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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A Study of Software Design Improvement

Liu, Chun-Yuan 13 June 2010 (has links)
In the twenty-first century, there are still many difficulties arise on software development. For example, the growing commercial demand variability, but the software maintainable level over time becoming less and less. We have to raise the importance of software design. Using good software design approachs to face the increasingly complex commercial demand. Therefore, this study analyzed the large-scale enterprise systems for the software design problems. Based on the theory of software design, software design methodology, software architecture, design pattern and design principle, this study introduce three software design approachs:"Flexible Integration Design", "Loosely Coupled Design", and "Parameter Table Design". Using the extensibility, flexibility, pluggability and reuseability to design system integration solutions: "Unified Accounting Rule Table" and "Unified Interface". This will help the large-scale enterprise systems for software development to increase quality and efficiency.

Integrering av iläggsskiva i matbord / Integration of a table leaf to a dining room table

dos Santos Cardoso Olsson, Johan, Karlsson, Marie January 2009 (has links)
<p>Denna rapport har skrivits i samband med ett examensarbete i integrerad produktutveckling. Rapporten genomfördes under den avslutande kursen på designingenjörsprogrammet vid högskolan i Skövde 2008 i samarbete med företaget Lundbergs Möbler AB i Tibro.</p><p>Rapporten redogör för designprocessen där en lösning för att integrera företagets iläggsskivor tas fram för deras matbord. Rapporten skildrar projektets olika delar från förstudie till slutligt koncept.</p><p>Projektets inledande förstudie påvisade framförallt hur konkurrenternas lösningsprinciper ser ut, hur hanteringen av dagens iläggsskiva ser ut och dess hanteringsproblem samt ergonomin kring hanteringen av iläggsskivan. Det som framkom i förstudien låg därefter som beslutsunderlag för den fortsatta produktutvecklingen. Dessa områden gav en klarhet i om projektet var genomförbart och vidare vilka fysiska begränsningar och möjligheter projektet hade inför det fortsatta produktutvecklingsarbetet.</p><p>Med den nya kunskapen bakom sig inleddes idégenereringsfasen. Här användes flera olika idégenereringsmetoder för att generera en mängd nya idéer. Idéerna utvecklades sedan för att därefter resultera i tre olika koncept. Förslagen pressenterades därefter för företaget som gick igenom koncepten och beslutade vilket koncept vi skulle arbeta vidare med. Efter företagets val använde vi oss av konceptvalsmatriser i den fortsatta produktutvecklingen för att nå fram till den bästa slutprodukten.</p><p>Till sist framställdes en CAD-modell av det slutgiltiga konceptet och en teknisk prototyp tillverkad utefter denna modell. Prototypen gav en uppfattning om hur väl mekaniken hos konceptet fungerade.</p><p> </p> / <p>This report covers the result of a final thesis in Product Design Engineering, in partial fulfillment of the Product Design Engineering program held at the University of Skövde. This report describes a project that was carried out in conjunction with Lundbergs Möbler in Tibro.</p><p>The objective of the report is to convey the design process of integrating a table leaf into a Lundbergs dining table. The report will also present the product as it goes through the whole design process from idea, materializing in a prototype and concluding to a final concept/product.</p><p>A pre study displays an overall view of product handling and current market solutions of today's table leaves, where handling issues and ergonomics of table leaf usage is illuminated. The information from the pre study has determined the feasibility of the project and has also been utilized as a foundation for a project specification upon which further product development can commence.</p><p>With the information from the pre study as a foundation, the idea generation phase could begin. Different creativity methods are used to bring forth several innovatory ideas that can be utilized in improving the product. These ideas were improved on and evaluated to result in three different concepts. These concepts were then presented to Lundbergs Möbler who went through them and decided which concept to go forward with. Conceptual matrices were then used to steer further development of the product.</p><p>When the concept was developed to satisfaction a CAD-model and a physical prototype has been built from the specifications and measurements from the CAD program. The prototype demonstrated the function of the mechanism that had resulted from the project. The prototype that resulted from integrating a table leaf in a dining table gave a functional mechanism that could be taken into production.</p><p> </p>

