A Solution For Distributed File StorageHansen, Peter, Norell, Olov January 2007 (has links)
Nuvarande implementationer av distribuerade hashtabeller (DHT) har en begränsad storlek för data som kan lagras, som t.ex. OpenDHTs datastorleks gräns på 1kByte. Är det möjligt att lagra filer större än 1kByte med DHT-tekniken? Finns det någon lösning för att skydda de data som lagrats utan att försämra prestandan? Vår lösning var att utveckla en klient- och servermjukvara. Mjukvaran använder sig av DHT tekniken för att dela upp filer och distribuera delarna över ett serverkluster. För att se om mjukvaran fungerade som tänkt, gjorde vi ett test utifrån de inledande frågorna. Testet visade att det är möjligt att lagra filer större än 1kByte, säkert med DHT tekniken utan att förlora för mycket prestanda. / Currently existing distributed hash table (DHT) implementations use a small storage size for data, such as OpenDHT’s storage size limitation of 1kByte. Is it possible to store larger files than 1kByte using the DHT technique? Is there a way to protect the data without losing to much performance? Our solution was to develop a client and server software. This software uses the DHT technique to split files and distribute their parts across a cluster of servers. To see if the software worked as intended we created a test based on our opening questions. This test shows that it indeed is possible to store large files securely using the DHT technique without losing any significant performance.
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