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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Redes técnicas e uso privado do território na Amazônia : o caso da Estrada de Ferro Carajás da Companhia Vale do Rio Doce (1997 a 2006)

Costa, Jodival Mauricio da January 2008 (has links)
O presente trabalho tem como objetivo discutir a relação entre redes, território e sociedade na região de Carajás, Amazônia Oriental. Versa sobre o controle de redes técnicas como “instrumento” para o uso do território por atores privados. Para tanto, a pesquisa tem como estudo de caso a Estrada de Ferro Carajás (EFC) da Companhia Vale do Rio Doce após o período de privatização da empresa, quando a ferrovia foi concedida para uso do poder privado. No trabalho, trata-se a rede técnica como elemento constituído de duas dimensões: uma que é social, principalmente pelo seu interesse político-econômico, e outra que é técnica, pela função que a rede passa a desempenhar. Assim, discuti-se a rede técnica como o instrumento e o recurso do poder de atores privados imputado ao espaço, que se transforma em forma de apropriação e domínio espacial, constituindo um meio de conexão e, ao mesmo tempo, de fragmentação territorial. Como se trata da relação redes técnicas, sociedade e território, o trabalho considera a indissociabilidade dessas duas categorias, mas sublinha que a lógica das redes se diferencia da lógica dos territórios. / The present work has as objective to argue the relation between technical networks, territory and society in the region of Carajás, Eastern Amazonian. It turns on the control of technical networks as "instrument" for the use of the territory for private actors. For in such a way, the research has as case study the Road of Ferro Carajás (EFC) of the Companhia Vale do Rio Doce after the period of privatization of the company, when the railroad was granted for use of the private power. In the work, it is technical networks as consisting element about two dimensions: one that is social, mainly for its politician-economic interest, and another one that is technique, for the function that the technical networks starts to play. Thus, I argued it technical networks as the instrument and the resource of the power of private actors imputed to the space, that if transforms into form of appropriation and space domain, constituting a way of connection and, at the same time, of territorial spalling. As one is about the relation technical networks, society and territory, the work considers the indissociabilidade of these two categories, but it standes out that the logic of the nets if differentiates of the logic of the territories.

Violências na contemporaneidade: etnografia de redes sociotécnicas na Cidade de Chapecó (SC) / Violences in contemporaneidade: ethnography of socio-technicals networks in the city of Chapecó (SC)

Irme Salete Bonamigo 18 April 2007 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / O objetivo deste estudo foi investigar os dispositivos que permitem instituir a "violência" na contemporaneidade como uma questão constituinte e mobilizadora de coletivos (para o seu estudo, o seu combate, a sua divulgação, proteção frente à mesma, atendimento às suas vítimas e atendimento ou punição a seus agentes), na cidade de Chapecó. Para esta finalidade, foram utilizados princípios, regras e propriedades metodológicas da Teoria do Ator-Rede, concebida por Bruno Latour, John Law e Michel Callon, que guiaram a etnografia realizada; a Teoria da Sociedade Global de Riscos, proposta por Ulrich Beck, que permitiu compreender configurações contemporâneas; e noções de Michel Foucault, Gilles Deleuze e Felix Guattari que possibilitaram focar processos vinculados às gestões das violências, como a mídia e as tecnologias de vigilância e controle. A violência foi constituída como um artefato da pesquisa e conduziu ao conhecimento dos vários sentidos tomados no espaço de sua circulação. No lugar de tomar uma definição a priori para relacioná-la ao empírico, o estudo optou por uma forma de compreendê-la, com base nos referenciais escolhidos: não como causa, mas como efeito, configurando redes sociotécnicas que articulam diferentes elementos; não um reservatório que forneceria automaticamente uma explicação, mas o resultado final de um processo, que envolve mediadores em sua fabricação. A pesquisa foi realizada em Chapecó, cidade de porte médio, localizada no Oeste de Santa Catarina, diferenciando-se dos grandes centros urbanos, nos quais as violências vêm sendo predominantemente estudadas. O trabalho de campo englobou diferentes momentos (2004, 2005 e 2006) e trilhou diferentes caminhos para a coleta de indicadores. O primeiro investigando histórias da cidade e região com ênfase nos estudos referentes a situações que ficaram marcadas como violentas. O segundo observando a cidade como um todo, tendo em vista eventos, atores e coletivos que se constituíram vinculados à categoria violência. O terceiro focando e descrevendo cinco eventos contemporâneos específicos vinculados às práticas violentas, à gestão das violências, à produção de segurança e à mídia escrita de Chapecó. A amplitude e a diversidade, abrangidas pela etnografia, evidenciaram que as configurações das práticas violentas se constituem conectadas aos processos de inscrição dessas práticas, aos processos de tradução das categorias que as definem e as estratégias de gestão das violências, que implicam em tecnologias de vigilância e controle. As múltiplas entradas para abordar o tema fizeram ressoar as misturas que envolvem a sua discussão, a infinitude de variáveis em jogo e a multiplicidade que compõe as violências. Os eventos estudados tornaram perceptível a trama de redes que constituem a violência no município, redes que disputam e fazem alianças, conectando uma diversidade de actantes que as fabricam cotidianamente. Dessa forma, a violência não deve ser delegada a alguns atores apenas, mas pode ser compreendida como efeito de redes sociotécnicas extensas que articulam diferentes actantes, a partir dos vínculos que os ligam, da tradução dos interesses que os unem e dos traços que inscrevem os seus deslocamentos. / This researchs main objective was to investigate the means by which violence can be instituted in contemporaneity as a question constituent and mobilizer of collectives (for its study, combat, divulgation, protection against it, support to the victims and attention and punishment to its agents) in the city of Chapecó. For this finality were utilized principles, rules and methodological properties of the Actor-Network Theory conceived by Bruno Latour, John Law e Michael Callon, who guided the accomplished ethnography; the Global Society of Risks Theory proposed by Ulrich Beck, which allowed one to comprehend contemporaneous configurations; and notions of Michael Foucault, Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari, which made possible to focus processes entailed to violence management, like the media and the vigilance and control technologies. The violence was constituted as an artifact of research and conducted to the knowledge of several meanings taken in the space of its circulation. Instead of using a definition a priori to relate it to the empirical, this study opted for a way to comprehend it based on the chosen referential: not as a cause but as an effect, configurating socio-technical networks that articulate different elements; not a reservoir which would automatically provide an explanation but the final result of a process that involves mediators in its fabrication. This research was conducted in Chapecó, a medium size city, located in the west of Santa Catarina State, differentiating from other urban centers where violence has been predominantly studied. The fieldwork involved different moments (2004, 2005 and 2006) and explored different means to collect the indicators. The first one was to investigate histories of the city and region, emphasizing studies related to situations marked as violent. The second was to observe a city as a whole, focusing events, actors and collectives that were constituted entailed to the category violence. The third one was to focus and describe five specific contemporaneous events entailed to violent practices, violence management, production of security and the written media of Chapecó. The amplitude and diversity enclosed by ethnography evidenced that the configurations of violent practices are constituted connected to the inscription processes of such practices, to the translation processes of the categories that define it and the violence management strategies which imply control and vigilance technologies. The multiple ways to approach the issue enlightened the mixes that involve its discussion, the infinitude of variables that are in steak and the multiplicity that compose the violence. The events studied made perceptible the networks that constitute the violence in this city, networks that dispute and make alliances, connecting a diversity of actors that fabricate it every day. Thus, the violence should not be delegated to a few actors only, but can be understood as an effect of wide socio-technical networks that articulate different actors, from the bonds that connect them, the translation of interests that unite them and the features that inscribe its dislocations.

