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Etude de la stabilité des berges de rivière soumises à la marée / Study of riverbank stability subjected to tide variationChhun, Soksan 10 December 2013 (has links)
Les berges des grands fleuves soumis à des crues saisonnières et aux effets de la marée sont l’objet de glissements et d’éboulements causant des dégâts matériels et parfois des victimes humaines. Le présent travail consiste à étudier la stabilité des berges de rivière soumises à la marée en considérant l’influence des écoulements externe et interne de l’eau sur le massif du sol. On considère en particulier l’effet de la fluctuation du niveau d’eau à l’extérieur et à l’intérieur du massif sur la pression interstitielle dans le sol. Le modèle d’écoulement de Dupuit est adopté pour trouver la variation de la surface libre dans le massif. Une méthode des tranches est programmée pour calculer les coefficients de sécurité au glissement des berges soumises à la marée. Des études paramétriques sur la géométrique de la berge, sur les caractéristiques hydromécaniques du sol et sur celles de la marée sont ensuite présentées. L’érosion superficielle de la berge est simulée par différentes méthodes et couplée avec le calcul de stabilité. Enfin, des études des cas sur la baie du Mont-Saint-Michel et sur les rives du Mékong inférieur sont présentées.La comparaison entre les simulations et les mesures de surface libre pendant les marées nous permet de conclure quant à la pertinence du modèle d’écoulement de Dupuit dans le cas de milieux relativement homogènes et isotropes. Mais celui-ci s’avère moins précis pour des milieux plus complexes, tels que les milieux multicouches. La marée a un effet important sur les pressions interstitielles dans le sol, lesquelles subissent des phénomènes d’amortissement et de retard.Les facteurs de sécurité au glissement varient en fonction de la marée et ils sont minimaux pendant le reflux avant la basse mer à cause du retard de la surface libre dans le sol et de la décélération de la vitesse descendante de la marée avant la basse mer. Des abaques sont proposés donnant les domaines de sécurité en fonction de différents paramètres du sol, de la géométrie de la berge et de la marée. Ces abaques permettent également le calcul du coefficient de sécurité par interpolation linéaire.Quand la berge est submergée pendant un temps suffisamment long, la zone de rupture du massif se localise dans la partie supérieure de la berge et se produit à la pleine mer. Ce mode de rupture est observé aussi sur les sites étudiés (Mont-Saint-Michel). Au reflux, on met évidence un deuxième mode de rupture correspondant à des surfaces de glissement plus profondes liées à des pressions interstitielles résiduelles élevées.Dans la période de décrue (site de Kaoh Chorram), le coefficient de sécurité diminue avec la baisse du niveau de l’eau sous le sommet de la berge. A même niveau d’eau dans la rivière, le coefficient de sécurité à la décrue est inférieur à celui résultant d’un état d’équilibre. Des différences importantes s’observent aussi sur les surfaces de glissement entre les deux régimes. / The riverbanks, subjected to seasonal flooding and tidal variation, are submitted to landslides causing property damage and sometimes human victims. The presented work is conducted to analyze the riverbank stability subjected to the tide variation by considering the influence of external and internal water flows on the bank soil. More particularly, we consider the effect of ground water variation on the soil pore pressure. The Dupuit’s flow model is adopted to find the variation of the ground water table. A method of slices is developed to calculate the safety factor of riverbank slides as a function of tide. Parametric studies of the effect of bank geometry, hydromechanical soil properties and the characteristics of tide variation are then presented. Then the bank surface erosion is simulated by different methods and coupled with the calculation of landslide. Finally, case studies at Mont-Saint-Michel bay and on the lower Mekong riverbank are conducted.The comparison between simulations and field measurements of ground water table during the tide variation let us conclude that the Dupuit’s flow model can be adopted for homogeneous and isotropic soils. However, the mode is less accurate for more complex media, such as multilayered soils. The tide has a significant effect on the pore pressure in the soil, which creates damping and delayed phase phenomena with respect to the tide.Slide safety factors vary as a function of tide and they are minimal during the falling of water level before low tide due to the delay of the ground water table and the slowing down of the speed of the tide. Charts of safety factor have been proposed providing the security domains based on various soil parameters, bank geometry and tide variation. These charts also allow calculation of the safety factor by linear interpolation.When the bank is submerged for a time period long enough, the failure surface is located in the upper part of the bank and occurs at high tide. This failure mode is also observed in the field study (Mont-Saint-Michel). During the falling of tide from the bank surface, the second mode of failure is observed corresponding to deeper slip surfaces associated with high residual pore pressures.In the period of decline after flooding of the bank (Kaoh Chorram site), the bank safety factor decreases with the falling of water level below the top of the bank. At the same water level in the river, the safety factor during decreasing water level is smaller than that during the steady state. Significant different failure surfaces are observed between the two regimes.
