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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

TAC-TIC : a non-pharmacological approach to the alleviation of neonatal pain

Hayes, Julie Anne January 1996 (has links)
Intensive care IS a stressful environment and this thesis addresses the controversy as to whether tactile stimulation can mitigate the negative influences in ventilated preterms. There is an underlying assumption throughout the thesis that the pre term infant in intensive care experiences and is able to manifest physical and/or psychological pain. Preterms (n=75) were recruited with parental consent against strict entry criteria. A pre-test, post-test time series, counterbalanced design was used to evaluate the impact of an intervention to alleviate pain. The intervention [Touching and Caressing, Tender in Caring (T AC-TIC)] was compared with a control condition (spontaneous activity). Indicators of pain represented in the experiments were immunologic, physiological, and neurobehavioural. Data were analysed using parametric and non-parametric tests. The ontogeny of the secretory Immune system was investigated (n=70) using an enzyme-linked immunosorbant assay for Secretory Immunoglobulin A (SIgA). Ventilated preterms had significantly lower SIgA than infants requiring no mechanical ventilation. Breast milk fed preterms showed increased SIgA compared to other modes of nutrition. TACTIC increased SIgA in a subsample of ventilated preterms (n=35) with no changes following the control condition. Cardiovascular responses remained stable throughout T AC-TIC and spontaneous activity. No changes in gastric pH were observed in a sub-sample of 18 preterms. A neurobehavioural checklist was used to analyse videos for pain and comfort behaviours (n=29). Significantly more comfort behaviours were reported during T AC-TIC. Analysis of behavioural state indicated that more time was spent inactive sleep during than after TAC-TIC. No differences In state occurred between TAC-TIC and control condition. A ventilated subsample (n=25) of the original cohort was subjected to analysis at individual level for determination of congruence between simultaneously measured outcome variables. T AC-TIC produced increases more often in two or three variables. Pilot work has also been conducted addressing further controversies in tactile stimulation. The results are discussed within the theoretical frameworks of Gottlieb's hierarchical systems model, and Adamson-Macedo's Equilibrium model

The effect of textured surfaces on postural sway and lower limb muscle activity during quiet standing in healthy young and older adults

Hatton, Anna Lucy January 2010 (has links)
This thesis investigated whether different textured surfaces have a role to play in changing balance performance in healthy young and older adults. A review of the literature showed that balance may be improved by standing on surfaces, or wearing foot insoles, with texture compared to those that are smooth, possibly by providing enhanced plantar tactile stimulation. It also showed that textured footwear interventions can influence lower limb muscle activity during functional activities. However, some major gaps in current literature were identified. There was limited evidence relating to the effect of texture in older adults: a population known to show poor balance and at high risk of falling. The importance of the geometric textured pattern in changing balance had not been investigated. It was also unclear whether textured interventions altered lower limb muscle activity, as a component of sensorimotor function of balance control. The purpose of this thesis was to address these important areas of research and contribute novel evidence to the field. In two separate studies, 24 young and 50 older healthy adults conducted tests of bilateral quiet standing with eyes open and closed on two different textured surfaces and a smooth surface as control. Centre of pressure based sway variables were extracted from a force platform and lower limb muscle activity was collected using surface electromyography, over 30 seconds. Textured surfaces did not significantly alter sway variables or lower limb muscle activity in healthy young adults. Closer observation of the data tentatively suggested texture may have the capacity to alter anterior-posterior sway and centre of pressure velocity in young adults. These findings supported the aims of this thesis to explore the possibility of a textured effect in people with poor balance ability: older adults. Textured surfaces significantly changed mediolateral sway range and centre of pressure velocity in healthy older adults, in the absence of visual information. No significant changes were observed for lower limb muscle activity, between the textured conditions. Exploratory sub-group analysis for gender generated speculative data suggesting the effect of texture on balance and muscle activity may be more marked in older females. Evidence from both studies suggests that relative to control, the two textured conditions have opposite effects on postural sway. There may be an optimal textured pattern which could be therapeutically beneficial for enhancing balance performance in healthy and pathological groups. Further investigation is required.