Redes técnicas e uso privado do território na Amazônia : o caso da Estrada de Ferro Carajás da Companhia Vale do Rio Doce (1997 a 2006)

Costa, Jodival Mauricio da January 2008 (has links)
O presente trabalho tem como objetivo discutir a relação entre redes, território e sociedade na região de Carajás, Amazônia Oriental. Versa sobre o controle de redes técnicas como “instrumento” para o uso do território por atores privados. Para tanto, a pesquisa tem como estudo de caso a Estrada de Ferro Carajás (EFC) da Companhia Vale do Rio Doce após o período de privatização da empresa, quando a ferrovia foi concedida para uso do poder privado. No trabalho, trata-se a rede técnica como elemento constituído de duas dimensões: uma que é social, principalmente pelo seu interesse político-econômico, e outra que é técnica, pela função que a rede passa a desempenhar. Assim, discuti-se a rede técnica como o instrumento e o recurso do poder de atores privados imputado ao espaço, que se transforma em forma de apropriação e domínio espacial, constituindo um meio de conexão e, ao mesmo tempo, de fragmentação territorial. Como se trata da relação redes técnicas, sociedade e território, o trabalho considera a indissociabilidade dessas duas categorias, mas sublinha que a lógica das redes se diferencia da lógica dos territórios. / The present work has as objective to argue the relation between technical networks, territory and society in the region of Carajás, Eastern Amazonian. It turns on the control of technical networks as "instrument" for the use of the territory for private actors. For in such a way, the research has as case study the Road of Ferro Carajás (EFC) of the Companhia Vale do Rio Doce after the period of privatization of the company, when the railroad was granted for use of the private power. In the work, it is technical networks as consisting element about two dimensions: one that is social, mainly for its politician-economic interest, and another one that is technique, for the function that the technical networks starts to play. Thus, I argued it technical networks as the instrument and the resource of the power of private actors imputed to the space, that if transforms into form of appropriation and space domain, constituting a way of connection and, at the same time, of territorial spalling. As one is about the relation technical networks, society and territory, the work considers the indissociabilidade of these two categories, but it standes out that the logic of the nets if differentiates of the logic of the territories.

