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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Hispania Tarraconensis tributim discripta / Hispania Tarraconensis Tributim Discripta

FASOLINI, DONATO 10 April 2008 (has links)
Il presente lavoro, dal titolo Hispania Tarraconensis tributim discripta, si prefigge l'intento, sulla scorta del lavoro di W. Kubitschek, Imperium Romanum tributim discriptum, Praga 1888, e di R. Wiegels, Die Tribusinschriften des römischen Hispanien. Ein Katalog, Berlin 1985, aggiornando quest'ultimo in base alla ricca documentazione emersa fino ad oggi dall'epoca della sua pubblicazione, di analizzare l'ascrizione tribale nella provincia Tarraconensis, da Augusto, autore della sistemazione delle province Iberiche, fino alla fine del II secolo. L'esame della ascrizione tribale ha consentito uno studio della distribuzione delle popolazioni nelle tribù territoriali dopo l'acquisizione della civitas, rilevando i criteri sottesi dal processo di progressiva razionalizzazione dell'amministrazione provinciale. L'analisi è stata condotta principalmente attraverso le fonti epigrafiche che, data la loro natura forniscono informazioni storiche puntuali, riguardanti un preciso e definito momento storico, e le recentissime e altrettanto importanti acquisizioni. Questa metodologia è stata integrata dall'apporto delle altre fonti disponibili: letterarie, archeologiche e numismatiche. / The present work, entitled Hispania Tarraconensis tributim discripta, following W. Kubitschek's Imperium Romanum tributim discriptum, Prague 1888, and R. Wiegels' Die Tribusinschriften des römischen Hispanien. Ein Katalog, Berlin 1985, and updating the latter according to the ample documentation emerged so far since the days of its publication, intends to analyse the tribal ascription in the province Tarraconensis, from August, who organised the Iberian province, until the end of the II century. The test of the tribal ascription has permitted a study of the populations distribution in the territorial tribe after the acquisition of the civitas, so detecting the criteria implied in the process of progressive rationalization of the provincial administration. The analysis has been conducted mainly with the epigraphic sources which, given their nature, supply with accurate historical information regarding a certain and defined historical era, and the more recent and equally important acquisitions. This methodology has been integrated with the contribution of the other available sources: literary, archaeological and numismatic.

Fortificacions i espai urbà a l'època romana en el Conventus Tarraconensis

Pérez i Garcia, Víctor 04 February 2011 (has links)
Aquesta tesi consisteix en un estudi metòdic, científic i rigorós de les fortificacions (muralles de ciutats, campaments militars i torres de guaita) del Conventus Tarraconensis en el context de la infraestructura militar de l’Imperi Romà. Cronològicament s’han considerat cadascuna de les èpoques en les quals es divideix el domini romà d’Hispània: República (218-27 aC), Alt Imperi (27 aC-284 dC), Imperi Tardà (284-476), a més del final de l’Antiguitat Tardana (el regne visigòtic, 476-711). Geogràficament l’estudi es circumscriu a l’espai que ocupava el convent jurídic Tarraconense en època imperial, des dels Pirineus fins al riu Xúquer. S’han analitzat civitates, oppida, castra, castella i turres, prestant una especial atenció als recintes d’Aeso, Baetulo, Barcino, Dertosa, Emporiae, Gerunda, Iesso, Iluro, Olèrdola, Saguntum, Tarraco i Valentia. / This thesis consist of a methodical, scientific and rigorous study of the fortifications (city walls, forts and watchtowers) of the Conventus Tarraconensis in the context of the military infrastructure of the Roman empire. Chronologically it has been considered each period of the Roman domain of Hispania: Republic (218-27 BC), Early Empire (27 BC-284 AD) Late Empire (284-476), in addition to the end of Late Antiquity (the Visigothic kingdom, 476-711). Geographically the study is limited to the space occupied by the juridical conventus of Tarraco in the imperial era, from the Pyrenees to the river Xúquer. We analyzed civitates, oppida, castra, castella and turres, paying special attention to the enclosures of Aeso, Baetulo, Barcino, Dertosa, Emporiae, Gerunda, Iesso, Iluro, Olèrdola, Saguntum, Tarraco and Valentia.

Les amphores à salaisons et sauces de poissons de Bétique et de Tarraconaise : typologie et contenu (fin de la République – Haut-Empire) / Fish sauces and salted fish amphoras from Beatica and Tarraconensis : typology and contents (late Republican-early Roman Empire)

Quillon, Kevin 09 September 2016 (has links)
Consacrée aux amphores à saumures de l’Hispania Ulterior/Bétique et de l’Hispania Citerior/Tarraconaise de la fin de la République et du Haut-Empire, la présente thèse se construit autour de deux problématiques principales. La première porte sur l’identification des formes par une refonte de la typologie. Notre classification a été construite à partir des amphores provenant des ensembles céramiques de référence au travers d’un examen morphologique et chronologique minutieux. Elle a été appliquée à quelques-unes des épaves du littoral français et aux amphores du Rhône dont celles inédites provenant du dépotoir de l’épave Arles-Rhône 3 récupérées lors de l’opération de renflouage de l’épave. Le second volet concerne l’étude des denrées halieutiques (salaisons et sauces) transportées dans ces conteneurs par l’examen des textes anciens et des données directes du contenu que sont les résidus organiques et les inscriptions peintes. L’inédit de la recherche réside dans la lecture critique des tituli picti, véritable publicité sur amphores. Elle suppose l’existence de différents formulaires commerciaux propres à tel ou tel type de denrée. / Dedicated to fish sauces and salted fish amphoras of Hispania Ulterior/Baetica and Hispania Citerior/Tarraconensis from the end of the Republic and the Early Roman Empire, this thesis is established on two main problematics. The first one is the identification of amphora forms by a review of the current typology. Our classification is built on a precise study, morphological and chronological, of amphoras from reference contexts. It has been used for some shipwrecks materials located on the French coast and the amphoras from the Rhone context, including thoses from the Arles-Rhône 3 shipwreck deposits collected during the salvage operation.The second problematic focuses on the study of fisheries commodity (fish sauces and salted fish) carried out in theses ceramic containers through the analysis of antique texts and direct data which are organic residues and painted inscriptions. The novelty of this research lies in the critical reading and interpretation of theses tituli picti, genuine advertising on amphoras. It involves the existence of different business forms suitable for a particular type of commodity.

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