Exploring Body Representations: Effects of Visuotactile Congruency on Sensorimotor EEG Measures

Drew, Ashley January 2017 (has links)
There has been a recent growth of interest in exploring the complexities of multisensory processes underlying human body representation. One cross-modal aspect of body representations involves the visuotactile body mapping between tactile stimulation of a body limb and the observation of a body limb. Previous findings demonstrate that visual information influences the spatial and temporal patterning of brain responses to tactile stimulation. By manipulating the congruency of the visuotactile stimuli, the integration of visual and tactile information of the body can be investigated further. In the current studies, electroencephalography (EEG) was used to record the neural responses to touch during congruent and incongruent visuotactile stimuli in adults and infants. Two studies investigated different characteristics of visuotactile congruency on the neural response to touch during observations of others’ bodies. In Study 1, spatial congruency of visuotactile events in adults was examined by recording electrophysiological responses to tactile stimulation of the hand in different postural positions while viewing pictures of hands. In Study 2, visuotactile body mappings were explored within typically developing, preverbal infants. In the second study, infants received tactile stimulation to their hand or foot while viewing the hand or foot of another person. The findings of both studies indicate neural modulations were driven by the viewed stimuli regardless of the visuotactile congruency suggestive of attentional factors at work during late stages of somatosensory processing. / Psychology

Focalisation par retournement temporel dans les plaques minces : Application à la stimulation tactile / Time reversal focusing in thin plates : application to tactile stimulation

Hudin, Charles 24 March 2014 (has links)
Contrairement à la capture tactile multi digitale déjà largement répandue, il n'existe pas de solution superposable à un écran permettant l'affichage localisé d'informations perceptibles au toucher. On propose dans ce travail de thèse une approche basée sur la focalisation d'ondes de flexion dans une plaque mince. Cette focalisation, obtenue suivant le procédé de retournement temporel, permet de produire une stimulation tactile localisée en un ou plusieurs points d'une plaque transparente à partir d'un ensemble d'actionneurs situés sur son contour. Le dimensionnement de l'interface s'appuie en premier lieu sur l'étude du contraste de focalisation et sa sensibilité à la température. D'autres critères de dimensionnement sont étudiés tels que les résolutions spatiale et temporelle, la fréquence de répétition de la focalisation, le bilan énergétique ou le bruit audible généré. Le retournement temporel synthétique, permettant la focalisation en tout point de la surface à partir d'un apprentissage en un ensemble fini de points du contour est adapté au cas des plaques minces. Un démonstrateur est assemblé et caractérisé. On obtient sur une plaque d'épaisseur 0.5 mm un déplacement au point de focalisation jusqu'à 7 µm, pour une tache de focalisation d'un diamètre de 5 mm. La focalisation simultanée en plusieurs points est également obtenue expérimentalement. On propose finalement un modèle pour la prise en compte de la perturbation de la focalisation par le contact avec un ou plusieurs doigts. Une étude de perception montrant la possibilité de détecter et de discriminer le stimulus tactile produit conclue ce travail. / The sense of touch is an effective and yet underused interaction modality for human computer communication. As opposed to multitouch tactile screens already available, there is no solution able to provide a localized tactile stimulation on a transparent surface. This work introduces a novel approach for tactile feedback based on the focusing of flexural waves produced by a set of transducers located on sides of a thin plate. This focusing, allowed by the time reversal technique, produces a tactile stimulation localised in one or several points of a transparent surface. Design of the tactile interface relies of the study of focusing contrast and its thermal drift as well as temporal and spatial resolution, focusing refresh rate, energy balance and audible noise production. Synthetic time reversal, allowing the focusing at any point of the plate from the acquisition of impulse responses at a set of contour points is also introduced. A mock up device has been built and caracterised. A displacement up to 7 µm and a focal spot size about 5 mm on a 0.5 mm thick glass plate. Simultaneous focusing in multiple points is also achieved. A model describing the perturbation induced by the contact of one or many fingers with the plate is developped. A perceptual study finally demonstrates the possibility to detect and discriminate the stimulation produced by the focusing. The measured uncoupling of finger pulp and surface displacements at the focusing point could explain this detection.