As redes sociotécnicas do etanol: estudo de caso de Ribeirão Preto (SP) / Ethanol socio-technical networks: a case study in Ribeirão Preto (SP)

Pagliuca, Fabio Cury 19 February 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-06-02T19:16:38Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 5794.pdf: 1648532 bytes, checksum: c6db9dd06241a1ffc6f1d32c9735a13e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-02-19 / Financiadora de Estudos e Projetos / This study investigates, based on the theories of Latour, the way one interact and articulate socio-technical networks in order to reinforce the technologies. To support the research we used the concept of socio-technical networks and translated it into the development of technologies and innovations, instead of using it like the author purposed, it is, to evaluate and understand the academic production and its dynamics. On a second moment, we investigated the relationship between the culture of sugarcane, and the developments that this culture has endured over the centuries, culminating in the direction of the current generation of sustainable energy. Yet at this point, are identified the actors in the network, linked to the development of ethanol. In a third step the analysis is performed, for which are important to understand, who the actors are, whether they are strong or weak, and indentify the responsible for developing and positioning the network. The case study takes place in the city of Ribeirão Preto, where are located important actors to the sugarcane economy. / A presente pesquisa investiga baseada nas teorias de Latour, a maneira como se articulam e interagem redes sócio-técnicas, que visam consolidar tecnologias. Para embasar a pesquisa é utilizado o conceito de redes sócio-técnicas, que foi traduzido para o desenvolvimento de tecnologias e inovações atuais, diferente do utilizado pelo autor para tratar da produção acadêmica e sua dinâmica. Em um segundo momento, investiga-se a relação entre a cultura da cana-de-açúcar e os desdobramentos que essa cultura tem sofrido ao longo dos séculos, culminando, hoje, na direção da geração de energia sustentável. Ainda neste momento, são identificados quais os integrantes da rede ligada ao desenvolvimento de etanol. Em um terceiro momento é realizada a análise, no qual é estudada a rede, levantando questões como quem são os atores responsáveis pelo desenvolvimento e qual formato que a rede vem tomando. O estudo de caso se dá na cidade de Ribeirão Preto onde está localizado um dos principais centros econômicos ligados ao mercado de cana-de-açúcar.

Caminhos que estruturam cidades: redes t?cnicas de transporte sobre trilhos e a conforma??o intra-urbana de Natal / Pathways and the construction of the city: rail transport techinical netwoks and the urban conformation of Natal

Medeiros, Gabriel Leopoldino Paulo de 16 December 2011 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T13:57:07Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 GabrielLPM_Pag1_ate_pag97.pdf: 4839877 bytes, checksum: 3d5fe7174441bcbf90a4b28c1edf1c0f (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-12-16 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior / The railroad, from 1870 and on, becomes an usual complaining in the press s and politician elite s speeches, especially because of Natal s geographic isolation. The implantation of two railroads in the capital territory Estrada de Ferro de Natal a Nova Cruz, afterwards part of Great Western Railway Company network, and Estrada de Ferro Central do Rio Grande do Norte had serious implications in the urban environment. While railroad s structures were already consolidated, other transportation mechanisms were being implanted in the first decades of the 20th century, such as trams lines, which, by the way, was a transport modal that also used rails as a dislocation meaning. Considering these questions, we may ask: how come railroads and tramways demands, roads and buildings had influenced the internal organization of Natal? We work with the general hypothesis that the influence of technical networks, composed by tramways and railroads, over Natal s urban space happened in a diversified way, sometimes consolidating social aspects in certain areas, sometimes improving the occupation of others. The impact over the city s territory also happens in a diversified way between the buildings/railroad s complexes and the pathways. The different scale of the train in comparison to the trams velocity, size, noise level, flow, among others is also a cause to the different consequences in urban environment. The main objective of this work is to understand the role of circulation technical networks in the construction process of urban space in Natal, as a way to contribute to the urban historiography about the subject. The time frame adopted, between 1881 and 1937, marks the time path of railroads and tramways in Rio Grande do Norte: 1881 is the year of railroad s first section inauguration from Natal to S?o Jos? do Mipibu as well of the railroad complex in the Republic Square in Natal; the year of 1937 marks the beginning of tramways declination process in the city. At this time railroads and tramways had to face more intensively the competition of motor vehicles. The theory reference adopted is based on concepts and analysis of authors, such as Fl?vio Villa?a and Roberto Lobato Corr?a references to the concepts of urban structure , localization and accessibility and Gabriel Dupuy to explain the concept of urban technical networks . These references reveal the conflict of different realities in the urban universe interests and values which is an important factor about the construction of urban space. The information sources used were from two distinctive natures: primary, journals of the time studied and official government reports, and secondary, based on other works about the subject. It was also used by this study iconographic source, especially images from the data base of the research group Hist?ria da Cidade, do Territ?rio e do Urbanismo . / A estrada de ferro, a partir de 1870, se torna uma reivindica??o recorrente nos discursos da imprensa e das elites pol?ticas, devido ao isolamento geogr?fico de Natal. A implanta??o das duas vias f?rreas que atendiam a capital a Estrada de Ferro de Natal a Nova Cruz, posteriormente encampada pela Great Western Railway Company, e a Estrada de Ferro Central do Rio Grande do Norte tiveram implica??es em seu ambiente urbano. Enquanto que as estruturas ferrovi?rias se consolidavam no ?mbito da cidade, outros mecanismos de transporte eram instalados durante a primeira d?cada do s?culo XX, como as linhas de bonde, que tamb?m se deslocavam por trilhos. Levando em conta essas quest?es, pode-se perguntar: como as ferrovias e os bondes suas demandas, caminhos e edifica??es influenciaram na organiza??o interna de Natal? Trabalhamos com a hip?tese geral de que a influ?ncia das redes t?cnicas compostas pelos bondes e pelas estradas de ferro sobre o espa?o intraurbano de Natal se deu de forma diversificada, ora consolidando aspectos s?cioespaciais de algumas ?reas, ora promovendo a ocupa??o de outras. O impacto sobre o territ?rio da cidade tamb?m se d? de maneira diversificada entre os edif?cios/complexos ferrovi?rios e os caminhos. A diferente escala existente entre o trem e o bonde velocidade, tamanho, n?vel de ru?do, fluxo, entre outros tamb?m ocasiona reflexos distintos no ambiente urbano. O objetivo principal deste trabalho ? o de compreender o papel das redes t?cnicas de circula??o na estrutura??o do espa?o intra-urbano, de forma a contribuir ? historiografia urbana que trata do assunto. O universo de estudo abrangido ? a cidade de Natal. J? o recorte temporal adotado, entre 1881 e 1937, marca temporalmente a trajet?ria das vias f?rreas e dos bondes no Rio Grande do Norte: em 1881 ? inaugurado o primeiro trecho de vias f?rreas no estado de Natal a S?o Jos? de Mipibu , bem como, o complexo ferrovi?rio na Pra?a da Rep?blica futura Augusto Severo , o ano de 1937 corresponde ao per?odo eminente do decl?nio dos bondes como sistema de transporte p?blico em Natal. Nesse per?odo, d?cada de 1930, as ferrovias e os bondes, apesar de estruturas consolidadas, passavam a enfrentar de maneira mais intensa a concorr?ncia oferecida pelos ve?culos automotores. O referencial te?rico adotado se baseia, sobretudo, nos conceitos e an?lises de autores como Fl?vio Villa?a e Roberto Lobato Corr?a refer?ncias para as concep??es de estrutura urbana , localiza??o , acessibilidade , entre outras e Gabriel Dupuy base para o entendimento da quest?o das redes t?cnicas urbanas . Essas refer?ncias revelam o conflito entre as realidades que comp?em o universo urbano interesses e valores , o que ? um fator determinante na estrutura??o do espa?o intra-urbano. As fontes utilizadas foram de duas naturezas distintas: prim?rias, tanto peri?dicos de ?poca, como mensagens e relat?rios oficiais de governo; e secund?rias, referentes ? revis?o bibliogr?fica realizada sobre os autores que tratam do tema em estudo. Tamb?m s?o utilizadas pelo estudo v?rias fontes iconogr?ficas, presentes no Grupo de Estudo Hist?ria da Cidade e do Urbanismo (HCUrb/DARQ) e levantadas a partir das pesquisas de campo realizadas