The tip of the iceberg : spatio-temporal patterns of marine resource confiscations in the Table Mountain National Park

Brill, Gregg Clifford 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The aim of this study was to determine the scale of marine poaching in the Table Mountain National Park by analysing the amounts of South African abalone, West Coast rock lobster, and shellfish, finfish and bait species confiscated from fishers operating in the park’s marine protected area between 2000 and 2009. The research objectives were fourfold, namely to strengthen conceptual frameworks on illegal harvesting in protected areas; identify the quantities of the various species seized by park officials over the decadal period; cartographically plot the areas in which confiscations took place; and distinguish the different resource users and stakeholders operating in the park and examine the roles they play in resource exploitation. Data was collected from offence logbooks maintained by SANParks rangers and managers, and from records kept by Marine and Coastal Management and the South African Police Services. GIS outputs indicated seizure events over the spatial area of the park. Further data relating to the levels of poaching was sourced from illegal fishers operating in the park who discussed their operations candidly. The research findings indicate that poaching of both abalone and rock lobsters has increased significantly over time. Other marine species show lesser amounts of resources poached over the ten-year period. Spatial outcomes suggest that confiscations of abalone occur predominantly on the east coast of the park, while higher seizure events occur on the west coast for lobsters. Shellfish, finfish and bait species were confiscated in equal amounts from illegal fishers on both the east and west coasts. Future research recommended includes garnering further confiscations data from the police services and undertaking contemporary baseline assessments to discover the effects poaching has had on the resource base since the previous stock assessment in 2001. The challenge laid out for the custodians of the Table Mountain National Park marine protected area is to provide and protect cultural and environmental resources, without compromising biodiversity management, community associations and conservation strategies. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die doel van hierdie studie was om die skaal van marienebronstroping in die Tafelberg Nasionale Park te bepaal deur middel van die ontleding van die hoeveelhede Suid-Afrikaanse perlemoen, Weskus-kreef en skulpvis, vinvis en aasspesies wat vanaf oortreders (2000 tot 2009), gekonfiskeer is. Die doel van die navorsing was viervoudig naamlik, die versterking van die navorser se konseptuele-basis rondom die stroping van hulpbronne in beskermde gebiede; die bepaling van die hoeveelhede en tipe spesies wat deur parkbeamptes in beslag geneem is; die plekke waar konfiskasies plaasgevind het; en om die verskillende hulpbron gebruikers en belanghebbendes te onderskei en hulle rolle in die mariene-hulpbron benutting te ondersoek. Primêre konfiskasie-data is verkry vanaf SANparke se logboeke wat deur beamptes instandgehou is en sekondêre data is verskaf deur Mariene en Kusbestuur en die Suid-Afrikaanse Polisiediens. Beslagleggingsgebeure is dmv GIS tegnologie op kaarte vasgelê. Verdere inligting oor die vlakke van stroping is bekom deur openhartige gesprekvoering met vissers wat onwettig in die park bedrywig is. Die navorsing het bevind dat die stropery van perlemoen en kreef met die verloop van tyd aansienlik toegeneem het. Ander mariene spesies het kleiner hoeveelhede stropery van die hulpbron oor die studietydperk aangetoon. Ruimtelike voorstellings toon dat perlemoen-stropery hoofsaaklik aan die ooskus van die park voorkom, terwyl groter beslagleggings/konfiskerings van kreef aan die weskus van die park plaasgevind het. Skulpvis, vinvis en aasspesies is gekonfiskeer by vissers wat onwettig bedrywig is in ewe groot hoeveelhede op beide die ooskus en die weskus. Toekomstige navorsing moet meer inligting oor beslagleggings van die polisie bekom en die kontemporêre basislynassesserings moet meer gereeld onderneem word om veral die effek van stropery op die hulpbron bloot te lê. Die laaste basislyn-assessering het in 2001 plaasgevind. Die uitdaging voor die bewaarders van die park se marienebeskermde gebiede is om kulturele en omgewingshulpbronne toeganklik vir alle gebruikers te maak maar dit ter selfder tyd ook te beskerm, sonder om biodiversiteit, gemeenskapassosiasies en bewaring strategieë te kompromitteer.