Cortical organisation of tactile stimulation in heterosexual males : why body areas differ in their facilitation of sexual arousal.

Chaldecott, Jackie 16 May 2011 (has links)
Tactile stimulation, an important physiological component of the sexual experience, has the ability to influence the body’s representation in the brain. The sensory homunculus proposed by Penfield and Rasmussen illustrates the way in which the body is represented within the somatosensory cortex. Due to neuroplasticity, this map has the ability to adapt to differing levels of tactile input. How sexual arousal affects, or is represented by, the sensory homunculus is unknown. The study sought to identify: which body areas, rated by participants, are high in their ability to facilitate sexual arousal; to measure the intensity of the different body areas; and to identify whether the areas of greatest intensity lie adjacent cortically to the genital area thus supporting the hypothesised neuroplasticity of brain functioning. The current study was conducted through an online survey which was completed by volunteers with access to university portal sites, social networking sites and referrals. Sampling was convenient and comprised 208 heterosexual males. Data were treated quantitatively through descriptive (frequencies) and inferential (correlations, rotated factor analysis) statistics. The research findings provide support for the sensory homunculus mapping and suggest that there are three areas (genital, facial and trunk) that facilitate sexual arousal. The ability to facilitate sexual arousal is proposed to lie in the close proximity that these areas have within the three erogenous centres (cortically) as well as co-activation of body areas through perceived erogeneity and physiological proximity. This has important implications for sex therapy for individuals in which feeling in the genital area is lacking.

Berör mig : men på mina villkor, en studie om hur pedagoger arbetar med beröring i förskolan. / Touch me : but on my conditions, a study on how preschool teachers work mith taction.

Ardnell, Ann, Franzén, Ylva January 2004 (has links)
<p>Artikelserien "Hudhunger" som Dagens Nyheter publicerat under våren 2004 har varit en inspiration för oss när vi har skrivit vår uppsats. Serien har belyst begreppet beröring och dess betydelse för oss människor. I litteraturgenomgången presenterar vi först begreppet beröring kopplat till barnkonventionen och förskolans läroplan, varför beröring är så viktigt för oss leveande varelser genom hela livet. Vi tar även upp vad beröringsbrist kan leda till och dess effekter. Vidare presenterar vi hur beröringskänslighet, eller taktilt försvar kan yttra sig och hur man kan arbeta med dessa barn som har dessa svårigheter. Det kan också finnas misstänktsamhet vid beröring av barn. I det avsnittet presenterar vi varför beröring är viktigt för att motverka dessa misstänksamheter då barnen bygger upp mer förståelse för bra och dålig beröring. Slutligen tar vi upp om det finns någon skillnade mellan pojkar och flickor, hur de upplever beröing, enligt forskare. </p><p>I vår undersökning har vi gjort en enkät genom kvalitativ metod där vi undersökte hur pedagoger arbetar med beröring i förskolan. Undersökningen är gjord på fyra olika förskolor i två mellanstora städer i Sverige. Resultatet visar att de pedagoger som besvarat vår enkät har kunskap om beröring och beröringskänslighet. Samt att de har en positiv syn då de arbetar aktivt med beröring i form av exempelvis massage och taktila lekar. Vi anser att beröring ska vara en naturlig del i förskolans verksamhet och att vår uppsats uppmärksammar vikten av beröring och ett fortsatt arbete med beröring.</p>

Berör mig : men på mina villkor, en studie om hur pedagoger arbetar med beröring i förskolan. / Touch me : but on my conditions, a study on how preschool teachers work mith taction.