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Arctic Ecosystem Responses to Changes in Water Availability and Warming: Short and Long-Term ResponsesOlivas, Paulo C. 03 November 2010 (has links)
Arctic soils store close to 14% of the global soil carbon. Most of arctic carbon is stored below ground in the permafrost. With climate warming the decomposition of the soil carbon could represent a significant positive feedback to global greenhouse warming. Recent evidence has shown that the temperature of the Arctic is already increasing, and this change is associated mostly with anthropogenic activities. Warmer soils will contribute to permafrost degradation and accelerate organic matter decay and thus increase the flux of carbon dioxide and methane into the atmosphere. Temperature and water availability are also important drivers of ecosystem performance, but effects can be complex and in opposition. Temperature and moisture changes can affect ecosystem respiration (ER) and gross primary productivity (GPP) independently; an increase in the net ecosystem exchange can be a result of either a decrease in ER or an increase in GPP. Therefore, understanding the effects of changes in ecosystem water and temperature on the carbon flux components becomes key to predicting the responses of the Arctic to climate change. The overall goal of this work was to determine the response of arctic systems to simulated climate change scenarios with simultaneous changes in temperature and moisture. A temperature and hydrological manipulation in a naturally-drained lakebed was used to assess the short-term effect of changes in water and temperature on the carbon cycle. Also, as part of International Tundra Experiment Network (ITEX), I determined the long-term effect of warming on the carbon cycle in a natural hydrological gradient established in the mid 90’s. I found that the carbon balance is highly sensitive to short-term changes in water table and warming. However, over longer time periods, hydrological and temperature changed soil biophysical properties, nutrient cycles, and other ecosystem structural and functional components that down regulated GPP and ER, especially in wet areas.
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The oddities, an entertainment by Charles Dibdin, transcribed and engraved with accompanying notesLaur, Benjamin Douglas 01 August 2018 (has links)
No description available.
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Proyecto Game LegendBazan Sanchez, Andy Alí, Bernales Garcia, Oscar, Huauya Arotinco, Ines Odaliz, Leon Espino, Pedro Franco, Palomino Bonifaz, Gerson Jose 18 November 2019 (has links)
El presente proyecto de investigación consta de una tienda online de juegos de mesa para personas que buscan salir de la rutina y practicar nuevas formas de recreación sana y divertida, en base a la investigación realizada en Lima Metropolitana, se detectó que algunos grupos de personas buscan nuevas formas de pasar el tiempo en familia o con amigos por lo cual muchos compran juegos de mesa para tener horas de diversión sana. Asimismo, se identificó que muchas de estas personas tienen cada vez menos tiempo para desempeñar sus actividades diarias o prefieren invertir su tiempo realizando nuevas actividades y por eso recurren o prefieren los servicios delivery al momento de comprar productos a través de páginas web o redes sociales. Por último, se identificó que muchas personas van a las tiendas de juegos de mesa para adquirir los productos, sin embargo, muchas veces pierden tiempo en ir a estos lugares por el tráfico en Lima o la distancia de sus casas a las tiendas. En base a esto, se decidió crear una tienda online para la venta exclusiva de juegos de mesa.
Para poner en marcha el proyecto de la tienda online llamada Game Legend se hizo un análisis de la industria: clientes y potenciales clientes, proveedores en Lima, competencia directa e indirecta y otros factores externos como productos sustitutos. Además, se desarrollaron los siguientes planes: Plan Estratégico, Plan de Operaciones, Plan de Marketing, Plan de Recursos Humanos y Responsabilidad Social Empresarial y el Plan Financiero. Los cuales se enfocan en las estrategias necesarias para la viabilidad de este proyecto. / This research project consists of an online store of board games for people looking to get out of the routine and practice new forms of healthy and fun recreation, based on the research carried out in Metropolitan Lima, it was detected that some groups of people are looking for new ways to spend time with family or friends so many buy board games to have hours of healthy fun. Likewise, it was identified that many of these people have less and less time to carry out their daily activities or prefer to spend their time doing new activities and that is why they use or prefer delivery services when buying products through web pages or social networks. Finally, it was identified that many people go to the board games stores to acquire the products, however, many times they lose time in going to these places because of the traffic in Lima or the distance from their houses to the stores. Based on this, it was decided to create an online store for the exclusive sale of board games.
To start the project of the online store called Game Legend, an industry analysis was made: customers and potential customers, suppliers in Lima, direct and indirect competition and other external factors such as substitute products. In addition, the following plans were developed: Strategic Plan, Operations Plan, Marketing Plan, Human Resources Plan and Corporate Social Responsibility and the Financial Plan. Which focus on the strategies necessary for the viability of this project. / Trabajo de investigación
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Roundtable Discussion LeaderCaey, Laura, Fox, James, Johnston, Jim, Juárez, Pablo, Little, Annette, Lloyd, Blair 01 October 2017 (has links)
Please join us to enjoy lunch and conversation with select conference presenters with a small group of other attendees. Each presenter will host a table and facilitate discussion on a designated topic.
