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The impact of water table management on phosphorus loads in tile drainage /Hebraud, Caroline. January 2006 (has links)
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Effects of water table depths and fertilizer treatments on yield and quality of tomatoesTrenholm, Leif January 1995 (has links)
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Applications of artificial neural network technology in the design of water-table management systems.Yang, Chun-Chieh. January 1995 (has links)
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A lysimeter study to determine fate and transport of three agricultural herbicides under different water table management systems /Jebellie, Seyed J. January 1997 (has links)
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Water table management and cropping systems for intensive corn productionKaluli, J. Wambua January 1996 (has links)
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Water table management for cranberry production on sandy and peat soils QuébecHandyside, Patrick E. January 2003 (has links)
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Evaluating and Improving Stakeholder Accessibility of the World Health Organization's Tuberculosis GuidelinesMatthews, Micayla January 2021 (has links)
Background: Tuberculosis (TB) is the leading cause of death from a single infectious agent worldwide. The World Health Organization’s (WHO) Global Tuberculosis (GTB) Programme issues evidence-informed guidelines with recommendations on TB. In an effort to improve the accessibility and use of these guidelines, we developed a new digitized WHO eTB catalogue of recommendations.
Objective: The objective of this thesis was to explore stakeholder engagement with WHO TB recommendations. We sought to compare the accessibility of the WHO eTB catalogue to the conventional method of accessing WHO TB recommendations, and to explore the ways in which stakeholder feedback could be incorporated into quality improvement frameworks.
Methods: We conducted a two-arm superiority randomized controlled trial through a survey among stakeholders who were past or planned future users of TB guidelines, recommendations, or policy advice. Using a 1:1 ratio, we randomly assigned participants to complete an activity using WHO eTB or the conventional website. We compared outcomes of accessibility, understanding, satisfaction and preference between groups. We incorporated qualitative feedback from free-text boxes into a quality improvement framework.
Results: From February 26 to March 24 , 2021, we received 188 survey responses, 110 participants were randomized, and 102 were included in the interim analysis. On average, participants rated the WHO eTB catalogue as more accessible across four domains when compared to the WHO TB website. There was no difference in participant understanding of recommendation strength and certainty, but the ability to locate evidence to decision tables favored WHO eTB. We also received 75 qualitative responses, 47 of which yielded five themes: purpose, navigation, presentation, organization, and outreach.
Conclusions: The WHO eTB catalogue of recommendations improved the accessibility of WHO TB recommendations and supporting evidence for stakeholders of interest. Our findings support the continued use, promotion, and quality improvement of the WHO eTB catalogue in the future. / Thesis / Master of Public Health (MPH) / Tuberculosis (TB) is a leading cause of death worldwide. The World Health Organization’s (WHO) Global TB (GTB) Programme offers guidelines with recommendations to help decision-makers use evidence on TB prevention, diagnosis, treatment, and care. With the goals of improving the accessibility and use of these recommendations, the WHO and McMaster University have worked together to develop the WHO eTB catalogue of recommendations. This catalogue allows decision-makers to search, filter, and view WHO TB recommendations. This thesis contributed to this work by exploring feedback from decision-makers to identify whether the goals of the WHO eTB catalogue were achieved. The work included creating and leading a randomized controlled trial that compared the WHO eTB catalogue to the earlier way of accessing these recommendations using the WHO publications website. This thesis also explored ways that this feedback could be used to improve the WHO eTB catalogue in the future.
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Automatic Sport Analysis System for Table-Tennis using Image Recognition Methods / Automatisk sportanalyssystem för bordtennis med bildigenkänningsmetoderBroman, Sebastian, Forsberg, Ludwig January 2023 (has links)
This study presents several machine learning models tasked with gathering information about what happens in a table tennis match. This information includes the ball's position, identifying serves, and other events such as ball hits and bounces. The TTNet backbone demonstrated superior performance across all tasks, including inference time. The Classification Head achieved high accuracy (94.6%), F1 score (97.2%), and RMSE value (0.014) for ball detection, accurately predicting ball positions. The TTNet model with the Simple Event Head showed promise for event detection (97.5% accuracy, 80.4% F1 score). However, the dataset is heavily imbalanced and the models would probably benefit from a more balanced training set. Serve detection performance was subpar for all models (best F1 score: 42.1%), requiring significant dataset and model reconstruction. All top-performing models achieved fast inference speeds (<4 ms) on various devices, enabling real-time operation even on smartphones.
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Bound by the Pentecostal oath : chivalric performance and the round table in Malory's Morte Darthur / 聖霊降臨祭の誓い : マロリーの『アーサー王の死』における騎士的行為と円卓 / セイレイ コウリンサイ ノ チカイ : マロリー ノ『アーサーオウ ノ シ』ニオケル キシテキ コウイ ト エンタク小宮 真樹子, Makiko Komiya 06 March 2014 (has links)
本論文はトマス・マロリーの『アーサー王の死』における「円卓」の役割を、三つの定義を通じて考察するものである。中世において「ラウンド・テーブル」は「(1)アーサー王の騎士組織(2)彼らの集う場である家具(3)アーサー王伝説を模倣して行われた見世物」を意味した。本研究では特に円卓の形状と意味の変化、模擬戦と誓約による理想の提示、円卓が騎士たちの間に生み出す友愛と敵対、誓いにより結ばれた義兄弟と実の兄弟の差異、偽証による円卓の崩壊を取り上げる。 / This dissertation presents a more comprehensive study of Thomas Malory's Morte Darthur from the three aspects of the Round Table. I focus on the following elements especially: the evolution of the shape and significance of the Round Table; visual and verbal representations of the Round-Table ideal by means of tournaments and the Pentecostal Oath; the conflicts the table creates between fellowship and rivalry; the chasm between brothers bound by oath and those tied by blood; and its fall due to the violation of the Pentecostal Oath. Through these perspectives, I would like to reveal the functions of the Round Table and capture the essence of Le Morte Darthur. / 博士(英文学) / Doctor of Philosophy in English Literature / 同志社大学 / Doshisha University
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The Effects of Load-Positioning Material Handling Equipment on Spinal Loading During Manual Handling of Bulk BagsRamsey, Todd R. 11 October 2013 (has links)
No description available.
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