Ardnell, Ann, Franzén, Ylva January 2004 (has links)
Artikelserien "Hudhunger" som Dagens Nyheter publicerat under våren 2004 har varit en inspiration för oss när vi har skrivit vår uppsats. Serien har belyst begreppet beröring och dess betydelse för oss människor. I litteraturgenomgången presenterar vi först begreppet beröring kopplat till barnkonventionen och förskolans läroplan, varför beröring är så viktigt för oss leveande varelser genom hela livet. Vi tar även upp vad beröringsbrist kan leda till och dess effekter. Vidare presenterar vi hur beröringskänslighet, eller taktilt försvar kan yttra sig och hur man kan arbeta med dessa barn som har dessa svårigheter. Det kan också finnas misstänktsamhet vid beröring av barn. I det avsnittet presenterar vi varför beröring är viktigt för att motverka dessa misstänksamheter då barnen bygger upp mer förståelse för bra och dålig beröring. Slutligen tar vi upp om det finns någon skillnade mellan pojkar och flickor, hur de upplever beröing, enligt forskare. I vår undersökning har vi gjort en enkät genom kvalitativ metod där vi undersökte hur pedagoger arbetar med beröring i förskolan. Undersökningen är gjord på fyra olika förskolor i två mellanstora städer i Sverige. Resultatet visar att de pedagoger som besvarat vår enkät har kunskap om beröring och beröringskänslighet. Samt att de har en positiv syn då de arbetar aktivt med beröring i form av exempelvis massage och taktila lekar. Vi anser att beröring ska vara en naturlig del i förskolans verksamhet och att vår uppsats uppmärksammar vikten av beröring och ett fortsatt arbete med beröring.

Knowledge of first time mothers about the importance of tactile stimulation during infancy and early childhood