Resserrer le dispositif européen de l'enseignement supérieur par les acquis d'apprentissage / To tighten up the European higher education apparatus with the learning outcomes

Souto Lopez, Miguel 22 January 2015 (has links)
Depuis septembre 2014, les établissements d’enseignement supérieur belges francophones ont été amenés à définir des acquis d’apprentissage pour chacun de leurs programmes. Cette thèse étudie les processus qui ont conduit à cette obligation.Les acquis d’apprentissage sont appréhendés comme un concept pédagogique aux usages divers. Ils sont mobilisés par divers instruments européens : cadre européen des certifications pour l’éducation et la formation tout au long de la vie, cadre global des qualifications pour l’espace européen de l’enseignement supérieur, assurance qualité et labels ECTS et Supplément au diplôme. Les objectifs affichés de ces instruments sont de renforcer la transparence, la lisibilité, la comparabilité et la transférabilité des qualifications afin de favoriser la mobilité des étudiants et des travailleurs.Après avoir retracé la montée en puissance de la notion de compétence dans l’enseignement, cette thèse analyse la manière dont chaque instrument a été mis en œuvre en Belgique francophone. Elle propose également une sociohistoire de la pédagogie à l’université qui a participé à l’introduction des acquis d’apprentissage dans l’enseignement supérieur de la Belgique francophone.Les données récoltés sont des discours (traités pédagogiques, textes législatifs, documents institutionnels et internationaux, entretiens semi-directifs) dont certains ont été analysés avec l’aide du logiciel de textométrie TXM. Trois cadres théoriques sont assemblés. La sociologie de la traduction est mobilisée décrire les réseaux socio-techniques qui sont construits autour des instruments analysés, les controverses que ceux-ci ont suscitées en Belgique francophone et la place qu’occupent les acquis d’apprentissage au sein de ces réseaux. Le modèle des cités de Boltanski et Thévenot est utilisé pour interpréter la logique sur laquelle les discours se construisent. Il est fait appel au concept de « dispositif européen de l’enseignement supérieur » développé par Croché et Charlier à partir des travaux de Foucault pour interpréter la manière dont convergent les conduites des acteurs de l’enseignement universitaire belge francophone. / Since September 2014, the Belgian French-speaking higher education institutions must define learning outcomes for each of their programs. This thesis studies the processes which led to this obligation.The learning outcomes are understood as an educational concept with different uses. They mobilized by various European instruments: European qualification framework, Overarching framework of qualification in the European higher education area, quality assurance, ECTS and Diploma supplement labels. The objectives of these instruments are to enhance the transparency, the readability of the qualifications in order to support the mobility of the students and the workers.First, this research describes the expansion of the concept of competence in education. Secondly, it analyses the transposition of the European instruments in the French-speaking of Belgium. Thirdly, it presents a history of pedagogy in the three main universities.The data are discourses (educational texts, laws, institutional documents, international texts, interviews). Some of these discourses are analyzed with the TXM textometry software. Three theoretical frameworks are mobilized: actor-network theory and the concept of socio-technical networks (Callon & Latour), the Economies of worth and the idea of worlds of justification (Boltanski & Thevenot), and the concept European higher education apparatus (Croché, Charlier).