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Georg Philipp Telemann's Use Of The Trumpet In Tafelmusik II-TWV 55: D1 (1733) Together with Three Recitals of Selected Works by Kennan, Torelli, Chaynes and OthersSwisher, Eric 12 1900 (has links)
While trumpeters know him best for his concertos, Telemann included trumpets in his operas, cantatas, oratorios, orchestral music and mixed chamber music. This project will study the opening suite and conclusion of Tafelmusik II (TWV: D1, 1733) in order to examine his use of the trumpet in a mixed chamber work. Since Telemann was heavily influenced by his environment, the first chapter will focus on the city of Hamburg. As a major port, Hamburg's thriving economy gave rise to a wealthy merchant class, who were among Telemann's greatest supporters. The city boasted of many progressive elements: a democratic government, intellectual societies, foreign visitors, and a great love of music. This made Hamburg an ideal place for Telemann to work. The second chapter will provide an analysis of the movements: their forms, key structures, phrase organizations and orchestrations. After a brief explanation of the Baroque Trumpet, the third chapter will focus on Telemann's use of the trumpet in the work. Special attention will be paid to the methods which he employed to conceal the trumpet's tonal limitations and its relationship to the other instruments of the ensemble.
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A Geometry-Based Multiple Testing Correction for Contingency Tables by Truncated Normal Distribution / 切断正規分布を用いた分割表の幾何学的マルチプルテスティング補正法Basak, Tapati 24 May 2021 (has links)
京都大学 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(医学) / 甲第23367号 / 医博第4736号 / 新制||医||1051(附属図書館) / 京都大学大学院医学研究科医学専攻 / (主査)教授 森田 智視, 教授 川上 浩司, 教授 佐藤 俊哉 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Medical Science / Kyoto University / DFAM
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Development of Cal Poly's Shock TableRisner, Christopher D 01 December 2016 (has links)
Shock is one of the environmental tests that a spacecraft must pass before being cleared for launch. Shock testing poses a challenging data acquisition issue and careful selection of equipment is crucial to creating a successful shock test facility. Cal Poly’s CubeSat programs can currently perform all environmental testing other than shock themselves, so a quality shock table would be useful. Previous groups of students had developed a shock table, and this paper details the improvement and characterization of that shock table’s behavior. Several adjustable parameters were tested and documented to discover trends in the shock table’s response to an impact from a pendulum hammer. Then a test meant to mimic an actual shock test was performed. The CubeSat program provided a component to be tested and a requirement to be met. The nominal requirement is proprietary and cannot be given here, and additional stipulations included the test data being within a given tolerance band and at least 50% of the test data having a larger magnitude than the nominal requirement. The requirement needed to be met in all three of the component’s axes. The component was mounted to the shock table and acceleration data was collected and analyzed. A successful test was conducted in one axis, which was the result of impacting the large face of the aluminum shock table plate. The tests in the other two axes, conducted with impacts to the side of the aluminum plate, failed to meet the requirement. A finite element model of the table was developed and correlated to the test data. A new way of attaching the test component to the table was developed that would allow for testing in all three axes to be performed with impacts to the large face of the aluminum plate. A dynamic finite element analysis was performed, and the results indicate that this new attachment method should allow the requirement to be met in all three axes. The shock table is currently fully operational and can be used for testing and teaching purposes. With the implementation of the new attachment method, it is believed that the CubeSat program’s requirements can be met as well.
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Scale Model Shake Table Testing of Shallow Embedded Foundations in Soft ClayKuo, Steven 01 August 2012 (has links)
This research involves shake table testing of 1g scale models that mimic the coupled seismic response of a structure on a shallow mat foundation and foundation soil (known as soil-foundation-structural-interaction or SFSI). In previous research, SFSI effects have been quantified through analytical models, numerical analyses, and limited field data. This research works towards increasing the amount of empirical data through scale model shake table testing. A suite of earthquake time histories is considered in evaluating a nominal 10th scale soil-structure model using a flexible wall barrel on a 1-D shake table. San Francisco Young Bay Mud (YBM) is used as the prototype soil and long period narrow building as the prototype structure. Foundation embedment depth, fundamental mode of the structure, and seismic loading function are varied to generate a large database of SFSI results under controlled conditions. The foundation level response is compared to free-field responses to determine the magnitude of the SFSI.
The results confirm the effects of foundation embedment on the peak ground motion and the spectral acceleration at the predominant period of the structure. The foundation level accelerations are deamplified compared to free-field results. Results also confirm the legitimacy of the testing platform and program by comparing the data to previous experimental study.
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Řízení vibrační stolice pomocí embedded systému / Vibration system control through embedded systemGenčanský, David January 2014 (has links)
The importance of vibration and vibration tests is increasingly relevant given th growing number of mobile electronic devices. This thesis descibes the design of control vibrating shaker table, which is an essential element for vibration testing. At the beginning is an initial look on the problematics of vibration, vibration test and influences of vibrations on electronic components, solder joints and other parts uses in microelectronics. Provides insight to the principles of vibration measurement and controlling system used in industry. The workplace is designed for testing and measuring of vibrations. The workplace designed and developed in the LabVIEW enviroment based on CompactRIO platform.
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