Petersen, Melvina L. 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MCur)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Research indicates that human touch plays an integral role in an infant’s ability to thrive and grow, with a correlation existing between tactile stimulation and optimal physical, emotional, cognitive, and social development. The aim of this study was to explore the level of knowledge of first time mothers attending Mowbray Maternity Hospital (MMH) regarding the importance of tactile stimulation during infancy and early childhood. A descriptive, non-experimental, research design was employed, using a pilot tested structured questionnaire for data collection during face-to-face interviews conducted by the Principal Investigator. Questions were divided into four domains: knowledge about the impact of tactile stimulation on the bonding domain, the emotional domain, physical domain and the social domain of infants and children. The inclusion of one open-ended question allowed participants to suggest recommendations for improved knowledge and care. A sample of 41 participants, constituting 40% of the study population (N=101) was randomly selected from MMH. Prior ethical approval was obtained from the Human Research Ethics Committee of Stellenbosch University, and operational approval from the Western Cape Department of Health, and the Research Committee and Senior Management of MMH. Written informed consent was obtained from the study participants. The quantitative data was analysed using Statistica (Version 10) with the assistance of a statistician. The qualitative data yielded from the one open-ended question was analysed thematically and then quantified. The findings show that 90% (n=37) of the participants were knowledgeable about tactile stimulation strategies, 81% (n=33) knew about the impact of tactile stimulation on the bonding domain, 75% (n=31) on the emotional domain, 52% (n=21) on the physical domain and 43% (n=18) on the social domain. Although all participants had reported for out-patient antenatal care on four and more occasions, 73% (n=30) indicated that they had improved their knowledge regarding pregnancy, labour, birth, and parenting by reading magazines, 20% (n=8) reported that a health care worker had spoken to them about the benefits of tactile stimulation, and 15% (n=6) had received literature on the benefits of tactile stimulation. The open-ended question generated several findings which included suggestions to enhance healthcare by providing information and training about tactile stimulation and perinatal matters when attending antenatal clinic; by offering assistance with infant feeding during the postnatal period; and by improving the attitude and professional stance of health care workers. The study findings suggest that first time mothers at MMH are not adequately knowledgeable about the importance of tactile stimulation during infancy and early childhood. Grounded in the empirical findings and based on the suggestions offered by the participants, several recommendations, including improved information and training, were identified toward strengthening tactile stimulation knowledge and practice at both the parental and health care provider levels. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Studies toon dat menslike aanraking ‘n belangrike rol in ‘n baba se algemene vermoëns om te groei speel, terwyl ‘n positiewe korrelasie tussen koestering en optimale fisiese, emosionele, kognitiewe en sosiale ontwikkeling bestaan. Die doel van hierdie studie was om vas te stel of moeders, wat vir die eerste keer geboorte geskenk het, en geskeduleer was om by Mowbray Kraamhospitaal geboorte te skenk, ingelig was aangaande die belangrikheid van streling tydens babaskap en die vroeë kinderjare. ‘n Beskrywende, nie-eksperimentele navorsingstudie is uitgevoer, deur van ‘n gestruktureerde, onderhoudsvraelys vir die insameling van data gebruik te maak. Vrae was opverdeeld in die volgende seksies: kennis rakende die impak van babastreling op die band tussen moeder en baba, kennis rakende die impak op die emosienele dimensie, en kennis rakende die impak van babastreling op die fisiese en sosiale dimensies van babas en kinders. Die ewekansige gekose studie-groep van een-enveertig deelneemers het 40% van die studie-populasie uitgemaak. Voorafgaande etiese en operationele toestemming is vanaf die Menslike Etiese Kommittee van die Universiteit van Stellenbosch, die Wes-Kaapse Departement van Gesondheid en vanaf die Navorsings kommittee en Bestuur van Mowbray Kraamhospitaal verkry. Geskrewe toestemming is voor aanvang van die een-tot-een onderhoude vanaf die deelneners verkry. Die kwantitiewe data is met die hulp van ‘n statistikus deur die gebruik van die sagteware, Statistica (Weergawe10) geanaliseer. Die kwalitiewe data wat na aanleiding van die oop-eindigende vraag verkry is, is tematies geanaliseer en gekwantifiseer. Die resultate het getoon dat meeste 90% (n=37) van die deelnemers met die algemene praktyke van babastrelingstrategië gedurende babaskap bekend was. Die persentasie vir deelnemers se kennis rakende die impak van babastreling op die band tussen moeder en baba was 81% (n=33), en vir kennis omtrent die emosienele dimensie 75% (n=31), die impak van babastreling op die fisiese 52% (n=21) en die sosiale 43% (n=18) dimensies van babas en kinders. Alhoewel alle deelneemers vir voorgeboorte kliniek gerapporteer het, het 73% (n=30), terugvoer dat hulle hulle kennis omtrent swangerskap, geboorte en ouerskap verbreed het deur tydskrifte te lees, 20% (n=8) van die deelnemers gerapporteer het dat ‘n gesondheidswerker met hulle omtrent die voordele van babastreling gepraat het, terwyl 15% (n=6) leesmaterial rakende die voordele van babstreling ontvang het. Die oop-eindigende vraag het verskeie bevindings opgelewer met voorstelle met betrekking tot die verbetering van gesondheidsorg en opleiding, opleiding aangaande die voorgeboortelike sorg wat hulle ontvang het en aangaande perinatale aangeleenthede en stimulasie van babas deur streling. Deelneemers het ook voorgestel dat verpleegsters hulp aan moeders behoort te verleen met die voeding van hul babas in die periode na geboorte en dat gesondheidsorgwerkers hulle professionaliteit en gesindhede jeens pasiënte behoort te verbeter. Ten slotte het die uitkomste van hierdie studie aangedui dat, moeders wat vir die eerste keer geboorte geskenk het by Mowbray Kraamhospitaal, onvoldoende kennis dra oor die belangrikheid van stimulasie van hulle babas en jong kinders deur streling. Gegrond in die empiriese bevindings en gebaseer op die voorstelle van deelnemers, is verskeie aanbevelings geïdentifiseer vir die moontlike verbetering van kennis rakende streling op die ouer- en gesondheidswerkervlakke.