Logística corporativa e territorialização do capital pelos lugares: análise da rede organizacional dos operadores logísticos vinculados ao Logproduzir de 2003 a 2015 / Corporate logistics and territorialization of capital by places: analysis of the organizational network of logistical operators linked to Logproduzir from 2003 to 2015

Bastos, Leila Sobreira 21 December 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Luciana Ferreira (lucgeral@gmail.com) on 2017-02-13T09:51:15Z No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertação - Leila Sobreira Bastos - 2016.pdf: 3743038 bytes, checksum: bc599b99ce685b6ac4073b49c73851ae (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Luciana Ferreira (lucgeral@gmail.com) on 2017-02-13T09:51:58Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertação - Leila Sobreira Bastos - 2016.pdf: 3743038 bytes, checksum: bc599b99ce685b6ac4073b49c73851ae (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-02-13T09:51:58Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertação - Leila Sobreira Bastos - 2016.pdf: 3743038 bytes, checksum: bc599b99ce685b6ac4073b49c73851ae (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-12-21 / Conselho Nacional de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico - CNPq / This work seeks to consider logistics as a fundamental attribute for corporate circulation and, consequently, for control, fluidity and territorial appropriation. We understand that logistics, more precisely the figure of the Logistic Operator, constitutes a fundamental agent capable of enhancing the use made to technical networks. In order to corroborate this idea, a study was made on logistics in the context of the expansion of capital with emphasis on Logistics Operators. In order to give depth to the discussion, our research object was the Logistic Operators benefited by the Produzir Program in Goiás. As result, we observed that, in Goiás, few companies can be considered, in fact, Logistics Operators, and among the companies benefited by the incentive towards the OLs, they are, in fact, carriers. In the same way, we observed that the truck drivers are central agents for the productive mobilization of the territory in Goiás and, nevertheless, the margin of the policies directed to the logistics is located, which represents a mistake, since this actor mobilizes a great part of the Agricultural production of the state and lack policies that provide productivity and quality at work. We tried to prove that the joint analysis of the State action and of a specific company format - Logistic Operator - contributes to the understanding of the Senses of modernization in Goiás. We believe that Logistical Operators are one of the new agents of modernity created to operationalize the fluidity and expansion of the contexts of modernity through the corporative apparatus of the territory. Keywords: Corporate Logistics, Logistic Operator, appropriation of technical networks, organizational network. / Este trabalho busca considerar a logística como atributo fundamental para a circulação corporativa e, por consequência, para o controle, fluidez e apropriação territorial. Entendemos que a logística, mais precisamente a figura do Operador Logístico, constitui um agente fundamental capaz de potencializar o uso feito às redes técnicas. Para corroborar com esta ideia foi feito um estudo sobre a logística no contexto da expansão do capital com ênfase na ação dos Operadores Logísticos. Para dar profundidade a discussão, se constituiu nosso objeto de pesquisa, os Operadores Logísticos beneficiados pelo programa Produzir em Goiás. Procuramos comprovar que a análise conjunta da ação do Estado e de um formato específico de empresa - O Operador Logístico - contribui para a compreensão dos sentidos das modernizações em Goiás. Enquanto resultado, observamos que, em Goiás, poucas empresas podem ser consideradas, de fato, Operadores Logísticos, e dentre as empresas beneficiadas pelo incentivo voltado aos OLs são, na verdade, transportadoras. De igual modo, observamos que os caminhoneiros são agentes centrais para a mobilização produtiva do território em Goiás e, no entanto, situam-se a margem das políticas direcionadas à logística, o que representa um equívoco, uma vez que este ator mobiliza grande parte da produção agropecuária do estado e carecem de políticas que proporcionem produtividade e qualidade no trabalho. Entendemos que os Operadores Logísticos são um dos novos agentes da modernidade criados para operacionalizar a fluidez e a ampliação dos contextos da modernidade mediante o aparelhamento corporativo do território. Palavras Chave: Logística corporativa, Operador Logístico, apropriação das redes técnicas, rede organizacional.