Check weighing in table grape punnet packing: Opportunities in the development of operational effectiveness

Smit, Rudi 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScEng)-- Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: South Africa is ranked as one of the largest table grape exporting countries in the world. The biggest markets for table grape exports have always been the EU and the UK, with emerging markets in Eastern Europe and Asia. The growing demand for pre-packaged fruit and vegetables in these markets are driven by factors like consumer comfort, hygiene and quality. These consumer needs have given rise to stringent quality control standards, putting more pressure on the producers to produce higher quality products. This thesis investigates the use of check weighing as a tool to enhance the operational effectiveness of table grape punnet packing. It looks at the current state of table grape punnet packing in South Africa, then determines the operational effectiveness of current packing practices and finally evaluates the merits of using automated check weighing as an operational management tool to improve current systems. Producers primarily make use of unskilled labour for the pre-packaging of table grapes, making it difficult to consistently produce good quality products. Some packing systems guide the operators towards filling punnets to the specified mass; some packing systems also feature internal check weighing in some form. Although these features improve mass accuracy and hence product quality, the packing processes are still prone to human and machine errors. Producers employ internal quality controllers who try to identify and rectify any human or machine errors as soon as possible. The PPECB, a local statutory body, enforces the minimum quality standards for South African exports by means of inspectors checking random product samples during production. If products of sub-standard quality are found (including under mass), the whole batch needs to be checked and repackaged where necessary, at great cost to the producer. Pre-packaged products may be produced according to the minimum mass system or the average mass system. The average mass system reduces the amount of raw product giveaway and increases revenue, but it requires that all products are check weighed and the masses recorded with a specified level of accuracy. The addition of automated final product check weighing saw a significant reduction in the occurrence of under as well as over mass punnets. It also managed to improve the productivity of some packing systems. Subsequent experiments with the check weigher using different setup parameters yielded much better measurement accuracy and would reduce under and over mass punnets even more. Considering the potential costs of having to repack batches due to the discovery of under mass products, it would be viable to implement automated final product check weighing even for small producers, with a payback period of less than 5 packing seasons depending on the producer’s specific pack house layout. The implementation of check weighing could not only reduce the risk of sub-quality products being produced, but also open up entirely new market opportunities in a very competitive market for products produced to the average mass system. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Suid-Afrika is een van die grootste tafeldruiwe-uitvoerders ter wêreld. Die hoofmarkte vir tafeldruiwe-uitvoere was nog altyd die Europese Unie en Verenigde Koninkryk, met opkomende markte in Oos-Europa en Asië. Die groeiende behoefte vir voorafverpakte vrugte en groente in hierdie markte word gedryf deur verbruikersfaktore soos gemaksugtigheid, higiëne en kwaliteit. Hierdie behoeftes het tot gevolg gehad dat strenger reëls en regulasies vir kwaliteitsbeheer ontstaan het. Dit plaas ekstra druk op produsente om hoër gehalte produkte te produseer. Hierdie tesis ondersoek die gebruik van weging van die finale produk as ʼn hulpmiddel om die operasionele effektiwiteit van die verpakking van tafeldruiwe te verbeter. Daar word gekyk na die huidige toestand van die verpakking van tafeldruiwe in Suid-Afrika. Die operasionele effektiwiteit van bestaande verpakkingstelsels word bepaal. Die meriete van ʼn “weging van die finale produk stelsel” as bestuurshulpmiddel is nagevors. Daar word ook bespreek of die stelsel as bestuurshulpmiddel aangewend kan word om die effektiwiteit van huidige verpakkingstelsels te verbeter. Produsente maak primêr gebruik van ongeskoolde arbeid om tafeldruiwe te verpak. Dit maak dit moeilik om konstante goeie kwaliteit te lewer. Sommige verpakkingstelsels begelei die operateur om bakkies van ʼn spesifieke massa te produseer. Sommige verpakkingstelsels bevat ʼn interne toetsweeg funksie van een of ander aard. Alhoewel die funksies die akkuraatheid, produkmassa en dus produkkwaliteit verbeter, kan menslike- en masjienfoute steeds ʼn impak hê op die verpakkingsprosesse. Produsente maak gebruik van interne kwaliteitsbeheerstelsels wat poog om menslike- en masjienfoute so gou moontlik op te spoor en te herstel. Die PPECB, ʼn staatsliggaam, dwing die minimum Suid-Afrikaanse uitvoerstandaarde af deur middel van inspekteurs wat lukraak produkte tydens produksie ondersoek. Indien die produkte nie aan die kwaliteitstandaarde (insluitend massa) voldoen nie, moet die hele pallet nagegaan word en die bakkies moet reggemaak word waar nodig, teen ʼn groot onkoste vir die produsent. Voorafverpakte produkte kan volgens die minimum- of gemiddelde-massa sisteme geproduseer word. Die gemiddelde-massa sisteem verminder die hoeveelheid druiwe wat weggegee word en verhoog dus inkomste, maar dit vereis dat elke bakkie met ʼn bepaalde akkuraatheid geweeg moet word. Daar moet ook rekord gehou word van die massas. Die byvoeging van geoutomatiseerde finale produk toetsweging het ʼn aansienlike verbetering in die hoeveelheid oor- en ondermassa bakkies tot gevolg gehad. Dit het ook die produktiwiteit van party verpakkingsstelsels verbeter. Daaropvolgende weër eksperimente met ander opstellingsparameters het baie beter akkuraatheid getoon en dus kon die hoeveelheid oor- en ondermassa bakkies selfs verder beperk word. Met inagneming van die kostes daaraan verbonde om ʼn pallet oor te pak as gevolg van ondergewig bakkies, sou dit selfs vir klein produsente die moeite werd wees om finale produk toetsweging te implementeer. Dit het ʼn terugbetalingsperiode van minder as vyf pakseisoene, afhangend van die produsent se spesifieke pakstooruitleg. Nie alleen kan die implementering van finale produk toetsweging die risiko van ondergewig produkte verlaag nie, maar dit kan ook nuwe markgeleenthede oopmaak vir gemiddeldemassa produkte in ʼn baie kompeterende mark.