Interação entre deficiência de ferro e estimulação tátil: avaliação ultraestrutural do nervo óptico de ratos Wistar no período pós-natal precoce / Iron deficiency and tactile stimulation interaction: ultrastructural evaluation of the optic nerve from developing rats.

Barbosa, Everton Horiquini 27 November 2017 (has links)
A deficiência de ferro é a carência nutricional mais frequente no mundo, uma vez que a população de crianças é uma das que mais sofre com essa condição. É sabido que o desenvolvimento cerebral é determinado não apenas por um plano genético, mas sim por uma forte interação de fatores genéticos e ambientais. Evidências emergentes sugerem que a estimulação precoce pode oferecer grande eficácia terapêutica, uma vez que o cérebro é notavelmente responsivo a essa interação com o ambiente. Dado que a estimulação tátil (TS) tem sido previamente demonstrada ser uma abordagem terapêutica eficaz e com potencial aplicação em seres humanos, o objetivo deste estudo foi verificar se a exposição à estimulação tátil desde o dia pós-natal (P) 1 até P32 durante 3 min/dia, poderia ser utilizada para prevenir alterações estruturais do nervo óptico de ratos mantidos com uma dieta deficiente em ferro durante o desenvolvimento pós-natal. Foram utilizados 72 ratos machos recém-nascidos (Wistar), sendo que as ratas-lactantes foram mantidas com dieta isocalórica com 35mg/Fe por kg de ração (Grupo ANTS) ou com 4mg/Fe por kg de ração (Grupo DNTS) durante todo o período de lactação e os filhotes receberam a dieta de suas respectivas ratas-lactantes após o desmame (P22-32). Metade dos filhotes de cada grupo foi submetida à TS diária (Grupo ATS e DTS), durante todo o período experimental (P01-32). Foram realizadas análises estrutural e ultraestrutural, em 3 diferentes idades, para avaliar a integridade tecidual e também a fim de determinar se as mudanças observadas na citoarquitetura do nervo óptico foram significativamente diferentes entre os grupos e idades. Verificou-se que os animais mantidos com dieta deficiente em ferro apresentaram baixo peso corporal a partir do desmame, revelando uma curva de crescimento menos acentuada. A baixa concentração de hemoglobina e hematócritos indicam que esses animais sofreram com anemia severa em todos os períodos estudados. A análise ultraestrutural qualitativa mostrou que a deficiência de ferro imposta durante o período crítico do desenvolvimento leva a sérios danos as fibras das células ganglionares da retina, com efeitos sobre o envoltório de mielina que frequentemente apresentou afrouxamento lamelar e em idades mais avançadas foram encontradas degenerações mielínicas e axonais. A análise ultraestrutural quantitativa mostrou que a dieta deficiente em ferro leva a um atraso no processo de mielinização que pode ser parcialmente revertido pelo tratamento com estimulação tátil. Além disso, fica claro que as fibras de menor diâmetro são mais sensíveis às lesões geradas pela deficiência de ferro e também ao tratamento, enquanto que as fibras de maior diâmetro são afetadas de forma desproporcional tanto pela deficiência de ferro quanto pela estimulação tátil. As lesões sugerem que a transmissão dos sinais elétricos pode estar prejudicada, interferindo com as funções normais do sistema visual. / Iron deficiency has a critical impact on maturational mechanisms of the brain and the damage related to neuroanatomical parameters is not satisfactorily reversed after iron replacement. However, emerging evidence suggest that enriched early experience may offer great therapeutic efficacy in cases of nutritional disorders postnatally, since the brain is remarkably responsive to its interaction with the environment. Given the fact that tactile stimulation (TS) treatment has been previously shown to be an effective therapeutic approach and with potential application to humans, here we ask whether exposure to TS treatment, from postnatal day (P) 1 to P32 for 3 min/day, could also be employed to prevent neuroanatomical changes in the optic nerve of rats maintained on an iron-deficient diet during brain development. It was verified that the animals maintained with iron deficient diet presented low weight from the weaning, revealing a lower growth curve. The low concentration of hemoglobin and hematocrits indicate that these animals suffered from severe anemia in all studied periods. The qualitative ultrastructural analysis showed that the iron deficiency imposed during the critical period of development leads to serious damage to the fibers from retinal ganglion cells, with effects on the myelin sheath that frequently presented lamellar loosening and myelin degenerations and axonal at more advanced age. Quantitative ultrastructural analysis has shown that the iron deficient diet leads to a delay in the myelination process that can be partially reversed by treatment with tactile stimulation. In addition, it is clear that the smaller diameter fibers are more sensitive to the iron deficiency and also to the treatment, whereas the larger fibers are disproportionately affected by both iron deficiency and tactile stimulation. The lesions suggest that the transmission of electrical signals may be impaired, interfering with the normal functions of the visual system.