Shrinking networks ? : les nouveaux modèles économiques et territoriaux des firmes d'infrastructure face à la diminution de la consommation / Shrinking networks ? : the emergence of new business and territorial models of infrastructure firms facing diminishing demand

Florentin, Daniel 03 December 2015 (has links)
Depuis une vingtaine d'années, la plupart des villes européennes font face à un phénomène inédit et imprévu, la diminution de la consommation des différents réseaux techniques urbains, et en particulier des réseaux d'eau. Ce phénomène s'explique par des raisons diverses allant des améliorations techniques de l'électro-ménager à la désindustrialisation en passant par les changements de comportement des usagers ou le développement de politiques visant la sobriété et un usage modéré des ressources naturelles. Il s'agit cependant d'un symptôme plus que d'un processus en soi. Cette baisse de la consommation est en effet le révélateur de l'épuisement progressif du modèle traditionnel de gestion des (grands) réseaux qui a prévalu jusqu'ici et qui a reposé principalement sur une augmentation de la demande et une extension continue du réseau selon la logique du « toujours plus et toujours plus loin ». Cette érosion du modèle traditionnel confronte les opérateurs de grands réseaux à une forme nouvelle de vulnérabilité, que nous appelons la vulnérabilité infrastructurelle, et dont les effets touchent l'ensemble des composantes du réseau, de l'usager au tuyau en passant par l'opérateur. Notre travail pose pour hypothèse forte que ce changement de contexte et de régime de consommation n'est pas une simple parenthèse, mais correspond à l'émergence d'un nouveau mode de gestion du réseau. Il peut être lu comme une bifurcation infrastructurelle, à savoir une transformation radicale et pérenne des modalités de gestion du réseau pour les adapter à ce régime décroissant (de demande).Face à ce défi nouveau, les opérateurs de réseaux techniques urbains ont dû s'adapter, pour faire évoluer leur modèle économique et leur assise territoriale. Afin d'en saisir les ressorts, nous avons opté pour une immersion de plusieurs mois au sein des équipes de deux entreprises locales (publique et semi-publique) confrontées à ces questions de baisse de consommation avec plus ou moins d'intensité, un opérateur multi-services à l'Est de l'Allemagne (les Städtische Werke de Magdeburg) et un opérateur d'eau et d'assainissement dans le Sud de l'Espagne (la EMASESA à Séville).Notre approche, mêlant Science and Technologies Studies, écologie politique urbaine et études sur la décroissance urbaine, nous permet de montrer que le modèle émergent est encore à la recherche de stabilité mais que des lignes de force communes sont observables dans les différents cas étudiés. Les stratégies d'adaptation mises en place par les opérateurs ne reposent pas seulement sur des ajustements techniques ou des augmentations tarifaires visant à compenser les pertes liées aux volumes non consommés. Le changement de modèle de gestion s'articule ainsi non seulement autour de transformations techniques fortes (downsizing, resizing, recentralisation), mais aussi de transformations organisationnelles et de changements importants des rapports entre opérateur et usager. Les opérateurs ont ainsi modifié leur rôle pour devenir davantage que des pourvoyeurs de fluide : leur modèle économique a ainsi accompagné un déplacement des lieux de production de la valeur pour les opérateurs, désormais plus tournés vers les services et l'aval de la filière. Ce changement de modèle économique a également une dimension spatiale puisque l'on observe également une transformation des échelles de gestion des opérateurs. La recherche de nouvelles économies d'échelle donne lieu à une extension des aires géographiques gérées par ces opérateurs locaux et à de potentiels conflits avec les acteurs des territoires progressivement intégrés. Une nouvelle géographie des réseaux techniques urbains semble ainsi émerger, faite de nouvelles formes de redistribution et de nouvelles sources de conflictualités. Ces différentes évolutions permettent de compléter des travaux théoriques sur la firme locale d'infrastructures et les modèles d'évolution des réseaux en y intégrant la dimension d'un régime décroissant de la demande / Over the last twenty years, most European cities have had to face a new and unforeseen phenomenon, a reduction in the consumption levels of urban technical networks (and in particular water systems). The reasons for this phenomenon are numerous, from technical improvements of domestic appliances and deindustrialisation to changes in behaviours of users and the development of policies promoting sobriety and moderation in the use of natural resources. This is however a symptom of a larger process rather than a process per se. Indeed, declining consumption levels reveal the slow decay of the traditional model of management of urban networks, which has long relied on increasing demand associated with perpetual extension of the network. The erosion of this model is forcing network operators to confront a new form of vulnerability, which I term infrastructural vulnerability, the effects of which touch all components of a network, from users to pipes through operators and regulators. The thesis argues that this changing consumption regime is no single interlude, but rather constitutes the emergence of a new mode of network management. As such, it can be interpreted as an infrastructural bifurcation, i.e. a radical and durable transformation of network management as a means of adaptation to this regime of shrinking demand. To deal with this challenge, urban technical network operators have had to adapt and decided to transform both their business model and their territorial base. In order to grasp the rationales of these changes, I opted for a methodology involving being embedded for several months within two local firms facing this issue of diminished consumption with differing levels of intensity. The first is a multi-utility in the eastern part of Germany (Städtische Werke of Magdeburg), while the second is a water and sanitation operator in the south of Spain (EMASESA in Sevilla).My approach combines contributions from Science and Technology Studies (STS), urban political ecology and work on urban shrinkage to reveal that an emerging model of network management is yet to be fully stabilised, but that common adaptation strategies can be observed in both the cases. These strategies are not limited to technical adjustments or tariff increases to compensate the losses due to non-consumed volumes. The transformation in management model relies not only on major technical changes (such as downsizing, resizing or recentralisation of the network), but also on organisational shifts and new relations and arrangements between users and operators. Network operators have thus modified their role to become more than only suppliers of fluids. Their new business model has consequently reoriented production of value towards the development of services for users and the downstream part of the sector. This shift has a spatial dimension, as operators are also experiencing a form of rescaling of their management. The search for new economies of scale to preserve the stability of their socio-technical systems pushes them to extend their functional territories. This leads to potential conflicts with the local actors of the absorbed territories, but also to new forms of territorial solidarity and spatial redistribution. Systemic transformation thus sketches out a new geography of urban technical networks which advances work on local infrastructure firms and on network evolution by integrating the neglected configuration of a shrinking demand regime

