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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Patient Perception of Dental Students’ Professionalism

Norén, Nina, Thörn, Marcus January 2021 (has links)
ABSTRACT  Aim: Professionalism is an important and integrated part of dentistry and an essential characteristic in dentists. The aim of this study is to evaluate how patients perceive dental student’s professionalism and if their perception differs between male and female dental students at the Faculty of Odontology at Malmö University.  Material & method: By using definitions of professionalism, a cross-sectional survey with eight statements was created to evaluate the patients’ perceptions of the dental student’s professionalism. For each of the statements, patients responded through a five-point Likert scale. The results were analysed using IBM SPSS Statistics 25 programme and p ≤ 0,05 as a significant p-value.  Results: Majority of the 103 patients that participated in the survey had a positive response to all eight statement and only three patients responded negatively. Dental students in their final years generally received better reviews than students in their second or third year. 100% of the patients agreed completely that they felt respectfully treated by the students. Male dental student received slightly higher percentage in two statement that of them being more knowledge and able to care for the patient in the best way possible. No significant results, p ≤ 0,05, were obtained.  Conclusion: The patients generally perceived dental students to be professional and that the student’s professionalism increases as their education progresses. Male and female dental students were largely considered equally professional. More studies are necessary on professionalism in dental educations. / SAMMANFATTNING  Syfte: Professionalism är en viktig och integrerad del av tandvården och är ett nödvändigt karaktärsdrag hos tandläkare. Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka tandläkarstudenternas professionalism från patientens perspektiv samt att utvärdera om studenternas professionalism skiljer sig med hänsyn till kön på odontologiska fakulteten på Malmö Universitet.  Material & metod: En tvärsnittsundersökning med åtta påståenden om tandläkarstudents professionalism utformades för att undersöka patienternas uppfattning av tandläkarstudenternas professionalism. Patienternas respons registrerades på en fem-punkts Likert-skala. Resultatet analyserades med hjälp av kalkyleringsprogrammet IBM SPSS Statistics 25 och p ≤ 0,05 som ett signifikant p-värde.  Resultat: Majoriteten av 103 deltagande patienter gav positiva svar till alla åtta påståenden, och endast tre patienter svarade med negativa svarsalternativ. Tandläkarstudenter som går i de sista åren i tandläkarutbildningen fick generellt positivare respons än tandläkarstudenter som studerar i andra och tredje året av utbildningen. 100% av patienterna höll med helt att de kände sig respektfullt bemötta av studenterna. Manliga tandläkarstudenter fick något högre procentuella värden för två påståenden där patienterna ansåg att manliga studenter erhöll mer kunskap och var kapabla att ta hand om patienterna på bästa sätt. Inga signifikanta resultat där p ≤ 0,05 erhölls.  Konklusion: Patienterna uppfattade generellt tandläkarstudenterna som professionella och att studenternas professionalism ökade desto längre fram i utbildningen de befann sig. Manliga och kvinnliga tandläkarstudenter ansågs i stort vara likvärdigt professionella. Fler studier är nödvändiga för utvärdering av professionalism bland tandvårdsrelaterade utbildningar.

Anterior single crown treatments made by dental students and teachers at Malmö University, Sweden; a 5-year retrospective follow-up