Avaliação morfológica e morfométrica dos efeitos da estimulação tátil neonatal sobre o nervo óptico de ratos Wistar hígidos ou submetidos a uma dieta deficiente em ferro no período pós-natal precoce / Morphological and morphometric evaluation of the effects of neonatal tactile stimulation on the optic nerve or healthy wistar rats subjected to a iron-deficient diet in the early post-natal period.

Barbosa, Everton Horiquini 01 November 2013 (has links)
Diante da deficiência de ferro que leva a processos degenerativos do sistema nervoso central e da estimulação tátil neonatal como uma estratégia não invasiva e promissora para atenuar os déficits causados pela degeneração, assim, justifica-se comparar em ratos submetidos à dieta deficiente em ferro (A - 4mg/kg) ou dieta adequada em ferro (C - 35mg/kg) os efeitos da estimulação tátil neonatal, em relação aos aspectos morfológicos e morfométricos das células gliais, fibras mielínicas e vasos sanguíneos do nervo óptico, aos 18, 22 e 32 dias de idade. Foram utilizadas 12 ninhadas de ratos Wistar, compostas por 12 ratas-mãe e 72 filhotes machos recém-nascidos, que por sua vez, foram divididos em dois grupos de acordo com a dieta submetida às ratas-mãe (A e C). Metade das ninhadas do grupo A e C foram submetidas à estimulação tátil (E) e a outra metade não recebeu nenhuma forma de estímulo (N). Resultando, portanto, nos seguintes grupos experimentais: grupo controle não estimulado (CN), grupo controle estimulado (CE), grupo anêmico não estimulado (AN), e grupo anêmico estimulado (AE), cada grupo foi composto por 3 ratas-mães e 18 filhotes. Aos 18, 22 e 32 dias de vida, seis animais de cada grupo experimental foram profundamente anestesiados e perfundidos por via transcardíaca. Os nervos ópticos foram cuidadosamente dissecados com o auxílio de um estereomicroscópio (Stemi DRC, Carl Zeiss) e esses fragmentos foram refixados em tetróxido de ósmio a 1% em tampão fosfato e então processados para inclusão em araldite. Na análise dos aspectos morfológicos dos nervos ópticos dos ratos do grupo AN, foi observada grande quantidade de fibras com aumento do diâmetro axônal indicando aumento de líquido intracelular e, por conseguinte edema axônal. Ainda, foram encontradas bainhas de mielina desconfiguradas, caracterizando frouxidão lamelar ou desprendimento da bainha de mielina de seu axônio, além do mais, é notório o aumento de espaços entre as fibras. Os astrócitos e os oligodendrócitos também demonstravam sinais claros de sofrimento celular, apresentando deformidades da membrana nuclear, como invaginação ou irregularidade do envelope nuclear. Os nervos ópticos dos ratos anêmicos e submetidos à estimulação neonatal apresentaram diminuição dos efeitos deletérios da deficiência de ferro. Não houve diferença das características dos nervos ópticos dos grupos CN e CE. De acordo com o resultado de quantificação de células gliais, constata-se que os animais alimentados com dieta inadequada em ferro apresentaram maior quantidade de astrócitos e menor quantidade de oligodendrócitos em todas as idades estudadas e essas medidas não são alteradas pela estimulação tátil neonatal. A quantificação de vasos sanguíneos mostra que a dieta deficiente em ferro não tem qualquer efeito sobre a densidade de vasos, entretanto a estimulação tátil neonatal aumenta significativamente o número de vasos no nervo óptico. A quantificação revelou grande aumento de fibras nervosas mielínicas lesadas nos animais que se alimentaram com dieta deficiente em ferro e também revelou que a estimulação tátil neonatal diminui o número de fibras lesadas. Os dados do presente