RENER PEREIRA DE CASTRO 29 May 2008 (has links)
[pt] Este trabalho surgiu da seguinte observação: os clássicos algoritmos de busca em 2d-tree começam da raiz para acessar dados armazenados nas folhas. Entretanto, como as folhas são os nós mais distantes da raiz, por que começar as buscas pela raiz? Com representações clássicas de 2d-trees, não existe outra forma de acessar uma folha. Existem 2d- trees, porém, que permitem acessar em tempo constante qualquer nó, dado sua posição e seu nível. Para o algoritmo de busca, a posição é conhecida, mas o nível não. Para estimar o nível de um nó qualquer, um método de otimização estatística do custo médio das buscas é proposto. Como os piores custos de busca são obtidos quando se começa da raiz, este método melhora ambos: o consumo de memória pelo uso de 2d-trees que permitem acessar em tempo constante qualquer nó, e o tempo de execução através da otimização proposta. / [en] This work emerged from the following observation: usual search procedures for 2d-trees start from the root to retrieve the data stored at the leaves. But since the leaves are the farthest nodes to the root, why start from the root? With usual 2d-trees representations, there is no other way to access a leaf. However, there exist 2d-trees which allow accessing any node in constant time, given its position in space and its depth in the 2d-tree. Search procedures take the position as an input, but the depth remains unknown. To estimate the depth of an arbitrary node a statistical optimization of the average cost for the search procedures is introduced. Since the highest costs of these algorithms are obtained when starting from the root, this method improves on both, the memory footprint by the use of 2d-trees which allow accessing any node in constant time, and execution time through the proposed optimization.