Uncovering and Managing the Impact of Methodological Choices for the Computational Construction of Socio-Technical Networks from Texts

Diesner, Jana 01 September 2012 (has links)
This thesis is motivated by the need for scalable and reliable methods and technologies that support the construction of network data based on information from text data. Ultimately, the resulting data can be used for answering substantive and graph-theoretical questions about socio-technical networks. One main limitation with constructing network data from text data is that the validation of the resulting network data can be hard to infeasible, e.g. in the cases of covert, historical and large-scale networks. This thesis addresses this problem by identifying the impact of coding choices that must be made when extracting network data from text data on the structure of networks and network analysis results. My findings suggest that conducting reference resolution on text data can alter the identity and weight of 76% of the nodes and 23% of the links, and can cause major changes in the value of commonly used network metrics. Also, performing reference resolution prior to relation extraction leads to the retrieval of completely different sets of key entities in comparison to not applying this pre-processing technique. Based on the outcome of the presented experiments, I recommend strategies for avoiding or mitigating the identified issues in practical applications. When extracting socio-technical networks from texts, the set of relevant node classes might go beyond the classes that are typically supported by tools for named entity extraction. I address this lack of technology by developing an entity extractor that combines an ontology for sociotechnical networks that originates from the social sciences, is theoretically grounded and has been empirically validated in prior work, with a supervised machine learning technique that is based on probabilistic graphical models. This thesis does not stop at showing that the resulting prediction models achieve state of the art accuracy rates, but I also describe the process of integrating these models into an existing and publically available end-user product. As a result, users can apply these models to new text data in a convenient fashion. While a plethora of methods for building network data from information explicitly or implicitly contained in text data exists, there is a lack of research on how the resulting networks compare with respect to their structure and properties. This also applies to networks that can be extracted by using the aforementioned entity extractor as part of the relation extraction process. I address this knowledge gap by comparing the networks extracted by using this process to network data built with three alternative methods: text coding based on thesauri that associate text terms with node classes, the construction of network data from meta-data on texts, such as key words and index terms, and building network data in collaboration with subject matter experts. The outcomes of these comparative analyses suggest that thesauri generated with the entity extractor developed for this thesis need adjustments with respect to particular categories and types of errors. I am providing tools and strategies to assist with these refinements. My results also show that once these changes have been made and in contrast to manually constructed thesauri, the prediction models generalize with acceptable accuracy to other domains (news wire data, scientific writing, emails) and writing styles (formal, casual). The comparisons of networks constructed with different methods show that ground truth data built by subject matter experts are hardly resembled by any automated method that analyzes text bodies, and even less so by exploiting existing meta-data from text corpora. Thus, aiming to reconstruct social networks from text data leads to largely incomplete networks. Synthesizing the findings from this work, I outline which types of information on socio-technical networks are best captured by what network data construction method, and how to best combine these methods in order to gain a more comprehensive view on a network. When both, text data and relational data, are available as a source of information on a network, people have previously integrated these data by enhancing social networks with content nodes that represent salient terms from the text data. I present a methodological advancement to this technique and test its performance on the datasets used for the previously mentioned evaluation studies. By using this approach, multiple types of behavioral data, namely interactions between people as well as their language use, can be taken into account. I conclude that extracting content nodes from groups of structurally equivalent agents can be an appropriate strategy for enabling the comparison of the content that people produce, perceive or disseminate. These equivalence classes can represent a variety of social roles and social positions that network members occupy. At the same time, extracting content nodes from groups of structurally coherent agents can be suitable for enabling the enhancement of social networks with content nodes. The results from applying the latter approach to text data include a comparison of the outcome of topic modeling; an efficient and unsupervised information extraction technique, to the outcomes of alternative methods, including entity extraction based on supervised machine learning. My findings suggest that key entities from meta-data knowledge networks might serve as proper labels for unlabeled topics. Also, unsupervised and supervised learning leads to the retrieval of similar entities as highly likely members of highly likely topics, and key nodes from text-based knowledge networks, respectively. In summary, the contributions made with this thesis help people to collect, manage and analyze rich network data at any scale. This is a precondition for asking substantive and graph-theoretical questions, testing hypotheses, and advancing theories about networks. This thesis uses an interdisciplinary and computationally rigorous approach to work towards this goal; thereby advancing the intersection of network analysis, natural language processing and computing.