estudo mostram que animais alimentados com dieta deficiente em ferro sofrem alterações celulares importantes durante o desenvolvimento pós-natal precoce do nervo óptico quando comparados com controle. Também é possível notar que a estimulação tátil neonatal, realizada no período crítico do desenvolvimento do SNC foi eficaz, minimizando a quantidade de fibras mielínicas lesadas e aumentando a quantidade de vasos sanguíneos. / Previous studies showed that iron deficiency leads to degenerative processes in the CNS and neonatal tactile stimulation is a noninvasive and promising strategy to attenuate the deficits caused by the degeneration, it is important to compare in rats, subjected to iron-deficient diet (A - 4mg/kg) or iron-adequate diet (C - 35mg/kg), the effects of neonatal tactile stimulation on the morphometric aspects of the optic nerve, such as the quantification of glial cells, blood vessels and myelinated fibers, at 18, 22 and 32 days of age. A total of twelve litters of Wistar rats was used, consisting of 12 dam and 72 male newborns, which were divided into two groups according to the diet given to the dam (A and C). Half of the litters in group A and C was subjected to tactile stimulation (E) and the other half received no stimulation (N). Finally, resulting in four experimental groups: non-stimulated control group (CN), stimulated control group (CE), the non-stimulated anemic group (AN), and the stimulated anemic group (AE), each group consisted of 3 dam and 18 pups. At 18, 22 and 32 days of life, six pups of each group was anesthetized and sacrificed by transcardiac perfusion. The optic nerve of the pups was dissected and immersed in 1% osmium tetroxide and embedded in araldite. Morphological analysis of the AN group showed that a large amount of fibers with increased axonal diameter which indicates excessive intracellular fluid and therefore axonal swelling. Furthermore, it was found disarranged myelin sheaths, characterized by lamellar loose or myelin detached from its axon. In addition, there was an increase of spaces between the fibers. Astrocytes and oligodendrocytes also showed clear signs of cell suffering, with deformities of the nuclear membrane, such as invagination or irregularity of the nuclear envelope. The analysis of the AE group showed a decrease of the deleterious effects of iron deficiency. There was no difference in the characteristics of the optic nerves of CN and CE groups. According to the result of glial cells quantification, it was found that animals fed with iron-deficient diet had a higher amount of astrocytes and a lower amount of oligodendrocytes at all ages studied, and these numbers were not altered by tactile stimulation. The blood vessels quantification shows that the iron-deficient diet has no effect on the vessel density, however, the neonatal tactile stimulation increased significantly the number of vessels in optic nerve. Morphometry showed a significant increase of the number of damaged fibers on optic nerve of animals that were fed with iron-deficient diet and neonatal tactile stimulation reduced the number of damaged fibers in these animals. The present study showed that animals fed with iron-deficient diet presented significant cellular changes during the early postnatal development of the optic nerve compared with their paired controls. It was also noted that the neonatal tactile stimulation, performed during the critical period of development of the CNS was effective, minimizing the amount of damaged fibers and increasing the amount of blood vessels.

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