Conception parasismique robuste de bâtiments à base d'assemblages boulonnés

Saranik, Mohammad 12 December 2011 (has links)
La procédure d’évaluation des performances des structures en génie civil soumis à des tremblements de terre implique le développement des modèles mathématiques et des procédures d’analyse dynamique non-linéaire pour estimer les réponses sismiques. Le comportement hystérétique des structures est connu pour être fortement dépendante du modèle de l’assemblage. Dans le cas de chargement cyclique, la plastification cyclique, le phénomène de fatigue oligocyclique et la détérioration du comportement dus à la dégradation de rigidité ont été jugées importantes. Cela éventuellement conduit à une grande incertitude dans les réponses d’une structure. Dans ce contexte, un modèle d’endommagement basé sur la fatigue hystérétique est développé pour évaluer la performance sismique des ossatures en acier avec des assemblages boulonnés à plaque d’extrémité. Le modèle développé est un modèle hystérétique dégradant basé sur l’indicateur de dommage par fatigue oligocyclique. Une étude expérimentale du comportement d’un assemblage boulonné à plaque d’extrémité est réalisée pour analyser les effets du comportement en fatigue oligocyclique et pour développer un modèle de prédiction de durée de vie. Les essais de fatigue ont été effectués en utilisant un pot vibrant. Les résultats des essais expérimentaux de fatigue seront utilisés pour déduire les paramètres de la fatigue qui sont nécessaires pour développer le modèle hystérétique de l’assemblage boulonné. L’analyse des dommages sismiques est l’un des problèmes les plus difficiles dans des structures grandes et complexes, particulièrement celles en ossature avec des assemblages boulonnés à plaque d’extrémité. L’existence de dommages structuraux dans une structure conduit à la modification des modes de vibration et les valeurs propres globaux sont généralement sensibles à l’ampleur des dégâts sismiques locaux dans des assemblages boulonnés. Dans ce travail, une analyse temporelle non-linéaire qui tient compte des modes et des fréquences non-linéaires a été proposée. Selon cette approche, les modes et les fréquences non-linéaires peuvent être déterminés par une procédure itérative qui repose sur la méthode de linéarisation équivalente. L’introduction de la notion des modes non-linéaires a permis d’étendre la méthode de synthèse modale linéaire aux cas non-linéaires afin d’obtenir la réponse dynamique des systèmes non-linéaires. Dans un autre contexte expérimental, cette thèse présente les résultats d’essais sur une table vibrante. L’objectif des essais expérimentaux est de comprendre le comportement inélastique des structures en acier soumis à des charges dynamiques. Par ailleurs, ces essais sont également destinés à étudier les changements dans les paramètres modaux dus au développement du comportement élasto-plastique et du dommage par fatigue oligocyclique des assemblages boulonnés. Une simulation numérique non-linéaire du système est effectuée sur la base du modèle développé et l’approche numérique proposée. Une comparaison des résultats obtenus à partir de l’analyse numérique et ceux des essais de table vibrante est présentée. Cependant, l’analyse des dommages pour les ossatures en acier sous excitations sismiques aléatoires exige l’application d’un algorithme adéquat. Un algorithme a été développé pour évaluer la performance sismique des ossatures en acier. En utilisant cet algorithme, l’influence de la fatigue oligocyclique sur le comportement des assemblages boulonnés à plaques d’extrémité peut être étudiée. / The performance assessment procedure of civil engineering structures subjected to earthquakes involves the development of mathematical models and nonlinear dynamic analysis procedures to estimate seismic responses. The hysteretic behavior of structures was known to be strongly dependent on the connection model. In the case of cyclic loading, cyclic hardening, low cycle fatigue phenomena and deterioration of the behavior due to stiffness degradation were found to be important. This eventually led to high uncertainty in the responses of system. In this context, a Fatigue Damage-Based Hysteretic model is developed to evaluate the seismic performance of steel moment-resisting frames with end-plate connections. The developed model is a degrading hysteretic model based on the low cycle fatigue damage index. An experimental study of the behavior of a end-plate bolted connection is performed for analyzing the effects of low cycle fatigue behavior and developing a model for predicting life of end-plate bolted connection. The fatigue tests were conducted using a shaker. The experimental fatigue results will be used to derive the fatigue parameters that will be used to develop the hysteretic model of the bolted connection. Analysis of seismic damage is one of the most challenging problems in large and complex structures, particularly those in steel moment-resisting frame with end-plate bolted connections. The existence of structural damage in an engineering structure leads to the modification of vibration modes and global eigenvalues are usually sensitive to the degree of local damage seismic in bolted connections. In this work, a nonlinear time history analysis which takes into account nonlinear modes and frequencies was adopted. According to this approach, the nonlinear modes and frequencies can be determined by an iterative procedure which based on the method of equivalent linearization. The introduction of the notation of nonlinear modes permits an extension of the method of linear modal synthesis to nonlinear cases in order to obtain the dynamic response of nonlinear systems. In another experimental context, this thesis presents the results from shaking table tests of a two-story steel frame with end-plate bolted connections. The aim of the experimental tests is to understand the inelastic behavior of steel frame structures subjected to dynamic loads. Moreover, the purpose of these tests is also to study the changes in modal parameters due to the development of elasto-plastic behavior and low cycle fatigue damage in steel frame connections. A nonlinear numerical simulation of the system is performed based on the developed model and the proposed numerical approach. A comparison of the results obtained from numerical analysis and those of shake table testing is presented. However, the damage analysis for steel frames under random seismic excitations requires the application of an adequate algorithm. An algorithm was developed to assess the seismic performance of steel frames with bolted connections. Using this algorithm, the influence of low cycle fatigue damage in the behavior of end plate bolted connections can be studied.