Zabel, Melanie, Vasiljević, Nataša January 2021 (has links)
Aim: To investigate the clinical survival and success, including both function and aesthetics, of tooth supported crowns in the anterior region after a minimum of 5 years after installation in the student as well as teacher clinic of the Faculty of Odontology, Malm. University, Sweden. Materials & method: Eligible patients were identified through screening of dental technician invoices stretching back to 2012. 78 patients were invited to participate in the study and 39 patients were examined, 28 and 11 from student and teacher clinics respectively. A modified examination protocol based on the CDA protocol was used by two examiners to score the crowns. Moreover, patients’ own views on aesthetics and function of their crowns were collected through a questionnaire. Results: Patient satisfaction with function and aesthetics was equally high in teacher and student clinic as well as for the different crown materials. Examiner ratings found overall successful results across the investigated categories “surface and colour”, “anatomic form” and “margin integrity”. No significant differences were found with regards to the operator or the different materials. The 5-year survival rate among the examined patients was 89% resp. 91% in the student and teacher clinic. Conclusion: Patients at the Faculty of Odontology in Malm. can expect to receive satisfying crown treatments in the anterior region of the mouth regardless of whether the operator is a teacher or a student and regardless of the chosen material. / Syfte: Att undersöka klinisk överlevnad och lyckandefrekvens, med hänsyn till funktion och estetik, av tandstödda kronor i framtandsregionen som installerades för minst 5 år sedan på student och lärarklinik vid Odontologiska fakulteten, Malmö Universitet, Sverige. Material och metod: 78 lämpliga patienter identifierades genom granskning av  tandtekniska fakturor från 2012 och framåt, och bjöds in att delta i studien. 39 patienter undersöktes, 28 respektive 11 från student- och lärarklinik. Två granskare använde ett modifierat granskningsprotokoll baserat på CDA protokollet för att betygsätta kronornas utseende och funktion. Utöver detta användes ett frågeformulär för att få patientens syn på estetik och funktion av kronan. Resultat: Patienternas omdömen av kronans funktion och estetik var lika hög i lärar- och studentkliniken liksom för de olika kronmaterialen. Granskarnas bedömning visade hög lyckandefrekvens för de undersökta kategorierna ”yta och färg”, ”anatomisk form” och ”kantanslutning”. Inga signifikanta skillnader kunde ses med avseende på vem som var operatör eller vilket material som valts. 5-års överlevnaden bland de undersökta patienterna var 89% resp. 91% p. student- och lärarkliniken. Slutsats: Patienter som behandlas vid Odontologiska fakulteten i Malmö kan förvänta sig ett tillfredsställande resultat vid kronterapi i framtandsregionen oavsett om operatören är en lärare eller en student och oavsett vilket material som väljs.

Gendered experiences of work environment : A study of stress and ambiguity among dental students in Sweden / Könade upplevelser av arbetsmiljö :  En studie av stress och ambiguitet bland tandläkarstudenter i Sverige

Schéle, Ingrid January 2011 (has links)
This thesis explores how dental students experience their education. We aim to generate ways to understand which elements relate to the students’ experience based on current theories and models regarding the quality of working life and gender (and) power relations.   Methods Twelve interviews with Umeå dental students in their clinical semesters were analysed with a Grounded Theory (GT) as well as a content analysis approach. A web-survey was sent to all clinical dental students in Sweden (P ≈ 805) with a response rate of 40% (p = 322). The quantitative methods included structural equation modelling and cluster analysis. Results The GT analysis resulted in the core category “Experiencing ambiguity,” that captured the student’s role-ambiguity. Central categories focused on perceived stress and performance assessment in relation to ambiguous inner and outer demands. The content analysis resulted in three categories: “Notions of inequalities,” “Gendering,” and “The student position.” These categories present the ways groups of students are constructed in relation to the student/dentist norm and social gender relations, and how women and men of foreign descent risk subordination and stereotyping. The SEM-model contained psychosocial work environment, tolerance for ambiguity, perceived stress, and student satisfaction. Work environment influenced both perceived stress and satisfaction, and stood for almost all of the explained variance in perceived stress for women, indicating that women are constructed as co-responsible for the work environment. About half of the variance for the men was explained by tolerance for ambiguity, indicating that the feeling of uncertainty may lead to stress in men who include “being in control” in their gender identity. The cluster analysis resulted in a six-cluster solution ranging from “The fresh and positive” to “The worn critiques.” Psychosocial work environment again appeared to be the main factor. Gender also appears to be a factor as the gender distribution in the best as well as the two worst clusters differs from the population. Conclusion Work environment stands out among the factors that relate to the students wellbeing and satisfaction, but the student group is heterogeneous and the ways students perceive their work environment relate to different processes and experiences. We suggest that the ways gender and ethnicity appear to be constructed in relation to the sociocultural gender power relations and the (traditional) medical hierarchy could be of importance for how the students’ experience their psychosocial work environment.

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