Redes técnicas metropolitanas y acción pública local. La territorialización de la gestión del agua en el área metropolitana de Buenos Aires durante la concesión de Aguas Argentinas. 1993 – 2006 / Metropolitan technical networks and local government action. The territorialization of water management in the metropolitan area of Buenos Aires, during the Aguas Argentinas concession. 1993 – 2006 / Réseaux techniques métropolitains et action publique locale. La territorialisation de la gestion de l'eau dans l´aire métropolitaine de Buenos Aires pendant la concession d'Aguas Argentinas. 1993 – 2006

Catenazzi, Andrea Claudia 19 January 2015 (has links)
La concession des services d'eau et assainissement gérée par l'entreprise privée Aguas Argentinas S. A. entre 1993 et 2006 a fait l’objet de nombreuses études et recherches qui ont mis l'accent sur la dynamique des privatisations menées en Argentine dans les années quatre-vingt-dix. Cependant, bien qu’il s'agisse d'une période de changements dans la gestion des services urbains, la concession a mis en lumière certaines constantes qui structurent la relation entre les réseaux métropolitains et l'action publique locale. Cette recherche est basée sur les interactions entre les réseaux techniques et les territoires. L’analyse met tout particulièrement l’accent sur les continuités et les ruptures des opérations du concessionnaire dans l'aire métropolitaine de Buenos Aires. L’objectif de cette thèse est de répondre à ce questionnement à travers une analyse comparée des scénarios d'interaction entre la gestion centralisée des réseaux et l'action publique locale dans trois communes en aval du bassin du fleuve Reconquista: General San Martín, San Fernando et Tigre. Ces études de cas mettent en évidence, dans des contextes hétérogènes, la versatilité d'Aguas Argentinas face aux capacités de l'action publique locale pour mettre en œuvre la concession avec un certain degré d'autonomie. Une lecture transversale de ces spécificités locales révèle également la construction de processus de regroupement d'intérêts communs entre les différentes communes. Ce double mouvement d'autonomie et d'association, permet de mieux éclairer les oscillations entre le public et le privé, le sectoriel et le territorial, ainsi qu’entre le local et le central qui se développent selon un processus de territorialisation croissante dans l'accès aux services des eaux et assainissement. / The concession of water and sewerage, operated by the private company Aguas Argentinas between 1993 and 2006, was subject of numerous researches which emphasized the dynamics of privatization led in Argentina, in the nineties. However, although this was a turning point in the management of urban services, the concession revealed some constants that structured the relationship between metropolitan networks and local public action.This research examines the interactions between the technical networks and the territories. The analysis focuses on the continuities and ruptures of the operation of the concessionaire in the metropolitan area of Buenos Aires. In order to answer that enquiry, this thesis develops an analysis compared by the interaction scenarios between centralized network management and local public action in three municipalities -General San Martin, San Fernando and Tigre- that form part of the lower basin of the Reconquista River.These cases studies highlight the versatility of Aguas Argentinas, in very heterogeneous contexts against different capabilities from the local public action to implement the concession with some degree of autonomy. Also, a cross reading of these local variations reveals the construction of the strategies of aggregation of interests between municipalities. This double movement, of autonomy and association, allows to illuminate the oscillations between the public and the private, the sectorial and the territorial, the local and the central (national and global), which take place in a process of increasing territorialization of access to water services and sewerage. / El ciclo de la concesión de los servicios de agua y desagüe cloacal, operada por la empresa privada Aguas Argentinas entre 1993 y 2006, fue objeto de numerosos estudios que la asociaron con la dinámica de las privatizaciones, propias de la década del noventa en Argentina. No obstante, si bien se trató de un momento de cambio en la gestión de los servicios urbanos, la concesión fue al mismo tiempo reveladora de algunas regularidades que estructuraban la relación entre las redes metropolitanas y la acción política local. Esta tesis se propone examinar las relaciones de mutua transformación que se establecen entre las redes técnicas y los territorios, centrando el análisis en las continuidades y rupturas que resultan de la formas de operar de la empresa concesionaria en el área metropolitana de Buenos Aires. Para dar cuenta de esa problemática, se efectúa un análisis comparado de los escenarios de interacción que se dirimen entre la gestión centralizada de las redes y la acción pública local en tres municipios -General San Martín, San Fernando y Tigre- que forman parte de la cuenca baja del río Reconquista. Los casos de estudio ponen en evidencia, en contextos heterogéneos, la versatilidad de la actuación de Aguas Argentinas frente a las capacidades de la acción pública local para implementar la concesión con cierto grado de autonomía. Una lectura transversal de esas variaciones locales revela asimismo, la construcción de procesos de agregación de intereses entre los municipios. Este doble movimiento, de autonomía y asociación, permite iluminar las oscilaciones entre lo público y lo privado, lo sectorial y lo territorial, lo local y lo central que se juegan en la creciente territorialización del acceso a los servicios de agua y desagüe cloacal.

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