FreeCore : un système d'indexation de résumés de document sur une Table de Hachage Distribuée (DHT) / FreeCore : an index system of summary of documents on an Distributed Hash Table (DHT)

Ngom, Bassirou 13 July 2018 (has links)
Cette thèse étudie la problématique de l’indexation et de la recherche dans les tables de hachage distribuées –Distributed Hash Table (DHT). Elle propose un système de stockage distribué des résumés de documents en se basant sur leur contenu. Concrètement, la thèse utilise les Filtre de Blooms (FBs) pour représenter les résumés de documents et propose une méthode efficace d’insertion et de récupération des documents représentés par des FBs dans un index distribué sur une DHT. Le stockage basé sur contenu présente un double avantage, il permet de regrouper les documents similaires afin de les retrouver plus rapidement et en même temps, il permet de retrouver les documents en faisant des recherches par mots-clés en utilisant un FB. Cependant, la résolution d’une requête par mots-clés représentée par un filtre de Bloom constitue une opération complexe, il faut un mécanisme de localisation des filtres de Bloom de la descendance qui représentent des documents stockés dans la DHT. Ainsi, la thèse propose dans un deuxième temps, deux index de filtres de Bloom distribués sur des DHTs. Le premier système d’index proposé combine les principes d’indexation basée sur contenu et de listes inversées et répond à la problématique liée à la grande quantité de données stockée au niveau des index basés sur contenu. En effet, avec l’utilisation des filtres de Bloom de grande longueur, notre solution permet de stocker les documents sur un plus grand nombre de serveurs et de les indexer en utilisant moins d’espace. Ensuite, la thèse propose un deuxième système d’index qui supporte efficacement le traitement des requêtes de sur-ensembles (des requêtes par mots-clés) en utilisant un arbre de préfixes. Cette dernière solution exploite la distribution des données et propose une fonction de répartition paramétrable permettant d’indexer les documents avec un arbre binaire équilibré. De cette manière, les documents sont répartis efficacement sur les serveurs d’indexation. En outre, la thèse propose dans la troisième solution, une méthode efficace de localisation des documents contenant un ensemble de mots-clés donnés. Comparé aux solutions de même catégorie, cette dernière solution permet d’effectuer des recherches de sur-ensembles en un moindre coût et constitue est une base solide pour la recherche de sur-ensembles sur les systèmes d’index construits au-dessus des DHTs. Enfin, la thèse propose le prototype d’un système pair-à-pair pour l’indexation de contenus et la recherche par mots-clés. Ce prototype, prêt à être déployé dans un environnement réel, est expérimenté dans l’environnement de simulation peersim qui a permis de mesurer les performances théoriques des algorithmes développés tout au long de la thèse. / This thesis examines the problem of indexing and searching in Distributed Hash Table (DHT). It provides a distributed system for storing document summaries based on their content. Concretely, the thesis uses Bloom filters (BF) to represent document summaries and proposes an efficient method for inserting and retrieving documents represented by BFs in an index distributed on a DHT. Content-based storage has a dual advantage. It allows to group similar documents together and to find and retrieve them more quickly at the same by using Bloom filters for keywords searches. However, processing a keyword query represented by a Bloom filter is a difficult operation and requires a mechanism to locate the Bloom filters that represent documents stored in the DHT. Thus, the thesis proposes in a second time, two Bloom filters indexes schemes distributed on DHT. The first proposed index system combines the principles of content-based indexing and inverted lists and addresses the issue of the large amount of data stored by content-based indexes. Indeed, by using Bloom filters with long length, this solution allows to store documents on a large number of servers and to index them using less space. Next, the thesis proposes a second index system that efficiently supports superset queries processing (keywords-queries) using a prefix tree. This solution exploits the distribution of the data and proposes a configurable distribution function that allow to index documents with a balanced binary tree. In this way, documents are distributed efficiently on indexing servers. In addition, the thesis proposes in the third solution, an efficient method for locating documents containing a set of keywords. Compared to solutions of the same category, the latter solution makes it possible to perform subset searches at a lower cost and can be considered as a solid foundation for supersets queries processing on over-dht index systems. Finally, the thesis proposes a prototype of a peer-to-peer system for indexing content and searching by keywords. This prototype, ready to be deployed in a real environment, is experimented with peersim that allowed to measure the theoretical performances of the algorithms developed throughout the thesis.

Knihovna znovupoužitelných komponent a utilit pro framework Angular 2 / Library of Reusable Components and Utilities for the Angular 2 Framework

Branderský, Gabriel January 2017 (has links)
Táto práca sa zaoberá vytvorením knižnice znovapoužiteľných komponent a utilít určené na použitie v dátavo-intenzívnych aplikáciach. Jednou typickou komponentou pre také aplikácie je tabuľka, ktorá je považovaná za hlavnú komponentu knižnice. Pre zaistenie vysokej kohezie sú všetky ostatné komponenty a utility sú s nou úzko prepojené. Výsledná sada komponent je použiteľná deklaratívným spôsobom a umožnuje rôzne konfigurácie. Uživateľské rozhranie je tiež prizpôsobené na dátovo-intenzívne aplikácie s rôznymi prvkami.

P2P SIP over mobile ad hoc networks / [SIP P2P pour les réseaux mobiles ad hoc]

Wongsaardsakul, Thirapon 04 October 2010 (has links)
Cette thèse propose une nouvelle architecture Peer-to-Peer pour l’établissement de sessions SIP (Session Initiation Protocol) sur les réseaux ad hoc. SIP est un protocole con¸cu à l’origine sur un modèle centralisé est n’est pas nativement adapté aux réseaux mobiles ad hoc (MANET) en raison de leurs caractéristiques inhérentes de mobilité. Nous avons ciblé nos études sur un mécanisme de lookup distribué Peer-to-Peer (P2P) tolérant aux fautes, même en cas de mobilité des noeuds du réseau. Cette thèse s’articule autour de quatre principales contributions: Nous introduisons le concept de Structured Mesh Overlay Network (SMON) : un overlay P2P sur MANET permettant d’effectuer des lookups de ressources rapides dans un environnement ad hoc. SMON utilise une architecture cross layer design basée sur une Distributed Hash Table (DHT) utilisant directement les informations de routage OLSR. Cette architecture cross layer permet d’optimiser les performances du réseau overlay lors d’un changement de topologie du réseau. La seconde contribution, SIPMON, est un overlay SIP sur réseau SMON. Sa particularité est d’utiliser un DHT pour distribuer les identifiants d’objet SIP dans le réseau overlay SMON. Les expérimentations menées prouvent que cette approche garantit une durée de découverte SIP constante et permet un établissement de session plus rapide entre deux usagers sur réseau ad hoc. SIPMON ne s’applique cependant qu’à un réseau MANET isolé. Notre troisième contribution SIPMON+ permet un interfonctionnement de plusieurs overlays SIPMON connectés à Internet. SIPMON+ unifie donc les overlays de réseau et permet de joindre un client SIP qu’il soit localisé sur un réseau ad hoc ou sur l’internet. De plus, SIPMON+ permet une continuité de service sans couture lors du passage entre un réseau MANET et un réseau d’infrastructure. Notre prototype a démontré que les performances de temps d’établissement d’appel SIPMON+ étaient meilleures que pour l’approche concurrente MANEMO (MANET for Network Mobility). Le scénario d’usage principal est la fourniture de services de communication multimédia d’urgence rapidement déployables en cas de catastrophe majeure. Nous avons développé un prototype SIPMON+ totalement fonctionnel de service de communication P2P multimédia. Ce prototype a été expérimenté en situation réelle de catastrophe. Notre prototype sans infrastructure a donné de biens meilleurs résultats que MANEMO en termes de temps de déploiement, de taux de perte de paquets et de temps d’établissement d’appel. / This work presents a novel Peer to Peer (P2P) framework for Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) on Mobile Ad Hoc Network (MANET). SIP is a client-server model of computing which can introduce a single point of failure problem. P2P SIP addresses this problem by using a distributed implementation based on a P2P paradigm. However, both the traditional SIP and P2P SIP architectures are not suitable for MANETs because they are initially designed for infrastructured networks whose most nodes are static. We focus on distributed P2P resource lookup mechanisms for SIP which can tolerate failures resulting from the node mobility. Our target application is SIP-based multimedia communication in a rapidly deployable disaster emergency network. To achieve our goal, we provide four contributions as follows. The first contribution is a novel P2P lookup architecture based on a concept of P2P overlay network called a Structured Mesh Overlay Network (SMON). This overlay network enables P2P applications to perform fast resource lookups in the MANET environment. SMON utilizes a cross layer design based on the Distributed Hashing Table (DHT) and has direct access to OLSR routing information. Its cross layer design allows optimizing the overlay network performance during the change of network topology. The second contribution is a distributed SIP architecture on MANET providing SIP user location discovery in a P2P manner which tolerates single-point and multiple-point of failures. Our approach extends the traditional SIP user location discovery by utilizing DHT in SMON to distribute SIP object identifiers over SMON. It offers a constant time on SIP user discovery which results in a fast call setup time between two MANET users. From simulation and experiment results, we find that SIPMON provides the lowest call setup delay when compared to the existing broadcast-based approaches. The third contribution is an extended SIPMON supporting several participating MANETs connected to Internet. This extension (SIPMON+) provides seamless mobility support allowing a SIP user to roam from an ad hoc network to an infrastructured network such as Internet without interrupting an ongoing session. We propose a novel OLSR Overlay Network (OON), a single overlay network containing MANET nodes and some nodes on the Internet. These nodes can communicate using the same OLSR routing protocol. Therefore, SIPMON can be automatically extended without modifying SIPMON internal operations. Through our test-bed experiments, we prove that SIPMON+ has better performance in terms of call setup delay and handoff delay than MANET for Network Mobility (MANEMO). The fourth contribution is a proof-of-concept and a prototype of P2P multimedia communication based on SIPMON+ for post disaster recovery missions. We evaluate our prototype and MANEMO-based approaches through experimentation in real disaster situations (Vehicle to Infrastructure scenarios). We found that our prototype outperforms MANEMO-based approaches in terms of call setup delay, packet loss, and deployment time.

Syntaktická analýza založená na modifikovaných zásobníkových automatech / Parsing Based on Modified Pushdown Automata

Pluháček, David January 2007 (has links)
The thesis introduces new models for formal languages, the m-limited state   grammar and the deep pushdown automaton. Their basic definitions are presented,   so is their mutual equivalence and the characteristics of the language family they describe.   Following, a parsing method based on these models is presented. The method is an extension   of a similar method used for context-free languages, the table driven parsing.   The final part of the thesis describes the implementation of a parser based on the method.

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